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DTIC ADA544409: Shigella sonnei Vaccine Candidates WRSs2 and WRSs3 Are as Immunogenic as WRSS1, a Clinically Tested Vaccine Candidate, in a Primate Model of Infection PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA544409: Shigella sonnei Vaccine Candidates WRSs2 and WRSs3 Are as Immunogenic as WRSS1, a Clinically Tested Vaccine Candidate, in a Primate Model of Infection

GModel ARTICLE IN PRESS JVAC-11788; No.ofPages8 Vaccinexxx (2011) xxx–xxx ContentslistsavailableatScienceDirect Vaccine journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/vaccine Shigella sonnei vaccine candidates WRSs2 and WRSs3 are as immunogenic as WRSS1, a clinically tested vaccine candidate, in a primate model of infection S.Barnoya,S.Baqarb,R.W.Kaminskia,T.Collinsc,K.Nemelkac,T.L.Halea,R.T.Ranalloa,M.M.Venkatesana,∗ aDivisionofBacterial&RickettsialDiseases,WalterReedArmyInstituteofResearch,503,RobertGrantAvenue,SilverSpring,MD208914,UnitedStates bInfectiou sD iseasesD ir ectorate,N avalMedi calRese arch Cente r,503,Ro be rtGrantA venu e,Silve rSprin g,MD20 8914, United Stat es cDivisiono fVeterina ryMedicine ,Walte rReedA rmyInsti tuteofR esea rch,50 3,Robe rtGrant Avenu e,Silve rSp ring,MD 20891 4,UnitedStates a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Articlehistory: Shigellacausesdiarrheaanddysenterythroughcontaminatedfoodandwater.Shigellasonneilivevaccine Receiv ed15October2010 candida tesWR Ss2andW RS s3areatte nuatedp rincipallybyth elos sof VirG(Ic sA)that preven tsb acterial AAcvcaeilpatbelde 2on8 lAinper ixl x2x0 11 spread wit hin the colo nic epi thel ium. In thi s respect th ey are sim ila r to the cl inica lly tested vaccine candidateWRSS1.However,WRSs2andWRSs3arefurtherattenuatedbylossofsenA,senBandWRSs3 alsolacksmsbB2.Aspreviouslyshownincellcultureassaysandinsmallanimalmodels,theseadditional Keywords: gene dele tionsre du cedthelev elsofe nt erot oxicity anden doto xic ityof WRSs2 andWR Ss3,p otentially Shigellasonnei makingthemsaferthanWRSS1.Howeverthebehaviorofthesesecond-generationVirG(IcsA)-based Livevaccinecandidates vaccinecandidatesinelicitinganimmuneresponseinagastrointestinalmodelofinfectionhasnotbeen WRSs2 WRSs3 evaluated. In this study, WRSs2 and WRSs3 were nasogastrically administered to rhesus monkeys that wereevaluatedforcolonization,aswellasforsystemicandmucosalimmuneresponses.Bothvaccine candidatesweresafeinrhesusmonkeysandbehavedcomparablytoWRSS1inbacterialexcretionrates thatdemonstratedrobustintestinalcolonization.Furthermore,humoralandmucosalimmuneresponses elicitedagainstbacterialantigensappearedsimilarinallcategoriesacrossallthreestrainsindicatingthat theadditionalgenedeletionsdidnotcompromisetheimmunogenicityofthesevaccinecandidates.Based ondatafrompreviousclinicaltrialswithWRSS1,itislikelythat,WRSs2andWRSs3willnotonlybesafer inhumanvolunteersbutwillgeneratecomparablelevelsofsystemicandmucosalimmuneresponses thatwereachievedwithWRSS1. Published by Elsevier Ltd. 1. Introduction 2a and 3, are among the most common serotypes circulating in the developing world. Infection with a particular serotype pro- Shigellosisisadiseasecharacterizedbyanacuteinflammatory videshomologousbutnotheterologousprotection,affirmingthe colitiselicitedbybacterialinvasionoftheintestinalepithelium[1]. importantroleplayedbythebacteriallipopolysaccharide(LPS)in TheetiologicalagentisShigella,agramnegativebacteriaconsisting providingatargetforserotype-specificprotection.Inaddition,sev- of4serogroups,Shigelladysenteriae,Shigellaflexneri,Shigellaboy- eral conserved protein antigens encoded on the large virulence diiandShigellasonnei,thatisalsoreferredtoasShigellagroupA, plasmid,suchastheIpaantigens(IpaA,B,CandD)arealsobeing B,CandDstrains,respectively[2].Thebacteriatargetmainlythe targetedforanoptimalresponse[5–9]. distalcolon,andtheinfectionresultsindiarrhea,fever,dysentery Experimentsinrabbitilealloopsandinrhesusmonkeyshave and considerable gastrointestinal and constitutional symptoms. shown that shigellae are initially taken up by antigen sampling Thelowinfectivedoseof10–100bacteria,andhightransmissibility microfold(M)cellsthatarelocatedinthefollicle-associatedregions makescontrolofShigellainfectionsverychallenging,particularly oftheepithelium[10–12].TranscytosisofthebacteriafromtheM in less developed regions of the world. Epidemiological data, as cellsintotheunderlyingfollicle-associatedimmuneeffectorcells well as limited studies in animals, have indicated that a vaccine facilitatessubsequentbasolateralinvasionofadjacententerocytes against S. flexneri 2a, 3 and S. sonnei would protect against 80% byamechanismofinducedphagocytosismediatedbytheIpapro- ofshigellosisseenworldwide[3,4].S.sonneipredominatesinthe teins[13].Afterescapingfromtheendocyticvacuole,thebacteria United States and in other developed countries while S. flexneri multiply within the cytosol of enterocytes and recruit host cell actintoformacytoskeleton-basedmotorthatresultsinbacterial spreadfromonecelltoanother[14–16].Duringthismovement,the ∗ bacteriaimpingesontheinnerfaceofthecytoplasmicmembrane Correspondingauthor.Tel.:+13013199764;fax:+13013199801. E-mailaddress: malabi. venk ate san@ us.a rmy.m il(M .M .Ve nkat esan). resultinginrigidprotrusionsthatrequiretheparticipationofcad- 0264-410X/$–seefrontmatter.Published by Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.04.115 Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:BarnoyS,etal.ShigellasonneivaccinecandidatesWRSs2andWRSs3areasimmunogenicasWRSS1,aclinically testedvaccinecandidate,inaprimatemodelofinfection.Vaccine(2011),doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.04.115 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2011 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2011 to 00-00-2011 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Shigella Sonnei Vaccine Candidates WRSs2 And WRSs3 Are As 5b. GRANT NUMBER Immunogenic As WRSS1, A Clinically Tested Vaccine Candidate, In A Primate Model Of Infection 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Walter Reed Army Institute of Research,Division of Bacterial & REPORT NUMBER Rickettsial Diseases,503, Robert Grant Avenue,Silver Spring,MD,208914 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Vaccine 2011 14. ABSTRACT Shigella causes diarrhea and dysentery through contaminated food and water. Shigella sonnei live vaccine candidates WRSs2 and WRSs3 are attenuated principally by the loss of VirG(IcsA) that prevents bacterial spread within the colonic epithelium. In this respect they are similar to the clinically tested vaccine candidate WRSS1. However, WRSs2 and WRSs3 are further attenuated by loss of senA, senB and WRSs3 also lacks msbB2. As previously shown in cell culture assays and in small animal models, these additional gene deletions reduced the levels of enterotoxicity and endotoxicity of WRSs2 and WRSs3, potentially making them safer than WRSS1. However the behavior of these second-generation VirG(IcsA)-based vaccine candidates in eliciting an immune response in a gastrointestinal model of infection has not been evaluated. In this study, WRSs2 and WRSs3 were nasogastrically administered to rhesus monkeys that were evaluated for colonization, as well as for systemic and mucosal immune responses. Both vaccine candidates were safe in rhesus monkeys and behaved comparably to WRSS1 in bacterial excretion rates that demonstrated robust intestinal colonization. Furthermore, humoral and mucosal immune responses elicited against bacterial antigens appeared similar in all categories across all three strains indicating that the additional gene deletions did not compromise the immunogenicity of these vaccine candidates. Based on data from previous clinical trials with WRSS1, it is likely that, WRSs2 and WRSs3 will not only be safer in human volunteers but will generate comparable levels of systemic and mucosal immune responses that were achieved with WRSS1. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 9 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 GModel ARTICLE IN PRESS JVAC-11788; No.ofPages8 2 S.Barnoyetal./Vaccinexxx (2011) xxx–xxx herinsandothertightjunctionproteins[17].Subsequentlysisof of sodium bicarbonate solution to neutralize gastric acidity. The theinternalizedprotrusionsbytheproteinIcsBreleasesshigellae methodofvaccinepreparation,administrationandsafetyevalua- intothecytoplasmofcontiguousepithelialcells[18,19]. tionofvaccinatedmonkeyshasbeenpreviouslydescribed[29]. Bacterialmovementwithinthecellandfromcelltocellrequires thefunctioningofacriticalbacterialsurfaceprotein,VirG(orIcsA), 2.3. Bloodsamplecollection whi chassemble sh o stcell actinfilam entsat thedist alpole ofthe bacteriumformedduringseptation[15,20–22].LossofVirG(IcsA) Blood samples were collected before immunization (day −4) eliminates actin r ecruitm ent and s ignificantly atten ua tes bacte- andond ays4,7,9 ,14, 28andan alyzed forantigen-spe cifica nti- rial virulen ce as assayed in cell c ultures and in animal m odels bod yse cretin g cel ls (ASC s). Seru mantibod yt itersweredeterm ined [11, 23–29].Se ver alvaccin ec andi datesofd iffer ent serotyp eslack- forsa mplescol lecte donda y−4,1 4and28. ing VirG(Ics A), suc h as SC 602, WRSS 1 and WRS d1, have been successfullytestedinhumanvolunteersandproventobesafeat 2.4. Serology lowdosesandimmunogenic[30–34].InthecaseoftheS.flexneri2a vaccinecandidateSC602,vaccinatedvolunteerssubsequentlychal- Serum antibody endpoint titers were determined by ELISA lengedwithavirulentstrainwereprotectedagainstseveredisease, as previously described [42]. In brief, Immunolon 1B 96-well providing proof of concept for this strategy of attenuation [30]. Sim- mi crotiter pla tes were co ated ove rnight at 4◦C with 100 (cid:2)l of S. ilarstrongimmuneresponseswerealsoseenduringPhase1trials sonnei LPS, IpaB, IpaC, or S. sonnei Invaplex 50 diluted to 10, 1, with S. sonnei vaccine candidate WRSS1, that were predictive of a 2, or 0 .5(cid:2)g /ml in carb ona te coatin g buffer ( pH 9.8). Pla tes we re protectiveresponse[31,33]. Approx imately 1 5–20% of the volunteers who received 104CFU pblloesckceodll feocrt e3d0 monind wayith− 24%, 0c,a1se4i,na innd Tr2i8s–wsaelrineed biluuftfeedr. Pinla2sm%ac assaemin- of SC602, WRSS1 and S. dysenteriae WRSd1, showed some reac- andtitratedacrosstheplateinduplicateusing2-foldserialdilu- togenicsymptomssuchasmildandtransientdiarrheaandfever tionsandincubatedfor2h[42].Theplateswerewashed4times thatincreasedathigherdoses.Newsecond-generationvaccinecan- withPBScontaining0.05%Tween20(PBS-T)andincubatedfor1h didates, such as S. sonnei strains WRSs2 and WRSs3, have been withgoat-anti-humanIgG-APorgoat-anti-humanIgA-AP.Bound developed to minimize reactogenicity and provide a wider win- antigen-specificantibodywasdetectedbyincubatingtheplatesfor dowofsafety[35].ThesecandidatesnotonlylackVirG(IcsA)but 30minwithphosphatasesubstrate.Theopticaldensityat405nm also have deletions in known enterotoxin genes (senA), putative was measured with a plate reader [42]. The endpoint titer was homologs of known enterotoxin genes (senB) and in some cases defined as the reciprocal of the last dilution of sample that pro- lipid A acyl transferase gene msbB2, whose loss is intended to duced an OD value of 0.2. A responder was defined as having a reduce fever by reducing LPS endotoxicity [35]. Although cell cul- ≥4-fol din crea seint ite rove r baseline. tureassaysandsmallanimalmodelshavedemonstratedthatthese new candidates have reduced reactogenicity, one concern that 2.5. Antibody-secretingcell(ASC)assay remainedwaswhetherthesenewer,moreattenuatedderivatives willcolonizethegastrointestinaltract(GIT)tothesameextentas PeripheralbloodmononuclearcellswereisolatedbyFicollden- didWRSS1.Arelevantmodeltotestvaccinecolonizationisthenon- sity gradient and cryopreserved in DMSO freezing medium as human primate model, since rhesus monkeys are the only other describedpreviously[43].S.sonneiLPSandInvaplex-50antigen- animalsthatsuccumbtonaturalinfectionswithShigellaandget specificIgAandIgG-secretingcellsincirculationbyELISPOTusing symptomsofshigellosissimilartohumans[6,36–40]. goatanti-humanantibodiesaspreviouslydescribed[46].Individual WRSs2 and WRSs3 were administered to small groups of rhesus anim aldataarep resenteda sm aximumn umberof ASC/1 06PMBC. monkeys and evaluated for safety and colonization [29]. Blood and Respon ders wer edefineda s≥ 5antigen- specific AS Cs/106PBMCs. fecal samples were collected for immunogenicity assays includ- ing both systemic and mucosal responses measured against LPS and Invap lex,acom ple xofLPSa ndIpaprot eins[9,41] .Theres ults 2.6. Rectallavagesamplecollectionandanalysis demonstrate that in spite of increased attenuation, both vaccine candidatesw erea ble toel icit animmu neresponset hatw assim- Asterile,disposable,plastic8in.longinfantfeedingtubewas ilar to that obta ined w ith W RSS 1. Based on these dat a, W RSs2 inser ted app roximately 4–5cm in to the rectum of the monk eys. and W RSs3 areexpec tedto causefe werre acto genic symp tomsin Therectu mwasflushed thre eti mes with 6mlof ste rile PBSusing hum anvolu ntee rs,yetma in tainth erobu stimmunoge nicityprofi le a6m lsyring eat tachedt othes terile infan tf eed in gtube. The rectal associa tedwithWR SS1 . la v age sample inPBSwa sa spir atedba ckinto the6m lsyri nge. These lavage sample sw ere cen trifugedat 4◦C for2 0m in at 1500× g,and thesup ernatant was filteredthro ug h0.2 (cid:2)m ce ntri fu gefilt er tu bes 2. Materials and methods byc entrifugatio nat 4◦Cfor 30mina t15 00× g.Proteas einh ibitor AE BSFwasadded. Th esam pl esw ere al iquote d an dstored at−80◦C 2.1. Animalsandbacterialstrains untiluse.AliquotsofthelavagesampleswereusedinanELISAassay AllanimalswerehousedinindividualcagesintheWRAIRmon- againstS.sonneiLPSandInvaplex. keycolony.Theywereadultmale,Indianstrainrhesusmacaques (Macacamulatta).Inthisstudy,3groupsof5animalseachwereran- 2.7. FecalIgA domlyassignedandadministeredeitherWRSS1,WRSs2orWRSs3 (Fig.1)[29].ThesestudieswithShigellawerecarriedoutundera Totalandantigen-specificfecalIgAweredeterminedbyELISA WRAIRIACUC-approvedprotocol. usinghuman-specificreagentsasdescribed[43–45].Theantigen- specificendpointtitersweredetermined,andthefinaltiterforeach 2.2. Oralvaccinationproceduresinrhesusmonkeysandsafety animal was adju sted t o 10 (cid:2)g/ml of tot al Ig A. Anim als s how ing eval uatio n <2(cid:2)g/m lof totalIgAw er en otinclu de dfor antig en-speci ficevalu- ations.Thedataforindividualanimalsarepresentedasmaximum Sedatedmonkeyswereinoculatednasogastricallywith4×1010 foldincreaseoverthebaseline.Aresponderwasdefinedashaving CFU of fres hly harve sted WRSs2 and WRSs3 prece ded b y 20ml a≥4 -foldinc rease int itero verb a seline. Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:BarnoyS,etal.ShigellasonneivaccinecandidatesWRSs2andWRSs3areasimmunogenicasWRSS1,aclinically testedvaccinecandidate,inaprimatemodelofinfection.Vaccine(2011),doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.04.115 GModel ARTICLE IN PRESS JVAC-11788; No.ofPages8 S.Barnoyetal./Vaccinexxx (2011) xxx–xxx 3 Fig.1. RhesusmonkeystudyoutlineforevaluatingsafetyandimmunogenicityofWRSS1,WRSs2andWRSs3.Fifteenadultmalerhesusmacaques,ranginginagefrom 8to21years,obtainedfromtheWRAIRanimalcolonywererandomizedtoreceiveoneofthreedifferentS.sonneivaccinecandidatesasshowninthepanel.Thelower panelshowsschedulesofproceduresandvarioussamplestakenforevaluationofexcretionandimmuneresponses.Animalswereimmunizedwiththevaccinecandidates atD0withfreshlyharvestedculturesafteringestionof20mlofbicarbonatetoneutralizegastricacidityasdescribedinSection2[29].Thesestudiesweredoneunderan IACUC-approvedmonkeyprotocol. 2.8. Statisticalanalysis thereactionwasbeinginhibited.However,inall3groups,some of the culture negative samples did indicate a correct sized PCR StatisticalanalysisforserumantibodyresponsesusedPrism4 amplifiedband,infourcases,uptoday10(Table1).Althoughmost forMacintosh(GraphpadSoftware,Inc).Log-transformedendpoint monkeys shed the vaccine strains, a direct correlation between titerswereanalyzedusingatwo-wayanalysisofvariancewitha culture positive or PCR positive stools and the magnitude of Bonferronipost-test. a particular immune response could not be determined in this study. 3. Results 3.1. Clinicalsymptomsandstoolculturesofrhesusmonkeys 3.2. Serumantibodyresponsesaftervaccineadministration administeredWRSS1,WRSs2andWRSs3 SerumIgGandIgAendpointtitersspecificforS.sonneiLPS,S. WRSs2,WRSs3,andWRSS1,werenasogastricallyadministered sonneiInvaplex50,IpaB,orIpaC,weredeterminedbyELISA.Robust to groups of 5 rhe sus monkey s afte r sedation. Exc ept for occa- levels of S. sonn ei Invap lex 50 a nd Ip aB-specific ser um IgG were sio nalsoft st oo l,nosig nsofdiar rheao rdysente rywere obs erved induce da ft erimm unization wit hWR SS1,WRSs2o rWRSs 3.Gr eater in any gro up [29 ]. Hema tol ogic resp on ses have b een p reviously than 80% of t he animals in each group serocon ve rted by day 14 de scrib edand endo scopicexams oftherectu man ddist alcolondid andm ain tai ned thesame le velo nday2 8(Fig.2andT able 1). No notreveal evid enceofany vaccin e- ind ucedles ions [29]. Allth ree sign ificant differ enc es we re de tec ted b etw een a nim als rec eiv ing vacc ineca ndidates col oniz edtheGItract(p resump tive evi dence WRSS1and WRSs3.Lev elsof Invaplex- specificI gGandIp aBserum ofcolon ization)and wereexcr eted to simi larextents,wit hculture IgAwer esig nificant lyhigh er inanimalsimmun ized wit hWR Ss2as po sitivestoolsi nall buto nemonk ey (inthe WRSs2 grou p)seen com pared toWRSs3( p<0.05 )b asedon endpointti teran alysiso n for2day s[29] .Th ere afte r,th eduratio no fvac cinesh edding inall bothday1 4a nd28( Fig . 2).Als o,the Ipa BandIpa C-spe cificseru m 3 g ro ups w as g radually re duce d althou gh some a nimals sh ow ed respo nse sw eres ign ifica ntly high eri nanim als receivingWR Ss2as cu lture p ositiv e stools t ill day 7. PCR with ipaH -specific primers compared toW RSS1(Table 1andF ig. 2).How ever,the peakfo ld wascar riedout onDN Aex trac ted from sto olsondays3, 5,7,10, titers to th e differen t antig en s we re s im ilar in the thr ee gro ups inp articular ,to de termi newhethe rase cond me thod of ide nt ifi- (Table 1 ). In terestingl y, few an imals in any of the three vaccine ca tioncouldb e extendedto culture ne gatives amples. Ho wever,a groups se roconverted t o S. sonnei LP S, with co nve rsion rates of consis tentpa tte rnofPCR- po sitiveam plificati on,evenw ithriboso - ≤40%( Table1).Form ost an tigens, peak seru mIgGandI gAtite rs malprimer s,wasn ot observedwit heverytempla tein dicati ngthat were detecte din sam ples collected onda y14(F ig.2 ). Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:BarnoyS,etal.ShigellasonneivaccinecandidatesWRSs2andWRSs3areasimmunogenicasWRSS1,aclinically testedvaccinecandidate,inaprimatemodelofinfection.Vaccine(2011),doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.04.115 vaccinecandtested Pleasecitethisartic 4 JVAC-11788;No.ofPag GModel idate,in leinpre es8 ap ssa Table1 rimas:Ba Shigel la antigen-specific immune responses and colonization in rhesus monkeys after nasogastric administration of WRSS1, WRSs2 and WRSs3. tem rnoy Vaccine ID Peak antigen-specific ASC/106PBMC Fecal antibody (peak fold-rise) Serum antibody (peak fold-rise) E(dxacyrestaioftne/rcionlfoencitziaotni)on A odeS,e Anti-LPS Anti-Invaplex Anti-LPS Anti-Invaplex Anti-LPS Anti-Invaplex Anti-IpaB Anti-IpaC Cultur e PCRb R lo ta finfection.V l.Shigellason WRSS1 FJJBKP93TA44 2Z Ig2A9100 Ig1G1100 Ig1A1530 Ig1G6740 IgA9111 Ig821A4032 IgA1111 Ig2111G IgA8484 Ig33G8822 IgA2121 Ig13G8862 IgA4412 IgG4222 2466 3N75D S.Barn TIC accine(20 neivaccin WReRspSso2nder ratea T2A0HB 104910 % 2600 % 1216530 % 6680 % 62620 % 718470 % 410 % 820 % 10440 % 110860 % 220 % 1330220 % 4410 % 2820 % 72 1100 oyetal./Va LE 11),doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2 ecandidatesWRSs2andWR WReRspSso3n der rate 68CCABJT87A9994JV1724––2J4F8WZ11Z Z 25 95 325220000000 % 47593110000 % 325521112000 % 11162969523300 % 148511111210 % 114312705667024320 % 24111111110 % 44111111210 % 1384446211210 % 11331304486226220 % 144461212110 % 116263384844442220 % 3164482622120 % 1116306642444220 % 732425520 717N7777100D ccinexxx (2011) xxx–xxx IN PRES 0S 11.04.115s3areasim NDbRa,eRPnsCeposRotp nddodeontenderece r troae dntdee .D fiNnAit ieoxntsr:a acntetdig ferno-msp setco2io0fil%cs AoSnC d: a≥y45s0 3A%,S 5C,s 7/1, 10062 P[02B%9M ].C Tsh; efe n6cu0aml% a bnedr ss einr2ud0mic%a atnet PibCoRd pyo: s≥6itf0iov%ue r -sftoolodl idnacyrse.ase o2v0e%r baselin0e%. 40% 80% 20% 100% 60% 60% S m Numbersinboldindicateresponders. u n o g e n ic a s W R S S 1 ,a c lin ic a lly GModel ARTICLE IN PRESS JVAC-11788; No.ofPages8 S.Barnoyetal./Vaccinexxx (2011) xxx–xxx 5 Fig.2. SerumantibodyresponsestoIpaB(PanelsAandB)andtoInvaplex(PanelsCandD)inrhesusmonkeysafteroraladministrationofS.sonneivaccinecandidatesWRSS1, WRSs2andWRSs3.PanelsAandCreflectIgGvaluesandpanelsBandDindicateIgAtotherespectiveantigens. 3.3. Mucosalresponsesinrhesusmonkeys 4. Discussion The mucosal immune response to Shigella LPS, and Invaplex- Previous studies with rhesus monkeys have shown that the 50 anti gens are summari zed in Ta ble 1. Both ASC and fecal IgA infectivedos eforShi gellai sinthe rangeof10 10vir ulentor ganis ms. responsestoInvaplexwerehigherthantoLPS.Atleast2of5ani- Once infected with a wild-type strain, monkeys can experience malsineachvaccinegrouphadIgA-orIgG-ASCspecifictoLPSand diarrhea alone, diarrhea and dysentery or only dysentery within at least 3 of 5 animals had IgA- or IgG-ASC specific to Invaplex 24hafterchallenge[47].Monkeyswithdysenteryalonehavenet in circulation. The magnitude of the ASC responses was variable colonicsecretionandinthemostseverecaseshaveextensivecol- with the highest values seen for IgA responses. Generally, only itisaccompaniedbyalargenumberofbacteriaonthesurfaceof oneanimalineachgrouprespondedwithbothanIgAandanIgG the colonic epithelium and the more luminal crypt cells [48]. In ASC response to LPS and to Invaplex. In the WRSs3 group two theseexamples,thesurfaceepitheliumshowedevidenceofabnor- animalsrespondedwithbothanIgAandanIgGASCresponseto mal extrusion and shedding of cells, and as the defect widened, Invaplex. itwascoveredwithafibrinousexudatesorbyleucocytes[48,49]. FeweranimalsdevelopedLPS-specificfecalIgAresponsesand Theinflammatoryresponsediminishesfromtheluminalsurfaceto thefoldincreaseoverthebaselineamongtheresponderswasvari- thesubmucosa.Theintensityoftheinflammatoryresponsecorre- able (range 8.2–66.0). Irrespective of the vaccine strain used for spondedtothedegreeanddepthofbacterialpenetration[48,50]. immunization,similarlevelsoftotalfecalIgAinstoolweredetected Ifleftuntreated,monkeyswithdysenterycansometimesdieofthe in all animals prior to vaccination or any time after vaccination. disease.Thus,rhesusmonkeyshaveprovidedauniqueandphysi- ComparedtoLPS,fecalIgAresponseratestoInvaplexantigenswere ologicallyrelevantanimalmodelsystemtotesttheacutephaseof higherwith60–100%oftheanimalsindicatingapositiveresponse bacillarydysenteryandtoevaluatesafetyandimmunogenicityof (Table1).ThepeakfecalIgAresponsesweredetectedonstudydays liveShigellavaccines[6,42,47,51]. 7–9formostoftheanimals(exceptoneanimalinWRSS1group Inpreviouslydescribedstudies,theS.sonneivirulentstrain53G, who sef ecalIg Ar esp onsepea kedatda y14 ).Amon gt herespo nders, given at a dose of 2×101 0 CFU in 20 m l of br ain–hea rt infu sion themeanfoldriseinfecalIgAtoInvaplexwas48,50,respectively media, induced diarrheal illness in 8 of 12 rhesus monkeys [6]. (Table1). WRSS1,WRSs2andWRSs3,givenatthesamedose,inducemin- RectallavagesampleswereanalyzedforIgAandIgGtoS.sonnei imaloverallclinicalabnormalities[29].Infrequentsoftstoolswere InvaplexandLPSinanELISAassayasdescribedforserumsamples. themostcommonfindinginallgroupsbutnodiarrhealsymptoms Ingeneral,adetectableresponsewasseenonlyinafewanimals.A werenoted.Sinceacontrolgroupwasnotincludedinthisstudy, 4-foldriseinIgAtitertoInvaplexwasdetectedinonlyoneanimal thepresenceofsoftstoolscannotbedirectlyattributedtovaccine (B34Z)intheWRSS1-immunizedgroupandtwoanimals(694Zand administration.Noanimalsexhibitedfever.LikeWRSS1,thetwo C42Z)intheWRSs2groupatday7.A2-foldriseinIgAtitertoLPS newcandidates,WRSs2andWRSs3colonizedtheGITsuccessfully was seen in one animal in the WRSS1 immunized group (F94Z) andtothesameextent,withminorclinicalsideeffects[29]. andtwoanimalsintheWRSs2group(694ZandC42Z)ondays7 Theimmuneresponsegeneratedinrhesusmonkeysafterasin- and14. gledoseofWRSs2orWRSs3wascomparabletoWRSS1withmore Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:BarnoyS,etal.ShigellasonneivaccinecandidatesWRSs2andWRSs3areasimmunogenicasWRSS1,aclinically testedvaccinecandidate,inaprimatemodelofinfection.Vaccine(2011),doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.04.115 GModel ARTICLE IN PRESS JVAC-11788; No.ofPages8 6 S.Barnoyetal./Vaccinexxx (2011) xxx–xxx animals in each group responding to Invaplex than to LPS. This mounted 4-fold or greater rises in serum and urine IgA titer to is a promising observation since WRSS1 was also very immuno- LPS.Subsequentchallengeofimmunizedvolunteersdemonstrated genicinhumanvolunteers.80–100%ofthemonkeysinallthree complete protection against the severe symptoms of dysentery group sh ad≥4-f oldIgGseru mantibod yt iter stoS.sonn ei Inv aplex [30]. Thes e results p rovided proo f of co ncept for th e V irG(IcsA)- aswellastotheIpaBproteinandthepeak-foldtitersinall3groups basedattenuationstrategy.Inaddition,thestudieswithSC602in were of comparable magnitude. The same was generally true of monkeysandhumansalsoindicatethatthebehaviorofliveShigella the fecal IgA response rates to Invaplex (60–100%) and the IgG vaccinecandidatesinrhesusmonkeyscanbeusedasafirstmea- ASCresponseratestoInvaplex(60%)inthe3groups.Thehigher suretopredictsafetyandcolonizationpotential,thelatterbeinga rateofresponsestoInvaplex,ascomparedtoLPSalone,inallcat- criticalfactorforarobustimmuneresponsethatcanbeprotective egories of immune responses measured is probably because the inhumans. InvaplexisacombinationofLPSandproteinantigens(mostlyIpaB ThesheddingdataforWRSS1,WRSs2andWRSs3inrhesusmon- andIpaC).Additionaldosesofthevaccineswouldlikelyimprove keysaresimilartothoseseenwithSC602inmonkeysasdescribed theresponseratestoLPS.Indeed,threevaccinationswithSC602in above.MostoftheanimalsgiventheS.sonneivaccinestrainsshed rhesusmonkeyselicitedsignificantIgGandIgAresponsesagainst for48handthereaftersheddingwasgraduallyreducedinallthree thehomologousLPSandagainstawaterextractofShigellabearing groupsofmonkeys.Althoughthevaccinatedanimalsinthisstudy theIpaproteins(unpublisheddata).Afollow-upstudyinrhesus werenotchallengedforefficacy,significantimmuneresponsesto monkeyswithmultipledosesoftheS.sonneicandidateswouldbe InvaplexandtotheIpaproteinsweremanifestedinall3groups requiredtovalidatethisobservation. allowing one to predict that, like WRSS1, that has been exten- ItisinterestingtonotethattheserumIgGantibodyresponse sively tested in human volunteers, WRSs2 and WRSs3 will also to the two Ipa proteins, particularly to IpaB, were quite signifi- colonizehumanvolunteersrobustlyandasaresultdemonstrate cant(80–100%forIpaBinall3groups).TheIpaBandIpaCproteins significant immunogenic responses that were seen with WRSS1. (asw ellasIpaD ,I paAa nd V irG (IcsA),a res urfac eloc alize dhighly Asingledo seof103–106 CFUinU.S. volu nteer sresu ltedi nexcre- conserved antigens present in all virulent serotypes of Shigella tionofWRSS1from82%ofthevaccineswith66%ofthevolunteers [7,42]. Both IpaB and IpaC are critical for the invasive pheno- shedding WRSS1 till day 7 [31]. In a subsequent dose-escalating type of the bacteria and serum and mucosal immune responses outpatientstudyinIsrael,71%ofthevolunteerswhoreceivedone tobo th pro teinscan bed etected afte rinfectio nsinmo nkeysand dose of eit her 10 3, 104 o r 105 C FU of WRSS1, excre ted the vac- inhumans[30,42,44,52–54].SerumantibodiestoIpaproteins,as cinestrainwithanaverageof6days[33].Althoughefficacyresults well as LPS, have been shown to inhibit invasion of Shigella in forWRSS1areforthcoming,therobustcolonizationofWRSS1in culturedcells[55,56].AnartificialInvaplex,whichcontainspuri- U.S.andIsraelivolunteersparalleledstrongandsignificantmucosal fied LPS mixed with purified IpaB and IpaC is highly protective immuneresponsesinimmunizedvolunteersandwereofamagni- in g uine a pigs. Altho ugh the speci fic im mun e mecha nisms that tude(∼7 5%oftheva cc inatedvolun teershada sign ifican tI gA ASCto conferprotectionagainstdiseaseisstillunclear,naturalinfections LPS)thatwascomparabletothatseeninSC602-immunizedvolun- aswellasvaccination/challengestudiessuggeststhat,inaddition teerswhoweresubsequentlyprotectedafterchallengewithstrain to LPS, a strong response to the Ipa proteins, may be requisite 2457T [30,31,33]. Although WRSS1 was not previously tested in for long-term protection against shigellosis [9,57]. In fact, in a rhesusmonkeys,onecandrawpositiveconclusionsfromthisstudy Swedish cohort of volunteers, convalescent sera with antibodies thatitsabilitytocolonizeandelicitanimmuneresponseinpri- toLPSandtheIpaproteinswereseensixmonthsafterinfection matescanbelinkedtoitsexcretionandimmunogenicityprofile [58]. seeninhumanvolunteers[31,33]. TheonlyVirG(IcsA)-basedvaccinethathasundergoneaPhase Since WRSs2 and WRSs3 appear to colonize rhesus monkeys 2challengestudyistheS.flexneri2avaccinestrainSC602[30].Cer- tothesameextentasWRSS1(andSC602),andsincetheimmune tainparallelscanbeinferredfromthebehaviorofSC602inrhesus responsesinprimatesarecomparableamongthethreeS.sonnei monkeysandinhumans.PreviousvaccinationstudieswithSC602 vaccinestrains,itislikelythat,thenewvaccinecandidateswillcol- inrhesus mon ke ys(1×1 011CFUd osepermo nkey,3 doses given onizeth ehuma n gu tand gene rate sign ificant immunere spon ses. ondays0,10and20)indicatedthat,allmonkeysshedthevaccine Theresultsfromthisprimatestudyareencouragingandsupport strainduringthefirst24haftereachinoculationwithsignificantly Phase1dose-escalatingstudiesofWRSs2andWRSs3. reducedsheddingduringlaterexposures(unpublisheddata).When immunized and control monkeys were challenged with a viru- Acknowledgements lentstrain2457T,asmallproportion(12.5%)ofvaccinatedaswell ascontrolanimalsexcreteddysentericstoolswithin24h.Subse- The authors thank K.R. Turbyfill and E.V. Oaks for the qu ently, th e cumu lative pro portion of contro l anima ls ex creting genero us contri bution of w ell-define d an ti-ser um a nd p uri- dysenter icst oolsincreas edsignifica ntly (>80% byday6 ),andone fied reco mbinant IpaB , Ip aC, and S. s onnei Invap lex 5 0 for animaldie dond ay4.Howe ver,theprop ortion of vacc ina ted ani- imm unogenicity s tudies . J. Gr imsle y provide d excellen t t ech- malsex perie nc ingd is easewass ubs tantiallyun ch angedafter the nical assistance. The aut ho rs are also pleased to acknow ledge first day of observ ation. O vera ll, the data i ndicated th at SC 602 the contribution s of Dr. Pet er Esche verria a nd his team at in rh esus m onkeys was associate d w ith 7 5% protec tion against AFR IMS, Bangkok, Th ailan d for the unpubl ished dat a on the ov ert dys entery (un publ ished data) . Sign ifica nt serum a ntibody evaluatio n of SC6 02 in rhe sus mon keys. The co ntent of this respo nsestoLPS andtheIpapr oteins (inwaterex tract)w ereseen publication do es not ne ccessari ly reflect the v iews or pol icies after three in ocu latio ns alth ough oth er param eters of imm uno- of the U.S. Depa rtme nt of the A rmy, or the U.S. D ep artment genic itywe renotmeasur edinthis study( unpublished da ta).When of Defe nse, nor does th e m enti on of t rad e na mes, commercial SC602w asad min isteredto hu ma nvolu nteersatasi ngled oseof pr oductsor orga nizati ons implyend or semen tbythe U.S.govern- 104 CF U,92 %ofthevolu nte ersshe dthevaccin e fo rseve ralda ys ment. but at higher doses the vaccine candidate was more reactogenic [30].Theexcretionrateswereindicativeofarobustgastrointestinal References colonization in human volunteers. 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