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Preview DTIC ADA523557: Encapsulated Ball Bearings for Rotary Micro Machines

IOPPUBLISHING JOURNALOFMICROMECHANICSANDMICROENGINEERING J.Micromech.Microeng.17(2007)S224–S229 doi:10.1088/0960-1317/17/9/S03 Encapsulated ball bearings for rotary micro machines CMikeWaits1,2,BruceGeil2andRezaGhodssi1 1MEMSSensorsandActuatorsLaboratory(MSAL), DepartmentofElectricaland ComputerEngineering,InstituteforSystemsResearch,CollegePark,MD20742,USA 2USArmyResearchLaboratory,2800PowderMillRoad,Adelphi,MD20783,USA E-mail: [email protected] Received26February2007,infinalform8August2007 Published31August2007 Onlineatstacks.iop.org/JMM/17/S224 Abstract Wereportonthefirstencapsulatedrotaryballbearingmechanismusing siliconmicrofabricationandstainlesssteelballs. Themethodofcapturing stainlesssteelballswithinasiliconracetosupportasiliconrotorboth axiallyandradiallyisdevelopedforrotarymicromachinesandMEMSball bearingtribologystudies. Initialdemonstrationsshowspeedsupto6.8krpm withoutlubrication,whilespeedsupto15.6krpmwithlubricationare possible. Qualitativeanalysisisusedtoexplainstart-upbehaviorand investigatethewearofthestainlesssteelballandsiliconrace. (Somefiguresinthisarticleareincolouronlyintheelectronicversion) 1. Introduction nature. The frictional properties of ball bearings allow the possibility for higher speeds and better reliability than other Microelectromechanicalsystems(MEMS)fabricatedsilicon contactbearingsrelyingonslidingmotionwhilemaintaining rotary elements for micro-motors, micro-generators and fabrication simplicity and stability. Although ball bearings micro-turbomachinery have received growing attention with havebeendemonstratedindevicessuchaslinearmicromotors applications in power conversion and actuation. Within [6, 7] and rotary micromotors [8], they have yet to be these technologies, the bearing mechanism is the primary integratedintothemicrofabricationprocesstofullyconstrain determinantofdeviceperformanceandreliability. Bothactive the dynamic element. In the cases of both Modafe et al andpassivebearingshavebeeninvestigatedforrotarymotion; [6] and Ghalichechian et al [7, 8] the dynamic element, however, no known successful commercial implementations whether it is a rotor or a linear slider, is held onto the areknownduetopoorreliabilityandshortlifetimes. Active balls by an electrostatic force. Their approach requires an bearings,suchasmagneticorelectrostatichavetheadvantage additional force to maintain contact between the dynamic of being controlled during the operation, but at the cost of element and the stator. This imposes restrictions in the the accompanying circuitry [1]. Passive bearings have been manufacturing process and assembly with the surrounding investigated heavily and span a large range of velocities systemcomponents. Furthermore,atestingplatformcapable that include center-pin bushings with low revolution rates ofinvestigatingspeedsgreaterthan100’srpmforballbearings possible [2, 3] and hydrostatic or hydrodynamic bearings hasyettobedeveloped. with high revolution rates possible [4]. Contact passive Hence,arotaryballbearingmechanismisreportedhere bearing mechanisms have poor reliability characteristics and whereintherollingelementsareencapsulatedattheperiphery are limited to low speeds due to the high frictional forces oftherotortoenablehighspeedrotationwithoutrelyingonany of sliding motion [2]. In contrast, non-contact bearings attractiveforcebetweentherotorandstator. Anexperimental based on active elements, or pressurized gas, have been test stand is implemented to demonstrate the encapsulated demonstrated to achieve high speeds but require complex bearing operation at rotational speeds up to 16 krpm and fabricationprocedureswithtighttolerances[3]. serveasastepping-stoneforfuturehighspeedandhighload Tanetal[5]haveinvestigatedthetribologyofalinearball tribology experiments. Results for both dry and lubricated, bearingmechanismandshowedthatthefrictionalproperties full compliment bearings are also reported leading toward between 440C stainless steel balls and silicon are quite low the development of micro turbomachinery. A qualitative when compared to pure sliding motion due to the rolling analysisisgivenforthewearseenonthesiliconraceandthe 0960-1317/07/090224+06$30.00 ©2007IOPPublishingLtd PrintedintheUK S224 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2007 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2007 to 00-00-2007 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Encapsulated ball bearings for rotary micro machines 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION MEMS Sensors and Actuators Laboratory (MSAL),,Department of REPORT NUMBER Electrical and Computer Engineering, Institute for Systems Rsch,College Park,MD,20742 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT We report on the first encapsulated rotary ball bearing mechanism using silicon microfabrication and stainless steel balls. The method of capturing stainless steel balls within a silicon race to support a silicon rotor both axially and radially is developed for rotary micro machines and MEMS ball bearing tribology studies. Initial demonstrations show speeds up to 6.8 krpm without lubrication, while speeds up to 15.6 krpm with lubrication are possible. Qualitative analysis is used to explain start-up behavior and investigate the wear of the stainless steel ball and silicon race. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 6 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Encapsulatedballbearingsforrotarymicromachines r A p Stator Rotor h (a) w 2 w A’ 1 (b) Figure1. Schematicdrawingshowingthedesignoftheballbearing mechanism. TherotationalaxisoftherotorisshownbytheA–A(cid:1) dashedlineontheright-handsideofthedrawing. Table1. Dimensionsoftheballbearingmechanism. Parameter Dimension (c) d 285µm ball Silicon Dioxide rp √ 4mm Silicon h=d / 2+δh 205µm Photoresist ball ww1=d /√2+δw 320005µµmm Figure2. Simplifiedfabricationflowforthesiliconraceusinga 2 ball 2 nestedmaskinglayerandtwoDRIEsteps. stainlesssteelballandcorrelatedtothestart-upbehaviorofthe ofh/w2canbevariedtochangetheincidentangleoftheload bearings. on the corners of the race where the wear rate of the silicon willbeatamaximum. 2. Racedesign 3. Encapsulatedballbearingfabrication Thedesignandfabricationoftherotaryballbearingisbased on commercially available 440C stainless steel balls with a The bearing mechanism is fabricated in three major steps: diameter, d , of 285 µm and a lot diameter variation of (1)siliconracesarefabricatedonthewaferlevel;(2)ballsare ball 0.254 µm (see figure 1). The design features balls housed placedintotheraceandanidenticalraceisbondedontopto attheperipheryoftherotortoenableatwo-layerfabrication encapsulatethem;and(3)siliconDRIEisusedtoreleasethe sequence for encapsulation via bonding. At the same time, rotor. this scheme of encapsulation allows features to be patterned Thestepsusedtofabricatethesiliconracesareillustrated oneithersideoftherotorwhilehavingminimalinfluencefrom in figure 2. A double-sided polished, (100) silicon wafer thebearings. with a thickness of 440 µm was used with a 1.1 µm silicon A square groove race was designed to encase the micro dioxide layer thermally grown on the surfaces. The silicon ballbearings. Alternativedesigns,nevertheless,maybeable dioxide on the top-side of the wafer was patterned with the toimprovetheperformanceandfatiguecharacteristicsofthe outerringofwidthw1andapitchradiusof4mm. Thesilicon bearings. One can easily think of methods to incorporate dioxideonthebottom-sideofthewaferwaspatternedwitha racedesignswhichbettermimicthosefromtheirmacroscopic ringofwidthw2. Figure2(a)showsthesestepswithboththe counterparts, such as a rounded groove race or an angular topandbottomsilicondioxidespatterned. Aconcentricring contact race; however, these may require more stringent ofwidth,w2,wasthenalignedandpatternedintophotoresist fabricationprocesses. Housingtheballsusingasquaregroove onthetop-sideofthewafer, showninfigure2(b). Together, racefabricatedbyadryanisotropicetchprocess,suchasdeep thepatternedphotoresistandpatternedsilicondioxideforma reactive ion etching (DRIE), allows control of the contact nestedmaskinglayer. TwoDRIEstepsusingaUnaxisVLR points and better repeatability when compared to other race 700systemwereemployedtoformthesiliconraceusingthe designsandfabricationmethods. photoresist as the first masking layer and the silicon dioxide Thedimensionsoftheballbearingmechanismarelisted asthesecondmaskinglayer. Theresultofthenestedmasking intable1. Theballracewasdesignedtohaveapitchradius, layeretchingisillustratedinfigure2(c). Thisformsasilicon r ,of4mmfromtherotationalaxistothecenteroftherace. race in which two identical dies on a wafer can be bonded p Thewidthoftheouterring,w ,is300µmtoensuretheballs togetherandencapsulatetheballs. 1 fitintotheracewiththefabricationtol√erancesinvolved. The A 1.15µm Cr /Au/AuSn/Au metal adhesion layer is width of the nested race, w , is d / 2 +δw , so that the employed to encapsulate the balls and the device is released 2 ball 2 ballscontactatthe90◦cornersor205µmwiththetolerances, using DRIE. The metal layers were chosen from in-house δw ,addedin. Thetotalheightoftheracebetweenthecontact device packaging experience as well as its low softening 2 points,h,isthesameasthewidth,w . Bothδhandδw are temperaturebelow300Ctolaterde-bondforinspection. This 2 2 made 4.5 µm to include fabrication tolerances and thermal process is shown in figure 3. The metal adhesion layer is expansiondifferencesduringbonding. Furthermore,theratio deposited using electron beam evaporation through a silicon S225 CMWaitsetal Shadow mask Alignment Pits Silicon Race (a) Cr/Au/AnSn/An Layers Figure4. Opticalpictureofadieshowingthepatternedrace,metal (b) andalignmentpits. Freed rotor supported by stainless steel balls Released Rotor Silicone Standoff Encapsulated Balls (c) Silicon Dioxide Figure5. Opticalpictureofareleasedsiliconrotorsupportedby Silicon Cr/Au/AuSn/Au stainlesssteelballsattheperiphery. Afullcompliment configurationwasusedwithmorethan60balls. Figure3. Fabricationflowshowingencapsulationusinga Cr/Au/AuSn/AuadhesionlayerandreleaseusingDRIE. theracepreventingtherotorfromspinningtherebylowering fabricationyield. shadow mask, shown in figure 3(a). After metal deposition, Otherbondingtechniquessuchassiliconfusionbonding thewaferisdicedintoindividualdieforbonding. are better suited when fabricating final devices for use in Ballsaremanuallyplacedintothesiliconraceofonedie, actual systems; however, they typically produce permanent figure3(b),andanidenticalsiliconraceisalignedusingballs bonds which are not conducive for investigating purposes. strategically placed into square alignment pits at the corners To investigate the silicon race and stainless steel balls after ofthedie. Thenumberoftheballsplacedintotheracemust operationatemporarybondingmethodisbettersuited. Metal bemorethannecessarytofillhalfofthesiliconrace. Above adhesionallowsthebearingmechanismtobeseparatedona thisnumber,theballswerechosenarbitrarily. Thealignment hotplateallowingeasyinspection. pitsareetchedintothesiliconatthesametimeastheraceand, therefore, are etched to a specified depth in which only half 4. Experimentalsetupandresults of the ball protrudes out of the pit. By doing so, a 290 µm widepitanda285µmdiameterballwillresultinamaximum Demonstration of the encapsulated ball bearing was misalignment of 5 µm. The aligned stack is then bonded accomplished using the setup shown in figure 6. Standoffs togetherusingaKarlSussSB6waferbonderwitha1kTorr are placed on both the top and bottom of the rotor and the appliedpressureatatemperatureof285◦Cusinga1.33kTorr stack is held in place using a mechanical vice. A nitrogen H2N2forminggasatmosphere. Afterbonding,DRIEisusedto line is placed within 2 mm of the die corner using a second etchthroughthesiliconusingthepreviouslypatternedsilicon mechanicalvice. Theflowfromthenitrogenlinecausesthe dioxidetoreleasetherotorshowninfigure3(c). outer portion of the die to spin about the clamped center. A Figure4showsaphotographofasiliconracediebefore PhiltecD6Fiberopticdisplacementsensorisusedtomeasure bondingwiththemetaladhesionlayerdeposited. Thesquare theangularvelocityofthespinningsquaredie. pitsusedforalignmentofthediebeforebondingcanbeseen Initial movement of the square die about the center in the corners of the die. Figure 5 shows a photograph of a required a line pressure greater than 5 psi for most of the completely released bearing with the silicon dioxide mask devices tested. Lower pressures were not able to produce remaining. In most cases, the silicon rotor is completely enoughforceontheedgeofthissquaredietocounteractstatic releasedaftertheDRIEsteps; however, insomecasesmetal friction,whichismuchhigherthanthedynamicfrictiononceit particles form in the bearing race due to reflow of the metal isrotating. Insomecases,bearingshavetobemanuallystarted adhesion layer during the bonding process. After the final toovercomethisinitialfriction. Oncetheyarespinning,line releasesomeoftheparticlesaretoolargetoberemovedfrom pressuresaslowas1psihavebeenusedtomaintainoperation. S226 Encapsulatedballbearingsforrotarymicromachines Ball jamming Spinning Device Direction of Motion Nitrogen i Optical Displacement Sensor Figure6. Opticalpictureofthetestset-upusedtomeasurethe Figure9. Opticalpictureofballjammingoccurringwithintheball speedoftherotatingbearingmechanism. bearingrace. 10 y cit 8 Bearing seized eloM) 6 VP 4 ular (kR 2 ng 0 A 0 10 20 30 40 Time (minutes) Figure7. Angularvelocityversustimeshowingtheinitialstart-up transientandsettlespeedforaconstantl5.5psilinepressure. (a) 1166 1122 Unlubricated y cit Lubricated VeloM) 88 ar RP gul(k An 44 00 0 5 1100 1155 2200 2255 3300 Pressure (psi) (b) Figure8. Measuredspeedofabearingversusnitrogenlinepressure Figure10. SEMimagesshowing(a)freshstainlesssteelballand withandwithoutJP-8lubrication. (b)stainlesssteelafter39minofanaverage3.2krpmrotationrate. Figure 7 shows the angular velocity versus time using stopped due to ball jamming. Slight agitation was used to a nitrogen line pressure of 5.5 psi and a device which had release the balls allowing the device to spin freely until the 70stainlesssteelballs. Astart-uptransientisclearlyseenin race wear became too large where jamming occurred before whichthedevicerotatesatarategreaterthan9krpm,butthen spinning. dropstoanaveragerateof3.2krpm. Thesamedevicewasrestartedwith50µLofJP-8diesel Figure 8 shows the results of angular velocity versus fueladdedintothebearingopening. JP-8isreadilyavailable an increasing nitrogen line pressure for two cases: (1) dry andhasalubricityadditivemakingitagoodlubricant[9]. The bearings and (2) lubricated bearings with 82 balls. Such a devicewasturnedmanuallytoallowuniformcoatingaround demonstration shows the potential velocity benefit by only the silicon race and over the stainless steel balls. Again the adding lubrication to increase the speed of the device. The pressurewasincreasedfrom10psito25psiandmeasurements pressure was started at 10 psi and increased by 5 psi after takenat5psiincrementsoveraperiodof10min. TheJP-8 each measurement over a period of 12 min. The maximum evaporatedsoonthereafterandthebearingseizedagaindueto open pressure of the nitrogen line used was 25 psi. Ball balljamming. Anincreaseof8–9krpmcanbeseenbetween jammingoccurredafter12minofoperationcausingthedevice thedryconditionandthelubricatedconditionforeachpressure toseize. Figure9isanopticalpictureofabearingwhichwas setting. S227 CMWaitsetal A Stator Rotor A’ (a) A Stator Rotor A’ (b) Figure11.SEMimageofasiliconrace(a)beforeand(b)aftertestingandaschematicdrawingillustratingwheretheSEMimagewastaken. 5. Discussion wearratebyordersofmagnitude. Inthecaseoffigure7,after the initial 3min, the compressivestress becamelowenough The testing method employed induces a high load onto the forthewearratetoshrinkbelowlevelsnoticeableduringshort bearingdevice. Thisaswellasthesquaregrooveracedesign runs; therefore, arelatively constantangularvelocityis seen and the brittle silicon material lead to high wear. Scanning fortheremaining39min. electron microscopy (SEM) images were used to investigate Balljammingwhichhasoccurredforbothbearingdevices thewearofthesiliconraceandofthestainlesssteelballs. The reported here is an inherent problem when full compliment devicewhichoperatedfor39mininfigure7beforejamming typebearingsareused. Theracedimensionsincreaseaswear wasseparatedonahotplateat400◦C.Figures10and11are ensues giving the balls more play and a greater chance to SEMimagesshowingthewearofthestainlesssteelballand seize. Implementation of a low wear material on top of the thesiliconrace,respectively. siliconracealongwithtighterfabricationtolerancescanreduce The start-up behavior exhibited in figure 7 is believed the probability of jamming, but not eliminate it completely. to arise from wearing of the race and ball. As the surfaces Instead, a retainer ring (or cage) could be used to isolate roughenmorefrictionisassumedtooccur,slowingtheangular the balls from one another. In addition to eliminating ball velocityofthedeviceforaconstantappliedforce. Thewear jamming, the use of a retainer ring can greatly reduce the rateisafunctionofthemaximumstressincurredonthesilicon frictionsinceamuchsmallernumberofballscanbeused. A race by the loaded ball. The maximum stress occurs at the retainerringmaintainsaseparationdistancebetweentheballs centralpointofthecontactareaandcanbeestimatedas[10] allowingforaminimumnumberofballstobeused. Reduction 3Q inthefrictionbydecreasingthenumberofballswillsimilarly σ = (1) max 2πab leadtomuchhigherspeedsaswellasbetterreliability. inwhichQdenotestheloadexertednormaltotheracefromthe The current method of testing, that is, blowing nitrogen ball,aisthesemi-majoraxisradiusofanellipticalcontactarea, on the face of the bearing die causes a torque about the and b is the semi-minor axis radius for an elliptical contact. longitudinal axis. This unwanted torque arises due to a Asthesiliconraceandtheballwearaway,boththeloadand non-uniform nitrogen flow across the top and bottom of the thecontactareachange. Theloadchangesduetothecontact device as well as asymmetric loads on the spinning edge. angle, which in this case did not vary significantly. For the Additionally, the device is asymmetrically loaded parallel to wear exhibited in figure 10, the contact area changes from the nitrogen flow causing more wear on the sides opposing a sharp semi-infinite point to a large flat area. This in turn the flow and less on the sides facing away from the flow. significantlyreducesthecompressivestressanddecreasesthe Boththeundesiredtorqueandthenon-uniformloadingcould S228 Encapsulatedballbearingsforrotarymicromachines contribute to ball jamming. An improved testing method is implementation of an encapsulated rotary ball bearing will being developed to eliminate this effect and greatly increase lead to the development of micro turbomachinery for Power theoperationtimeofthebearingbeforejammingoccurs. MEMSaswellasothermicrosystemapplications. There are a number of contributing factors leading to increased ball jamming occurrence as well as the overall Acknowledgments tribologicalpropertiesofthebearingmechanism. Firstly,the number of stainless steel balls influences not only the load TheauthorsthanktheArmyResearchLaboratorycleanroom distributionaffectingtheinducedstressshowninequation(1), personnel for their support in the fabrication of the devices but will also affect the amount of friction from surface aswellasthemembersoftheMEMSSensorsandActuators indentationandball-to-ballcollisions. Secondly,thegeometry LaboratoryattheUniversityofMaryland. ofthesiliconracealsohasalargeinfluenceontheloadingand thewearthatwilloccur. Moresophisticatedracegeometries, References such as rounded or angular races, will have a big impact into the tribological properties as well as the ball jamming [1] CoombsTA,SamadI,Ruiz-AlonsoDandTadinadaK2005 issue. 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GhodssiR20066thInt.WorkshoponMicroand NanotechnologyforPowerGenerationandEnergy The platform developed is a step toward more quantitative ConversionApplications(PowerMEMS‘06)pp227–30 investigationsonthetribologicalcharacteristicsforthesilicon [9] EdwardsT2007J.Eng.GasTurbinesPower12913–20 race design reported here, as well as other race/ball designs [10] HarrisT1991RollingBearingAnalysis3rdedn(NewYork: and materials for MEMS ball bearing mechanisms. The Wiley)p158 S229

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