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■ Chinese guided missile destroyer Shenzhen departing Apra Harbor, Guam, 2003 Miller) Nathanael T. Navy ( S. U. Chinese and American Network Warfare By TI MOTHY L. THOMAS China published a fourth version of its particular attention in 2002.2 In addition, China’s white paper on national defense in De- 2004 white paper failed to address IW but focused cember 2002.1 The document received on the revolution in military affairs and the topic positive comments from U.S. analysts of informationalization, which was mentioned for its greater sophistication than previous ver- more than 20 times. sions and mild criticism for its continued lack of This 2002 white paper, however, did note that detail. Subjects addressed included China’s secu- information technologies (IT) have helped stretch rity situation, defense policy, armed forces, inter- the battlefield into “multidimensional space, national security cooperation, and arms control which includes the land, sea, air, outer space, and and disarmament. But there was a noticeable lack electron.” The last term, in U.S. documents, usu- of attention to information warfare (IW) and infor- ally refers to the information sphere. The form of mation operations (IO), subjects to which the con- war, the paper added, is becoming information gressionally mandated DOD study, “The Military oriented. High technology was listed as an acquisi- Power of the People’s Republic of China,” paid tion priority, and 20,000 kilometers of fiber optic cable was laid in western China, while in October Timothy L. Thomas is assigned to the Foreign Military Studies Office 2000 the General Staff organized a computer net- at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. working and electronic countermeasure exercise 76 JFQ / issue thirty-eight Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2005 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2005 to 00-00-2005 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Chinese and American Network Warfare 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION National Defense University,Institute for National Strategic Studies,260 REPORT NUMBER Fifth Ave SW (BG 64) Fort Lesley J McNair,Washington,DC,20319 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 8 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Thomas ■ achieving information superiority around Beijing. Finally, the paper noted that ■ definitions of information war and other in 2001, many People’s Liberation Army (PLA) terms, all with Chinese characteristics.3 studies and exercises explored the features and patterns of an integrated network-electronic war- Dai argues that information warfare is com- fare (INEW) concept. Thus, while not specifically posed of six “forms”: operational security, mili- highlighting IW or IO, information-related topics tary deception, psychological war, electronic war were mentioned. (EW), computer network war, and physical de- INEW is worthy of further note. Earlier in struction. He made only one further reference to 2002, in the journal China Military Science, Major psychological operations in the article and never General Dai Qingmin, head of the 4th Department again mentioned operational security, military of the General Staff, explained the concept, which deception, and physical destruction. Electronic he had first mentioned in the August 2000 issue warfare and computer network warfare thus cap- of that journal. Parts of Dai’s 2002 article contra- tured most of his attention. dicted the white paper. For example, he stated INEW, according to Dai, refers to a series of that the concept combat operations that use the integration of many People’s Liberation Army studies placed more em- electronic warfare and computer network war- phasis on active fare measures to disrupt the normal operation and exercises explored an integrated offense, whereas of enemy battlefield information systems while network-electronic warfare concept the paper em- protecting one’s own, with the objective of seizing phasized a tradi- information superiority—similar to the U.S. defini- tional active defense focus. Dai equated INEW tion of IO. While network war disrupts processing with IO, which the white paper did not, noting and use of information, EW disrupts acquisition that it “serves as information operations theory and forwarding of information. The core of com- with Chinese characteristics.” It is strange that the puter network warfare is to “disrupt the layers in 2002 Pentagon report on China did not mention which information is processed, with the objec- this concept, a theory that appears to be a half tive of seizing and maintaining control of network cousin to the wildly popular Pentagon transforma- space.” EW is targeted at networked information tion concept of network-centric warfare (NCW). systems and informationalized weapons in order This article compares General Dai’s INEW to increase combat effectiveness. INEW is essential concept with the U.S. network-centric warfare for the system-versus-system confrontation on the concept and highlights their strengths and weak- informationalized battlefield. nesses. Many issues arise. For example, both con- Dai did not use the term network centric, al- cepts evade the fog and friction of war, assuming though there seem to be similarities between his perfect information and ignoring those problems and American concepts. For example, a subtitle at their own peril. Further, both are bathed in their on the cover of a U.S. publication, Network Centric own cultural environments. The United States Warfare, states that the concept is for “devel- used a business metaphor when discussing NCW. oping and leveraging information superiority.” Dai, on the other hand, noted that INEW refers The INEW objective, according to Dai, is not to to an overall concept, method, and strategy for develop and leverage but simply to seize informa- guiding IO, not a set of hardware and software or tion superiority. a single system, and puts “the wings of network INEW emphasizes integrating combat op- warfare on traditional electronic warfare.” Clearly, erations by merging command, forces, objec- moving from kinetic to network-based warfare will tives, and actions. Command integration is its be an interesting transformation as different na- unified planning, organization, coordination, tions look at new developments in their own ways. and control. Forces integration is its use in a com- plementary manner. Objective integration is its Integrated Network-Electronic Warfare simultaneous use against enemy command, con- Dai’s 2002 article, “On Integrating Network trol, communications, computers, intelligence, Warfare and Electronic Warfare,” noted several surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR), while topics of interest: action integration is its coordination to produce combined power. Dai listed the characteristics of ■ IO contradictions INEW as its comprehensive nature, its integrated ■ IO centers of gravity methods and expansive nature (“battlespace”), ■ network weaknesses ■ importance of IT training and the integrated nature of its “effectiveness.” issue thirty-eight / JFQ 77 ■ CHINESE AND AMERICAN NETWORK WARFARE tlefield replete with information-based systems) Launching AsiaSat–6 communication allows for noncontact and nonlinear operations satellite aboard Chinese-made Long March 3B rocket from Xichang, April 12, 2005 as well as full-depth integrated attacks. Finally, the main targets are enemy military, political, economic, and social information systems, mak- ing the potential effectiveness greater than any traditional combat operation form. Information operations revolve around de- stroying enemy systems and protecting friendly ones. Acquiring and forwarding information re- lies on electronic warfare, while processing and using the information relies on computer net- works. INEW provides the means to participate in the system-versus-system confrontation and for attaining information superiority since systems are centers of gravity for combat forces. People and weapons become insignificant when not structured within a system. This concept appears similar to the U.S. idea of systems integration ex- cept for its emphasis on ideology and philosophy. However, nowhere does Dai entertain fog and friction in the information age; he presents his argument as if there were no such problems. The Chinese see the main combat contra- diction as being between starting and stopping the flow of information in both the electromag- netic sphere and the space occupied by networks. An example of a successful operation would be disrupting information processing and obtain- Gang Xinhua) iiinnnggg ctchoonem termonlea monvdyee rrk snn eoftrwwolmoerd kgo esb ptsaaycisnet,ei nmthg e arinnebdfoy prdmriesavrtueinpottn-- P/Wide World Photo (Li rmtieoqantui iofWronerdh ss etuenoipz emidnriiagsokc rseuiet sadys, ei niacsiig rsv, i oCiatnnahsldi .n ssTiapnh’asce ce “es tt iswrtuu oipgs ge tarlrei ao pnfrorisetrfyc oi.onrnmfodari--- A tions,” Dai again emphasized the active offense. Forces integration implies the synthesis of plat- He noted that the first transformation means forms with networks. changing from just EW to several forms and The concept has a comprehensive effect on methods, such as INEW. The second transfor- the enemy when it destroys C4ISR, according to mation is to emphasize both defense and of- Dai, thereby constraining decisionmaking and fense, with the “priority being the development strategic planning. C4ISR systems are integrators of offensive information operations equipment.” and force multipliers, Again, this goal directly contradicts the empha- information operations revolve the focal point of IO. sis in the white paper on the active defense. It around destroying enemy systems Dai did not address is not clear whether the Chinese deliberately what would happen if downplayed offensive operations in the informa- and protecting friendly ones INEW only damaged tion age or it was a rebuff to Dai’s article. With or disrupted systems, regard to strategy, Dai noted that China must but one can imagine that the effects would be make breakthroughs at weak points, seize the severe if not disabling. Integrated INEW methods commanding high ground, leap out of dead ends, can be developed into a unified plan and orga- coordinate development, and grasp key junctures. nization for action, and the expansive nature of Finally, Dai noted that implementing INEW battlespace (Dai implies an informationalized bat- required an “information warfare personnel de- 78 JFQ / issue thirty-eight Thomas velopment plan.” Information operations com- “active offensive.” Dai also noted that an IO is a mand personnel who understand technology and series of operations with an information environ- can manage as well as staff personnel and trainers ment as the basic battlefield condition, with mili- are needed to teach and carry out ideological tary information and an information system as work. Combat personnel are needed to study, re- the direct operational targets, and with EW and a search, train, and fight. Finally, it is necessary to computer network war as the principal forms.5 develop competencies for merging networks and Dai further noted that information opera- electronics. Academies must develop specialized tions are both confrontations focusing on forces courses, deepen reforms, and send large numbers and arms and, more importantly, trials of strength of multitalented IO personnel to units. focusing on knowledge and strategies, meaning Putting the INEW plan into action will re- the emphasis should be on strategies. As technol- quire the use of theoretical achievements and ogy has reinforced human initiative, it has also modeling the battlefield deployment and other highlighted the role played by a confrontation of situational aspects of an enemy force. Perhaps strategies. Now traditional strategic theories are this is being accomplished via computer network being rethought, new strategies mapped out, and brigades or reserve IW units serving as opposition new confrontation strategies advanced. forces against the PLA. In China, theory guides training, and rules and regulations are produced Network-Centric Warfare from evaluating the training. In 1998, Vice Admiral Arthur Cebrowski, Most likely, Dai’s article was condensed from USN (Ret.), the director for space, information his earlier work. One critique of that work stated warfare, and command and control (N–6), and that the concept of INEW demonstrated that John Garstka, the scientific and technical advi- China no longer sor for the directorate for C4 systems on the Joint traditional strategic theories are only learns from Staff (J–6), wrote an article focused on business being rethought, new strategies foreign militaries adaptations to the information age:6 but has developed mapped out, and new confrontation ■ The power of network-centric computing comes innovative theories from information-intensive interactions between large strategies advanced with special Chinese numbers of heterogeneous computational nodes in the military features. network. Further, the critique reiterated (as did Dai’s 2002 ■ Competitive advantages come from the co-evolvement of organizations and processes to exploit article) that systems represent the center of grav- information technology, employing network-centric ity of combat forces and that systems integration operational architectures consisting of a high-powered uses information as a control mechanism to form information grid, a sensor grid, and a transaction grid. a combat capability greater than the sum of its ■ The key to market dominance lies in making parts. To American IO theorists, however, the Chi- strategic choices appropriate to changing ecosystems. nese approach does not appear to have as many special “Chinese characteristics” as it purports. The authors then noted that network-cen- INEW sounds similar to American theory of a few tric operations offered the same dynamics to the years ago, when system-of-systems research was military. Strategically, that meant understanding more fashionable. all the elements of battlespace and battle time; op- In fact, not only Chinese but also some U.S. erationally, it meant mirroring business ecosystem commanders highly regard electronic warfare, linkages among units and the operating environ- even at the expense of computer network attack. ment; tactically, it meant speed of operations; and For example, General Hal Hornburg, USAF, Chief structurally, it meant that network-centric warfare of Air Combat Command, noted that IO should required sensor and transaction grids and an infor- be separated into three areas: manipulation of mation grid supported by command and control public perception, computer network attack, and processes needing automation for speed. Network- electronic warfare. Only the latter should be as- centric warfare reportedly enabled a shift from signed to the warfighter.4 attrition warfare. Speed enabled a force to have In the 2000 article Dai stated that the means more battlespace awareness, mass effects instead of integrated application of information fighting of forces, and foreclose enemy courses of action. It will initially be the integrated application of net- also offset disadvantages in numbers, technology, works and electronics and that the key to gaining or position and was capable of locking out alterna- the initiative in IO lies in the establishment of an tive enemy strategies and locking in success. issue thirty-eight / JFQ 79 ■ CHINESE AND AMERICAN NETWORK WARFARE This list is significantly different from Dai’s, book defines NCW as: an information superior- with its focus on contradictions, ideology, and ity–enabled concept of operations that generates centers of gravity. This is not surprising since increased combat power by networking sensors, different cultures will interpret the interaction of decisionmakers, and shooters to achieve shared systems in different ways. Of concern, however, is awareness, increased speed of command, higher once again the notable absence of focus and dis- tempo of operations, greater lethality, increased cussion on the fog and friction of technology in a survivability, and a degree of self-synchroniza- real-time battlespace. The U.S. concept appears to tion.10 The authors imply integration of platforms rely on speed to overcome all obstacles. The con- and networks by including sensors and shooters cept seems to focus on “the content, quality, and in their definition. Again, however, fog and fric- timeliness of information moving between nodes tion are ignored. on the network” and dismisses misinformation or In October 2002, Cebrowski wrote that any deception. Loren Thompson, chief operating offi- weapons system must be on the net to remain cer of the Lexington Institute, commented about viable—the concept of a net-ready platform. overreliance on business strategies while critiqu- If such interoperability is not available, the pro- ing a 2002 article by Admiral Cebrowski on NCW: gram is subject to cancellation. Risk is managed by increasing the breadth of capabilities to cover Let me conclude by answering Cebrowski’s question gaps.11 Can simply increasing capabilities reduce as to why commercial development cycles are so much fog and friction? Don’t surprise or disruption shorter than military ones. The reason is that it’s mean anything for theory? Cebrowski also noted harder to get to geocentric orbit than the grocery store, that aircraft and other joint capabilities in Af- that no one is shooting at the Coca Cola Company, ghanistan were empowered by high-speed NCW and that private-sector executives don’t rewrite their principles. However, problems remained, such as business plans every time a consultant comes up with minimal information filtering and decision aids a new idea.7 for field commanders. The DOD report to Congress about NCW There also appear to be built-in contradic- stressed many of these points.12 It noted that tions in the concept. For example, the authors interoperability must not be abandoned (“a criti- note that NCW strength is designed to “offset a cal mass of connectivity and interoperability is disadvantage in numbers, technology, or posi- necessary to both encourage and support new tion.” Further, “We must change how we train, ways of doing business”) and that impediments organize, and allocate resources to the program must be overcome. However, the reliance on interoperability if the United States decides to report does assert that “NCW is to warfare what is not given the place it fight on an NCW rather than e-business is to business” and “no single platform a platform-centric basis.”8 Yet or sensor is the heart of the system.” The first deserves by U.S. theorists the authors twice note that a statement again overemphasizes the business- sensor or engagement grid must military comparison, and the latter implies that be coupled in time to shooters, and the DOD platforms remain vital to the NCW concept. We report to Congress on NCW stated, “Battlefield are not moving from platform to NCW, but from entities (platforms, units, sensors, shooters) must platform to an integrated or interoperable form of be designed ‘net ready.’”9 This reliance on in- platforms and nets. teroperability is not given the place it deserves by Chinese IW expert Wang Baocun, writing in U.S. theorists. This interoperability resembles the China Military Science, discussed the U.S. concept integration process the Chinese stress. of network-centric warfare from a Chinese per- Cebrowski and Garstka underscored that spective. He did not compare NCW with INEW, NCW made the whole greater than the sum of although he noted that China must study the its parts, which the Chinese INEW concept also theoretical and practical aspects of other coun- noted, with the latter perhaps mimicking the tries’ efforts to develop an information-based American authors. In contrast to the Chinese, military in order for China to do the same. He Cebrowski and Garstka used the term system spar- further stated that China must develop a com- ingly; however, systems remain important to the prehensive electronic information system and U.S. concept. that such systems should be integrated.13 To that David Alberts, John Garstka, and Frederick degree, Wang appears to echo Dai. Stein wrote Network Centric Warfare in 1999. The 80 JFQ / issue thirty-eight Thomas Comparing NCW and INEW The two explanations above represent the basic views of Chinese and U.S. specialists on network-related concepts. Clearly these are ideas for the present and immediate future and will form the basis of both countries’ transformations. However, the terms should be examined against other paradigms as well. Admiral Cebrowski is a proponent of alternate or even multiple concepts. He stressed that “one best way” should not be pursued, as there may not be one architecture or standard. Rather, competing concepts should be debated. And interestingly enough, the view from a “bottom-up” perspective is different from the view at the top. Those at the bottom have other points for the authors to consider. First, it is unfortunate that the authors who proposed these concepts did not venture into detailed definitions, for this lack has confused readers. For example, Cebrowski and Garstka used the terms network-centric computing, network-centric operations, and network-centric war in their seminal article without defining them. Readers were left Baker) with the impression that they are interchange- Greg able sound bites for an idea. A citation at the Photo ( enannoddti ncreogg ntahtrrdaibti nuitgt e issN “tCoaW ptph lceia ccmaobaelle ec stlocoe sanelsclt e le toovf e asls t droaeftf eiwngayitr,i fooanpre-, P/Wide World Chcinoan nNeecttc olimne tse cinh nBieciijainngs A erations, and tactics. NCW is transparent to mis- sion, force size and composition, and geography.” INEW concept suffers from the same imprecision. This description was updated in Network Centric In many ways it sounds like an updated version of Warfare, by Alberts, Garstka, and Stein, which NCW except for its EW and stratagem links. Cebrowski reviewed. Their definition is better but Second, many NCW authors describe a move- still needs specification, such as an explanation of ment away from platforms to networks in their what a network “war” means. Would confrontation discussion of theory, then use an integrated or or struggle work better, for example? Do networks interoperable model of platforms and networks really war with one another? to describe their concept, which again shows lack The terminology problem is important be- of precision. Further discussion of the move from cause if we are attempting to sell a concept, we kinetic to combined kinetic, electronic, and net- need a thorough understanding of what we are work-based warfare would have assisted under- selling. The authors appeared to be describing standing. NCW does not occur in isolation. If it warfare enabled by speed of awareness and shared did, no one could use it because it would not con- knowledge to bring effects to bear on targets in trol or be connected to anything; it would just be a a timely and accurate manner. Thus, NCW is an grouping of sensors and nodes joined to a network enabler much like other developments in the that produces information. Rather, the concept mechanized age, albeit a quantum leap, to act as a implies that sensors are part of systems integrated combat facilitator, especially of battlefield aware- into platforms. Weapons, weapons systems, and ness. Communications have always acted as en- platforms are plugged into the sensor, informa- ablers, facilitators, and coordinators of battlespace tion, and transaction grids that comprise NCW awareness, just not to the same degree as sensors at the moment, and they will be with us for some and satellites. Terms such as network-assisted plat- time. Platforms launch weapons and have nodes form operations, network-coordinating engagement op- where network information is integrated into the erations, or simply network-centric operations appear targeting and protection mechanisms of the plat- as appropriate as network-centric warfare. The form. Predators are platforms that use networks. issue thirty-eight / JFQ 81 ■ CHINESE AND AMERICAN NETWORK WARFARE remain problems of available bandwidth, mission priorities and access to networked platforms, and the number of combat systems that must be coor- dinated—over 400 by some accounts. Fourth, the network-centric concept is tech- nology-focused, while INEW possesses a strong stratagem element. This difference is important. It is how INEW plans to “defeat the superior with the inferior.” The Chinese have noted that Asian analysts think in terms of stratagems and Western planners in terms of technology. Western strate- gists should be aware of this perspective. Alfred Kaufman, a study director at the U.S. Institute for Defense Analyses, agrees that tech- nology has too prominent a place in our military thinking, so much so that it dictates military strategy. He wrote that NCW theory has resulted in “the virtual collapse of the intellectual struc- Gang Xinhua) totuhf reWe Pteehsntaettra nwg oamns ielhirtoeacprtyees dt e tthcoha tnc oocnlootmgroyml.” et hrHceie a dlb eeivnlienelvooepvsma ttiheonantt Wide World Photo (Li wsInaim lhl eisb brveiinnewge f,i ttNos CiwtW abr ri isna fnglasd w toteo dc obnmeactmaiouensreca ilia tl:s eecnuterirtpyr istehse. AP/ ■ overestimates man’s capacity to deal with con- tradictory information Space Control Center in The INEW concept used the word integrated while ■ ignores the true nature of the enemy and drives Beijing monitoring return NCW theorists used interoperable for KC–135 aerial him to asymmetric strategies of China’s first astronaut, refuelers that possess routers, antennas, and other ■ ignores the dynamic nature of combat and bu- October 16, 2003 reaucratizes war equipment so the aircraft can transmit battlespace ■ assumes that military victory is an end in itself.14 information among units. Third, the NWC discussion suggests that the Fifth, consideration is given to the human concept alone is sufficient to make a nation great in the loop, yet one wonders if a proper paral- and modern. The American metaphor is that if it lel should be drawn between NCW/INEW and works for business, it will work for the military. human network attacks (HNA). NCW and INEW The difference is that in the military, people plan discuss the importance of training and educat- on destroying the networks through high-tech ing personnel to conduct themselves as well as weapons, making the systems useless. Or they to run a network-oriented staff. U.S. theory now try to deceive sensors and satellites, which does includes discussions of effects-based operations not happen often in business to demonstrate how NCW can be used to affect the American metaphor is because it runs on information humans and objectives in a sequenced manner. that if it works for business, in a more perfect form. The Addressing the human as a network might be the military does not possess per- next logical thinking. HNA refers to the ability it will work for the military fect information to the degree of weapons, including nonlethals, to shut down the market does; therefore, eco- the operating systems of people, who have their nomic superiority may not translate into military electric circuitry in the form of neurons. Properly superiority. Most important, there is no discus- targeted, this type of attack can make it difficult sion of what might happen if such a system meets for humans to enter the decisionmaking cycle to a like system or if there is even partial disruption. assist in processing and selecting targets, the fail- Kosovo, Somalia, and Bosnia were not confron- safe aspect to NCW and INEW. tations between modern systems, but rather of Sixth, the United States needs to study for- modern against antiquated systems. So there is eign IO and NCW related concepts if it is to little consideration of the impact of the fog and understand how to work with or against the friction of war on NCW and INEW. And there cyber age systems of other countries. It is clear 82 JFQ / issue thirty-eight Thomas that China studies Pentagon thinking. At Chinese fog and friction. We are uncertain what happens book stores there are hundreds of U.S. books if our risk-taking fails. No one wants to talk about translated from English, especially in the IO area. that. And, as the conflict in Iraq extends and di- No such bounty on Chinese thinking can be verts funding from the transformation effort, we found in American book stores. may be closer than we think to confronting the Finally and most importantly, Dai noted that risks discussed here. JFQ INEW is an offensive strategy based on acquiring both defensive and offensive information op- NOTES erations equipment, “with the priority being the development of offensive information operations 1 China’s National Defense in 2002, white paper equipment.” Further, it is “important to take the (Beijing: Information Office of the State Council of the initiative and effectively destroy the enemy’s elec- People’s Republic of China, December 2002), available at <www.aseansec.org/ARF/ARF-DWP/China-2002.doc>. tronic information systems.”15 The focus on the 2 See Annual Report on the Military Power of the active offense is lacking in NCW discussions, as is People’s Republic of China (Washington, DC: Department the Chinese focus on applying strategies to offset of Defense, July 2002). inferiorities in technology and equipment. The 3 Dai Qingmin, “On Integrating Network Warfare latter focus is really on the decisionmaker’s mind, and Electronic Warfare,” Zhongguo Junshi Kexue (China Military Science) (February 2002), 112–117, as translated with strategies being the means and perception and downloaded by the Foreign Broadcast Information management the ends. Service (FBIS) Web site. The good news is that the initial discussion 4 David Fulghum, “USAF Redefining Boundaries of of NCW is over, and the concept has received Computer Attack,” Aviation Week and Space Technology feedback from both private and public sources. 158, no. 9 (March 3, 2003), 33. 5 “Introduction to Integrated Network-Electronic This has provided substance to Admiral Cebrows- Warfare,” Jiefangjun Bao (February 26, 2002), 6, accessed ki’s foresight that more than one idea should be at <https://www.fbis.gov/>. pursued. China is lacking in that area. The INEW 6 Arthur K. Cebrowski and John J. Garstka, “Net- topic has not been publicly critiqued. Perhaps the work-Centric Warfare: Its Origin and Future,” U.S. Naval dialectic of point and counterpoint works better Institute Proceedings 124, no. 1 (January 1998), 28–35. 7 Loren Thompson, “Dot-Com Mania,” Defense in Western culture based on its willingness to News, October 28–November 3, 2002, 12. confront ideas with counters or better ideas. In 8 Cebrowski and Garstka. many ways, China merely mirrors what happens 9 Art Money, Report on Network Centric Warfare: in the West in the network-centric arena, but the Sense of the Report, March 2001, accessed at <http://www. West must be acutely aware of the Chinese nu- dodccrp.org/NCW/NCW_report/report/ncww_cover. html>. ances and mirror imaging. 10 David S. Alberts, John J. Garstka, and Frederick U.S. decisionmakers, many with business P. Stein, Network Centric Warfare (Washington, DC: Na- backgrounds, must not apply their business expe- tional Defense University Press, 1999), 2. rience to the military arena. The concept worked 11 Arthur K. Cebrowski, “New Rules, New Era: Pen- well, but in an environment totally divorced from tagon Must Embrace Information Age,” Defense News, October 21–27, 2002, 28. the battlefield. China, on the other hand, will 12 Annual Report. continue to load its INEW concept with Chinese 13 Wang Baocun, “The Future Warfare for Which characteristics, or so they say. Their metaphor will the U.S. Military Is Making Preparations: Network- be shaped by the words of famous strategists and Centric Warfare,” Zhongguo Junshi Kexue (China Military consider the use of deception and surprise while Science) (October 2002), 133–143, as translated and downloaded by FBIS. the United States focuses on speed of response 14 Alfred Kaufman, “Caught in the Network,” and efficiency. One important distinction in the Armed Forces Journal (February 2005), 20–22. Chinese approach, however, is that INEW would 15 Dai Qingmin. be used to attack economic, political, societal, and military networks. Does U.S. strategy risk overdependence on speed and prowess at the expense of other factors, while China tries to defeat the superior with the inferior, using good but not outstanding technol- ogy combined with stratagems? Both concepts lack ways to block failure in an age of continued issue thirty-eight / JFQ 83

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