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Unity of Command—Countering Aircraft and Missile Threats By V I N C E N T P. D I F R O N Z O D O D P–51s escorting bombers during World War II. J oint force commanders (JFCs) must achieve threats—aircraft, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and maintain air superiority against a range and surface to air missiles—must be neutralized of threats. Controlling the air is a prerequi- to attain air superiority.1 site for force projection, surveillance, inter- Because all components and allied forces have diction, strategic attack, and surface maneuver. some assets to counter such threats, JFCs face a Politically, command of the air environment can dilemma in integrating them. Lessons from World be an integral aspect of coalition cohesion, espe- War II to Desert Storm highlight the role unity of cially when population centers are at risk. command plays in neutralizing threats. In terms of The joint warfighting capability assessment emerging capabilities, these lessons also reinforce (JWCA) process was instituted to ensure that the the relevance of command which unites offensive warfighting needs of CINCs and defensive operations, since the former can are met. To support this profoundly reduce stress on the latter. Moreover, myriad aircraft and missile process, the air superiority countering aircraft, cruise missiles, and ballistic threats must be neutralized JWCA team established a missiles is tied to theater air operations and is cen- framework, based on a strat- tral to airspace control. For instance, fighter and to attain air superiority egy-to-task analysis, for con- surface based air defenses must be integrated under trolling the air. It focuses on a single air commander to maximize effectiveness, gaining unimpeded use of airspace while denying minimize fratricide, and avoid inhibiting offensive it to an adversary. One aspect of the strategy-to- air operations such as close air support and inter- task analysis is that myriad aircraft and missile diction. Therefore, joint force air component com- manders (JFACCs) must have responsibility and authority to control joint operations to counter aircraft and missile threats. Major Vincent P. DiFronzo, USAF, is a fighter pilot assigned to the directorate of operational requirements at Headquarters, U.S. Air Force. Spring 1996 / JFQ 29 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 1996 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-1996 to 00-00-1996 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Unity of Command-Countering Aircraft and Missile Threats 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION National Defense University,Institute for National Strategic Studies,Fort REPORT NUMBER Lesley J. McNair,Washington,DC,20319 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 7 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 n AIRCRAFT AND MISSILE THREATS The World War II Record Even though coordination alone is normally Operations in Western Europe in the latter not adequate to achieve unity of effort, most of part of World War II, when contrasted to Desert these operations occurred prior to the invasion Storm, reflect the importance of unity of com- when competition for Allied air resources was not mand in air superiority. Allied unity of command based on requirements for ground combat or air for air superiority fifty years ago was mar- defense and there was time to debate strategy. But ginal, whereas in the Gulf War there were despite overcoming command discontinuity in op- very clear lines of authority. In the Euro- erations against manned aircraft, the Allies were pean theater the Allies had two comman- not as fortunate with Operation Crossbow—coun- ders with different concepts of how air- tering V–1 cruise missiles and V–2 ballistic mis- power might achieve their objectives. siles—for which a special committee was estab- General Carl Spaatz, commander of U.S. lished to direct intelligence and operational efforts. strategic air forces, felt the Luftwaffe had to Crossbow directives were inconsistent and, be defeated before the Normandy invasion despite ample information on launch sites and by striking enemy aviation and oil indus- their infrastructure, the lack of perfect intelli- tries as well as the Luftwaffe itself. But Air gence became an excuse for delaying critical tar- Chief Marshall Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory, geting decisions.For instance, the original launch who had responsibility for Allied tactical infrastructure for V–1s was completely destroyed Air Force fsoiorcne,s hdeelddic tahteadt taoi rs usupppoerrtio trhitey l acnodu lidn vbae- pferniosri vteo btyh es einveitriaall mattoanctkhs,s .d Beluaty itnhge tchoem Vm–1it toefe- U.S. achieved by waiting to fight off the Luft- chose not to target alternate launch sites which Squadron Leader waffe over the beaches of Normandy dur- were under rapid development.Ultimately, the Joseph Berry,RAF, ing the landing. It is an understatement to char- Germans staged the V–1 offensive from those credited with downing acterize Leigh-Mallory’s approach as high risk.2 sites and Allied operations against them were er- 60 1/3 V–1s. Strategic bombing losses had become prohib- ratic. Moreover, the committee failed to direct itive in 1943 and the Allies had not established targeting against three supply dumps used for the air superiority. Spaatz realized that an all out ef- final assembly of V–1s, despite the fact that a sin- fort, including P–51s and medium bombers under gle attack on one site led to a marked reduction Leigh-Mallory’s control, would be needed to de- in launches for a week. feat the Luftwaffe. But the air marshall would not Nor did the committee come to decide on release medium bombers for counterair opera- the best weapon system to employ against launch tions. After debating this question for weeks, sites. Despite evidence that low altitude fighter Spaatz won support from Air Chief Marshall Sir attack had the pin-point accuracy to neutralize Arthur W. Tedder, the deputy supreme comman- such facilities with minimal sortie expenditure, der, who directed Leigh-Mallory to support the the committee refused to commit fighters, prefer- counterair operation. P–51s began escorting ring to use heavy and medium bombers which heavy bombers deep over German territory as were too inaccurate for the task.The Allies com- fighters and medium bombers attacked Luftwaffe pensated in mass and committed 31,000 sorties, airfields. Direct air and ground attacks against the or 22 percent of the air effort between November German air force greatly increased Allied bomber 1943 and May 1944, to strike the original launch survivability and imposed a 20 percent monthly infrastructure. However, the payoff was marginal pilot attrition rate on the Luftwaffe. because alternate launch sites and supply depots Meanwhile, Spaatz ordered controversial at- were ignored. tacks against the enemy oil industry. Primarily Defensively, the Allies had no capability because of persistent attacks on the Luftwaffe and against V–2 ballistic missiles, employing fighters its source of fuel, not a single German aircraft and anti-aircraft (AA) guns against V–1 cruise mis- successfully threatened the landing force during siles. Fortunately, because they had successfully the daylight hours of June 6, 1944.3 Within the countered the aircraft threat, air defenses in Lon- don, Antwerp, and Liege were optimized against first week of the invasion, the few operational V–1 missiles, greatly increasing air defense effec- German fighters within striking range were di- tiveness. rected to “abandon the ground support role” and Air Marshall Sir Roderic Hill was responsible concentrate on air defense. Meanwhile, the con- for AA, fighters, and barrage balloons in the de- tinuing bomber offensive destroyed 90 percent of fense of Britain. Initially AA guns were not appro- enemy aviation fuel by the end of June 1944, ren- priately calibrated to engage V–1s, so Hill re- dering the Luftwaffe ineffective against ground stricted gun operations and modified the rules of forces and only marginally effective against air engagement to take full advantage of fighters. operations. After the guns had been modified, he saw an op- portunity to improve the entire air defense system 30 JFQ / Spring 1996 DiFronzo by repositioning guns to optimize their effective- Lieutenant General Charles Horner, USAF, inte- ness while restricting fighters. Six weeks after the grated offensive air operations as well as directing guns were repositioned, air defense performance “a combined, integrated air defense and airspace peaked as the guns and fighters intercepted 90 of control system in coordination with component 97 cruise missiles in one day.Although unity of and other friendly forces.” command for this regional defensive effort was In Desert Storm, we confronted a sophisti- valuable, it was not sufficient. cated, battle-proven air threat. Iraqi fighters had As the locus of V–1 attacks shifted to the con- made mass raids during the Iran-Iraq conflict, in- tinent and V–2 attacks began, Hill could not effi- cluding chemical weapons delivery.6 Moreover, ciently redirect his fighters for preemptive strikes intelligence assessed possible chemical and bio- or defense of critical assets across the channel be- logical storage bunkers at several airfields, leading cause there was no theater commander concen- General Norman Schwarzkopf to fear a massive trated on counter V-weapon operations with “Tet-like” attack by Iraq’s air force. The enemy which timely coordination could be effected. also had employed Scuds against Iran, and the Overall, the Crossbow committee was a poor coalition was concerned that these missiles could vehicle for offensively countering V-weapon oper- be used to deliver weapons of mass destruction ations. According to one official history, the Al- (WMD). In addition to posing a significant offen- lies, “hampered by their failure to make clear-cut sive threat, Iraq also had an advanced air defense choices between the various courses open to system with SAMs and fourth generation fighters, them, never achieved the singleness of purpose all coordinated through a complex command and which might have helped them to stake success- control system. fully on information that fell short of certainty.”4 The coalition launched Desert Storm with The chroniclers of the Army Air Forces were even the distinct advantage of unity of command for more pointed: air operations and a clear strategy to deny sanctu- ary to the enemy. All elements of Iraq’s air force, There were serious faults...in the organization of ground-based air defense system, and supporting AWACS. controls over the [Crossbow] campaign....As to the C3 were attacked simultaneously the first night of U.S. Air Force failure in organization, below the supreme comman- the war. This included synchronized attacks on der’s immediate staff, Crossbow channels were, in early warning sites as well as command nodes by their complexity and gradually fading dispersion of Army attack helicopters and Navy Tomahawk authority, hardly to be rivaled.5 missiles. The missions were planned under JFACC In the end, the Allies suffered 32,000 military and by the joint air operations center in Riyadh and civilian casualties as the result of V-weapons. disseminated on the air tasking order. In retrospect, despite disunity of command During the initial hours of the campaign, the Allies succeeded against the manned aircraft Iraqi SAM operators came to fear high-speed anti- threat because General Spaatz was able, through radiation missile (HARM) attacks and transitioned persistence and personal commitment, to mar- to non-radar guided launches, greatly increasing shal unity of effort against the Luftwaffe. Opera- survivability but severely limiting lethality. We tions against the V–1 and V–2 lacked unity of persistently targeted airfields since enemy fighters command and effort and thus failed to neutralize posed a multi-role offensive and defensive threat. the threat. Airfield attacks, compounded by 14 Iraqi air-to-air losses in the first two nights, convinced Baghdad The Lessons of Desert Storm to disperse its air force rather than challenge We again floundered over unity of command coalition airpower, much like the SAM operators for air operations during both the Korean and Viet- who chose survivability over effectiveness. nam conflicts. Then, in 1986, the Joint Chiefs of Offensive missiles, primarily Scuds, also were Staff codified the concept a challenge. Allied aircrews had not trained against Iraq had an advanced air of a single joint air com- Scuds, and intelligence on infrastructure was mander in Joint Pub sparse. A total of 1,245 sorties were flown against defense system with SAMs 3–01.2, Counterair Opera- the Scud infrastructure, including production facil- and fourth generation fighters tions. According to it, ities, hide sites, lines of communication, and C3. counterair operations are Another 1,215 sorties were launched as combat air “all measures such as the patrols (CAPs) to attack launchers and support ve- use of SAMs, AAA, fighters, bombers, and ECM to hicles. Of these, a thousand were diverted to alter- defeat the enemy air and missile threat both before native interdiction or strategic targets after the and after launch.” Fortunately, this doctrine was time allotted for a CAP expired. Inadequate sensors applied during the Gulf War, with unity of com- and cumbersome communications made it diffi- mand for all air operations to include air superior- cult to find and attack transporters, erectors, and ity. As JFACC and area air defense commander, Spring 1996 / JFQ 31 n AIRCRAFT AND MISSILE THREATS launchers (TELs). However, fighter presence may Throughout the campaign, unity of com- have deterred Scud launches. mand for air operations led to a coordinated of- Specialoperationsforces(SOF)werealsointe- fense and defense that included assets from all gratedintocounter-Scudoperations.Initialaircrew components and coalition members, unlike expe- reportsofsuccess,combinedwithcompellingbat- riences in World War II. A fully integrated joint tledamagevideo,reinforcedbyasharpdeclinein approach is even more important against emerg- Scud launches, convinced air planners that these ing threats. attack operations were effective. Despite limited Threat Trends battledamageassessmentcapability,coalitionSOF teams also verified several Scud TEL kills. More- The aircraft and missile threat of the future over,theScudlaunchrateduringDesertStormwas will be more capable and diverse than in past 35percentlowerthanagainstIranintheso-called conflicts, including increased lethality, range, ac- “War of the Cities” of 1988 despite the fact that curacy, stealth, and progressive countermeasures. Iraqpossessedmorelaunchersandmissilesduring Fourth generation threat aircraft such as the the Gulf War.7 Attacks against infrastructure and MiG–29 are being produced and exported, while TELfacilities—operationsnotexercisedbytheIra- older aircraft like MiG–21s are being modified nians in 1988—were a likely cause for reduced with fourth generation weapon capabilities. Addi- launches. Furthermore, the enemy executed 80 tionally, advanced SAMs are being acquired percent of its launches at night, most in poor worldwide and counter-stealth capabilities are in weather.Thisisalogicalwayoflimitingvulnerabil- high demand. ity,consistentwiththeactionsofIraqiairdefense Offensively, ballistic missiles are being ac- and air force counterparts who also more highly quired by developing nations as more advanced valuedsurvival.Overall, there was atrendthat re- missiles are produced with increased ranges. For flected areduction inlaunchesbyenemyaircraft, instance, the maximum range of Iraq’s modified Scud is 600 kilometers. North Korea recently tested the 1,000-kilometer Nodong missile and also is working on the Taeodong II, a missile with a 3,500 kilometer range. Anti-ship cruise missiles have been a threat since the 1960s, and the spread of stealth technology will increase the risk to naval forces, especially in littorals. Land attack cruise missiles could also be a serious threat if guidance improvements are married with stealth capability. The accuracy of cruise missiles will im- prove with access to advanced internal navigation technology and satellite navigation information, such as the American global positioning system and Russian global navigation satellite system. But the most serious trend, WMD prolifera- tion, does not typically rely on accurate delivery D DO vehicles. A number of states, including Iraq, Iran, Iraqi aircraft bunkers North Korea, Syria, Libya, and former Soviet re- during Desert Storm. guidedSAMs,andScudsdespitethecapacitytoem- publics, possess or are seeking the technology for ploythoseweapons.8 nuclear, biological, and chemical capabilities. Patriot represented the coalition’s only defen- These weapons can be paired with aircraft, cruise sive theater ballistic missile (TBM) capability. De- missiles, or ballistic missiles. spite the controversy over tactical effectiveness, Air Superiority Trends Patriot missiles protected forces and population centers in both Saudi Arabia and Israel. While pri- The United States is moving to counter the marily relying on Scuds for offensive air attack, diverse aircraft and missile threat. A review of fu- Iraq launched one mission with two F–1 Mirages ture systems illustrates how different systems into Saudi airspace, possibly with Exocet anti-ship must be synchronized to achieve unity of effort. missiles. Saudi F–15s destroyed the fighters under Future fighters such as the F–22, with its high AWACS control. In this case, our forces were pro- speed and low observability, will enable our tected in a time-critical situation with standard- forces to dominate the air over enemy territory ized procedures and unity of command. early in the campaign, clearing the path for other attack and surveillance aircraft and protecting friendly forces from aircraft and cruise missile at- tack as well as preventing aerial observation. 32 JFQ / Spring 1996 DiFronzo Collectively, improvements in attack opera- tions systems since Desert Storm are significant. For post-launch strikes, overhead detection of TBMs is now processed more effectively to locate launch sites, probably the greatest shortcoming in attack operations during the Gulf War. Soon after launch, evolving battle management sys- tems will be able to pass launch point estimates to fighters, ATACMS, and attack helicopters. Cur- rently, F–15Es, F–16s, and F–18s have moving tar- get indicator (MTI) radar modes that allow them to track fleeing TELs. Additionally, U–2 sensor in- formation is being processed in-theater in near real-time, in contrast to Desert Storm operations P. DiFronzo wUnhietered Sctoantetsr.o JlS TaAnRdS porfofecres sas iwnigd er easreida ecda pianb itlihtye Vincent wtuirteh rMadTaIr fofor rm fioxveidn gt atragregte tlso acnatdio sny.n Uthnemtica napneerd- Apache cruise missile aerial vehicles provide similar capabilities deep in awaiting buyers. enemy territory. Improved surveillance systems will ensure Much remains to be done to exploit inherent early detection of cruise missiles and aircraft. sensor capabilities to detect and identify time- AWACS, E–2s, and potential aerostats will offer critical targets. Intelligence and surveillance in- cues via LINK–16 to fighters as well as terminal formation must be combined in near real-time, systems. Wide-bandwidth communications, such analyzed, and preferably data-linked to shooters as the Navy cooperative engagement capability to minimize time-lines. Further, from a planning (CEC), will allow raw and execution standpoint, joint battle manage- data from multiple sen- ment will be essential for capitalizing on these systems must remain integrated sors to be fused in real- varying capabilities which will also be in high de- in air defense architecture to time to enhance the mand for other mission areas. provide layered defense common air picture. Overall, a significant investment is being With sufficient sensor made in weapons systems which either directly or data, CEC can extend indirectly contribute to attaining air superiority. the engagement range of terminal systems be- These will be complimented by battlespace aware- yond the horizon line-of-sight. ness and battle management tools. A challenge to SAMs can be neutralized by HARM, the joint JFCs will be ensuring unity of effort to prevent standoff weapon (JSOW), the Army tactical mis- piecemeal use of these systems. The first step to- sile system (ATACMS), and the Navy tactical land ward success is a logical doctrinal construct. attack missile system (TLAMS). Non-lethal SAM suppression will depend largely on the upgraded Air Superiority Navy EA–6B. Detailed centralized planning along According to joint doctrine, “The purpose of with joint battle management will support timely unity of command is to ensure unity of effort decentralized execution. under one responsible commander for every ob- The Patriot PAC–III will offer an improved jective.” Current doctrine recommends that JFCs capability over the PAC–II of Desert Storm and, normally designate JFACCs as supported comman- along with Navy lower-tier assets, will provide a ders for counterair operations.9 This obviously in- basic TBM point defense while preserving or im- cludes command authority for all joint operations proving defenses against the air-breathing threat. to defeat both aircraft and SAM threats, based on Therefore, these systems must remain fully inte- JFC guidance. However, for operations against grated in air defense architecture to provide a lay- cruise and ballistic missiles, doctrine sanctions di- ered defense in the future. The Army THAAD and vided responsibility among the components. Navy upper-tier will engage TBMs at higher alti- There are a number of advantages to com- tudes and defend larger areas. The airborne laser pletely integrating counter-TBM and cruise mis- will intercept TBMs during the boost phase, pro- sile efforts with overall air superiority operations. tect wide areas, and deposit warhead debris over First, JFC needs to ensure forces and vital interests enemy territory—a deterrent to WMD use. Be- are free of air attacks. Defeating part of the air cause such systems take time to field, we will be even more reliant on offensive measures as part of an overall counterair strategy in the interim. Spring 1996 / JFQ 33 n AIRCRAFT AND MISSILE THREATS threat is inadequate in an era when delivery vehi- Ultimately, JFCs must integrate air defenses cles are becoming more accurate and lethal and to maximize the attrition of enemy air vehicles can project WMD. Second, all systems with an while minimizing fratricide. Previous exercises aircraft defense capability also have capabilities have identified a positive correlation between against missiles—Patriots, Aegis destroyers and high threat attrition and high fratricide. Several cruisers, and Hawks either can or will soon be variables influence that link, including clear com- able to counter aircraft, cruise missiles, and ballis- mand authority, joint training, combat ID capabil- tic missiles as fighters engage aircraft and cruise ity, and interoperable communications links. JFCs missiles. JFACCs, who derive their authority from and components can influence our capability in JFCs and maintain a dialogue with JFCs and other the short term by integrating aircraft and missile components, can capitalize on strengths in one defense operations under JFACCs and pursuing defensive system to offset weaknesses in others, joint training consistent with this approach. based on the overall enemy air order of battle. Historically, positive control over terminal Last, offensive operations can be prioritized to systems by JFACCs through decentralized battle compensate for weaknesses in defense and vice- management systems such as AWACS has limited versa. fratricide. Positive control of terminal systems Operational capabilities used to counter air- also minimizes procedural routing constraints on craft threats often overlap with those used against CAS and short range air interdiction missions, ef- cruise missiles. To operators of surveillance and fectively giving corps or MAGTF commanders weapon systems, cruise missile and aircraft radar more offensive airpower to support close combat tracks will often appear identical in their flight operations. This will remain the case against air- profile, airspeed, and altitude. This normally craft and cruise missiles because of their similar means that rules of engagement, combat ID, and flight profiles. Finally, positive control never in- weapons control measures will be similar if not the fringes on the right to self defense and does allow same for defense against aircraft and cruise mis- surface commanders the flexibility to position or- siles. Furthermore, overlaps and voids in engage- ganic air defense units as required to protect their ment capability between surface-based systems and forces. However, procedural control is normally fighters must be managed to optimize overall sys- adequate for ballistic missile engagements, given tem capability. For example, surface based systems that engagement airspace is deconflicted, since designed to engage TBMs at high altitude can be there is minimal risk of fratricide. Of course, augmented by fighters to take on low-altitude JFACCs can also influence overall defensive per- cruise missile and aircraft threats. This level of formance by reducing the diversity and number teamwork requires clear command authority and of threats through offensive operations. an integrated communications system. More importantly, JFACCs can prioritize of- In addition, overall rules of engagement and fensive operations to compensate for weakness in defensive force lay-down must be consistent with defense. Unfortunately, current joint doctrine the air concept of operations and airspace control considers attack operations against cruise missiles measures.10 As airspace control authorities, and ballistic missiles to be part of “counterair, JFACCs are charged with safe passage of joint and strategic attack, interdiction, fire support, maneu- combined offensive, surveillance, and support ver, antisubmarine warfare, antisurface warfare, missions to include military airlift and civil avia- strike warfare, amphibious operations, or special tion. Integrating air defenses with other airspace operations.”11 This approach, wherein attack op- requirements in a combat zone is daunting be- erations are considered as part of every mission, cause of the enormous demand on limited air- dilutes focus on the objective. space. For example, JFACC deconflicted 3,000 sor- Additionally, responsibility for planning and ties per day during the Gulf War while execution is divided among components based monitoring and controlling 160 restricted opera- on shifting areas of operation (AOs). Doctrine al- tional zones, 122 airborne refueling points, 32 lows AOs to extend beyond the traditional depths CAP areas, 10 air transit routes, 60 Patriot engage- of maneuver force operations which enables sur- ment zones, 312 missile engagement zones, 60 re- face commanders to influence interdiction stricted fire areas, and 17 airbase defense zones. against forces that will have a near-term impact Because of the underlying friction between air- on operations.12 Consistent with joint doctrine, space control measures and air defense (including targeting of short range ballistic missiles that pri- missile defense), any change can cause a ripple ef- marily threaten surface forces should fall under fect. Thus, centralized planning under JFACC is the purview of surface commanders as part of essential with a streamlined battle management structure to support decentralized execution of air defense while simultaneously providing airspace control. 34 JFQ / Spring 1996 DiFronzo their counterbattery objective. But changing re- former was the approach in Desert Storm and was sponsibility based on ground maneuver bound- successful given the constraints of the coalition. aries for strikes against theater-ranging air threats, The latter reflects the World War II model which which may not be the priority for surface com- led to gross inefficiencies and marginal results. manders, could expose all forces to increased risk. Current and emerging capabilities potentially Conversely, maintaining command continu- overlap and there are some voids in offensive as ity in the counter-TBM fight serves the interests of well as defensive operations. To optimize capabili- a theater. JFACCs plan as well as execute theater- ties, a clear command and control process is re- wide deep strike operations, to include joint sup- quired for centralized planning and decentralized pression of enemy air defense (JSEAD), air-to-air, execution. If air superiority is more difficult to surveillance, joint interdiction, and strategic at- achieve in the future because of threat diversity tack. In addition to attack assets, offensive opera- and WMD, we must maximize our potential by tions against individual mobile missiles such as ensuring unity of effort through unity of com- Scuds may require surveillance and reconnais- mand. A single commander is at the center of this sance support when organic weapon sensors are command process and must be vested with the not adequate for target discrimination. Until the authority to make decisions and resolve conflicts. aircraft and missile threat is defeated, both air-to- To accept anything less threatens the warfighting air and JSEAD assets must be synchronized not capabilities of JFCs. JFQ only to support attack missions but also to protect surveillance and reconnaissance assets. Moreover, NOTES attack operations will compete with demands by 1J.N. Donis, Analyses of Selected Issues for the Initial JFCs for interdiction, strategic attack, and other Air Superiority and Strike Joint Warfighting Capability As- counterair opera- sessments (Alexandria, Va.: Institute for Defense Analy- the current JFACC counterair process tions. Because of ses, 1995), p. 14. their deep strike 2Richard G. Davis,Carl A. Spaatz and the Air War in offers a solid foundation to counter and air superiority Europe(Washington: Center for Air Force History, 1992), theater missiles responsibilities, pp. 5, 123, 299–317. JFACCs can effi- 3OmarN.Bradleyetal.,TheEffectofAirpoweronMili- taryOperationsinEurope(Wiesbaden:n.p.,1945),p.21. ciently integrate 4F.H. Hinsley et al., British Intelligence in the Second attack operations into campaigns for JFCs. By World War, Vol. 3, Its Influence on Strategy and Operations stepping up attacks on the threats that are most (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988), p. 544. difficult to defend against, they can also compli- 5Wesley F. Craven and James L. Cate, The Army Air ment aircraft and missile defense. Forces in World War II, Vol 3, Argument to V–E Day The current JFACC counterair process offers (Washington: Office of Air Force History, 1983), p. 541. a solid foundation for joint unity of command to 6Barry D. Watts and Thomas A. Keaney, Gulf War counter theater missiles, both offensively and de- Air Power Survey: Effects and Effectiveness (Washington: fensively. Centralized planning will occur at the Government Printing Office, 1993), p. 147. joint air operations center. Liaison personnel inte- 7Ibid., pp. 330–32. 8Ibid. Combines charts from pp. 110, 140, and 337. grate component capabilities into the master at- 9Joint Pub 3–0, Doctrine for Joint Operations (Wash- tack and air defense plan in accord with JFC guid- ington: Government Printing Office, 1995), p. IV–5. ance. Liaison personnel are key to this process 10Joint Pub 3–52, Doctrine for Joint Airspace Control in since they provide weapons systems expertise for a Combat Zone (Washington: Government Printing Of- joint planning. They can also articulate the con- fice, 1995), p. II–6. cept of operations as well as the protection priori- 11Joint Pub 3–01.5, Doctrine for Joint Theater Missile ties of their respective components which allows Defense (Washington: Government Printing Office, JFACCs to resolve issues at the lowest level. How- 1994), p. III–12. ever, because there is often a shortage of assets, 12Joint Pub 3–0, p. IV–14. no plan will satisfy everyone, and some issues must be resolved by JFCs. For decentralized exe- cution, component battle management nodes play a critical role, and as these systems become more jointly interoperable overall effectiveness will increase significantly. This matter can be reduced to either air supe- riority as one mission with a single commander for theater-wide efforts or to counteraircraft and countermissile operations as separate entities. The Spring 1996 / JFQ 35

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