CritCareNursClinNAm20(2008)13–22 Skill Set Requirements for Nurses Deployed with an Expeditionary Medical Unit Based on Lessons Learned John J. Whitcomb, PhD, RN, CCRN, CDR, NC, USNa,*, Kimberly J. Newell, RN, MSN, CCRN, CNS, CDR, NC, USNb aNavalMedicalCenterPortsmouth,620JohnPaulJonesCircle, Portsmouth,VA23708,USA bNavalHospitalCampPendleton,Box555191,CampPendleton,CA92055,USA Based in Kuwait 3 years apart, the authors Camp Coyote,Kuwait,2003 recount how nurses and corps staff, along with In February 2003, the 1st Force Service Sup- their physician counterparts, came together to portGroup(FSSG),4thHealthServicesBattalion form well-run medical facilities under adverse (HSB)wasactivatedinsupportofOperationIraqi circumstances. Their respective hospitals became Freedom. Active-duty health care professionals competent organizations because of specific and mobilized reservists with various health care formulas for success, along with preparation, backgrounds combined forces to form a cohesive identification of required skill sets, and making combat-support hospital located approximately improvements based on experience. This article 30 miles from the Iraq border, at Camp Coyote describes the training of medical, nursing, and in Kuwait. This unit, the 4th HSB, was designed corpsstaff,thefacilitiesandresourcesrequiredfor to deploy to an area of conflict where it would managing casualties, and some of the more receiveandtreatwarcausalities.Regardlessofthe commonly encountered combat injuries and mission, and although segments of the support conditions. grouphadyettoarrive,thisadvanced-partyteam had the means and ‘‘can-do spirit’’ that allowed themtobereadytoreceivecasualtieswithindays of itsarrival inKuwait. The views expressed in this article are those of the Brief historical review authors and do not reflect the official policy of the Department of Navy, Department of Defense, nor On the same ground where Desert Storm the US Government. The authors are military service occurred, the 4th HSB was set up to provide members.Thisworkwaspreparedaspartoftheiroffi- emergency resuscitation and definitive surgery, cial duties. Title 17 U.S.C. 105 provides that saving lifeand limb, andto offer general medical ‘‘Copyright protection under this title is not available care under field and combat conditions. Medical for any work of the United States Government.’’ Title specialtiesthatdeployedwiththe4thHSBincluded 17 U.S.C. 101 defines a United States Government trauma,thoracicsurgery,orthopedicsurgery,psy- workasaworkpreparedbyamilitaryservicemember chiatry, ophthalmology, general surgery, internal or employee of the United States Government as part medicine, and family practice. The nursing staff ofthatperson’sofficialduties. specialtiesincludedcriticalcare,obstetric/gyneco- * Correspondingauthor. E-mailaddress:[email protected] logic,pediatric,andmedical-surgicalnurses,fam- (J.J.Whitcomb). ily nurse practitioners, and nurse administrators 0899-5885/08/$-seefrontmatter.PublishedbyElsevierInc. doi:10.1016/j.ccell.2007.10.009 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2008 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2008 to 00-00-2008 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Skill Set Requirements for Nurses Deployed with an Expeditionary 5b. GRANT NUMBER Medical Unit Based on Lessons Learned 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Medical Center Portsmouth,620 John Paul Jones REPORT NUMBER Circle,Portsmouth,VA,23708 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 10 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 14 WHITCOMB&NEWELL with varying degrees of clinical experience. The inamatterofhoursor,ifconditionsdictate,may HospitalCorpsstaff(composedofenlistedperson- be retained for 24 to 48 hours. The next echelon nel who perform patient care activities under the (level III)is the combatzone fleethospital orthe direction of licensed providers) consisted of in- hospitalship.Bothairandgroundtransportation dividualstrainedasparamedics,generaldutycorps areusedtomoveapatienttothisechelonofcare,as staff, psychiatric technicians, pharmacy techni- dictated by the tactical situation, the presence or cians, x-ray technicians, and independent duty absenceofenemyairthreats,and/oroverwhelming corpsmen. Independent duty corpsmen function troop movements. The final destination for de- similarly to physician assistants. Support services finitive care is a facility outside the combat area, includedlaboratory,x-ray,pharmacy,administra- suchasamedicaltreatmentfacility(MTF)inthe tion,andchaplaincy.Securityfortheentirecamp continental United States [1]. ‘‘MTF’’ is the mili- wasprovidedbytheMarineCorps. tarytermdesignatingclinics,hospitals,andother The4thHSBwastaskedtoprovidetheservices healthcarefacilitiesfoundinthecivilianworld. ofasurgicalhospital(echelonII),receivingcasu- The 4th HSB consisted of a receiving area altiesfromforwarddeployedunits.Echelonsstart (triage) that led to two operating rooms that with the simplest care closest to the battle zone adjoined two ICUs, each with a capacity for 12 (levelI),wheresomeonemayputonhisorherown patients. There were three wards, each with the dressing or have a comrade do so (a procedure ability to hold 30 patients. An outpatient area known as ‘‘buddy aid’’). If possible, this event is treated injuries that did not need inpatient care. followed by a trip to the Battalion Aid Station, The facility offered services including radiology, Forward Resuscitation Surgical Support unit, or abloodbank,asmalllaboratory,andapharmacy. ShockTraumaPlatoon.Atthesestations,aphysi- Itspurposewastostabilizepatientsandtransport cian, independent duty corpsman, or nurse pro- themwithin24hourstoahigherechelonlevelof vides first aid or advanced trauma life support, care inKuwait (Figs. 1–3). preserving life or limb. Given available transpor- tationandafavorablebattlefieldscenario,ground Staff assignment, education, andtraining transportorBlackhawkhelicoptertransporttrans- fersthecasualtytoalevelIIfacility,suchasthe4th The Bureau of Naval Personnel assigns mili- HSB,forstabilization.Thecasualtymaymoveon tary members to specific operational platforms Fig.1. Triage,CampCoyote,2003. SKILLSETREQUIREMENTSFORNURSES 15 Fig.2. ICUset-up,CampCoyote,2003. (ie,hospitalships,fleethospitalsandFSSGunits), Diego, California and Naval Reserve Unit, 4th withtheirprimarydutystationbeinganMTF[2]. HSB.The4thHSBalsowassupportedbyindivid- For the 1st FSSG, Navy military personnel are ual augmentees, military members assigned ac- mobilized from the Naval Medical Center San cording to their clinical specialties and the unit’s Fig.3. Wardset-up,CampCoyote,2003. 16 WHITCOMB&NEWELL needs.Totalpersonnelforthisunitconsistedof30 participants to develop and enhance their practi- nurses, 66 corps staff, and 20 physicians. These cal skills using mannequins and live models. The numbersincreasedordecreasedbasedonmission sessions enable nurses to become well acquainted requirements(Fig. 4). withemergencysituationsandexposethemtothe The Bureau of Navy Medicine and the com- use of the appropriate equipment. Participants manding officers of the local supporting MTFs learntoassessthepatient,identifylife-threatening continuallyassess readiness needsand trainmed- emergencies, and identify and prioritize other ical personnel for their assignments accordingly. injuries. A provider manual reinforces and sup- Typically, preparation for serving with fleet hos- plements lectures and lessons in psychomotor pitals,FSSGs,andothergroundunitsconsistsof skills. Each aspect of trauma is discussed using fieldtrainingwiththeMarinesinasettingsimilar common basic themes: etiology, mechanism of to the actual austere environments to which injury and concurrent injuries, anatomy and trainees will or may deploy. While serving with physiology, pathophysiology (as a basis for key the Fleet Marine Force, hospital corps staff train signs and symptoms), nursing care, patient edu- to care for the warfighter on the battlefield. cation, and triage. Following completion of the Physiciansandnursesattendcoursesthatprepare course, both theoretical and practical knowledge them to care for trauma patients. The Trauma are assessed formally by written and practical Nursing Core Course (TNCC) is offered at the examination. three main Navy MTFs and is required for all Physicians attend the Advanced Trauma Life Navynurses. SupportCourse,whichteachesthemtoassessthe The TNCC is a fundamental course that patient’s condition rapidly and accurately, to enhancescognitiveskills,sharpenstechnicalskills, resuscitate and stabilize the patient according to and provides a foundation for future learning to priority,todetermineifthepatient’sneedsexceed nurses actively involved in caring for injured a facility’s capabilities, to arrange appropriately patients. The TNCC is presented in lectures and forthepatient’sdefinitivecare,andtoensurethat in six psychomotor-skill stations. The focus is on optimal care is provided. Another course that is airwaymanagement,spinalimmobilization,initial available, developed by the Society of Critical assessment, multiple trauma intervention, and Care Medicine, is the Fundamentals of Critical splinting. These foundational sessions allow Care Course. This 2-day course is designed for Fig.4. NurseCorpsstaff,CampCoyote,2003. SKILLSETREQUIREMENTSFORNURSES 17 nurses and physicians who are not intensivists in critical care. It offers skills stations, lectures, and guidance for decision making during the initial hoursof management ofcritically ill patients. Assessment ofpersonnel Because providers have different backgrounds andexperience,theyareassessedbythe4thHSB leadershipteamtodeterminehowbesttousetheir skills and to determine who needs training in specificassessmentandskillsets.Thefirstauthor was named the unit’s Director for Nursing Care. He managed the clinical aspects of nursing care. Anotherseniornursemanagedtheadministrative nursingfunctions.TheDirectorforNursingCare divided the nursing personnel into four groups, each containing at least two critical care nurses andcorpsstafftrained inthe Fleet Marine Force or as paramedics. Personnel then were placed in groups based on level of expertise to ensure that no one team had all the expertise. A team leader was identified to orient, train, and manage per- sonnelin patientcare. Thistraining hadto occur Fig.5. Multidisciplinaryrounds,CampCoyote,2003. within a few days of arrival because of the imminent influx of causalities. This team ap- health care professionals who treat patients with proach proved highly successful, because those combat trauma. whohadnotraumaorcriticalcareexperiencefelt supported by being grouped with those who had experience (Fig. 5). Posttraumatic stressdisorder In preparation for the receipt of patients, the Director for Nursing Care and his team leaders PTSD is commonly associated with soldiers provided personnel with refresher training, using plaguedbyhorrificmemoriesofbattle.Itcanalso the TNCC curriculum coupled with the team befoundamongthosewhotreatinjuredsoldiers. leaders’ past experiences. They ‘‘got back to the Experiencing or witnessing a frightening event basics’’ of nursing care. They assembled and that arouses intense feelings of fear, helplessness, tested medical equipment and held classes to orhorrorsetsthestageforPTSD.Thetraumahas discuss the plan of action with the threat of air suchastrongimpactthatthevictimcannotshake orgroundattackandthepossibleuseofchemical the experience and relives the painful emotions or biologic agents. Most personnel had been associated with it. Sudden flashbacks may occur. trained previously, to some extent, to respond to Other symptoms include an exaggerated startle these threats; in the field, however, such threats reflex, sleep disturbances and nightmares, irrita- were compounded by the intense heat and never- bility, angry outbursts, difficulty concentrating, ending sand storms, which created a heightened hallucinations, sexual dysfunction, and an inabil- sense of anxiety. A matter of great concern was itytospeakaboutthetragedy[3].Theaustereen- that many of these individuals had never wit- vironment and extreme weather conditions in nessedtraumaorbeeninareal-timecombatzone. Kuwait contributed to provider stress and anxi- Therefore, discussing possible scenarios was ex- ety, as did the use of equipment that was not as tremely valuable in providing anticipatory guid- sophisticated as that to which staff were accus- ance.Encouragingthestafftotalktoandsupport tomed. Temperatures reached well into the each other also was extremely helpful to them. 110(cid:2)F range, creating concern for personnel Such discussions were key to the prevention of safety. Extreme temperatures also made running posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among simple laboratory tests difficult. Sand storms 18 WHITCOMB&NEWELL ragedwithoutwarning.Discussingthreatsandlis- Expeditionary MedicalFacility Kuwait,2006 tening to staff concerns about the capabilities of In the 3 years between the first and second the equipment, the working environment, and author’sdeployments,theNavy’smedicalsupport theweatherpreparedthemformanyeventualities in the Kuwaiti theater of operations transitioned and helped them cope with anxiety. Staff were from an echelon II to an echelon III facility and encouraged to have open discussions among was relocated from the northern part of the themselves and to support one another, an effec- country to the southern part. Like the Camp tive strategy that was used many times during Coyotefacilityin2003,DetachmentBofExpedi- thisdeployment. tionaryMedicalFacility(EMF)KuwaitinCamp Arifjanin2006wasameltingpotforbothNurse Patientcareandlessons learned Corps officers and Hospital Corps staff. The 40 On April 15, 2003, the 4th HSB began re- nursing staff members assigned to the Inpatient ceivingcasualtiescausedbyheatexposure,explo- Nursing Department deployed from 12 MTFs, sive devices, gunshots, and motor vehicle including ambulatory clinics, small and medium- accidents. The providers at Camp Coyote also sizedcommunityhospitals,andlargetertiary-care were responsible for treating illnesses unique to teachingfacilities.Withinthesefacilities,staffhad the country and for attending to the day-to-day performed various functions and represented medicalneedsofthetroops.Inall,fromApril15 assorted clinical services: administrative, bedside until June 25, the staff treated more than 200 clinician, clinical nurse specialist, and division casualties. It was amazing to see the staff in officer (unit manager). These individuals came action, working as a team, mentoring and sup- from dental,medical/surgical,maternal/child,pe- porting one another day and night. Each in- diatric,emergencyroom,intensivecare,andpost- dividual knew that he or she could call on anesthesiacareenvironments.Althoughfewknew a fellow shipmate in time of need. The formula each otherbeforecoming togetheras afullEMF for success included the staff’s positive, ‘‘can-do’’ detachmentinMarch2006,thediversegroup,like attitudeandtheirstrongnursingeducationinthe the4thHSB,quicklybecameacohesiveunitthat areas of trauma management and critical think- learned to capitalize on one another’s strengths ing. Past experience and key concepts from the (Fig. 6). TNCCandadvancedcardiaclifesupportcourses The first of two waves of medical personnel also prepared the nurses for their wartime arrivedinlateFebruary2006andreceivedturnover experience. informationfromtheoutgoingdetachment.Three Navy Nurse Corps officers led by example. weeks later, the second wave arrived and turned They never asked a lower-ranking officer or over with the remainder of the outgoing detach- enlisted person to do anything they would not ment along with the first wave in the EMF’s do themselves. Selecting the right people for the detachmentdtheir new ‘‘shipmates.’’ With less right job was highly effective, because those with than2weeksoforientationandturnover,thegroup more experience provided education and leader- assumedthereinsofafour-bedcasualty-receiving ship and knew when it was appropriate to in- (CASREC)unit,afour-bedICU,and24medical/ tervene or support other team members. Finally, surgicalbedsthatcouldbeexpandedtoatotalof thenursingleadershipofthe4thHSBplannedfor 44bedsforamass-casualtysituation.Thesecond the worst-case scenarios, and this planning pre- authorwasassignedasheadofthe40staffmembers paredthemtoberesilientandflexiblethroughout and44bedsoftheInpatientNursingDepartment. the deployment. Personnel understood that plans Staffweredividedintofourteams,eachconsisting couldchangeatamoment’snotice.Theterm‘‘day offournursesandfivecorpsstaff.Tocapitalizeon off’’ did not apply. When casualties arrived, nurses’advancedknowledgeandskills,onenurse everyone joinedin to supportthoseon duty. whohademergencyexperienceandonenursewho Lessons learned were that more real-time hadintensivecareexperiencewereassignedtoeach hands-on training would be desirable in future team. Low numbers of ICU patients at the time deployments. Also prior training on the equip- provided an opportunity for the staff to expand ment to be used in the field, along with gaining theirknowledgeandskillsbyrotatingbetweenthe experience at civilian trauma centers, would three clinical areas. Teams spent 2 weeks on the greatly benefit those who had never treated wardand2weeksinCASREC.Theythenreturned atrauma patient. tothewardfor2weeks,afterwhichtheyworkedin SKILLSETREQUIREMENTSFORNURSES 19 Fig.6. CasualtyReceiving,USMilitaryHospital,Kuwait,2006. theICUfor2weeks.Iftherewerenopatientsinthe Initially,toprovideanopportunityforallstaffto ICU, the nurse would cross-train in the post- learn a little bit about each other, brief self- anesthesiacareunitortheoperatingroomorwould introductions were made at a staff meeting. This serveasanadditionalnurseinCASRECoronthe author and her senior enlisted leader then met ward,asneeded.Ancillaryservicesincludedlabo- individually with each of the staff members to ratory, pharmacy, and radiology. Medical and learn more about their personal and clinical dental specialties available during the 6-month backgrounds, strengths, and goals for the rotation included anesthesia, general surgery, 6-month deployment. She then developed and gynecology,orthopedics,internalmedicine,cardi- conductedaneducationalneedsassessmentbased ology,gastroenterology,infectiousdisease,pulmo- on the current and future conditions for the nology, pediatrics, psychiatry, dentistry, and oral expected patient population. surgery. Gastroenterologists, infectious disease To assess the educational needs of the staff specialists, and pediatricians were deployed as properly, it was important to determine the general internists, but their respective specialty expected patient population for the next 6 skillsprovedtobequiteuseful. months. A review of the admission International As noted in Fig. 7, the main hospital building ClassificationofDiseases(edition9)codesforthe consisted of five interconnecting sets of modular prior months of February and March revealed tentsplacedparalleltooneanother.Onemainper- that chest pain, appendicitis/status-post appen- pendicularpassagewaythroughthecenterofeach dectomy, hernia/status-post hernia repair, and tentconnectedneighboringtentswithoneanother. cellulitis were the top four admission diagnoses. Additional tents housed administration, commu- Realizing that the knowledge and skill levels of nications,supplies,thearmory,andoperations. thestaffwerevariedandthattherewasapotential forreceivinghigh-acuitypatients,sheassessedthe need for staff training to care for these possible high-volume or high-risk diagnoses. She also Assessment ofpersonnel assessed equipment-training needs for these The second author rapidly realized that an higher-acuity conditions. assessment of the knowledge and skill of the Areviewoftheresultsfromastaffeducational recently arrived new personnel was required. needs survey revealed that they had little to no This assessment was accomplished in three ways. knowledgeorexperiencecaringforcriticallyillor 20 WHITCOMB&NEWELL Fig.7. ExpeditionaryMedicalFacility,Kuwait,2006. critically injured patients or in using the equip- herniarepair,andventilatorconcepts(eg,modes, ment seen in a fleet hospital ICU. Working with settings, weaning). Incidentally, the Alaris Med- a fellow clinical nurse specialist, a training plan System III infusionpumpis the onlyintravenous was developed that included a combination of infusion pump authorized for use in the military hour-long continuing education lectures, 10- to aeromedical evacuation system, but few Navy 15-minute in-services, skills laboratories, and MTFs use this particular model as the primary a plan to perform an educational needs postas- pump for intravenous fluid infusion; therefore, sessment toward the end of the 6-month deploy- in-services on this piece of equipment were ment. On average, one nursing continuing needed. As stated previously, cellulitis and her- education lecture and one or two in-services nia/status-post hernia repair were two of the top were scheduled each week, in addition to a total three admission diagnoses during February and of six skills laboratories specifically targeting the March,andthistrendcontinuedthroughSeptem- topics with the lowest mean knowledge and/or ber.Therefore,theincreaseinknowledgedirectly experience scores. reflects the experience acquired with this patient Several months later, the same educational population during this deployment. Although needssurveywasredistributedforpostassessment the EMF only had one patient who required me- purposes. A review of the results revealed the chanical ventilation, this was the topic of one of itemswiththelowestincreaseinknowledgefrom the continuing education lectures provided by the pre- to the postassessment were care of the the pulmonologist, who also was certified as an patientincardiorespiratoryarrestandcareofthe intensivist. pulmonary/respiratorypatient,probablybecause, Items with the lowest increase in experience throughout the 6-month deployment, only one from the pre- to the postassessment were intuba- patient required cardiopulmonary resuscitation, tion/extubation assistance and cardioversion. and only a few had reactive airway disease or Throughout thedeployment,onlyonepatient re- pneumonia. Items with the highest increase in quiredintubation.Becauseitwasexpectedthatthe knowledge from the pre- to the post-assessment staffwouldcareforpatientsrequiringintubation/ were use of the Alaris MedSystem III infusion extubation,however,traumaairwaymanagement pump (Cardinal Health, Dublin, Ohio), cellulitis, wasoneofthecontinuingeducationlecturespro- careofthepatientwithwounds,hernias/status-post videdbyoneoftheEMF’snurseanesthetists. SKILLSETREQUIREMENTSFORNURSES 21 Items with the highest increase in experience ofthenursesshouldbecertifiedinbothadvanced from the pre- to the postassessment were hernia/ cardiac life support and TNCC. Because of the status-post hernia repair, use of the Welch Allyn operational tempo and the determination to de- Propaq Monitor (Welch Allyn, Beaverton, Ore- ploy everyone once before any one person was gon),nephrolithiasis,andcareofthepostoperative required to return for a second deployment, patient. Because of its portability and air-worthi- recommendations regarding clinical experience ness(ie,itscapabilitytofunctionduringairtrans- could not always be met. In this case, any port), the Welch Allyn Propaq Monitor is the exposure to medical, surgical, mental health, cardiacmonitoringsystemfoundinthefleethospi- intensive care, or emergency nursing that can be talsystem.TheEMFuseditintheICUandduring obtained beforedeployment is beneficial. ground and aeromedical evacuation. Because of the absence of a central monitoring system, and in lieu of telemetry monitoring, it also was used Summary on the ward for patients requiring cardiac moni- toring. Like the Alaris MedSystem III, few Navy The authors, in describing their respective MTFsusethisequipmentastheprimarymodeof experiences in Kuwait, have shown that recogni- cardiacmonitoring.Althoughdataareunavailable tion of required skills and appropriate education at this time regarding the number of patients ad- provided before deployment is vital to the suc- mitted with nephrolithiasis, it is estimated that cessful operation of echelon II and III medical two to four patients per month were admitted facilities. In addition, they demonstrate that the withthisdiagnosis.Aswithchangesinknowledge, experience gained and the training provided changesinexperiencedirectlyreflectedthepatient during deployment are essential for optimal out- populationservedduringthedeployment. comes in current and future missions. Because of Some would view this 6-month experience as changes in stability of the area, a better geo- agroupofindividualsintherightplaceattheright graphic location within Kuwait, a less-acute time;otherswouldviewthissamegroupasbeingin patient load in general, and improved medical thewrongplaceatthewrongtime.Asitturnsout, equipment in the Kuwaiti theater of operations, theaveragepatientcaredforbyDetachmentBof the 2006 mission was able to assess needs EMF Kuwait was low acuity, primarily because systematically, provide formal training, and eval- thelocationwastoofarawayfromthe‘‘front-line’’ uate the success or failure of that training more toreceivecombatcasualties.ThislevelIIIfacility easily than could their colleagues from earlier in southern Kuwait provided garrison-level care deployments. but also was a receiving facility for patients Despite their different circumstances, the au- requiring specialty services from throughout the thors took advantage of every possible opportu- Persian Gulf region. This low-acuity population nity to prepare, train, and support their staff wasnotthecaseforDetachmentB’spredecessorsd membersbyexpandingtheirknowledgeandskills Detachment Ador successorsdDetachment Cd toprovidethebestpossiblecaretothosewarriors who experienced at least one mass-casualty event entrusted totheir carewhile stillin theater. ofhigher-acuitypatientsduringeachdeployment. A forward-deployed level III facility, such as Acknowledgments this EMF, would expect to care for more and higher-acuity patients than the second author’s TheauthorswishtoacknowledgeJuneBrock- detachment did during this particular 6-month man, Medical Editor, Naval Medical Center, deployment. Portsmouth, Virginia, for her contributions in Ideally, in planning for the staffing of these thepreparationofthisarticle.CDRNewellwould facilities,25%oftheinpatientnursingdepartment like to acknowledge and thank CAPT Kriste staff should have at least 1 year of emergency Grau,NC,USNandallthenursesandcorpsmen nursing experience, 25% should have at least of the Inpatient Nursing Department who em- 1 year of ICU experience, and the remaining braced coming together in an austere environ- 50% should have a combination of medical, ment, who never backed down from a challenge, surgical, and/or psychiatric experience. Because and who made the deployment as enjoyable as it staff are rotated through all clinical areas, and was. Finally, they both thank their spouses and because a primary responsibility of Navy Nurse families for their unwavering support during the Corpsofficersistotraincorpsstaff,atleast75% deployments.