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Preview DTIC ADA535691: Testing of Policy-Based Dynamic Spectrum Access Radios

The 2010 Military Communications Conference - Unclassified Program - Waveforms and Signal Processing Track Testing of Policy-Based Dynamic Spectrum Access Radios Jeffrey Boksiner, Kauteng Chang, Yuriy Posherstnik Mike Totaro Trang Mai, Joseph Molnar Paul Costello, Richard Huck, Sabre Systems Booz Allen Hamilton Naval Research Laboratory Tim Leising, Michael Zankel Manasquan, NJ Eatontown, NJ Washington, DC Communications-Electronics Research Development and Engineering Center Fort Monmouth, NJ Abstract—Policy-drivenDynamicSpectrumAccess(DSA)sys- spectrum shortage in the military and civilian environments. tems are emerging as one of the key technologies to enable However, one of the key issues surrounding deployment and the Department of Defense (DoD) to meet its increasing re- continuing development of DSA systems concerns the need quirements for access to the electromagnetic spectrum. A key to test and evaluate the performance of DSA in avoiding openissuesurroundingdeploymentandcontinuingdevelopment of DSA systems concerns (1) the need to test and evaluate interference to assigned spectrum users as well as avoiding the performance of DSA in avoiding interference to itself and interference from assigned users to itself and evaluating the assigned incumbent users and (2) the performance of DSA performanceofDSAnetworkinthepresenceofvarioustypes networkinthepresenceofvarioustypesofpotentialinterference. of potential interference. For example, if an assigned user In this paper we describe test framework and concepts to begins to transmit on frequency occupied by a DSA system, characterize performance of DSA-enabled policy-based radios. Our test framework includes tests to characterize the inherent the times required to identify the user, abandon the channel, interference-avoidance characteristics of DSA, such as the time andreformthenetworkonanalternatechannel,areimportant to abandon a channel, as well as tests that address performance parameterswithrespecttointerferenceavoidanceandnetwork implications of a particular DSA policy. The test framework performance. also provides for the ability to inject a relevant electromagnetic In this paper, we establish an extensible test framework to environment(EME).Theproposedframeworkisflexibleallowing forcustomizationoftherelevanttestconditions,suchastheEME, characterize the performance of DSA-enabled PBR networks and facilitates simulation of typical communications events such that provides a baseline for characterization and testing of as network formation and fragmentation. the emerging DSA technology. We note that the National Index Terms—Dynamic spectrum access, policy based radio, Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) cognitive radio, PBR, DSA, test plan, framework. has released a test plan to address spectrum sharing and coexistence between DSA and legacy systems [8]. While I. INTRODUCTION it provides a good baseline for characterization of adjacent Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) is emerging as one of channel interference, sensor desensitization, and several other the key technologies to enable the Department of Defense metrics,itdoesnotaddressnetworkformation,fragmentation, (DoD) to meet its increasing requirements for access to the collision, coalescence, and other effects defined in this test electromagneticspectrum[1],[2].Policy-basedradios(PBRs) plan that are also essential metrics for efficient spectrum with DSA functionality allow for more efficient utilization of sharing. Continuing DSA developments will lead to a more the available spectrum in comparison to the traditional spec- complete framework encompassing the NTIA tests as well as trumreservationparadigm[3].Underthespectrumreservation the currently proposed tests. paradigm,radiocommunicationsystemswithinaspecifiedarea II. GENERALAPPROACH are assigned a static set of frequencies and no other systems are permitted on those frequencies regardless of their actual A. Objective occupancy. The use of DSA-enabled systems will enable The goal of developing the DSA test framework is to multiple devices to operate in the same slice of spectrum address testing of features specifically associated with DSA by using a spectrum coexistence mechanism [4]–[7]. In an and PBR capabilities. There are already well-established test opportunistic DSA system, the spectrum coexistence mecha- proceduresforvariousradiocharacteristics,suchasfrequency nismusuallyinvolvesspectrumsensingtoidentifyunoccupied stability or interference immunity [9], [10]. Our approach frequencies prior to transmission. Coexistence for PBR can is to leverage these existing standards and augment them also be enforced through the use of radio policies that can with additional tests to evaluate the performance of DSA prohibit transmission in certain areas, at certain times, or on specificfeatures.Ourproposedframeworkdealswiththeradio certain frequencies. frequency(RF)aspectsofDSAaswellastheoverallnetwork DSA represents a promising approach to alleviate the performance of DSA systems. U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright 182 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED NOV 2010 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2010 to 00-00-2010 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Testing of Policy-Based Dynamic Spectrum Access Radios 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Army Communications-Electronics Research Development and REPORT NUMBER Engineering Center,Fort Monmouth,NJ,07703 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) 2010 Proceedings, November 2010 14. ABSTRACT Policy-driven Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) systems are emerging as one of the key technologies to enable the Department of Defense (DoD) to meet its increasing requirements for access to the electromagnetic spectrum. A key open issue surrounding deployment and continuing development of DSA systems concerns (1) the need to test and evaluate the performance of DSA in avoiding interference to itself and assigned incumbent users and (2) the performance of DSA network in the presence of various types of potential interference. In this paper we describe test framework and concepts to characterize performance of DSA-enabled policy-based radios. Our test framework includes tests to characterize the inherent interference-avoidance characteristics of DSA, such as the time to abandon a channel, as well as tests that address performance implications of a particular DSA policy. The test framework also provides for the ability to inject a relevant electromagnetic environment (EME). The proposed framework is flexible allowing for customization of the relevant test conditions, such as the EME and facilitates simulation of typical communications events such as network formation and fragmentation. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 6 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 While many of the DSA Network Performance tests in the EME frameworkassumeamaster-slaveconfiguration,thesametests Simulator and procedures apply to various architectures. For example, Interference ad-hoc networks typically have a single control node that Simulation for test purposes would be the equivalent to a master node. Likewise,forapeer-peernetwork,anarbitrarynodewouldbe Coupling Signal considered the master node. In all cases, the DSA Network Network Recorder Performance metrics described will be relevant. B. Test Procedures The main purpose of DSA is to deal gracefully with the ator ator ator u u u perturbations in the electromagnetic environment (EME). Our n n n e e e test framework is concerned with the following types of Att Att Att perturbations: • Appearance of interferer or assigned user on a frequency currently occupied by the DSA PBR PBR1 PBR2 PBRN • Change in position, time, or another environmental pa- rameter that changes the policy currently in force • Increase in propagation (path) loss between two groups Aux Aux Aux of network nodes • Convergence of network nodes that have been previously Fig.1. SingleDSAnetworktestconfiguration. separated due to poor path loss between them. The first two items listed are generic for any DSA PBR. The last two items apply specifically to DSA Mobile Ad- required for the tests, although development of scalability Hoc Networks (MANETs), which are an important subclass tests will require a greater number of nodes. In the following of DSA systems. To reproduce these effects in the laboratory, test descriptions, we assume that the network uses a master- we must force adaption of the DSA network in response to a slave configuration. The Master node, which may also be forced change in EME or policy variable. Thus, we need to referred to as the Base Station node or head node, is the perform the following: hub of the network. The slave nodes are the spokes of the network. All network traffic is routed through the master to 1) Configure the DSA system or network the intended recipients. While the master-slave configuration 2) Load relevant policies is not required to use the test framework, it is important to 3) Simulate the background EME identify any privileged or control nodes in advance of the 4) Prepare measuring equipment test to differentiate interference impacts on these nodes in 5) ApplytheinterferenceorsimulateanotherEMEchange, comparison to “ordinary” nodes. such as position change In addition to the system under test, the essential compo- 6) Measure and record the relevant performance metrics. nents of the test circuit are the following: Therefore, a DSA test involves an independent selection of 1) Signal Recorder: The signal recorder must be able the following elements: to record the radio-frequency signal in real-time across the • Configuration and size of the DSA network desired frequency range. It is important to use a device that • Policy in force during the test recordsthetime-domainsignalcontinuouslyovertherequired • The simulated EME test period, rather than a scanning device that tunes serially • Type of interference, e.g. wideband vs. narrowband across the span. • Network locations affected by the interference 2) EME Simulator: The EME simulator simulates the • Any other variablesthat can affect policy decisions,such background EME. Sec. III-F describes the various types of as position, altitude, etc. simulated EME that may be of interest. The EME simulator may be an arbitrary signal generator or it may be composed III. FRAMEWORKDETAILS of one or more actual emitters. A. Single-Network Setup 3) Interference Simulator: The interference simulator sim- The specific steps for setting up a DSA network are largely ulates the interference or appearance of the assigned (incum- dependent on the manufacturer of the system. However, the bent) device. Interference may be injected at various points generalapproachtothetestshouldbeindependentofthePBR in the network as shown in Fig. 1 using dashed lines. The type. Fig. 1 illustrates a general test configuration. interference signal is part of the EME and has the same The setup in Fig. 1 illustrates testing of a generic N- properties as the general EME signal described in Sec. III-F. node network. For networks capable of multiple nodes, we The chief difference is that the interference is intended to be deem a four-node network to be the minimum network size thetriggerforchangesinthestateofthePBR,whiletherestof 183 Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux PBR PBR PBR WND1 WND2 WNDM k+1 k+2 N or or or or or or at at at EME at at at u u u u u u n n n Simulation n n n e e e e e e Att Att Att Att Att Att Attenuator EME Coupling Signal Coupling Coupling Simulation Network Recorder Network Network or or or or or or at at at at at at Signal u u u u u u n n n n n n Recorder e e e e e e Att Att Att Att Att Att PBR1 PBR2 PBRN PBR1 PBR2 PBRk Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Aux Fig. 2. Single DSA network test configuration with a network of legacy Fig. 3. Test configuration to simulate fragmentation or coalescence of a wirelessnetworkdevices. single N-node DSA network where the network fragments have size k and N−k.ThisarrangementcanalsosimulatecollisionoftwoDSAnetworks. EMEprovidesthebackgroundenvironmentwherethechanges occur. Of course, it is possible that the EME may cause PBR C. DSA Network Performance state changes subsequent to the initiation of the interference. The DSA network performance is characterized by aban- In many cases, the same piece of test equipment can perform donment time, initial network formation time, network join the EME simulation and the interference simulation. time, network migration time, initial network reconnect time, Animportanttestcaseconcernstheuseofalegacysystem, final network reconnect time, network fragmentation time, such as legacy wireless network devices (WNDs), as the network collision time, network coalescence time, and the interference simulator. This allows the testing of the spectrum ability for network roaming. Our test framework allows for coexistenceofDSAandnon-DSAlegacysystem.Fig.2shows the characterization in an ideal lab environment, simulated the test configuration for this situation. real-world environment, and field test environment. Charac- 4) Auxiliary Equipment (Aux): The auxiliary equipment terization parameters, such as frequency, bandwidth, frame provides the network loading and network measurement ca- length,modulationscheme,EME,powerlevels,etc.,shouldbe pabilities. It may also include computers, spectrum analyzers specified within the framework. Fig. 4 illustrates the relevant and other test equipment, microphones, video cameras, etc. performance metrics when an interfering signal is introduced. 5) Coupling Network: The coupling network provides the The following describes these and other performance metrics. RF connectivity for the PBR network. A functional coupling 1) Abandonment Time (T ): Abandonment time character- network may be achieved in various ways, and it is up to the a izes the time required for the DSA network to abandon a usertodeterminethepropernetworkingcomponents.Thenet- channel after an assigned spectrum user, or an interference work may consist of directional couplers, splitters/combiners, signal, start transmitting on said channel. This is a critical pa- RF switches, and many other components. The user must rametersinceanassignedusermustknowthespecificamount ensure all components of the coupling network meet the of interference a system will be receiving to decide whether frequency requirements of the DSA PBRs under test. to enable DSA in that spectrum. While the abandonment time B. Multi-Network Setup is a system specification that is guaranteed by design, this While the setup illustrated in Fig. 1 is useful for tests performanceparametermustbetestedindependentlyfromthe requiringasingleDSAnetwork,Fig.3illustratesthesetupfor manufacturer. two or more DSA networks required in such characterizations 2) Base Network Migration Time (T ): Base network mi- b asnetworkfragmentation,collision,andcoalescence.InFig.3, grationtimecharacterizesthetimeittakesforthePBRmaster an adjustable attenuator simulates variable path loss. node to find an unoccupied frequency and start transmitting 184 Tm of continuous, uninterrupted communications among users. Tf 9) Network Collision: Network collision characterizes the Tb Ti performance of the DSA network when two separate co- locatedDSAnetworksoperateononefrequency.Eventhough ncyf2 1 2 N theuseofDSAshouldpreventthetwonetworksfromcolliding e qu MigratedDSA on the same frequency for an extended period of time, it is Fre Ta networkemissions importanttocharacterizetheDSAnetworkbehaviortoensure uninterrupted communications among users. f1 Interferingorlegacy 10) Network Coalescence: Network coalescence charac- DSAnetwork usersignal terizes the time required for two separate DSA networks emissions approachingonthesamefrequencytocoalesceintoonesingle Time network. Even though adjacent networks generally should not Fig.4. IllustrationofDSAnetworktimingunderinterferencecondition. coalesceonDSA-enabledPBRnetworks,networkcoalescence may be desired in certain tactical situations. It is especially importanttocharacterizetheDSAnetworkbehaviortoensure on a newly selected operating frequency, after abandoning the uninterrupted communications among users during unusual or previous channel. unintended scenarios. 3) Initial Network Reconnect Time (Ti): Initial network 11) Network Roaming: Network roaming characterizes the reconnect time characterizes the time required for the first ability of a slave node to roam among several DSA networks. slave node to reconnect to the master node after base network ThistestisimportanttocharacterizetheDSAnetworkbehav- migration. ior in a mobile environment. 4) Final Network Reconnect Time (T ): Final network f reconnect time characterizes the time required for the last D. Policy-Based Control slave node to reconnect to the master node after base network PBRs require policies to enable use of DSA on commu- migration. 5) FullNetworkMigrationTime(T ): Fullnetworkmigra- nication networks. Policies dictate channels and/or behaviors m which are allowed or disallowed by the system, depending tiontimecharacterizesthetimeittakesfortheDSAnetworkto on certain operational or environmental criteria. The goal of abandonachannel,andhavethemasternodeandallconnected our test framework for policy performance characterization is slave nodes form a network and start communicating on a to test the fidelity of the PBR with respect to executing the new channel. This is the sum of abandonment time, base policy. We suggest the following parameters to be evaluated: network migration time, and final network reconnect time (T = T +T +T ). The purpose of subdividing the full 1) Dynamic Detector Threshold: The detector threshold f a b f migration time into constituent time components is to obtain specifies the levels, in dBm, at which the PBR can identify abetterunderstandingofthescalingofthefullmigrationtime an assigned user or an interference signal causing the DSA as a function of the number of nodes, EME, etc. network to abandon an operating channel. It is important 6) Initial Network Formation Time: Network formation to verify the capability of the PBR to dynamically adjust time characterizes the time it takes one or more DSA-enabled the detector threshold if it is too sensitive or not sensitive PBRs to connect to the master node, form a network, and enough, depending on the operating RF environment of the start transmitting data across the network. This parameter is DSA network. This characteristic is unique to systems em- tomeasuretheformationofanewDSAnetwork,afterafresh ployingenergysensingalgorithms.NotetheDynamicDetector radio powerup, without any channel abandonment or network Threshold is a test of the capability of the DSA PBR only, migration. The formation time may vary according to the RF not a test of a mode of operation. If dynamic thresholds are network type (e.g. WiFi, WiMax, etc.) and network size. employed, a related system policy must also be in place to 7) NetworkJoinTime: Networkjointimecharacterizesthe adjust transmitter parameters to ensure coexistence. time for one slave node to join a previously formed DSA 2) Power Control: Transmitter power is an important char- network of two or more nodes. The time will vary depending acteristic that determines if network communication will be on the parameters of the test (e.g. noise, interference, link successful. This test is used to characterize the effectiveness attenuation, size of network, etc.). The slave node should not of a policy to dynamically control transmitter power levels of have prior information regarding the network’s geolocation, the PBR. cell size, or operating frequency. 3) Selective Frequency Map: A selective frequency map 8) Network Fragmentation Time: Network fragmentation specifies the operating range of the PBR, as well as specific time characterizes the time for one formed DSA network frequency channels that are prohibited for use by DSA net- to fragment and form two smaller DSA networks. This is works(asmaybespecifiedbyachannelplanorotherspectrum an important parameter as it predicts performance of DSA use regulations). This test characterizes the effectiveness of a network in field situations. Allows for characterization of policy to specify frequency bands on which the DSA network performance of the DSA network to validate the requirement may and may not transmit. 185 4) GeospatialOperation: Geospatialoperationrequiresthe F. Electromagnetic Environments (EME) DSA network to be aware of its geospatial positioning. This Radio frequencies are never used in an environment devoid awareness may be achieved through built-in or commercially of other electromagnetic activity. To simulate real-world con- available GPS simulators, which also allow for the simulation ditionsofRFenvironmentsandcharacterizetheireffectonthe ofmovingorvaryinglocations.Regulatoryandsystempolicies radio systems, electromagnetic signals need to be introduced maybecreatedthatdefinegeospatialoperationwithinacertain withpredefinedcharacteristics.Theseincludeadjacentchannel distance of points, lines, or contours. This test characterizes narrowband, wideband, wideband noise, frequency sweep, the effectiveness of a policy to control the operation of the frequency hop, and high power signals. This portion of the DSA network based on geospatial awareness. frameworkallowsforrealistictestinginalabenvironment,and 5) Time-Based Performance: There are instances in which allows for the creation of a baseline performance metric for spectrumrestrictionsexistduringcertaindaysofthemonth,or a DSA-enabled PBR network. Comparison of baseline results certain times of day. This test characterizes the effectiveness with the EME-stressed results will provide a good indication ofapolicytocontroltheoperationoftheDSAnetworkbased of the performance of DSA in the field. on parameters of time. EME conditions are crucial to the operation of DSA PBR 6) Dense/Noisy Environment Performance: With an in- networks. Simulation of an EME for a testbed should be creased number of legacy systems being fielded, a decreased as realistic as possible to accurately measure the success of amountofspectrumavailable,andactivemilitaryengagements the DSA technology. Realistic EME may be achieved by all over the world, intentional and unintentional jamming is survey, modeling and simulation of a real-world environment a major concern. This test characterizes the effectiveness of in the band of interest. Without such a process, real-world a policy to maintain communication while sustaining heavy electromagnetic characteristics, including natural and man- interference or high-power jamming. made elements, may not be reproduced for testing against 7) Threshold Sensing Accuracy: As described for the Dy- a realistic environment. The simulated realistic environment namicDetectorThresholdtestinSecIII-D1,thethresholdisa could serve as the electromagnetic ambient and other EME vitalparameterthatenablesefficientuseofDSAonthePBRs. effects could be added to create different testing conditions. This test characterizes the sensing accuracy of the detector to 1) Adjacent Channel Narrowband Signal: Adjacent chan- ensure the PBR is sensing the proper signal levels that are nel narrowband signal is used to characterize the performance expected. of the DSA network in the presence of an adjacent channel 8) Composite Policy Performance: In a real field environ- narrowband signal. The definition of narrowband depends on ment,acombinationofanyoftheaforementionedpoliciesmay the frequency band of interest. For example, a common def- be running on the PBR at the same time. To ensure uninter- inition of narrowband signal in UHF/VHF range is occupied ruptedcommunicationsandoperationofthePBRsasexpected, bandwidth ≤25 kHz. this test characterizes the performance of the DSA network 2) WidebandSignal: Widebandsignalisusedtocharacter- with multiple policies loaded and running simultaneously. ize the performance of the DSA network in the presence of 9) Cooperative Sensing: Characterizes the ability of mul- a wideband signal. A wideband signal is defined as a signal tiple DSA-enabled PBRs to cooperatively detect and commu- having similar power and spectral density as the DSA radio nicate the presence of a hidden node. This is an important signal. characteristic to solve the hidden node problem in multi-node 3) Wideband Noise-Like Signal: Wideband noise-like sig- networks. nal is used to characterize the performance of the DSA network in the presence of a wideband noise signal. Based E. General Network Metrics onourtesting,wedefinewidebandnoisesignalassignalwith It is important to collect general network performance bandwidth greater than twenty times the occupied bandwidth measurements to characterize the non-DSA specific metrics of the DSA signal. of the PBR network in a lab environment. Network metrics 4) FrequencySweptSignal: Frequencysweptsignalisused are network and application specific, and as such, cannot be to characterize the performance of the DSA network in the exhaustivelylistedintheframework.Theappropriatenetwork presenceofasweptsignal.Asweptsignalisasignalgenerated metrics must be determined by the user, based on the specific to sweep the operating band of the PBR. This may also affect application, type of DSA PBR, network routing protocol, the general networking measurements. and other parameters. The following items represent a small 5) FrequencyHoppingSignal: Frequencyhoppingsignalis sampling of the network metrics to be performed as part of used to characterize the performance of the DSA network in the DSA test: the presence of a frequency hopping signal. A frequency hop- • Payload Throughput pingsignalisgeneratedtotransmitintheoperatingfrequency • Bit Error Rate band of the PBR. The frequency hop rate should be set to • Packet Error Rate characterizetheradioindifferentsimulatedEMenvironments. • Latency Thismayalsobeperformedinconjunctionwiththewideband • Jitter or narrowband signals. 186 6) High Power Signal: This is used to characterize the distancesseparatingtheDSAnodes.Thischaracterizationwill performance of the DSA network in the presence of a high also help to establish anomalies associated with the DSA powersignal.Ahighpowersignalisdefinedasasignalwhose implementation powerisapre-determinedamounthigherrelativetotheDSA- 3) Unlevel Terrain Performance Characterization: This al- enabled PBR signal. lows for characterization of the DSA network performance in various terrains, such as hilly, mountainous, valley, as well IV. SUGGESTEDFIELDTESTING as various salinity and sea state conditions. The battlefield A. Rationale today is occurring on increasing varied terrain, with many In this paper we are mostly concerned with the DSA test hills, mountains, and valleys serving as great obstacles. The frameworkforlaboratorytesting.Laboratorytestingisaprac- marine environment has also always posed a challenge due tical and efficient method to thoroughly exercise all DSA fea- to the variety of ever-changing sea conditions present over tures. The laboratory allows us to recreate a variety of EMEs, substantial distances. By characterizing the DSA network interfering signals and network configurations. Furthermore, performance while dealing with varied locations, terrains, and laboratorytestingfacilitatesmeasurementsofvariousnetwork seaconditions,arealisticcharacterizationofDSAperformance and DSA metrics. However, a complete characterization of a will be obtained. DSAPBRrequiresanunderstandingofhowtheradiobehaves V. CONCLUSION under realistic field conditions. The proposed framework provides a baseline for charac- B. Suggested Field Test Proposals terization and testing of the emerging DSA technology. Key To gain a full understanding of DSA behavior in the DSA-specific network metrics are identified and quantified field, the framework suggests repeating the tests provided for characterization of a network of DSA-enabled PBRs. A in the DSA Network Performance and Policy-based Control primary aspect of this framework is that it is extensible to sections of the framework, but without the ideally simulated a variety of network configurations. The framework provides or controlled conditions seen in the lab. The flexibility of methods of identifying the primary performance aspects of the framework allows for the suggested field tests to be the DSA, devoid of the random effects that are encountered performed in conjunction with a combination of any of the inafieldenvironment.Furthermoretheframeworkestablishes characterizations and measurements previously described. By extensionsthatenablefieldexperimentationperformanceeval- comparing characterization results from Test X performed uations and clearly identifies component properties of the under ideal conditions, Test X performed in the lab with DSA susceptible to interactions with defined environmental specificEMEsignalsintroduced,TestXperformedinthefield elements. As DSA technology matures, and a varied number under ideal conditions, and Text X performed in the field in of DSA-enabled systems become available, the framework anenvironmentassuggestedbelow,acompleteunderstanding will evolve to incorporate comprehensive and standardized of the capability of the PBR and the DSA network can be methods for performance comparisons and characterization. obtained. REFERENCES The suggested tests are not an exhaustive list of strictly [1] K. Zhang, D. Swain, and M. Lin, “Dynamic spectrum access enabled required tests. These are only suggestions to enable a more DoD net-centric spectrum management,” in Military Communications complete characterization of DSA performance. It is up to the Conference,2007.MILCOM2007.IEEE,oct.2007,pp.1–7. user to decide to perform field tests. However, the utilization [2] S. Chan, “Shared spectrum access for the DoD,” in New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, 2007. 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This may also be frnotices/2006/spectrumshare/comments.htm/ a good test to confirm the accuracy of the DSA network [9] RadioFrequencySpectrumCharacteristicsMeasurementof,Department ofDefenseMilitaryStandardMIL-STD-449D,1973. performance characterization done in the lab, with simu- [10] Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic Interference Charac- lated distance between the DSA nodes by using attenuators, teristicsofSubsystemsandEquipment,DepartmentofDefenseMilitary compared to the same test done in the field with physical StandardMIL-STD-461F,2007. 187

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