Atmos. Chem. Phys.,8,7519–7532,2008 Atmospheric Chemistry ©Author(s)2008. Thisworkisdistributedunder theCreativeCommonsAttribution3.0License. and Physics Parameterization of middle atmospheric water vapor photochemistry for high-altitude NWP and data assimilation J.P.McCormack1,K.W.Hoppel2,andD.E.Siskind1 1SpaceScienceDivision,NavalResearchLaboratory,WashingtonDC,USA 2RemoteSensingDivision,NavalResearchLaboratory,WashingtonDC,USA Received: 4June2008–PublishedinAtmos. Chem. Phys.Discuss.: 23July2008 Revised: 4November2008–Accepted: 17November2008–Published: 16December2008 Abstract. This paper describes CHEM2D-H2O, a new pa- abundancecontrolstheavailabilityofoddhydrogenspecies rameterization of H O photochemical production and loss for catalytic ozone loss. In addition, the emission of long- 2 based on the CHEM2D photochemical-transport model of wave(terrestrial)radiationtospacebywatervaporisanim- the middle atmosphere. This parameterization accounts for portant cooling process in the middle atmosphere. The rel- the altitude, latitude, and seasonal variations in the photo- atively long photochemical lifetime of middle atmospheric chemicalsourcesandsinksofwatervaporoverthepressure watervaporalsomakesitausefultracerforstudyingthedy- region from 100–0.001hPa (∼16–90km altitude). A series namics of this region. Finally, the abundance of middle at- of free-running NOGAPS-ALPHA forecast model simula- mosphericwatervaporisanimportantfactorcontrollingthe tionsoffersapreliminaryassessmentofCHEM2D-H2Oper- formation of both polar stratospheric clouds in winter and formance over the June 2007 period. Results indicate that polar mesospheric (or noctilucent) clouds near the summer the CHEM2D-H2O parameterization improves global 10- mesopause, the former being important for heterogeneous dayforecastsofuppermesosphericwatervaporcomparedto ozone loss. In more practical terms, water vapor is a fun- forecasts using an existing one-dimensional (altitude only) damentalprognosticvariableinthedynamicalcoresofmost parameterization. Most of the improvement is seen at high numericalweatherprediction(NWP)models. Fortheserea- winterlatitudeswheretheone-dimensionalparameterization sons, NWP and data assimilation (DA) systems whose top specifies photolytic H O loss year round despite the lack levelsextendintotheupperstratosphereandmesospherere- 2 of sunlight in winter. The new CHEM2D-H2O parameter- quire an accurate description of the photochemical sources ization should provide a better representation of the down- andsinksofwatervapor. welling of dry mesospheric air into the stratospheric polar In general, operational requirements for timely forecasts vortex in operational analyses that do not assimilate middle prevent NWP systems from performing fully coupled pho- atmosphericH Omeasurements. 2 tochemicalmodelcalculationsbecausetheyaretoocompu- tationallyintensive. Onesolutiontothisproblemisemploy parameterizationsbasedonlinearizationoftherelevantpho- tochemical processes (see, e.g. Cariolle and De`que´, 1986). 1 Introduction For a review of the development of linearized photochem- istryparameterizations,seeMcCormacketal.(2006). Althoughthemiddleatmosphere(15–100kmaltitude)isex- tremely dry when compared to the troposphere, detailed Thispaperdescribesanewlinearizedgas-phasewaterva- knowledge of the water vapor distribution in this region is por photochemistry parameterization that is based on the importantforanumberofreasons.Forexample,watervapor CHEM2D zonally averaged photochemical-transport model ofthe middle atmosphere. CHEM2D hasbeensuccessfully used to develop fast, accurate parameterizations of strato- Correspondenceto: J.P.McCormack spheric ozone photochemistry (McCormack et al., 2004, ([email protected]) 2006). MacKenzie and Harwood (2004) implemented this PublishedbyCopernicusPublicationsonbehalfoftheEuropeanGeosciencesUnion. Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 04 NOV 2008 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2008 to 00-00-2008 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Parameterization of middle atmospheric water vapor photochemistry for 5b. GRANT NUMBER high-altitude NWP and data assimilation 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Research Laboratory,Space Science Division,4555 Overlook REPORT NUMBER Avenue SW,Washington,DC,20375 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT This paper describes CHEM2D-H2O, a new parameterization of H2O photochemical production and loss based on the CHEM2D photochemical-transport model of the middle atmosphere. This parameterization accounts for the altitude, latitude, and seasonal variations in the photochemical sources and sinks of water vapor over the pressure region from 100?0.001 hPa (16?90 km altitude). A series of free-running NOGAPS-ALPHA forecast model simulations offers a preliminary assessment of CHEM2D-H2O performance over the June 2007 period. Results indicate that the CHEM2D-H2O parameterization improves global 10- day forecasts of upper mesospheric water vapor compared to forecasts using an existing one-dimensional (altitude only) parameterization. Most of the improvement is seen at high winter latitudes where the one-dimensional parameterization specifies photolytic H2O loss year round despite the lack of sunlight in winter. The new CHEM2D-H2O parameterization should provide a better representation of the downwelling of dry mesospheric air into the stratospheric polar vortex in operational analyses that do not assimilate middle atmospheric H2O measurements. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 14 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 7520 J.P.McCormacketal.: ParameterizedH Ophotochemistry 2 Fig.1.VerticalprofilesofthedominantCHEM2Dmodellossrates(moleculescm−3s−1)at5◦Non15Junefor(a)CH4and(b)H2O. type of water vapor photochemistry parameterization in a etal.(2003). CHEM2Dextendsfrompoletopolewithgrid general circulation model to study trends in middle atmo- pointsspacedevery4.8◦inlatitude;theverticaldomaincon- spherichumidity. Hereweapplyasimilarapproachtopro- sistsof88pressurelevelsfromthesurfacetop=6×10−5hPa vide a suitable representation of middle atmospheric water (∼116km)spacedevery∼1.3km. vaporforoperationalNWP/DAsystems. CHEM2DcomputesthesolarUVheatingabove40kmex- This new water vapor photochemistry parameterization, plicitlyusingthesamespectraldistributionofsolarUVand designated CHEM2D-H2O, has been recently implemented absorptioncrosssectionsasinthemodelphotolysiscalcula- in the high-altitude version of the Navy Operational Global tions. Detailsofthephotolysiscalculationscanbefoundin Atmospheric Prediction System (NOGAPS-ALPHA). Here Summersetal.(1997)andreferencestherein. Modeled we present a description of CHEM2D-H2O as well as re- O absorptionintheSchumann-Rungebandsisbasedon 2 sults from a series of NOGAPS-ALPHA forecast model theparameterizationofMinschwaneretal.(1993). H Oab- 2 simulations designed to evaluate CHEM2D-H2O and com- sorption is treated as in Siskind et al. (1994). O and H O 2 2 pareitsperformancetoasimplerone-dimensional(1-D)wa- absorption at Lyman-α is based on the method of Lewis ter vapor photochemistry scheme currently used in opera- et al. (1983). The effects of CH absorption at Lyman-α 4 tional NWP/DA systems. The ultimate goal of this work on H O are not considered. Solar cycle variations in irra- 2 is to provide global simulations of mesospheric water va- diance are specified from 1200–8000 A˚based on the mea- por accurate enough to identify the physical processes gov- surements of Lean et al. (1997). The CHEM2D photoly- erning polar mesospheric cloud (PMC) formation near the sis rates reported here are for solar minimum conditions. summer mesopause. Section 2 gives a general overview The Lyman-α irradiance at solar minimum was taken to be of the CHEM2D model and middle atmospheric water va- 3×1011photonscm−1s−1. por photochemistry. Section 3 describes the implementa- Watervapor(H O)inthemiddleatmosphereisproduced 2 tionofCHEM2D-H2OinNOGAPS-ALPHA.Section4ex- directly through oxidation of stratospheric methane (CH ) 4 amines middle atmospheric water vapor fields from a se- by the hydroxyl radical (OH+CH →H O+CH ) and in- 4 2 3 riesofNOGAPS-ALPHAforecastmodelsimulationstoas- directly through a series of reactions involving the methyl sesstheperformanceofCHEM2D-H2O.Section5summa- radical (CH ). The net effect is that approximately two 3 rizes these results and outlines future research applications H OmoleculesareproducedforeachCH moleculelostin 2 4 ofCHEM2D-H2O. the stratosphere (e.g., LeTexier et al., 1988, and references therein).Consequently,thetotalnumberdensityofhydrogen throughoutmuchofthestratosphereQ=2[CH ]+[H O]isa 4 2 2 H OphotochemistryintheCHEM2Dmodel 2 constant (neglecting the relatively small amount of molecu- lar hydrogen, H ). This relationship can be used to express 2 CHEM2D is a zonally averaged (2-D) global model that stratospheric H2O production in terms of H2O abundance, features a fully self-consistent treatment of radiative, pho- whichisadvantageoussinceiteliminatestheneedforaprog- tochemical, and dynamical processes of the middle atmo- nosticCH4variable. sphere (see, e.g., McCormack et al., 2006; McCormack et Figure 1a plots vertical profiles of individual CHEM2D al.,2007). Themodelphotochemistryaccountsforreactions CH lossrates(moleculescm−3s−1)at5◦Non15June. Re- 4 among54differentspeciesusingreactionratesfromSander actions (5) and (6) listed in Fig. 1a are the key reactions Atmos. Chem. Phys.,8,7519–7532,2008 J.P.McCormacketal.: ParameterizedH Ophotochemistry 7521 2 Fig.2. Pressure-latitudeplotsofCHEM2DCH4photochemicallifetimes(indays)for(a)15Juneand(b)15December,andofCHEM2D H2Olifetimesfor(c)15Juneand(d)15December.Shadingin(a)and(b)indicatesregionwhereCH4lossisprimarilythroughphotolysis. Contoursaredrawnat3,5,10,30,50,100,300,500,and1000days. responsible for stratospheric H O production. Above the where [CH ] and [H O] denote CHEM2D CH and H O 2 4 2 4 2 0.1hPa level, CH loss occurs through photolysis and does abundances (moleculescm−3) and L is the loss rate 4 i notproduceH Odirectly. (moleculescm−3s−1)fortheindividualreactionsinFig.1. 2 As a result total hydrogen Q is not conserved in the Figures 2a and b show that the shortest CH lifetimes 4 mesosphere. Middle atmospheric H2O is destroyed pri- (<2days) are in the summer mesopause region where pho- marily through photolysis in the mesosphere by solar UV tolysis is the dominant loss mechanism. A secondary mini- and Lyman-α radiation, yielding a number of different by- muminτ isseennearthesummerpolarstratopausedue CH4 products depending on the energy of the incoming radia- to rapid CH loss via reaction with chlorine (Reaction 4 in 4 tion (Steif et al., 1975). H2O is lost in the stratosphere Fig.1). through reaction with atomic oxygen. Figure 1b plots in- The shaded regions in Fig. 2 indicate where CH loss is 4 dividualCHEM2DverticalprofilesofH2Olossratesat5◦N dominatedbyphotolysis,aprocessthatdoesnotdirectlypro- on 15 June. The loss rates for the photolysis Reactions 1– duce H O. The unshaded regions of Fig. 2a and b indicate 2 3inFig.1barebasedonestimatedquantumyieldsof0.78, whereCH lossproducesH OinthestratosphereviaReac- 4 2 0.10, and 0.12, respectively. These values of the quantum tions5and6asinFig1a. yieldsweredeterminedfromasynthesisofavailablelabora- Valuesofτ forlevelsbelow0.1hPaexceed50days,in- CH4 torymeasurements(Steifetal.,1975;Harichetal.,2000). dicatingthatstratosphericH Oproductionisslowcompared 2 Photochemical loss rates are commonly used to infer an to typical transport timescales. As a result, including the effectivephotochemicallifetime,whichisaconvenientway effects of this process in typical NWP/DA systems issuing toquantifytherelevanttimescalesforphotochemistryrela- 5- to 10-day forecasts is not crucial provided that accurate tivetootherphysicalprocessessuchasadvection. Figure2 stratospheric humidity data are being regularly assimilated plots CHEM2D photochemical lifetimes of CH4 and H2O globally. In the absence of such data, or when conducting (τCH4 andτH2O respectively)forJuneandDecembercondi- longer free-running model simulations for seasonal predic- tions throughout the middle atmosphere. The lifetimes are tion or climate simulations, the contribution of CH oxida- 4 computedfromthesumoftheindividuallossratesas tiontoH Oproductionbecomesmoresignificant. 2 τ = [CH4] , τ = [H2O] (1) Fig. 2c and d show that values of τH2O in the summer CH4 P6 L H2O P4 L hemisphere are less than 5 days above the 0.01hPa level, i=1 i i=1 i indicating that H O photolysis is an important effect for 2 Atmos. Chem. Phys.,8,7519–7532,2008 7522 J.P.McCormacketal.: ParameterizedH Ophotochemistry 2 Fig.3. Pressure-latitudeplotsofnetCHEM2Dmiddleatmospherewatervaporphotochemicaltendency(P−L)H2O for(a)15Juneand (b)15Decemberinpartspermillion(volume)permonth. Contoursaredrawnat±0.1,±0.3,±1,±3,and±10ppmvpermonth. Dashed contoursdenotenegativevalues. ∂r accurate medium-range forecasts in this region. Values of =k (r −r)−k r (2) 1 Q 2 τ near the mesopause increase rapidly poleward of 50◦ ∂t H2O latitudeinwinterastheamountofsunlightdiminishes. where r is the local water vapor mixing ratio and r is the Q To highlight the latitude, altitude, and seasonal depen- equivalenttotalhydrogenmixingratio. dences of H2O photochemistry in the middle atmosphere, Thecoefficientsk1 andk2 aredeterminedfromanalytical Fig. 3 plots the net CHEM2D photochemical tendency for fits to quoted values of τ in the stratosphere and τ CH4 H2O water vapor, (P−L)H2O, in parts per million by volume in the mesosphere, respectively, at various altitudes from (ppmv) per month as a function of latitude and pressure for BrasseurandSolomon(1986). 15Juneand15December,whereP isthenetproductionrate Thecoefficientsk andk varywithaltitudeandarecon- 1 2 and L is the net loss rate. In the stratosphere, (P−L)H2O stant with latitude and season. It is assumed that rQ has a is weakly positive as a result of relatively slow H2O pro- constant value of 6.8ppmv based on the results of Randel duction through CH4 oxidation in the absence of water va- et al. (1998). Figure 4 plots CHEM2D values of rQ show- por photolysis at these altitudes (see Figs. 1 and 2). In the ingthisassumptionholdsformostofthestratosphereexcept mesosphere,(P−L)H2Oismostlynegativeduetophotolytic winterpolarregionswheredownwardtransportofdrymeso- loss, with the largest loss rates occurring near the summer sphericairoccurs(LeTexieretal.,1988;Randeletal.,1998). mesopause region. The positive values of (P−L)H2O in Thus the ECMWF scheme provides a reasonable 1-D pho- the winter hemisphere near 80km poleward of 50◦ latitude tochemical constraint on global stratospheric H O, but may 2 are the result of enhanced H2O production via the reaction overestimatestratosphericH2Oproductioninregionswhere OH+HO2 → H2O+O2. This enhancement is due to pole- conservationofrQbreaksdown. wardtransportofoddhydrogenfromsunlitlatitudesintopo- To compare this 1D approach to the CHEM2D-H2O pa- lar night, where it becomes long-lived in the upper meso- rameterization, Fig. 5 plots the vertical profile of the com- sphere(BrasseurandSolomon,1986). binedphotochemicallifetime,(k +k )−1 fromtheECMWF 1 2 The values of τ , τ , and (P−L) presented in CH4 H2O H2O scheme (ECMWF, 2006) along with CHEM2D values of this section, which vary with latitude, altitude, and month, τ and τ over the equator for each month of the year. CH4 H2O serve as the basis for the new CHEM2D-H2O parameteri- Only CHEM2D values of τ below the 0.1hPa level are CH4 zation. CHEM2D-H O differs from the water vapor photo- 2 plotted in Fig. 5, since it is in this region where CH loss 4 chemistry parameterization currently used in the European leadstoH Oproduction. AlsoplottedinFig.5arevaluesof 2 CentreforMediumRangeWeatherForecasts(ECMWF)In- thecombinedCHEM2Dlifetime tegrated Forecast system (IFS) (Untch and Simmons, 1999; 1 ECMWF,2006;Feistetal.,2007),whichparameterizespro- τ∗ = (3) duction via stratospheric CH oxidation and loss via meso- τ−1 +τ−1 4 CH4 H2O spheric photolysis as a function of altitude only, neglecting foreachmonth,whicharedeterminedfromtheplottedvalues possiblelatitudeandseasonaldependences. Thismethodex- ofτ andτ inFig.5. pressesthewatervaporphotochemicaltendencyas CH4 H2O The quantity τ∗ provides a single, concise description of thetimescaleforH Ophotochemistrythroughoutthemiddle 2 atmospherethatvarieswithlatitudeandseasonanalogousto Atmos. Chem. Phys.,8,7519–7532,2008 J.P.McCormacketal.: ParameterizedH Ophotochemistry 7523 2 Fig.4.Pressure-latitudeplotsoftotalhydrogenrQ(inppmv)fromtheCHEM2Dmodelfor(a)15Juneand(b)15December.Contoursare drawnevery1ppmv. Fig.5. Comparisonofcombinedphotochemicallifetime(days)in Fig.6. Comparisonofcombinedphotochemicallifetime(days)in the ECMWF water vapor photochemistry parameterization (black the ECMWF water vapor photochemistry parameterization (black curve)withCHEM2DlifetimesτH2O (purplecurves),τCH4 (gold curve) with values of the CHEM2D effective lifetime τ∗ (red curves), τ∗ (red curves) for all 12 months over the equator. The curves)at70◦Nonthe15thdayofMarch, June, September, and CHEM2DτCH4 profileisonlyplottedatlevelswhereCH4 oxida- December. tionisthedominantlossprocess(c.f.,Fig.1andunshadedregion inFig.2). The CHEM2D model results presented in this section demonstrate that the net middle atmospheric H O photo- 2 the 1-D profile of (k +k )−1 in the ECMWF scheme. The chemicaltendencyexhibitspronouncedlatitudeandseasonal 1 2 overlappingcurvesinFig.5indicatethatthereisvirtuallyno variationsthatshouldbeaccountedforinNWP/DAsystems seasonal dependence in the H O production and loss terms extendingintothemesosphere. TheCHEM2D-H2Oparam- 2 atlowlatitudes,inagreementwithFigs.2and3. Asaresult, eterization described in the following section accounts for CHEM2D values of τ∗ for all 12 months closely match the thesevariations. 1Dscheme’sk−1andk−1profile. 1 2 At higher latitudes, however, seasonal variations in τ H2O and τ are both quite large. As a result, τ∗ also exhibits 3 CHEM2D-H2OinNOGAPS-ALPHA CH4 large seasonal variations at higher latitudes. To illustrate This section describes the CHEM2D-H2O parameteriza- thispoint,Figure6comparesvaluesof(k +k )−1 fromthe 1 2 tionanditsimplementationinNOGAPS-ALPHA.First,we ECMWFschemewithvaluesofτ∗at70◦NforMarch,June, briefly describe the NOGAPS-ALPHA forecast model and September,andDecember. data assimilation components. We then provide a detailed description of the CHEM2D-H2O scheme as it is currently usedinNOGAPS-ALPHA. Atmos. Chem. Phys.,8,7519–7532,2008 7524 J.P.McCormacketal.: ParameterizedH Ophotochemistry 2 3.1 NOGAPS-ALPHAdescription Sounding of the Atmosphere Using Broadband Radiome- try (SABER) instrument on the Thermosphere Ionosphere The high-altitude NOGAPS-ALPHA NWP/DA system Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite (Hoppeletal.,2008)iscapableofassimilatingmiddleatmo- (Kutepov et al., 2006), up to the 0.002hPa level, (E2008). sphere constituent measurements such as H2O profiles ob- Above this level, model fields are initialized with climatol- tainedfromtheNASAEOSAuraMicrowaveLimbSounder ogyasinMcCormacketal.(2006).Thealtituderesolutionof (MLS) (Eckermann et al., 2008, referred to hereafter as the MLS water vapor retrievals decreases significantly with E2008). The68-level(L68)NOGAPS-ALPHAglobalspec- increasingaltitude(Lambertetal.,2007). AGaussianaver- tral forecast model (GSFM) initializes and advects spe- agingkernelintheverticaldirectionwithafull-widthathalf cific humidity q at all levels from the surface to its top at maximum value of 2 km is applied to the assimilated MLS 5×10−4hPa. The q fields are initialized using traditional watervaporprofiles. Thiswasdonetoconstraintheanalysis meteorological analyses from the surface up to the 200hPa tothelowresolutionMLSprofilesratherthanriskintroduc- level. Above this level, the humidity fields can be initial- inganyspuriousverticalstructureintheH Ofieldsthatmay 2 izedusingeitherassimilatedwatervapormeasurementsfora ariseindata-poorregions.Thebackgrounderrorvariancefor specificdateorazonalmonthlymeanclimatologybasedon watervaporintheupperatmospherewassetlargeenoughto measurementsfromtheUpperAtmosphericResearchSatel- ensurethattheanalysiswashighlyconstrainedtotheobser- lite(UARS)HalogenOccultation(HALOE)andMLSinstru- vations, producing a zonal mean distribution that is nearly ments (Randel et al., 1998; Grooß and Russell, 2005), de- identicaltotheMLSdata. Forfurtherdetailsoftheassimila- pendingontheapplication. tionsystem,seeHoppeletal.(2008). ParameterizationsformoistphysicsinNOGAPS-ALPHA A comprehensive evaluation of the NOGAPS middle at- areidenticaltothoseusedintheoperationalversionofNO- mospheric data assimilation system, including comparisons GAPS(HoganandRosmond,1991). Theseincludeshallow with independent observations, is currently underway. The cumulus mixing (Tiedtke, 1984), deep cumulus convection purposeofthispaperistointroducetheCHEM2D-H2Opho- (Peng et al., 2004), and convective, stratiform, and bound- tochemistry parameterization and evaluate its performance ary layer cloud formation and precipitation (Slingo, 1987; based on NOGAPS-ALPHA forecast model simulations of Teixeira and Hogan, 2002). For a more complete descrip- middle atmospheric water vapor. The following section de- tion of NOGAPS-ALPHA model physics, see McCormack scribestheimplementationofCHEM2D-H2OinNOGAPS- et al. (2006) and E2008. Since they are designed primarily ALPHA. fortroposphericapplications,themodel’smoistphysicsrou- tines are only employed from the surface up to the 50hPa 3.2 TheCHEM2D-H2Oparameterization level (∼20 km). In the stratosphere and mesosphere, pa- rameterizedwatervaporphotochemicalproductionandloss TheCHEM2D-H2OparameterizationinNOGAPS-ALPHA constraintheNOGAPS-ALPHAq fields. Withoutthispho- expresses the local time rate of change of the H2O mixing tochemical constraint, upwelling of stratospheric air into ratio r as the difference between the zonally averaged pro- the mesosphere would produce unrealistically high values duction and loss rates computed with the CHEM2D model of mesospheric humidity over forecast periods of 2–3 days. (seeFig.3): This would pose a problem for accurate forecasts of meso- ∂r spherichumidity,especiallyinregionswherehumiditymea- =(P −L)H2O. (4) ∂t surementsarenotassimilated. Allforecastmodelresultsinthisstudyemploytriangular Although specific humidity q is the NOGAPS-ALPHA truncation of the first 79 wavenumbers (T79), with a hori- model’sprognosticvariable,forthesakeofconsistencywith zontal grid spacing of 1.5◦ in longitude and latitude on the the photochemical parameterization in Eq. (2) we will use quadraticGaussiangrid. Themodelusesthenon-orographic volumemixingratior asthemoisturevariableinthefollow- gravity wave drag parameterization of Garcia et al. (2007) ingdiscussion. Modelmixingratior isrelatedtoq through withthesamesettingsasinE2008.TheT79L68modelisini- therelation tialized with analyzed winds, temperature, and constituents M q (e.g., O andH O)producedbytheNOGAPS-ALPHADA r = d (5) 3 2 M 1−q w component, which is described in detail by Hoppel et al. (2008)andE2008. Fromthesurfacetothemid-stratosphere, whereM andM arethemolecularweightsofdryairand d w theseNOGAPS-ALPHAanalysesarebasedonassimilation H O,respectively. 2 of conventional meteorological data sets used by the opera- We assume that (P−L) is primarily a function of r. H2O tionalT239L30system. In the mesosphere, this assumption is justified because the FortheJune2007periodstudiedhere,NOGAPS-ALPHA lossrateduetophotolysisisdirectlyproportionaltothelocal assimilates Aura MLS temperature, O , and H O profiles H Omixingratio. Inthestratosphere,wheretheproduction 3 2 2 (Froidevaux et al., 2006), as well as temperatures from the ratesviamethaneoxidationdependonthelocalCH mixing 4 Atmos. Chem. Phys.,8,7519–7532,2008 J.P.McCormacketal.: ParameterizedH Ophotochemistry 7525 2 Fig.7.Pressure-latitudeplotsoftheeffectivephotochemicallifetimeτ∗(days)usedintheCHEM2D-H2Oparameterizationfor(a)15June and(b)15December. ratio,thisassumptionholdswherethelocalH Omixingra- whereτ∗ representsthecombinedtimescalesforH Opro- 2 2 tiocanbeexpressedintermsoftheCH mixingratiothrough ductionviaCH oxidationinthestratosphereandH Opho- 4 4 2 theapproximateconservationofr (seeFig.4). Wherethe tolysisinthemesosphere. CHEM2Dmodelvaluesofτ∗ are Q assumptionofr conservationbreaksdown,i.e.,inthewin- tabulated as a function of latitude, pressure and season and Q terpolarstratosphere,CHEM2Dvaluesofτ exceed100 theninterpolatedinspaceandtimetotheNOGAPS-ALPHA CH4 days. As shown below, accounting for these latitude and forecast model grid. Figure 7 plots the latitude and altitude seasonalvariationsinH Oproductionandlossensuresthat dependenceofτ∗forJuneandDecemberconditions. 2 theCHEM2D-H2Oparameterizationonlyintroducesphoto- The analytical ECMWF expression Eq. (7) assumes con- chemicaltendenciesinregionswhereitsunderlyingassump- stant total hydrogen r =6.8ppmv at all altitudes. As illus- Q tionsarevalid. trated in Fig. 4, this assumption breaks down in the upper The function (P−L) [r] can be approximated using stratosphereandmesosphere. Inaddition,CH oxidationbe- H2O 4 a first-order Taylor series expansion about a reference state comesanegligiblesourceofH Ointhemesosphere. Thus, 2 suchthat for CHEM2D-H2O we instead derive (P−L)o values as ∂r(λ,∂φt,p,t) =(P−L)oH2O+ ∂(P −∂rL)H2O(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:0)r −ro(cid:1)(6) aCHfuEnMcti2oDnmofoldaetilt,uedxea,mpprelesssuorfewahnidchsewaseorensdhiorewHc2ntOlyprfervoimoutshlye o inFig.3. Thisapproachenablesustocomputeequilibrium where λ is longitude, φ is latitude, p is pressure, and “o” rates without any explicit reference to total hydrogen, and denotesthereferencestate. thustoextendtheseratesintothemesospherewheretotalhy- WeproceedbyassumingthatEq.(6)yieldsanequilibrium drogenconservationbreaksdownandisdominatedbypho- (reference) state ro that is the net balance between photo- tolyticloss. chemicalproductionandloss,suchthatanydeviationsfrom Adopting an approach similar to that for the CHEM2D this state can be treated as small perturbations about that ozone photochemistry parameterization, or CHEM2D-OPP reference state. This follows the method used in linearized (McCormacketal.,2006),thespecifichumidityphotochem- ozonephotochemistryschemes,asreviewedbyMcCormack icaltendencyinNOGAPS-ALPHAisappliedbyfirstdefin- etal.(2006)andLahozetal.(2007). ing a photochemical steady state value for the water vapor Applying the expansion Eq. (6) to the ECMWF relation mixingratio Eq.(2),itisstraightforwardtoshowthat rss =ro+(P −L)oτ∗ (10) (P −L)oH2O =k1(cid:0)rQ−ro(cid:1)−k2ro, (7) sothattheH2Omixingratiotendencycanbeexpressedas ∂(P −L)o ∂r −(r −rss) ∂r H2O|o =−(k1+k2) (8) ∂t = τ∗ . (11) Theupdatedmixingratiovalueiscomputedusingastandard illustrating that this approach is mathematically consistent backward-Eulersolutionoftheform withthe1-DparameterizationinEq.(2). " # AsdiscussedinSect.2andillustratedinFigs.5and6,the 1t CHEM2D-H2OanalogofEq.(8)is r(t +1t)=r(t)+[rss −r(t)] τ∗ (12) 1+ 1t ∂(P −L)o τ∗ H2O| =−(cid:0)τ∗(cid:1)−1 (9) andthenconvertedtospecifichumidityusingEq.(5). o ∂r Atmos. Chem. Phys.,8,7519–7532,2008 7526 J.P.McCormacketal.: ParameterizedH Ophotochemistry 2 ppmv Fig.8. Pressure-latitudeplotsofthezonalmeanreferencestateH2Omixingratioro (inppmv)forJunebasedon(a)thecombinedUARS HALOE/MLSclimatologyusedinEXP1and(b)theAuraMLSclimatologyusedinEXP2. Figure 8 compares these two ro distributions. The Aura Table 1. H2O photochemistry parameterizations used in the MLSH OmixingratiosinFig.8baregenerallyhigherthan NOGAPS-ALPHAforecastmodelsimulations. 2 the UARS-based values in Fig. 8a throughout the Northern Hemisphereextratropicaluppermesosphere.Theresultspre- ExperimentName Description sented in the following section demonstrate how these dif- EXP1 CHEM2D-H2Owithro ferences can affect 10-day forecasts of middle atmospheric basedonUARSHALOE/MLS H O. EXP2 CHEM2D-H2Owithro 2 basedonAuraMLS EXP3 ECMWF 4 Results Table1liststhreesetsofNOGAPS-ALPHAforecastmodel In theory, the reference state mixing ratio ro should cor- simulations, designated EXP1, EXP2, and EXP3, used to respondtotheCHEM2Dmodelmixingratioatphotochem- evaluate the new CHEM2D-H2O parameterization. EXP1 ical equilibrium. In practice, values of ro(φ,p,t) are often employs CHEM2D-H2O with the UARS-based ro for the specified using an observation-based climatology of middle month of June (see Fig. 8a). EXP2 employs CHEM2D- atmospheric water vapor. Based on earlier experience with H2OwiththeAuraMLS-basedro forJune(Fig.8b). EXP3 linearizedozonephotochemistryparameterizations(McCor- usesthe1Dwatervaporphotochemistryparameterization(2) mack et al., 2006; Geer et al., 2007; Coy et al., 2007), use currently used in the operational ECMWF IFS. These three of an observation-based reference state ensures that the lin- setsofsimulationseachconsistoffive10-dayforecastsini- earizedphotochemicaltendencytermswillnotproducelarge tialized on 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 June 2007, encompassing biasesbetweenthemodeledandassimilatedconstituentval- the period when PMC’s were observed in the Arctic region ues,whichcannegativelyimpactforecastskill. Inthisstudy, (E2008). The EXP1, EXP2, and EXP3 simulations all use we perform a similar evaluation of the CHEM2D-H2O pa- thesamesetsofinitialconditions. rameterization’ssensitivitytotheassumedbackgroundstate We first examine the performance of CHEM2D-H2O us- using two different ro distributions. The first is based on ingtheUARS-basedreferencestate(EXP1). Figure9aplots monthly zonal mean MLS/HALOE climatology (Randel et thewatervapormixingratioinitialconditionsfor00:00UTC al., 1998; Grooß and Russell, 2005) between 100–0.01hPa on 5 June 2007, which are based on the assimilation of combined with CHEM2D model values above the 0.01hPa Aura MLS Version 2.2 (V2.2) H O profiles between 100– 2 level. The second combines June zonal mean Aura MLS 0.002hPa (∼16–90km) combined with CHEM2D model H Omixingratiosaveragedovertheyears2005–2008upto valuesoftheH Oabovethe0.002hPalevel(seeE2008for 2 2 the 0.002hPa level with CHEM2D model values above this details). Note that EXP1, EXP2, and EXP3 simulations all level. Solar UV fluxes in the CHEM2D model were set to usethesamesetsofinitialconditions. solarminimumlevelsfollowingLeanetal.(1997)tomatch June2007conditions. Atmos. Chem. Phys.,8,7519–7532,2008 J.P.McCormacketal.: ParameterizedH Ophotochemistry 7527 2 (a) 2007060500 : H2O (ppmv) : day =0.0 (b) 2007060500 : H2O (ppmv) : day=10. (c) 2007061500 : H2O (ppmv) : ANL (d) 2007061500 : H2O (ppmv) : A-F Fig.9. Pressure-latitudeplotsof(a)NOGAPS-ALPHAanalyzedzonalmeanH2Omixingratiosfor00:00UTC5June2007;(b)zonalmean forecastmodelH2Omixingratiosatday10oftheEXP1modelsimulationinitialized00:00UTC5Juneandvalid00:00UTC15June2007 (c)zonalmeanNOGAPS-ALPHAanalyzedH2Oat00:00UTCon15June2007;(d)differencesinH2Omixingratiosbetweenthe10-day forecast(F)in(b)andtheanalyzed(A)valuesin(c).Solidanddashedcontoursdenotepositiveandnegativedifferences,respectively. Figure9bplotsthemodelH Omixingratiosonday10of lyzedH Oand10-dayforecastH O.After10daystheEXP1 2 2 2 the EXP1 simulation valid 15 June at 00:00 UTC. A com- model simulation underestimates the zonal mean H O mix- 2 parison of Fig. 9b with Fig. 9a shows that the major differ- ing ratio throughout the northern extratropical upper meso- ences in NOGAPS-ALPHA zonal mean H O after 10 days spherebymorethan2ppmv. Thisisthesameregionwhere 2 are: (1) a decrease at all latitudes above the 0.01hPa level theUARS-basedandAuraMLS-basedrodistributionsdiffer (∼82km); (2) an increase near 0.1hPa (∼65km) poleward substantially (Fig. 8), and where photolytic loss dominates of50◦N;(3)adecreaseoverhighsouthernlatitudesbetween (Fig.3). 1.0–0.1hPa. The high latitude changes are consistent with Asmentionedintheprevioussection,theperformanceof upwelling (downwelling) of moist (dry) air in the summer theCHEM2D-H2Oparameterizationcanbeaffectedbythe (winter) polar mesosphere. The broad decrease above the choice of the background reference state ro because it re- 0.01hPalevelistheresultoftheparameterizedphotolysisof laxestheforecastmodelH Omixingratiosintheupperlev- 2 H O. 2 elstowardthereferencestatevaluero. Inpractice,thewater vapor distribution used to represent ro should be chosen so Figure 9c plots the zonal mean NOGAPS-ALPHA an- as to avoid any systematic bias between the prognostic hu- alyzed H O mixing ratios valid on 00:00 UTC 15 June 2 midity variable and the assimilated humidity fields used to 2007. This and all following plots of analyzed H O ex- 2 initializeandupdatetheforecastsystem(see,e.g.Coyetal., tend to 0.0025hPa, which is the closest vertical level to 2007). Systematically low values of ro, such as those seen the0.002hPaupperlimitforscientificallyusefulMLSH O 2 inFig.8a,canleadtoanoverestimateoftheH Olossinthe measurements (Froidevaux et al., 2006). Since NOGAPS- 2 northernsummeruppermesosphere. Thismayhelpexplain ALPHA analyzed H O is completely constrained by the 2 whythe10-dayEXP1forecastunderestimatestheH Omix- MLSmeasurements,theanalyzedzonalmeanvaluesarees- 2 ing ratio compared to the analyses (Fig. 9d) in the northern sentially the same as a zonal mean estimated directly from extratropicaluppermesosphere. thedailyMLSdata. ComparisonoftheanalyzedH Owith 2 the 10-day fields from EXP1 (Fig. 9b) shows large differ- Toinvestigatethispossibility, weisolatetheeffectofpa- encespolewardof30◦Nabovethe0.01hPalevel,wherethe rameterizedwatervaporphotochemistrybytakingthediffer- analyzed values are much higher than the modeled values. encebetweenthemodelmixingratior andapassivehumid- Figure9dplotsthedifferencesbetweenthezonalmeanana- ity tracer r , which uses the same initial conditions as r pass Atmos. Chem. Phys.,8,7519–7532,2008