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Preview DTIC ADA519013: Characterization of Bulk GaN Crystals Grown From Solution at Near Atmospheric Pressure

ARTICLE IN PRESS JournalofCrystalGrowth](]]]])]]]–]]] ContentslistsavailableatScienceDirect Journal of Crystal Growth journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jcrysgro Characterization of bulk GaN crystals grown from solution at near atmospheric pressure N.Y. Garcesa,n, B.N. Feigelsona, J.A. Freitas Jra, Jihyun Kimb, R.L. Myers-Warda, E.R. Glasera aNavalResearchLaboratory,Codes6877,6882,Washington,DC20375,UnitedStates bDepartmentofChemicalandBiologicalEngineering,KoreaUniversity,Seoul,Korea a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t ThepropertiesofGaNcrystalsgrownfromsolutionattemperaturesrangingfrom780to8101Cand Keywords: near atmospheric pressure (cid:2)0.14MPa, have been investigated using low temperature X-band A1.Characterization ((cid:2)9.5GHz) electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy, photolumi- B1.Nitrides nescensespectroscopy,andphotoluminescenceimaging.Oursamplesarespontaneouslynucleatedthin B2.SemiconductingIII–Vmaterials plateletsofapproximatedimensionsof2(cid:3)2(cid:3)0.025mm3,orsamplesgrownonbothpolycrystalline andsinglecrystalHVPElarge-area((cid:2)3(cid:3)8(cid:3)0.5mm3)seeds.Electronparamagneticresonancespectra consistsofasingleLorentzianlinewithaxialsymmetryaboutthec-axis,withapproximateg-values, gJ¼1.951andg?¼1.948andapeak-to-peaklinewidthof(cid:2)4.0G.Thisresonancehasbeenpreviously assigned to shallow impurity donors/conduction electrons in GaN and attributed to Si- and/or O impurities.RoomtemperaturephotoluminescenceandphotoluminescenceimagingdatafrombothGa- andN-facesshowdifferentdominantemissionbands,suggestingdifferentincorporationofimpurities and/or native defects. Raman scattering and X-ray diffraction show moderate to good crystalline quality. &2010ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. 1. Introduction for the symmetrical and asymmetrical peaks, respectively, have beenrealized. GaNcontinuestobeoneofthemostattractiveandimportant Typical growth rates for the ammonothermal method are wide-band-gapsemiconductormaterialsystems.Itsmultitudeof (cid:2)20–30mm/day, thus requiring several weeks to grow larger applications in electronics, optoelectronics, and new develop- crystals and multiple reactors to satisfy a steady demand for mentsinepitaxialandbulkcrystalgrowthtechniquesaretopics substrates. Initially, the crystals were grown on foreign sub- of on-going research. Depending on the growth method, GaN strates,butthatnecessityisnolongerrequiredandthegrowthis crystals contain different levels of impurities and structural currently done on ammono seeds [2]. One of the most common defects governing its optical and electronic properties. The andsuccessfulapproachestoGaNcrystalgrowthtodateisbythe availabilityofhigh-qualitylarge-areafree-standingsubstratesat hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) technique. This quasi-bulk lowcostisessentialfortheGaNindustrialprogress.Inparticular, method allows growth of thick GaN films on foreign substrates for high efficiency light emitting diodes (LEDs) and green laser such as sapphire or GaAs with growth rates as high as a few applications, high-quality substrates with controlled opto- hundred microns per hour. Current large-area free-standing electronic properties are needed. Great progress has been substrates have dislocation densities in the low to mid achieved in the growth of large bulk c-plane GaN substrates by 106cm(cid:4)2 [3]. However, HVPE GaN often has undesirable levels the ammonothermal method, with crystal sizes in the 1–2in of residual donor impurities that lead to high net free carrier diameter range and thicknesses up to (cid:2)14mm, and a rela- concentrationsintheorderof1017–1018electrons/cm(cid:4)3,render- tively small concentration of threading-dislocation densities ing the substrates n-type, suitable only for certain applications. ((cid:2)104cm(cid:4)2) [1]. In addition, these substrates show excellent Another approach to bulk GaN crystal growth is by the high- crystalline quality where very narrow X-ray rocking curves and pressure/high-temperature solution method [4]. The crystals fullwidthathalfmaximum(FWHM)valuesof (cid:2)16and18arcsec obtained by this technique have extremely low dislocation densities((cid:2)102cm(cid:4)2)andhighlyuniformelectricalconductivity. However, due to the low solubility of N in the liquid Ga metal, only crystals of (cid:2)0.045cm2 area are obtained. To mitigate this nCorrespondingauthor.Fax:+12027671165. problem, large-area, 1–2in diameter HVPE substrates are being E-mailaddresses:[email protected](N.Y.Garces), [email protected](J.Kim). usedasseedsforhigh-pressuregrowth.Thecrystalscanbegrown 0022-0248/$-seefrontmatter&2010ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.04.012 Pleasecitethisarticleas:N.Y.Garcesetal.,J.CrystalGrowth(2010),doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.04.012 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2010 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2010 to 00-00-2010 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Characterization of bulk GaN crystals grown from solution at near 5b. GRANT NUMBER atmospheric pressure 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Research Laboratory,Codes 6877, 6882,Washington,DC,20375 REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT see report 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 6 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 ARTICLE IN PRESS 2 N.Y.Garcesetal./JournalofCrystalGrowth](]]]])]]]–]]] ononeorbothsidesoftheseedsandsubsequentlyremovedfrom ThemorphologyoftheGaNplateletswasmonitoredbyroom it by polishing or sawing to obtain free-standing, highly temperature real color imaging. As excitation sources, we used conductiveGaNsubstratesforlaserapplications[5]. the focused 325nm laser beam of a HeCd laser with an 10– Inthisarticle,wereportonastudyoftheopticalandelectrical 15mW incident power and spot size r100mm, and the white properties of GaN crystals grown by the near atmospheric light output of the microscope lamp. The images were collected pressure solution growth technique [6]. We used electron withaCCDcameracoupledtoanOlympusinvertedmicroscope. paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, micro-Raman spec- Datacollectionwasperformedonthetwoarbitrary-labeled(due troscopy, photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, and PL-imaging to lack of exact knowledge of the Ga and N faces) ‘‘front’’ of the to characterize free-standing unintentionally doped single crys- sample and ‘‘back’’ of the sample surfaces using different filters tals.SinglecrystalX-raydiffraction(XRD)andsecondaryionmass andexposuretimes.Carewastakentooptimizethecollectionof spectroscopy (SIMS) results on arbitrarily selected samples from theemissioncomingfromtheprimarysurfacesandnotsomuch the same growth batch are also included to complement our from the secondary ‘‘parasitic’’ surfaces. All the characterization characterizationeffort. datawerecollectedforsamplesintheas-grownstatewithoutany furtherpolishingorsurfaceconditioning. SIMSdepthprofilingperformedatEvansAnalyticalGroupwas used to determine the presence of impurities and their concen- 2. Experimental trationlevelsinoursamples.Inparticular,depthprofilesforSi,O, H,C,andLiwereobtainedfromonesurfaceofaGaNcrystal. Single crystal GaN samples were grown using a solution techniquethatemploysvariationsofamulti-componentsolvent todissolvetheGaNsource.Thesamplesweregrownnear8001C 3. Resultsanddiscussion and at pressureso0.2MPa.A detaileddescription of thegrowth processisgiveninRef.[6]andreferencestherein.Unintentionally 3.1. XRDandRamanscattering doped, seeded, and spontaneously nucleated single crystals of various sizes and thicknesses were obtained with this growth The crystalline quality of the GaN crystal was determined method. usingo-rockingcurvesofthesymmetric(002)andasymmetric Both free-standing (FS) spontaneously nucleated and seeded (102)reflections,wheretheFWHMwere (cid:2)214and212arcsec, samples were studied, while only results for the spontaneously respectively. While this crystal had grain boundaries, giving the nucleated samples will be presented here. Characterization was widerFWHMvalues,othercrystalswhichhadbeengrownareofa performed on a selection of bulk GaN platelets ranging in sizes single grain. Note that the XRD data presented here are from a from 4 to 6mm2 in area and 0.025–0.04mm in thickness. EPR randomly selected crystal from a particular growth run, which dataweretakenat10KinaBrukerEMXspectrometeroperating does not represent the best grown material. Measurements on near 9.5GHz (X-band) equipped with a liquid helium gas flow different specimens from very similar growth runs occasionally system for temperature control. The samples were placed in a produceoutstandingFWHMrockingcurvevaluesof16arcsec[6]. quartzholderandinsertedinarectangularcavityoperatinginthe Ramanback-scatteringdatawerecollectedatroomtempera- TE mode.Agoniometerattachedtotheholderallowedprecise 102 tureusingaz(x,xy)(cid:4)zlightpolarizationgeometry.Measurements angular rotation of the samples with respect to the external were performed on the front and back of the FS samples and in magnetic field. A standard DPPH sample was used to correct for severalpositionsacrossthesampletoprobetheoverallcrystalline thedifferenceinmagneticfieldbetweentheGaNsampleandthe quality and uniformity. The circled areas of Fig. 1a,b show the gaussmeter probe (the isotropic g-value of DPPH is 2.0035). A positions for the front and back surfaces where the laser was P-dopedSisamplewasusedasastandardtoobtainanestimateof focused.Theresulting first-order Ramanspectrafor theselected thedensityofspinsassociatedwiththeEPRsignals. polarizationofincidentandscatteredlightarerepresentedinthe The crystalline quality and residual strain of the FS GaN twoplotsofFig.2asasolidline(samplefront),anddashedline samples were probed by X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering (sample back). Within a factor of (cid:2)2 difference in intensity,the (RS) spectroscopy. A PANalytical X’Pert Pro X-ray diffraction resultsforbothsurfacesareidentical.Weobservethreeallowed (XRD) system was used to determine the full width at half optical phonon modes with Raman shifts at A (TO)¼526cm(cid:4)1, 1 maximum (FWHM) from X-ray rocking curves of the symmetric E2¼564cm(cid:4)1, and A (LO)¼730cm(cid:4)1. The phonon line labeled 2 1 (002)andasymmetric(102)reflections.TheXRDsystemuseda Si(TO/LO)¼519cm(cid:4)1, arises from the underlying Si substrate CuKa radiationsourceandabeamsizeof0.5mm(cid:3)0.5mmwas 1 usedtomounttheGaNsamples.TheGaNphononlinepositions employed. RS was performed at room temperature with the appearslightlyshifted.Thiscouldbeattributedinpart,totheuse 532nm line of a doubled Nd:YAG laser with a spot sizer1mm of a multimodal solid state laser for the measurements. In the and detected with a micro-Raman spectrometer comprised of a future, we plan to carry out these measurements using a single microscope coupled to an Acton spectrometer equipped with a modelaser.WenotethatforGaN,eightopticalphononmodesare liquidnitrogencooledCCDcamera. predicted,1A (TO),1A (LO),2B ,1E (TO),1E (LO),and2E ,allof 1 1 1 1 1 2 Roomandlowtemperaturehigh-resolutionPLtechniquewas whichhavebeenobservedwithRS,withtheexceptionofthe2B 1 used to investigate the optical properties of the GaN crystals. modeswhichareopticallyinactive[7–9].Thepeakpositionsand For the low temperature measurements ((cid:2)5K), the samples intense sharp lines indicate good local crystalline quality and were placed in a continuous flow He cryostat with temperature stress-free crystals, and the 1A (LO) phonon lineshape is 1 variationcapabilitybetween1.5and300K.Theluminescencewas consistentwithalowfreecarrierconcentration. excited with the 325nm wavelength of a He–Cd laser with an incident power between 0.7 and 0.8mW. Neutral density filters wereusedtomaintaintheincidentpowerwithindesiredlimitsto 3.2. EPR avoidheatingofthesamples.Theemittedlightwasdispersedby an 1800groves/mm 0.85-m double-grating spectrometer and EPRisanondestructivetechniquewidelyusedtocharacterize detected by a UV-sensitive GaAs photomultiplier coupled to a pointdefectsinbulkcrystalsaswellasthinfilmsemiconductors. computer-controlledphotoncountersystem. Itreliesonthepresenceofunpairedspinswhoseenergylevelsare Pleasecitethisarticleas:N.Y.Garcesetal.,J.CrystalGrowth(2010),doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.04.012 ARTICLE IN PRESS N.Y.Garcesetal./JournalofCrystalGrowth](]]]])]]]–]]] 3 Fig.3. ShallowdonorsEPRspectrumofanas-grownGaN.Datatakeninthedark at10K,withtheexternalmagneticfieldBalongthe[0001]axisofthecrystal. split by applied external magnetic fields. Appropriate frequency perturbations will then drive the resonant transitions between these energy levels. A representative EPR spectrum from one of our as-grown GaN samples is shown in Fig. 3. This data were taken in the dark at 10K with the external magnetic field B paralleltothec-axisofthecrystal.Thespectrumischaracterized by a single Lorentzian resonance line with a peak-to-peak linewidthDBE4.0Gauss and a slight anisotropyinthe g-tensor with g ¼1.951 and g ¼1.948 as obtained for rotations of the J ? crystal with respect to the external magnetic field from BJ [0001] to B?[0001]. This resonance line was assigned previously to shallow donors/conduction band electrons and attributed to Si and/or O impurities [10,11]. To the best of our knowledge,thisisthefirstEPRobservationofthisshallowdonor signal in bulk GaN crystals grown from solution at near Fig.1. (a)Frontand(b)backsurfacemicrographsofaGaNsampleprobedbyRS. atmospheric pressure. Both Si and O can act as effective-mass Thecircledareasshowthepositionswherethe1mmdiameterlaserbeamwas focused.Inthebackside,thelaserwasfocusedina‘‘pit’’. shallowdonorsinGaNwhenSioccupiestheGasitesand/orOthe Nsites.Mooreetal.[12]arguedinfavoroftheshallowcharacter of O impurities in GaN. Conclusive identification of the shallow donors was obtained from high-resolution photoluminescence studies of undoped and Si-doped films deposited by OMCVD on HVPE-GaN,where a sharp increaseon thehigh-energyregion of the neutral donor-bound exciton in the Si-doped films was observed [13]. From the EPR standpoint alone, and due to the hydrogenic-likenatureofthedonors,itisnotpossibletodiscern contributions from different shallow donors in the absence of resolvednuclearhyperfineinteraction. Finally, integration of the uncompensated GaN donor EPR signal intensity and comparison with a well-calibrated Si:P standardgivesanapproximateconcentration(cid:2)N –N ¼3.8(cid:3)1015 D A cm(cid:4)3(750%). 3.3. PL RoomtemperaturePLspectraintheregionfrom1.6to3.6eV areshowninFig.4. ThePLwasobtainedfromthefront,Fig.4a, andback,Fig.4bofthesample.ThefrontPLconsistsofarelatively sharp near band edge emission (NBE) line near 3.41eV with a FWHM(cid:2)90meV, a very weak free-to-bound band near 3.25eV, and a dominant feature peaking near 2.45eV with a FWHM of almost 400meV. The photoluminescense band around 3.25eV Fig.2. Roomtemperaturefirst-orderRamanspectraoffree-standingGaNsample. (seehigh-resolutionPLinsetofFig.4fordetails)isconsistentwith Pleasecitethisarticleas:N.Y.Garcesetal.,J.CrystalGrowth(2010),doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.04.012 ARTICLE IN PRESS 4 N.Y.Garcesetal./JournalofCrystalGrowth](]]]])]]]–]]] Fig.4. RoomtemperaturePLspectruminthe1.6–3.6eVspectralregion.Frontside (a),backside(b).Insetshowshighresolutionspectrumoffrontsideinthespectral region3.1–3.6eV.Axisunitsforinsetarethesameasformainfigure. recombination processes involving electrons in the conduction band with holes bound to unidentified neutral shallow acceptor(s). A broad acceptor band at (cid:2)3.27eV attributed to a recombinationbetweenshallowdonorsandshallowMgacceptors has been observed in Mg-doped GaN epitaxial layers [14,15]. However, we do not expect Mg contamination from our growth method. The PL spectrum of the backside of the sample is dominated by the emission peaking near 3.25eV; it is a broad band with some periodic features (discussed later), with FWHM larger than 300meV. A much less pronounced ‘‘green’’ emission bandat2.45eVisalsoseen.Previousinvestigatorssuggestedthat this green emission is intrinsic to the bulk of the material and assignedittoGavacancies,orGa-vacancy-relatedcomplexes[16]. Itisinterestingtonotethatthe3.41eVNBEbandisnotseenin the PL spectrum of the sample’s backside, whereas the free-to- bound emission band peaking near 3.25eV is much stronger comparedtothatofthefrontside.Whenlargersamplesbecome Fig. 5. (a) Low resolution PL spectrum (5K) taken from the front side of GaN available,wewillperformadditionalexperimentstoidentifythe sampleC92.Lowincidentlaserpowerdensitywasusedtoavoidheatingofthe sample.(b)HighresolutionPLspectrum(5K)takenfromthebackside.Notethe chemicalnatureoftheacceptor(s). The low temperature PL (5K) results are shown in Fig. 5a,b. largerratioofA0XA/D0XA. The spectrum obtained for the front of the sample in the region from 1.9 to 3.6eV (with minor intensity variations, the low donor-bound exciton (D0X ) at (cid:2)3.473eV, and an unknown A temperaturePLspectrumfromthebacksideinthesamespectral acceptorbound exciton (A0X ) at (cid:2)3.463eV, as wellas thefirst A regionissimilar)ischaracterizedbyanintenseNBEemissionline phonon replica 1LO-A0X of the acceptor near 3.376eV. A at (cid:2)3.47eVanditsphononreplica(labeled1LO-NBE)at3.37eV. Comparison of spectra from the back and front of the sample Thisbandhaspreviouslybeenassociatedwiththeannihilationof (notshown)intheNBEregion,indicatedifferentdonor/acceptor free and bound excitons [17]. Also seen is the shallow donor/ incorporation rates, as evidenced by the intensity ratios of shallowacceptorpair(DAP)bandwithzerophononline(ZPL)at A0X /D0X PLlines.IthasbeenreportedthatthePLspectrumof A A 3.26eVandphononreplicasdenotedby1LO-DAP,2LO-DAP,and theGa-faceofHVPEsamplesshowsharppeaksinthe3.28–3.5eV 3LO-DAP separated by (cid:2)92meV, which is the energy of the spectral region, whereas the spectra from the N-face is nearly A (LO)phonon.ThisDAPbandhasbeenpreviouslyassignedtothe featurelessduetosurfacedamage[19].Aftersurfacetreatments, 1 recombination of electrons in the shallow neutral donors with thelowtemperaturePLspectrumfromtheN-faceapproachedto holesintheshallowneutralacceptors[18].Therefore,thefeatures thatoftheGa-face[19].Theseresultsareingoodagreementwith observedinFig.4bwithlinepositionsat3.092and3.165eV,and ourlow-temperaturePLobservations. denotedbyarrows,arenottobeconfusedwithphononreplicasof Real-color PL imaging at 300K of the front side of the GaN the main line with a maximum at (cid:2)3.25eV. The separation sampleC92isshowninFig.6a,b.Fig.6arepresentsthereal-color betweenconsecutivelinesis 85and73meV,respectively.These (RGB) image and 6b is the fundamental contribution of the resultsareclearlydifferentfromtheexpectedenergyseparation dominant green emission. These results confirm what was ofDAPphononreplicas.HighresolutionPLfromthebackofthe previously seen in the RT PL. In particular, the front side sample (similar results are obtained from the front) in the NBE emission has a dominant band peaking near 2.45eV (green) region is shown in Fig. 5b. It confirms the presence of a sharp with a relatively strong red contribution and a weaker blue Pleasecitethisarticleas:N.Y.Garcesetal.,J.CrystalGrowth(2010),doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.04.012 ARTICLE IN PRESS N.Y.Garcesetal./JournalofCrystalGrowth](]]]])]]]–]]] 5 emission. The images show different crystal growth sectors that manifestasaseriesofparallellinesof‘‘bright’’and‘‘dark’’areas with approximate equal periodicity. Two groups of lines intersecting at 120 degrees (superimposed hexagon in Fig. 6a,b isaguidetotheeyetoillustratethe1201angle)appeartobein different crystal domains with a clear boundary between them. A very similar effect was observed in high-pressure high- temperature grown synthetic diamond, where a deliberate variation of the growth temperature by approximately 31C and an oscillation period of 22.3min, produced areas of the crystal, calledgrowthzoning,withequallyspacedbrightanddarkparallel lines[20].Theseauthorssuggestedthatthezoningwastheresult of microfluctuations of impurity concentrations in the crystal structure.Wenotethatinnaturallyoccurringdiamonds,thevery same periodicgrowth zoningis observed, and theconcentration of defects varies from zone to zone [21,22]. The color and intensitydistributionthroughoutoursample’ssurfaceisnotvery uniform,andmanyareasofbrightanddarkspotsareobserved.In particular, the boundary region between intersecting planes in Fig. 6a,b, shows a drastic decrease in intensity, with the lower group of lines being more intense than the upper group. Also, randomly distributed ‘‘pits’’ throughout the surface show Fig.6. Real-color(RGB)PLimagingofthefrontsideofGaNsampleC92.(a)RGBPL imaging, (b) fundamental contribution of dominant green emission, and (c)panchromaticimagetakenwithmicroscopelightillumination.(Forinterpreta- tionofthereferencestocolorinthisfigurelegend,thereaderisreferredtothe webversionofthisarticle.) Fig.7. BacksideRGBPL(a)andpanchromatic(b)micrographs. Pleasecitethisarticleas:N.Y.Garcesetal.,J.CrystalGrowth(2010),doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.04.012 ARTICLE IN PRESS 6 N.Y.Garcesetal./JournalofCrystalGrowth](]]]])]]]–]]] AnotherpossibilityisthatCandHareresidualbackgroundimpurities intheSIMSchamber. 4. Summary Wehavepresentedopticalandmagneticresonanceresultson bulk free-standing GaN single crystals grown from solution. RS indicates good local crystalline quality and stress-free crystals, and the (LO) phonon lineshape is consistent with reduced free carrier concentration. Low temperature EPR indicates that the samples have very low concentrations of shallow donors and compensatingshallowacceptors.HighresolutionPLspectrainthe NBEregionshowamoreintenseA0X linecomparedtotheD0X A A line. This observation suggests a preferential incorporation of shallow acceptors in some regions of the sample. The sample’s luminescenceimagingischaracterizedbytwodominantemission bands, one ‘‘green’’ coming from the front side, and one ‘‘blue’’ coming from the back side. Well-defined growth zones are observedaswell,especiallyonthefrontsideofthesamples.This Fig.8. SIMSdepthprofilemeasuredatthefrontsideofGaNsampleC92.Lihasthe largestconcentration,whereasOandSiarewithindetectionlimits. zoning is thought to be due to temperature fluctuations during crystalgrowthandtheconcentrationofincorporatedimpuritiesis brighter emissions than the primary surface. The panchromatic expected to vary withinthe zones. Note that notall thecrystals image taken with microscope light illumination is shown in havethe‘‘zoning’’describedabove.Ourcrystals,thoughsmallat Fig. 6c. It clearly shows an abundance of ‘‘pits’’ and other present, suggest that solution growth is a viable alternative to macroscopic defects on the surface of the sample, as well as produce bulk GaN crystals with good optical properties and areas of secondary ‘‘parasitic’’ growth. 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Pleasecitethisarticleas:N.Y.Garcesetal.,J.CrystalGrowth(2010),doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.04.012

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