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Preview DTIC ADA514665: Improving the Utility of a Binocular HMD in a Faceted Flight Simulator

lnterservice/lndustly Training, Simulation, andEducationConference (l/ITSEC) 2009 Improving the Utility ofa Binocular HMD in a Faceted Flight Simulator Michael P. Browne KirkMoffitt MarcWinterbottom SA Photonics Human FactorsConsultant AirForceResearch Laboratory San Francisco, CA La Qninta,CA Mesa, AZ [email protected] kirkmoffittiu)earthlink.net Marc.'V,'!interbottom@,mesa.afmc.af.mil ABSTRACT Faceted simulator displays are widely used because they are relatively compact and economicaL One drawback, however, isthatviewing distance changes dependingonwhere users arelooking. Thisvariation creates achallenge for the integration ofbinocular head mounted displays (HMDs), because confusing imagery and visual fatigue can result when the user views symbology presented by the HJ'v1D at one distance and simulator imagery at different distances. Understandingthe best approach to presenting symbology with abinocularfllv1D in afaceted simulator has hecome an important issue, with the deployment of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and its hinocular HMD. Successfulintegration ofabinocularHMDwouldnotonly allowcurrentfaceted simulatorsto beretrofitwiththeF 35 simulatorHMD, hut would also allow future simulators to have either adome or faceted design, thus affording acquisition agencies greater 'flexibility. BinocularHI'v1Ds are becoming more prevalent, so solving this integration issuewill likelybecomeimpOltantformultipleplatforms. We performed an experimentto quantifytbebestmethod ofpresentingsymbologyon abinocularHMD when used with a faceted simulator display. Five viewing conditions were tested: 1) HMD converged to 36", 2) HMD converged to 42", 3) dynamic HMD vergence, 4) monocular presentation on the HMD, and 5) on-screen l presentation. Screendistancesrangingfrom 36' to 54" weretested. Our results.suggest that adaptive vergence is the preferred solution. Both static vergence conditions and the monocular condition resulted in lower comfort scores and poorer performance. The on-screen conditionlalthough rated comfortable, does notrepresentthe real-world flight condition where symbology is displayed using an HMD. Although additional evaluations under more operational conditions remain to be completed, these results indicate that adaptive vergence is a viable solution for the integration of binocular 1:IJ\1Ds into faceted flight simulator displays. ABOUTTHE AUTHORS Michael Browne is the Vice President ofProduct Development at SA Photonics in San Francisco, California. He has a Ph,D. in Optical Engineering from the University of Arizonals Optical Sciences Center. Mike has been involved in the design, test and measurement ofhead mounted display systems since 1991. At Kaiser Electronics, Mike ledtbe design ofnumerous headmounted display and rear-projection display systems, including those forthe F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Mike leads SA Photonics' efforts in the design and development of person-mounted informationsystems, includinghead-mounted displays andnightvision systems. Kirk Moffitt is ahuman factors consultantspecializing in real and virtual displays and controls. He holds aPh.D. in Engineering Psychology, and has 28 years ofindustry experience. He is the co-editor ofthe McGraw-Hili text Head Mounted Displays: Designing for the User. His clients have included military, medical, industrial and entertainment companies. Dr. Moffitt has also taught courses in human factors and statistics for the University of SouthernCalifornia,andseminarson fllv1Ddesignfor SPIEand otherorganizations. Marc Winterbottom is a Research Psychologist at the Air Force Research Laboratory in Mesa, Arizona. His research focuses on immersive decision environments, intuitive learningl and visual perception, particularly as it relates to display technologies for simulation and training applications. He received a M.S. degree in Human FactorsPsychology from WrightStateUniversityand aB.A. degreeinPsychologyfrom PurdueUniversity. 2009PaperNo. 9178Page1of11 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2009 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2009 to 00-00-2009 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Improving the Utility of a Binocular HMD in a Faceted Flight Simulator 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION SA Photonics,San Francisco,CA REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) held in Orlando, FL on 30 Nov - 3 Dec, 2009. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 11 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Interservice/lndustry Training, Simulation, andEducationConference(I/ITSEC) 2009 Improving the Utility ofa Binocular HMD in a Faceted Flight Simulator MichaelP. Browne KirkMoffitt MarcWinterbottom SAPhotonics Human FactorsConsultant AirForceResearchLaboratory San Francisco,CA La Quinta,CA Mesa,AZ m.brownera>saphotonics,com kirkmoffitt(akarthlink,net Marc.Winterbottom(a)mesa.afmc.af.mil INTRODUCTION Our previous work (Browne, Moffitt, & Winterbottom 2008) investigated visual anomalies while using a binocular head mounted display (HMD) in a faceted flight simulator (a simulator with multiple flat "tiles" instead ofa dome). These anomalies included subject reports of floating buried or confusing symbology, l doubling of symbology or the background imagery, symbology slanted relativetothe simulatorscreen, and general viewing discomfort. Our primary conclusion was that these visual anomalies could be problematic when integrating binocular HMOs into faceted flight simulators. The viewing discomfort subjects reported was likely Figure I. Graphical Depiction OfDiplopia Caused caused by diplopia - or double imaging. Diplopia By Concentrating On Two Objects At Different occurs often inthe realworld whenwe lookatmUltiple Distances Simultaneously. Concentrating On The objects located at different viewing distances. When OTW Scene (Shown To The Left) Causes A directing our attention to a given object, we Diplopic Image OfThe Reticle. Concentrating On subconsciously suppress double vision of objects at The Reticle Causes A Diplopic Image OfThe OTW other distances, Diplopia is problematic when using a Scene. binocular HMD in a faceted simulator because there are some circumstances, such as targeting an enemy The specific flight simulator display design ofinterest aircraft where the user must view both the out the l forthis investigation istheM2DART(MobileModular windowdisplay (target) andtheHMD image(targeting Display for Advanced Research and Training), a reticle)simultaneously,asshown inFigure}, simulatordisplay system that can be reconfigured and deployed for a variety of training tasks around the Vergence angle is a strong depth cue - an object is globe yet still provide panoramic imagery (Wight, Best seen as closer in depth when the eyes are converged & Peppler, 1998). The key to this design is the use of (angled inward) and more distant when the eyes are a faceted display and rear projection. These facets diverged (becoming more parallel). Figure I-left range in viewing distance from as close as 36inchesto showstheposition ofthetwo eyes when verged forthe a practical maximum of 54 inches. This range of out tbe window (OTW) image. If the HMD viewing distances creates the potential for vergence symbology is in front of the OTW image, as could mismatch centraltoourinvestigations, occurinafaceted display,thenthat imagefalls onnon matching locations in the two eyes, creating a double Figure 2demonstrates asimplified overhead view ofa image ofthe HMO symbology. Alternatively, iftbe faceted simulator like the M2DART. The green line user shifts their vergence to the HMD symbology's represents the HMO symbology, presented at a fixed depth, tben the OTW image will appear doubled vergence distance. Shown also are two OTW display (Figure I-right). facets (one straightabead,oneangled ontheright). As the user looks at different locations within the faceted simulator, the difference in distance between the HJvlD symbology (green line) and the display facet changes. 2009PaperNo. 9178Page2ofII lnterservice/lndustryTraining, Simulation, andEducationConference(lllTSEC)2009 Whenthe user is looking straight ahead (Figure 2-left), designed the performance experiment to test this there is no distance difference. Whenthe user looks at hypothesis. the seam between the display facets (Figure 2-center) there is asignificantdistance difference atthe centerof Future military aircraft are likely to have an HMO that tbe field of view. When the user looks at the right supports visual cueing with symbology and imagery. facet (Figure 2-right) there is a constantly varying The Joint Strike Fighter (.1SF) will be the first US distance difference. If these distance differences get fighter jet with a binocular IDvID that serves as a too large, the user will report visual anomalies, primary flight instrument. Although a dome display includingeyestrain, confusing imagery anddiplopia. may be a good solution for the 1'-35 and other platfonns, a number of concerns have been raised about using dome simulators. The first is that if all faceted simulators have to be replaced with dome simulators, it will be at a large cost. The second concern is the size ofthe training system footprint and visual system complexity, which drive cost factors associated with training device installation and sustainment. These issues make the integration of a Figure 2. Simplified Overhead View Showing The binocular HMO into smaller, more cost-effective Distance Difference Between The HMD Image faceted displaysofparticularinterest. Plane And Two Adjoining Screens Of A Faceted DisplaySystem. The above concerns make the compatibility offaceted simulators with binocular HMDs an urgent problem in Since the development of the M2DART, a variety of training F-35 pilots. The goal of the present manufacturers have developed similar faceted display experiment was to quantify vergence mismatch effects designs (e.g. Boeing vms, L3 SimnSphere, Glass identified in our first experiment(Browne, Moffitt and Mountain Optics WASP). These display systems are Winterbottom, 2008). We also wanted to identify the usedwidely across the servicesfor avarietyoftraining best solutions for improving symbology appearance, applications. As such, we expect that as long as there viewing comfort and pilot perfonnance for a binocular are faceted simulators, the potential exists for vergence HMDintegrated with afaceted display. mismatchwhenusingabinocularIlMD. In our previous work, we tried a number of HMD In an aircraft, all ofthe informationthatthepilotviews viewing conditions but no single HMD configuration outside the cockpit is at or near optical infinity prevented all the problems associated with integrating (distances from 30 feet and beyond). No matterwhere a binocular HMD with a faceted display. Binocular the pilot looks, the vergence is ba\)ically the same. symbology converged to one simulator viewing Therefore, the HMD can be designed such that for distance appeared diplopic or doubled at other aircraft use, its symbology is also converged to optical distances. Monocular symbology avoided this infinity. Because of this, there is no vergence vergencemismatch, butwas rated by mostobservers as mismatch between the OTW scene and the HMD less comfortable to view compared to binocular symbology for an HMD used in an aircraft. The symbology. Both binocularand monocularsymbology monochrome HMD symbology in an aircraft will appeared slanted relative to the simulator screen appear distinct from the real world, and may appear whenever the symbology was not viewed straight closer in distance, but should not appear blurry, ahead. On-screen symbology exhibited no binocular doubledorslanted relativetotheOTWscene. problems and was rated as comfortable to view, but this solution does not utilize an H:MD and creates a Despite the optical equivalence of the HMD training situation that is not representative of what symbology andreal-world imagery, there is substantial userswill see in flight. evidence that the pilot switches attention between the two (e.g., McCann, Foyle, & Johnston, 1993;McCann, In the virtual world ofHMD symbology, vergence can Lynch, Foyle, & Johnston, 1993). This attention be manipulated electronically by adjusting the switching is not driven by binocular disparity and horizontal binocular disparity. Electronically shifting focus, but by dissimilar visual imagery and the left- and right-eye symhology creates the infonnation. We postulated that increased visual perception of a change in depth. An inward shift disparity.will lead to an increase in attention switching brings the symbology forward, while an outward shift (and an increase in time to perform a task) and pushes the symbology away. We used this concept to 2009PaperNo. 9178Page3of11 Interservice/lndustryTraining, Simulation, andEducationCOlr{erence (l/ITSEC) 2009 design an adaptive viewing condition that electronicallyandautomatically adjuststhevergenceof the HMD depending on where the user is looking within the faceted display. One of the goals of our current experiment was to validate this approach both intenns ofcomfortandperformance. METHODS Observers Thirteen observers (twelve male and one female), ages 25 to 63, participated in our experiments. All had experiencewiththedesign, marketingoruse ofHMDs. Four participants described themselves as "very Figure3. SimEyeSXLSO HMD, familiar" with HMDs. Four subjects were fighter pilots, three of whom had extensive experience with A Souy SXRD 3-panel LCOS (liquid crystal on the monocular joint helmet mounted cueing system silicon) 1920 x 1080 pixel monitor witb a nominal (JHMCS) HMD. The interpupillary distance (IPD) of luminance of35 fL (atthe brightestportion ofthe sky) each subject was measured with an L8 pupilometer, was used to present the out-the-window (OTW) model NH-L8. Eye dominance was determined by imagery. The Sony monitorhadahorizontal dimension noting which eye was used for sighting through an of 52", as shown in Figure 4. The straight ahead aperture. Eight participants were right-eye dominant viewing distance was 36" and the nominal viewing and five were left-eye dominant. Following helmet position was 9" in from the left edge of the screen. fitting and HMD adjustment, the resting position of This allowed us to testviewing distances ranging from vergence was measured using nonius targets with a 36" (straight ahead) to 54" (near the upper right hand dark background. Intact stereo vision was ascertained comer). These distances encompassed the minimum by presenting three depth planes of symbols, and and maximumviewingdistancesoftheM2DART. asking the subject to identify the close, intermediate 'I and distant figures. Finally, abinocular acuity level of 52" 2.6 minutes or 20/52 was verified with on-screen " "tumbling Es" presented at the straight-ahead viewing distance of 36 inches. Six of the participants wore eyeglasses, threeofwhomhadprogressive lenses. Stimuliaud Apparatus (nearupper rightcomer) A Rockwell-Collins Optmnics SimEye SXL50 STM binocular see-through HMD was used for our experiment. This HMD, shown in Figure 3, was designed as asimulatorHMD forthe F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. It has a 1280 x 1024 pixel format, 40 x 30 Figure4: LayoutofSimulatorScreen degree field-of-view (FOY), and monochrome green andSubjectPositioning imagery. Focus of this unit was 0.9 diopter (not The trade-off involved with replicating the M2DART accounting for chromatic aberration) with a nominal viewing conditions on a single monitor was that our optical vergence distanceof34.5"(88 cm). This HMD experiment presented symbology at a more severe has a see-through transmission of>70% and was setto apparent slant angle than found in the M2DART. anominal luminanceof6.5 fL. This lfMD clasps onto Someobservers commented on this slant but we think an HGU-55/P military flight helmet. Three helmet that overall the conclusionsfor ourexperimenttransfer sizes wereavailableforthis study: M, L& XL. totheM2DART. A PC computer with nYidia GeForce graphics cards provided the imagery for both the HMD and monitor. A Polhemus Liberty tracker transmitted head position 2009PaperNo. 9178Page4of11 lnterservice/lndustry Training, Simulation, andEducationConference(1/ITSECj 2009 and angle relative to the OTW display. Testing took performance. Eachofthese activities arediscussed place in an area surrounded by black curtains with a furtherinthenextsections. nominal illuminance of 1.5 fc. HMD luminance, monitor luminance and room illuminance were Boresighting periodically tested to ensure nominal levels were To calibrate the head-tracker prior to each series of maintained. trials, the system was boresighted to the relevanttarget locations. To do this, a target was presented on the The experimental tasks used an HMD reticle and an OTW display and the subjectaligned the HMD reticle OTW image of a desert scene including sky, withthetargetandpressed amousebutton. mountains, andadistantcity. TheHMD reticle, shown in Figure5, subtended atotal of8x6degrees,witbthe ReticleDistancePreference center circle subtending 1.5 degrees. Each target on The apparent viewing distance ofthe HMD reticle can the OTW display was a51 x 22 pixel helicopter image be changed by electronicallyshifting the images onthe subtending 2.1 x0.90 degrees atthe straight-ahead 36" left and right eye microdisplays inside the HMD. We screen position. The helicopter was gray with a green measured the preferred reticle distance for each often center dotto aid in centering the reticle on it. A photo screen targets located along horizontal lines that ofaperson wearingtheHMD andviewingthemonitor divided the display vertically into quarters, and at is shown inFigure6. distances of36"to 54" in 2" increments. The primary purpose of this exercise was to establish preferred positions for the HMD vergence as a function of viewing distance. We used this information to set vergence dynamically for the adaptive viewing condition in the viewing comfort and petfonnance experiments. Participants began with the straight-ahead 36" target and adjusted the apparent viewing distance of the HMD reticle inward and outward using the left and right buttons ofa mOlise. They were instructed to put the reticle atthe positionthatthey felt would work best forthemto completeatargetingtask, notnecessarily at the same distance as the screen. Target presentation Figure5. TargetingHMD Reticle progressed from left to right until the final 54" target was completed. For each target, head-tracker infonnation was recorded with the reticle distance (stored as the lateral shift ofthe left- and right-image on the HMD display). Figure 7 shows approximately how the HMD imagery appeared relative to the OTW image for near, approximately equal, and more distant vergence settings. Figure6. SubjectLookingForATarget Procedure Weaskedsubjectsto completefouractivities aspartof Figure 7. Appearance Of HMD Symbology ourexperiment: boresighting, reticledistance Relative To OTW Imagery As The Viewer preference,viewingcomfortandvisual searchand Electronically Adjusted Vergence Settings On The HMD 2009PaperPlo. 9178Page5of11 Interservice/lndustry Training, Simulation, andEducationConference(l/ITSEC) 2009 if visual performance was also affected. Palticipants ViewingComfortRating were asked to search for helicopter targets located at We expanded on our initial work to check viewing ten locations on the screen. These locations ranged in comfort as afunction ofviewing condition(Browne et distance from 36" to 54" in 2" increments. The al.). We changed the experiment to include better helicopter could appear in any of 10 positions, but all control overthe reticle distance independent ofsubject positions were randomly presented three times during interpupilliary distance. We also checked viewing the course of the experiment. \Vhen a target was comfort over more distances and included an adaptive located, the subject aligned the I-L1\1D reticle with the condition along with the fixed binocular, monocular target and the reticle changed to a "missile lock" and on screen conditions. For this adaptive condition, configuration (four alTOWS sUlTounding the targeting we.used the head trackerto indicate where the subject reticle, as shown in Figure 8). After one second of was looking and changed the vergence such that the accurate alignment (representing a "missile lock"), a reticle viewing distance was approximatelythe same as three-digit number was displayed on the reticle and thedistancefrom theusertotheOTW display. another three-digit number was displayed on-screen, For the on-screen viewing condition, both numbers Each trial started with practice targets located at three were displayed on-screen. These spatially adjacent screen positions. Subjects were instructed to first numbers were compared by the participant. The preview the task by rotating their head to position the participantwas instructedtopushthe leftmousebutton reticle over each target to see what different vergence ifthey were the same, and the rightbutton ifdifferent. mismatches lookedlike. Ifan errorwas made, the subject was required to enter the correct response. After a correct response, a new Once the practice session was over, the subject target randomly appeared at one of the remaining returned to the starting position, positioned the reticle locations, and the subject continued the search task. over the 36" straight-ahead target and called out a The numbers were displayed against a dark rating of viewing comfort: "Not uncomfortable to background to ensure consistent contrast across all view", "Somewhat uncomfortable to view" or "Very target locations. uncomfortable to view". This sequence was repeated for seventargets locatedfrom 36to 54inches alongthe horizontalmid-line in 3"increments. The not/somewhat/very uncomfortable ratings were adapted from similar scales with approximately equal intervals (e.g., Babbitt & Nystrom, 1989). Subjects were instructed that "Not uncomfortable to view" means thatthe imagemay look unusual, butnotblurry, doubled or confusing. You could easily view this image for a period oftime. "Very uncomfortable to view" means the image may be blurry, doubled or confusing--something youwould notwantto view for Figure8: LockReticle any length of time. "Somewhat uncomfortable to view" describes a viewing comfort between these two The five viewing conditions tested in the viewing extremes. comfort experimentwere also used forthis experiment. The preference data from the first experiment were Five viewing conditions were tested: 1) Vergence set used to adjust reticle distance for the adaptive to the preferred reticle distance for the 36" target, 2) condition. Three sequential trials were run for each Vergence set to the preferred reticle distance for the condition. Werandomizedtheorderofpresentation of 42" target, 3) An adaptive distance that adjusted the each viewing condition across subjects to minimize reticle to the userpreferred distance for each target, 4) learningand fatigue effectsontheaggregatedata. Monocular, presented in the right-eye, and 5) On~ Screen, where the reticle was drawn on the OTW We designed this experiment to replicate conditions in display. a real simulator environment where operators must redirect their attention between HMD symbology and Visual Searchand Performance on-screen imagery. The primary data from this task In this experimentwe investigatedwhethertheviewing were total timeto find and compare numbers at theten condition is simply acomfort and perception issue, or 2009PaperNo. 9178Page6of11 lnterservice/lndustry Training, Simulation. andEducation Conference(l/lTSEC) 2009 target locations. We also recorded single target times from acquisitionto response. ofeach cell which is shaded white gives an indication RESULTS of the comfort of each viewing condition. For example, all subjects rated the on-screen viewing ViewingComfortRatings condition at 36" (located in the lowest, left-most cell) as comfortable, thus it is shaded completelywhite. On The results of the viewing comfort experiment are the other hand, the binocular 36" viewing condition at shown in a Marimekko chart (Figure 9). We feel this a 54" target distance was rated very uncomfortable by type ofchart provides a good graphical representation almost every subject, so that its cell (upper right-most ofusercomfortasafunction both ofviewingcondition cell) is shaded almostcompletely hlack. and ofviewing distance. Each cell depicts the countof eachratingchoicefor 13participants. Theproportion Binoc 3611 Not Binoe LJncomfortable :~ 42" "" " Somewhat 0 U Binoc Uncomfortable • OJ) Adapt .5 ~ Very ;; Uncomfortable 1\fonoc On Screen 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 ScreenTargetDistance(incbes) Figure9. ComfortRatings ForTheFiveViewingConditionsAtSeven TargetDistances The rating ofviewing comfortat each on-screen target The binocular adaptive viewing condition used the distance was dependenton theviewing condition. The preference data from the first experiment to adjust the binocular 36" reticle shows a striking decrease in HMD reticle distance based on target distance. The comfort as the target distance moves beyond 36". For results in Figure9show mostlycomfortableviewingat the 42" reticle, the most comfortable viewing is found all target distances. The few somewhat or very at 42" and 45", while nearer and further target uncomfortable ratings for the more distant targets may distances resulted in greater reports of discomfort. result from the increase in reticle/screen slant angle. These results indicate that a fixed-distance HMD This angle may look confusing to some participants reticle only results in comfortable viewing at or near a when presented in the context of this experiment. corresponding target distance, in general agreement Despite these minor issues, the binocular adaptive withBrowne,etal. viewing condition was very successful at mitigating vergence mismatch compared to the otherHMD-based methods. 2009PaperNo.9J78Page 7ofII Interservicellndustly Training, Simulation, andEducationConference(l/ITSEC) 2009 The aggregate median response times across viewing Results from Browne, et aI, plus our previous conditions are shown in Figure 10. The adaptive experience with monocular HMDs indicate that viewing condition had the quickest aggregate median monocularviewing is problematic, and the data forthe response time of 1115 msec, Just slightly slower was monocular condition appear to confinn this theonscreen condition, with atime of1157msec, The expectation. The most discomfort was found at the fixed vergence conditions were more than 10% slower closer target distances but some subjects even found than the adaptive or onscreen cases and the monocular the more distant targets uncomfortable to view with a viewingcondition provided the longestresponsetimes. monocularpresentation. The data show rather large error bars (standard The on-screen reticle was in perfect correspondence deviation), representing the significant subject to with the screen target and imagery in terms ofdepth, subject variation for each viewing condition, but we but it resulted in a high degree ofslant relative to the believe that the trend is obvious with adaptive and line-of-sight, and it decreased in angular size with onscreen taking the least time and monocular taking distance. Even so, this viewing conditionwas rated as the most. This indicates that not only are the fixed most comfortable to view, in agreement with Browne, vergence conditions and the monocular condition less etal. (2008). comfortable, but they also have an impact on user performance,atleastforatargetingtask. VisualSearchandPerformance a" Figure 11 shows how the response time varies a We calculated the median search time (time to find the function not only of viewing condition but also of target and achieve "lock"), the median response time target location, We split the viewing conditions into (time between "lock" and a correct response on the two graphs so that the data is easier to visualize. The number matching task) and the total time (sum of adaptive dataappears on both graphs. Since itwas the search and response times). The average search time most likely condition to be implemented in a real for all ten targets ranged from 38 to 41 seconds, and system, we wanted to ensurethatwe could compare all the effect of viewing condition was not significant. otherviewing conditionsto it Although we measured large differences in the ratings of comfort for the five viewing conditions, it did not There is a large variation in response time across translate into adifference in overall performance or in viewing conditions for the very near targets, with search time. Both of these metrics include a relatively rapid responses for some viewing conditions disproportionate amount oftime searching for the next (on-screen and adaptive) andothers (binocular36"and target. The amount oftime spent on searching for a 42") with significantly slower response times, In the target might be too coarse of a measure to identify mid-distances, there were differences between the differences inperfonnance amongviewingconditions. viewing conditions, but no obvious trends. At the far distances perfonnance for all viewing conditions In contrast, response time was directly related to the worsened, while corresponding ratings of"somewhat" reticleviewingcondition. We definedresponsetime as and "very uncomfortable" were only found with the elapsed time between target acquisition and a binocular 36" and 42" conditions, We attribute this correctmanual response. We feel that response time is increased response time at the longest target distances a good metric for proving our hypothesis that the to the fact that the font size and contrast were reduced bigger the disparity is between HMD and OTW when viewed from these distances, Numerous subjects imagery, the longer it will take the subject to make a stated that the numbers were very hard to read at the correct response, While differences in background longer target distances. We tried to balance the imagery and target location could affect the time to experimentby notmakingthenumberstooeasyto read find each target, the effect on response time should be at the short distances so that there would be the minimaL potential for a noticeable difference between different viewing conditions. We may need to increase the We found significant effects for Viewing Condition readability of the compared numbers for future [F(4, 48) ~ 3.69, P< .05]; TargetPosition [F(9,108) ~ experiments. 5.07, P < .001]; and the interaction of Viewing Condition and Target Position [F(36,432) ~ 1.74, P < .0I]. 2009PaperNo. 9178Page8af11 lnterservice!lndustry Training, Simulation, andEducationConference(l/lTS'EC) 2009 F ~ 1800 .§ 1600 ~~.. I- 1400 +,~+~~~-1 " ~ 1200 --rr-I---f""'1I---+--- ~ 1000 1. " 0:: 800 ~ 'g" 600 :l; 400 1·+ 1 I I --I-j_._-- " '" f! 200 ~ « Binocular Binocular Adaptive Monocular Onscreen 36" 42" Figure 10. AverageMedian ResponseTimeAs AFunctionOfViewingCondition 1506 1500 Binocular36" "" '" !~ 1460 .~s 1406 ,,n4B,iutlCular42'l , \ 5~ 1300 "5 1300 , \, f= i: f \ ....... ~ 1200 ~ 1200 ! " ccCo CEo "........./,<1 ~ 1100 ~ 1100 0: 0: 1000 1000 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 $2 54 NominalScreenTargctDlstancc(inches) NominalScreenTargetDistance(inches) Figure11.AverageMedian ResponseTimeAsAFunctionOfViewingCondition And TargetDistance DISCUSSION more distant OT\\! positions will be uncomfortable to view. Ifthe dioptricaverage distanceof42" is chosen, We investigated the effect of five viewing conditions most users are not satisfied with the viewing comfort on viewing comfort and visual performance for a straightaheadat36",orat largerdistancesof54". binocular HMD integrated with a faceted OTW display. Our experiments confirmed that setting the Monocular viewing was also found to be Hl\1D reticle to asingleviewing distance is not agood uncomfortable to view, primarily at close screen solution for the 36" to 54" range ofviewing distances distances, but some users found it uncomfortable even found in the M2DART faceted simulatordisplay. We at the longer target distances. These problems notonly found thatastatic vergenceviewing condition extended to the perfonnance task as well, where the was uncomfortable to view over many viewing monocular condition produced the slowest response distances but also that a static vergence negatively times ofall conditionstested atanyviewingdistance. impacted perfonnance on a targeting task. In addition, for a fixed vergence the question always remains to These problems with monocular imaging are what distance should thevergence beset? Ifit is setat interesting because most currentHI\1D systems used in the straight ahead distance of 36", all other locations U.S. fighter jets and helicopters are monocular have a vergence setting which is too close and the (JHMCS, DASH, lHADSS). In fact, a number ofthe 2009PaperNo. 9178Page9of11

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