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Preview DTIC ADA536086: Maximizing Capacity in Multi-Hop Cognitive Radio Networks Under the SINR Model

1 Maximizing Capacity in Multi-Hop Cognitive Radio Networks Under the SINR Model Yi Shi, Member, IEEE, Y. Thomas Hou, Senior Member, IEEE, Sastry Kompella, Member, IEEE, and Hanif D. Sherali Abstract—Cognitive radio networks (CRNs) have the potential to utilize spectrum efficiently and are positioned to be the core technology for the next-generation multi-hop wireless networks. An important problem for such networks is its capacity. We study thisproblemforCRNsintheSINR(signal-to-interference-and-noise-ratio)model,whichisconsideredtobeabettercharacterization ofinterference(butalsomoredifficulttoanalyze)thandiskgraphmodel.Themaindifficultiesofthisproblemaretwo-fold.First,SINR isanon-convexfunctionoftransmissionpowers;anoptimizationproblemintheSINRmodelisusuallyanon-convexprogramand NP-hardingeneral.Second,intheSINRmodel,schedulingfeasibilityandthemaximumallowedflowrateoneachlinkaredetermined bySINRatthephysicallayer.Tomaximizecapacity,itisessentialtofollowacross-layerapproach;butjointoptimizationatphysical (powercontrol),link(scheduling),andnetwork(flowrouting)layerswiththeSINRfunctionisinherentlydifficult.Inthispaper,wegive amathematicalcharacterizationofthejointrelationshipamongtheselayers.Wedeviseasolutionprocedurethatprovidesa(1−ε) optimal solution to this complex problem, where ε is the required accuracy. Our theoretical result offers a performance benchmark foranyotheralgorithmsdevelopedforpracticalimplementation.Usingnumericalresults,wedemonstratetheefficacyofthesolution procedureandofferquantitativeunderstandingontheinteractionofpowercontrol,scheduling,andflowroutinginaCRN. IndexTerms—Theory,multi-hopcognitiveradionetwork,non-linearoptimization,SINRmodel,cross-layer,capacity. (cid:70) 1 INTRODUCTION thatthereisasetof“commonchannels”availableatev- COGNITIVE radio networks (CRNs) have great po- erynodeinthenetwork.Suchassumptionishardlytrue for CRNs, where each node may have a different set of tential to improve spectrum efficiency and will be available frequency bands. These important differences the core technology for the next-generation multi-hop between MC-MR and CR suggest that algorithm design wireless networks. Within such a network, each node is for CRNs is substantially more complex than that for equipped with a cognitive radio (CR) for wireless com- MC-MR networks. In some sense, an MC-MR network munications, which is capable of sensing the available can be considered as a special case of a CRN. frequency bands (i.e., those bands that are currently not The capacity of a CRN is usually considered a key used by primary users) and reconfiguring RF to switch problem in fundamental understanding. In this paper, to newly-selected frequency bands. we aim to study this problem in the SINR (signal-to- From wireless networking perspective, CR offers a interference-and-noise-ratio) model. In this model, con- whole new set of research problems in algorithm design current transmissions are allowed and interference (due andprotocolimplementation.Toappreciatesuchoppor- to transmissions by non-intended transmitter) is treated tunity, we compare CR with a closely related wireless asnoise.AtransmissionissuccessfulifandonlyifSINR technology called multi-channel multi-radio (MC-MR) [2], at the receiver is greater than or equal to a threshold. [20], [21]. First, MC-MR employs traditional hardware- Moreover, the achieved transmission capacity is also a based radio technology and thus each radio can only function of SINR (via Shannon’s formula). The current operate on a single channel at a time. In contrast, the understanding is that the SINR model is better than the radio technology in CR is software-based; a soft radio is so-called “disk graph model” (or “protocol model” [15]) capable of switching frequency bands on a per-packet for interference characterization. basis. As a result, the number of concurrent frequency Although the SINR model is thought to be more bands utilized by a CR is typically much larger than by realistic than the protocol model, a number of problems MC-MR. Second, a common assumption for MC-MR is arise when trying to carry out mathematical analysis in it. First, SINR at a receiver not only depends on • Y. Shi and Y.T. Hou are with the Bradley Department of Electrical thetransmissionpoweratthecorrespondingtransmitter, and Computer Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State but also depends on the transmission powers at other University,Blacksburg,VA,24061.E-mail:{yshi,thou}@vt.edu. • S. Kompella is with Information Technology Division, U.S. transmitters.Mathematically,SINRisanon-convexfunc- Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, 20375. E-mail: tion of multiple variables. Many optimization problems [email protected]. in the SINR model are non-convex problems and NP- • H.D.SheraliiswiththeGradoDepartmentofIndustrialandSystemsEn- hard. Second, since both scheduling feasibility and the gineering,VirginiaPolytechnicInstituteandStateUniversity,Blacksburg, VA,24061.E-mail:[email protected]. maximumallowedflowrateoneachlinkaredetermined bySINR,anoptimalsolutiontomaximizecapacitymust ManuscriptreceivedJune10,2009;revisedJan.3,2010andMarch27,2010; acceptedJuly1,2010. be developed with joint consideration of network, link, Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 27 MAR 2010 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2010 to 00-00-2010 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Maximizing Capacity in Multi-Hop Cognitive Radio Networks Under the 5b. GRANT NUMBER SINR Model 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Research Laboratory,Information Technology REPORT NUMBER Division,Washington,DC,20375 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES to appear in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. Issue to be determined 14. ABSTRACT Cognitive radio networks (CRNs) have the potential to utilize spectrum efficiently and are positioned to be the core technology for the next-generation multi-hop wireless networks. An important problem for such networks is its capacity. We study this problem for CRNs in the SINR (signal-to-interference-and-noise-ratio) model, which is considered to be a better characterization of interference (but also more difficult to analyze) than disk graph model. The main difficulties of this problem are two-fold. First, SINR is a non-convex function of transmission powers; an optimization problem in the SINR model is usually a non-convex program and NP-hard in general. Second, in the SINR model, scheduling feasibility and the maximum allowed flow rate on each link are determined by SINR at the physical layer. To maximize capacity, it is essential to follow a cross-layer approach; but joint optimization at physical (power control), link (scheduling), and network (flow routing) layers with the SINR function is inherently difficult. In this paper, we give a mathematical characterization of the joint relationship among these layers. We devise a solution procedure that provides a (1 ? ") optimal solution to this complex problem, where " is the required accuracy. Our theoretical result offers a performance benchmark for any other algorithms developed for practical implementation. Using numerical results, we demonstrate the efficacy of the solution procedure and offer quantitative understanding on the interaction of power control, scheduling, and flow routing in a CRN. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 14 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 2 and physical layers. Due to these difficulties, theoretical 2 RELATED WORK results on CRNs in the SINR model remain limited. There have been active research efforts on cross-layer In this paper, we investigate the network capacity optimizationforwirelessnetworks.Manyoftheseefforts problem for multi-hop CRNs in the SINR model. For are based on the disk graph model (see, e.g., [2], [18], a given instance where each node has access to a set [20], [24] for wireless networks with traditional radios of available bands (likely heterogeneous), we study the and [26], [28], [33], [34] for CRNs in particular). Under networkcapacityproblemviaacross-layeroptimization this model, the impact of interference from neighboring approach. In particular, we consider how to maximize nodes is solely determined by whether or not a node the rates of a set of user communication sessions, with falls within the interference range of other transmit- joint consideration at physical layer (via power control), ting nodes. The controversy surrounding (or arguments link layer (via frequency band scheduling), and net- against) the protocol model is that a binary decision of work layer (via flow routing). We give a mathematical whether or not interference exists (based on interference characterization of these layers and formulate a mixed range)doesnotaccuratelycapturephysicallayercharac- integer nonlinear program (MINLP) problem. For this teristics.Asaresult,theaccuracy(andvalidity)ofresults optimizationproblem,wefirstidentifycoreoptimization developed under protocol model remains unclear. variablesandcoreoptimizationspacebasedonthephys- In contrast, the SINR model is widely regarded as a icalsignificanceofthevariables.Wedeviseanalgorithm better model for interference characterization. Although based on the branch-and-bound framework to obtain a such model is preferred, there are many difficulties in (1−ε) optimal solution. carrying out analysis with this model due to the com- putational complexity SINR involves, particularly when Although branch-and-bound framework is standard, we study cross-layer optimization in a multi-hop envi- many components within this framework are not spec- ronment. As a result, many previous efforts were done ified. We design the following problem-specific com- onsingle-hopnetworks,e.g.,[3],[10],[13],[14],[17].For ponents. (1) We propose a reformulation-linearization multi-hop networks, various simplifications have been technique(RLT)todevelopatightlinearrelaxationsoas employed. For example, in [4], the authors assumed to obtain a tight upper bound. (2) For the lower bound, synchronized power control, where transmission power we design a local search algorithm by analyzing and ateachnodeinthenetworkisadjustablebutis“synchro- removing infeasibility in the linear relaxation solution. nized” (identical). Needless to say, such synchronization (3) For problem partitioning, we propose to choose a in power control cannot offer optimal network perfor- partitionvariablebasedonitsphysicalsignificance.With mance. There are also some efforts studying cross-layer these problem-specific designs, the overall solution can problems involving two layers instead of three layers find a (1−ε) optimal solution much faster than brute- (physical, link, and network, as we do in this paper). force exhaustive search. For example, in [6], Bhatia and Kodialam optimized Our theoretical result offers a solution for a given powercontrolandrouting,butassumedsomefrequency networkinstanceandcanserveasaperformancebench- hopping mechanism is in place for scheduling, which mark for a multi-hop CRN. Such a result is not yet helps simplify joint consideration of scheduling. In [9], available in the literature. If the available bands at Elbatt and Ephremides optimized joint power control each node in the network varies on a relatively larger andscheduling,butassumedroutingwasgivenapriori. time scale than the execution of our solution, then our In [27], Shu and Krunz studied how to maximize the solution can be used to compute a (1−ε) optimal result total rate on all links in a CRN, with the consideration for each time period during which the available bands ofpowercontrolandchannelassignment.Forcross-layer ateachnodeisstatic.Iftheavailablebandsateachnode optimization in the SINR model involving three layers in the network varies on a relatively smaller time scale, (physical, link, and network), nearly all existing efforts thentheperformancebenchmarkcanbeobtainedoffline (e.g., [7], [8]) followed a “layer-decoupled” approach to by our solution. One can use our result as a reference simplify analysis. Under such an approach, the final so- performance benchmark to measure the quality of some lutionisobtainedbydeterminingalgorithm/mechanism other proposed algorithms (possibly heuristic, despite foronelayeratatimeandthenpiecingupthemtogether distributed) that are developed for actual deployment. instead of solving a joint optimization problem. Due to de-coupling in the solution procedure, these approaches The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. are heuristic at best and cannot offer any performance In Section 2, we review related work on cross-layer guarantee. optimization. Section 3 gives a mathematical character- On another line of research, various efforts have been ization of power control, scheduling, and routing in made to study asymptotic behavior (or scaling laws) of the SINR model for multi-hop CRNs. In Section 4, we wireless networks (see, e.g., [1], [5], [15], [16], [19], [21], reformulatetheoptimizationproblemandobtainaclean [22], [29], [30], [31], [32]). These efforts differ from ours and compact formulation. Section 5 analyzes the core in this paper, which focuses on designing optimal cross- optimization space and describes the main algorithm to layer algorithms for a finite-sized network. obtain (1−ε) optimal solution. In Section 6, we develop tightupperandlowerboundsinsidethemainalgorithm. We discuss how to interpret and apply our theoretical 3 MATHEMATICAL MODELS result in Section 7. Section 8 presents numerical results Weconsideramulti-hopnetworkwithasetofCRnodes and Section 9 concludes this paper. N. Each node i∈N senses its environment and finds a 3 set of available frequency bands M for the given time Consideratransmissionfromnodeitonodejonband i instance (i.e., those bands that are currently not used m. When there is interference from concurrent transmis- by primary users), which may not be the same as the sions on the same band, SINR at node j, denoted as sm, ij available frequency bands at other nodes. We assume is that the bandwidth of each frequency band (channel) is qm g ijP W. Denote M the union of all frequen(cid:83)cy bands among sm = (cid:80) ij(cid:80)Q max allthenodes(cid:84)inthenetwork,i.e.,M= i∈N Mi.Denote ij ηW + mk∈∈NM,kk(cid:54)=i mh∈∈NM,hh(cid:54)=kgkjqQkmhPmax M = M M , which is the set of frequency bands ij i j (i,j ∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈M ), (3) that is common between nodes i and j and thus can ij be used for communication between these two nodes. where η is the ambient Gaussian noise density and g ij In the rest of this section, we present mathematical is the propagation gain from node i to node j. characterization of each layer and obtain a formulation Note that in theory, for any small SINR, the corre- for the capacity problem in this study. spondingcapacityisstillpositive(byShannon’scapacity formula). But in practice, if SINR is too small, then the achieved capacity will also be very small. In this case, 3.1 Power Control, Scheduling, and Their Relation- such a weak link will not be very useful to carry traffic shipintheSINRModel flow.Thus,wemayuseathresholdtoremovesuchweak Power control on each transmitting node at the physical links from considerations. In this regard, we introduce layeraffectsSINRatareceivingnode.TheseSINRvalues a threshold for SINR, i.e., a transmission from node i in turn will affect scheduling decision at link layer. That to node j on band m is considered successful if and is, if a node is scheduled to receive, then its SINR must only if sm ≥ α. Then we have the following coupling ij be at least α (minimum requirement). Therefore, power relationship for scheduling (xm) and SINR (sm). ij ij controlandschedulingaretightlycoupledviaSINRand cannotbemodeledseparately.Inthissection,weformu- xmij =1⇐⇒smij ≥α (i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈Mij). (4) late power control, scheduling, and their relationship in 3.2 RoutingandLinkCapacity the SINR model. Scheduling for transmission at each node in the net- WeassumethereisasetofLactiveusercommunication work can be done either in frequency domain or time (unicast)sessionsinthenetwork.Denotes(l)andd(l)the domain. In this paper, we consider scheduling in fre- source and destination nodes of session l ∈ L and r(l) quencydomainintheformofassigningfrequencybands the minimum rate requirement (in b/s) of session l. In (channels). Since time domain based formulation is sim- our study, we aim to maximize a common scaling factor ilar to that for frequency domain, our approach can be K for all session rates. That is, we aim to determine the extended to time domain based formulation and will maximumK suchthatarateofK·r(l)canbetransmitted yield similar results. from s(l) to d(l) for each session l∈L in the network. Tomaximizethecapacity,theremaystillbeconcurrent To route each data flow from its source node to its transmissions within the same channel (and thus inter- correspondingdestinationnode,multi-hoprelayingmay ference). Denote scheduling variables xm as follows. be necessary, due to limited transmission power at each (cid:189) ij node.Further,foroptimalityandflexibility,itisdesirable 1 If node i transmits data to node j on band m, xmij = 0 otherwise. to allow flow splitting and multi-path routing. This is becauseasingle-pathflowroutingforasessionisoverly Due to interference, a node i can use a band m for restrictive and is unlikely to offer optimal solution. transmitting to only a single node j or receiving from Mathematically, this can be modeled as follows. De- only a single node k. That is, note f (l) the data rate on link i → j that is attributed ij to session l. If node i is the source node of session l, i.e., m(cid:88)∈Mk m(cid:88)∈Mj i=s(l), then xm+ xm ≤1 (i∈N,m∈M ). (1) ki ij i k∈N,k(cid:54)=i j∈N,j(cid:54)=i M(cid:88)ij(cid:54)=∅ f (l)=r(l)K (l∈L,i=s(l)). (5) ij For power control, we assume that the transmission j∈N,j(cid:54)=i power at a node can be tuned to a finite number of Ifnodeiisanintermediaterelaynodeforflowattributed levelsbetween0andP .Tomodelthisdiscretepower max to session l, i.e., i(cid:54)=s(l) and i(cid:54)=d(l), then control,weintroduceanintegerparameterQthatrepre- sents the total number of power levels to which a trans- M(cid:88)ij(cid:54)=∅ M(cid:88)ki(cid:54)=∅ mitter can be adjusted, i.e., transmission power can be f (l)= f (l) ij ki 0, 1P , 2P ,···,P . Denote qm ∈ {0,1,2,···,Q} Q max Q max max ij j∈N,j(cid:54)=i,s(l) k∈N,k(cid:54)=i,d(l) the integer levels for transmission power. Clearly, when (l∈L,i∈N,i(cid:54)=s(l),d(l)). (6) node i does not transmit data to node j on band m, qm ij Ifnodeiisthedestinationnodeofsessionl,i.e.,i=d(l), is0.Thus,powercontrolandschedulingiscoupledwith then each other via the following relationship. (cid:189) M(cid:88)ki(cid:54)=∅ qm ∈[1,Q] If xmij =1, (i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈M ) (2) fki(l)=r(l)K (l∈L,i=d(l)). (7) ij =0 otherwise. ij k∈N,k(cid:54)=i 4 Inadditiontotheaboveflowbalanceequationsateach • The constraint described in (2) is not suitable for node i ∈ N for session l ∈ L, the aggregated flow rates mathematical programming. We reformulate it with oneachradiolinkcannotexceedthislink’scapacity.For the following linear constraint. a link i→j, we have xm ≤qm ≤Qxm (i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈M ). (9) ij ij ij ij s(l)(cid:54)=(cid:88)j,d(l)(cid:54)=i (cid:88) f (l)≤ W log (1+sm) It is easy to verify that this constraint is equivalent ij 2 ij to (2). l∈L m∈Mij A closer look at (9), in conjunction with (3) and (4), (i,j ∈N,i(cid:54)=j,M (cid:54)=∅). (8) ij suggeststhat(9)canbefurthersimplifiedtoremove Thisconstraintshowsthecouplingrelationshipbetween redundancy. That is, we find that (3) and (4) yield flow routing and SINR. xm ≤ qm and thus the left-hand-side (LHS) of (9) ij ij can be removed. To show this, we consider the two cases for xm. For the case when xm = 0, xm ≤ qm 3.3 TheCapacityProblem ij ij ij ij holds by the definition of qm. For the case when ij Inthispaper,westudyacapacityproblemformulti-hop xm =1,by(4),sm mustbepositive.Thenby(3),qm ij ij ij CRNs.Forcapacityproblem,thesimplestobjectiveisthe mustalsobepositive.Bythedefinitionofqm,qm ≥1 sum of throughput achieved by all sessions. However, ij ij when it is positive. Therefore, qm ≥ xm. So (9) (or such an objective may lead to biased rate allocation ij ij (2)) can be replaced by the following constraint. among sessions [23]. Another objective is maxmin, i.e., maximizing the minimum throughput among all ses- qm ≤Qxm (i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈M ). (10) sions.Maxminhasbeenusedinanumberofworks(e.g., ij ij ij [15], [21]) to ensure fairness. In this work, we consider • Constraint(3)isintheformofafraction.Inamath- how to maximize a common scaling factor K for all ematicalprogramming,productisabetterform.We sessions under some given minimum rate requirements can re-write it as r(l), i.e., what is the maximum factor K such that a rate qm of K ·r(l) can be transmitted from s(l) to d(l) for each g ijP asemssoiorne gle∈neLrailnftohremnoeftwmoarxkm. Ninoitne tthhaetstehnisseotbhjeacttwivheeins smij = ηW +(cid:80)mk∈∈NM,kk(cid:54)=iij(cid:80)Qmh∈∈mNMa,xhh(cid:54)=kgkjqQkmhPmax r(l) = 1 for each session l ∈ L, this objective becomes g qm the maxmin throughput objective. On the other hand, = ηWQ +(cid:80)m∈Mkij (cid:80)ijm∈Mh g qm when r(l) (cid:54)= 1, i.e., the minimum required rate for each Pmax k∈N,k(cid:54)=i h∈N,h(cid:54)=k kj kh session l may be different from session to session, the (i,j ∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈Mij). objective function becomes to maximize each session’s This is equivalent to rate proportional to its minimum rate requirement. Putting together the objective and all the constraints forpowercontrol,scheduling,andflowrouting,wehave ηWQsm+ m(cid:88)∈Mk m(cid:88)∈Mh g qmsm−g qm =0 the following formulation. P ij kj kh ij ij ij max k∈N,k(cid:54)=ih∈N,h(cid:54)=k Max K (i,j ∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈M ). (11) ij s.t. constraints (1)–(8) Note that in (11), qm and sm are variables while all kh ij xm ∈{0,1},qm ∈{0,1,2,···,Q},tm,sm ≥0 othersymbolsareconstants.Thus,wehaveadouble ij ij i ij sum of nonlinear terms qmsm in (11). To reduce the (i,j ∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈Mij) kh ij number of nonlinear terms, denote K,f (l)≥0 (l∈L,i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,i(cid:54)=d(l),j(cid:54)=s(l),M (cid:54)=∅). ij ij m(cid:88)∈Mh Note that we assume Mi, the set of current available tmk = qkmh (k ∈N,m∈Mk). (12) bands at node i, is given for a particular time instance. h∈N,h(cid:54)=k The solution to the above optimization problem will offer the best performance for this given instance. Since Then (11) can be re-written as M maychangeovertime,theoptimalsolutionmayalso i change over time. ηWQ m(cid:88)∈Mk sm+ g tmsm−g qm =0 P ij kj k ij ij ij max k∈N,k(cid:54)=i 4 REFORMULATION (i,j ∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈M ), (13) ij TheformulationinSection3.3isstillina“raw”formand isthefirststepinsettingupourcross-layeroptimization which now only involves a single sum of nonlinear problem. Much work needs to be done to put it into termstmk smij.Notethatbyintroducingnewvariables a more “clean” and compact form that is amenable tm,wedecreasethenumberofnonlineartermsfrom k to mathematical operation. In this section, we analyze O(|N|4·|M|) in (11) to O(|N|3·|M|) in (13). eachconstraintcarefullyandperformthisnecessaryand • Similar to (2), the constraint described in (4) is not important reformulation step. suitable for mathematical programming. We now 5 Max K (cid:80) (cid:80) s.t. mk∈∈NM,kk(cid:54)=ixmki+ mj∈∈NM,jj(cid:54)=ixmij ≤1 (i∈N,m∈Mi) qimj −Qxmij ≤0 (i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈Mij) (cid:80) mj∈∈NM,jj(cid:54)=iqimj −tmi =0 (i∈N,m∈Mi) (cid:80) PηWmaQxsmij + mk∈∈NM,kk(cid:54)=igkjtmk smij −gijqimj =0 (i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈Mij) αxmij −smij ≤0 (i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈Mij) (cid:80) Mj∈Nij(cid:54)=,j∅(cid:54)=ifij(l)−r(l)K=0 (l∈L,i=s(l)) (cid:80) (cid:80) Mj∈Nij(cid:54)=,j∅(cid:54)=i,s(l)fij(l)− Mk∈kNi(cid:54)=,k∅(cid:54)=i,d(l)fki(l)=0 (l∈L,i∈N,i(cid:54)=s(l),d(l)) (cid:80) (cid:80) sl∈(lL)(cid:54)=j,d(l)(cid:54)=ifij(l)− m∈MijWlog2(1+smij)≤0 (i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,Mij (cid:54)=∅) xmij ∈{0,1},qimj ∈{0,1,2,···,Q},tmi ,smij ≥0 (i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈Mij) K,fij(l)≥0 (l∈L,i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,i(cid:54)=d(l),j(cid:54)=s(l),Mij (cid:54)=∅) Fig.1. Problemformulation. show that (4) can be eliminated once we have (10), 5.1 CoreVariablesandTheirOptimizationSpace (13) and the following new constraint. For the complex MINLP problem, its variables include smij ≥αxmij (i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈Mij). (14) xmij,qimj,tmi ,smij,fij(l), and K, which collectively con- tribute a seemingly huge optimization space. However, We now verify that (10), (13), and (14) can lead to a closer investigation of these variables show that they thefollowingtworelationshipsdescribedin(4),i.e., are inter-dependent. In particular, we find that xm and ij xm =1⇒sm ≥α (i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈M ) (15) qm variablesare“core”variablesandothervariablescan ij ij ij ij allbederivedbycorevariables.Asaresult,wecanfocus sm ≥α⇒xm =1 (i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈M ) (16) ij ij ij ourstudyonanoptimizationspacebythecorevariables, Firstweconsiderthecasewhenxm =1.By(14),we which is a much smaller space. ij have sm ≥α, i.e., (15) holds. Now consider the case We now show how to derive dependent variables when sijm ≥ α. By (13), since tm’s are non-negative from core variables. For tmi and smij variables, they can ij k be derived by (12) and (13), respectively, once xm and variables and η,W,Q,Pmax,gkj,gij are all positive ij constants, qimj must be positive. Then by (10), xmij qimj are given. For fij(l) variables and K variable, their must be positive when qm is positive. Since xm can optimal values can be determined by a linear program onlytake0or1byitsdefiijnition,xm mustbe1i.jThat (LP). That is, once we have the values for all xmij and ij qm variables and we have computed the values for is, (16) holds. ij • Finally, we can prove that (7) is redundant once we all tmi and smij variables by (12) and (13), respectively, have (5) and (6). Thus, we will leave (5) and (6) in the optimization problem reduces to a network flow the formulation and remove constraint (7). problem, which is an LP. With these careful reformulations, we now have a With this new understanding of optimization vari- cleaner and more compact problem formulation, which ables,wecannowfocusoureffortsonthecorevariables is shown in Fig. 1. xm and qm. ij ij 5 SOLUTION OVERVIEW 5.2 MainAlgorithm For the optimization problem in Fig. 1, Q,η,W,α,Pmax, Inthissection,wedescribeourmainalgorithm,whichis gij, and r(l) are constants and K,xmij,qimj,tmi ,smij, and based on the branch-and-bound framework [25]. Those f (l) are optimization variables. This formulation is a readers who are familiar with branch-and-bound can ij mixed integer non-linear program (MINLP), which is skip this section and go to Section 6, where we de- NP-hardingeneral[11]andcannotbesolvedbyCPLEX. sign problem specific algorithms for each component of In Section 5.1, we first analyze the intricate relationship branch-and-bound. among the variables and identify the core variables Under branch-and-bound, we aim to provide a (1−ε) among all the variables. We show that the dependent optimal solution, where ε is a small positive constant variables can be derived once these core variables are reflecting our desired accuracy in the final solution. In fixed. We call the optimization space for the core vari- case we set ε=0, an optimal solution can be obtained. ables as the core optimization space. In Section 5.2, we We can start by developing upper and lower bounds present the main algorithm on how to determine an (UB and LB) for the objective function (see Fig. 2(a) optimal solution in the core optimization space. for an example). Branch-and-bound requires to develop 6 n n n o o o ncti UB=UB1 ncti ncti u u u e F e F UB=UB3 e F UB=UB2 ectiv ectiv UB2 ectiv UB4 UB5 Bounds for Obj LB=LB1 Bounds for Obj LB=LB2 LB3 Bounds for Obj LB2 LB=LB4 LB5 Original Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 2 Problem 4 Problem 5 (a) Iteration1. (b) Iteration2. (c) Iteration3. Fig.2. Illustrationofbranch-and-bound. Initialization: problem is updated as UB = max{UB ,UB } and the 1. Lettheinitialbestsolutionψε=∅andtheinitiallower 2 3 boundLB=−∞. lower bound is updated as LB = max{LB2,LB3}. As 2. Determineinitialvaluesetforeachcorevariable. a result, we now have a smaller gap between UB and 3. Initializetheproblemlisttoincludetheoriginalproblem, LB. Then we either have a (1−ε) optimal solution (if denotedthisproblemasproblem1. LB ≥(1−ε)UB) or continue to choose a problem with 4. ObtainanupperboundUB1 forproblem1. Iteration: the maximum upper bound (Problem 3 in Fig. 2(b)) and 5. Selectproblemz thathasthemaximumUBz amongall perform partitioning for this problem. By choosing a problemsintheproblemlist. problem with the maximum upper bound for partition, 6. UpdateupperboundUB=UBz. we can ensure that UB is decreased after each partition. 7. Findafeasiblesolutionψz withalowerboundLBz. 8. If(LBz >LB){ An important technique in branch-and-bound is that 9. Updateψε=ψz andLB=LBz. we can remove some problems from further consider- 10. IfLB≥(1−ε)UB,westopwitha(1−ε)optimal ation and thus reduce complexity. In particular, if we 11. sOotlhuetriownisψe,ε.removeallproblemsz(cid:48) withLB≥ find a problem z with LB ≥(1−ε)UBz (see problem 4 (1−ε)UBz(cid:48) fromtheproblemlist.} in Fig. 2(c)), we conclude that this problem can be re- 12. Buildtwonewproblemsz1 andz2 fromproblemz. movedfromfurtherconsiderationwithoutlossof(1−ε) 13. Removeproblemz fromtheproblemlist. optimality. 14. ObtainUBz1 andUBz2 forproblemsz1 andz2. Figure 3 shows the main algorithm. Since our core 15. IfLB<(1−ε)UBz1,addproblemz1 intotheproblemlist. IfLB<(1−ε)UBz2,addproblemz2 intotheproblemlist. optimization space is finite (with finite number of core 16. Gotothenextiteration. variables xm and qm, and each core variable has a finite ij ij Fig.3. Mainalgorithm. integer value set), the branch-and-bound algorithm is guaranteed to converge (even for ε = 0) [25]. Here, branch-and-bound is much faster than brute-force ex- problemspecificalgorithmsforfindingupperandlower haustive search because non-improving problems are bounds, which will be described in Section 6. After we being removed during the process to avoid wasting obtain the two bounds, we compare the gap between precious cycle time in future computation. As a result, them. If the upper and lower bounds are close to each for all the network instances studied in Section 8, brute- other, i.e., LB ≥ (1−ε)UB, then the feasible solution force exhaustive search cannot find an optimal solution, corresponding to the current lower bound LB is (1−ε) while our algorithm can find near-optimal solutions for optimal and we are done. all network instances (with various network sizes and Otherwise,weneedtofurthernarrowthegapbetween user sessions). UB and LB. To do this, branch-and-bound partitions the original problem 1 into two new problems 2 and 3 (see Fig. 2(b)). This is accomplished by choosing an 6 DETERMINING BOUNDS AND PARTITIONING appropriatecorevariablexmorqmanddividingitsvalue ij ij PROBLEMS set into two smaller sets. The choice of specific core variables is important as its affects complexity. We will The main algorithm was presented in Fig. 3. Several show how to do this in Section 6. components (i.e., determining upper and lower bounds, After partitioning, the core optimization space is di- partitioning problems) in this main algorithm are yet to vided into two sub-spaces for problems 2 and 3, re- be developed. These algorithms should exploit problem spectively.WeagainobtainupperboundsUB andUB specific properties to optimize performance. In this sec- 2 3 and lower bounds LB and LB for problems 2 and 3, tion, we design algorithms for these components. 2 3 respectively. Since the optimization space of problems 2 and 3 are both smaller than that of problem 1, we 6.1 DeterminingUpperBound can have tighter upper bounds, i.e., max{UB ,UB } ≤ 2 3 UB , which in turn yield better lower bounds with To find an upper bound for a problem in branch-and- 1 max{LB ,LB } ≥ LB for our maximization problem bound (see lines 4 and 14 in Fig. 3), we propose to 2 3 1 (see Fig. 2(b)). Then the upper bound of the original construct a linear relaxation. That is to say, we linearize 7 Max K (cid:80) (cid:80) s.t. mk∈∈NM,kk(cid:54)=ixmki+ mj∈∈NM,jj(cid:54)=ixmij ≤1 (i∈N,m∈Mi) qimj −Qxmij ≤0 (i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈Mij) (cid:80) mj∈∈NM,jj(cid:54)=iqimj −tmi =0 (i∈N,m∈Mi) (cid:80) PηWmaQxsmij + mk∈∈NM,kk(cid:54)=igkjumijk−gijqimj =0 (i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈Mij) Linearconstraintsforumijk (i,j,k∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈Mij,m∈Mk) αxmij −smij ≤0 (i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈Mij) (cid:80) Mj∈Nij(cid:54)=,j∅(cid:54)=ifij(l)−r(l)K=0 (l∈L,i=s(l)) (cid:80) (cid:80) Mj∈Nij(cid:54)=,j∅(cid:54)=i,s(l)fij(l)− Mk∈kNi(cid:54)=,k∅(cid:54)=i,d(l)fki(l)=0 (l∈L,i∈N,i(cid:54)=s(l),d(l)) (cid:80) (cid:80) sl∈(lL)(cid:54)=j,d(l)(cid:54)=ifij(l)− m∈Mij lWn2cmij ≤0 (i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,Mij (cid:54)=∅) Linearconstraintsforcmij (i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈Mij) tmi ,smij,cmij,umijk≥0 (i,j,k∈N,i(cid:54)=j,m∈Mij,m∈Mk) K,fij(l)≥0 (l∈L,i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,i(cid:54)=d(l),j(cid:54)=s(l),Mij (cid:54)=∅) (x,q)∈Ωz Fig.5. Linearrelaxation. cimj (tmk )U ·smij +(smij)L·tmk −umijk ≥(tmk )U ·(smij)L , III (tmk )L·smij +(smij)U ·tmk −umijk ≥(tmk )L·(smij)U , (tm) ·sm+(sm) ·tm−um ≤(tm) ·(sm) . k U ij ij U k ijk k U ij U II cm=ln(1+sm) Forthenonlineartermlog (1+sm)= 1 ln(1+sm),we ij ij 2 ij ln2 ij IV propose to employ three tangential supports for ln(1+ sm), which is a convex hull linear relaxation (see Fig. 4). ij I Suppose that we have the bounds for sm, i.e., (sm) ≤ ij ij L sm ≤(sm) .Weintroduceavariablecm =ln(1+sm)and ij ij U ij ij considerhowtogetalinearrelaxationforcm.Thecurve sm ij (simj)L β (simj)U ij ocofncmivje=x hlnu(l1l)+, wsmihj)erceansebgembeonutnsdI,edII,baynfdouIIrIsaergemtaenngtse(notriaal Fig.4. Aconvexhullforcm =ln(1+sm). supports and segment IV is the chord (see Fig. 4). In ij ij particular, the three tangent segments are tangential at allconstraintsinFig.1sothattherelaxedproblemcanbe points (1+(sm) ,ln(1+(sm) )), (1+β,ln(1+β)), and ij L ij L solvedbyanLP.Thissolutionprovidesanupperbound. (1+(sm) ,ln(1+(sm) )), where terNmost.eFthoartpinroFdigu.c1t,ttmkmssmimj,anwdeloagp2p(1ly+samij)noarveelnomnelitnheoadr β = [1+ij(sUmij)L]·[1+(simijj)UU]·[ln(1+(smij)U)−ln(1+(smij)L)]−1 k ij (smij)U −(smij)L basedon Reformulation-Linearization Technique(RLT)[25]. This is done by introducing a new variable um =tmsm is the horizontal location for the point that is intersected ijk k ij by extending segments I and III; segment IV is the andaddlinearconstraintsforthenewvariable.Suppose t(mksmija)Lnd≤ssmimijj ≤are(sbmijo)uUn,dreesdpebcytiv(temkly).LTh≤ust,mkw≤e h(atvmke)U and (s1eg+m(seminjt)Uth,alnt(j1o+ins(spmijo)iUn)t)s.(T1h+e(csominj)vLe,xlnre(1gi+on(sdmije)fiLn)e)danbdy thefoursegmentscanbedescribedbythefollowingfour [tmk −(tmk )L]·[smij −(smij)L]≥0, linear constraints. [tmk −(tmK)L]·[(smij)U −smij]≥0, [1+(smij)L]·cmij−smij≤[1+(smij)L]·[ln(1+(smij)L)−1]+1, [(tm) −tm]·[sm−(sm) ]≥0, (1+β)·cmij −smij ≤(1+β)·[ln(1+β)−1]+1, k U k ij ij L [1+(sm) ]·cm−sm≤[1+(sm) ]·[ln(1+(sm) )−1]+1, [(tm) −tm]·[(sm) −sm]≥0. ij U ij ij ij U ij U k U k ij U ij [(sm) −(sm) ]·cm+[ln(1+(sm) )−ln(1+(sm) )]·sm ij U ij L ij ij L ij U ij Substituting umijk = tmk smij, we have the following linear ≥(smij)U ·ln(1+(smij)L)−(smij)L·ln(1+(smij)U). constraints for um . ijk As a result, the nonlinear ln (or log) term is relaxed into (tm) ·sm+(sm) ·tm−um ≤(tm) ·(sm) , linear constraints. k L ij ij L k ijk k L ij L 8 Initialization: After relaxing all nonlinear terms for a problem, say problemz,wehavearelaxedproblemzˆinFig.5,which 1. Setxmij =(xmij)L andqimj =(qimj)L. 2. Computetheratioλij by(17)foreachlinki→j and is an LP. In problem zˆ, x and q are the vectors for all denoteλmin=min{λij :i,j∈N,i(cid:54)=j,Mij (cid:54)=∅}. xm and qm variables, respectively, (xm) ,(xm) ,(qm) , Iteration: ij ij ij L ij U ij L and (qm) are constant bounds, and Ω = {(x,q) : 3. Supposeλij =λmin. ij U z 4. Ifwecanincreaseqm onausedband{ (xmij)L ≤ xmij ≤ (xmij)U,(qimj)L ≤ qimj ≤ (qimj)U} is the core 5. Supposebandmijhasthelargestqimj valuesinsolution optimization space of (x,q). LP(zˆ)amongthesebands. A relaxed problem zˆ can be solved by an LP in 6. Increaseqimj suchthatqimj ≤(qimj)U andforanyother polynomialtime.DenoteitssolutionasLP(zˆ).Thisgives 7. linkk→h,theirnewlyupdatedλkh>λmin.} 8. else,ifwecanincreaseqm onanavailableandunused us an upper bound to problem z. ij band{ 9. Supposebandmhasthelargestqm valuesinsolution ij 6.2 DeterminingLowerBound LP(zˆ)amongthesebands. 10. Increaseqimj suchthatqimj ≤(qimj)U andforanyother To find a lower bound for problem z, it is sufficient to 11. linkk→h,theirnewlyupdatedλkh>λmin. find a feasible solution to this problem. By feasible solu- 12. Ifqm increases,thenxm=1.} ij ij tion,wemeanthatitsatisfiesallconstraintsforproblem 13. elsetheiterationterminates. zinFig.1,despitethattheobjectivevaluecorresponding Fig.6. Pseudocodeofproposedlocalsearchalgorithm. to the feasible solution may not be optimal (maximum). Although any feasible solution to problem z can serve λ ·K, where K is the objective value in the relaxed min as a lower bound, we strive to find one feasible solution solution LP(zˆ). that can offer a tight lower bound. We can find such In the next iteration, we aim to improve the current a feasible solution (denoted as ψz) based on LP(zˆ) by solution. Note that if we can increase λmin, then the searching its neighborhood, which we call local search. current solution is improved. Suppose link i → j is the The local search algorithm begins with an initial fea- link with λ = λ . To increase λ , we try to increase ij min ij sible solution. Such a solution may be far away from transmission power qm on some band m under the ij the optimum and may not provide a tight lower bound. constraintqm ≤(qm) .BasedontheconstraintsinFig.1, Thus,wewilliterativelyimprovethecurrentsolutionto ij ij U wemayupdatethevaluesofothervariablestomaintain achieve a better lower bound. Until we can no longer feasibility. For example, by the first constraint in Fig. 1, improve (increase) the lower bound, we are done. we need to increase xm from 0 to 1 if qm is increased To obtain an initial feasible solution, we set xm = ij ij ij form 0 to a positive value. Moreover, as a consequence (xm) forschedulingandqm =(qm) forpowercontrol. ij L ij ij L of increased qm, the interference to other transmissions Then we can compute SINR value sm by (3). When an ij ij on band m is increased and thus the achieved capacities SINR value is larger than or equal to α, the achieved for other links are decreased. Thus, qm can be success- capacity is W log (1+sm). Otherwise (i.e., SINR < α), ij 2 ij fully increased only if for any other link k → h, its the transmission is considered unsuccessful. Note that updated λ will not fall below the current λ . If the kh min although the flow rates f (l) in the relaxed solution ij current solution can be improved (with a larger λ ), min LP(zˆ) guarantee flow balance at each node, such flow then we continue to the next iteration of improvement. rates may exceed the capacities on some links under Otherwise, the local search algorithm terminates. The the initial xmij and qimj values. To find feasible flow rates pseudocode of our local search algorithm is given in under current xm and qm, we compare the achievable Fig. 6. ij ij link capacity (under current xm and qm values) to the ij ij aggregated flow rates f (l) on each link i → j by ij 6.3 PartitioningProblem computing the ratio between the two (denoted as λ ) ij as follows. Our proposed partitioning approach differs from that (cid:80) in standard branch-and-bound procedure. In standard W log (1+sm) λij = m(cid:80)∈Ms(li)j(cid:54)=j,d(l)(cid:54)=2if (l)ij . (17) binraFnigch.-3a)nids-dboonuendbypcrhooceodsiunrge,apvaarrtiiatibolneiwngith(steheellianrege1s2t l∈L ij relaxationerrorandusesitsvalueintherelaxedsolution If λij < 1 for some link i → j, then the aggregated LP(zˆ) to divide its value set into two smaller sets. The flow rates exceed the link capacity and the link capacity reasonofthisapproach(withthelargestrelaxationerror) constraint on i → j is violated. In this case, we need to is that such a variable is likely to lead to a larger gap scale down the flow rates on link i → j (to satisfy link between upper and lower bounds. Thus, we should capacity constraint) and the flow rates on all other links partition its value set such that the relaxation error will (to maintain flow balance in the network) by a value becamesmaller. This division (on value set) also divides λ ≤ λij. On the other hand, we want to have a λ as the optimization space for problem z into two smaller large as possible so as to maximize the scaling factor spaces, which result in two new problems z and z , 1 2 (our objective). Such a value is the bottleneck value λij respectively. among all links (denoted as λmin = min{λij : i,j ∈ Such standard partitioning technique, however, does N,i (cid:54)= j,Mij (cid:54)= ∅}). We now have a complete solution not explore any problem specific property on choosing λmin ·fij(l), (xmij)L, (qimj)L for routing, scheduling, and partition variables. We find that if we weigh the sig- power control, respectively. The achieved objective is nificance of each variable when choosing a partitioning

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