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REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY) 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) 2009 Reprint Aug 2008-Aug 2009 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Effect of Nano-Aluminum and Fumed Silica Particles on Deflagration and W911NF-04-1-0178 Detonation of Nitromethane 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER Justin L. Sabourin a, Richard A. Yetter a, Blaine W. Asay b, Joseph M. Lloyd b, Victor E. Sanders b, Grant A. Risha c, Steven F. Son d 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER a The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA b Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA c The Pennsylvania State University—Altoona, Altoona, PA, USA d Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR'S ACRONYM(S) U. S. Army Research Office P.O. Box 12211 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2211 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; federal purpose rights. 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not be construed as an official 1T4h.e A vBiSewTRsA, oCpTi nions and/or findings contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not be construed as an official DTheep ahretmtereongt eonfe tohues A inrmterya pctoisointi obnet,w peoelinc yn iotrro dmeectihsiaonne, (uNnlMes)s, psoa rdtiecsliegsn oaft enda nboys octahleer a dluomcuimnuemnt a(3ti8o na.nd 80 nm diameter), and fumed silica is examined in terms of the deflagration and detonation characteristics. Burning rates are quantified as functions of pressure using an optical pressure vessel up to 14.2 MPa, while detonation structure is characterized in terms of failure diameter. Nitromethane is gelled using fumed silica (CAB-OSIL), as well as by the nanoaluminum particles themselves. Use of nanoaluminum particles with fumed silica slightly increases burning rates compared to the use of larger diameter Al particles; however distinct increases in burning rates are found when CABO-SIL is removed and replaced with more energetic aluminum nanoparticles, whose high surface area allows them to also act as the gellant. Mixtures including fumed silica yield a reduced burning rate pressure exponent compared to neat NM, while mixtures of aluminum particles alone show a significant increase. Failure diameters of mixture detonations are found to vary significantly as a function of 38 nm aluminum particle loading, reducing more than 50% from that of neat nitromethane with 12.5% (by mass) aluminum loading. Failure diameter results indicate a relative 15. SUBJECT TERMS minimum with respect to particle separation (% loading) which is not observed in other heterogeneous mixtures. Burning Rate, Deflagration, Detonation, Nanoaluminum, Nitromethane 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE ABSTRACT OF Richard A. Yetter PAGES UU UU UU UU 10 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code) 814-863-6375 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8/98) Reset Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18 PropellantsExplos.Pyrotech.2009,34,385–393 385 Full Paper Effect of Nano-Aluminum and Fumed Silica Particles on Deflagration and Detonation of Nitromethane Justin L. Sabourin*, Richard A. Yetter The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 16802 (USA) Blaine W. Asay, Joseph M. Lloyd, Victor E. Sanders Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, 87545 (USA) Grant A. Risha The Pennsylvania State University, Altoona, PA, 16601 (USA) Steven F. Son Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907 (USA) Received: December 03, 2008; revised version: April 27, 2009 DOI:10.1002/prep.200800106 Abstract 1 Introduction The heterogeneous interaction between nitromethane (NM), Nitromethane (NM) is a highly energetic, detonatable, particles of nanoscale aluminum (38 and 80nm diameter), and liquid organic nitro compound (CH NO) which may be fumed silica is examined in terms of the deflagration and 3 2 usedasamonopropellant,abipropellantcomponent,ora detonation characteristics. Burning rates are quantified as func- tionsofpressureusinganopticalpressurevesselupto14.2MPa, highexplosive.Thenon-toxicnatureofNM,energycontent, while detonation structure is characterized in terms of failure lowviscosity,easeofmanufacture,andhandlingmakeitan diameter. Nitromethane is gelled using fumed silica (CAB-O- interestingprospectforpresentandfuturepropulsionand SIL(cid:2)),aswellasbythenanoaluminumparticlesthemselves.Use explosive technologies.Although NMhaslong been iden- of nanoaluminum particles with fumed silica slightly increases tified as a monopropellant [1, 2], interest in NM has been burningratescomparedtotheuseoflargerdiameterAlparticles; howeverdistinctincreasesinburningratesarefoundwhenCAB- stagnantuntilthelastdecade[3–8]astoxicpropellantssuch O-SIL is removed and replaced with more energetic aluminum as hydrazine are replaced with non-toxic alternatives. As nanoparticles,whosehighsurfaceareaallowsthemtoalsoactas withmanyliquidmono-andbi-propellantscurrentlyinuse, the gellant. Mixtures including fumed silica yield a reduced or under development, there is interest in improving burning rate pressure exponent compared to neat NM, while mixturesofaluminumparticlesaloneshowasignificantincrease. handling characteristics and energy content by adding a Failure diameters of mixture detonations are found to vary gellantand/ormetallicparticles.Gelledmetallizedpropel- significantly as a function of 38nm aluminum particle loading, lantshavelongattractedattentionfromthespaceexplora- reducing more than 50% from that of neat nitromethane with tion and defense communities in search of improved 12.5% (by mass) aluminum loading. Failure diameter results propulsionsystemswithincreasedsafetyandenergydensity indicatearelativeminimumwithrespecttoparticleseparation(% loading)whichisnotobservedinotherheterogeneousmixtures. [9]. Gelled propellants share some of the advantageous propertiesofbothliquidandsolidpropellants.Thegellingof Keywords: Burning Rate, Deflagration, Detonation, liquid mono- and bi-propellants reduces risk of leakages Nanoaluminum,Nitromethane whilemaintainingtheirabilitytobepumpedandthrottled, unlike solid propellants. Gelled propellants are generally lesssensitivetoimpact,friction,andelectrostaticdischarge thansolidpropellants.Additionally,propellantcracksarea majorconcerninsolidpropellants,butarenotanissuewith * Correspondingauthor;e-mail:[email protected] gels. From a performance standpoint, gelled propellants (cid:3)2009Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim 386 J.L.Sabourin,R.A.Yetter,B.W.Asay,J.M.Lloyd,V.E.Sanders,G.A.Risha,S.F.Son offerhighspecificanddensityimpulses,whicharecompa- Louazeetal.[18]lookedatboththeburningrateandflame rable to liquid systems; however, performance may be temperature effects of Aerosil 200 (5, 6, 8% loading) by increased with more energetic materials such as metal itself. Their results showed reductions in mixture burning particles. rates and an increase in pressure dependence with the Energy densities of propellants are increased with the additionofgellingagent;howeverthelatterresultwasnot addition of metals such as aluminum (Al), which also conclusivegiventheuncertaintyinthedata. increase burning rate, due to the exothermic Al oxidation Detonation characteristics of highly energetic heteroge- reaction. With the development of nanoparticle manufac- neousmixturesareimportantfromasafetyaspectandtothe turing technologies, researchers have found that burning design of future weapon systems. The failure diameter is ratesofpropellantsmaybeincreasedfurtherwiththeuseof used as a measure of the ideality of an explosive and is nanoscale particles [10]. Micron-sized particles, which are relatedtothereactionzonelength[19]andisafunctionof used in the majority of metallized propellants, demand many variables. It is known that the addition of an inert longer combustion times for complete combustion and material,e.g.,glassmicro-balloons,hasapronouncedeffect requirehigherignitiontemperaturesthansmallernanosized onthefailurediameterofliquidexplosives[20].Theseinert particles. Nanoparticles are desirable since they offer particles introduce inhomogeneities which produce local- shortened ignition delay, decreased burning times, more izedheating(“hotspots”)asopposedtoahomogeneousone completecombustion,higherspecificsurfacearea,andthe [21]. This difference results in a very different behavior ability to act as gelling agents for liquids, replacing tradi- when measuring the detonation velocity as a function of tionallyusedlowenergygellingagentssuchasfumedsilica failure diameter. Heterogeneous materials have large (SiO). Due to the decreased ignition delay and burning reductions in velocity before failure, while homogeneous 2 times, nanoparticle reactions contribute more efficiently explosiveshaveverysmalldeficits.Ithasbeenshownthat within the primary reaction zone of liquid propellants, theeffectoftheaddedmaterialisaresultofaphysicaleffect feeding more energy back to the propellant surface, (local shock heating) rather than a chemical effect (e.g.,a increasing reaction and burning rates of the propellant surfacecatalyzedchemicalreaction)[22]. comparedtolargerscalemetalparticles. Theeffectoftheaddedinclusionsonfailurediameterisa The history of experimental and theoretical research of function of both the particle density and mixture fraction metallizedgelledpropellantsdatesbackdecades,withmost (andthustheintra-particlespacing)andthebeaddiameter. oftheworkdevotedtoaerospaceapplications[9,11].Much Ifareactivematerialisadded,ratherthananinertmaterial, oftheworkbeganinthe1950sand1960swiththestudyof thenonemightexpectbothphysicalandchemicaleffects.It slurryfuelswithvariousmetals.Inthe1970s,hydrocarbons, is known that the addition of aluminum to explosives hydrazine derivatives,andinhibited redfumingnitricacid increases bubble energies in underwater weapons, raises (IRFNA) began to be studied. The majority of the work reaction temperatures, and creates incendiary effects. involving metallized gelled propellants in the last decade However, when the particles are large with respect to the andahalfhasbeendevotedtobi-propellantsystems[12– reaction zone length, much of the added metal is not 14], and very few of these studies have involved using consumedinthereactionzone,whichyieldslongerburning nanoscale particles (d <100nm) [15]. Recent work has times,higherignitiontemperatures,anddelays.Mostofthe p been completed involving the study of metallized gelled reaction occurs late in the process, and thus does not nitromethane (NM), using ultra fine aluminum particles contribute directly to the detonation energy. It has been (ALEX) from Argonide Corp. (Sanford, FL) and 5mm postulated that by incorporating nanoscale metals, the Al diameterparticles[16].Althoughparticlesize distribution reactionwilloccurinthereactionzone,thusdirectlyfeeding of the ALEX powders was not given, generally they are energy into the propagating shock wave, and dramatically found to have a relatively large size distribution and a enhancing detonation performance. The results to date nominalparticlediametergreaterthan100nm[17].Weiser howeverhavebeenmixed.Brousseauetal.[23]foundthat etal. [16] completed theoretical calculations of specific nanoaluminum (nAl), 100–200nm in diameter, did not impulse and equilibrium flame temperature, and experi- increase the velocity of detonation for a range of plastic- mental measurements of flame structure, temperature bonded explosives, and in some cases actually decreased distribution,andburningratesupto13MPa.Allmixtures performance.However,theyfoundthateveniftheperfor- were gelled using Aerosil(cid:2) 200, which is a commercially mance was decreased, in at least one case, the heat of available fumed silica. Using 5% Aerosil and ALEX detonationwasincreased.Theyalsofoundthatwhenusing particle loadings of 5 and 10%, burning rates of (cid:2)4 and TNT, nAl increased both the heat of detonation and the 5mms(cid:3)1werefoundatthehighestpressurestudied((cid:2)12– detonationvelocity,particularlyatchargediameterscloseto 13MPa).AlthoughnotstateddirectlybyWeiseretal.,itis thecriticaldiameter,andimportantlythefailurediameter assumedthattheALEXparticleloadingisinclusiveofoxide decreased [23]. LeFrancois etal. [24] found similar results coating.Fromthetheoreticalcalculations,itwasdetermined for plastic bonded explosives (100nm Al) and ascribe the thatflametemperatures(confirmedfromexperiments)and lackofimprovementtothelargefractionoftheAlparticle specificimpulsemaybeincreasedwithaluminumaddition thatispresentasaluminumoxide.However,theydidfind to gelled NM. However, above (cid:2)5% Al, specific impulse that energy release is much better for the explosive beginstodecreasewithfurtherloading.Inaseparatereport, containingnAl,whichwasalsofoundbyotherworkers. PropellantsExplos.Pyrotech.2009,34,385–393 (cid:3)2009Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim EffectofNano-AluminumandFumedSilicaParticlesonDeflagrationandDetonationofNitromethane 387 Due to the large specific surface area of the aluminum After loading the quartz tubes, air bubbles were removed nanoparticlesused,theycansimultaneouslyactasagelling usingvibrationandthesamplewasweighedandmeasured agent.Inthisstudy,NMwasgelledwithtraditionallyused sothatpackingdensitycouldbedetermined. fumedsilica,aswellassolelybythepassivatedAlparticles. The burning rates of the NM/nAl/CAB-O-SIL mixtures Thepurposeofthecurrentstudywastoexploretheeffectof were obtained using an optical pressure vessel (i.e., win- nanoscale metallic particle addition on the combustion dowed chamber) under well-controlled operating condi- characteristicsofaliquidmonopropellantorexplosive,from tions.Thechamber,constructedfrom316stainlesssteel,is both a detonation and deflagration perspective. These equippedwithfouropticalviewingportsandhasatotalfree deflagrationanddetonationexperimentsweredesignedto volumeof23ltominimizethepressurevariationcausedby be an initial survey that when coupled together would the generation of gaseous combustion products during an providethebasisformorein-depthworktoexamineeffects experiment.Theopticalchamberwasbroughttothedesired such as particle size and reaction zonelength as well. The initial pressure using argon as the pressurant gas by reactionzonelengthofNMdetonationhasbeenreportedto regulating the inlet and exhaust valves. The continuous range between 35 [25] and 200mm [26], depending on the purgeofargonkepttheproductgasesfreefromtheviewing confinement and other factors, while NM deflagration area.Oneoftheopticalviewingportswasbacklitusingan reaction zone thicknesses have been determined to vary optical diffuser. The opposite viewing port of the diffuser from900to200mm,at3and15MPa,respectively,usinga wasusedforreal-timerecordingoftheburningprocesswith detailedmodelandreactionmechanism[7]. adigitalvideocamera. TheinstantaneouspressurewasmonitoredusingaSetra 206pressuretransducer.Ignitionwasobtainedbyresistance heating either a coiled nichrome wire or a double base 2 Experimental Approach boosterpropellant(NOSOL363)threadedontoanichrome wire. Ignition sans propellant was preferred since it was The effects of the addition of nanoscale aluminum found that the combustion process reaches steady-state particles to NM were studied in both deflagration and quicker;howeveratlowpressureandaluminumloadingit detonationcombustionmodesinordertodetermineif,by was found that the booster was required for ignition. A reducingthesizeoftheAltothesub-100nmscale,apositive NicoletGenesisdataacquisitionsystemwasusedtorecord effectwouldbeobtained.Inthedeflagrationstudy,burning the pressure transducer output at a sampling rate of rates were determined using a large, nearly constant 1000Hz.Thepositionandtimeoftheregressingluminous pressurewindowedvessel,whiledetonationcharacteristics front were tracked using the video recorder. From these were determined using a conically shaped test fixture to data, the linear burning rate (r ) was determined using a b evaluatecriticalfailurediameters. curvefittopositionvs.timeplot,andmassburningrateper unit area was determined by multiplying by the packing density (m ¼r·r ). Further details of the strand burner b b 2.1 Deflagration Study setupmaybefoundinRishaetal.[27]. Over the course of this study two different aluminum nanoparticles were used. The first were 38nm average 2.2 Detonation Study diameterparticlesproducedbyTechnanogy,L.L.C.((cid:2)54% active Al, 54m2 g(cid:3)1), the second were 80nm average Inordertominimizethenumberofexperiments,aconical diameter particles produced by NovaCentrix, Corp. (for- confinement was used to determine the critical diameter. merly Nanotechnogies, Inc., (cid:2)81% active Al, 26m2 g(cid:3)1). Thismethodhasbeenusedinthepastwithgoodresults[28, The fumed silicon oxide (CAB-O-SIL(cid:2)TS-720) used was 29]. However, with non-ideal explosives in particular, produced by Cabot Corporation and was treated with a overdrivendetonationprocessesresultinalowermeasured dimethylsiliconefluidtoincreasehydrophobicity,andhada failurediametercomparedtoexperimentsperformedwitha specificsurfaceareaof115m2g(cid:3)1(BET). constant diameter. Overdriven detonations occur when Constituentsweremeasuredintosmallpolyethylenebags maximum properties predicted by the Chapman–Jouguet beginning with all dry components. Mixture weight meas- theoryareexceededduetoupstreampressures. urements were made using a Mettler-Toledo analytical All constituents used in failure diameter studies are balance (AB265-S) with a resolution as low as 0.01mg. equivalent to those in the burning rate tests. We experi- After thoroughly mixing by hand, or in some cases an mented with gelling the NM with the addition of 3% by ultrasonicbath(e.g.,lowparticleconcentrations),mixtures weightoftheTS-720fumedsilicatokeepthealuminumin wereimmediatelyloadedin10mmOD(8mmID)quartz suspension.However,wefoundthatthesilicahadaneffect tubes(cid:2)70mmlongwhicharecappedatoneend.Depend- on the failure diameter on its own, and thus we used neat ingonthemixtureconsistency,a100cm3syringe,equipped NM and mixed the 38nm aluminum and initiated the with varying gauges of long hypodermic needles, was detonation within 5min to minimize the settling. The employed to load the tube. The syringe allowed for the mixture waspoured into a thin-walled Mylar(cid:2) conewhich gel-like mixtures to be loaded with minimal air pockets. wasplacedagainstasteelwitnessplatetodeterminecritical (cid:3)2009Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim PropellantsExplos.Pyrotech.2009,34,385–393 388 J.L.Sabourin,R.A.Yetter,B.W.Asay,J.M.Lloyd,V.E.Sanders,G.A.Risha,S.F.Son diameter.Themixturewasstirredwithalong,thinrodasit 38nmAlwasusedbyitselfaswell,actingasagellantand waspouredintotheconetoagitateanybubblestothetop. significantlyincreasingenergycontentofmixture.Although The cones were made of 0.127mm thick optically clear the rheological behavior is not known for NM–nAl Mylar glued together with a 100%-methyl cyanoacrylate mixtures, previous studies of NM and nanoparticles of (Permabond 910) adhesive. The Mylar film was chosen to SiO haveshownashearthinningbehaviorwithyieldstress 2 minimize the amount of confinement. The cone diameter [30]. ranged from 30mm at the top to 2mm at the base over a Inordertodevelopanunderstandingoftheeffectsofthe distanceof48.3cm.Gluedtothetopofthecone,alsowith CAB-O-SIL/NM mixtures alone, initial testing was com- Permabond 910, was a 10.2cm, 30mm diameter cylinder pleted to explorethe effect of particle loading on burning (Figure1) to allow for the development of a steady-state rate(Figure2).Capturedimagesoftheburningprocessfor detonationwave.Afterthemixtureswerepouredintothe twoseparatemixturesareillustratedinFigure3.Asinthe cones,a1.6mmpieceofaluminumsheetwasplacedoverthe detonation study, Figure2 demonstrates that small addi- openingsothattheboosterwasnotindirectcontactwiththe tionsoftheoxidegellant(i.e.,upto4–5wt.-%)affectthe NM.A37g,30mmdiameterPBX-9501boosterwasglued combustionprocessonitsown,increasingtheburningrates to aluminum sheet, which was in turn initiated with a in this case. This would indicate that the heterogeneous standard#8non-electricdetonator.Thetemperatureofthe interactionbetweenthehighsurfaceareaparticlesandNM liquid was controlled during the experiments to between increasestheheattransfercouplingbetweenthecondensed 19.0and28.48C.Thetemperaturewasmonitoredbyplacing athermocoupleatthetopofthecylindricalsection,directly into the liquid. As the detonation propagated, it left a roughenedsectiononthewitnessplate.Thepointatwhich the detonation ended was inferred to be the failure diameter. 3 Results and Discussion 3.1 Deflagration Study Linearandmassburningratetestingincludedtheuseof CAB-O-SIL as a gellant due to its high surface area and chain-like structure, making it an excellent thixotrope. However,sincetheCAB-O-SILusedisprimarilymadeof Figure2. Constantpressurelinearburningrateasafunctionof silica(SiO),whichlowerstheenergydensityofthemixture, fumedsilicaaddition. 2 Figure1. Schematicofconeusedtodeterminefailurediameter (notdrawntoscale). Figure3. Capturedimagesofdeflagrationprocesses. PropellantsExplos.Pyrotech.2009,34,385–393 (cid:3)2009Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim EffectofNano-AluminumandFumedSilicaParticlesonDeflagrationandDetonationofNitromethane 389 andgasphases,oraffectsreactionoftheNMitself,suchasa possible catalytic effect, enhanced by the extremely high surface area. It can also be expected to affect the thermal diffusivitywhichwouldaffectburningrate.AthigherCAB- O-SILparticleconcentrationsburningratesaredecreased duetolowerenergydensities(orflametemperature).The lattereffectwasalsoobservedbyLouazeetal.[18],aswere long cinders created by coalesced molten silica during the combustionprocess(Figure4). The energetics of the mixtures studied are shown in Table1.Theheatofreaction(DH )ofeachindividual Reaction systemiscalculatedassumingthereactiongiveninEq.(1). Equilibrium compositions and mixture enthalpies were calculatedusingNASAChemicalEquilibriumwithAppli- cations (CEA) software [31], assuming a temperature and pressureof298Kand1atm.Thedilutingeffectsofthesilica areconfirmed,asaretheenhancingeffectsofthealuminum. aCH NO þbAlþcAl O þdSiO !3(cid:2)cþ2b(cid:3)Al O þdS2iO3þaN þ2wCO þxCO 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 þyH OþzH ð1Þ 2 2 Figure5. Linear burning rates of various mixtures of NM with Figure5illustratestheresultsoftheburningratesofthree nAlparticlesandfumedsilicaasafunctionofpressure(thepure different mixtures studied here as a function of pressure. NMcaseisshownforcomparison). Only the 12.5% 38nm Al mixture and 4% 38nm Al/3% CAB-O-SIL mixture may be considered gel-like. The mixture containing the 80nm particles was much less are presented in Figure5, at a pressure of 5MPa, the viscous due to the lower specific area of the particles burningrateofpureNMisincreasedbyfactorsof2.29and compared to the 38nm particles. For comparison, linear 3.89with4%38nmAl(3%CAB-O-SIL)and12.5%38nm burningratesofNMwithoutanyadditivesareshown.Using Aladditions,respectively.Inthelowerhalfofthepressure theburningrateequationsdevelopedfromthedata,which rangeconsideredthereislittletonodifferencebetweenthe useof38and80nmdiameterparticles.Giventheburning rates of these mixtures, differences in individual particle burningtimesbetweenthe38and80nmparticles,described bythed2-lawofdiffusionflametheory(t, /d 2)andthe bdiff p d1-lawforkineticallylimitedcombustion(t, /d )[32],as bkin p wellasdifferencesinignitiondelaysandreactionenergetics, arenotenoughtosignificantlyaffectburningrates.Itshould be noted that all mixture percentages are on a mass basis, andallaluminumloadingsareexclusiveoftheoxidecoating (i.e., a 12.5% 38nm Al mixture contains 77% NM and 10.5%AlO).Forthisreasonthe38nmparticle mixtures 2 3 containmorealuminathanthe80nmAlparticlemixtures. Theeffectsofthisonthereactionenergeticsareshownin Figure4. Combustion products of NM and CAB-O-SIL mix- tures. Table1.However,basedonthedatainFigures2and6,this Table1. Combustionenergeticsofmixtures. %Al %SiO AlParticleSize,nm(%AlO) DH ,(kJ/gm) %DeviationfromPureNM 2 2 3 Reaction 0 0 – (cid:3)4.59 – 0 3 – (cid:3)4.45 (cid:3)3.1 1 3 38(0.84) (cid:3)4.53 (cid:3)1.5 1 3 80(0.23) (cid:3)4.55 (cid:3)0.9 4 3 38(3.37) (cid:3)4.73 þ2.9 4 3 80(0.94) (cid:3)4.84 þ5.2 10 3 38(8.42) (cid:3)5.19 þ11.6 10 3 80(2.35) (cid:3)5.42 þ15.3 12.5 0 38(10.5) (cid:3)5.45 þ15.8 (cid:3)2009Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim PropellantsExplos.Pyrotech.2009,34,385–393 390 J.L.Sabourin,R.A.Yetter,B.W.Asay,J.M.Lloyd,V.E.Sanders,G.A.Risha,S.F.Son differenceisnotbelievedtoaffectburningratesappreciably, nearthesurfaceaswell,increasingthetemperaturegradient anddifferencesinburningratesareattributedmoretothe andthusburningrates.Equilibriumpredictions,aswellas particle ignition and burning times. The slight increase in spectroscopic studies indicate that the disparity between burning rate at higher pressure with decreased particle neat NM and nAl/NM flame temperatures increases with diameter is ascribed to the reduced flame zone thickness, pressure, which leads to the hypothesis that pressure which reduces the energy contribution of the larger Al exponents should increase with Al addition, as seen with particle reactions because of the longer burning time and the 12.5% Al mixture. Wheneffects of the aluminum and reducedresidencetime.Overtherangeofpressuresstudied, silica particles are combined, the reduction in pressure thepredictedcombustionzonethicknessofNMisreduced dependence with these mixtures indicates that the silica byafactorof(cid:2)4.5[7]. alonedrivesthepressuredependencelower.Thismayimply Forcomparison,resultsfromWeiseretal.[16]areshown that the burning rate pressure exponent of other liquid in Figure5 as well. The Weiser etal. data were obtained propellantsmaybereducedwithinertparticleadditionas usingmixturesof5%ALEXparticlesand5%Aerosil200. well. The mechanism for this may be attributable to a This mixture is similar to the 38 and 80nm CAB-O-SIL catalytic effect or a physical “flame holding” effect where mixturesofthisstudyintermsofconstituentconcentrations. the gas phase flame is stabilized closer to the surface by Again,anincreaseinburningrateisobservedwiththeuseof solidscollectingintheproducts. the smaller particles, particularly at high pressures. These In each case considered above, the effect of aluminum results may be explained using the same interpretation as loading was considered as well. At a nominal chamber discussed above. Interestingly, if the pure NM data are pressure of (cid:2)4.3MPa (625psi), burning rates were deter- extrapolatedtohigherpressuresthereislittletonodiffer- minedasafunctionofAlconcentration(Figures6and7).In encebetweenthedataofWeiseretal.[16],andthepureNM Figure6, a constant CAB-O-SIL loading of 3% (wt.-% of data.Thistrendmayresultfromtheinertgellantaddition, totalmixture)isusedwhilevaryingthealuminumloading which acts as a heat sink and changes phase (i.e., melts) up to (cid:2)10%. For comparison, and to determine effects of duringreaction.Inallcaseswherefumedsilicaisusedthe aluminum oxide, which is present in large quantities on burningratepressureexponentsarelessthanthepureNM nanoscale aluminum particles, burning rates of mixtures case.Thelowestpressureexponent,assumingapowerlaw with pure aluminum oxide are presented as well. Larger fit to the Weiser etal. data, occurs with the greatest silica aluminum concentrations werenotused sincethemixture loading. The greatest pressure exponent occurred with becameverythickandclay-like,makingloadingthequartz 12.5%aluminumloadingwithnoCAB-O-SILpresent. sample tube without cracks and air pockets extremely When treated separately, the 4% Al and 3% silica difficult. The plot shows that the smaller Al particles mixtures have two effects. Although the silica acts as a produce greater burning rates, particularly at larger con- diluent,asFigure2shows,burningratesareincreasedatlow centrations. As previously indicated, the smaller particles concentrations.Thealuminumincreasestheenergycontent are reacting more efficiently within the flame zone, and ofthesystem,yieldinghigherflametemperatures.Thesmall contributing more energy to the combustion process. diameterAlnanoparticlescontributetoreactionsoccurring Though there is scatter in the data, it appears as if mass burningrateperunitareaexhibitsalinearrelationshipwith Al loading. Figure7 illustrates the effect of aluminum concentration using the 38nm particles while using no gelling agent. The trends in Figure6 display noticeable Figure6. Mass burning rates per unit area of mixtures of NM with 38 and 80nm Al particles with a constant 3% CAB-O-SIL Figure7. Linearandmassburningratesofmixturesof38nmAl loadingasafunctionofAlconcentration. particlesandNMasafunctionofAlloading. PropellantsExplos.Pyrotech.2009,34,385–393 (cid:3)2009Wiley-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim EffectofNano-AluminumandFumedSilicaParticlesonDeflagrationandDetonationofNitromethane 391 differenceswiththatofFigure7,althoughalargerrangeof Al concentrations was studied without the CAB-O-SIL addition.InFigure7,alinearrelationshipexistsupto5%Al loading.Above this concentration, theburning rate is less dependent on Al loading until (cid:2)13%. For Al loadings greater than 13%, the burning rate increases significantly. Therapidincreaseabove13%correspondswithachangein mixture consistency from a gel-like to clay-like substance. Thisresultsinburningthatmaynotbeplanar. As a caveat, long-term particle dispersion is a practical concern at low concentrations of aluminum particles and CAB-O-SIL.Insomecases,evenwhenusinganultrasonic bath, significant settling of the mixture may occur. Strat- ificationofaluminumand3%CAB-O-SILmixtureswasnot seen in the time between sample preparation and testing; however, without CAB-O-SIL use, stratification was evi- Figure9. Comparison of NM critical diameter as a function of dentwithmixturesbelow10%aluminumloading. particle size and concentration. This study used Al, while the othertwousedglassmicro-balloons. 3.2 Detonation Study Figure8showstheresultsofthecriticalfailurediameter dependstronglyonthediameterofthecharge,theconfine- study of 38nm Al and NM mixtures. A common temper- ment, the homogeneity of the explosive, reaction zone aturebasewasobtainedbycorrectingthefailurediameter thickness,particleshape,andsizedistributionamongothers by0.25mm/8Ctoaccountfortheeffectoftemperature[33]. thatmayhavenotyetbeenidentified.Clearlytheaddition There is a precipitous drop at approximately 9% Al, with of Al has similar effects to those found with glass micro verylittleeffectfrom0to8%,andagradualrisefrom9%.It balloons. The initial slopes found in Figure9 are similar isusefultoexaminetheresultsinadifferentwayusingthe amongallthedifferentparticlesizes.However,ourresults intra-particle spacing (Eq.(2)) instead of concentration. with aluminum show a minimum while the others do not. TheresultsareplottedinFigure9alongwithdatafromtwo ThedataofPreslesetal.[20]showanindicationofone,but otherstudiesusinginertglassmicro-balloons[20,25].Ris they did not go high enough in density to have it fully theparticleradius,r istheparticledensity,W istheweight described.Certainly,asthenumberofparticlesisincreased, g g fractionofparticles,andristhedensityofthemixture. thefailurediametermustincrease,justbydilutioneffects. We have demonstrated that the addition of 38nm "4pR3r ðW rÞ(cid:3)1#1=3 aluminum does indeed have a significant effect on the L¼ g g ð2Þ failure diameter; however it appears that the chemical 3 oxidation process is not contributing appreciably to the mechanismdrivingthedetonation;mostlikelythereaction Several studies have examined the effect of nAl on zoneand residencetimes aretooshort. Theoretical calcu- detonation performance, but unfortunately as indicated lations of the detonation energies using CHEETAH 4.0 earlier, the results are somewhat ambiguous. Results software [34] predict a linear increase with aluminum particleaddition(Table2).At4%38nmaluminumparticle loading, the thermal detonation energy increases nearly 20%, while the mechanical energy increases by (cid:2)7% compared to pure NM. The fact that chemically inactive additives behave similar to reactive particles supports the conclusionthatreactionzonesaretoothinforthealuminum to make appreciable chemical contribution to the detona- tionprocess.Additionally,althoughdetonationenergiesare predicted to increase linearlywith Aladdition, thefailure diameter is highly nonlinear with concentration, again implying that physical rather than chemical interactions are significantly affecting the detonation processes. Using an addition of diethylene triamine or diluants we could adjustthereactionzonethicknessindependentlyandrepeat theexperimentsinordertobegintoquantifyitseffectand Figure8. Failure diameter of NM as a function of 38nm Al thisissuggestedforfuturework. concentration. 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