P A P E R Effect of Internal Solitary Waves on Underwater Acoustic Propagation AUTHORS ABSTRACT Peter C. Chu Internal solitary waves (ISWs) were observed on 07:52–09:36 GMT July 30, Chung-Ping Hsieh 2005, in the Philippine Sea near Taiwan from high-resolution temperature sam- Naval Ocean Analysis pling.TheeffectofISWsonacousticpropagationwasidentifiedusingtheNavy’s and Prediction Laboratory, ComprehensiveAcousticSimulationSystemthroughcomparisonbetweenrange- Naval Postgraduate School independent and range-dependent sound speed profiles. The ISWs enhance the soundpropagationslightly(0–3dB)innear-range,weakenorenhancethesound propagation(−20to20dB)evidentlyinmidrange,andalwaysweakenthesound Introduction propagation(upto−20dB)infarrange.TheISW’seffectontheacousticpropagation N varieswithsoundfrequencyandsoundsourcedepth.Thisworkprovidesamethod- onlinear propagating internal ologytoanticipatepossibleerrorsintransmissionlossestimationinanoperational solitarywaves(ISWs)areaubiquitous framework,ifnofurtheradditionaldataareavailable. feature of the coastal ocean. They Key Words: Acoustic detection, CASS/GRAB, Coastal monitoring buoy, Internal have been observed as sharp depres- solitary wave, Ray path sions of a near surface pycnocline thatareoftenseenatthesurfaceasal- ternating bands of slicks and rough patches (i.e., Apel et al., 1985; Chu FIGURE 1 and Hsieh, 2007b). The effect of ISWs on sound propagation has been TopographyofthewesternPhilippineSeaandsurroundingareaswiththesymbol“+”indicating investigated extensively in the conti- the location where the ISWs were observed. Note that the ISWs were observed in deep water nental shelves such as the Yellow Sea with water deptharound 5km. (Zhou and Zhang 1991) and north of Lisbon (Rodriguez et al. 2000). Zhou and Zhang (1991) claimed that ISWs contribute to an important loss mechanism for shallow water sound propagation. However, Rodriguez et al. (2000) argued that ISWs cause successive signal attenuation and sig- nal amplification (called acoustic fo- cusing). It is noted that the signal attenuation or amplification as ob- served and modeled by these studies dependonfrequencyandpropagation angle of the nonlinear internal waves. Usually, the effect of ISWs on sound propagation is masked by boundary interactions. For a deep sea suchasthePhilippineSea,thesurface and the bottom acoustic interactions are weak. Thus,theeffect ofISWson 10 Marine Technology Society Journal Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2010 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2010 to 00-00-2010 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Effect of Internal Solitary Waves on Underwater Acoustic Propagation 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Postgraduate School,Naval Ocean Analysis and Prediction REPORT NUMBER Laboratory,Monterey,CA,93943 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT Internal solitary waves (ISWs) were observed on 07:52?09:36 GMT July 30 2005, in the Philippine Sea near Taiwan from high-resolution temperature sampling. The effect of ISWs on acoustic propagation was identified using the Navy?s Comprehensive Acoustic Simulation System through comparison between rangeindependent and range-dependent sound speed profiles. The ISWs enhance the sound propagation slightly (0?3 dB) in near-range, weaken or enhance the sound propagation (−20 to 20 dB) evidently in midrange, and always weaken the sound propagation (up to −20 dB) in far range. The ISW?s effect on the acoustic propagation varies with sound frequency and sound source depth. This work provides a methodology to anticipate possible errors in transmission loss estimation in an operational framework, if no further additional data are available. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 7 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 fi sound propagation can be effectively face, surface winds, air temperature, Sound Speed Pro les identified. Recently, ISWs were ob- and air pressure were measured. Be- During07:52–09:36GMTJuly30, served during 07:52–09:36 GMT lowtheoceansurface,thetemperature 2005, 10 temperature profiles were July 30, 2005, in the Philippine Sea was observed at 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, and observed between 0 and 20 m from (water depth deeper than 5 km) near 20 m as shown in Figure 2. During the CMB sensors (at 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, Taiwan (Figure 1) from the free drift- the observational period (July 28– 20 m) with a sampling rate of ing coastal monitoring buoy (CMB) August 7, 2005), the CMB traveled 1/(10 min). About 424 temperature (Figure 2) deployed by the U.S. Na- 229.14 km along the track (Figure 3) profiles were obtained between 25 and val Oceanographic Office (Chu and with an average speed of 0.267 m/s. 140 m with sampling rate of 1/(15 s) Hsieh 2007a,b). Thesurfacewindswerelight,fluctuating from the fifteen thermistors attached TheoriginaldesignofCMBwasto from 3.3 m/s (minimum) to 4.2 m/s to a wire rope from CMB (at 25, 30, collectdataevery10minneartheair– (maximum) with a mean wind speed 35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80, ocean interface. Above the ocean sur- of3.8m/s(Figure4). 100, 130, 140 m). One temperature FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 ThefreedriftingCMBusedintheWPSsurvey. Fifteenthermistorsareattachedtoawirerope Track ofCMB (from July 28 toAugust 7,2005) deployedby the NavalOceanographic Office. extendingfromthecodeofCMB(20mdeep) to140mwithhigh-frequencysamplingrate (every15s). FIGURE 4 Wind speed during0700–1200GMT July 30,2005,observed from CMB. September/October 2010 Volume44 Number 5 11 FIGURE 5 profile was used between 140 and 760mfromanexpendablebathyther- MeanSSP for range-independent simulation. mograph and one temperature profile below 760 m from the Navy’s Gen- eralized Digital Environment Model (GDEM)(averageofJulyandAugust) nearesttotheCMB. The low-rate sampling data above 25 m (10 profiles) could not resolve propagation of ISWs. Below 140 m, only one profile was available. Thus, a temporally averaged profile was cal- culated from 10 profiles to represent the upper layer (above 25 m depth) thermal structure. The temporally in- variant data in the upper layer (above FIGURE 6 25 m) and the lower layer (below Soundspeedbetween25and140musedformodelsimulationfromthetemperaturefieldobserved 140 m) was used for the whole obser- from0752to0936GMTJuly30,2005:(a)time-varying424SSPsand(b)depth–timecrosssection vational period (07:52–09:36 GMT ofthesoundspeed.Notethatduringtherange-dependentacousticsimulationusingCASS,therange- July30,2005).Thus,424temperature dependentportionoftheSSPswasatdepthsbetween25and140mfrom0752to0936GMTJuly30, profilesfromthesurfacetothebottom 2005.OtherwisetheSSPisthesameasthemeanprofileshowninFigure5. wereobtainedwithtemporalvariation onlybetween25and140m.Chuand Hsieh(2007b)identifiedthepropaga- tionofISWswithaperiodof7min. Salinity was not measured in this survey. To calculate sound speed, the GDEM (average of July and August) salinity profile (nearest to CMB) was used. The sound speeds calculated from the GDEM salinity profile and time average of 424 temperature pro- files formed the mean sound speed profile (SSP) (Figure 5). The sound speedscalculatedfromtheGDEMsa- linityprofileand424temperaturepro- files generated the range-dependent SSPs (Figure 6). Comparison of the acoustic propagation between range- dependent and range-independent determined the effect of ISWs on acoustic propagation. Modeling Sonar Model Arange-independentgenericsonar model has evolved into the Navy’s 12 Marine Technology Society Journal range-dependent Comprehensive Oceanographic Office’s database (Na- the nominal acoustic direction. When Acoustic Simulation System with the val Oceanographic Office System In- the propagation angles are larger, Gaussian Ray Bundle eigenray model tegration Division, 1999a). Bottom these velocities can be much smaller, (CASS/GRAB) for acoustic and sonar reflection effects are modeled using producing different length scales in analysis. It predicts range-dependent the Rayleigh scattering model. Two whichtimevariabilitymaybepredom- acoustic propagation in the frequency frequencies(3.75 and 7.5kHz)with a inant.Here,arangeof10kmisselected band between 600 Hz and 100 kHz bandwidthof500Hzandthreesource/ to investigate the ISW effects on the (WeinbergandKeenan1996;Keenan transmitter depths (SD) (5, 100, and soundpropagation. and Weinberg 2001). Test rays are 200m)areused.Eigenraysaregenerated sorted into families of comparable in the mono-static active mode maxi- numbers of turning points and bound- mum surface/bottom reflections less ISW Effects ary interactions. Ray properties are than 30°. The vertical angle changes TheCASS/GRABmodelisprimed power averaged for each ray family to from −89° to 89° with the increment with range-independent SSP (Fig- produce a representative eigenray for of0.1°. ure5)andrange-dependentSSPs(Fig- thatfamily.Targetecholevelandrever- The calculated ISW propagation ure 6). Three source depths (5, 100, berationlevelarecomputedseparately. velocities are around 1.5 m/s. From and 200 m) were chosen to place the CASS/GRAB predicts the sonar 07:52 to 09:36 GMT July 30, 2005 source above, within, and below the performancereasonablywell,givenen- (104min),theISWstraveled9.36km. thermocline. In addition, wind speed vironmentalinputdatasuchasbottom It is noted that the estimate of spatial of 3.8 m/s, 0° source angle, and 10° type,SSP,windspeed,andtiltangleof scale(i.e.,9.36km)isbasedontheas- Gaussian ray bundle were used as in- thesoundsource(WagstaffandKeenan sumption of small propagation angles putsforalloftheCASS/GRABmodel 2003). It hassuccessfully modeled tor- between the ISW propagation and runs. We chose transmission loss (TL) pedo acoustic performance in shallow water exercises off the coast of South- FIGURE 7 ern California and Cape Cod and is currently being developed to simulate Transmissionloss(left)andraytrace(right)from−10°and+10°ofrange-independentcasesof mine warfare systems performance in f=3.75kHzatdifferentsourcedepthsof(a)5,(b)100,and(c)200m. the fleet (Keenan and Weinberg 1995; ChuandVares2004). Model Integration The Wilson (1960) equation for temperature–salinity–sound speed conversion is used. GRAB defaults to the Leroy equation (Leroy, 1969) for sound speed conversions, where nu- merically stable polynomials are fitted to Wilson’s data. The environmental parameters for the CASS/GRAB in- put file (Naval Oceanographic Office System Integration Division, 1999a,b) consist primarily of data taken at the CMBbuoy.Thesurfacewindcollected by the CMB during the ISW event is used as an input into CASS/GRAB. Thewaterdepthis5,400m.Thebot- tomsedimenttypeissiltyclaywithout apparentlayerstructurefromtheNaval September/October 2010 Volume44 Number 5 13 (an output from CASS/GRAB) as the to −87 dB for Area 3 (Figure 7). For weakensaround−20dBinArea3(Fig- primary parameter to investigate the higher frequency (f = 7.5 kHz), the ure 9). Such a feature in Area 2 is very ISW effects on sound propagation. TLiscomparabletothatwithlowerfre- evident for the shallow sound source Here, TL always takes on negative quency (f = 3.75 kHz) in Area 1 and (SD = 5 m) and less evident for the values. Area 2 but enhances in Area 3 with deeper sound source (SD = 100, varyingfrom−78to−90dB(Figure8). 200 m). However, a strong surface Range-Independent weakening zone with Δ(TL) ∼−20 dB Range–depthcrosssection(range= TL Difference occurs for deeper sound source. The 10 km; depth = 1000 m) is divided The TL difference [Δ(TL)] be- thickness of this surface weakening intothreeparts,withArea2beingoc- tween range-dependent (TL ) zone is around 15 m for SD = 100 m dependent cupied by the Gaussian ray bundle and range-independent (TL ) and50mforSD=200m.Theevident dependent (midrange). Left and right of Area 2 represents the ISW effect on sound weakeninginArea3isforbothfrequen- are defined by Area 1 (near range) propagation. Since TL is negative, ciesandthreeSDvalues. and Area 3 (far range) (Figures 7a and the sound waves attenuate more be- SinceISWs(usuallyforatwo-layer 8a). For a range-independent SSP, cause of ISWs when Δ(TL) < 0 and fluid)canpropagateatdifferentangles the TL has distinct characteristics attenuate less when Δ(TL) > 0. The (i.e., the crests of the ISWs might not among the three areas: (1) weak TL sound signal enhances little in Area 1 be normal to the range–depth plane), for Area 1, (2) intermediate TL for [i.e., Δ(TL) ∼0–3 dB], weakens (up to the maximum value of |Δ(TL)| is a Area 2, and (3) strong TL for Area 3. −20 dB for SD = 5 m and −10 dB for useful estimationofeffectof ISWs on For f = 3.75 kHz, the TL varies from SD = 100, 200 m) and enhances (up acoustic transmission. For a shallow −40 to −65 dB for Area 1, from −65 to 20 dB for SD = 5 m and 5–8 dB source depth (SD = 5 m), the maxi- to −73 dB for Area 2, and from −73 for SD = 100, 200 m) in Area 2, and mum value of |Δ(TL)| is 20 dB. For source depth at 100 and 200 m, the maximum TL reduction because of FIGURE 8 ISWpropagationis−20dB.Thesees- Transmissionloss(left)andraytrace(right)from−10°and+10°ofrange-independentcasesof timatescouldbeusedasareferenceto f =7.5 kHzatdifferent source depths of (a)5,(b) 100, and(c) 200m. assesstherelevanceofusingtherange- dependent estimate if Δ(TL) for each individual case falls outside this range, that is, the focusing errors might be largerthanthetimevariability. It is noted that the color contour plots(Figures8and9)havesignificant steppystructuresalongrays.Suchfea- tures occurred in a recent statistical study on the estimation of TL and its statistical properties on the basis of observations of ocean acoustic data acquired during the Asian Seas In- ternational Acoustics Experiment (ASIAEX) 2001 in the East China Sea (Dahl et al. 2004). During ASIAEX, the environmental param- eters are first estimated. Then on the basis of the likelihood that each of these environmental models fits the ocean acoustic data, each model is mapped into TL. Such “steppy” may 14 Marine Technology Society Journal FIGURE 9 (2)Weshouldbecautioustointer- pret these results because of the mean EffectofISWsonacoustictransmissionΔ(TL)(dB)withISWpropagationspeedof1.5m/sfor SSPprofilecalculatedfrom10routine (a)sourcedepthof5mandf=3.75kHz,(b)sourcedepthof5mandf=7.5kHz,(c)source depthof100mandf=3.75kHz,(d)sourcedepthof100mandf=7.5kHz,(e)sourcedepthof CMB measurements for the top layer 200mandf=3.75kHz,and(f)source depthof200mandf=7.5kHz.Notethatthesound (0–25 m). A large vertical gradient wavesattenuatemorewithISWsthanwithoutISWsForΔ(TL)<0,andotherwiseforΔ(TL)>0. may be created at a depth of 25 m. Such a vertical gradient also occur in therange-independentcase.Theeffect ofsuchaverticalgradientmaybeoffset because of the modeled differences in acoustic propagation between the range-independent and the range- dependentSSPs. In a futurestudy,an oceannumericalmodelisneededtoas- similate this observational data to get continuous temperature profiles from thesurfacetothebottomoftheocean. (3) Although the modeling results reconcile previous measurements of transmission loss fluctuations near ISWs,itispointedoutthatthecompli- cated ISW effects on sound propaga- tion in the Philippine Sea identified here using the CASS/GRAB model must be verified by acoustic obser- vations. Experiments similar to the Asian Seas International Acoustics Ex- periment (ASIAEX) are needed for thisregion. be caused by changing in amplitudes pactsoundpropagationwithabasicpat- Acknowledgments and separations of acoustic signals in ternoflittleenhancement(0–3dB)in The Naval Oceanographic Office suchawaythatthecumulativetimein- near-range, alternate attenuation (up and the Naval Postgraduate School tegral of the pulse shape matches the to −20 dB for SD = 5 m and −10 dB supported this study. The authors more “steppy” cumulative integral of for SD = 100, 200 m) and amplifica- deeply thank Ms. Ruth E. Keenan thetrueeigenrayormodearrivalpulse tion (up to 20 dB for SD = 5 m and from the Scientific Application In- shape. 5–8dBforSD=100,200m)inmid- ternational Corporation, Mashpee, range,andattenuation(upto−20dB) Massachusetts, and Mr. Melvin D. infarrange.Anevidentsurfaceweak- Wagstaff at the Naval Oceanographic Summary ening zone exists in midrange with Office for their guidance on the (1)Thisstudyshowstheimpactof strongest Δ(TL) ∼−20 dB for deep CASS/GRABmodelingandsimulation. nonlinear internal waves in sonar per- sound source (SD = 100, 200 m) formance estimation using the CASS/ but does not exist for shallow sound GRABmodelwithrange-independent source (SD = 5 m). The thickness of Lead Author: and range-dependent SSPs calculated thissurfaceweakeningzoneisaround PeterC.Chu from the high-frequency temperature 15 m for SD = 100 m and 50 m for Naval Ocean Analysis and Prediction observational data. ISWs strongly im- SD = 200 m. 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