DYNAMICALLY RECONFIGURABLE SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO FOR GNSS APPLICATIONS Alison K. Brown (NAVSYS Corporation, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, [email protected]); Nigel Thompson (NAVSYS Corporation, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, [email protected]) ABSTRACT more satellites at the same time. As the number of codes and frequencies increase, the demands on a conventional Historically, the military has used special purpose Global GPS receiver get higher. With the GPS satellites alone, a Positioning System (GPS) radios for radio navigation. This next generation receiver could be required to operate on has the disadvantage of locking users into fixed technology three frequencies each using a different code which would solutions designed to meet a fixed set of requirements. require triple the number of channels when using a Software Defined Radios (SDR) have the advantage of conventional receiver design. Moreover, to track the being able to easily adapt to provide new capabilities using different signals broadcast by other GNSS satellite systems, current generation technology. Continued improvements in even more channels would be required to be set up to track SDR technology are enabling their use for Global their new codes. The increase in the number of channels Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) applications that using a conventional receiver design would also result in require small form factor, low-power designs. This has the increased device size and correspondingly higher power added benefit of allowing the signal processing algorithms operation. for future GPS signals to be included in the GNSS SDR design without changing or modifying the hardware of the GPS receiver. This paper describes a GNSS SDR reconfigurable architecture that leverages the flexibility of a SDR to re-use resources for processing the different GPS signals. The paper also discusses the benefits of this GNSS SDR approach for military and civil users compared with conventional special purpose GNSS receiver solutions. 1. Introduction Recent advances in the GPS constellation have resulted in additional signals being made available for both military Figure 1 Modernized GPS Signal and civil applications. Figure 1 shows the modernized GPS signal structure which includes signals broadcast on three In order to obtain a good navigation solution, it is only frequencies (L1, L2 and L5) and including both the legacy necessary to operate enough tracking channels in a GNSS GPS modulation codes (C/A and P(Y)) and also additional receiver to obtain sufficient satellites in view to achieve civilian codes on L2 and L5 (the L2c and I5/Q5 codes) and good geometric dilution of precision. That generally only also additional military codes on L1 and L2 (M-code). In requires between 4-6 satellite signals. In this paper, we the next few years, GNSS users will also be able to access describe a GNSS SDR architecture that allows for dynamic new signals from other satellite constellations, including the reconfiguration of the SDR channel resources to track European Galileo, the Russian GLONASS, the Japanese different GNSS satellite codes and frequencies. With this QZSS, the Indian GAGAN and the Chinese COMPASS approach, the flexibility of the SDR can be leveraged to satellite systems. implement a full-function GNSS receiver capable of Historically, GNSS receivers have been designed with leveraging any of the GNSS signals without requiring dedicated channels each capable of tracking only a single massive numbers of parallel channels to operate. satellite code. When operating using only the C/A code signals from the GPS satellites, this has been manageable and GPS chip sets routinely allow tracking of twelve or Proceedings of the SDR ’10 Technical Conference and Product Exposition, Copyright © 2010 Wireless Innovation Forum, Inc. All Rights Reserved Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2010 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2010 to 00-00-2010 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Dynamically Reconfigurable Software Defined Radio for GNSS 5b. GRANT NUMBER Applications 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAVSYS Corporation,14960 Woodcarver Road,Colorado REPORT NUMBER Springs,CO,80921 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT Historically, the military has used special purpose Global Positioning System (GPS) radios for radio navigation. This has the disadvantage of locking users into fixed technology solutions designed to meet a fixed set of requirements. Software Defined Radios (SDR) have the advantage of being able to easily adapt to provide new capabilities using current generation technology. Continued improvements in SDR technology are enabling their use for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) applications that require small form factor, low-power designs. This has the added benefit of allowing the signal processing algorithms for future GPS signals to be included in the GNSS SDR design without changing or modifying the hardware of the GPS receiver. This paper describes a GNSS SDR reconfigurable architecture that leverages the flexibility of a SDR to re-use resources for processing the different GPS signals. The paper also discusses the benefits of this GNSS SDR approach for military and civil users compared with conventional special purpose GNSS receiver solutions. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 5 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 2. GNSS SDR Design code correlation using only an L1 RF Channel (termed Digital Antenna Element). In Figure 3, the SDR NAVSYS Corporation is currently leveraging our prior GPS configuration is shown where the resources are shared SDR development efforts[1, 2, 3] to design a miniaturized between tracking satellites on the L1 C/A code and also on SDR architecture with low-power design features and the L2C code. dynamic reconfiguration of the receiver channels to allow different GNSS frequency bands and signal codes to be processed by each channel. The SDR design being Power developed is flexible enough to cover the GNSS frequency L1 DAE C/A Encryption Key PPPP((((YYYY)))) Management MMMM’’’’ bands for L1 and L2 operation and the new civil L5 C/A Reconfiguration L2 CL frequencies using either the military or civil codes. The L2 DAE C/A Control LIIIIIII25555555 CQQQQQQQ5555555M C/A design is flexible enough to handle in the future the signals C/A GPSProcessing Flash Memory Host from other GNSS satellite systems such as Galileo or L5 DAE C/A GLONASS. NMEA Messages TXCO C/A Host interface USB As illustrated in Figure 2 and Figure 3, the GNSS SDR Channel Selection DAE carrier board Xilinx Virtex6 FPGA uses three RF channels to receive the L1 (1575.42 MHz), Antenna Xilinx COTS board L2 (1227.6 MHz) and L5 (1176.45 MHz) signals. The power digital outputs from each of these RF channels, termed Digital Antenna Elements (DAEs), are then provided to the Figure 2 Default configuration using L1 C/A code SDR baseband processor. If any RF channel is not being used it will be disabled to save power. The entire receiver baseband processing is being implemented on a single Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA (Field L1 DAE L2C Encryption Key PPPP((((YYYY)))) Power Management MMMM’’’’ Programmable Gate Array). The FPGA is initially loaded L2C Reconfiguration L2 CL from external flash memory with a base configuration to L2 DAE L2C Control LIIIIIII25555555 QQQQQQQC5555555M C/A enable communication to a host input device. The user C/A GPSProcessing Flash Memory Host L5 DAE would then be able to select any combination of GNSS C/A NMEA Messages codes to be tracked by the six receiver channels. Utilizing TXCO C/A Host interface USB Channel Selection Xilinx dynamic partial reconfiguration, the receiver DAE carrier board Xilinx Virtex6 FPGA channels are loaded from external flash memory and Antenna Xilinx COTS board power configured by the host to acquire and track specific satellite Figure 3 Change to L1 C/A and L2C tracking signals. If the user decides to track different GNSS codes, that change can be made at any time. Once the system receives 3. Xilinx Baseband Processor Design the command to reconfigure from the host, the FPGA will read the required partial reconfiguration bit files from The Xilinx Baseband Processor design is illustrated in external flash RAM and use that to configure the selected Figure 4. channel. RF channels and encryption key management Each processing channel follows a common design modules will be enabled or disabled as needed. Tracking consisting of signal selection, signal and code NCOs, GPS operations of the other five channels will not be affected by code generators, correlation channels, and a register the reconfiguration. interface. The signal selection code at the channel front end At initialization, the new receiver channel will be determines which RF front end (L1/L2/L5) is processed and handed accurate knowledge of time that will allow it to which GPS crypto variable is used for the military code begin tracking satellites extremely quickly. This will be generation. The number of correlators used in each channel done without powering down the system that would result depends on the complexity of the signal being processed by in a “cold start” state of satellite tracking. that channel. In Figure 2, a conventional C/A code operation is shown where all of the channels are set to perform C/A Proceedings of the SDR ’10 Technical Conference and Product Exposition, Copyright © 2010 Wireless Innovation Forum, Inc. All Rights Reserved Partial Reconfiguration Receiver Region Channel 1 Tracking Loop Processor 1 Partial Reconfiguration Receiver Region Channel 2 Host System Partial Reconfiguration Receiver Region Channel 3 Navigation Tracking Loop and Host Processor 2 Processor Partial Reconfiguration Receiver Region Channel 4 Partial Reconfiguration Receiver Region Channel 5 Tracking Loop Processor 3 Configuration and software Partial Reconfiguration Receiver Region Channel 6 are downloaded through the USB Host inteface. Command and control data is sent to the device and status information is sent back for analysis Crypto Core Flash Controller I/O Interface Protected Region FPGA Fabric External Flash GUV and Crypto Keys are loaded Encrypted bitstreams are loaded from into the Crypto Core from external external flash by the Crypto Core into the KOI-18 or AN/CYZ-10 Key Fill FPGA channels. Each channel can be Devices dynamically reconfigured to track a different GPS frequency or satellite signals. Figure 4: Xilinx Baseband Processor Design The register interface provides the means for the provides an adapter between the USB interface to the GNSS tracking loop processor to set up NCOs, code generators device and the SCA applications on the JTRS radio. and signal selection. It is also used to transfer correlator The internal fencing is built from unused configuration results to the tracking processors. The register interface for logic blocks (CLB). In the fence, no routing or logic can each channel is mapped into the memory of one of the exist. This provided at least three physical failures before tracking loop processors in the central section. The tracking the separation boundaries are breached[4]. loop processors are Xilinx MicroBlaze instantiations. Using 4. Dynamic Reconfiguration a memory-mapped register interface provides a simple and efficient data path between the channel hardware and the Using Xilinx’s dynamic reconfiguration capability[5], each tracking processor. Each tracking loop processor handles of the FPGA channels in the GNSS SDR can be two tracking channels and communicates with the dynamically reconfigured to track a different GPS navigation processor and crypto core using serial interfaces. frequency or satellite signal. The common base A fenced area on the Xilinx chip is used to store GPS keys configuration is programmed into the FPGA when it first and perform the GPS crypto variable generation. An boots from the flash memory. The GNSS SDR user can then additional MicroBlaze processor in the central section decide what processing will be required in each of the six implements the GPS navigation computation and also reconfigurable channels. The appropriate FPGA bitstream is provides the host interface. Navigation can use GPS then loaded into each of the dynamically reconfigurable navigation message data extracted from satellite signals or areas from the flash memory. The size of each of the provided via the host interface if the host has a network reconfigurable regions is fixed and determined by the connection. The host interface is USB with a simple complexity of the largest processing algorithm estimates of NMEA-format command set that is used to the required FPGA resources for each of the supported GPS configure/control the receiver and to obtain the PVT signal types. Figure 4 illustrates how the FPGA bitstreams solution from it. If the host is an SCA-based JTRS radio are loaded into the dynamically reconfigurable areas. The then a small SCA component running on the host’s red side partial bitstream loading is done through the Xilinx Internal Configuration Access Port (ICAP). This internal port Proceedings of the SDR ’10 Technical Conference and Product Exposition, Copyright © 2010 Wireless Innovation Forum, Inc. All Rights Reserved allows for the reconfiguration image to be decrypted and position, velocity and time (PVT) solution calculation can verified before being applied without ever leaving the come from the navigation message extracted from the GPS FPGA where it could be tampered with. In the current signal channels (where available) or it can be provided by family of Xilinx FPGAs, the ICAP interface is a 32 bit bus the host. operating at a maximum frequency of 100MHz. This yields Figure 5 shows how the reconfigurable FPGA firmware a maximum throughput of 3.2Gb/second. This will allow and software components are used to track a set of GPS for any channel to be reconfigured in approximately 1.5 satellite signals. In this example, one channel is being used milliseconds. for C/A and two more are shown processing either P(Y) or the L5 I5 & Q5 signals. When at least one channel is used 5. Software and Firmware Interaction for C/A signal processing that channel can extract the GPS navigation data message sub-frames and generate the satellite almanac and ephemeris data. Each signal All of the processors within the GNSS device are Xilinx processing channel has an FPGA configuration that MicroBlaze processors running code written in C/C++. implements the correlation processing. The remainder of the Using the MicroBlaze approach allows a good tradeoff tracking loop is implemented in a software module. The between dedicated hardware (the correlator channels) and software modules are also reconfigured based on the tracked software to implement each of the functions in the device. signal type for each channel. The GNSS SDR design allows The tracking loops are implemented partially in hardware for any combination of the supported GPS signals to be and partially in software. The software uses no operating implemented on each of the processing channels. The output system. It is implemented as a simple state machine which of a single processing channel is a pseudorange makes it easy to program and debug and ensures very well measurement which is fed to the navigation solution defined performance at runtime. The navigation processor is computation component together with time and satellite also a MicroBlaze running several tasks in a single state ephemeris data. The computed position is available as an machine. The single navigation processor communicates output from the GNSS SDR device to the host. with the tracking loop processors to set up and monitor the six tracking channels. The navigation processor also implements the interface to the host. Ephemeris data for the Configuration Data, Network GPS Assistance Navigation Messages, Set time Solution FPGA Hardware Software Components L1 Hardware Channel Correlation Almanac, Tracking Loop Nav. Channel Ephemeris & Host Control (e.g. C/A) Message (e.g. C/A) sub-frame data Interface Extraction store Six configurable signal processing channels XSVS L2 Channel Range data Hardware Tracking Loop Time Correlation Control Channel (e.g. P(Y)) (e.g. P(Y)) Navigation L5 Channel Range data Solution Position Hardware Tracking Loop Correlation Control Key Channel (e.g. I5/Q5) (e.g. I5/Q5) Fill P(Y), M' crypto GPS key generation data and crypto Figure 5: Data Flow for Navigation Solution Computation Proceedings of the SDR ’10 Technical Conference and Product Exposition, Copyright © 2010 Wireless Innovation Forum, Inc. All Rights Reserved 6. Conclusion 7. References [1] Low-Power, Software Defined Global Positioning The dynamic reconfiguration of the GNSS SDR channels System (GPS) Receiver (GNSSuSDR), Contract No.: allows re-use of the existing SDR resources without FA8650-10-C-1733. requiring dedicated channels to be implemented for any [2] Low cost, lightweight, low power Precise Positioning GNSS code/frequency pair. Only the receiver channels System (PPS) GPS Solution for Software Defined required are loaded and running on the FPGA at any Radios Contract No. N00039-09-C-0132 [3] Embeddable Software Programmable Radio, Contract given time. This allows for smaller devices to be used, No. N00014-09-C-0312 consuming less power and having a smaller footprint. [4] Mark McLean and Jason More, “FPGA-based Single With the flexibility provided by a GNSS SDR, Chip Cryptographic Solutions,” Military Embedded another advantage is that as new GNSS satellite signals or Systems, March 2007. http://www.mil- codes become available the SDR can be upgraded to embedded.com/pdfs/NSA.Mar07.pdf [5] “Partial Reconfiguration User Guide,” Xilinx, handle these signals without deploying new hardware. UG702 (v 12.1) May 3, 2010 Only the FPGA configuration file stored in flash memory http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals would need to be changed. Upgrades could also be /xilinx12_1/ug702.pdf added to improve the GNSS receiver’s performance [6] A. Brown, B. Johnson, Y. Lu, and P. Brown, “Low Power including innovative algorithms to enhance the tracking SDR Networked Architecture for Digital Camera Image Tagging,” SDR ’09 Technical Conference and Product performance in GPS-degraded environments, reduce Exposition, Washington, DC, December 2009 multipath, or adapt to the presence of detected [7] A. Brown and B. Mathews, “Indoor Navigation using interference. a Software Defined Radio,” Proceedings of SDR '08 Technical Conference, Washington, DC, Oct. 2008 This work is sponsored under the AFRL/RYDR contract FA8650-10-C-1733. Copyright Transfer Agreement: The following Copyright Transfer Agreement must be included on the cover sheet for the paper (either email or fax)—not on the paper itself. “The authors represent that the work is original and they are the author or authors of the work, except for material quoted and referenced as text passages. Authors acknowledge that they are willing to transfer the copyright of the abstract and the completed paper to the SDR Forum for purposes of publication in the SDR Forum Conference Proceedings, on associated CD ROMS, on SDR Forum Web pages, and compilations and derivative works related to this conference, should the paper be accepted for the conference. Authors are permitted to reproduce their work, and to reuse material in whole or in part from their work; for derivative works, however, such authors may not grant third party requests for reprints or republishing.” Government employees whose work is not subject to copyright should so certify. For work performed under a U.S. Government contract, the U.S. Government has royalty-free permission to reproduce the author's work for official U.S. Government purposes. Proceedings of the SDR ’10 Technical Conference and Product Exposition, Copyright © 2010 Wireless Innovation Forum, Inc. All Rights Reserved