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Preview DTIC ADA521985: Teaching Mental Skills for Self-Esteem Enhancement in a Military Healthcare Setting

Teaching Mental Skills for Self-Esteem Enhancement in a Military Healthcare Setting Jon Hammermeister, Michael A. Pickering and LTC Carl J. Ohlson The need exists for educational methods which can positively influence self-esteem, especially in demanding military healthcare settings. Warrior Transition Units (WTU's) are tasked with the challenging mission of caring for seriously injured or ill U.S. Army Soldiers. This paper explored the hypothesis that an education ally-based Mental Skills Training (MST) intervention can enhance self-esteem in members of a Warrior Transition Unit in the U.S. Army. The sample was comprised of 27 WTU cadre members who participated in an Army Center for Enhanced Per formance (ACEP) MST educational workshop at a large Army installation on the West Coast. Instruments included the Ottawa Mental Skllls Inventory (OMSAT-3; Durand-Bush & Salmela, 2001) and the Self-Esteem Rating Scale (SERS; Wagnild, 1993). Results showed that SERS scores were significantly higher following the intervention. Furthermore, the ACEP instructional components of self-confidence, imagery, and mental practice were significant predictors of self-esteem. Results suggest that MST might be a viable educational approach for enhancing self-esteem in the WTU cadre. Introduction in 2008 (Kennedy, 2008). This greater than Although the U.S. military is respon three-fold rise in Soldiers assigned to WTU's sible for fighting and winning the nations' substantially increases the workload and the wars, caring for and rehabilitating Soldiers associated amount of job-related adversity who become seriously injured or ill while experienced by the WTU cadre members serving their country is also of prime im (Kennedy, 2008). portance. To address this concern theAnny Positive self-esteem is an important at has developed "Warrior Transition Units" tribute for workers wishing to cope effectively (WTU's) to aid wounded warriors through with worksite adversity in any demanding their recovery process and their transition situation (Folkman, 1998). This is especially either back to Army units or to civilian life. true in health care settings as workers with Not surprisingly, as engagement in the War high self-esteem are likely to affect patient on Terror continues, the number of injuries care in positive directions (Abraham, 1999; to Soldiers, and therefore the number of Sol Browning, et aI., 2006; Chen, Thomas and diers being assigned to WTU's, is increasing. Casper 2004). Having high self-esteem For example, approximately 6000 Soldiers means health care providers feel good about were assigned to WTU's in 2007, but this themselves. As individuals become more number is projected to grow to over 20,000 positive about themselves, they generally become more positive about others ,resulting in a more positive "bedside manner" which Jon Hammermeister, Ph.D., Michael A. is essential for caregiver success (Anders Pickering, Ph.D .,LTC Carl J. Ohlson,Ph.D.,Army son 1993). Center for Enhanced Perronnance, United States While it is difficult to argue the need for Military Academy, West Point, NY. good self-esteem among healthcare workers, Correspondence concerning this article little is known about how to enhance this should be addressed to Dr. Jon Hammenneister at 23011 Kingsbury Road, S.W., Vashon, WA attribute within the military healthcare com 98070. munity, and more specifically, with members Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2009 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2009 to 00-00-2009 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Teaching Mental Skills for Self-Esteem Enhancement in a Military 5b. GRANT NUMBER Healthcare Setting 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION United States Military Academy,Army Center for Enhanced REPORT NUMBER Performance,West Point,NY,10996 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 7 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 2/ Journal of Instructional Psychology, Vol. 36, NO.2 of Warrior Transition Units. portance of an individuals' mental "skill-set" Mental Skills Training (MST), devel (e.g., self-confidence, ability to concentrate, oped primarily for enhancing mental fitness goal-setting skill, ability to control emotions, and perfonnance in sport settings, represents etc.) as being an important contributor to a potentially innovative educational approach psychosocial health, and self-esteem in for enhancing attitude-related cognitions such particular. Similarly, Dandura (1997) and as self-esteem. However, to date, no studies Flammer (1990) found that individuals with have investigated its potential for impacting high self-efficacy beliefs, a construct strongly cognitions within military healthcare environ related to self-confidence (Feltz, 1988), also ments. Therefore, the focus of this study was report strong feelings of well-being and high to explore the possible utility of using this self-esteem in general. type of instructional approach to enhance Self-esteemandhealthcareworksiteout self-esteem among the WTU cadre. comes. Self-esteem is positively associated with work-related outcomes in healthcare Warrior Transition Units settings. Chen, Thomas and Casper (2004) In October of2007 theArmy established identified self-esteem as an attribute that 35 WTU's at major installations across the predicted increased job satisfaction, organi force to streamline care for wounded, injured, zational commitment, and job involvement and seriously ill Soldiers. The WTU mission in a sample of 159 healthcare employees. is to facilitate the healing andrehabilitation of Improvement in self-esteem has also differ Soldiers, return them to duty when possible, entiated employees who exhibit long-tennjob or to prepare them for a successful life as a burnout from those who do not (Browning, et veteran in their community. A typical WTU a!., 2006). Evidence also suggests that self company will have aCommander,Executive esteem may mediate the antecedents of job Officer, First Sergeant, six Platoon Sergeants complaining behavior(Heck,Bedeian & Day, and 18 Squad Leaders. A key element of the 2005) as well as the relationship between ac WTU framework is the "Triad of Support" tual job inequity ,job satisfaction and intended which consists of a Primary Care Manager, job turnover (Abraham, 1999). Finally, in a who is a physician; a Nurse Case Manager, qualitative study of nurse hospice workers, who is a registered nurse; and a Squad Leader, Olthuis and colleagues (2007) identified usually at the rank of Staff Sergeant, who will self-esteem as an important contributor to a oversee 12 patients. nurses ability to positively view themselves The Army Medical Command currently and their world. Olthuis argues that a nurses' staffs WTU's with a cadre of approximately view of themselves is intertwined with how 2500 personnel. This includes approximately they view and interact with their patients and 750 active-component Soldiers, 380 National will ultimately influence the quality of their Guard Soldiers, 380 Army Reserve Soldiers, job performance. and 915 Army Civilians (Sheftick & Holzer, 2007). Mental Skills Training Although the notion that self-esteem Self-Esteem can positively influence healthcare worksite Rosenberg (1965) provided a broad and perfonnance seems apparent, little inquiry frequently cited description of self-esteem as has examined the most effective methods of a favorable or unfavorable attitude toward the enhancing this attribute in military settings. self(p.15). The mechanisms which facilitate One possible approach may liein the applica the development of self-esteem are complex, tion of Mental Skills Training (MST). MST however,Petlichkoff (2004) identified theim- refers to the systematic and consistent prac- E .. /3 tice of techniques and strategies designed to self-esteem. enhance mental skills that facilitate optimum perfonnance(Vealy & Campbell, 1988). MST Method is typically taught in an education context, Participants as opposed to a clinical one. MSTprograms Participants in this study were 27 have been used ~xlensively in sport settings individuals from Warrior Transition Units to develop psychological dexterity (e.g., (WTU's) located at a large military base on self-confidence, attention control, appropri the west coast. The sample was comprised ate management of energy) that enhance of 14 males, 12 females, and one individual individuals' ability to use his or her mind who did not identify his or her gender. There effectively in a variety of performance situ were 16 military enlisted personnel ranging ations (Gould & Damarjian, 1998). in grade from E-5 to E-7, 5 civilian nurses, The Army Center for Enhanced Per 4 civilian social workers, and 2 civilian oc formance (ACEP) is a new Army program cupational therapists. Ages ranged from 24 tasked with improving Soldier functioning ~ 57 with a mean of38.3 years. through the delivery of MST-based educa tional curricula. ACEP provides instruction Instruments to Soldiers in six primary areas related to Demographic andPh ysical Health Ques performance enhancement: 1) mental skills tionnaire. The demographic questionnaire foundations, 2) self-confidence, 3) goal-set was designed specifically for this study and ting, 4) energy/emotion control, 5) attention assessed basic demographics such as age, control, and 6) imagery. rank, gender, and occupation. Petlichkoff (2004) has suggested that Ottawa Mental Skills AssessmentTool-3. mental skills training can influence compo Durand-Bush and Salmela (200 I) developed nents of psychological well-being, including The Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool- self-esteem. However, no studies have ap 3 (OMSAT-3) to measure a broad range of peared that suggest how MST might enhance mental skills thought to be relevant for sport well-being of individuals working in military performance. It includes 48 items, and as healthcare settings, nor does any data exist sesses 12 mental skill scales that are grouped showing which MST skills may be the most under three broader conceptual components: appropriate to target. Thus, the purposes of (a) foundation skills (goal-setting, self-confi this study were (I) to describe changes in dence, commitment), (b )psychosomatic skills self-esteem scores reported by WTU cadre (stress reactions, fear control, relaxation, members before and after an ACEP MST activation), and (c) cognitive skills (imagery, educational intervention, and (2) to identify mental practice, focusing, refocusing, and mental skills that most effectively predict Table I Summary of Stepwise Selection in Multiple Regression Analysis of OMSAT-3Variables Predicting Self-Esteem Variables Step Partial Model Entered Entered R' R' Beta F p Self-Confidence I .41 Ai .41 15.30 .0004 Imagery 2 .08 049 .60 3.40 .08 Mental Practice 3 .06 .55 -.33 2.50 .13 41 Journal of Instructional Psychology, Vol. 36, No.2 competition planning). The OMSAT-3 was following the delivery of the 12-hour ACEP selected for use in this study because it as curriculum. sesses a set of mental skills that are similar The ACEP educational intervention to those targeted by the ACEP educational for the WTV consisted of eight 1.5 hour program. educational modules designed to enhance Each item on the OMSAT-3 is answered the cadre's skills and use of performance on a "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree" psychology principles. The eight modules 7-point Likert scale (e.g., "I am determined included: I) mental skills foundations, 2) to never give up"). Durand-Bush & Salmela self-confidence, 3) goal-setting, 4) attention (2001) have reported acceptable internal control,5) energy management, 6) imagery consistency and temporal stability of the for healing, 7) life-coaching theory, and 8) OMSAT-3. team building. In our study, internal consistency esti mates of the OMSAT-3 subscales varied from Results .66 to .92, with a mean value of .80. Pre-Post Differences in Self-Esteem Seif-Esteem Rating Scale. The Self Results revealed a significant effect from Esteem Rating Scale (SERS; Nugent & pre-(M = 78.85,SD = 31.74) to post-test (M Thomas, 1993) is a 40-item instrument = 89.82, SD = 26.73) scores on the SERS (t designed to provide a clinical measure of (23) = -3.26, p = .003). self-esteem. Factor analysis of the SERS (Nugent & Thomas, 1993) has confinned the Predicting Self-Esteem uni-dimensional nature of the SERS, with all Stepwise mUltiple regression was used of 40-items loading positively on a single factor. SMR was used to identify which subscales of SERS items are answered on a "never" to the OMSAT-3 made significant contributions "always" 7-point Likert format (e.g., "I feel to the prediction of self esteem scores. A three that I am an attractive person"). Twenty of variable solution was found, accounting for the items are scored positively and twenty are 55% of the variance in self~esteem scores, scored negatively yielding a possible range and included self-confidence, imagery, and of scores from -120 to 120. The SERS has mental practice as predictor variables (see demonstrated strong internal consistency Table 1. Because of the exploratory nature as well as evidence of content and factorial of this study, alpha levels were set at .15 for validity, and construct validity (Nugent & inclusion in the model. Thomas, 1993). In our study, the SERS demonstrated Discussion strong internal consistency displaying an MST Training and Self-Esteem alpha coefficient of .97. Mean SERS scores were significantly higher following completion of the 12-hour Procedure ACEPintervention. Further, multiple regres Following United States Military Acad sian results revealed that self-confidence, im emy (USMA) Institutional Review Board agery, and mental practice uniquely predicted approval, WTV cadre members were asked cadre members' self-esteem scores. to participate in the study prior to their Se if-confidence. Self-confidence training engagement in a regularly scheduled Anny was a major part of the ACEP educational Center for Enhanced Perfonnance (ACEP) intervention and focused on teaching cadre educational workshop. Participation in the members how to a) exercise selective percep study involved completion of the survey tion (Gauron, 1984), b) control their self-talk instruments described above prior to and (Zinsser et aI., 2001), c) employ meaningful E .. /5 affinnations (Rushall, 1979; Syer & Connolly, variety of ways (Rushall, 1988). One com 1984), and d) to effectively interpret and attri monly used function of systematic imagery bute successes and failures (Seligman,1991; for improving performance and well-being Weiner, 1985). Of the potential OMSAT-3 includes motivational components for en predictors, self-confidence accounted for the hancing self-confidence (Callow, Hardy, & most variation in SERS scores. This finding Hall, 1998). clearly suggests that educationally-based WTU cadre members in this study were self-confidence curriculums may also be a instructed to image successful execution viable technique for enhancing self-esteem. of their jobs. They were also instructed to As this study was correlational in nature, develop imagery scripts and were guided the mechanisms driving this finding still re through the process of implementing these main unknown. However, the well-known scripts as a tool for more systematic imagery link between self-confidence and self-efficacy practice. Thus, cadre members were able to may provide some clues. Self-efficacy (Ban refine their imagery use during the interven dura, 1977) is a specific self-perception, and tion by more consistently creating images has been referred to as a situational specific that were positive, self-reinforcing, and well fonn of self-confidence (Feltz, 1988). Confi controlled. In turn, these types of positive dence (defined as the finnness or strength of images may have contributed to how the cadre one's belief; Bandura, 1997) has been used members' "viewed" themselves, and thus as an overarching concept that encompasses providing a potential the link to improved self-efficacy as well as the notion of compe self-esteem. tence. Given that relationship, our finding Mental practice. Finally. the regression seems consistent with Bandura's contention results highlight the importance of mental (1997) that self-efficacy is strongly related practice (e.g., the frequency with which to self-esteem. Bandura (1997) argued that systematic mental training occurs) as an ad efficacy expectations to perform a given task ditional behavior that might further enhance could influence perceptions of self-esteem self-esteem. Since the results of this study when the success/failure is heavily tied in with suggest that self-confidence and quality self-worth. In our study. it is possible that imagery ability appear to be related to self WTU cadre members placed a high degree of esteem, it's important to note that the pres importance to their job-related activities, thus, ence of these skills may not be enough. As self-esteem is likely to be derived from the self-confidence and imagery need consistent cadre's efficacy expectations about their job reinforcement to be optimally integrated into ratherthan the reverse. The MST intervention, one's mental skill-set (Yealey & Campbell, we believe, provided educational material 1988; Callow, Hardy, & HaU, 1998), the which enhanced the WTU cadres' efficacy systematic and consistent practice of these expectations about their ability to perform skills may be an integral part of the process their job, thus influ~ncing their self-esteem. of maintaining self-esteem. Unfortunately, the cross-sectional design of this study does not allow for confirmation of Limitations the directionality of these relationships. The findings of this exploratory investi Imagery. Imagery's role as a significant gation were based on a small (n = 27) sample predictor of self-esteem is also noteworthy. of the WTU cadre, and without a comparison Numerous studies have revealed that imagery group, we cannot rule out alternative explana has been used effectively by outstanding tions for the improvements reported in self performers in various settings (see Martin, esteem. Likewise, the cross-sectional nature Moritz, & Hall, 1999 for a review) and in a of the design does not facilitate causal con- 6/ Journal of Instructional Psychology, Vol. 36, No.2 clusions regarding the relationship between Durand-Bush, N., & Salmela, 1.H. (2001). The mental skills and self esteem, nor did this Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool (OM study address potential moderators of the SAT-3). The Sport Psychologist, 15, 1-19. relationship between mental skills and self Feltz, D. L. (1988). Self-confidence and sports performance. Exercise and Sport Sciences esteem. The need clearly exists for more Reviews, 16, 151-166 comprehensive investigations with larger Flammer A. (1990). Experiencing self efficacy. samples. Introduction to the psychology of control beliefs. Berlin: Huber. Summary Folkman, S. (1998). Positive psychological states This study was one of the first to suggest and coping with severe stress. 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