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Preview DTIC ADA525666: Don't Forget Access: Space Launch Critical for Military Transformation

Winter/Spring Theme Don’t Forget “Access” Space Launch Critical for Military Transformation By Jeffrey Becker and Gary Trinkle he Secretary of Defense has identified the strengthening spective Space lift capabilities will be sufficient to support T of Joint Warfighting capabilities and the transformation future Joint operations. of Joint forces as among his top priorities. United States Joint Forces Command is dedicated to providing Joint A National Challenge context for Service-developed capabilities and to explor- U.S. strategic-level guidance, including the Space ing transformative military capabilities. Recently, Joint Commission report, describes Space as a “vital national Force Command’s Joint Experimentation Directorate interest.” In light of this guidance, a large number of (J9) completed a study that is especially relevant to Space concepts and technologies that rely on Space or exploit operators in the Army and throughout the other Services. its unique characteristics have been developed. However, This analysis, titled “Space Access as a Critical Enabler current launch technology is expensive, less responsive for Future Joint Warfighting” examines Space lift require- than it could be, and is often prone to costly errors. ments for the future Joint force and considers alternatives Compounding these drawbacks are unsuccessful reusable to current chemical propulsion Space access strategies. launch vehicle efforts that have been thwarted by the dif- Project Alpha was established by Joint Experimentation ficulties inherent in mastering the required technologies as a “rapid analysis” group designed to scout the future and a lack of programmatic and budgetary will. There is and identify high-impact ideas in the area of Joint force a disconnect between our military’s need to access Space transformation. The ideas and technologies examined by and our ability to get there cheaply and reliably. Our need the Project Alpha analysis team are often unconventional for cheap and reliable access to Space and the lack of and rarely mature; therefore, the purpose of a Project diversity in our systems means that the United States runs Alpha rapid assessment process is to endorse and refine the risk of ceding asymmetric Space advantages by relying an idea’s potential rather than to establish an acquisition on quarter-billion dollar disposable launch systems. We program. do not sink our ships or crash our airplanes after each This article will highlight the findings of Project mission, yet we regularly do just this with Space launch Alpha’s Space access report, including several potential vehicles. solutions to the challenging technical problem of placing Most military concepts of operations — both present militarily significant payloads in orbit. The United States day and experimental — assume the availability of Space relies so heavily on a wide range of Space capabilities that for U.S. purposes. Communications, navigation, intel- access to the medium must be regarded as a “strategic ligence, and — increasingly — force enhancement and center of gravity.” Space planners must ensure that the projection capabilities are usually considered an “assumed correct mix of investments is found so that this reliance future reality” in planning and operations. Indeed, most on Space capabilities does not become a vulnerabil- future-oriented concepts such as the Army’s Objective ity. The six-month Project Alpha “Space Access” rapid Force “sensor to shooter” grids, “common relevant oper- assessment process studied current and programmed ational pictures” and “network-centric warfare” all rely on Space access capabilities and evaluated whether these pro- these significant assumed Space capabilities to be success- 16 Army Space Journal Winter/Spring 2003 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2003 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2003 to 00-00-2003 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Don’t Forget ’Access’ Space Launch Critical for Military Transformation 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Army Space & Missile Defense Command,Army Forces Strategic REPORT NUMBER Command,Redstone Arsenal,AL,35809 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 4 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Figure 1 ful. One cannot assume, however, that the assortment are not doing their jobs if radical, yet plausible ideas of government and commercial launching mechanisms remain unexamined. Indeed, today’s unlikely capability planned to be available in the 2015-2020 timeframe will may be tomorrow’s assumed reality. The Project Alpha be vastly more affordable, reliable, and responsive than Space access report began the process of examining those available today. The Space access report found that some of the revolutionary orbital access concepts that are planned Space launch capabilities will rely heavily on the under consideration in advanced technology labs around “evolved expendable launch vehicle” series of boost- the world. ers to provide incremental improvements over today’s capabilities. However, many concepts for Space force Alternative Space Access Capabilities enhancement, Space control, and Space force application Reusable Exo-atmospheric Deployment often rely on assumptions of vastly better Space access Future warfighting concepts, including the Army’s capabilities than the expendable launch vehicle program Objective Force, emphasize small, highly dispersed, yet can provide. interconnected units to minimize vulnerability, increase Growing U.S. reliance on reliable access to Space must flexibility, and respond rapidly to unpredictable and be squared with the fact that, in many ways, the current changing situations. Current Space architectures, how- model for staged, disposable chemical propulsion rock- ever, often rely on large, expensive single boosters to loft ets (such as the evolved expendable launch vehicle) has satellites. These large expendables may never allow the reached near-peak efficiencies. The Project Alpha Space United States to achieve the responsive launch capabilities s access study found that current U.S. orbital access strate- that future military operations will require. One solution p gies should better accommodate the examination and to this issue is to rely on larger numbers of mini-satel- development of alternatives to chemical rockets as the lites, micro-satellites, and other smaller satellites launched a single method to reach orbit and that alternative Space from specialized aircraft capable of exo-atmospheric c launch capabilities should be given larger prominence in flight. The use of advanced reusable aircraft is a relatively o developmental efforts and experimentation venues. straightforward method to achieve more responsive Space e To illustrate the wide range of alternative Space access access by a hybridization of reusable and expendable p capabilities, the rapid assessment process looked at five vehicles designed to achieve orbit for small, yet highly representative scientific initiatives in this area. The five capable payloads. e alternatives were designed not as prescriptive recom- As depicted in Figure 1, one Defense Advanced r mendations, but rather to exemplify the varying stages of Research Projects Agency technology initiative being a maturity and scientific complexity of ideas that exist out- studied is the efficiencies gained in cost to orbit when a side of the current launch paradigm. Some of these ideas very high-speed aircraft “zooms” to exo-atmospheric alti- t make claims so radical and revolutionary as to require tudes, then releases a small rocket and payload that burns i extraordinary evidence if they are to be implemented. as a second stage to place the small payload in orbit. A o Advocates of transformative military change, however, (See Don’t Forget “Access”, page 45) n s Winter/Spring 2003 Army Space Journal 17 Figure 2 Don’t Forget “Access” ... from Page 17 number of aircraft and small expend- specific new platforms to improve rail gun. The projectile then slides able rocket technologies exist that the ability to reach orbit, the “deploy- between two parallel conductive rails may be used. What is clear is that sig- on-demand” concept focuses on and closes an electric circuit. The nificant efficiencies result because the bridging the gap in responsiveness resulting current flowing in the circuit air-breathing first stage can return to by using current launch systems dif- generates a magnetic field that accel- a base and be reused rather than burn ferently. A deploy-on-demand archi- erates the payload to orbit-achieving up on re-entry. Additionally, reusable tecture would place affordable micro- velocities. Rail gun systems would exo-atmospheric deployment allows satellites dormant in orbit with their require specially hardened satellite for higher flight rates for the aircraft later use anticipated. Unlike current packages to ensure satellite stabil- and placement of payloads to low constellation “spares,” these assets ity as it leaves the launch tube as Earth orbit (LEO) at a wide range would ride piggyback aboard cur- well as hardening to address signifi- of inclinations and locations other rently planned chemical propulsion cant g-loading. The largest guns will than the two major launch facilities launches in a “hitchhiking” mode. subject the satellites to a thousand s the United States currently operates. Once in orbit, these assets could be times the force of the Earth’s grav- p Because the reusable aircraft are not activated to replace or supplement ity (1000g) for approximately one associated with fixed launch facili- existing military Space capabilities second. Although damage by this a ties, they could also be deployable should conflict render them insuf- vast acceleration can be overcome c across the United States or globally ficient or unavailable. A deploy-on- in circuit design, it would require o if required. demand supplemental architecture significant hardening of some of e would require significant improve- today’s fragile satellite components p Deploy on Demand Versus Launch ment in micro-satellite potential such as solar cells or antenna struc- on Demand and experimentation to ensure that tures. The rail gun does away with e A key improvement and per- instantaneous activation and reliabil- the need for significant propellant r formance parameter desired by the ity of small satellites in support or volumes aboard the launch vehicle a Space community is the ability to get replacement modes are possible. because the massive electric genera- military payloads to Earth orbit in a tors and gas gun components used to t matter of days or hours as opposed ail Guns launch the vehicle remain on Earth, i to today’s months or years. Whereas Rail guns use a conductive projec- allowing the payload to occupy a very o many Space access studies focus on tile fired from a light gas gun into the large portion of the launch vehicle’s n s Winter/Spring 2003 Army Space Journal 45 mass. A fixed rail gun system may be able notional representation of the deployment boost critical U.S. payloads to orbit. In the to generate up to 300 launches per year scenario for the Space elevator. First, (A) a future, this approach may be insufficient to with payload of 10,000 pounds per launch. Spacecraft is sent to geosynchronous orbit meet the needs of future Joint operational At these rates, the gas gun could potentially where it begins deploying a small cable. As warfare and present significant exploitable loft 1,500 tons a year into low Earth orbit. the cable is deployed, the Spacecraft floats vulnerabilities to adversaries in tomorrow’s By comparison, the Space Shuttle (the larg- outward to provide a stabilizing anchor for international environment. est current U.S. Space access vehicle) can the emerging facility. When the end of Reliance on these expensive shuttle or place 63,500 pounds in orbit. the cable reaches the Earth, (B) it can be disposable staged rocket technologies is retrieved and secured at some point along increasingly unacceptable for the military Slingatron the equator. Climbers of increasing size exploitation of Space. Indeed, the prob- A slingatron is a propellantless, mag- can then be sent up the initial cable (C) lems of anti-access, critical mobile targets netic means of launching a projectile. to reinforce the initial cable. Finally, (D) and hard and deeply buried targets place Slingatrons can be configured in a variety a usable, high-capacity cable is complete a premium on the unique capabilities that of geometries, but the most common and can handle large capacity payloads that Space access provides. consists of a spiral track (or launch tube) can be released into a number of differing These capabilities, including hyperspec- that gyrates at a constant frequency about orbits. tral sensors, the global positioning system, a set radius. Under proper conditions, a Funded by the NASA Institute for missile defense, and even the application projectile entering the spiral at the center Advanced Concepts, research into the of force to, through, and from Space, will will undergo nearly constant tangential Space elevator indicates that once the appa- provide the United States with the anti- acceleration before exiting. The slinga- ratus is constructed it would have the asymmetric strategies of choice against tron launcher offers the potential to con- capacity to lift — not launch — payloads future (even current) adversaries. But duct intercontinental bombardment, and to of up to 50,000 pounds to geosynchronous these “high-demand, low-density” capabili- place nano-satellites and micro-satellites in orbits at costs per pound of between $50- ties will remain so unless the United States orbit. $100. This is several orders of magnitude is able to access Space more cheaply and better than current day (or even projected) responsively than it does today. Should The Space Elevator capabilities and would truly revolutionize the United States move to a wider vision In the most basic description, the Space the ability of the United States to access of placing payloads in Earth orbit, the elevator is a cable with one end attached to Space. resulting dramatic reductions in launch the Earth and the other end roughly 60,000 cost and complexity will revolutionize U.S. miles in Space — over twice the distance Conclusion capabilities to exploit Space as a military to geosynchronous Earth orbit. Although The Department of Defense currently domain. a frequent device of science fiction, the uses Space capabilities to perform a variety Space elevator has moved out of the realm of missions that are not easily or reliably Jeffrey Becker is a military analyst working in of pure speculation and into the “merely” achieved using other terrestrial means. In support of the Joint Experimentation Directorate of U.S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) and fantastic because of recent advances in the future, this dependence shows little is a Ph.D. Candidate in International Studies at materials science. The Space elevator con- sign of dwindling. The Joint force will rely Old Dominion University. An employee of General cept relies on a cable manufactured from on Space for more than communications, Dynamics Advanced Information Systems, Becker has been involved in a number of projects regard- ultrastrong, lightweight composite carbon navigation and intelligence functions and ing the future of warfare and military experimenta- nanotubes. Theoretically, a carbon nano- will begin to apply force in, through and tion. Most recently, Mr. Becker was part of the concept review team for USJFCOM’s Millennium tube structure is up to 40 times stronger from Space. None of this is possible, how- Challenge 2002. than steel; when used in a Space elevator, it ever, without access to Space in a timely Gary Trinkle is the senior Space analyst supporting could be used to haul payloads to Space in efficient and flexible manner. Assured the Space Applications Cell of the USJFCOM J9 (Joint Experimentation). He retired from the U.S. much the same way as an elevator climbs and reliable Space access will require a Army in 1998 after 24 years of service as an armor to higher floors in a building. This is pos- transformation in U.S. launch capabilities. officer and concluded his career as the USASMDC liaison to the CG, TRADOC. An employee of sible because the carbon nanotube cables The major insight gained from this study SY Coleman/L3 Communications, Trinkle was are theoretically strong enough to hold was that current funding priorities in the involved in the development of the Army FA 40 together under the “orbital” dynamics of a area of Space access have significantly training program and has served as a SETAC Space and missile defense contractor at J9 since very long cable pulled taut by the spinning constrained the Space access architecture 1999. Most recently, he was part of the J9 Future of the Earth. to a continued dependence on dispos- concepts assessment group (Project Alpha) and has led an extended study of future “swarming” The illustration (Figure 2 on page 45) is a able, single-use chemical propulsion to autonomous entities. 46 Army Space Journal Winter/Spring 2003

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