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Form Approved REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing this collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports (0704-0188), 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS. 1. REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY) 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) 21-01-2010 Doctoral Thesis 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Charging Effects on Fluid Stream Droplets for Momentum Exchange Between 5b. GRANT NUMBER Spacecraft 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER Thomas B. Joslyn (University of Colorado) 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 50260542 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER AANirD F AoDrcDeR REeSsSe(aErSc)h Laboratory (AFMC) AFRL/RZSA AFRL-RZ-ED-TP-2010-027 10 E. Saturn Blvd. Edwards AFB CA 93524-7680 9. SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) Air Force Research Laboratory (AFMC) AFRL/RZS 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S 5 Pollux Drive NUMBER(S) Edwards AFB CA 93524-7048 AFRL-RZ-ED-TP-2010-027 12. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited (PA #10048). 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES For submission to the Graduate Faculty of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, CO. 14. ABSTRACT This dissertation presents the results of research on a novel satellite propulsion concept that relies on the constant transfer of momentum through projection of silicon oil droplet streams through space. The system is primarily applicable to satellites flying side-by-side in formation that require a constant distance between them in order to conduct certain missions such as interferometric synthetic aperture radar observations. Rational for selection of the silicone oil DC705 as the best working fluid is presented. Droplet size, velocity, and spacing needed for station keeping of various satellite mass and separation distance combinations is evaluated. Droplet streams of diameters demonstrated in this study and speeds demonstrated in past research can satisfy propulsion needs of reasonably sized satellites in any earth orbit with at least a kilometer of separation. A continuous droplet stream system requires an order of magnitude less mass than comparable electric propulsion systems and two orders of magnitude less power. The focus of this study is droplet charging in space due to various mechanisms associated with ambient plasma and photoemissions. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES PERSON Dr. Andrew Ketsdever a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER SAR 196 (include area code) Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified N/A Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239.18 CHARGING EFFECTS ON FLUID STREAM DROPLETS FOR MOMENTUM EXCHANGE BETWEEN SPACECRAFT by THOMAS B. JOSLYN A dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctorate in Philosophy Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 2009 ii Copyright 2009, Thomas B. Joslyn. All Rights Reserved. iii This dissertation for Doctorate of Philosophy degree by Thomas B. Joslyn has been approved for the department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering by __________________________ Andrew Ketsdever, Chair __________________________ Scott Trimbolli __________________________ James Stevens __________________________ Linda Krause __________________________ Steven Tragesser _____________ Date iv Abstract This dissertation presents the results of research on a novel satellite propulsion concept that relies on the constant transfer of momentum through projection of silicon oil droplet streams through space. The system is primarily applicable to satellites flying side-by-side in formation that require a constant distance between them in order to conduct certain missions such as interferometric synthetic aperture radar observations. Rational for selection of the silicone oil DC705 as the best working fluid is presented. Droplet size, velocity, and spacing needed for station keeping of various satellite mass and separation distance combinations is evaluated. Droplet streams of diameters demonstrated in this study and speeds demonstrated in past research can satisfy propulsion needs of reasonably sized satellites in any earth orbit with at least a kilometer of separation. A continuous droplet stream system requires an order of magnitude less mass than comparable electric propulsion systems and two orders of magnitude less power. The focus of this study is droplet charging in space due to various mechanisms associated with ambient plasma and photoemissions. Droplet charging is modeled analytically and numerically, primarily with the in-space material charging software called NASCAP. Predicted low earth orbit (LEO) charging is less than a few volts relative to the ambient plasma. Droplets in GEO charge slightly positive in the sun and slightly negative in eclipse during nominal geomagnetic conditions. During high geomagnetic activity, droplets in GEO reach several kilovolts negative potential, which is sufficient to induce Coulomb break-up. Eclipsed polar orbiting droplets reach negative charge potentials of -26V. Lorentz forces will impair droplet collection in the GEO and polar environments but can be mitigated by producing larger droplets and using faster transit speeds between satellites. A numerical model was developed to simulate droplet stream dispersion caused by electric fields acting between charged droplets. This dispersion can be abated substantially by increasing droplet spacing, which is possible using solenoid valve technology evaluated in laboratory testing. Laboratory charging of DC705 using an extreme ultraviolet lamp in vacuum was conducted. Droplet charge potentials measured in more than 200 experiments were within 4% of NASCAP photoemission simulation predictions. This close correlation indicates that the DC705 material properties determined in this study and the NASCAP algorithm are appropriate for prediction of photoemission charging of DC705. v Acknowledgements Credit for devising the concept of using fluid stream propulsion to maintain a set distance between side-by-side formation satellites belongs to two individuals at the University of Colorado. Dr. Steve Tragesser realized the need for such a propulsion system and Dr. Andrew Ketsdever realized that momentum transfer with fluid streams could satisfy that need. Many individuals contributed to my pursuit of identifying and then analyzing the challenges associated with this topic. My advisor Dr. Andrew Ketsdever provided guidance and instruction every step of the way, with both this topic and a previous one that proved to be a dead end. Taylor Lilly has also provided technical support and advice with both topics and helped troubleshoot problems from computer code to vacuum chamber components. Dr. Linda Krause of the Physics Department at the U.S. Air Force Academy was very helpful with charge modeling and learning to use NASCAP. Dr. Victoria Davis at SAIC was also helpful in understanding the capabilities, limitations and intricacies of NASCAP. Several research assistants have also helped me at various times: Jeff Atkinson with droplet generation, Jordan Olliges with Labview and with my previous topic, Barry Cornell with vacuum chamber operation, Sean Hammerlan with high-speed camera operation, and Shawn Laabs with Thermal Desktop. Ron Wilkinson, Calvin Roberts and Steve Jernigan provided the advice and skill needed to build and operate dozens of components and instruments for various experiments. My work was supported by two organizations within the Air Force: The Astronautics Department at the Air Force Academy sponsored my PhD slot and I am very grateful to General (ret.) Mike DeLorenzo and Col Martin France who allowed me the opportunity to pursue it. Air Force Research Lab (Propulsion Directorate: Advanced Concepts Division) provided funding for the equipment and materials needed to carry out experimentation in this study. My deepest debt of gratitude is to my family, especially my two sons, Ben and Taylor, who have sacrificed countless irreplaceable hours of quality time with Dad and endured many boring weekend hours in the lab “with” Dad. Your love, support and patience is truly appreciated! vi Table of Contents CHARGING EFFECTS ON FLUID STREAM DROPLETS FOR MOMENTUM EXCHANGE BETWEEN SPACECRAFT i Abstract iv Acknowledgements v Tables ix Figures x Chapter 1: Introduction and Related Research 1 A. Motivation for Tandem Satellites 2 B. Fluid Selection and Droplet Generation 4 C. System Performance and Comparison with Ion Engines 8 D. Summary of Non-Charging Impediments to Droplet Stream Propulsion 12 E. Relevance of Droplet Charging to Droplet Stream Propulsion 13 Chapter 2: Analytic Models of Charging of Droplets in Space 14 A. Characterizing the LEO and Auroral Charging Environments 14 B. Characterizing the Geosynchronous Charging Environment 21 C. Space Charging Theory 23 D. Space Charging Theory Applied to Silicone Oil Droplets 29 E. Droplet Charge Prediction by Analytic Methods 32 F. Properties Affecting Secondary Emission of Electrons 39 G. Photoemission of Electrons in DC705 48 Chapter 3: Numerical Charging Simulations 51 A. NASA Charging Analyzer Program (NASCAP) Limitations 52 vii B. Material Properties in NASCAP 55 C. Results of GEO Simulations 61 D. Results of LEO and Auroral Simulations 69 E. Summary of Droplet Charging in LEO, GEO, and Auroral Environments 76 Chapter 4: Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields on Droplet Motion 79 A. Small Charge Induced Drift Forces Considered 79 B. Lorentz Forces Caused by Earth’s Magnetic Field 82 C. Charge Induced Droplet Breakup 86 D. Electric Field Forces Acting Between Droplets 88 E. Droplet Drift Due to Electric Field Interactions 90 F. Computer Simulation of Electric Field Induced Droplet Dispersion 93 G. Plasma Damping of Electric Fields between Droplets 97 Chapter 5: Droplet Charging Experimentation 101 A. Experimental Method and Setup 101 B. DC705 Capacitor Charging Experiment Setup 106 C. Droplet Charging and Deflection Experiment Setup and Method 111 D. Droplet Charging Experimental Results 114 E. Comparison of Experimental Results to NASCAP Results 119 F. Comparison of Experimental Results to SimIon Simulation Results 120 Chapter 6: Conclusions and Recommendations 123 Appendix 1: Tandem Satellite Propulsion Needs and Droplet Stream Capabilities 126 Appendix 2: Past Droplet Stream Research 132 Appendix 3: Heat Transfer Considerations for Fluid Stream Propulsion 136 viii Appendix 4. Droplet Stream Formation 144 Appendix 5. Evaporation Losses and Additional Fluid Requirements 153 Appendix 6. Effects of Drag in LEO 156 Appendix 7. Effects of Solar Radiation Pressure 160 Appendix 8. Effects of Atomic Oxygen on Candidate Fluids 162 Appendix 9: Optimization and Design Tools 164 Appendix 10: Lee Solenoid Micro Valve Specifications 167 Appendix 11: Photodiode Specifications and Output 170 Appendix 12: Droplet Dispersion Simulation Code (for Matlab) 173 Bibliography 177 References 178 ix Tables Table 1. Candidate LDR Fluids and their Properties at 20°C.6 ....................................................................... 5 Table 2. Low and High Altitude Auroral Environment Fontheim Parameters Used in this Study. ............... 20 Table 3. GEO Charging Environments Used in this Study. .......................................................................... 23 Table 4. DC705 Material Properties Selected for Use by NASCAP. ............................................................ 55 Table 5. Dielectric Constants and Strength of Select Materials and Silicone Oil.52 ...................................... 56 Table 6. Summary of Equilibrium Potentials (maximum sunlit surface and minimum eclipsed surface) and Time to Reach Equilibrium in the Environments Analyzed .................................................................. 76 Table 7. Cyclotron Periods for 1mm Droplet at Several Voltage Potentials ................................................. 80 Table 8. Secondary Lorentz Force Drift Due to Transit Velocity ................................................................. 85 Table 9. Direction and Speed Stability of DC704 Droplet Streams. ............................................................. 90 Table 10. DC705 Capacitor Results. ........................................................................................................... 107 Table 11. Capacitance Change in Second DC705 Capacitor Experiment. .................................................. 109 Table 12. Droplet Diameter Statistical Results............................................................................................ 115 Table 13. Radiation Equivalent Biot Numbers for a 1mm Droplet ............................................................. 138 Table 14. Radiation from Fluid Stream Pairs at Similar levels of Thrust (100m Transit) ........................... 143 Table 15. Drift of Droplets due to Solar Radiation Pressure in 50 seconds ................................................ 160 Table 16. Notional Mission Parameters and Resulting Stream Propulsion Specifications .......................... 166

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