Learning from the Past Soviet Deception in the Cuban Missile Crisis James H. Hansen Moscow(cid:146)s surreptitious dispatch of sian military texts indicate that nuclear-capable 55-4 and SS-5 sur nw.rk,rovkais treared as an operational face-to-surfacc missiles to Cuba in art to be pohslied by professors of 1962 upset the strategic balance in an military science and officers who spe alarmingway I The resulting show cialize m this area. down(cid:151)which the Russians call the (cid:147)Caribbean Crisis(cid:148) and the Cubans D1A analysis preceding the missile call the (cid:147)October Crisis(cid:148)(cid:151) brought crisis noted that the SovietArmy had the world to the brink ofnuclear (cid:145)var. probably employed large-scale battle From its inception, the Soviet missile field deception (cid:147)more frequently and operation entailed elaborate denial with more consistent success than any and deception (D&D) efforts. The other army.(cid:148) The Soviets practiced craft ofdenying the United States extensive maskirovka before their information on the deployment ofthe move into Czechoslovakia iii 1968. missiles and deceiving US pohc~mak Moscow also trained foreign forces to ers about rhe Soviet Union(cid:146)s intent apply deception, including North was the foundation ofNikita Khrush Vietnamese units before the Tet RangeofSoviet 55-4 medium-range chev(cid:146)s audacious Cuban venture. offensive in 1968 and Egyptian forces ballistic missiles and 55-5 intermediare-range Piecing together the deception activi before crossing the Suez Canal in balluricmissiles, iflaunched from Cuba. ties fromdeclassified US, Russian, and 1973. Cuban accounts yields insights that can help us anticipate and overcome the D&D efforts ofa growing num Close-hold Planning ber of foreign adversaries roda~ Gen. Anatoh Gribkov(cid:151)then a senior member ofthe Soviet General Staff(cid:151) Maskirovka provides revealing insights into the early planning ofthe operation. I-Ic Moscow has always had flair for says that, after Nikita Khrushchev a decided to emplace the missiles in D&-D, known in Russian as rnriskirovka. Its central tenet is to pre Cuba m the spring of 1962, the Gen eral Staffdetailed only five officers(cid:151) vent an adversary from discovering Russian intentions by deceiving him four generals and a colonel(cid:151)to serve about the nature, scope, and tiimng of as the center of the military planning apparatus. Col. Gen. Semyon Ivanov, an operation. j~Iasktrovka covers a chiefofthe General Staff(cid:146)s Chief broad range ofconcepts, from decep Operations Directorate, in tion at the strategic planning level to was over camouflage at the troop level.2 Rus 2Pennie A Stevchs and Henry S. Marsh, (cid:147)Surprise and Deception in Soviet M Ii(cid:151) i Cuba is approximately 115 kilometers tan(cid:146) Thought.(cid:148) All//tan Review, hily from US shores The 55-1 meditim-cinge 1982, pp 25-35 ballislic missiles. which were deployed Defense Intelligence Agency (DIAL So James H. Hansen has served m f2i,r5st00tokiCluohmae,tehrasd(cid:145)la(cid:146)heranSgS-e5oifnutpertmoediate io(cid:146)wu/j/iWa(cid:146)ag,eyav,ivici(I3(cid:146)veen?e(cid:146)c(cid:146)vG/ruo,ue,~,itilM(cid:145)lii(cid:146)et/e(cid:146)irii(cid:146)sc~uQc&ic.rn(cid:151) both CIA and DIA. range ballistic missiles had a rangeofup DDI-1100-161-78, January 1979, p. vu. to 5,000 kilometers 49 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2002 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2002 to 00-00-2002 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Soviet Deception in the Cuban Missile Crisis 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Center for the Study of Intelligence,Central Intelligence REPORT NUMBER Agency,Washington,DC,20505 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Studies in Intelligence, Volume 46, No. 1, 2002 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 10 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Missile Crisis To strengthen the concealment, many decided to emplace the missiles units were outfitted Malinovsky on 4 July and Khrush in Cuba in the spring of 1962. the with skis, felt boots, chev on 7 July.9 From May General Staff detailed only five through October, for reasons of fleece-lined parkas, officers(cid:151)four generals and a security, no communications colonel(cid:151)to serve as the center of and other winter about the proposed. planned, and the military planning apparatus. equipment. actual Soviet deployments in Col. Gen. Semyon Ivanov, chief Cuba were sent, even by coded of the General Staff(cid:146)s Chief Oper (cid:147)- messages. Everything was hand(cid:151) ations Directorate, was in overall carried by members of the small charge. During that summer, the coterie of senior officials who circle of collaborators and con were directly involved. tacts expanded to include dov was brought in as well. members of each of the relevant possibly for the cover that he service branches, but secrecy and later provided for traveling dele Developing A Cover Story need-to-know prevailed. The gations.7 Biiyuzov and his experts most senior officers brought into believed that the deployment The General Staff(cid:146)s code name for the plan were at least told that could he made expeditiously and the operation(cid:151)ANADYR(cid:151)was Cuba was involved in the opera secretly, without the US discover designed to mislead Soviets as tion, hut only a few were ing the missiles. Mikovan was well as foreigners about the desti informtd-of the exact nature of surprised at this judgment and nation of the equipment. Anadyr the mission 5 believed the marshal to be a is the name of a river flowing into fool.5 Rashidov was confident that the Bering Sea, the capital of the The top civilian and military offi the missiles could be hidden, Chukotsky Autonomous District, cials conceptualizing the claiming that the)(cid:146) could he and a bomber base in that deso operation did not see eye-to-eye placed so as to blend in with the late region Operation ANADYR about the likelihood of pulling off palm trees. Gribkov held that was designed to suggest to lower a successful deception. At the only somebody inexperienced in level Soviet commanders(cid:151)and very center of those making the military matters could reach such Western spies(cid:151)that the action decisions stood First Deputy a conclusion, given the extensive was a strategic exercise in the far Prime Minister Anastas Mikoyan, preparations needed for each mis north of the USSR. Promoting the Presidium member Frol Kozlov, sile site illusion, the troops that were Defense Minister Marshal Rodion called up for the Cuban expecli Malinovsky. and Marshal Sergei l(cid:146)hroughout the early planning tion were told only that tIle)(cid:146) (cid:145)were Biryuzov, commander of the Stra stage. no secretaries \vere used to going to a cold region. Those tegic Rocket Forces.6 Alternate prepare final ryped texts. A colo needing more precise instnic Presidium member Sharaf Rashi nel with good penmanship (cid:147)rote dons, such as missile engineers, the proposal that the Defense were informed that they would he a(cid:145)ammG!enYS,coASnwma!ittohGl.einOeIp.reaGtlr-saifhRlkeoconoviziiaNun~td4tDGh)ee(cid:146)RnCuUbWaSi,l,l Cfteuonlu,ln-cwfilhleidcgaheddowppatlseand,apIspttirlglorvheeawdndibnwytroita tZtiaeckmiwlnhygae,rIeCaBnMluascrlgteeoairaslwsaeintadepoionnntsNhoehvaAadryca Af~ssile Cr,s,~c CChicago. Berlin, Tokyo. long been tested. and Moscow(cid:146) edirion q. mc,. 1994\ p 24. This is a vital source, given Gen. Gribkov(cid:146)s role in planning and imple(cid:151) 7 Dm0 A Brugioni, Eyeball to E~obalI To strengthen the concealment, nienting the operation TheInsideStoryoftheCuba,,i~l,sstleCn(cid:151) many units were outfitted with ~ Ibid .c,s(NewYork Random House. i991), p Raymond l, Ganhnff,Reflectionsonthe 84. The author was a key figure at he Cuba,,MissileCns,s. revised edirion National hoographic interpretation (Washington, Dc The Brookings Institu(cid:151) center in 1962 Grihkov and Smith, p 24. non, 1989), pp 12-13 a Garthoft, p 17 Garthott(cid:146), p 17, 50 MissileCrisis skis, felt hoots, fleece-lined par Alekseev took Cuban Defense The Russians began to dispatch kas, and other winter Minister Raul Castro aside to officers and specialists covertly to equipment.12 Moreover, perhaps explain that (cid:147)Engineer Petrov(cid:148) in Cuba by air. On 10July, Gen. Issa to further backstop the cover the group actually was Marshal Pliyev, traveling under the name plan, Moscow tapped four ground Biryuzov, and that he needed to (cid:147)Pavlov,(cid:146) arrived in Cuba to com(cid:151) forces regiments from the Lenin meet with ci /uic(cid:146)i- nict(cid:146)ci inc with(cid:151) mand the Soviet contingent.19 grad Military District in the north out delay. Only three hours later Two days later, 67 specialists for dispatch to Cuba. The decep (cid:147)Engineer Petrov(cid:148) was shown into touched down. They journeyed as tion was so thorough that it Fidel Castro(cid:146)s office.15 The Cuban machine operators,(cid:148) (cid:147)irrigation fooled even senior Soviet officers leadership unanimously and specialists,(cid:148) and (cid:147)agricultural spe sent to Cuba. One general there enthusiastically gave its approval cialists.(cid:148) Their covers, however, asked Grihkov why winter equip in principle. 6 could not have withstood prob ment and clothing had heen ing(cid:151)they had been assigned to provided. The general admon Soviet maritime policy began to occupations about which they ished him to (cid:147)think like an adult,(cid:148) shift in accordance with these first knew nothing. They were urged and explained, (cid:147)It(cid:146)s called trips. In June and July, the USSR to consult the few genuine spe ANADYR for a reason. We could began to charter Western ships to cialists traveling with them to gain have given away the game if we carry general cargo from the some rudimentary knowledge of had put any tropical clothing in Soviet Union to Cuba, resen(cid:146)ing their ostensible jobs.2(cid:176) On 17July, your kits.(cid:148)1~ its own freighters for carrying mil Havana announced that Cuba and itary cargo.7 the USSR had signed an agree ment establishing a regular Getting the Cubans On Board During 2-17 July, a Cuban delega Moscow-Havana civil air route. tion led by Raul Castro traveled to US intelligence analysis at the Secrecy surrounded the first Moscow to discuss Soviet military time speculated that the new Tu Soviet delegation that ~vent to shipments, including nuclear mis 114 flights were bringing Soviet propose the audacious plan to siles. Khrushchev met with the military officers and sensitive Fidel Castro and other Cuban Defense Minister on 3 and 8 July. electronic and leaders. The officials arrived in Raul Castro initialed a draft treaty signal-monitoring equipment to Havana with little fanfare on with the Soviet Defense Minister Cuba. 29 May. amidst a delegation of that governed the deployment of agricultural experts headed by Soviet forces to Cuba. This pact Rashidov. The group included was not to be publicly revealed Then-Minister for Industry Ernesto Col. Gen. Ivanov and several mis until a visit that Khrushchev the(cid:148) Guevara and the head of sile construction specialists and planned to make to Cuba in the Cuban militia led another del other military experts, whose job November.~s egation to Moscow during 27 it was to determine whether the August-2 September. The pur missiles could be deployed in pose was to introduce Fidel secrecy.11 Ambassador Aleksandr GarthofC p. 15; alsn, Grihkov and Castro(cid:146)s revisions into the draft Smith. P 14 0 Fursenko and Naftali, p iad treaty. The Cubans proposed that James 0. Blight. BruceJ Allyn. and the deployment he made public Aleksancir Fursenko and Timothy Naf David A. Welch, with the assistance of tali, (cid:147)O,w lie/Iofa Garth/aT Khn(cid:146)sb Davis Lewis. Cubaon theBn(cid:146)nk. Castro. in order to head off any Ameri chap. Castro, andKe,,,,edL 1958(cid:151)1964 theMissileCrtc,s, andtheSovietCo//apse can overreaction; Khrushchev, (NewYork and London. \V (cid:145)V Norton& (NewYork PantheonBooks, 1993), p 8. Company, 1997), p. t9L This valuable This source draw(cid:146)s extensively on input source relies on material from Soviet/ from key Soviet/Russian and American Russian archives officials who had a hand in the crisis i9 Fursenko and Naftali, p. 192. Gribkov and Smith, p. 15 Brugioni, P. 92. 20 Grihkrjv and Smith. pp. 37-38. 0 Ibid. Grihkov and Smith. p. 21 Brugioni. p~ 93. 51 Missile Crisis (cid:147) The ship captains were not told where however, successfully argued for theft cargoes were to ing missiles. On deck were cargo continued secrecy. be delivered. trucks, none of which were asso ciatcd with the missiles Nonetheless, some US experts Keeping The Secret At Home speculated that the ship might he carrying ballistic missiles deep in In the Soviet Union, the men and its hold, because the Soviets equipment destined for Cuba tended to use large(cid:151)hatch ships of were assembled, loaded, and dence.~(cid:148) Secrecy was so strict that the Pu/lava and O#i,th classes to moved by rail at night under rein couriers carried all messages deliver such missiles.30 forced guard. The train routes and between the ports and the final destinations \vere kept Defense Ministry in Moscow. The ship captains were not told secret. Mail and telegrams along where their cargoes were to he the way were strictly prohibited.22 On hoard, the Soviets applied the delivered. Before casting off, the same nias/eirovka measures that captain and the troop com(cid:151) To mask the immensity of the they had adopted when they first iiiander jointly received a large overall effort, the shipments to began to send weapons to Cuba. sealed envelope. Unfastening it, Cuba left from eight ports(cid:151)four Packing crates or special ship they found a smaller envelope to in the north (Kronstadt, Liepaya, ping containers concealed and be opened only at a certain set of Baltiysk, and Murmansk) and four protected weapons carried as geographic coordinates in the on the Black Sea (Sevastopol, deck cargo. Certain telltale mili Atlantic Ocean. When they Feodosiya. Nikolayev, and Poti).23 tary equipment was boarded up reached the designated point, an \Vestern access to these ports was with planks to make it look like officer from the KGB(cid:146)s Special closed off It was normal for the the ship(cid:146)s superstructure Even Department joined them for the Soviets to close ports when muni on-deck field kitchens were dis opening of the envelope. The tions were being loaded, hut this guisecl.28 The Soviets shielded instructions told them to proceed time the surface-to-surface mis crated military hardware(cid:151)such as to a Cuban port and authorized siles were being put on the ships missiles and launchers(cid:151)with them to inform the ship(cid:146)s com(cid:151) under tight security and cover of metal sheets to defeat infrared pan)(cid:146) of the destination.3i The darkness.2~ photography.2(cid:146) They stored other concern for secrecy permeated combat and specialized equip the process. The last sentence of The troops were housed at ment below, out of sight. the captain(cid:146)s letter read: After nearby military facilities during Ordinary automobiles, trucks. familiarizing yourself with the the two or three days required to tractors, and harvesters ~vere contents of this document, load a ship. Guards were posted placed on the top deck to con destroy it.(cid:146) 32 to prevent anyone from leaving ~(cid:145)ev the impression that only the area. No letters, telegrams, or civilian and agricultural gear was telephone calls were permitted, a being transported. Every ship involved in Operation rule that also applied to the offic ANADYR carried thick folders, ers.25 The ships crew members, The freighter Poltat.(cid:146)a, which prepared by Defense Ministry some of whom made more than sailed to Cuba in September, was staff officers, which contained one run to Cuba, were forbidden a good example. No external background information on a shore leave and correspon signs indicated that it was carry(cid:151) number of countries with which the USSR had good relations. The Crihkov and smith, p 56 I/nd p 56 . ~(cid:145) lb/cf p. 29 2(cid:148) I/nd p 29 -~ Brugioni, pp 149(cid:151)150 Brugi,oni, p 119 ~ I/nd,, p 30 Gribkov and smith. p 31 c;rihkov and Smith, p 30 2(cid:148) lbicL, p. 56, .(cid:145)~ I/nd 52 MissileCrisis (cid:147) If challenged at sea,] the captains were to (cid:145)destroy alldocuments study materials on Cuba were route. In July 1962. the Soviets buried in these packets, so that with State and military described US reconnaissance mis not even the compilers would secrets,(cid:146) take measures sions in international waters as know the real focus of the (cid:145)harassment,(cid:148) and requested operation. to protect the through their GRU officer in personnel, and sink Washington, Col. Georgi Bolsha the ships. kov, that these flights he stopped Secrecy In Transit for the sake of better bilateral relations.78 In retrospect, this The Soviet ships macic false dec overture clearly appears to have larations when they exited the been an effort by Khrushchev to Black Sea and the Bosporu& delay the discovery of weapons Cargo records were altered and approached the Soviet ships, the related to Operation ANADYR. the tonnage declared was well Soviet crews would lower bulg Bolshakov met with Attorney below what ~~(cid:145)as being carriecl.~~ ing parcels of vodka, brandy, General Robert Kennedy more The ships would declare from caviar, sausages, and other clelica than a dozen tithes. Odessa, although they had loaded cies. Grihkov noted that this at other ports. OFten ships going transparent hrihery worked well: Most of the voyages lasted from to Cuba listed Conakn(cid:146), Guinea, (cid:145)Everyone likes to get presents, 18 to 20 days. Due to strict as their destination. When the even pilots.(cid:148)~~ maskfroplea measures, the troops volume of traffic increased, a were kept below decks except (cid:145)or number ofships did not give their The captains were instructed to a few minutes at night when destinations but simply stated that take all possible evasive action in small groups (cid:147)crc allowed to they were carrying general the event of attacks or an effort to exercise and get some fresh air.~ cargo(cid:148) and (cid:145)awaiting orders.(cid:148)3(cid:146) hoard their ships. Should evasive During the tropical days. heavy action fail, they were to destroy tarpaulins cove (cid:145)ccl the hatches to Transit through the Bosporus and all documents with state and mili(cid:151) the lower decks where the troops the Dardanelles Straits presented taiy secrets,(cid:148) take measures to were berthed. \Vith little air circu a special challenge. Not only protect the personnel, and sink lation, the inside temperature were the soldiers kept below the ships.36 Should their vessels climbed to 120 degrees Fahren decks, hut the captains were experience mechanical failure en heit or higher. Rations were under orders to prevent any for route, the captains were to issued twice a clay and only in eigners from boarding, even the explain to ships offering assis darkness~ ~lu Many of the troops on Turkish pilots who usually guided tance that they were exporting hoard swore that they would civilian ships through those tricky automobiles.3~ 1-lad this occurred, never again set foot on a ship. waters. Whenever the pilots it might have provided clues(cid:151)the USSR had few cars of any kind Although the restrictions macic ~3 USSIGINT revealed that Soviet vessels aauntdowmoabsilneotexrpeocrotgenri.zed as an conditions on board nightmarish, were making false port declai(cid:146)anons and the deceptions worked. Gen. listing less than theirknown cargo-darn(cid:146) Grihkov states that (cid:145)US intelli ialngSeccaupraictiytAygeB)n(cid:146)cylatneotAeudgutshta,t 5t7hevoNyaatgieosn Moscow also resorted to diplo gence discovered neither the true toCuha had taken place in a little overa matic means to reduce US significance of the surge in Soviet month andthatsome shipswere ontheir reconnaissance of the ships en shipping to Cuba nor the mission second voyage in that period of time. See: National SecurityAgency, Ni-I anti /he CuI,ii,iMissile Crisis (Fort Mciclc, MD(cid:146) NSA centerforcryptologic History, 3~ Grihkov and Smith, p 57 ~Ibfr1, p 193. 1998). pp 3-(cid:146)i Fursenku and Naitali. p 192 3(cid:176) Grihkov and Smith, p 35- .~ Brrigioni, p 149 3~ Ibid. IhuL, p 56 53 Missile Crisis (cid:147) By late October, the size of the Soviet contingent in Cuba of our troops on the island until all Allied bombers on Germany near!)(cid:146) all the men had come was about 41,900 throughout World War II (cid:145)~(cid:145)~ ashore and, still moving in large personnel(cid:151)quadruple numbers only by night, had been the size that US Most of the military technicians deployed to their assigned also came ashore at Marie!. positions.,,.(cid:146)1 inteffigence agencies Deception activities throughout figured. the transit stage and the strict security measures at Mariel hindered tile ability of US Unloading in Cuba intelligence agencies to estimate the number of Soviet troops The As the Soviet troops arrived, plan for ANADYR that was Cuban officials took steps to approved in early July had called Even before the Soviet ships support Moscow(cid:146)s ,nask/rovk(cid:146)a for moving 50.874 men. That total plan. In earl)(cid:146) fall, they began to approached Cuban ports, a num included personnel for field hos ber of niaskjropka exert control over the pitals. bakeries, mechanical precautions had been imple movements of all foreigners on workshops, and other support mented. At Mariel, for example, the island. News reporters and units, all with a three(cid:151)month sup foreign embassy personnel were the Soviets built a large cinder- ply of food and fuel. During block wall around the unloading forbidden to travel outside Septenther, the plan was revised Havana, In the city, Cuban agents area so that none of the port to eliminate submarine and sur sun(cid:146)eilled and harassed foreign activity could he observed by face ship squadrons, clue to land-based agents.-i5 As the ships potential resupply problems and eorfsf,icieaslps.ecially British embassy lay in port, KGB officers kept concerns that their presence watch on deck. All Cubans, even might sound an alarm bell in militiamen, were barred from the Washington. By late October, the The planners had selected port areas.(cid:148)6 Local inhabitants size of the contingent in Cuba 11 Cuban ports to receive the within a mile of the waterfront in had reached about 41,900 person Soviet ships(cid:146) Havana, Mariel, Mariel had to evacuate their nd(cid:151)quadruple the size that US Cabanas, Bahia Honda. Matan homes.4(cid:146) intelligence agencies figured.~ zas, La Isabella, Nuevitas, Nicaro, Casilda, Cienfuegos, and Santi The first 55-4 missiles arrived in Nonetheless, in the hectic initial ago de Cuba.(cid:145)~ The)(cid:146) earmarked Marie! on hoard the Onisk on days in Cuba, secrecy created three of them(cid:151)Bahia Honda and 8 September. The Jndiguk(cid:146)a more than a few glitches. The Mariel on the northwest coast and brought the initial shipment of General Staff had neglected to Casilda on the south coast(cid:151)to nuclear warheads on 4 ~ provide passwords to facilitate receive the surface-to-surface mis According to one source, this ship communication between the siles and nuclear warheads.H4 carried 99 nuclear charges(cid:151)some arriving transport ships and the two-thirds of all nuclear weapons sent to Cuba and over 20 times IlneL the explosive power dropped by Fursenko and Naftali, p. 217. There is 12 Brugioni. p 148-TheCubans probably conflicting source information on the knew that the British were helping the number ofwarheads ~.pecifically for tile United States, which did nothave formal 85-4 misstles Gribknvstates that 36such representation in Havana. LS Brugioni. p 1514 warheads (cid:147)crc introduced. this issue ~3 Grihkov and Smith. p 38 Grihkov(cid:146)s David Detzer, TheB(cid:146),, C,,hcet, ,1is(cid:151) cannot he resolved based on crirrent ev map puts Nicaro in the wrong location. cl/cc;(cid:146),s,.s /962 (New York(cid:146)- (cid:145)l(cid:146)humas y idence, hut 36 appears to be a like!)(cid:146) fig- apparently confusing it with Niquero nn Cr(cid:146)owell. 1979), p 69 Lire as that tracks with Soviet doctrinal the Southea(cid:146)~t cuasr JhicL, p 57 requirements for rel(cid:146)ire nlksiles. Fursenko and Naftali, p 216 ~ Grihkov and smith, p 52 ~(cid:147) Gribkov and Snlith, p. 28. 54 MissileCrisis (cid:147) Soviet and Cuban planners leaked Cuban greeting parties. Accord accurate information rate information about the ingly. some ship captains and on- about the deployment deployment so as to mask it. The board troop commanders had dif through discredited information was funneled through counterrevolutionary organiza ficulty accepting orders to reroute groups] so as to mask tions and their press in the United their ships from their originally States, especially in Miami. The it. assigned ports. The captain of CIA discounted the information, one ship even turned back out to because it did not consider the sea rather than allow a Cuban groups and people peddling it to patrol boat crew to come aboard he credible. This strategy was to guide him to his anchorage.51 highly effective, according to a former Cuban intelligence Movement to Field Sites officer.~ Usually two or three days were required to unload a ship with The inaskirouka measures were The deception campaign that military cargo, and maskijouka not air tight. In the initial stages exploited the dmigrds(cid:146) lack of requirements invariably compli of the operation, the United States credibility was unwittingly back cated the work. Equipment that received reports from friendly stopped by correspondence had at least a superficial resem ndeanttiso,ns,anndewosthpearpesrourccoersrespon abnedtwreeelnatiCvuesbainnsthaendUntihteeidr fSrtaiteensd.s blance to agricultural machinery indicating that hundreds of Rus From June to September, Cuban was unloaded in broad daylight. sian troops in fatigues had been intelligence intercepted some hut weapons and other military seen in Havana and in seemingly 17,000 letters that had something equipment could he unloaded endless convoys along Cuba(cid:146)s to say about the deployment of only at night. From the docks, main highways. Many young Rus Soviet troops and missiles in specialized equipment was stored sian men also had been obsenred Cuba. In late September, Cuban sightseeing in the Cuban capital authorities permitted those letters in sheds or moved directly to des in checked, cotton shirts and to arrive in Miami as part of the ignated bases along back roads at cheap trousers.54 Although the deception campaign. Just as night 52 Soviets and Cubans took extra Havana expected, the CIA paid precautions to keep gawkers no attention to these letters.57 All this time, Radio Moscow was away from the whanres and moved the nuclear cargoes away claiming that the USSR was only For US intelligence analysts, the under black canvas and escorted giving Cuba machine tools, by heavy guard, the chatty amount of noise(cid:146) from Cuba wheat, and agricultural machin Cubans gave a steady stream of ginrefwrodmeaCfuebnainnsg,. tRoeuproisrttss, fflooroedigend ery,(cid:146) along with some 7,000 tons clues to US SIGINT collectors.55 diplomats in Cuba, and newspa of various fertilizers. (cid:145)53 This per officials reporting in a private description was consistent with At the same time, the Soviets and the false identities provided to Cubans mounted a major cam many of the Soviet military spe paign using HUMINT channels to 5(cid:148) Doiningo Aniuchastegw. (cid:147)Cuban In bolster the overall deception telligence and ihe October Crisis.(cid:148) Intel cialists and also with the daytime effort. The planners leaked accu ligenceam!Na/loiza!Secilnhs(cid:146), Vnlu ne unloading activity. 13, Number3. Auiumn 1998, p. 101. (cid:145)Ibis is a special issue (In inielligence and the missile crisis. edited by,!ames C ill gin Brugioni. p, toi and David A \VeicIi. It is a unique col(cid:151) 5512 lIIbnitd!.. Pp. 38-39 (cid:147)shiNpSAO.xfoop.rdCuwa,spph.ug2-g3ingThteheUScuSbiaGnINT dliefcfueornentofianrtteilclliegseoncneisheervriocleess.phiyecl by (cid:147) Detzer. p. 57 coastline at that time- (cid:147) Ibid 55 Missile Crisis capacity. At the CIA focal point at mention their inilitaiy designa Dobiynin sought out Robert Opa-Locka, Florida, intelligence tions or the ranks of their Kennedy and stated that he had officers screened countless commanders. Moreover, all com(cid:151) received instructions from reports and debriefed Cubans munications between the Soviet Khrushchev to assure the Presi who had fled (lie island 58 Most of military headquarters in Havana dent that there would be no the reports from Cuba were exag and units in the field had to he surface(cid:151)to(cid:151)surface missiles or gerated or imaginary(cid:151)some were made in person, not written or offensive weapons placed in so outrageous that they were sent by radio. Except for very Cuba. Dobrynin also added that laughable and made all the oth brief hookups and equipment the Attorney General could assure ers suspect. There were far tests, Soviet troops maintained his brother that the Soviet mili(cid:151) fetched tales of African troops total radio silence in order to with rings in their noses, lurking mask their identity, location, and tarv buildup was not of any signifiance.u1~ On 6 September. Mongolians. and even Chinese troop strength from US troops These accounts followed intelligence.hi Theodore Sorenson, special coun earlier erroneous reports of Soviet sel to President Kennedy, met military equipment secreted away In retrospect. some Soviet and with Dobiynin, (cid:147)ho reiterated his in caves, underground hangers, Cuban officials found it remark assurances that Soviet military and concrete domes. The previ able that the operation remained assistance to Cuba was strictly ous reports had cast doubt on the secret for a lull month after the defensive in nature and! did not reliability of sources, so US ana missiles arrived in Cuba.(2 The represent a thi(cid:146)eat to American lysts found it easy to dismiss the missile carriers were too big to go security. The following day, stream of reports of Soviet unnoticed on the hack roads of Dobn(cid:146)nin assured US Ambassa the island for long As they rum clor to the United Nations Acllai bled through the little Cuban Stevenson that the USSR was sup From the port areas, the canvas- towns, they left a trail of downed plying only defensive weapons to covered 55-4 missiles were moved telephone poles and mailboxes. Cuba On 11 September, TASS in night convoys, under tight When a peasant(cid:146)s shack had to be announced that the USSR neither security, to sites in the interior of moved or knocked down to allow needed nor intended to intro sthoethiastlantdh.e Stercouorpistydiwsaesmbtaigrhkteedned acomrinsesri,lethcoasreriewrhtoo wtiutrnneassteigdhtthe duce offensive nuclear weapons into Cuba.~ dressed as civilians, and their event were hound to talk Soviet escorts(cid:151)Soviet personnel who and Cuban efforts to discredit had arrived earlier(cid:151)were such anecdotal accounts paid off. In late September, Khrushchev required to wear Cuban mil tar)(cid:146) ernbai(cid:146)ked on a barnstorming tour uniforms and issue commands in the Turkmen and Uzhek along the convoy routes only in Disingenuous Diplomacy republics, ibis high(cid:151)profile ti(cid:146)ip, Spanish.~ On the march or Nv(cid:151) which extended into the first ouackecl. Soviet military men Soviet spokesmen kept up a week of October, emphasized remained dressed in civilian steady stream of denials and dis agricultural themes. In none of clothing and were forbidden to information in September. On 4 Khrushchev(cid:146)s man)(cid:146) speeches dur September, Ambassador Anatoli ing his travels was there any ~ Deizec p 59 reference suggesting aggression (cid:147) 1/nd., p. (tO. or threats to the United States.65 Grihkov and Smith. p 39 (cid:145)liii,, ,uash,,(cid:146)ovh(cid:146)u requirement is comparable I/mI . p 52. and Amuchastegu , p loL to tiIat used during the Korean conflict, A cautionary note here is that ihis arude when Soviet pilots were instructed to is the only puhli,(cid:146)~hecl account by a (cid:147)(cid:145) Brtigioni, p 115~ speak in Chinese while flying nlis(cid:146)iOiiS firmer Cuban intelligence officer tliu~ Blight. Allyn, and Welch, pp (cid:145)i63-(cid:146)i64. tn tO,(cid:146) t( knit US SIGtNT units linigioni. PP 157-158 56 MissileCrisis In only six minutes, US Air Force Maj. Richard Heyser The pattern continued. On readied massive air attack and 13 Octohei, a high State snapped 928 photo invasion plans(cid:151)including send Department official. Chester graphs thatyieldedthe ing nuclear-armed B-52s aloft(cid:151) Bowles, questioned Dohrvnin on and engaged in extensive policy first confirmation of whether Moscow intended to put deliberations in the Executive offensive weapons in Cuba; the offensive missiles in Committee. On 22 October, Presi Ambassador denied any such Cuba. dent Kennedy revealed the intention. On 17 October, GRU missile buildup to the world. Con(cid:151) Col. Bolshakov brought Robert fronted with the photographic Kennedy a personal message evidence, the Russians informed directly from Khrushchev to Presi Raul Castro that i-nore attention dent Kennedy that under no would have to he paid to con circumstances would surface-to- cealing the site work and surface missiles he sent to Cuba.(cid:148) concrete slabs and surrounded camouflaging the missiles and The next day Foreign Minister not only by the missiles, but also other heavy equipment.72 l(cid:146)he Gromyko met with President by multiple buildings, fuel trucks Soviet units stretched tarpaulins Kennedy for two hours. Gromyko and tanks, and hundreds of and nets over the missiles, and assured him that the Soviet aid to meters of thick cable To try to daubed paint or mud across the Cuba (cid:147)pursued solely the pur maintain secrecy, Soviet com canvases. This marked the first pose of contributing to the manders forbade their troops time that they tried! to conceal defense capabilities of Cuba and from raking any leave l(cid:146)roin their their missiles from the air, proba to the development of its peace- deployment sites and ruled out bly hoping to mask the total lii! economy.(cid:148)6(cid:148) using Cuban labor. Nonetheless, number of missiles and protect Soviet commanders and planners against sabotage.~~ By 28 Octo knew(cid:146) that although the tractor- ber, however, the confrontation, trailers and associated large including Kennedy(cid:146)s imposition of Denouement objects could be covered by can a naval and air quarantine on the ~(cid:145)as. their masses could not be shipment of offensive The missile sites themselves could shrunkfi Heavy equipment might military equipment to Cuba, led never have remained hidden for obscure part of the missile site Khrushchev to agree on a long. They \vere constructed in signature from ground(cid:151)level, but formula to end the crisis. The areas expropriated from Cuban from above it stuck out landowners, had no fences or markedly.70 walls, and were exposed to aerial The details of the u(cid:151)2 mission arc obsen(cid:146)ation.6~ Standard found in voI,iIl/CXI: Fi(cid:145)rei(cid:231)(cid:146),i Refattolls eninacsekztroodvekapldooycmterinnteignavweoopdreefder Ophnot1o4gOrcatpohbeedr,thaeUa-r2eaaiorfcrSafatn AtEh1de/wcaUd/nrc/dnCvrCt!s~SRsueIedtfueesdr,A1/c9lh6w~1i--rm1la9et6s/-i3S,,eSOda,i!mtxpeisd,o,bny. areas, yet Cuba(cid:146)s forests were Cristohal, where the first missile LouisJ~ Smuh. and David S Pattcrson gfeenwercallulsytesrspaorsfep,aclomnstirseteisngorofa a usinxitmiwnaustebse,inUgSdAeiprloFyoerdc.e MIanj.only (ianWgiansOhafiifxnicguet.onti,h9e9~6scit..atpuUsS2o9Gf-otvAheletrhnwoneuiagehnixi)unPnsrciiennrt thick undergrowth of bushes. Richard Heyser snapped 928 pho Cuba at the time of disc,~ven(cid:146), we no(cid:148) Salulcohfvtehgeetmaitssiiolneceoquulidpmneonttc.o~vesrs(cid:151) tcoongfriarpmhastithoantoyfieolfdfeednstihvee fmiisstsiles pakamjb~il~oe(cid:146)ndtihenahtlvaeotrenvlOycstsyosobtemree-m.sofO(cid:147)efrt-hctehenrue3ac6dl)es(cid:146)aSr-fr4(cid:151)c,sar 4 launchers are anchored to large in Cuba.71 Washington stepped up deployed, for example. only about haIf intelligence collection of all kinds, ~~(cid:145)cre ready to he fueled(cid:151)an i8(cid:151)hour process(cid:151)and not one had been pro(cid:151) grail]iiied ft)r night. Sec Crihkov and Blight. Allyn. and Welch, pp 465-466 Sniiih, p. 63 i3rugioni. p i50. (cid:176)~ mu-f, p 55 7~ Gribknv and Smith, ~ 53, Ciibkov and Smith, p 40. 1/in-f p. 40 ~- Detzer, p i94 , 57