Comparison of laser-induced breakdown spectra of organic compounds with irradiation 1:064 μm at 1.5 and Diane M. Wong and Paul J. Dagdigian* Department of Chemistry, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218-2685 *Corresponding author: [email protected] Received 17 June 2008; revised 29 August 2008; accepted 3 September 2008; posted 4 September 2008 (Doc. ID 97536); published 9 October 2008 Acomprehensiveinvestigationoflaser-inducedbreakdownspectroscopy(LIBS)at1:500μmofresiduesof sixorganiccompounds(anthracene,caffeine,glucose,1,3-dinitrobenzene,2,4-dinitrophenol,and2,4-dini- trotoluene)onaluminumsubstratesispresentedandcomparedwithLIBSattheNd:YAGfundamental wavelengthof1:064μm.Theoverallemissionintensitieswerefoundtobesmallerat1:500μmthanat 1:064μm,andtheratiosofC2 andCNmolecularemissionstotheHatomicemissionswereobserved tobeless.PossiblereasonsfortheobserveddifferencesinLIBSat1:064μmversus1:500μmarediscussed. ©2008OpticalSocietyofAmerica OCIScodes: 140.3440,300.6360,300.2140. 1. Introduction irradiation was compared with irradiation at longer wavelengths. The authors state, without much de- Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has tail, that the energy required to generate a laser- emerged as a powerful technique for the detection induced plasma is lower at the longer wavelengths, and characterization of materials such as residues from1.064 to 1:470μm.They also report aprelimin- of organic compounds, including explosives, on sur- aryLIBSspectrumforlaserirradiationat1:470μm. faces [1,2]. The overwhelming majority of modern In the present study, we compare LIBS spectra of LIBSexperimentsemployeithertheNd:YAGfunda- organic residues on aluminum substrates obtained mental beam at 1064nm or one of its from plasmas generated at two separate irradiation harmonics (532, 355, 266nm) as the laser source. wavelengths, 1.064 and 1:500μm. Since the laser Thislaserisparticularlyconvenientforportablesen- beamswereofthesameenergyandtransversebeam sors because of its small size and power require- profile,therelativeintensitiesoftheatomicemission ments. However, the fundamental wavelength lines and the overall signal strength for these two (1064nm) has a very low threshold for damage to wavelengths could be directly compared. A set of or- the eye as compared to slightly longer wavelengths ganic compounds with differing atomic molar ratios of 1:5–1:6μm [3]. This 1:5–1:6μm spectral range is and chemical structure was investigated. also advantageous because it lies within an atmo- spheric“window,”forwhichthereislittleabsorption 2. Experimental bymoleculespresentinair.Toourknowledge,there AschematicdrawingoftheapparatusfortheseLIBS isonlyonepublishedreportonLIBSwithlaserirra- experiments is presented in Fig. 1. The pulsed laser diation in this spectral region, namely, a brief study byBaueretal.[4].Inthiswork,LIBSwith1:064μm radiation for generating the plasma was obtained from the idler output of an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) system (Continuum Panther). This 0003-6935/08/31G149-09$15.00/0 OPO was pumped by 290mJ of the 355nm tripled ©2008OpticalSocietyofAmerica output of an injection-seeded Nd:YAG laser system 1November2008/Vol.47,No.31/APPLIEDOPTICS G149 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2008 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2008 to 00-00-2008 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Comparison of laser-induced breakdown spectra of organic compounds W911NF-06-1-0446 with irradiation at 1.5 and 1:064 μm 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT Department of Chemistry,The Johns Hopkins NUMBER ; 50351.14 University,Baltimore,MD,21218-2685 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) U.S. Army Research Office, P.O. Box 12211, Research Triangle Park, 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NC, 27709-2211 NUMBER(S) 50351.14 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 10 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 ICCD was synchronized with the laser pulse by the output of a digital delay generator (Stanford Re- search Systems), which was triggered with the out- put of a photodiode that viewed the residual signal output of the OPO. The compounds were prepared as residues on aluminum foil substrates. The compounds [anthra- cene, caffeine, glucose, 1,3-dinitrobenzene (DNB), 2,4-dinitrotoluene (DNT), and 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP)] were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich, Fluka, or Eastman and wereused without further purifica- tion. The molecular formulas and atomic molar ra- tios for the compounds investigated are given in Table 1. For each compound, a 10–50μl aliquot of Fig.1. Schematicdiagramoftheexperimentalapparatus.PDde- a nearly saturated solution in methanol, acetone, notesphotodiode. or ethanol was delivered to the substrate surface, and the solution was allowed to dry in a chemical (Continuum Precision Powerlite 8000) operated at a fume hood. The resulting spot size was measured 10Hz repetition rate. The OPO output beam was to determine the average surface coverage of the passed through three dichroic mirrors to remove compound. The surface concentrations ranged from visiblesignalbeamandresidual355nmpumpbeam ∼20to140μg=cm2andwereapproximatelythesame radiation from the near-IR idler beam. The OPO for a given compound at the two wavelengths. was tuned by rotating the BBO crystal in the It is well known that emission on N and O atomic oscillator cavity to yield either 1.500 or 1:064μm id- lines in the red appear in laser-induced breakdown ler radiation. spectrainairwithnslasers,becauseofentrainment Single pulses of idler radiation (typically 7mJ of ambient air in the plasma [6,7]. Similarly, CN in a 5mm diameter beam, with a wavelength- emissionhasbeenobservedinLIBSofhydrocarbons independentpulsewidthof∼6ns,asmeasuredwith in ambient air [8]. Several approaches have been a fast photodiode on the signal beam) were passed taken to reduce or eliminate signals due to entrain- through a mechanical shutter (Thor Labs) and fo- cused with a fused silica lens (focal length 75mm) mentofairintoplasma.Double-pulseLIBShasbeen shown to reduce significantly the effects of entrain- onto an aluminum foil substrate coated with the organic residue under investigation. The foil was ment [6]. As an alternative, observation of prompt mounted on a motorized translation stage, and a emission with irradiation from a low laser fluence freshareaoftheresiduewasirradiatedwitheachla- hasbeenemployedsincethissignalisrelativelyun- sershot.Thepositionofthelensabovethesubstrate contaminated by air entrainment [7]. In this study, was the same for the two wavelengths. It should be we have eliminated the contribution to N and O notedthatthefocallengthofthelens,whichdepends atomic and CN molecular emission due to air en- on n−1, where n is the refractive index [5], should trainment by bathing the substrate with argon only differ by 1% between the two wavelengths. gas. This procedure allowed us to record signals on The transverse intensity profile of the OPO laser C,H,N,andOlinesandtheCNbandscharacteristic beam had an approximate top-hat shape, and it of the organic residue only. For bare aluminum sub- wasnotpossibletopredictapriorithefocusedbeam strates,signalsduetoNandOarenotobserved.Be- spot size. To get an estimate of the spot sizes at the low we discuss H and C signal levels from the bare two wavelengths, areas of laser-induced craters on substrates. CN and C2 emission was observed only bare aluminum foil were measured with an optical with organic residues deposited on aluminum foil microscopeequippedwithacamera.Thecraterareas substrates, and not bare foil. were essentially the same at the two wavelengths and were approximately 0:040mm2 in magnitude. Theopticalemissionfromtheplasmawasfocused onto a UV-transmitting optical fiber (50μm core) Table1. MolecularFormulasandMolarRatiosfortheOrganic withapairofoff-axisparabolicmirrors(focallength CompoundsInvestigated 25:4mm). The output of the optical fiber was trans- MolarRatio mitted to an echelle spectrometer (Andor Mechelle 5000) equipped with a gated, intensified CCD cam- Compound Formula C=H O=H N=H era (Andor DH 734-18-03). For each compound, the Anthracene C14H10 0.714 0 0 ICCD delay and gate width were optimized for the Caffeine C8H10N4O2 0.800 0.200 0.400 best signal-to-background ratio, and the same set- Glucose C6H12O6 0.500 0.500 0 tings were employed for a given compound at both 1,3-Dinitrobenzene C6H4N2O4 1.500 1.000 0.500 wavelengths.TheICCDdelaysandgatewidthswere 2,4-Dinitrophenol C6H4N2O5 1.500 1.250 0.500 in the range of 1–3μs and 5–10μs, respectively. The 2,4-Dinitrotoluene C7H6N2O4 1.167 0.667 0.333 G150 APPLIEDOPTICS/Vol.47,No.31/1November2008 gest that there are significant differences in LIBS spectra with irradiation at 1.500 versus 1:064μm. For a quantitative comparison of LIBS spectra at thetwowavelengths,twosetsof25single-shotspec- tra were recorded for each compound at each wave- length. For each spectrum, the intensities of the transitions listed in Table 2 were measured. While several sequences of the C2 d−a band system were visible in the spectrum displayed in Fig. 2(a), we measuredtheintensityofonlythestrongest,namely, theΔv¼0sequence,sincetheC2emissionwasweak or not detectable in some spectra. For the stronger features, both peak areas and heights were mea- sured, and their ratios were found to be consistent to within ∼2%. For weaker features, notably the N atomiclines,areascouldnotbereliablydetermined. We hence employed peak heights as the measure of intensity for all transitions. For CN and C2, the heightsofthe(0,0)bandheadsweremeasured.Since the N atomic lines were weak, the intensities of the three lines (see Table 2) were summed in order to haveamorereliableestimateoftheNatomicinten- sity.Inallcases,intensitieswerecorrectedfor back- ground continuum emission. No correction for the wavelength-dependentresponseofthedetectionsys- tem was carried out. Fig. 2. Survey single-shot LIBS spectra of 2,4-DNT residues We inspected bare aluminum foil substrates for (average surface concentration ∼75μg=cm2) on aluminum foil spectral features due to unintentional organic con- forirradiationat(a)1.064and(b)1:500μm.Prominentemission tamination. The foil substrates were carefully featuresaremarked:Al,308and394nm;C,248nm;H,656nm; handled with forceps to minimize the contact with CN B−XΔv¼0 sequence, 388nm; C2, d−aΔv¼þ1, 0, −1 se- quences at 474, 516, and 564nm, respectively. The lines in the fingers and to prevent the transfer of oils from the 700–800nmspectralrangearemainlyduetotheargonbathgas. fingertips onto the surface of the clean aluminum foil.Insomecases,weakemissiononCandHatomic lineswasobserved;however,thesesignalswereneg- 3. Results ligible compared to the intensities with an organic In Fig. 2, we present examples of single-shot LIBS residueonthesubstrate.Wedidobservevaryingin- spectra of 2.4-DNT irradiated at 1.064 and at tensitiesofboththeCandHlinesduetoorganicre- 1:500μm. Both spectra were taken under the same sidues with different commercial sources of experimental conditions, except for the irradiation aluminum substrate, in particular with an alumi- wavelength. The strongest lines in the spectra are num sheet of quoted purity 99.998% (metals basis) at 394 and 308nm and can be identified as atomic bought from Alfa Aesar. Al transitions originating from the aluminum foil Itiswell known thatLIBS intensitiesvarysignif- substrate.Linesfromtheargonbathgascanbeseen icantly from shot to shot, as was the case in the inthe700–800nmspectralrange.TheCandHatom- presentexperiment.Ithasbeenfoundthatmeasure- ic emission lines from the DNT residue, seen near ment of ratios of intensities yields more robust 248 and 656nm, respectively, are clearly visible in results [9–13]. We hence determined ratios of inten- thespectra.NandOatomiclinesintheredarepre- sitiesineachsingle-shotspectrum.Theseratioswere sent in the spectra but are obscured by the stronger then averaged for each set of 25 single-shot spectra. Arlines.Severalmolecularemissionfeaturesareob- servableinthespectra,includingtheCNB−XΔv¼ 0sequencenear 388nm and the Δv¼þ1, 0, and −1 Table2. SpectralTransitionsUsedforQuantitativeAnalysisof sequencesoftheC2 d−abandsystem(Swanbands) LIBSSpectraofOrganicCompounds near516nm.Theoff-diagonalCNB−XΔv¼þ1and Species Wavelength(nm) Transition −1sequenceshavesmallFranck–Condonfactorsand H 656.3 n¼3→n¼2 are hence barely visible in the spectra. C 247.9 2p3s1P1→2p21D2 It can be seen that the CN and C2 bands are par- O 777.2–5 3p5P1;2;3→3s5S2 ticularlystrongintheDNTspectrumforirradiation N 742.4 3p4S3=2→3s4P1=2 at1:064μm,displayedinFig.2(a).Bycontrast,these N 744.2 3p4S3=2→3s4P3=2 bands are much weaker for irradiation at 1:500μm N 746.8 3p4S3=2→3s4P5=2 [see Fig. 2(b)]. The differences in the intensities of C2 516.3 d−aΔv¼0 CN 388.3 B−XΔv¼0 features in the two spectra displayed in Fig. 2 sug- 1November2008/Vol.47,No.31/APPLIEDOPTICS G151 Nospectra were discarded incomputing average in- atomiclineintensityforbothdatasetsofeachofthe tensityratios.SincetheHlinewasusuallythestron- organic compounds investigated at the two irradia- gest atomic feature originating from the organic tion wavelengths. Similarly, Fig. 4 presents the residues, ratios of intensities with respect to the H measured ratios of molecular emission intensities, atomic line were computed. involving C2 and CN, to the H atomic line intensity. Figure3presentsthemeasuredratiosoftheC,O, WeseefromFigs.3and4that,withafewexceptions, andNatomiclineintensities(peakheights)totheH there is good consistency between the ratios Fig.3. RatiosofC,O,andNlineintensities(peakheights)totheHatomiclineintensityforLIBSoforganicresiduesonaluminumfoil substrates.Thespectrawererecordedunderidenticalconditionsexceptfortheirradiationwavelengths,whichareindicatedatthetopof thesetsofpanels.Thetwoplottedpointsforeachcompoundrepresentmeansoftheintensityratiosfortwosetsof25single-shotspectra; theerrorbarsarethestandarddeviationsofthemean. G152 APPLIEDOPTICS/Vol.47,No.31/1November2008 determined for the two data sets of each compound themolarC=Hratiosofthecompoundsinvestigated and wavelength. (compare Fig. 3 with Table 1). However, such a cor- The dinitro compounds displayed the largest C=H relation does not apply to the O=H and N=H ratios. intensityratiosforbothirradiationwavelengths,but The most dramatic differences in intensity ratios the ratios were not dramatically greater than those between the two wavelengths are seen in the of the other compounds. There were only slight dif- ratios of the molecular (CN and C2) features to H ferencesintheC=Hintensityratiosforagivencom- atomicintensity(seeFig.4).WeobserveC2 emission pound between the two wavelengths. The O=H only for the aromatic organic compounds. Strong C2 intensity ratios at a given wavelength were similar emission has previously been reported for LIBS of for the compounds investigated. For all the com- this class of compounds and been found to increase pounds, the O=H intensity ratios were larger for ir- with increasing numbers of fused aromatic rings radiation at 1:500μm than at 1:064μm, but again [8,14]. DNT has by far the largest C2=H intensity the differences between the two wavelengths were ratio (∼16) for irradiation at 1:064μm. In marked not great. At 1:064μm, DNP and DNT displayed contrast, the C2=H intensity ratios for all the aro- the largest N=H intensity ratios; these ratios were matic compounds at 1:500μm are much smaller, ap- significantly smaller at 1:500μm. Caffeine and proachingunity.Infact,DNThasthesmallestC2=H DNBhadsimilar,smallN=Hintensityratiosatboth intensity ratio at this wavelength. wavelengths. Similar, large differences are observed for the We observe that the measured C=H intensities at ratios of CN to H emission for irradiation at both irradiation wavelengths roughly correlate with 1.064 versus 1:500μm. For LIBS at 1:064μm, the Fig.4. RatiosofC2 andCN(0,0)bandheadintensitiestotheHatomiclineintensityforLIBSoforganicresiduesonaluminumfoil substrates. The spectra were recorded under identical conditions except for the irradiation wavelengths, which are indicated at the topofthesetsofpanels.Thetwoplottedpointsforeachcompoundrepresentmeansoftheintensityratiosfortwosetsof25single-shot spectra;theerrorbarsarethestandarddeviationsofthemean. 1November2008/Vol.47,No.31/APPLIEDOPTICS G153 nitrogen-containing aromatic compounds display wavelengthoftheline.Theradiativetransitionprob- CN=H intensity ratios ranging from ∼6 to 15. The abilities A were taken from the NIST Atomic Spec- i corresponding intensity ratios are seen in Fig. 4 tra Database [16]. to be much smaller at 1:500μm. The only other Temperatures were determined in this way for nitrogen-containingmolecule,caffeine,showedsmall LIBS of residues of two of the organic compounds, CN=H ratios at both wavelengths. namely, anthracene and DNT. These are presented It is also of interest to compare the overall inten- in Table 3. The reported temperatures, which were sities at the two irradiation wavelengths. Of the obtained from intensities measured with fairly wide atomiclines,theHatomiclineisthemostappropri- detector gates (see Table 3), are similar to those re- atetoconsidersincetheintensityratiosdisplayedin portedbyPiehleretal.[15]fordelaytimesof∼10μs. Figs.3and4arereferencedtothisline.Figure5dis- In this experiment, somewhat higher laser powers plays the absolute H line intensities for both data were employed (35mJ of 1:064μm radiation focused sets of each of the organic compounds investigated witha50mmfocallengthlens).Ofmostinterestfor at the two irradiation wavelengths. Since the C2 the interpretation of our measured LIBS intensities and CN emissions are quite strong for the aromatic isthecomparisonofthetemperaturesforthetwoir- compounds, the intensities of the bands due to the radiation wavelengths. We see from Table 3 that for species are also displayed in the lower panels both compounds the temperature deduced for irra- of Fig. 5. diation at 1:500μm is noticeably higher than for ir- WeseefromFig.5thattheHatomiclineintensity radiation at 1:064μm. isthestrongestforanthracene,caffeine,andglucose Anestimateoftheelectrondensitycanbeobtained at both wavelengths, while the intensity of this line fromtheobservedbroadeningoftheHatomiclineat is less for the nitroaromatic compounds. Wealso ob- 656:3nm.Therelationshipbetweenelectrondensity serve in Fig. 5 that the H line intensity is approxi- andlinewidthiswellestablishedformanyelements mately a factor of 2 smaller at 1:500μm than [17], and we have employed the tables prepared by at 1:064μm for anthracene, caffeine, and glucose, Vidal et al. [18]. Figure 6 compares the profile of while the H line intensities for the nitroaromatic theHatomic656:3nmlineforirradiationofanthra- compounds are only slightly different at the two cene and DNT residues at the two wavelengths. It wavelengths. can be seen that for both compounds the profiles Significant differences are found for the absolute forirradiation at 1:500μm are slightly broader than intensities of the molecular emissions between the for1:064μm.Thiswasalsotrueforthislinewiththe two wavelengths. For all the aromatic compounds, other compounds investigated. From comparison of the C2 and CN emission is significantly smaller at the line profiles displayed in Fig. 6 and the profiles 1:500μm than at 1:064μm. At both wavelengths, computed by Vidal et al. [18], we estimate that the the C2 emission is stronger for anthracene than electron density, averaged over the detection gate for the nitroaromatic compounds. We also observe (seeTable3),was6×1016 and8×1016cm−3 forirra- thattheCNemissionisweakeratbothwavelengths diationofanthraceneat1.064and1:500μm,respec- for caffeine than the nitroaromatic compounds. tively.Thecorresponding electrondensitiesforDNT Some comments about the intensity of Al atomic were 3×1016 and 4×1016cm−3. We hence find transitions, which arise from ablation of the alumi- slightly higher electron densities for irradiation at numfoilsubstrate,areinorder.Wedoobservesome 1:500μm than at 1:064μm. variationintheintensitiesofthe394and308nmAl atomic transitions for the different organic residues 4. Discussion at a given irradiation wavelength. However, there This study is to our knowledge the first comprehen- were no dramatic differences in the intensities of sivestudyofLIBSat1:5μm.Itisperhapsnotunex- these transitions between the two wavelengths. pected that we were able to obtain LIBS spectra at For the interpretation of these results, it is useful this irradiation wavelength since laser radiation of to estimate the temperature and electron density of sufficientlyhighintensity atanywavelengthshould the plasmas generated at the two irradiation wave- cause ablation, and also formation of plasma, at a lengths. We have utilized the ratio of the intensities of the Al atomic lines at 394.4 and 308:2nm for the surface. Of greater importance is the quantitative comparison between LIBS at 1:500μm and at the determination of temperature, similar to the deter- Nd:YAGfundamentalwavelengthof1:064μm.From minationscarriedoutbyPiehleretal.[15]inastudy the absolute intensities displayed in Fig. 5 and the ofLIBSofaluminuminvariousbathgases.Theratio intensity ratios displayed in Figs. 3 and 4, we see oftheintensitiesIofthetwolinescanbeemployedto thattheoverallLIBSintensityissignificantlysmal- estimatetheplasmatemperaturewiththefollowing lerat1:500μmthanat1:064μmfortheinvestigated equation: (cid:1) (cid:2) organic residues on aluminum substrates. We also I1 ¼g1A1λ2exp −E1−E2 ; ð1Þ findsignificantlydifferentratiosofintensitiesofvar- I2 g2A2λ1 kT ious emission features in LIBS spectra at the two wavelengths. The most dramatic differences are in Here,gi andEi arethestatisticalweightandenergy, the ratios of the intensities of the C2 and CN mole- respectively, of the upper level of line i and λ is the cularbandsrelativetotheHatomiclineintensityfor i G154 APPLIEDOPTICS/Vol.47,No.31/1November2008 the aromatic compounds. Moreover, the absolute in- 1:064μm could be due to differences in a variety of tensitiesofthesebandsaresmallerat1:500μmthan parameters, including the amount of material ab- at 1:064μm. lated, plasma temperature, and electron density of The weaker emission intensities for irradiation at the laser-induced plasma. Amoruso et al. [19] have 1:500μm as compared to those for irradiation at presented a comprehensive review of laser-ablation Fig.5. IntensitiesoftheHatomiclineandtheC2andCN(0,0)bandheadsforLIBSoforganicresiduesonaluminumfoilsubstrates.The spectrawererecordedunderidenticalconditionsexceptfortheirradiationwavelengths,whichareindicatedatthetopofthesetsofpanels. Thetwoplottedpointsforeachcompoundrepresentmeansoftheintensityratiosfortwosetsof25single-shotspectra;theerrorbarsare thestandarddeviationsofthemean. 1November2008/Vol.47,No.31/APPLIEDOPTICS G155 plasmas and have discussed ablation and formation ofaplasmabyirradiationwithpulsedlaserradiation ofnsduration.Theleadingedgeofthelaserpulseis absorbed by the substrate, and there is sufficient time for thermal diffusion into a zone larger than thefocusedlaserspotsize.Theorganicresiduespre- pared in this study were thin enough that the laser energyisabsorbedpredominantlybytheconduction electrons in the underlying aluminum substrate. Thisenergyistransferredtothelattice,andneutral and ionized species evaporate from the surface. The ns laser pulse is sufficiently long that the incipient plasma absorbs radiation from the tail of the laser pulse by the inverse bremsstrahlung process [20], heatingtheplasmaandshieldingthesubstratefrom further ablation. The absorption of laser energy by the aluminum substrate should not differ greatly between the two laserwavelengths(1.064versus1:500μm)employed in this study. However, inverse bremsstrahlung absorption by the plasma will be greater at the longer wavelength [20]. This additional energy up- takebytheplasmaperhapsprovidesanexplanation for our higher observed temperatures and electron Fig.6. ProfilesoftheHatomiclineat656:3nm,averagedover25 densities at 1:500μm (see Table 3 and Fig. 6). This single-shotspectra,forLIBSat1:064μm(solidlines)and1:500μm would appear to be inconsistent with the fact that (dottedlines)ofanthraceneandDNTresiduesonaluminumfoil substrates. emission intensities were found to be lower at 1:500μm than at 1:064μm, since an increased tem- perature and electron density would be expected to tions. It would be interesting to follow the time de- lead to higher emission intensities, all other para- pendence of the molecular emissions with a meters remaining unchanged. It may be that less material is ablated from the sample at 1:500μm be- narrower detector gate, but this is beyond the scope causeoftheincreasedshieldingbytheplasmaatthis of this investigation. wavelength. Thefinalobservationtobediscussedisthesignif- 5. Conclusion icantlyreducedmolecularemissionforirradiationat 1:500μm as compared to emission at 1:064μm. The A comprehensive investigation of LIBS at 1:500μm molecularspeciesC2andCNcanarisefromfragmen- oforganicresiduesonaluminumsubstrateshasbeen tation of the parent compound or recombination of presented and compared with LIBS at the Nd:YAG the atoms in the plasma [7,14,21]. Baudelet et al. fundamentalwavelength1:064μm.Theoverallemis- [7] have noted that it should be possible to distin- sionintensitieswerefoundtobesmallerat1:500μm guishemissionfromthesetwomechanismsbyvary- thanat1:064μm,andtheratiosofmoleculartoatom- ing the detector gate delay. With the relatively long ic emissions were observed to be less. This result delays employed in the present study, the observed could have implications for the detection sensitivity molecularemissionisprobablyduetoatomicrecom- of LIBS at 1:500μm. It would be desirable to carry bination. The reduced molecular emission at out a similar comparison of LIBS at these wave- 1:500μm could be the result of lower atomic concen- lengths with higher-power laser radiation. This will trations from the increased plasma shielding dis- require a different laser system as the maximum cussed above, since the molecular concentration pulseenergyat1:500μmoftheOPOemployedinthis will depend nonlinearly on the atomic concentra- study is ∼7mJ. Theauthorsgreatlyacknowledgetheadvicegiven Table3. TemperaturesDeterminedfromRelativeIntensitiesof to us by the LIBS group at the Army Research La- theAlAtomic394.40and308:22nmLinesforLIBSPlasmas boratory(A.W.Miziolek,K.L.McNesby,F.C.DeLu- IrradiationWavelength cia, Jr., J. L. Gottfried, and C. A. Munson) at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, on the acqui- Compound 1:064μm 1:500μm sitionofLIBSspectra.Theloanofamotorizedtrans- Anthracenea 3580(cid:1)80 3980(cid:1)80 lation stage by J. B. Spicer is also gratefully 2,4-Dinitrotolueneb 3160(cid:1)50 3940(cid:1)60 appreciated. This research has been supported in aDetectorgatedelayandwidth1.25and7μs,respectively. part by the U.S. Army Research Office under grant bDetectorgatedelayandwidth1.25and10μs,respectively. W911NF-06-1-0206. G156 APPLIEDOPTICS/Vol.47,No.31/1November2008 References breakdown spectroscopy,” Spectrochim. Acta Part B 57, 1131–1140(2002). 1. A. W. Miziolek, V. Palleschi, and I. Schechter, eds., Laser- 12. F.Ferioli,P.V.Puzinauskas,andS.G.Buckley,“Laser-induced Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS): Fundamentals breakdownspectroscopyforon-lineengineequivalenceratio andApplications(CambridgeU.Press,2006). measurements,”Appl.Spectrosc.57,1183–1189(2003). 2. D. A. Cremers and L. J. Radziemski, Handbook of Laser- 13. 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