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Preview DTIC ADA524695: Lightning Rod. Time for a New Space Force? Not so fast

g n n i g h t Time for a new Space force? l i d o r Not so fast! By Miller Belmont EDITOR’S NOTE: The intent of the Pro and Con section of the shape the battlefield. This integration is where we, Army Space Journal is to encourage conversation on lightning the Army’s Space forces, show our value to the rod Space issues. It provides a free fl owing discussion by people “Big A” Army. But a separate Space force would involved with the issues. We want to stimulate ongoing dialog reverse the progress we’ve made over the last 15 among Space professionals. The opinions expressed in these ar- years. ticles are those of the author and do not necessarily refl ect the views of the Army Space Journal, U.S. Army Space and Missile Here are a few of the dangers of an indepen- Defense Command or the Department of the Army. dent Space force. First, The Army’s Space force has had to sell every Space program we need to O ne of the most memorable events at the warfighter. In a resource constrained environ- the 2002 Space Symposium in Colo- ment, selling Space is not easy. Space programs do rado Springs, Colo., was the address by not turn enemy tank battalions into glass, make David Thompson, President and CEO loud noises on the battlefield or otherwise make of Spectrum Astro, a small satellite manufacturer a big impression on the Army generals that dole recently acquired by General Dynamics. Thomp- out the money. It’s tough enough to make these son spoke of his experience with the National Re- sales pitches when you wear the same uniform. connaissance Office (NRO). In the mid-1990s, the The Space force would have to try it as another NRO launched a satellite with the extra capability service. Imagine if the Air Force had to get the of a power system that enabled it to continue op- Army to contribute payment for F-15 Strike Ea- erating at full capacity instead of having to go into gles. One thing the community has to do, though, partial shutdown mode during its period of solar is demonstrate the utility of Space programs to eclipse. They were able to do this for a mere $200 the maneuver forces. Not because we need their million. This $200 million, according to Thomp- support to build and employ these systems (we son, produced a rechargeable battery to provide do), but because we need to employ these sys- an additional five days of full operating capabil- tems to help the infantry and armor succeed on ity a year. Those of us who have to produce a the battlefield. That is our responsibility to them. receipt to get reimbursed when our parking at the We are accountable to the Soldiers in Iraq and Af- Colorado Springs Airport exceeds $25 might have ghanistan. To be accountable requires a common trouble understanding how anyone could justify a understanding of operations and the needs of the decision to expend that much money for so little tactical Army. return. The answer is quite simple. It’s about ac- Even though the Army needs these programs, countability … or a lack of it. This same big risk we have had only marginal success in convincing would exist with an independent Space force. Army leadership of the cost benefits. Ever since troops had their family members The Soldier will tell you that he needs GPS, his mail them commercial global positioning system cell phone, his computerized map, a weather re- (GPS) receivers from home during the first Gulf port and his intelligence briefing, but he does not War, the Army has made great strides integrating need “Space.” Educating leaders that position/ Space and making it useful to the Soldiers that navigation, satellite communications, joint tactical 22 Army Space Journal Winter 2005 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2005 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2005 to 00-00-2005 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Lightning rod Time for a new Space force? Not so fast! 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Army Space & Missile Defense Command,Army Forces Strategic REPORT NUMBER Command,Redstone Arsenal,AL,35809 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 4 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 ? ground station (JTAGS) and intelligence, surveillance, ghanistan, or discern Toyota Land Cruisers packed with Semtex and reconnaissance products need to be integrated is from all the other traffic on the streets of Baghdad. part of the ongoing education and advocacy aspects of This is where the Army’s fight is and will be for the foresee- underlying Army operations up and down the chain of able future. It may also be why the Congressional budget pro- command. While recent lessons learned, wargames and posal for the Pentagon slashes SBR funding from $327 million exercises have been generally supportive, the Army has to $75 million. This takes it off the acquisition track and rel- not given a “strong buy” recommendation to other en- egates it to a much lower level of effort. abling programs such as Space control, a reserve force The Air Force on occasion complains that they must carry structure for Space, or integrated commercial imagery the burden of funding for military Space programs, while the beyond an ad hoc basis. Army and Navy get a free ride. This complaint is not totally inac- curate. According to the General Accounting Office, the watch- Joint Support dog agency of Congress, the Air Force controls 86 percent of When Leonid Brezhnev initiated the coup against the 2002-2007 military Space budget. The Army’s share is a pal- Nikita Khrushchev, one of his first moves was to re- try 3 percent. At the same time, the Air Force Space forces have arrange all the phone numbers in Moscow. As a result, to defend themselves against continuous budget raids from the Khrushchev was unable to locate any of his support- air power programs. Because these are all legitimate concerns, ers. This is essentially what U.S. Strategic Command the Air Force Space supporters use these arguments to make a (USSTRATCOM) did when they merged with U.S. Space strong case for an independent Space force. Command and acquired Space as a mission area. One A budget line for an independent Space service would be senior officer said: “We’re going to take all the pain at free of much of the political mud wrestling that takes place now once.” between air and Space. An independent budget could provide Although this approach proved effective for the coup the Space acquisition community more flexibility to overcome in the Soviet Union, it has not worked quite as well in the cost overruns before they cripple programs like SBIRS. reorganization of military Space. The reorganization of These arguments are more about protecting budgets than offices (down to the office symbols), mass relocation of about fighting wars. The benefit of a streamlined budget pro- active duty personnel and the acquisition of additional cess provides no guarantee that forming a Space service under mission areas beyond Space left USSTRATCOM in a these circumstances would provide better service to Army and state of continuing reorganization and reprioritization. Marine tactical units. Rather, an independent Space service could Military Space never emerged as a major focus. In addi- very well reduce the ability of Space to help shape the battlefield tion, the exodus of many in the civil service and contract by removing it from the forces it needs to serve. Right now the work force left USSTRATCOM with only a handful of Army and the Marines shape the battlefields in Iraq and Afghan- civilian Space experts and a military cadre with rapid istan. The Air Force admits as much in the press as they grapple turnover averaging two years on station. As a result, there with the same problem of integration that the Army faces. is little in the way of a joint force to draw from to establish a U.S. Air Force LTG Norty Schwartz, director of operations separate Space force. for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, laments “the lack of a traditional warrior culture” among Space forces. One example of the effects Cold War Mentality of this absent culture is seen in how the Air Force mans Space. The remaining option, then, would be to form an indepen- In the Air Force, the missile wings are essentially a separate ser- dent Space force with the Air Force as the core. This presents its vice of the Air Force and largely excluded from the operational own set of problems. It isn’t just the difference in uniforms or side of wars and deployments except for their security forces, services, that’s just superficial. which rotate through the hot spots. As the missile forces drew There are significant differences in the mindsets of the vari- down during the 1990s, they provided a large pool of manpower ous service Space forces. The Air Force Space acquisition force, for Air Force Space operations. Thus, many in the Air Force’s for instance, is still mired in the Cold War standard of what Space and acquisition programs have never worked the tacti- Space programs need to do. Air Force Space Command’s un- cal Air Force. Only after extensive in-theater service in the Air healthy attraction to big budget Cold War programs like Space- Operations Centers do the Space forces gain a sense of tactical Based Radar (SBR) and Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) understanding. It isn’t much of a coincidence that the new Air belie this problem. Although SBR would prove useful in tracking Force Space badge is now a Space and Missile badge. These in- motorized rifle divisions moving across the Fulda Gap or ar- tegration issues could make a separate Space force a bad deal for mored units of the People’s Liberation Army reinforcing North the Army’s muddy boots and treadheads. The civilian research- Korea, no one can articulate how it would help track Al Qaeda ers at the Federally Funded Research and Development Cor- as the terrorists walk back and forth between Pakistan and Af- (See Not so fast!, page 50) Winter 2005 Army Space Journal 23 Not so fast! ... from page 23 porations (FFRDCs) that build the budget management. As the original satellite imagery companies that they Space architectures are even further SBIRS high cost of $2.1 billion ex- are not allowed to image certain lo- removed from the ultimate would- ploded to $4.4 billion, then was re- cations during a crisis. This clause is be users on the battlefields. Said one structured for an estimated cost of part of Department of Commerce- corporation Space architect to an $10 billion, it gradually consumed approved operating licenses. Our Army Space officer: “We sometimes other programs of value to tactical Space doctrine authorizes the op- forget that there are Soldiers on the maneuver forces such as the counter tion of “prevention,” the ability to ground at the far end of these sys- surveillance and reconnaissance sys- use diplomatic or economic means tems.” This gap brings a whole new tem (CSRS). to keep imagery out of reach of our meaning to the term “the vacuum of Designed to protect U.S. and co- enemies. Prevention is typically ap- Space.” alition forces from surveillance from plied in terms of foreign countries Space, the program could potentially or satellite companies. Reinforcing Failure save the Pentagon hundreds of mil- In practice, shutter control and Integration isn’t the only prob- lions of dollars in “shutter control” diplomatic denial translate into bulk lem. The Air Force has demon- and “diplomatic denial” of imagery. imagery purchases of hot zones to strated a propensity to reinforce fail- How? The U.S. government has the keep them off the market and away ure when it comes to program and legal option to tell U.S. commercial from enemies. Since the $57 million 50 Army Space Journal Winter 2005 budget line for CSRS was zeroed out, ex- transports. For instance, some members cellent Army-Air Force cooperation and a tortion payments to commercial imagery of the Army Space cadre worry about the model of integration, could not withstand satellite companies remain our only op- performance of the SBIRS Multi-Mis- internal Air Force budgetary fratricide. tion for effective imagery denial over a sion Mobile Processors (M3Ps). These The advantage of this approach is war zone. The present approach merely processors are the follow-on theater mis- that each service would retain its respec- sustains the funding death spiral without sile warning platform that when finally tive strengths (such as Air Force opera- providing any additional protection for delivered will replace the Joint Tactical tional and delivery capability), while gain- the troops in the field. Ground Stations, the current in-theater ing access to valuable Space programs that Skewed funding priorities are not the missile warning suites. This, however, is all could be delivered to the last tactical mile. only reason the Army should hesitate to the more reason to enact some meaning- This would provide the solutions desired sign on with an independent Space ser- ful acquisition reform that guarantees the of a separate Space service with fewer of vice. The Army continues to grapple with Army receives delivery of Space systems the risks. Rather than generating a new its own internal issues, and again, they all that add force protection and information layer of bureaucracy, the Army would bet- link back to accountability. In the Army’s dominance to its maneuver forces. ter serve itself and the troops in Iraq and case, it is an issue of who speaks for the Afghanistan by pressing for accountability Space forces. The Army would have a dif- Combined Forces of acquisition and doctrine development ficult time making a meaningful contri- In addition to better coordination be- processes that produce military Space bution to a unified Space force without tween the Army and Air Force on acqui- programs that provide data and services first defining what exactly a unified Space sition, greater collaboration between the to ground troops fighting America’s en- force should provide to the other services. Army and Air Force doctrine writers and emies. This would not be a separate Space Instead of a separate service, the Army combat developers would serve both the service, but rather a truly joint integration would better serve its maneuver and spe- Army and the Air Force. On those occa- of doctrine and acquisition. Success in cial operations forces by combining forces sions when Air Force and Army doctrine this effort would provide the Air Force with the Air Force in certain areas. writers and combat developers do merge with the support and guidance it needs One model that could help the Army forces, Air Force Space Command usually to produce meaningful Space programs provide additional support to the battle- calls these meetings. The Army willingly and services of use to the Army and ca- field would be to reform the acquisition attends these meetings, but sponsors few pable of competing with the Air Com- process of Space systems. Conceivably events that could educate the Air Force ponent Command budgetary juggernaut. this could be similar to the U.S. Trans- acquisition and Space cadre on the needs If we fail to take these measures, we will portation Command (USTRANSCOM) and inner workings of maneuver units. only stay on our present course of more model, where the Air Force transports the The Army would have more tactical- canceled programs like CSRS and, even Army equipment that does the ground ly useful Space programs; the Air Force worse, useless programs like the NRO’s combat. Retired U.S. Air Force Col. Gene would build Space programs with more $200 million rechargeable battery. Pfeffer, one of the Air Force’s long-time survivability and joint support against Space experts, describes the purpose of raids from the better-armed air power pro- Miller Belmont is a combat developer for U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Space programs as “the transfer of bytes.” grams. The present environment is often Command and a major in the Army Re- Space is merely a transit point as informa- an uneasy co-existence of Army force de- serve and an FA40 where he serves tion flows from point A to point B that is velopers grudgingly approving Air Force as an Intelligence Watch Commander analogous to the job of USTRANSCOM acquisition plans with no real expectation at North American Aerospace Defense Command/Northern Command Opera- in moving troops, materiel and supplies. that Army needs will be incorporated, tional Intelligence Watch at Cheyenne How they get there is often transparent to while the Air Force claims “jointness” Mountain, Colo. His Space background the combatant commander as long as ev- that only partially incorporates Army includes 44 months active duty at Chey- erything arrives on time and in good con- needs. As a result, these Air Force acquisi- enne Mountain, as well as extensive Space experience with commercial sat- dition. The key in the case of Space sys- tion programs emerge into daylight with ellite imagery, Space control, directed tems, however, is in making sure that the only lukewarm Army support and rarely energy and combat development for Air Force builds the right equipment to receive life-saving joint support in the face the Army’s Space programs. His tacti- deliver the right bytes to the right place. of more pressing funding requirements cal intelligence experience includes two years with the 4th Infantry Division at This may prove a bit more difficult for ammunition and body armor or more Fort Hood, Texas, and three tours in the challenge than building C-130s to fly the politically savvy Cold War relics like the 2nd Infantry Division in Korea. 82nd Airborne Division. Not everything FA-22. The ability to preserve programs built for the Army by the Air Force has of use to the tactical Army is a serious gone as well as the cargo haulers and troop concern. Even CSRS, a program with ex- Winter 2005 Army Space Journal 51

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