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Preview DTIC ADA548867: Factorizations and Representations of Second Order Linear Recurrences with Indices in Arithmetic Progressions

FACTORIZATIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS OF SECOND ORDER LINEAR RECURRENCES WITH INDICES IN ARITHMETIC PROGRESSIONS E.KILIC¸ ANDP.STA˘NICA˘ Abstract. Inthispaperweconsidersecondorderrecurrences{Vk}and{Un}. Wegivesecondorderlinearrecurrencesforthesequences{V }and{U }. ±kn ±kn Usingtheserecurrencerelations,wederiverelationshipsbetweenthedetermi- nants of certain matrices and these sequences. Further, as generalizations of theearlierresults,wegiverepresentationsandtrigonometricfactorizationsof thesesequencesbymatrixmethodsandmethodsrelyingonChebyshevpoly- nomials of the first and second kinds. We give the generating functions and somecombinatorialrepresentationsofthesesequences. 1. Introduction Let A and B be nonnegative integers such that A2+4B (cid:54)= 0. The generalized Lucas sequence {V (A,B)} and the generalized Fibonacci sequence {U (A,B)} n n are defined by: for n>0 V (A,B) = AV (A,B)+BV (A,B) n+1 n n−1 U (A,B) = AU (A,B)+U (A,B) n+1 n n−1 where V (A,B) = 2,V (A,B) = A and U (A,B) = 0,U (A,B) = 1, respectively. 0 1 0 1 WewillfrequentlyusethenotationsV andU insteadofV (A,B)andU (A,B). n n n n The Binet formulas of the sequences {U } and {V } are given by n n αn−βn U = and V =αn+βn n α−β n where α and β are the roots of the equation t2−At−B =0. When A = B = 1, then V (1,1) = L (nth Lucas number) and U (1,1) = F n n n n (nth Fibonacci number). Lind (cf. [8, p. 478]) first gave the following trigonometric factorization of Fibonacci numbers and then, two years later Zeitlin derived a factorization of the Lucas numbers using trigonometric factorizations of the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind [19]: n (cid:89) F = (1−2icos(kπ/n), n k=1 n−1 (cid:89) L = (1−2icos(2k+1)π/2n). n k=0 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 11B37,11C20,15A15. Keywordsandphrases. Secondorderrecurrences,factorizations,matrices,determinants,gen- eratingfunctions. 1 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2009 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2009 to 00-00-2009 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Factorizations and Representations of Second Order Linear Recurrences 5b. GRANT NUMBER with Indices in Arithmetic Progressions 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Postgraduate School,Department of Applied REPORT NUMBER Mathematics,Monterey,CA,93943 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Bulletin Mex. Math. Soc. 15 (2009), 23-36. 14. ABSTRACT In this paper we consider second order recurrences fVkg and fUng We give second order linear recurrences for the sequences fVkng and fUkng. Using these recurrence relations, we derive relationships between the determinants of certain matrices and these sequences. Further, as generalizations of the earlier results, we give representations and trigonometric factorizations of these sequences by matrix methods and methods relying on Chebyshev polynomials of the rst and second kinds. We give the generating functions and some combinatorial representations of these sequences. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 13 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 2 E.KILIC¸ ANDP.STA˘NICA˘ In [17] and [4], the authors gave complex factorization of the Fibonacci numbers by considering the roots of Fibonacci polynomials. In [10], the author established the following representations: F =in−1sin(cid:16)ncos−1(cid:16)−2i(cid:17)(cid:17), L =2incos(cid:0)ncos−1(cid:0)−i(cid:1)(cid:1), n≥1 n sin(cos−1(−i)) n 2 2 Alsoin[3],theauthorsobtainedthesameresultsonthetrigonometricfactoriza- tionsoftheFibonacciandLucasnumbersbymatrixmethods. Thematrixmethod was first used by them. Recently, in [7], the authors consider the backward second order linear recur- rences and they gave the trigonometric factorizations and representations of these sequences. Note that this case will be special case with k =1 of the present paper. The second order linear recurrences have been studied by many authors. For example, in [1], the author gave the following combinatorial representation: (cid:98)n/2(cid:99) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:88) n n−k V = An−2kBk (1.1) n n−k k k=0 (cid:98)n/2(cid:99)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:88) n−k U = An−2kBk (1.2) n+1 k k=0 There are many relationships between linear recurrence relations and determi- nants of certain matrices. For example, the generalized Lucas sequence can be obtained by the following determinant (see [15, 16, 5, 6]): (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) A −2B (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 1 A −B (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) 1 A ... (cid:12)(cid:12)=Vn. (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) ... ... −B (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 1 A (cid:12) Especially the case A = B = 1 can be found in [2]. Furthermore one can find similar special relationships in [16, 15, 9, 5, 6]. In this paper, we consider the positively and negatively kn subscripted terms of the sequences {V } and {U }, and we derive relationships between these and the n n determinants of certain tridiagonal matrices. Then we give the general trigono- metric factorizations and representations of terms of these sequences {V } and ∓kn {U }. We also present generating functions and combinatorial representations ∓kn of these sequences. 2. Forward and Backward Generalized Lucas Sequences {V },{V } kn −kn In this section, for an arbitrary positive integer k, we consider the terms V kn andgiveasecondorderlinearrecurrencerelationforthesequence{V }. Westart kn with the following useful lemma. Lemma 1. For k > 0, and n > 1, the terms V satisfy the following recurrence kn relation V =V V +(−1)k+1BkV . kn k k(n−1) k(n−2) GENERALIZED LUCAS SEQUENCES 3 Proof. From the Binet formula and since αβ =−B, we can write V V +(−1)k+1BkV k k(n−1) k(n−2) = V V −(−B)kV k k(n−1) k(n−2) = (cid:16)(cid:0)αk+βk(cid:1)(cid:16)αk(n−1)+βk(n−1)(cid:17)−(αβ)k(cid:16)αk(n−2)+βk(n−2)(cid:17)(cid:17) = αkn+βkn = V , kn which is as desired. (cid:3) Now we describe a relationship between the terms of sequence {V } and the kn determinant of a certain tridiagonal matrix. Define the n×n tridiagonal matrix T =(t ) by n ij  V 2(−B)k/2  k  (−B)k/2 V (−B)k/2   k  T = (−B)k/2 V ... . n  k   ... ... (−B)k/2    (−B)k/2 V k Theorem 1. For n>1 detT =V , n kn where detT =V . 1 k Proof. We will use the principle of mathematical induction to show that detT = n V . If n=2, then, by Lemma 1, we obtain kn (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) V 2(−B)k/2 (cid:12) detT =(cid:12) k (cid:12)=V . 2 (cid:12)(cid:12) (−B)k/2 Vk (cid:12)(cid:12) 2k Suppose that the equation holds for n−1. Then we show that the equation holds for n. Expanding detT by the Laplace expansion of a determinant according to n the last row, we obtain detT =V detT −(−B)kdetT . n k n−1 n−2 By our assumption and the result of Lemma 1, we have the required conclusion: detT =V V −(−B)kV =V . n k k(n−1) k(n−2) kn (cid:3) In the remaining of the section we consider the terms of the backward Lucas sequence {V }, and we give a second order linear recurrence relation for these, −kn similar to the positively subscripted terms. Then we determine a certain matrix whose successive determinants equal the terms V . −kn Lemma 2. For k ≥1 and n>1, V =(−B)−k(cid:0)V V −V (cid:1). −kn k −k(n−1) −k(n−2) Proof. From the Binet formulas of sequence {V }, we have that αβ =−B and so −n V =V (−B)−n. The proof follows from Lemma 1. (cid:3) −n n 4 E.KILIC¸ ANDP.STA˘NICA˘ Now we give a relationship between the determinant of a certain tridiagonal matrix and the terms of the backward general Lucas sequence. Define the n×n tridiagonal matrix H by n  V 2(−B)−k/2  −k  (−B)−k/2 V (−B)−k/2   −k  H = 0 (−B)−k/2 V ... . n  −k   ... ... (−B)−k/2    (−B)−k/2 V −k As a consequence of Theorem 1, we have the following result. Corollary 1. For n>1, detH =V n −kn where detH =V . 1 −k Proof. From the definitions of the matrices H and T , using the identity V = n n −n (−B)−nV , it is seen that H =(−B)−kT , and so n n n detH =(−B)−kndetT . (2.1) n n By Theorem 1 and equation 2.1, we obtain detH =(−B)−knV =V . n kn −kn The proof is complete. (cid:3) 3. Trigonometric factorizations of the General Lucas sequences {V } and {V } kn −kn In this section we give the trigonometric factorizations and representations of the generalized Lucas sequences {V } and {V } by matrix methods. kn −kn Define the n×n tridiagonal matrix Q as below:   0 2  1 0 ...  Q= .  ... 1  1 0 The characteristic equation of the matrix Q satisfies the following equation t (λ)=−λt (λ)−t (λ), n>0, n+1 n n−1 where t (λ)=−λ and t (λ)=λ2−2. 0 1 TheChebyshevpolynomialsofthefirstkindaredefinedbythefollowingequation T (x)=2xT (x)−T (x), n>1, n n−1 n−2 where T (x)=1, T (x)=x. 0 1 The zeros of the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind are given by (for more details see [11, 12, 14]) x =cos(2k−1)π, k =1,2,...,n. k 2n GENERALIZED LUCAS SEQUENCES 5 If we take λ ≡ −2x, then the sequence {t (λ)} is reduced to the sequence of n Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind, {2T (x)}. Therefore the zeros of the n characteristic equation of matrix Q are given by λ =−2cos(2k−1)π, for k =1,2,...,n (3.1) k 2n From the definitions of Q and T , we can write T = V I +(−B)k/2Q where I n n k n n is the n×n unit matrix. Theorem 2. For n>1, n V = (cid:89)(cid:104)V −2(−B)k/2cos(cid:16)(2r−1)π(cid:17)(cid:105). kn k 2n r=1 Proof. Let λ , r =1,2,...,n, be the eigenvalues of Q with respect to eigenvectors r x . Then, for all r r (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105) T x = V I +(−B)k/2Q x =V I x +(−B)k/2Qx = V +(−B)k/2λ x . n k k n r k n r r k r r Thus µ = V +(−B)k/2λ , r = 1,2,...,n, are the eigenvalues of T . Thus by r k r n (3.1) n n detT = (cid:89)(cid:104)V +(−B)k/2λ (cid:105)= (cid:89)(cid:104)V −2(−B)k/2cos(cid:16)(2r−1)π(cid:17)(cid:105), n k r k 2n r=1 r=1 and the proof is complete. (cid:3) As a corollary, we obtain Lind’s result [8, p. 478]. Corollary 2. When A=B =k =1, then by the above theorem, we obtain n L = (cid:89)(cid:104)1−2icos(cid:16)(2r−1)π(cid:17)(cid:105). n 2n r=1 As a consequence of Theorem 2, we give the following corollary. Corollary 3. For n>1, n V = (cid:89)(cid:104)V −2(−B)−k/2cos(cid:16)(2r−1)π(cid:17)(cid:105). −kn −k 2n r=1 Proof. From Theorem 2, we have n V = (cid:89)(cid:104)V −2(−B)k/2cos(cid:16)(2r−1)π(cid:17)(cid:105). kn k 2n r=1 Multiplying the above equation by (−B)kn, we have the conclusion since V = −n (−B)−nV . (cid:3) n Alternatively,onecanconsidertheequationH =V I +(−B)−k/2Q,andthe n −k n next result follows. Theorem 3. For k ≥1 and n>1, (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) V =(−B)∓kn/2cos ncos−1 V∓k . ∓kn 2(−B)∓k/2 6 E.KILIC¸ ANDP.STA˘NICA˘ Proof. First, we consider the case V . If the n×n matrix G has the following kn n form   2x 2 0  1 2x ...  Gn(x)= ... ... 1 , (3.2) 0 1 2x then it is seen that detG (x) = 2T (x) where {T (x)} is the sequence of the n n n Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind. Thus (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) detTn =(−B)kn/2detGn 2(−VBk)k/2 =(−B)kn/2Tn 2(−VBk)k/2 Defining x = cosθ allows the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind to be written as (see [12]) T (x)=cosnθ. (3.3) n Then by (3.3) and the value of determinant of matrix T , we obtain n (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) Vkn =(−B)kn/2cos ncos−1 2(−VBk)k/2 . For the case of V , we consider −kn (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) detH =(−B)−kn/2detG V−k =(−B)−kn/2T V−k , n 2(−B)−k/2 n 2(−B)−k/2 from which the proof follows. (cid:3) Corollary 4. For k ≥1 and n>1 even, (cid:98)n/2(cid:99) V = (cid:89) (cid:104)V2 −4(−B)∓kcos2(cid:16)(2r−1)π(cid:17)(cid:105) ∓kn ∓k 2n r=1 and for n>1 odd (n−1)/2 V =V (cid:89) (cid:104)V2 −4(−B)∓kcos2(cid:16)(2r−1)π(cid:17)(cid:105). ∓kn ∓k ∓k 2n k=1 Proof. These are immediate consequences of Theorem 2 and Corollary 3, since, for 1≤k <n/2, cos(kπ/n)=−cos((n−k)π/n). (cid:3) 4. The Generalized Fibonacci Sequence {U (A,B)} n In this section, we consider the recurrence {U } and then obtain two recurrence n relations for the sequences {U } and {U }. Also we determine certain tridiag- kn −kn onal matrices and then we obtain relationships between the determinants of these matricesandthesequences{U }and{U }.Therefore,weobtaintrigonometric kn −kn factorizations and representations of these sequences. We start with the following useful lemma. Lemma 3. For k ≥1 and n>1, U =V U +(−1)k+1BkU . kn k k(n−1) k(n−2) GENERALIZED LUCAS SEQUENCES 7 Proof. From the Binet formula of the sequences {U }, {V } and since αβ = −B, n n we can write V U +(−1)k+1BkU k k(n−1) k(n−2) = V U −(−B)kU k k(n−1) k(n−2) = (cid:16)(cid:0)αk+βk(cid:1)(cid:16)αk(n−1)−βk(n−1)(cid:17)−(αβ)k(cid:16)αk(n−2)−βk(n−2)(cid:17)(cid:17) α−β α−β = αkn−βkn α−β = U . kn The proof is complete. (cid:3) Define the n×n tridiagonal Toeplitz matrix M by n   V (−B)k/2 k  (−B)k/2 V ...  M = k . n  ... ... (−B)k/2    (−B)k/2 V k Since U =U V , we have immediately the following result. 2k k k Theorem 4. For n>1, U k(n+1) detM = , n U k where detM =U /U . 1 2k k Proof. It is known that the tridiagonal Toeplitz matrices satisfy detM =V detM −(−B)kdetM . n k n−1 n−2 FromtheprincipleofmathematicalinductionandLemma3,theresultfollows. (cid:3) Lemma 4. For k ≥1 and n>1, U =(−B)−k(cid:0)V U −U (cid:1)=V U −(−B)−kU −k(n+1) k −kn −k(n−1) −k −kn −k(n−1) Proof. By the Binet formulas of {U } and {V }, we can write −n −n (−B)−kV U −(−B)−kU k −kn −k(n−1) = (−B)−k(cid:0)V U −U (cid:1) k −kn −k(n−1) = (−B)−k(cid:16)(cid:0)αk+βk(cid:1)(cid:16)α−kn−β−kn(cid:17)−(cid:16)α−k(n−1)−β−k(n−1)(cid:17)(cid:17) α−β α−β (cid:16) (cid:17) = (−B)−k α−kn+k−β−kn+k−αkβ−kn+βkα−kn−α−kn+k+β−kn+k α−β = (cid:0)α−kβ−k(cid:1)(cid:16)−αkβ−kn+βkα−kn(cid:17) α−β = α−kn−k−β−kn−k α−β = U , −k(n+1) and the conclusion follows. (cid:3) 8 E.KILIC¸ ANDP.STA˘NICA˘ Define the n×n tridiagonal Toeplitz matrix E as shown below: n   V (−B)−k/2 −k  (−B)−k/2 V ...  E = −k . n  ... ... (−B)−k/2    (−B)−k/2 V −k Corollary 5. For n>1, U −k(n+1) detE = n U −k where detE =U /U . 1 2k k Proof. SinceE =(−B)−kM ,detE =(−B)kndetM .ByTheorem4,theproof n n n n follows easily. (cid:3) 5. Trigonometric factorization of the General Fibonacci sequences {U } and {U } kn −kn In this section, we give the trigonometric factorizations and representations of sequences {U } and {U } by matrix methods and the Chebyshev polynomials kn −kn of the second kind. Define the n×n tridiagonal matrix W as shown:   0 1  1 0 ...  W = .  ... 1  1 0 The characteristic equation of the matrix W satisfies the following recurrence f (y)=−yf (y)−f (y), n>0, n+1 n n−1 where f (y)=−y and f (y)=y2−1. 0 1 The Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind are defined by the recurrence relation for n>1 U (x)=2xU (x)−U (x) n n−1 n−2 where U (x)=1, U (x)=2x. 0 1 The zeros of the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind is given by (see [11, 12, 14]): x =cos kπ , k =1,2,...,n, k n+1 Taking λ≡−2x, the sequence {f (y)} is reduced to the sequence {U (x)}. Then n n the zeros of the characteristic equation of matrix W are given by y =−2coskπ, for k =1,2,...,n. (5.1) k n By the definitions of W, M and E , we write M = V I + (−B)k/2W and n n n k n E =V I +(−B)−k/2W where I is the n×n unit matrix. n −k n n Theorem 5. Then for n>1, n U =U (cid:89)(cid:104)V −2(−B)∓k/2cos(cid:16) rπ (cid:17)(cid:105). ∓k(n+1) ∓k ∓k n+1 r=1 GENERALIZED LUCAS SEQUENCES 9 Proof. Let y , r = 1,2,...,n, be the eigenvalues of matrix W with respect to the r eigenvectors x . Then, for all r =12,...,n r (cid:104) (cid:105) (cid:104) (cid:105) M x = V I +(−B)k/2W x =V I x +(−B)k/2Wx = V +(−B)k/2y x n k k n r k n r r k r r Thus ω = V +(−B)k/2y , r = 1,2,...,n, are the eigenvalues of M . Thus by r k r n (5.1) and Theorem 4, n n detM =U (cid:89)(cid:104)V +(−B)k/2y (cid:105)=U (cid:89)(cid:104)V −2(−B)k/2cos(cid:0)rπ(cid:1)(cid:105). n k k r k k n r=1 r=1 Similarly, one can obtain that c = V +(−B)−k/2y , r = 1,2,...,n, are the r −k r eigenvalues of the matrix E . Thus we obtain n n n detE =U (cid:89)(cid:104)V +(−B)−k/2y (cid:105)=U (cid:89)(cid:104)V −2(−B)−k/2cos(cid:16) rπ (cid:17)(cid:105). n −k −k r −k −k n+1 r=1 r=1 Considering the value of detE , the proof is complete. (cid:3) n For example, when k =5, A=1, B =1 in sequence {U (A,B)}, then n n (cid:89)(cid:104) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:105) F =5 11−2icos rπ . 5(n+1) n+1 r=1 Corollary 6. For an arbitrary positive integer k and n>1 even, (cid:98)n/2(cid:99) U =U (cid:89) (cid:104)V2 −4(−B)∓kcos2(cid:16) rπ (cid:17)(cid:105) ∓k(n+1) ∓k ∓k n+1 r=1 and for n>1 odd (cid:98)n/2(cid:99) U =U (cid:89) (cid:104)V2 −4(−B)∓kcos2(cid:16) rπ (cid:17)(cid:105). ∓k(n+1) ∓2k ∓k n+1 k=1 Proof. The proof follows from Theorem 5, since, for 1 ≤ k < n/2, cos(kπ/n) = −cos((n−k)π/n) and U V =U . (cid:3) n n 2n Theorem 6. For k ≥1 and n>1, (−B)∓kn/2sin(cid:20)(n+1)cos−1(cid:18) V∓k (cid:19)(cid:21) U =U 2(−B)∓k/2 . ∓k(n+1) ∓k sin(cid:18)cos−1(cid:18) V∓k (cid:19)(cid:19) 2(−B)∓k/2 Proof. Let the matrix K be defined by n   2x 1 0  1 2x ...  Kn(x)= ... ... 1  . (5.2) 0 1 2x n×n ItisknownthatdetK (x)=U (x), where{U (x)}isthesequenceoftheCheby- n n n shev polynomials of the second kind. Thus we obtain (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) detM =U (A,B)(−B)kn/2detK Vk(A,B) =(−B)kn/2U Vk(A,B) n k n 2(−B)k/2 n 2(−B)k/2

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