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Preview DTIC ADA529552: Detecting HTTP Tunneling Activities

PROCEEDINGSOFTHE2002IEEEWORKSHOPONINFORMATIONASSURANCE 1 Detecting HTTP Tunneling Activities ⁄ Daniel J. Pack$,Member, IEEE , William Streilein+, Seth Webster+, and Robert Cunningham+ Abstract|Inthispaperwepresentanovelintrusiondetectionsys- ciated with web tra–c. Lightweight tra–c parsing such tem which makes use of behavior proflles to identify HyperText as this makes the proposed techniques appealing for real- Transfer Protocol (HTTP) tunneling activities. Behavior proflles time applications. The extensive use of packet features correspond to inherent attributes of application network sessions. Our system evaluates network behaviors at two difierent levels: a as described in our paper has not been found in existing local multi-packet level and a session level. When suspicious behav- IDSsexceptintheworkpresentedbyPaxonandZhang[1] ior is detected, a veriflcation module performs a detailed analysis of where they used the frequency of small packets to detect the corresponding session data. Currently, our system detects both the presence of interactive backdoors. maliciousandunauthorizedHTTPtunnelingactivities. Ourexperi- mentalresultsshowtheefiectivenessofoursystemanddemonstrate the validity of using packet features for anomaly detection. II. Background Index Terms|HTTP Tunneling, Tunneling Detection, Be- havior Proflles, Network Intrusion Detection TosomeextentmostflrewallandIDSdevelopersareaware of the potential for illegal HTTP tunneling. In fact, sim- I. Introduction plesignaturematchingtechniquesfordetectingthemhave already been incorporated into some existing flrewalls and RECENTLY, HTTPtunnelingactivities1 havereceived IDSs. However, these techniques have the following short- an increased amount of attention from the Intrusion comings. Detection community. The primary reason for this is the Forintrusiondetectionssoftwarerunningondedicatedma- extensive use of HTTP in the Internet tra–c and thus chines, parsing all the packet data and then searching for the widespread potential for misuse of HTTP for tunnel- attack signatures is computationally expensive and thus, ing data and control. current Intrusion Detection Systems not feasible for real-time applications. Without parsing (IDSs), however, do not adequately detect HTTP tunnel- the data, however, simple string matching tends to pro- ing activities. This lack of protection against misuses of duce high false alarm rates [2]. Furthermore, signature the HTTP is troublesome, given its pervasiveness and the based systems can not generalize attack patterns and fail factthatitisallowedto(cid:176)owfreelythroughmostflrewalls. torecognizenewtypesoftunnelingactivities[3]. Asimilar For instance, we monitored the Internet tra–c of a large problem exists with the flrewalls. Stateless flrewalls allow enterprise for a one week period and found that over 40% all HTTP tra–c to pass through them as long as allowed ofallincomingandover90%ofalloutgoingdataconsisted port numbers and IP addresses are appropriately specifled of HTTP tra–c. in access control lists. Stateful application proxies provide Inthispaper,wedemonstratetheutilityofpacketfeatures a bit more protection by performing limited protocol veri- todetect, identify, andverifyabnormal HTTPwebtra–c. flcationandsometimesremovingJavaandJavascriptfrom Whenweusethetermpacket features, wemeanattributes the data stream. These proxies cannot, however, perform extracted from a single packet or a set of packets such as detailed analysis of each packet and still keep up with the packet size, change of packet size, or the time between the highdataratesassociatedwithwebtra–c. Unfortunately, flrst and last packets in a connection. One advantage of studyinglimitedHTTPheaderinformationdoesnotdetect using packet features for the detection of HTTP tunneling tunneling activities; simple signature matching techniques is that more efiort is required on the part of the attacker cause high false alarm rates, making the techniques im- to manipulate these aspects of the tra–c, in order to hide practical; and parsing all packet contents is computation- unauthorized HTTP tunneling activities and attacks. An- ally too expensive. To further complicate this problem, other important advantage of using packet features is that HTTP tunneling techniques are currently used in many these features can easily be extracted from packet head- legitimate network activities such as streaming video and ers without having to parse large volumes of data asso- audio[4],managementofnetworksusingremoteprocedure callsencapsulatedinCMIPandSNMP[5],andforpassing ⁄ThisworkwasfundedbyAFIWC.Opinions,interpretations,con- intrusiondetectionalerts[6]. Forthesecommonactivities, clusions, and recommendations are those of the authors and do not theHTTPischosenbecauseitstra–c(cid:176)owsfreelythrough necessarilyrepresenttheviewsoftheagencyortheUSAirForce. most flrewalls. $Department of Electrical Engineering, U.S. Air Force Academy, CO80840,USA +MIT Lincoln Laboratory, 244 Wood Street, Lexington, MA These same HTTP tunneling techniques, however, also 02420-9185 provide opportunities to misuse an organization’s com- 1 The HTTP tunneling is a method to establish a bi-directional puter network resources. By encapsulating their activi- connectionbetweentwocomputersbyencapsulatingmessagesorat- ties within HTTP tra–c, attackers are able to interact tackswiththeHTTPprotocolforthepurposeoftunnelingthrough flrewalls. with and control machines that would otherwise be iso- Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2002 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2002 to 00-00-2002 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Detecting HTTP Tunneling Activities 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Lincoln Laboratory,244 Wood REPORT NUMBER Street,Lexington,MA,02420 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES U.S. Government or Federal Rights License 14. ABSTRACT see report 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 8 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 2 PROCEEDINGSOFTHE2002IEEEWORKSHOPONINFORMATIONASSURANCE Libpcap: The Libpcap library routines provide an inter- face through which applications can obtain raw packets from the network. The HTTP tunneling detection pro- Internet Firewall Intranet gram uses its algorithms along with the PSplice routines toprocesseachpacket, which wedescribelaterinthissec- tion. The Libpcap routines, therefore, remove the details HTTP Tunneling sliding window Detector f1 of communications with the network interface card, allow- Local Level ing the tunneling detection program to focus on a high Libpcap and Analysis Module packet # PSplice level packet feature analysis. Session Level fn Analysis Module Psplice: Psplice[7]isalibraryofC++Classesandmeth- packet # ods that handles all the complexities of associating pack- Session Session Session PSplice Verification Module ets into connections and keeping track of each connec- process packets for current session tion’s status. It is composed of two separate components: The packet parsing component of Psplice parses individ- VeMriofidcualteion Alert Admin ual packets and provides ready access to packet internals through the creation of packet objects. The connection tracking component of Psplice matches incoming packets Fig.1. SystemArchitecture to their respective connections and tracks the state of all connections seen. The connection tracking component is also able to piece the data from a connection’s packets to- lated from them behind a flrewall. Legitimate users may gether into a seamless transcript. The HTTP detection use HTTP tunneling without being blocked by a flrewall system uses the Psplice library routines to keep statistics or detected by an IDS to access unauthorized software or onandextractedinformationfromnetworkconnectionob- to access services from the internet in violation of their jects. organization’s policies or services from the Internet with- out being blocked by a flrewall or detected by an IDS. Local Level Analysis Module: The local level analysis Occasionally, these individuals may inadvertently bring in module applies a sliding window to a set of packets to ordownloadmaliciousprogramstoanorganization’scom- search for abnormal local activities that match any of the puter network, but in most cases, such activities simply anomalous behavior proflles pre-generated using training waste available network bandwidth and lower productiv- data. The sliding window size is deflned by the user, and ity. A prominent example of such activity is to stream it deflnes the number of packets considered at a time in non-work related video segments during periods of high the local level analysis module. The features for abnormal network usage. local behaviors include actual and difierential packet sizes betweenconsecutivepacketsandthedirectionofdata(cid:176)ow. Given the aforementioned status of current IDSs and flre- walls regarding the HTTP tunneling, the objectives of our Session Level Analysis Module: While the local level work are (1) to introduce and demonstrate a novel ap- analysismodulesearchesfordistinctivelocalbehaviors,the proachofnetworkintrusiondetectionbycharacterizingthe session level analysis module evaluates global connection inherentfeaturesassociatedwithpacketlevelnetworktraf- behaviors by examining the running average of features flc for HTTP tunneling activities; (2) to illustrate the use andchangingfeaturepatterns. Thefeaturesusedtodetect of behavior proflles to capture network events; and (3) to globalanomalousactivitiesincludeaveragesizeofpackets, present a hierarchical system that evaluates network be- direction of data (cid:176)ow, ratio of large to small packets, to- haviors at difierent resolutions, detecting and classifying tal amount of data transfer, and total number of packets illegitimate and unauthorized HTTP tunneling activities. exchanged. Veriflcation Module: The veriflcation module is only III. System Description invoked when a suspicious activity is detected by the local analysismoduleorthesessionanalysismodule. Currently, The system, shown in Figure 1, contains two difierent the veriflcation process consists of parsing the transcript packet level processing modules and one additional tran- of a connection and searching for keywords. If particular script analysis module to detect, identify, and verify in- keywordsarefound,theveriflcationmoduleinformsanet- teractive, scripted, and streaming sessions: the local level work administrator. To verify an attack activity, we use a analysis module searches for local features of individual set of 29 keywords while 11 keywords are used to identify sessionpackets,thesessionlevelanalysismoduleexamines a stream session. We plan to interface the attack veriflca- theaverageactivitiesforanentiresessionuptothecurrent tion process with the bottleneck veriflcation algorithm [8], time, and the veriflcation module extracts and considers a transcript analysis tool. the contents of packets to verify the existence of HTTP tunneling activities. : 3 IV. Behavior Profiles New Packet Update Connection Status Two important advantages exist for using behavior pro- flles in an IDS as the basis for detecting network intru- Perform Local Abnormal Positive Inform sions: generality and extendibility. One of most desir- anAdn Saelysssiiosn Verify Administrator able attributes of an IDS is the ability to generalize at- tack patterns instead of matching speciflc signatures or Normal Negative flngerprints. In place of speciflc keyword string patterns, our system searches for general packet level behavior pat- Add Packet Information Psplice Yes USepsdsaioten terns. Forexample, oursystemcontainsonebehaviorpro- to Psplice Connection Callback Transcript flle to detect interactive sessions, another one to detect scripted attacks, and third one to detect all streaming ses- No sions. That is, we do not have a list of difierent proflles to detect streaming video, streaming voice, and streaming music: one general behavior proflle covers all three ac- tivities. Furthermore, this single behavior proflle is used Fig.2. Flow-ChartdepictingtheprocessinvolvedindetectingHTTP to detect streaming activities generated by four difierent tunnelingactivities. streaming software tools and protocols: MediaPlayer, Re- alPlayer,QuickTime,andWinAmp. Experimentswithop- erational data show that the same stream behavior proflle Processing a Packet: Figure 2 shows the (cid:176)ow-chart of allowsthesystemtoflndstreamingdataproducedbyother theprocessingpathapacketgoesthroughwithinthedetec- tools, such as the NSPlayer. tionsystem. Whenanewpacketiscollectedbythetunnel detection system, the detection system updates a connec- Thesecondadvantageofusingbehaviorprofllesistheabil- tion object. If a packet does not belong to any existing ity to extend the scope of detection to other types of clan- sessions, a new connection object is created. A connection destine activities. Our system can be extended to detect object contains information pertaining to the source and newabnormalbehaviorsbycreatingnewbehaviorproflles. thedestinationoftheconnection,suchasIPaddressesand We show how we generate such proflles using packet level portnumbersas well as thenumber of packets received by features shortly. Each behavior proflle consists of a set the client and the server, packet size, arrival time, and of programmable conditions. A proflle developer describes the contents of each packet. Each connection object also the local behavior and global behavior of an abnormal ac- contains information such as the running packet size aver- tivity using individual features such as the average packet age,thetotalnumberofbytesreceivedsofar,andupdated size, total number of packets, rate of packet size changes, transcripts for both source and destination sites. and relational attributes such as the packet ratio between largeandsmallpacketsandthedisparitybetweenthenum- Once an appropriate connection object has been estab- ber of packets originated from a destination and the num- lished,thenewpacketfeaturesalongwithfeaturesderived berofpacketsinitiatedfromasource. Theabilitytodeflne from the past n packets are analyzed by the local level new behavior proflles provides the (cid:176)exibility for adminis- analysis module. At the same time, the session level anal- trators to easily add the detection capability for new at- ysis module examines the set of packets seen to this point tacks once its general packet behavior is identifled. in the connection. We now describe the training data used to generate be- The veriflcation module parses through the transcript and havior proflles. For normal web tra–c, we collected over searches for a set of preselected keywords. If the veriflca- 100 Mbytes actual web tra–c data. The data is supple- tion module flnds a tunneling activity, the appropriate in- mented with over 2 Gbytes of simulated web tra–c data formation is sent to the system administrator. Otherwise, using the LARIAT [9] testbed. The data generated by thepacketissenttothenextprocessingmodule. Thenext LARIAT accurately portrays actual web tra–c and pro- processing module, shown as \Add Packet Information to videmuchneededvolumeandvarietyofnormalwebtra–c Psplice Connection" block in the flgure, appends the cur- for training. For interactive attack sessions, seven difier- rent packet information to an existing connection object ent attack scenarios using the GNU http tunneling pro- if it exists or starts a new connection object The corre- gram [10] were carried out while capturing the associated sponding session transcript is updated only if necessary networktra–c. Thesevenscenariosincludeprobingdirec- conditions are met by the Psplice callback routine2. tory structure, copying, modifying, inserting, and moving flles, and carrying out FTP sessions. To generate tra–c for scripted attacks, we captured the network tra–c from six attack scenarios generated using an HTTP tunneling 2Wecan’tsimplyaddthepacketinformationtoaconnectionevery program developed at MIT-Lincoln Laboratory. These six timeapacketarrives,sincepacketsarriveoutoforder. scenariosincludethefollowingactivities: probingdirectory 4 PROCEEDINGSOFTHE2002IEEEWORKSHOPONINFORMATIONASSURANCE Data Size of Packets Received by Client Data Size of Packets Received by Server 1500 700 600 Packet Size (byte)1000 Packet Size (byte)345000000 500 200 100 00 500 1000 1500Packe2ts000 2500 3000 3500 00 500 1000 1500Packe2ts000 2500 3000 3500 (a) (b) Histogram of Packet Size Received by Client Histogram of Packet Size Received by Server 1200 2500 1000 2000 mber of Packets680000 mber of Packets1500 Nu Nu1000 400 500 200 00 500 1000 1500 00 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Packet Size (byte) Packet Size (byte) (c) (d) Fig.3. Asampleofauthors’normalwebtra–c: frames(a)and(b)showthepacketsizereceivedbytheclientandtheserver,respectively; thehistogramsforthedatainframes(a)and(b)areshowninframes(c)and(d),respectively. structure, copying and moving flles, removing processes, tra–c shown in Figure 3 at the client side, and frame (d) and changing flle access modes. Finally, for stream ses- shows the corresponding distribution at the server side. sions, we collected network tra–c while using four difier- Note that distribution peaks present at packet data size 0 ent streaming software clients: Realplayer, Mediaplayer, and 1460 exist, and there is a wide spread of packet data Quicktime (Window version), and WinAmp. Using each sizes shown in frame (c). From frame (d) we observe that client we collected data while streaming music, audio, and thedatasizeofpacketsfromtheclienttotheserverisrela- video. tivelysmallwiththemaximumpacketdatasizeunder700 bytes. These packet data sizes re(cid:176)ect the average amount Creating Behavior Proflles: Currently,abehaviorpro- of data exchanged by clients and servers [11]. The exam- flle is generated by specifying the following seven packet ple shows that, on average, the client receives an order of features: (1) packet size, (2) number of packets (duration, magnitude more data than the server. These characteris- sliding window size), (3) ratio between large and small tic makes intuitive sense when we consider that most web packets, (4) data directions, (5) average packet size, (6) sessions consist of small data request packets from clients change of packet size pattern, and (7) size of total packets and large data reply packets from servers. received. From our experiments, we found that these fea- tures are su–cient to distinguish abnormal HTTP session To demonstrate how anomalous behavior proflles are cre- from a normal one. ated, we compare normal web tra–c data with data col- lectedfrominteractiveattacksessionsandstreamsessions. As an example, we flrst consider the case of normal web Figures4and5correspondtoaninteractiveattacksession tra–c,showninFigure3. Thisdatawasproducedbycap- andastreammusicsessionusingtheMicrosoftMediaplyer, turingnetworktra–cwhiletheauthorssurfedtheInternet. respectively. For each flgure, frame (a) represents the size A total of 3217 packets were received by a client with av- of the packets received by the client during the session, erage of 9.218 packets per session, while a total of 3071 frame (b) represents the size of the packets received by a packets were received by a server with average of 8.799 serveroverthesamesession,frame(c)showsthehistogram packets per session. A total of 349 sessions are included in of packet sizes corresponding to frame (a), and frame (d) the data shown in the flgure. Average packet sizes, shown shows the histogram of packet sizes associated with frame inFigure3frames(a)and(b),are745.964bytesand78.993 (b). Frames (e) and (f) of Figure 5 are the running aver- bytes, respectively. The histogram in Figure 3 frame (c) ages of packet sizes at the client and at the server using shows the distribution of packet sizes for the normal web the data shown in frames (a) and (b) of the same flgure. : 5 Data Size of Packets Received by Client Data Size of Packets Received by Server 1 100 0.8 90 0.6 80 Packet Data Size (byte)−−0000....02442 Packet Data Size (byte)3456700000 −0.6 20 −0.8 10 −10 20 40 60 80 100 120 00 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Packets Packets (a) (b) Histogram of Packet Size Received by Client Histogram of Packet Size Received by Server 120 200 180 100 160 mber of Packets6800 mber of Packets111024000 Nu Nu80 40 60 40 20 20 −060 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Packet Size Packet Size (c) (d) Fig. 4. Interactive tunnel session: frames (a) and (b) show the packet size received by a client and a server; frames (c) and (d) represent histogramsusingthedatashowninframes(a)and(b),respectively For the interactive attack session, a total of 111 packets duration by the number of packets exchanged between a were received by the client and total 329 packets were re- client and a server. Empirical results show the script ses- ceivedbytheserver. AveragepacketsizesshowninFigure sion and normal web tra–c sessions tend to have a small 4 frames (a) and (b) are 0 bytes and 2.088 bytes, respec- number of packets exchanged per session while interactive tively. For the streaming session, 1357 packets were re- andstreamsessionstendtohavealargenumberofpackets ceived by the client and 834 packets were received by the exchanged. server. Average packet sizes shown in Figure 5 frames (a) and (b) are 609.059 bytes and 0.5072 byte, respectively. (3) Ratio of Large and Small Packets: We can use this feature to detect both an interactive session and a stream Using the data shown in the three flgures, we now give session. In an interactive session, one communication end examples of how each component of a behavior proflle is usuallysendssmallsizepackets withcommandstobecar- specifled. ried out. By collecting the number of \small" packets and comparing it to the total number of packets being sent, (1) Packet Size: frame (a) in Figure 4 and Frame (b) in oursystemcandetectaninteractivesession. Inabehavior flgure 5 show a sequence of packets with zero size being proflle, a user can specify the \smallness" of a packet in receivedatoneofthetra–cends. Whilemanyzeropackets terms of the number of bytes a packet contains. Experi- appear in the normal web tra–c (Fig. 3 frames (a) and mentalstudyalsoshowsthatwhenastreamisinprogress, (b)), such appearance only lasts for a \short" period of a large number of packets with a similar size tends to be time and does not constitute an entire session as shown senttoaclientwhileasequenceofacknowledgementpack- in the aforementioned flgure frames. This feature alone, ets are sent in response to a server. The exact packet size of course, does not separate normal web tra–c from the varies depending on the streaming software used, but we tunnelingtra–c,butwecanuseitasoneoftheindicators. can still exploit the pattern of same-sized packets to dis- Anotherexamplefollows. Thesizeofpacketssentfromthe tinguish streaming session from normal web tra–c. clienttotheserverfortheinteractivesessionindicatesthat thepacketsizeformostpacketsissmall: thesearepackets (4) Direction: The general direction of network tra–c is containingshortcommands. Thisfeatureisusedtodetect another distinguishing characteristic of web activity. To interactive sessions. detect an interactive session initiated from inside a local network,onecanobservethenumberofpacketsbeingsent (2) Number of Packets: The system measures a session to the Internet and compare it to the number of packets 6 PROCEEDINGSOFTHE2002IEEEWORKSHOPONINFORMATIONASSURANCE 1500 Data Size of Packets Recieved by Client 450 Data Size of Packets Recieved by Server 400 350 Packet Size (byte)1000 Packet Size (byte)223050000 500 150 100 50 00 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 00 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Packets Packets (a) (b) 1400 Histogram of Packet Size Received by Client 900 Histogram of Packet Size Received by Server 800 1200 700 Number of Packets1680000000 Number of Packets456000000 300 400 200 200 100 00 500 1000 1500 00 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Packet Size (bytes) Packet Size (bytes) (c) (d) 700 Average Packet Size 120 Average Packet Size 600 100 500 Number of Bytes340000 Number of Bytes6800 40 200 100 20 00 200 400 600Packet8s00 1000 1200 1400 00 100 200 300 40P0acke5t0s0 600 700 800 900 (e) (f) Fig.5. Musicstreamsession: (a)sizeofpacketsreceivedbytheclient, (b)sizeofpacketsreceivedbytheserver, (c)histogramofdatain frame(a),and(d)histogramofdatashowninframe(b). received by the local machine. In a normal web session, being sent to the destination where we can see the small a client asks for a webpage or a flle from a server and packet size. Also observe that the client is receiving a the server then sends a relatively large amount of data long sequence of acknowledgement packets (frame (a) of to the client, while the client acknowledges the receipt of the same flgure) from the server, which is abnormal. the data. Thus, the total number of packets received by the client is much larger than the total number of packets (5) Average Packet Size: This feature in conjunction with being sent. On the other hand, for a tunneled interactive thesessionlengthcangiveaddedevidenceastowhethera session, a client tends to send many small packets over a stream session or an interactive session is in progress. As \long" period of time to a server and receives relatively showninFigure5frames(e)and(f),observingtheaverage small sized packets when compared to normal web tra–c packet size over time shows that the average packet size sessions3. Figure 4 shows the initial session where this receivedbyaclientinastreamsessionwillreachanon-zero activity occurs. Frame (b) of this flgure shows the packets constantvaluewhiletheaveragepacketsizebeingreceived byaserverreachesalmostzero. Foraninteractivesession, 3 A similar pattern is observed when a client posts a message to theaveragesizeofthepacketssentfromaservertoaclient a server in a normal web session, but the difierence is the session decreasesasasessioncontinues. Thischaracteristiccanbe durationforaninteractivesessionissigniflcantlylonger. : 7 Type Outside IP Outside Org Num S winmed.westwindmedia.com 6 S mail.alumrpi.edu 1 S netshowc.mpo.intervu.net 1 S abowms02.obmnet.com 7 S wmcontent01.broadcast.com 1 S msn.expedia.com 1 S www.cj.com 1 S www.wolfram.com 1 S arpet.gov 4 Chat chat.yahoo.com 1 OM mail.yahoo.com 5 OM aol.com 2 TABLEI Summary of HTTP tunneling activities seen in Figure 4 frame (b). Stream Session Behavior Proflle: Compared to the normal web tra–c, streaming audio, music, or video has (6) Change of Packet Size Pattern: In a stream session, the following distinctive behaviors: (a) the session dura- a signiflcant change in packet size over flve consecutive tion is signiflcantly longer; (b) the number of packets with packets is a common event. Thus, the presence of this a same size dominates the total number of packets in a event indicates a streaming session is in progress versus session; (c)aclientsendsasustainedsequenceofacknowl- a normal web sessions in which a large number of static edgement packets to a server; (d) a signiflcant change in pictures or data being transferred. packet data size exists among neighboring packets in be- tween two sequences of identical sized packets; (e) a con- (7) Size of Total Packets Received: The amount of data stant packet size not corresponding to the maximum al- being received also plays an important role for detecting lowable packet size is observed; (f) the size of packets to abnormalactivities. Innormalwebtra–c,aclientasksfor theserverissmaller; (g)therunningaverageofthepacket information and a server provides the requested informa- size to the server decreases over the duration of a session; tion. When we compare the amount of data transferred (h) the number of packets received by a client is always from a client to a server and vice versa, we flnd that a greater than the number of packets received by a server. client receives a larger amount of data than was sent. A clientthatsendsmoredatathanitreceivesisanindication of tunneling activity. V. Results and Discussion Thesevenfeaturesarechosentodescribebehaviorproflles after analyzing the training data. Further study is neces- In this section we present the experimental results using say to verify whether the selected features are su–cient to real operational web tra–c of a large organization. We detect arbitrary HTTP tunnecting activities. used 1Gbyte of network tra–c collected by sni–ng a net- work with a 2Mbits/sec data rate. Out of the 1Gbyte of InteractiveTunnelingSessionBehaviorProflle: Our data, just over 60% was web tra–c. When we fed the web systemdetectsinteractivesessionsbydetectingthefollow- tra–c to our system, it detected the activities shown in ingbehaviors: (a)thesizeofpacketsbeingsentbyaclient Table 1. (originator) is relatively small; (b) while receiving small packets,aserversendsasequenceoflongacknowledgement In the flrst column of the table, \S" indicates activities packets in response; and (c) the number of small packets where audio, video, music, and other data are streamed compared to the total number of packets being sent to a to a computer of the organization and the OM stands for server is large; (d) the duration of a session is long. interactive mail activities using mailservers outside of the organization. A total of 38 difierent alerts were generated Scripted Tunneling Session Behavior Proflle: Tode- whileprocessingthedata(1hourofnettra–crepresenting tect scripted sessions the system looks for the following communication between the Internet and the organization behaviors: (a) a short session with a relatively large data during 11 to 12 AM on a weekday). Out of the 38 alerts, transfer; (b) a sequence of acknowledgement packets from 14werefromstreamingmusic, 1wasfromstreamingradio a server; and (c) the amount of data received by a client broadcast,8werefrominteractivemailrelatedactivities,1 compared to the amount of data received by a server. wasfromchattingsession,7werefromstreaminglargedata flles, and 7 were false alarms. The sample experimental 8 PROCEEDINGSOFTHE2002IEEEWORKSHOPONINFORMATIONASSURANCE result data cannot be used to measure the efiectiveness of thesystembutshowsthatanumberoftunnelingactivities aretakingplaceintheorganization. Noattacksessionwas detected. VI. Conclusion Inthispaper,wepresentedanovelsystemtodetectHTTP tunneling activities. In particular, the system uses user- deflned behavior proflles based on packet (cid:176)ow directions, packet sizes, large and small packet ratios, average packet size, change of packet size pattern, connection duration, and size of total transfer of packets. Behavior proflles are used to detect interactive and scripted sessions as well as streaming data over the HTTP protocol. The system con- sistsofthreelevelsofanalysis: thelocallevelanalysismod- ule processes a limited number of packets within a sliding window to extract local behaviors; the session level anal- ysis module processes all packets received for a particular session to capture global behaviors; and the veriflcation moduleanalyzessessiontranscriptsifeitherthelocallevel module or the session level analysis module detects suspi- cious activities. Application of actual operational data of alarge organization shows theefiectivenessand validity of the proposed system approach. We are currently working toexpandthesystemtodetectdifierentattacksandtofuse the veriflcation module with a transcript analysis system to perform a detailed analysis of suspicious transcripts. References [1] Y.ZhangandV.Paxon,\Detectingbackdoors,"Proceedingsof 2000 USENIX Security Symposium,August2000. [2] A. Valdes and K. Skinner, \Adaptive, model-based monitoring forcyberattackdetection,"Proceedingsofthe2000RecentAd- vances in Intrusion Detection Conference, Toulouse, France, October2000. [3] P. Porras and A. Valdes, \Live tra–c analysis of TCP/IP gateways," Proceedings of the 1998 Internet Society’s Network and Distributed Systems Security Symposium, Athens, Greece, March1998. [4] \Vividon focuses on video streaming," http://boston.bcentral. com/boston/stories/2000/10/23/newscolumn2.html. 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