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REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY) 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) 2010 Journal Article-Eur. Journal of Applied Physiology 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Hypohydration Reduces Vertical Ground Reaction Impulse But Not Jump Height 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER S.N. Cheuvront, R.W. Kenefick, B.R. Ely, E.A. Harman, J.W. Castellani, P.N. Frykman, B.C. Nindl, M.N. Sawka 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER Thermal and Mountain Medicine Division M09-59 U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine Natick, MA 01760-5007 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR'S ACRONYM(S) Same as #7 above. 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT This study examined vertical jump performance using a force platform and weighted vest to determine why hypohydration (~4% body mass) does not improve jump height. Methods: Jump height and other measures of functional performance from a force platform were determined for 15 healthy and active males when euhydrated (EUH), hypohydrated (HYP) and hypohydrated while wearing a weighted vest (HYPv) adjusted to precisely match water mass losses. Results: HYP produced a significant loss of body mass [– 3.2 ± 0.5 kg (– 3.8 ± 0.6%); P<0.05], but body mass in HYPv was not different from EUH. There were no differences in absolute or relative peak force or power among trials. Jump height was not different between EUH (0.380 ± 0.048 m) and HYP (0.384 ± 0.050 m), but was 4% lower (P<0.05) in HYPv (0.365 ± 0.52 m) than EUH due to a lower jump velocity between HYPv and EUH only (P<0.05). However, vertical ground reaction impulse (VGRI) was reduced in both HYP and HYPv (2-3%) compared with EUH (P<0.05). Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the failure to improve jump height when hypohydrated can be explained by offsetting reductions in both VGRI and body mass. 15. SUBJECT TERMS dehydration, fluid balance, strength-to-mass ratio, jump performance 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE ABSTRACT OF Samuel N. Cheuvront, Ph.D. PAGES Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified 8 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code) 508-233-5607 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8/98) Reset Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18 EurJApplPhysiol(2010)109:1163–1170 Author's personal copy DOI10.1007/s00421-010-1458-y ORIGINAL ARTICLE Hypohydration reduces vertical ground reaction impulse but not jump height Samuel N. Cheuvront • Robert W. Kenefick • Brett R. Ely • Everett A. Harman • John W. Castellani • Peter N. Frykman • Bradley C. Nindl • Michael N. Sawka Accepted:23March2010/Publishedonline:9April2010 (cid:2)USGovernment2010 Abstract This study examined vertical jump perfor- Keywords Dehydration (cid:2) Fluid balance (cid:2) mance using a force platform and weighted vest to deter- Strength-to-mass ratio (cid:2) Jump performance mine why hypohydration (*4% body mass) does not improve jump height. Measures of functional performance from a force platform were determined for 15 healthy and Introduction active males when euhydrated (EUH), hypohydrated (HYP) and hypohydrated while wearing a weighted vest A reduction in body mass, without equivalent losses of (HYP ) adjusted to precisely match water mass losses. strength or power, increases the strength-to-mass ratio v HYP produced a significant loss of body mass [-3.2 ± (S/M) and should improve performance in sporting events 0.5 kg(-3.8 ± 0.6%);P\0.05], butbodymassinHYP where body mass is the principle form of gravitational v was not different from EUH. There were no differences in resistance (Harman 1994). The S/M is, therefore, critical absoluteorrelativepeakforceorpoweramongtrials.Jump in explosive, body mass-dependent track and field events height was not different between EUH (0.380 ± 0.048 m) such as high jump, long jump, triple jump, and pole vault andHYP(0.384 ± 0.050 m),butwas4%lower(P\0.05) (Viitasalo et al. 1987; Williams 1998). But it is also of inHYP (0.365 ± 0.52 m)than EUH due toa lower jump importance for weight class sports where greater strength v velocity between HYP and EUH only (P\0.05). How- or power confers an advantage against a competitor of v ever,verticalgroundreactionimpulse(VGRI)wasreduced the same body mass, such as wrestling (Williams 1998; in both HYP and HYP (2–3%) compared with EUH Kraemeretal.2001).Itisadditionallyrelevanttoanysport v (P\0.05). In conclusion, this study demonstrates the where jumping plays a major role, such as basketball and failuretoimprovejumpheightwhenHYPcanbeexplained volleyball (Hoffman et al. 1995). The precise balance by offsetting reductions in both VGRI and body mass. between losses in body mass and losses in strength or powerwilldecidewhetherornotaperformanceadvantage is realized. However, it is important to recognize that rel- ative performance may be improved by losses of both so long as there is a net increase in the S/M. CommunicatedbyJean-Rene´ Lacour. Gradual losses of body mass (over days or longer) S.N.Cheuvront(&)(cid:2)R.W.Kenefick(cid:2) achievedwithenergyandfluidrestrictionsusuallyresultin B.R.Ely(cid:2)J.W.Castellani(cid:2)M.N.Sawka lossesofleantissuemass,fatmass,andwatermass(Nindl ThermalandMountainMedicineDivision, etal.2002;Welshetal.2008).Gradualmasslossesappear USArmyResearchInstituteofEnvironmentalMedicine, to reduce strength and power of the leg extensor muscles KansasStreet,Natick,MA01760-5007,USA e-mail:[email protected] (Nindletal.2002;Welshetal.2008)butproducenoeffect (Fogelholmetal.1993),orsubstantiallyimpair(Chicharro E.A.Harman(cid:2)P.N.Frykman(cid:2)B.C.Nindl et al. 1998; Welsh et al. 2008) vertical jump performance. MilitaryPerformanceDivision, This reflects that the trade-off between lost strength and USArmyResearchInstituteofEnvironmentalMedicine, KansasStreet,Natick,MA01760-5007,USA lost mass yields no gain in S/M and provides no jumping 123 1164 Author's personal copy EurJApplPhysiol(2010)109:1163–1170 advantage;itmayevenhaveadetrimentaleffect.However, link between osmotic stress, neural motor unit activation, acute (hours) losses in body water mass (hypohydration), andjumpheightmightthereforebeinferredbyquantifying which are not confounded by energy deficits or losses of VGRIduringaverticaljumptestwithandwithoutchanges contractileprotein,maypossiblypreserveorevenimprove to hydration state (body mass, plasma osmolality). theS/M. Criticalreviews(Fogelholm1994;Judelsonet al. Although practical tests of jump performance (e.g., 2007a) of hypohydration’s effect on strength and power, measured distance, flight time) have been the standard for independentofbodymass,indicateasmallnegativeimpact hypohydration studies, the confounding effects of mass on (1–3%) which might not appreciably reduce the S/M. acceleration (acceleration = force/mass) require separate Acute hypohydration clearly does not impair vertical performance tests of the leg extensor muscles that are jumpperformance(Gutierrezetal.2003;HayesandMorse independent of body mass (Gutierrez et al. 2003; Hayes 2009;Hoffmanetal.1995;Judelsonetal.2007b;Viitasalo and Morse 2009; Hoffman et al. 1995; Judelson et al. et al. 1987; Watson et al. 2005), but it remains uncertain 2007b; Viitasalo et al. 1987; Watson et al. 2005). A more why only one study (Viitasalo et al. 1987) has ever con- sophisticatedmeansofmeasuringverticaljumpheightisto firmed the expected improvement in jump height that use a force platform (Hayes and Morse 2009). By analyz- should accompany a reduction in body mass. Acute hyp- ing ground reaction forces, kinetic and temporal variables ohydration should increase jump height, provided that produced by force–time curves can be used to determine muscle contractile function remains normal, because the vertical position and velocity of the TBCM (Bosco gravitational and inertial resistance to jumping are pro- et al. 1983; Cordova and Armstrong 1996; Harman et al. portional to body mass (Harman 1994; Appendix). Since 1990). Force platforms also provide the advantage of the net balance between losses in mass and strength or linking functional performance (jump height) to instanta- power will determine whether or not jump height is neous measurements of force made during natural motion increased, decreased, or unchanged by hypohydration, (functionalstrengthtesting)(Aagaardetal.2002;Cordova seemingly small reductions in strength or power (Judelson and Armstrong 1996) and afford important calculations etal.2007a)arepresumablyenoughtomaskthebenefitsof (power, velocity, VGRI) necessary for determining pre- a lighter body mass when jumping. cisely how hypohydration might affect vertical jump per- Although the effects of hypohydration on motor unit formance. Importantly, if mass could be held constant activationhavereceivedsomeattention(Bigardetal.2001; while remaining hypohydrated (HYP), such as with a Evetovich et al. 2002; Hayes and Morse 2009; Judelson weighted vest, insight might be gained into the potential et al. 2007b), none of the methodologies thus far studied independent effects of mass changes on the S/M during a offers insight toward understanding the reasons for vertical jump. impaired vertical jumping. The large osmotic stress This studyexamined vertical jump performance using a (*300 mmol/kg) that commonly accompanies hypohy- forceplatforminanefforttodeterminewhyhypohydration drationfromsweatloss(FeigandMcCurdy1977;Kraemer (*4% body mass) does not improve jump height (Gut- et al. 2001) can modulate opening of the blood–brain ierrez et al. 2003; Hayes and Morse 2009; Hoffman et al. barrier (Rapoport 2000), alter neuronal firing of hypotha- 1995; Judelson et al. 2007b; Viitasalo et al. 1987; Watson lamic osmoreceptor cells (Boulant and Silva 1988), and etal.2005).Inonetrial,aweightedvestwasusedtooffset plausibly affect excitability of motor output pathways bodymasslossesfromthewaterdeficit,thusholdingmass (Enoka and Stuart 1992). The kinetic impulse (time inte- constant in the S/M. Our hypothesis was that hypohydra- grated moment of force or momentum) in the initial phase tion would impair vertical jump height when mass was of muscle contraction (*30 ms) may be affected by replaced using a weighted vest. Conversely, without the motoneuron recruitment and firing frequency (Aagaard vest, the reduction in mass would likely mask any et al. 2002). Because it takes the knee extensor muscles impairment in jump height due to some combination of comparativelylonger(C300 ms)(Thorstenssonetal.1976) offsetting strength and mass changes. to reach peak force than the muscle contraction times associatedwithrapidjumping(50–200 ms)(Aagaardetal. 2002),faster forcedevelopment inthe propulsionphase of Methods jumpingisimportantformaximizingjumpheight(Harman et al. 1990). The product of applied force and time during Subjects the propulsion phase of jumping, or the vertical ground reactionimpulse(VGRI),directlyimpactsjumpheightasit Fifteen male subjects volunteered to participate in this isequivalenttothechangeinmomentum(productofmass study. All volunteers passed the Army Physical Fitness and velocity) of the total body center of mass (TBCM) Test within the previous 6 months and received a general (Cordova and Armstrong 1996; Harman et al. 1990). Any medical clearance prior to participation, thus all were 123 EurJApplPhysiol(2010)109:1163–1170 Author's personal copy 1165 considered physically fit and healthy. Use of alcohol, die- approximately shoulder width and the depth of the coun- tary supplements, and any medication were prohibited. termovement (degree of knee bend) was self-selected Subject characteristics taken on the first day of the study naturally between approximately 45(cid:3) and 90(cid:3) with the were [mean ± SD (range)]: age 24 ± 5 (18–37) years, simple goal of jumping as high as possible (Harman et al. body mass 84.5 ± 11.9 (66.0–107.5) kg, height 1990). Volunteers next performed a countermovement 1.78 ± 0.05 (1.69–1.86) m, body fat 16.5 ± 4.0 (10.7– jump from a 660 9 660 9 60 mm dual force plate plat- 25.9)%, and VO peak 47.0 ± 8.7 (37.4–52.4) ml/kg min. form (Leonardo v3.07, Orthometrix, Inc.) connected to a 2 Volunteers were blinded to the study hypothesis. The US PCforthe purposeofcollecting force dataandcalculating Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine jump height (described below). Subjects stood still on the Human Use Review Committee approved this study. Sub- platform with one foot on each force plate for approxi- jects were provided informational briefings and gave mately 10 s while a stable body mass measurement was voluntary, informed written consent to participate. made. A 3-s countdown followed after which a maximal Investigators adhered to AR 70-25 and US Army Medical countermovement jump was performed. Volunteers then Research and Materiel Command Regulation 70-25 on the remained standing on the platform briefly before stepping use of volunteers in research. off for a 1-min recovery. This procedure was repeated three times and the highest single jump height of the day Preliminary testing wasrecorded.Aperformancecoefficientofvariation (CV) was calculated [(SD/mean) 9 100] using the highest jump Two weeks before experimental testing, anthropometric height from the force platform determined on each of the and fitness measurements were made to characterize the 3–5 practice days. study population. Peak aerobic power (VO peak) was Vertical jump height and all other jump performance 2 determined using an incremental cycle ergometer protocol parameters were determined from force plate data using with continuous gas exchange and body fat was estimated proprietary analytical software (Leonardo v3.07, Ort- from three-site skinfold measurements (Jackson and hometrix, Inc.). Body weight, measured while the subjects Pollock 1978). stood still, allowed acceleration of the TBCM to be cal- All volunteers completed preliminary testing over a culated at each movement sample point (800 Hz). The 2-weekperiodinatemperateenvironment(20–22(cid:3)C)prior forceusedtocalculatethebody’sverticalaccelerationwas toexperimentaltesting.Toachieveeuhydration,volunteers the vertical force reading from the force platform minus were given *30 ml/kg of fluid-electrolyte beverage to body weight. The integral of acceleration over time is consume after 1800 hours each evening supplemental to equivalenttothevelocityoftheTBCM,andtheproductof daily ad libitum fluid intakes (Armstrong et al. 1998). Ten velocityandforcegivespower.Theintegralofthevelocity volunteers reported to the laboratory for nude body mass overtimeisequivalenttothechangeinverticalpositionof measurementseachoftenmorningsafteranovernightfast the TBCM (i.e., jump height). Because impulse is equiv- (*8 h). The remaining five volunteers reported between alenttochangeinmomentum,VGRI(integralofforceover three and five times due to schedule conflicts. An average time) was calculated as the product of body mass and the of the first morning nude body mass measurements was change in jump velocity (Cordova and Armstrong 1996; calculated for each volunteer and used as a baseline ref- Harmanetal.1990).Jumpheightwascalculatedusingthe erence (Cheuvront et al. 2004) for later euhydrated (EUH) principle that potential energy (body weight 9 jump body mass determinations. height)equalsthechangeinkineticenergy(0.5mV2,where Allvolunteersperformedbetween3and5practicedays m is the body mass in kg and V is the vertical takeoff of vertical jump testing to reduce training and learning velocity in m/s determined by the integration of vertical effects. Practice trials were designed to mimic experi- accelerationovertimewhilethefeetareincontactwiththe mental testing in every way except for heat exposure. force platform). Jump height using the Leonardo (v3.07, Each day began with a 5-min warm-up on a cycle Orthometrix, Inc.) was recently (Frykman et al. 2009) ergometerwherepedalcadencewasself-selected againsta validated using precise motion analysis software and was constant 50 W workload(Lode Corival, TheNetherlands). significantly more accurate than typical jump and reach Volunteers then performed three practice countermove- methods for assessing vertical jump height. Both relative ment jumps from the floor. Briefly, the starting position measuresofforce(N/kg)andpower(W/kg)wereexamined for all jumps was an upright posture with the hands tocharacterizeandcontrolforanyinherentbiasinabsolute positioned to remain on the hips for the duration of the measures (e.g., N, W) owing to the purposeful manipula- jump to allow assessment of lower extremity functional tion of body mass and the relationship: accelera- strength only (Aagaard et al. 2002; Cordova and Arm- tion = force/mass. All jump measures are instantaneous strong 1996; Harman et al. 1990). Feet were positioned at maximums calculated during dynamic motion. 123 1166 Author's personal copy EurJApplPhysiol(2010)109:1163–1170 Experimental trials mass lost from sweating. The vest itself weighed 0.60 kg and was designed to hold as many as 20 flexible weights Two experimental trials (EUH and HYP) were completed which ranged from 219 to 226 g each. This allowed in counterbalanced, crossover fashion separated by 3–11 matching the mass of the weighted vest to the dehydration days. Volunteers were always tested at the same time of mass losses with ±100 g precision. Weight placement in day,instructedtolimitphysicalactivityfor24 h,anddrink thevestwasdividedequallybetweenthedorsalandcaudal *30 ml/kg of fluid-electrolyte beverage supplemental to torso and ergonomically aligned between the xiphoid pro- ad libitum fluid intakes the evening prior to testing (Arm- cess and navel to approximate the body center of mass. strong et al. 1998). Volunteers were overnight fasted Like trials EUH and HYP, the order of jumps performed (*8 h)uponarrivaltothelaboratory.Nudebodymasswas within HYP and HYP was counterbalanced. v measuredforallvolunteers(±50 g;MettlerToledo,Model WSI-600, Toledo, OH). Both before and after heat expo- Statistical analysis sure,asubsetof10volunteerssatfor20 mintoallowfluid compartmentstabilizationpriortocollectinga7-mlvenous The effect of treatment (EUH, HYP, HYP ) on jump per- v blood sample for determination of plasma osmolality by formance parameters was determined using a one-way freezing point depression (Fiske Micro-osmometer, Model repeated measures ANOVA. After a significant F test, 210, Norwood, MA). Dunnett’s post hoc test was used to compare HYP and Heat exposures occurred in an environmental chamber HYP against EUH (control). The practical importance of v setto50(cid:3)C,20%rhwherethreecycles of30-mintreadmill differences in jump height between EUH and other trials walking(3.5 mph,3.5%grade)and30-minofrest(sitting) wasexaminedbycomparingthemeanand95%confidence were repeated (total 3-h exposure). The purpose of the limits of the percent differences against a pre-specified walking exercise was to increase body heat storage and zone of indifference (Cheuvront et al. 2005). This proce- induce sweating. The method of dehydration selected was dure is a corollary for significance testing which provides considered the most appropriate as it is a legal means of insight into the magnitude and uncertainty of the true losing mass in sport (Williams 1998), it is practical (i.e., (population) effect (Hopkins 2004; Nakagawa and Cuthill sauna-like) and it produces a predictable hypertonic state 2007; Reichardt and Gollob 1997). It is also similar to within the intravascular fluid space (Feig and McCurdy equivalence testing as it affords an evaluation of perfor- 1977). Water loss was determined from changes in body mance against an evidentiary standard other than zero mass measured every 30-min. Under the conditions tested, (Batterham and Hopkins 2005; Ebbutt and Frith 1998; water (sweat, urine) volume and body mass losses were Hopkins 2004). The pre-specified zone of indifference, or considered equivalent. The objective was to lose 4% of trivial effect, in this study was the typical within-subjects bodymass,whichwouldtheoreticallyimprovejumpheight jump height variability of 3.5%. This value is nearly also by 4% if work done by the leg muscles remained identical to the vertical jump height CV of 3.6% reported constant (Appendix). In EUH, volunteers drank 1 ml of by Viitasalo et al. (1987) for athletes accustomed to par- 0.05% NaCl–water solution to replace every 1 g of lost ticipatinginsportsthatfocusorrelyheavilyuponjumping. mass. In HYP, no fluid was provided. A 45–90-min break Conventional 95% confidence limits of a mean difference followed heat exposure where volunteers showered and arestatisticallysignificantwhentheyexcludethenullvalue relaxed in a temperate environment (20–22(cid:3)C). The pur- (zero). However, the relevance of either bound of the pose of this break was to allow core temperature to return confidence interval must also be considered (Curran- torestingpre-heatexposurelevels(Cheuvrontetal.2006). Everett and Benos 2004). In this study, the practical Importantly,therecoveryperiodremainedconstantwithin- importance of any significant difference was considered subjects. Following the break, nude body mass was again unequivocalonlywhenthemajorityofthe95%confidence measured and this value was compared to the pre-heat interval was outside the zone of indifference. exposure value. If body mass was less than the value Sample size was calculated for comparisons of jump measured prior to heat exposure, additional fluid was height, which was the central performance parameter of provided. interest in this study. Applying conventional a = 0.05 and Following the 45–90-min recovery, warm-up and jump b = 0.20 values, eight subjects were estimated to provide testing commenced as described in ‘‘Preliminary testing’’. sufficient power to detect a 4% jump height difference Thebestofthreeverticaljumpheightsdeterminedfromthe from EUH (Appendix) using the mean jump height force platform was recorded in the same manner as pre- (0.370 ± 0.050 m) achieved during the initial 2 weeks of liminary testing. Within the HYP trial, volunteers per- familiarization training coupled to the within-subjects CV formed three jumps with (HYP ) and without (HYP) a (i.e., 3.5%) for an estimated effect size [1.0. However, v weighted vest (Uni-Vest, Pittsburgh, PA) that replaced the because experimental perturbations produce unique 123 EurJApplPhysiol(2010)109:1163–1170 Author's personal copy 1167 performance infidelity (Hopkins et al. 1999), increase the consistent with the effect of body mass manipulation on observed CV, and decrease the anticipated signal-to-noise force production. Max power (W, W/kg) was lowest in ratio, a sample size of 15 volunteers was tested to allow HYP . Jump height (Table 2) was not different between v detectionofdesireddifferenceswithaneffectsizeassmall EUHandHYP,butwas4%lower(P\0.05)inHYP than v as 0.50 after adjusting for repeated measures (Lipsey EUH. Jump height was significantly reduced in HYP as a v 1990). All data are presented as mean ± SD except where direct result of a reduced jump takeoff velocity (Table 2). indicated. A smaller (P\0.05) VGRI was calculated for both HYP v and HYP, which were 2–3% less than EUH (Table 2). Figure 1 presents the percent change in jump perfor- Results mance from EUH. The percent change was significantly different for HYP but not for HYP. The means and 95% v Hydration confidence intervals [HYP : -4% (-1.8 to -6.2%) and v HYP: 1% (-1.6 to 3.4%)] provide the likely range of the Inallvolunteers,thedailybodymassvariation(CV)afteran true change effects and illustrate why there is a difference overnightfluidbolus(30 ml/kg)was0.6 ± 0.2%,similarto between EUH versus HYP but not between EUH versus v what has been reported previously when fluid intake was HYP (i.e., when confidence interval crosses zero, controlled(Cheuvrontetal.2004).Bodymassuponarrival P[0.05). In addition, almost the entire confidence inter- to the laboratory for testing (83.8 ± 10.9 kg) was within valinEUHversusHYPfallswithinthetrainingCV,while ±1% of the multi-morning average in all volunteers. The the majority of the confidence interval in EUH versus corresponding plasma osmolality was \290 mmol/kg HYP is outside the same zone. This indicates that the v (289 ± 4 mmol/kg)forthesubsetof10volunteersprovid- significant reduction in jump performance in HYP is of v ingbloodsamples.Thus,allsubjectswereconsideredEUH sufficient magnitude to be considered important. Consid- at the start of each trial (Sawka et al. 2007). In trial EUH, eration was also given to a trial order effect, but no effect fluidintakewassufficienttorestorewaterlossesduringheat of trial order was found. In absolute terms, 12 of the 15 exposure, thus body mass was unchanged and plasma subjects performed worse in HYP while only 6 of 15 v osmolality remained \290 mmol/kg (286 ± 4 mmol/kg). performed worse in HYP only (Fig. 2), the latter of which In trial HYP, body mass was reduced by 3.2 ± 0.5 kg is consistent with chance. When comparing the theoretical (-3.8 ± 0.6%; P\0.05) to 80.6 ± 10.3 kg and plasma improvementinjumpheight(Appendix)totheactualjump osmolalityincreasedto300 ± 5 mmol/kg(P\0.05).Body heightinHYP(Fig. 2),11of15subjectsfailedtojumpas mass was restored to EUH values of 84.0 ± 10.6 kg high as predicted (Appendix). (0.3 ± 0.5%) in HYP by adding back the mass lost v (3.4 ± 0.5 kg)usingtheweightedvest.Therecoveryperiod (45–90 min) from heat stress was considered sufficient to return core temperatures to near resting levels (Cheuvront et al. 2006), though they were not measured. Importantly, Table1 Absolute and relative measures of force and power during thesmallobligatoryelevationincoretemperaturetypically verticaljumptesting produced by hypohydration (B0.50(cid:3)C) does not impact Trial Maxforce Maxpower power performance outcomes (Cheuvront et al. 2006) and N N/kg W W/kg should not affect anaerobic chemo-mechanical energy conversions(Bennett1984;Boscoetal.1983).Anymodest EUH 1766±281 21.04±1.75 3972±558 47.48±4.70 level of hyperthermia would also have been identical for HYP 1761±283 20.92±1.74 3902±590 46.54±5.29 v comparisonsbetweentrialsHYPandHYPv. HYP 1721±267 21.35±2.13 3930±564 48.85±5.12 All data represent instantaneous maximums calculated during Jump height and biomechanical performance dynamicmotion parameters Table 1 provides absolute (N) and relative (N/kg) force as Table2 Performanceparametersduringverticaljumptesting well as absolute (W) and relative (W/kg) power measure- Trial Jumpheight(m) Jumpvelocity(m/s) VGRI(Ns) ments for the three experimental trials. Although no sig- EUH 0.380±0.048 2.73±0.17 228.3±30.3 nificant differences were observed for peak values during HYP 0.365±0.052* 2.67±0.19* 224.3±31.8* the dynamic motion phase of the measurement, qualitative v HYP 0.384±0.050 2.74±0.19 220.6±29.7* trends indicate that the lowest absolute (N) and highest relative (N/kg) force measurements occurred in trial HYP, *P\0.05fromEUH 123 1168 Author's personal copy EurJApplPhysiol(2010)109:1163–1170 %CV Training hypohydration; (3) a lower body mass in HYP did not significantlyimprovejumpheightaspredictedbystandard physicallaws(Appendix),apparentlyduetooffsettingS/M HYPv vs. EUH changes. The finding that EUH and HYP jump heights were not different is consistent with other studies evaluating the HYP vs. EUH impact of hypohydration on jump performance (Gutierrez et al. 2003; Hayes and Morse 2009; Hoffman et al. 1995; Judelson et al. 2007b; Viitasalo et al. 1987; Watson et al. 2005). The finding that HYP jump performance was less v -10-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 than EUH seems to contradict Viitasalo et al. (1987) who Change in Jump Height (%) observednoeffectsofhypohydrationonjumpperformance with barbell loads of 20–80 kg. Though the subject popu- Fig.1 PercentchangeinperformancefromEUHforbothHYPand lation (athletes accustomed to jumping) might explain HYP trials. Data are means; bars are 95% confidence intervals. v Shaded area represents zone of indifference (±3.5%) based on the differences in performance susceptibility to hypohydration typicalperformancevariabilitymeasuredduringpracticesessionsand (Hakkinen et al. 1984), substantial barbell loads would atheoreticalimprovementinperformance(*4%)inexcessoftheCV alterstoredelasticenergy(Hakkinenetal.1984)andjump (seetextandAppendixfordetails) biomechanics far more and presumably renders obsolete direct comparisons to an ergonomically weighted 3.4 kg vest. The importance of the HYP performance effect 0.50 v HYP magnitudeisevidencedbythefact thatthemajorityofthe 0.46 HYPv confidence interval for the percent change in jump height m) Theory lies outside the typical noise of the measurement, while ( 0.42 th performance in HYP lies almost entirelywithin it (Fig. 1). g Thetraditionaluseof95%confidenceintervalsappliedtoa ie 0.38 H 3.5% CV evidentiary standard can even be viewed as p m 0.34 conservative (Hopkins 2004; Hopkins et al. 1999), thus u J strengtheningourinterpretationofimportance.Byvirtueof 0.30 comparison, it requires 8 days of chronic activity, sleep deprivation, and underfeeding to achieve the same *4% 0.26 0.26 0.30 0.34 0.38 0.42 0.46 0.50 decrement in jump performance (Welsh et al. 2008) EUH Jump Height (m) achievedhereinwitha-3.2 ± 0.5 kg(-3.8 ± 0.6%)total body water deficit. Fig.2 Hypohydrated jump height (y-axis) plotted as a function of Measures of force and mass can explain both the pres- euhydration jump height (x-axis). Dotted line represents the line of ervation of jump height in HYP and the decrement identity, where values falling above or below the line are higher or lowerjumpheightsthaneuhydration,respectively.Valuesdenotedby observed inHYP . Peak force measures were not different v ‘X’representthetheoreticalimprovementinjumpheightattributable amongthethreetrials(Table 1),butverticaljumpheightis solelytoalighterbodymass(seeAppendixfordetails) maximized by a delicate balance between peak force and kinetic impulse (force 9 time) (Cordova and Armstrong 1996; Harman et al. 1990). The product of applied force Discussion and time during the propulsion phase of jumping, or the VGRI, is equivalent to the change in momentum This was the first study to examine the impact of hypo- (mass 9 velocity) of the TBCM (Cordova and Armstrong hydration on jump performance using sophisticated bio- 1996; Harman et al. 1990). Despite a lower VGRI, HYP mechanical measures from a force plate, while holding jump velocity and jump height were preserved (Table 2). massconstantintheS/M,thusenablingexaminationofthe This appears to be explained by a proportional decrease in biomechanical trade-offs between mass loss and the body mass in HYP, since the similar reduction in kinetic potential consequences of hypohydration on functional leg impulse in HYP impaired jump velocity and jump height v strength (Aagaard et al. 2002; Cordova and Armstrong when body mass was the same as EUH. Furthermore, the 1996)duringaverticaljump.Theprinciplefindingsofthis lower body mass in HYP did not confer the expected study were: (1) hypohydration impaired VGRI; (2) when vertical jump advantage predicted by a *4% lower body body mass was equated with trial EUH using a weighted mass (Appendix). Thus, the lower jump height in HYP , v vest (HYP ), jump height was significantly reduced by coupled with the reduced VGRI in both HYP and HYP , v v 123 EurJApplPhysiol(2010)109:1163–1170 Author's personal copy 1169 reveals that the pernicious consequences of hypohydration Appendix on jump height are observable only when mass is held constant. Summary of calculation for theoretical jump height1 The physiological mechanism(s) by which hypohydra- improvement with hypohydration: tionmightimpairthepotentialforimprovingverticaljump force (cid:3)distance ¼force (cid:3)distance 1 1 2 2 atareducedbodymassarenotclear.Thereislittlesupport bodyweight (cid:3)jumpheight ¼bodyweight (cid:3)jumpheight 1 1 2 2 for postulating that hypohydration changes metabolic jumpheight =jumpheight ¼bodyweight =bodyweight 2 1 1 2 energy stores (ATP/PC) (Montain et al. 1998), physiolog- jumpheight ¼jumpheight (cid:3)ðbodyweight =bodyweight Þ 2 1 1 2 ical buffering capacity (Bigard et al. 2001), alterations in musclemembraneexcitability(Costilletal.1976),thermal where influences on muscle function/elastic energy (Bennett bodyweight ¼bodyweightbeforehypohydration 1984), or any other aspect of intra–extracellular muscle 1 bodyweight ¼bodyweightafterhypohydration compartmentchanges(Evetovichetal.2002).Theinability 2 jumpheight ¼jumpheightbeforehypohydration 1 to improve vertical jump height in trial HYP and the dec- jumpheight ¼jumpheightafterhypohydration 2 rement in jump height observed in trial HYP might have v motoneuralunderpinnings(Aagaardetal.2002;Enokaand Stuart 1992) possibly related to the high osmotic stress References created by hypohydration (300 mmol/kg) (Boulant and Silva 1988; Kraemer et al. 2001; Rapoport 2000). 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