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Preview DTIC ADA530477: Acid-Assisted Consolidation of Silver Alloys for Direct Fillings

Volume103,Number5,September–October1998 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology [J.Res.Natl.Inst.Stand.Technol.103,511(1998)] Acid-Assisted Consolidation of Silver Alloys for Direct Fillings Volume 103 Number 5 September–October 1998 Frederick C. Eichmiller, Silver-richmetalpowderscold-weldedby flexuralstrength.Concentrationalonewas Kathleen M. Hoffman, and consolidationhavebeeninvestigatedaspos- notasignificantfactorforflexural sibledirectdentalfillingmaterial.Thesur- strengths,buttherewasasignificantinter- Anthony A. Guiseppetti faceofthesilverpowdermustundergoan actionbetweenconcentrationandpH acidtreatmenttoremoveexistingcontami- (p<0.0001).Microscopyrevealedthatthe American Dental Association nantsandpreventformationofnewsurface acid-treatedsilverpowderdemineralized contaminantsduringconsolidation.This approximately2mmofdentinwhenused Health Foundation, Paffenbarger studywasdesignedtoinvestigatetheeffect withnoliner.Theuseofcopalor Research Center, National Institute oftheacidtreatmentonthestrengthofthe polyamidevarnisheseliminatedmostofthis of Standards and Technology, consolidatedalloy,itsreactivitywiththe demineralization,buttheuseofadentin surroundingtoothstructure,anditsreac- adhesivelinerresultedinsomedislodgment Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001 tionswithcertaincavityliners. andbreakdownoftheadhesivefilmbythe ThisstudyinvestigatedtheeffectsofpH acid. and andconcentrationoffluoboricacidonthe Theresultsofthisstudyindicatethat flexuralstrengthofsilverpowderconsoli- thissilverpowderwhentreatedwithdilute datedintorectangularbeamsinapartial fluoboricacidatapHofapproximately1.0 Michael M. Wray and Rangall J. 434design.Thestudyalsoassessed,by canresultinafillingmaterialwithstrength Avers visibleandscanningelectronmicroscopy, equivalenttocurrentlyusedconventional whateffecttheacid-treatedpowdershad amalgam.Thedemineralizationoftooth ondentinthathadbeenpre-coatedwith structureappearstobeminimalandcanbe Naval Dental School differentcavityliners.Meanflexural eliminatedwiththeuseofcavityliners. Bethesda, MD 20899-5602 strengthsforbeamsconsolidatedusingden- talhandinstrumentswereintherange (77.069.28)MPato(166.1617.6)MPa, Keywords: acid-assistedconsolidation; cold-welding;consolidatedsilver. wherethequoteduncertaintiesarestandard uncertainties(i.e.,onestandarddeviation estimates).ANOVAindicatedthatfluoboric Accepted: July7,1998 acidpHwashighlysignificant(p<0.0001) withlowerpHvaluesresultinginhigher Availableonline: http://www.nist.gov/jres 1. Introduction Amalgamhasservedeffectivelyasadentalrestorative been overwhelmingly successful [7, 8]. materialsinceitsintroductionintotheUnitedStatesby Since 1992, scientists from the American Dental the Crawcour brothers in 1833 [1]. Recently, there has Association Health Foundation and from the Electro- beenmuchcontroversyovertheuseofamalgamdueto chemical Processing Group of the National Institute of documented hypersensitivities, accidental over-expo- StandardsandTechnologyhavebeencollaboratingona suresandthepotentialenvironmentalimpactassociated newmercury-freedentalfillingalloy.Thisnewalloyis with its disposal [2,3,4]. In an attempt to reduce the acombinationofpowderedmetals,consistingmostlyof release of potentially hazardous mercury, research has silver, that produce a filling material very similar in led to the development of indium- and gallium-based properties to those of cohesive gold used for directly admixed alloys [5, 6]. Despite improved mechanical placed restorations. The powdered metal is annealed, properties, these gallium and indium alloys have not chemically treated to remove surface contaminants, 511 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED JUL 1998 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-1998 to 00-00-1998 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Acid-Assisted Consolidation of Silver Alloys for Direct Fillings 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Dental School,Bethesda,MD,20899-5602 REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 6 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Volume103,Number5,September–October1998 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and compressed into a solid mass. Welding of the 2.1. Concentration and pH Effects individualoxide-freeparticlesisaccomplishedbycold- weldingthemetalatroomorbodytemperature,similar Theprecipitatedsilveralloypowderwasactivatedby to the process used for cohesive gold. In addition to submersing a sample of the powder at mass 0.65 g in cold-welding, another unique characteristic of this 350 mL of 10 % HBF (pH<1) in a glass beaker and 4 system is the condensability of the powders under the stirringitwithaslowlyrotatingoverheadstirringpaddle liquidcarryingmedium.Thepowdersaredeliveredasa for 1 min. The alloy was allowed to settle for approxi- slurryormixtureofmetalparticleswithinadiluteacid. mately4min.TheHBF wasthendecanted,leavingthe 4 The acid serves to both remove surface contaminants settledpowderaswetslurry.Theslurrywasthenrinsed and protect the particles from reoxidizing during in500mLofasecondsolutionofselectedconcentration consolidation. and pH (see Table 1) and slowly stirred for approxi- Effective cleaning of the powder surface may be mately 5 s. related to many factors. A dilute solution of aqueous fluoboricacid(HBF ,dilutedfromanacqueousstarting 4 Table1. Therinseusedinthesecondstepforalloyconsolidation solution with a mass fraction of 48 %) with a volume fraction in the range of 2 % (pH=0.97) to 10 %1 Rinsesolution pH (volumefraction,%) (pH<1) has proven effective in facilitating cold weld- ing,butthemechanismofsurfacecleaningandeffectof 1. HBF (nobuffer) <1 10 4 acidpHorconcentrationareunknown.Thepurposeof 2. HBF (NaOH) 0.97 10 4 the first part of this study was to determine which fac- 3. HBF (NaOH) 2.57 10 4 tors or combination of factors related to the activation 4. HBF (NaOH) » 5.0 10 4 acidwouldhavethegreatesteffectontransverserupture 5. HBF (nobuffer) 0.97 2 4 strengthoftheconsolidatedsilverpowder.Thetwopri- 6. HBF (NaOH) 2.57 2 4 mary factors studied were solution concentration of 7. HBF4(NaOH) » 5.0 2 HBF4 and pH (H+ concentration) of the aqueous HBF4 8. SingleH2O(HBF4) 2.57 solution. 9. SingleH2O(HBF4) » 5.0 Since the powder/acid slurry is consolidated directly andNaOH) into the tooth cavity, there exists the possibility of a 10. DoubleH2O » 5.0 reaction between the HBF and the tooth structure. 4 Traditional cavity preparations are often lined with varnishes or adhesive polymers prior to placement of a fillingmaterial.Theeffectivenessoftheselinersinthe Atotalof10rinsingtreatmentsweretested.ThepHof presence of this powder/acid slurry, and possible reac- rinse solutions 2 to 4 and 6 and 7 were adjusted by tions of the slurry with these liners are also unknown. addingsodiumhydroxide.Rinsesolutionnumber8was Therefore, the purpose of the second part of this study distilled waterwith10%HBF4 addedtolowerthepH was to determine if the dilute HBF acid would react to 2.57. The pH of 2.57 was chosen because residual 4 significantly with the tooth dentin, and if the use of 10%HBF4leftfromtheactivationinthepowderslurry varnishes and liners would prevent any such reaction. loweredthepHofthedistilledwaterrinseto2.57.Rinse Lastly, the use of lining materials in combination with solutionnumber9wasdistilledwaterwith10%HBF4 thepowder/acidslurrywastestedtoseeifthepresence addedtolowerthepHto2.57thenbufferedwithNaOH of these liners would adversely affect the transverse to bring the pH to 5. Rinse solution 10 repeated the rupture strength of the consolidated silver alloy. distilled water rinse twice. After the powder had settled again and the second rinse solution had been decanted, transverse rupture 2. Materials and Methods strengthsamplesweremadebytransferringtheremain- ing powder slurry to a steel mold with a rectangular Thesilveralloypowderusedinthisstudywaschem- cavity 14.01 mm in length by 3.01 mm in width by ically precipitated using a reduction reaction in a solu- 20 mm in height. Consolidation of the silver powder tionofsilverfluoroborate.Afterchemicalprecipitation, was done by placing a single increment of the slurry the silver powder was dried and sieved through a 200- intothebaseofthemoldcavityandorganizingtheloose meshsievetoremovethelargeagglomerates.Thesieved powder was then annealed for 2 h at 4508C before powdertoformaflat,evenlayer.Thepowderwasthen pressed with a flat-ended plunger using a hydraulic activation in acid and consolidation. pressataloadsufficienttodeliveranaveragestressof 1Allpercentvalueshereafterarevolumefractions. 150 MPa to the powder. This stress was chosen to 512 Volume103,Number5,September–October1998 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology matchthedensityachievedbyincrementallyconsolidat- Co.,Skokie,IL)copalresinwasplacedontheairdried ingthesamepowderusinghanddentalinstruments.The preparationintwocoatswith30sairdryingaftereach finalthicknessoftheconsolidatedsampleswasapprox- coat; Group 3: Barrier(cid:212) (Teledyne Getz, Elk Grove imately 1.5 mm. Five samples were consolidated for Village, IL) polyamide varnish was placed on the air each activation/rinsing treatment. After consolidation, dried preparation in one coat, left to dry for 15 s and the samples were stored overnight in a desiccator and thenairdried;andGroup4:MirageABC(cid:212) (Chameleon thendrypolishedinalongitudinaldirectionon1200grit Dental, Kansas City, KS) the air dried preparation was siliconcarbidepaperuntilallsurfacesweresmoothand conditionedwith10%phosphoricacid(HPO)for15s 3 4 free of defects. Each sample was measured in all three followed by rinsing with water and lightly air drying. dimensions and weighed. The polished samples were MirageprimerAandprimerBwerethenmixedandthe then tested on a three point bending fixture with a adhesive resin was applied in five coats to the prepara- fulcrum spacing of 10 mm using an Instron 5500R tion, lightly air drying after each coat. universal testing machine (Instron Co., Canton, MA)2. Theexperimentalsilveralloywasactivatedfollowing Load was applied to the center of the sample at a con- thesamemethodasinSec.2.1witharinseof2%HBF 4 stantcrossheadspeedof0.5mm/minuntilfailure.Den- (pH=0.97). The alloy was incrementally consolidated sity and transverse rupture strength were calculated into five teeth of each lining group (total of 20 teeth) fromthemeasureddimensions,weightandfailureload usinga1.15mmdiameter,serratedamalgamcondenser of each individual sample. Transverse rupture strength under a load arising from approximately 2.5 kg to (TRS),whichisastress(i.e.,forcedividedbyarea),was 3.5kg.Aloadtablewasusedtomeasuretheloaddeliv- calculated for each specimen from the equation TRS = ered to the condenser as it was stepped over the entire 1.53106Fl/t2w,whereFistheloadatfailure,listhe area of the sample in half overlapping uniform steps. distancebetweenfulcrums(l=10–2m=10mm),tisthe Fiveorsixincrementsweresequentiallyconsolidatedto thickness of the specimen, and w is the width of the completelyfillthecavity.ExcessHBF wasremovedby 4 specimen.DatawasanalyzedbyANOVAandvaluesof absorbingtheacidoffthesurfaceofthesilveralloywith TRS compared using Tukey’s multiple comparison. cotton rolls after consolidating each increment. After consolidation was complete, the silver was burnished 2.2 Evaluation of Lining Materials and excess silver was removed with rotary polishing burs. Forty previously extracted, noncarious and TheTytin(cid:212) amalgamalloywasincapsuleformand nonrestored human molar teeth were mounted in Ultra triturated per manufacturer instructions using a Mount(cid:212) methyl methacrylate (Buehler Corp., Lake Vari-mix III(cid:212) amalgamator (Caulk/Dentsply, Milford, Bluff, IL) and stored in 0.015 mol/L sodium azide. DE)for9sonmediumspeed.Theamalgamwasincre- Class I cavity preparations were then placed in the mentally consolidated into the cavity preparation of 5 occlusal center of the teeth. The preparation was a teethofeachlininggroup(totalof20teeth)ontheload “dogbone” retentive shape approximately 6 mm long tableataloadarisingfromapproximately1.5kginthe and2mmwidewitha2mmdepthandroughlyparallel samemannerastheexperimentalsilveralloy.Thecon- walls. Each preparation was cut using a new[557 bur solidation process was repeated for approximately four and air/water spray just prior to restoring. The teeth totalincrementsofthealloyoruntilthecavityprepara- were divided into four equal groups. Each group tionhadbeenslightlyoverfilled.Afterconsolidationwas received one of the following: no liner, copal varnish, complete, the amalgam was burnished and excess was polyamide varnish, or a polymer adhesive resin liner. removed with carvers. Theliningmaterialwasselectedaccordingtotheorder Alltoothspecimenswerestoredindistilledwaterfor providedinarandomnumbertabletominimizeoperator a minimum of 24 h at 378C after filling placement. bias. Subsequently, each sample was sectioned with a Thevarnishesandadhesivewereplacedpermanufac- diamondsawat300revolutionsperminuteusingahigh turerinstructionasfollows.Group1:cavitypreparation concentration diamond-wafering blade and distilled receivednoliner;Group2:Copalite(cid:212) (H.S.Bosworth water lubrication. The samples were polished sequen- tiallyusing(1200,2400,and4000)gritsiliconcarbide paper with distilled water lubrication on an optical 2Certaincommercialequipment,instruments,ormaterialsareidenti- polishingwheel.Theywerethenpolishedwith(6,3,1, fiedinthispapertofosterunderstanding.Suchidentificationdoesnot and 1/4) mm Metadi(cid:212) II diamond polishing compound implyrecommendationor endorsementbytheNationalInstituteof (Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL) and DP-Lubricant Blue Standards and Technology or the American Dental Association HealthFoundation,nordoesitimplythatthematerialsorequipment (Struers,Westlake,OH).Thesampleswererinsedwith identifiedisnecessarilythebestavailableforthepurpose. an ethanol stream and air-dried. 513 Volume103,Number5,September–October1998 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Each half of each tooth was examined and variance on all of the treatment groups showed pH photographed using reflective light microscopy on a havingasignificanteffectatp<0.0001andtheinterac- Olympus BH2(cid:212) microscope (Olympus Co., Lake tion between pH and concentration was significant at Success, NY) with polarized light and a Nomarski p<0.0001. Concentration alone was not a significant differentialinterferencecontrast.Aphotomicrographof factor.ATukey’smultiplecomparisonatanalphalevel a 0.01 mm calibration slide was taken for standardiza- of 0.05 resulted in groupings of similar treatments as tion of measurements from the reflective light indicated by the letters in Table 2. microscope. After this examination, one half of each tooth was examined directly with a scanning electron Table 2. The mean and sample standard deviation of transverse microscope (SEM) and the other half indirectly. The rupturestrengthforeachrinsingregimen(thelettersindicatestatisti- halves for direct SEM observation were placed under calgroupingatp<0.05usingTukey’smultiplecomparison) vacuumforatleast1weekpriortoexaminationinorder toremovemoisture.Thehalfusedforindirectobserva- Rinsesolution MeanTRSandsample tionwasimpressionedwithReprosil(cid:212) (Caulk/Dentsply, standarddeviation(MPa) Milford,DE)hydrophilicvinylpolysiloxaneimpression 1. 10% pH<1 166.08617.58 (a) material for the negative impression, and the positive 2. 10% pH=0.95 162.44614.59 (a) replication made with Epon 828s (Shell Chem. Co., 3. 10% pH=2.57 139.70619.45 (a,b) Houston, TX) low viscosity epoxy resin. The tooth 4. 10% pH» 5 77.0469.28 (d) halves and epoxy replicas were mounted on aluminum 5. 2% pH=0.95 151.76617.03 (a) 6. 2% pH=2.57 115.2866.47 (b,c) studs with carbon paint, gold sputtered using an Ultra- 7. 2% pH» 5 106.82613.86 (c) spec 90 sputter coater (Energy Beam Sciences, 8. SingleHOrinse pH=2.57 113.23611.21 (b,c) 2 Agawam,MA)andexaminedat10keVonaJSM5300 9. SingleHOrinse pH» 5 118.1166.30 (b,c) 2 SEM (JEOL, Peabody, MA). Photomicrographs were 10. DoubleH2Orinse pH» 5 94.6465.54 (c,d) obtained along the pulpal floor of each restoration and measurements made to quantify any surface reaction zone present in the tooth dentin. The measurements wererecordedandthenaveragedforeachsample,along 3.2 Evaluation of Lining Materials with a description in order to identify the location and characteristics of the reaction zone. Scanning electron and light microscopy consistently To investigate the possibility of contamination of the revealedretentionofthetwovarnishesunderallcondi- alloy powder by the liner or varnish, 20 experimental tions.Therewasagapbetweentheamalgamandtooth silveralloysampleswerepreparedfortransverserupture surfacewhennolinerornovarnishwasutilized.Gener- strengthanalysis.Noliner,Copalite(cid:212) varnish,Barrier(cid:212) ally,therewasanarrowzoneofdemineralizationinthe varnish,andMirage(cid:212) adhesive(n=5foreachmethod) samples restored with the new alloy and no liner. The wereappliedtothewallsofarectangularstainlesssteel adhesivelinerhadavisiblereactedzoneofdentinwith split mold 14.01 mm33.01 mm. The silver powder boththenewalloyandtheamalgamwhichisconsistant alloywaspreparedandconsolidatedintothemoldincre- in appearence with an adhesive hybrid zone. The mentallyusingthesameinstrumentsandmethodsused indirectreplicatetechniqueyieldednoadditionalinfor- intheextractedteeth.Afterthemoldwasfilledandthe mation. Table 3 is a summary of the observations and samplewasremoved,storedfor24hinadesiccator,and average thickness of the various lining materials in drypolishedwith1200gritsiliconecarbidepaperuntil micrometers. all surfaces were smooth and free of defects. Length, width, thickness and weight were recorded for each Table3. Microscopyresults sample.Thesamplesweretestedforthreepointflexural strength by central loading in the same manner Experimentalalloya Amalgama described in Sec 2.1. Noliner 2.2(affected) 0.9(smearlayer) 5.4(shrinkagegap) 3. Results Copalvarnish 4.7(varnishlayer) 6.7(varnishlayer) Polyamidevarnish 5.1(varnishlayer) 7.2(varnishlayer) 3.1 Concentration and pH Effects Adhesive 6.9(hybridlayer) 6.0(hybridlayer) ThemeanTRSandsamplestandarddeviationforeach aThenumbersarelayerthicknessinmm;affectedreferstothethick- treatment group is given in Table 2. An analysis of nessofthedemineralizedzoneofdentin. 514 Volume103,Number5,September–October1998 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Transverse rupture strengths were recorded for the would also limit the degree of demineralization that fourgroupsofsilverconsolidatedinthepresenceofthe couldoccur.Theadaptationofthealloytothisdeminer- different liners and the mean values given in Table 4. alizedsurfacewasverygoodandnoopeninterfacesor Therewasnostatisticallysignificantdifferencebetween contractiongapswereobserved.Theconsolidatedalloy the treatments (analysis of variance at p#0.05). did not undergo any shrinkage and did not exhibit the shrinkagegapobservedintheamalgamrestorations.No Table 4. Mean and sample standard deviations of TRS values of noticeablereactionwasobservedatanyoftheenamel/ silverconsolidatedinthepresenceofdifferentliners alloy interfaces. According to Mertz-Fairhurst and Newcomer [10], Varnish MeanTRSandsample an average amalgam/tooth interface gap with a dis- oradhesive standarddeviation(MPa) persedphaseamalgamwasapproximatedat13mmwith Noliner 103.268.3 asamplestandarddeviationof10mm.Brannstrom[11] Copal 103.063.5 reported a 5 mm to 20 mm gap. These data appear Polyamide 94.7612.0 consistent with the results obtained in this experiment. Adhesive 91.7611.0 EamesandHollenback[12]reportedtheaveragethick- nessofCopalite(cid:212) was2mm,andathicknessof3mm to 9 mm was reported by Dolven [13]. An average 4. Discussion smearlayerwasreportedtobe5mm[11],againconsis- tent with results presented here. The results from Sec. 3.1 indicated that transverse Resultsfromscanningelectronmicroscopyweredif- rupturestrengthisnotadverselyaffecteduntiltherinse ficult to interpret due to shrinkage artifacts introduced pHrisesabove2.5.Concentrationwasnotasignificant duringdesiccationofthetoothsamples.Reflectedlight factor,anditappearsthatusingarinseof2%HBF at microscopy avoided the problem with drying artifacts 4 thepHof0.97achievesadequatestrength.Thevolumes andseemedtoyieldmicrographsthatgaveafairrepre- ofacidusedfortheseactivationexperimentswerevery sentation of tooth/silver interface. largeandfurtherexperimentswillneedtoberuntofind Anotherconcernwithusinglinerswasthepossibility thecriticalvolumes,times,andstirringregimensneces- of the lining material reacting with the surface of the saryforactivation.Thesurfacecleaningofthepowder, powderparticlesandpreventingcold-welding.Thiswas however,appearstoprovideforsufficientcold-welding especially a concern in the case of the adhesive resin to occur at this pH. whereitwasobservedthattheacidbecamecloudyafter In Sec. 3.2, the varnishes appeared to remain intact contacting the cavity wall. The flexural strength mea- on the dentin surface but there was evidence that the surements made on samples where the mold was lined resinadhesivehadbeendislodged.Largeinclusionsof withthevarnishesandresinindicatedthatthelinershad the resin were observed in some specimens that noeffectonstrength.Apparently,noreactionsoccurred appeared as agglomerated polymer that had been to interfere with the cold-welding of the silver. removed from the cavity surface. The adhesive in the In an attempt to further investigate what was occur- hybrid layer, however, was well retained. The resin ringwiththevariousliners,asimpleadditionalexperi- adhesive liner caused the acid to rapidly produce a mentwasconducted.Theexperimentconsistedofplac- cloudy dispersion when the powder/acid slurry was ing one coat of polyamide varnish, two coats of copal condensedintothepreparation.Thismayhavebeendue varnishandfivecoatsofdentinadhesiveontoseparate to the hydrolytic degradation of the surface adhesive glassslides.Adropof2%HBF wasplacedontoeach 4 that was not entangled with the collagen of the hybrid oftheseslides.Theadhesivewasrapidlydislodgedand layer. disrupted from the slide while the two varnishes re- Wherenolinerwasused,theobservedreactionzone mained intact. This supplemental experiment helped appeared to be demineralized. The depth of this dem- confirm what was observed in the tooth samples. ineralization, approximately 2 mm, was less than that observed with the dentin adhesive and consistent with the demineralization experienced with etchants used 5. Conclusions with dentin adhesives [9]. The reason for this rather shallow level of demineralization was probably due to Fromtheseexperiments,itappearsthatactivationof the short contact time that the acid had with the tooth this silver powder can be adequately achieved using a surfaceduringconsolidation.Thesmallvolumeofacid regimen consisting of an initial immersion in 10 % that could remain at the interface during consolidation HBF aqueous solution followed by a rinse in a HBF 4 4 and the high buffering capacity of the tooth surface aqueous solution at a pH below approximately 2.5. 515 Volume103,Number5,September–October1998 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology A 2% aqueous solution of HBF demineralizes the About the authors: Frederick C. Eichmiller is a 4 dentincavitysurfacetoadepthofapproximately2mm mechanical engineer/dentist and directs the American whennocavitylinerisused.Cavityvarnishesandadhe- Dental Association Health Foundation’s Paffenbarger sive resin liners will prevent this demineralization. The Research Center at NIST. Kathleen M. Hoffman is a adhesiveonthesurfaceofthecavitydoesnot,however, chemist and Anthony A. Guiseppetti is a metallurgical remainadherenttothecavitywallinthepresenceofthe technician at the Paffenbarger Research Center. The powder/acid slurry. In addition, no shrinkage gap PaffenbargerResearchCenterexistswithintheDental appeared between the cavity wall and the consolidated andMedicalMaterialsGroupatNISTunderaCooper- silver. ative Research and Development Agreement between theADAHFandNIST.MichaelM.WrayandRandallJ. Avers are U.S. Navy dental officers taking part in a Acknowledgment residencyprogramattheNavyDentalSchool,National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. The This investigation was supported in part by the National Institute of Standards and Technology is an USPHSResearchGrantP50DEO9322totheAmerican agencyoftheTechnologyAdministration,U.S.Depart- Dental Association Health Foundation from the ment of Commerce. National Institutes of Health–National Institute of Dental Research and is a part of the dental research program conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in cooperation with the American Dental Association Health Foundation. 6. References [1] R.G.Craig,RestorativeDentalMaterials,9thed.,C.V.Mosby Co.,St.Louis(1993). [2] J. R. Mackert, Dental amalgam and mercury, J. Am. Dent. Assoc.122(9),54–56(1991). [3] J.G.Bauer,Actionofmercuryindentalexposurestomercury, Op.Dent.10(3),104–113(1985). [4] I.M.C.Lundstrom,Allergyandcorrosionofdentalmaterials inpatientswithorallichenplanus,Int.J.Oral.Surg.13(1), 16–24(1984). [5] D.SmithandH.Caul,Alloysofgalliumandpowderedmetals as a possible replacement for dental amalgam, J. 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