212 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME138 Mesoscale Surface Pressure and Temperature Features Associated with Bow Echoes REBECCAD.ADAMS-SELINANDRICHARDH.JOHNSON DepartmentofAtmosphericScience,ColoradoStateUniversity,FortCollins,Colorado (Manuscriptreceived1December2008,infinalform26June2009) ABSTRACT Thisstudyexaminesobservedmesoscalesurfacepressure,temperature,andwindfeaturesofbowechoes. Bow-echoeventsintheareaoftheOklahomaMesonetareselectedforstudytotakeadvantageofhigh- resolutionsurfacedata.Thirty-sixcasesareidentifiedusing2-km-resolutionradarreflectivitydataovera4-yr period(2002–05);theirsurfacefeaturesareinterrogatedusingthemesonetdata.Distinctsurfacefeatures usuallyassociatedwithsqualllines,themesohighandcoldpool,arefoundtoalsoaccompanybowechoes.A commonsurfacepatternprecedingbowingisidentified.Priortonewbowingdevelopment,themesohigh surgesaheadoftheconvectivelinewhilethecoldpoolremainscenteredbehindit.Surfacewindsshiftto aground-relativeoutflowpatternuponarrivalofthemesohighsurge.Approximately30minlater,anew bowingsegmentformswithitsapexslightlytotheleft(withrespecttothedirectionofsystemmotion)ofthe mesohighsurge.Thecoldpoolfollowstheconvectivelineasitbows.Thisprocessistermedthe‘‘pressure surge–newbowing’’cycle,andaconceptualmodelispresented.Inonerepresentativecase,thesurfacesig- natureofagravitywave,identifiedthroughspatialandtemporalfiltering,istracked.Itispresumedtobe generatedbydeepheatingwithintheconvectiveline.Thewavemovedatnearly35ms21andhasheretofore beenundetectedinmesoanalysisstudies.Twootherdistinctfeatures,asharppressureriseandtemperature drop, were also observed at all mesonet stations affected by the system. Possible explanations for these featuresintermsofagravitycurrent,gravitywave,oratmosphericboreareexplored. 1. Introduction 2003;TrappandWeisman2003;Wakimotoetal.2006a,b). Severewindscanstilloccuralongtheentirebow-shaped Thetypeofseverestormlabeledasa‘‘bowecho’’has convectiveline—inparticular,atitsapex—inadditionto beenrecognizedasasourceofseverewindsandstrong withinthemesovortices(TrappandWeisman2003). downbursts since 1978, when T. T. Fujita first assigned ThetheoryofRotunnoetal.(1988)forstructureand thenametoaclassofsmall-scale,curvedorquasi-linear evolution of mesoscale convective systems (MCSs), as convective systems. The bow echo’s association with adapted to bow echoes by Weisman (1992, 1993), sug- large swaths of damaging severe winds has been well geststhatthelifetimeandstrengthofabow-echosystem documentedfromFujita’soriginalwork(Fujita1978)to depend on the relative balance among vorticities gen- the present (Johns and Hirt 1987; Houze et al. 1989; eratedbythehorizontalbuoyancygradientatthefront Przybylinski1995;EvansandDoswell2001;Klimowski andbackedgesofthecoldpool,thelow-levelenviron- et al. 2003; Wakimoto et al. 2006a,b). Severe, straight- mentalshear,andtherearinflowjet.Therearinflowjet line convective winds are potentially as hazardous as initiallydevelopsinresponsetoamidlevelmesolowjust tornadoestobothlifeandpropertyandoftenoccurover behindtheconvectiveupdraft;themesolowisgenerated a larger area(Johns and Hirt 1987;Przybylinski 1995). by a vertical gradient in diabatic heating (i.e., latent Themostseverewindsassociatedwithbowechoeshave heatinginamesoscaleupdraftoverlyinganevaporatively been connected with low-level meso-gamma-scale vor- cooled downdraft; Smull and Houze 1987; Lafore and ticeslocatedwithinthebowitself(WeismanandTrapp Moncrieff 1989). Over time, the jet expands rearward (Klimowski 1994) because of the horizontal buoyancy gradientsassociatedwiththebackedgeofthecoldpoolat Corresponding author address: Rebecca D. Adams-Selin, HQ therearof thesystem (Weisman1992, 1993).Increased AirForceWeatherAgency2WXG/WEA,101NelsonDr.,Offutt rearinflowleadstoanincreasein evaporativecooling; AFB,NE68113. E-mail:[email protected] the system’s propagation speed surges in response. In DOI:10.1175/2009MWR2892.1 (cid:2)2010AmericanMeteorologicalSociety Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 26 JUN 2009 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2009 to 00-00-2009 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Mesoscale Surface Pressure and Temperature Features Associated with 5b. GRANT NUMBER Bow Echoes 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Air Force Weather Agency,2WXG/WEA,101 Nelson Dr,Offutt REPORT NUMBER AFB,NE,68113 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT see report 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 17 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 JANUARY2010 ADAMS-SELIN AND JOHNSON 213 FIG.1.Surfacepressurefeaturesofalargesquall-lineMCSasitevolvesfromsymmetrictoasymmetricform(asin Houze et al. 1990). Large arrows show storm motion; small arrows indicate system-relative winds. The shading correspondstoincreasinglevelsofradarreflectivity,withtheheaviestbeingintheconvectiveline.Figureistaken fromLoehrerandJohnson(1995). the Weisman studies, it is argued that portions of the subsidence (Hoxit et al. 1976; Johnson and Hamilton coldpooloccasionallybecomestrongenoughthattheir 1988). Over time, the stratiform precipitation region, generated vorticity temporarily overwhelms the low- alongwiththemesohighandthecoldpool,shiftstothe levelshearvorticity.Thisletstherearinflowjetdescend leftofthedirectionofsystemmotion,asin‘‘asymmetric’’ tothesurface,allowingforbothasurgeinsurfacewinds in Fig. 1 (Houze et al. 1990; Skamarock et al. 1994; aswellasadditionalincreaseinpropagationspeed.The Loehrer and Johnson 1995; Hilgendorf and Johnson factorsresultinaconvectivelinebowingoutovertime. 1998); although occasionally leading or parallel regions However,verylittleworkhasfocusedonthesurface ofstratiform precipitation, mesohigh,and coldpoolare features, such as pressure and temperature anomalies, alsoseen (ParkerandJohnson 2000).Theextentofap- associatedwithbowechoes.Thisisprimarilyduetothe plication of these patterns to bow echoes is currently lackofsufficientlydenseobservationaldatasets.Thear- unknown. rangement of these anomalies associated with larger Recentsimulationshavesuggestedthatthesesquall- squall-lineMCSsishighlyrecognizable(Fig.1).Asurface line airflow and surface pressure patterns, particularly mesohigh,primarilyhydrostaticallyinducedbyevapora- the mesohigh and presquall mesolow, can be at least tion and sublimation, is located beneath the strongest partially attributed to gravity current and gravity wave downdraftwithinthesystem,justbehindtheconvective dynamicsproducedbytemperatureperturbationswithin line(Fujita1955;Wakimoto1982;JohnsonandHamilton the convective line and stratiform precipitation region 1988). The cold pool is typically collocated with this (Charba1974;SchmidtandCotton1990;Nichollsetal. feature.The surfacewakelow ispositionedat the back 1991; Pandya and Durran 1996; Haertel and Johnson edgeofthestratiformprecipitationregionandisgener- 2000; Haertel et al. 2001; Fovell 2002). According to atedbysubsidencealoftinthedescendingrearinflowjet Nicholls et al. (1991), Haertel et al. (2001), and Fovell (Johnson and Hamilton 1988; Stumpf et al. 1991). The (2002), multiple gravity waves and currents are often warmer subsiding air is only occasionally able to pene- generated by a single squall-line MCS. The initial pro- trate through the cold, stable, postconvection boundary fileofdeepheatingthroughoutthetroposphereassoci- layertothesurface,producingphenomenatermed‘‘heat ated with a convective line generates a fast-moving, bursts’’(Johnson1983).Apresquallmesolowisfoundin deepgravitywave,indicatedatthesurfacebyaregion advance of the convective line, induced by upper-level oflowpressurespreadingquicklyawayfromthesystem 214 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME138 (Nichollsetal.1991;Fovell2002).Thelow-levelcooling detailed in section 2. Two bow-echo case studies are associated with both a mature convective line and a examined in detail in section 3. The surface tempera- stratiform region (Gallus and Johnson 1991) produces ture,pressure,andwindpatternsevidentinthesecases aslow-movinggravitywavethatoftentravelsataspeed were representative of a large majority of cases, and a similartothatoftheMCS(HaertelandJohnson2000). conceptualmodelofthesepatternsisshowninsection4. Both of these gravity waves do result in some net dis- Insection5,oneofthecase studiesisexaminedinde- placement of air surrounding the system; this displace- tail for possible evidence of gravity waves and gravity ment can make the surrounding environment more currents. favorablefornewconvection(Mapes1993). The low-level cooling also yields a cold pool that 2. Dataandanalysisprocedures spreads along the ground as a gravity current (Charba a. OklahomaMesonet 1974). Depending on the stability of the low-level at- mosphereinadvanceofthesquallline,thegravitycur- Toresolvesurfacefeaturesonthescaleofbowechoes, rent may make a transition to a bore or gravity wave an observing network of higher spatial and temporal withappropriateincreaseinspeed(Parker2008).After resolution than the current aviation routine weather such a transition, the average observed difference in report (METAR) network is required. The Oklahoma potential temperature between the cold pool and the Mesonet provides environmental observations every environment would be expected to be smaller at the 5 minfromover110stationsacrossOklahoma(Fig.2). surfacethanaloft.ThiswasobservedinaBowEchoand Observed variables utilized in this study include 1.5-m Mesoscale Convective Vortex Experiment (BAMEX) air temperature, 1.5-m relative humidity, station pres- observationalstudyofalltypesofMCSs,bowechoand sure,andaverage5-min,10-mwindspeedanddirection. squall line, by Bryan et al. (2005). Further BAMEX The effect of station elevation was removed from observations have produced differing results regarding the pressure dataset using the method of Loehrer and the effects of surface stable layers. Jorgensen et al. Johnson (1995). The station pressure was adjusted to (2004)attributedthelackofstrongsurfacewindsinthe 356.5 m, the mean height of the mesonet stations. Di- bowechoobservedduringBAMEXintensiveobserving urnal and semidiurnal tidal oscillations were removed period7toastrongstablelayerinadvanceofthesystem. from the station pressure data using the procedure de- However,BryanandWeisman(2006)notedthatsevere scribed in Johnson and Hamilton (1988). Because the surfacewinds,andastrongsurface-basedcoldpool,can focusofthisstudyisonmesoscalefeatures,synoptic-scale occurwithanelevatedMCSiftheairiscooledenoughto effects were removed by applying a Lanczos high-pass allowittodescendtothesurface. Fourier filter (Duchon 1979) to the data. Its response It is still uncertain how fully both these squall-line function is shown in Fig. 3. Low-frequency oscillations surface patterns, and gravity current and gravity wave withperiodsofgreaterthan82.4h,or2timesthelength dynamics,canbeappliedtobowechoes.Thegoalsofthis ofapendulumdayfortheaveragelatitudeinOklahoma, study are to examine the similarity of these features to were considered to be synoptic-scale phenomena and those associated with larger squall-line MCSs, to deter- irrelevant for this study and thus were removed by this mine whether systematic behavior in these fields exists, filter. and to decide if that behavior sheds light on bow-echo Tofurtherenhancethemesoanalyses,atime-to-space dynamics and predictability. Until recently, surface ob- transformation(Fujita1955)wasperformedonthedata servingnetworkshavenotbeendenseenoughtocapture during the periods that bow echoes were within the patternsassociatedwithsuchsmall-scalefeatures.How- state. For the purpose of this analysis, meteorological ever, the Oklahoma Mesonet, established in 1994, now fields associated with the bow echoeswere assumed to providesobservationsondetailedspatial(40–50km)and be approximately steady state for 15-min periods (to temporal (5min) scales (Brock et al. 1995). This study coincide with the 15-min WSI NOWrad radar data). utilizes the mesonet, in combination with the Weather After determining the system’s speed and direction of Services International, Inc., (WSI) National Weather motion,5-minobservationsfromstationsinproximityto Service radar data (NOWrad), in an attempt to find thebowechoesweretranslatedintoalineateachstation a common pattern that precedesdevelopment of a new using the procedure of Knievel and Johnson (1998). bowanditstypicallyattendantseverewinds.Suchapat- Each system’s velocity was found by examining the ternwouldbeusefulforbothoperationalandresearch- WeatherSurveillanceRadar-1988Doppler(WSR-88D) orientedmeteorology. NextGenerationWeatherRadar(NEXRAD)radardata, The data and analysis methods used, as well as the downloaded from the National Climatic Data Cen- criteriadeterminedtobenecessaryforabowecho,are ter Hierarchical Data Storage System (NCDC HDSS, JANUARY2010 ADAMS-SELIN AND JOHNSON 215 FIG.2.OklahomaMesonetstationsasof2006(foundonlineatwww.mesonet.org/images/siteIDs.gif). accessed online at http://has.ncdc.noaa.gov), and using to the GEMPAK analysis. [For a description of WSI the heading-speed tool in the Advanced Weather In- NOWrad data, see http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/image teractive Processing System. The time-to-space trans- archive/WSI/docs/NOWradDescriptionWSICorp.txt; formationwasonlyappliedoveramovable,latitude-and Parker and Knievel (2005) contains a discussion of its longitude-defined rectangle, redefined every 15 min, strengthsandweaknesses.]Whenthisstudybegan,data whichfollowedthebowecho. in native WSI NOWrad format (easily visualized using Afterthedatafieldwasenhancedbythisprocedure, GEMPAK)wereonlyavailableforthefullyears2002–05. the observations were then objectively analyzed using To remain consistent throughout the study, the analysis themultiquadricinterpolationscheme.NussandTitley waslimitedtothoseyears.Plotsofhigh-pass-filteredpo- (1994)foundthatthisschemeperformedbetterthanthe tential temperature, surface winds, and adjusted surface morecommonlyusedBarnes(1973)orCressman(1959) pressure,overlaidonradardata,wereproducedat15-min schemes, in particular for small-scale features.1 The intervalsforallbow-echocasesfoundoverthis4-yrperiod. smoothing and multiquadric parameters were set to 0.000 005and1.5,respectively.Thesevalueswerefound through repeated experimentation to best retain the tightgradientsassociatedwithconvection.Becausethis scheme does not perform well in regions with sparse observations,resultsintheOklahomaPanhandle,where only six mesonet stations are located, were excluded fromtheanalysis.Thenewlygriddeddatawerethenread intotheGeneralMeteorologicalPackage(GEMPAK)to producecontouredfields. b. Nationalmosaicradarreflectivitydata WSI NOWrad mosaic composite reflectivity data at 15-minresolution,fromtheNationalCenterforAtmo- spheric Research Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorol- ogyDivision(MMM)archive(availableonlineathttp:// www.mmm.ucar.edu/imagearchive/WSI), were added 1Forrobustness,datafieldswerealsoobjectivelyanalyzedusing theBarnesmethod,withanumberofdifferentcriticalradii.Re- FIG. 3. Response function for the 81-point width high-pass sults very similar to those found using the multiquadric method Lanczosfilter.Thecutofffrequencyf isonefullwave(onesyn- c wereachieved. optichigh–lowpressurecouplet)per82.4h,or0.0121h21. 216 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME138 c. Bow-echocriteria TABLE1.Relationshipbetweenpressuresurgeandnewbowing asrepresentedbythenumberofbowingepisodesthatwerepre- cededby(before),simultaneousto(simul),followedby(after),and The MMM online animated image archive (http:// notassociatedwith(none)surgesofthesurfacemesohigh.Surges www.mmm.ucar.edu/imagearchive)wasutilizedtonar- not followed by new bowing (Surge/no bow) are also indicated. rowthe4 yrofdatatopossiblebow-echoevents.These Onlynewbowingthat,atitsstart,wasbothlargerthan50kmand eventswerethenexaminedinmoredetailusinganima- insidethestate(a‘‘bowingepisode’’)wasincluded. tionsoftheWSINOWradmosaicradardata.Ifaradar Before Simul After None Tot Surge/nobow feature met the necessary criteria (discussed below) it wasincludedasoneofthecases.Trackingofthefeature 24 8 3 4 39 8 61.5% 20.5% 7.7% 10.3% 100.0% beganwheneitherconvectionstartedorwhenthebow apex entered the state. Tracking of the feature ended with the exit of the stratiform precipitation region to Thirty-sixtotalbow-echocaseswereidentifiedduring anotherstate,theconversionormergingofthebowecho the 2002–05 period using these criteria. It is possible, intoalargersystem,orthedissipationoftheconvection. however, for one bow-echo case to contain several Here,start(dissipation)ofconvectionwasestablishedby bowingsegments.Thesemultiplesegmentscouldoccur theappearance(dissipation)of50-dBZechoes.Fourteen at the same time and be located within the same bow, daysofradardataweremissingfromthisarchive,during suchastheserialderechodescribed byJohnsand Hirt theperiod9–22June2002. (1987), or could appear sequentially in time. Each in- The definition for a bow echo used in this study stanceofnewbowingdevelopmentwithinonebow-echo islargelybasedontheworkofKlimowskietal.(2000). casewasreferredtoasa‘‘bowingepisode.’’Atotalof39 To be designated as a bow echo, a feature must ap- bowingepisodeswereconfirmedwithinthetimeperiod pear‘‘boworcrescent-shaped’’ontheradarreturnand ofthisstudy(Table1). display a strong gradient in reflectivity at the lead- ing edge of the bow. As in both Fujita (1955) and Klimowskietal.(2000),bowechoesmustdisplaychar- 3. Casestudies acteristicsofbeing‘‘outflowdominated’’withtheradius of curvature of the bow as viewed by radar decreasing Atotalof36casesinvolving39bowingepisodeswere withtime.TheAmericanMeteorologicalSocietyGlos- studiedbyanimatingtheradarreflectivity,pressure,and sary of Meteorology’s definition of a bow echo sets an temperature fields and examining their interrelation- uppersizethresholdat200 km(Glickman2000).None ships. In this section, two representative cases are pre- of the bowing segments examined in this study were sented.Figures4and6displaycompositeradarimages larger. ofthese twocases, overlaidwithhigh-pass-filtered sur- Additional restrictions to this definition were neces- face sustained winds, potential temperature, and ad- saryasaresultofthe15-mintemporalresolutionofthe justed pressure. The WSR-88D radial velocity data WSI NOWrad data. The system also must be large (convertedtoastorm-relativeframework)fromstations enough to ensure that the mesonet could adequately KTLX (Norman, Oklahoma) and KVNX (Enid, Okla- sample any surface pattern associated with the bow. homa)werealsoexamined.Becausethedatawereob- Thus,thefollowingfourconstraintsservedasbow-echo tainedfrom theNCDCHDSSarchive, onlythelowest selectioncriteriaforthisstudy: fourelevationangles(0.508,1.508,2.408,and3.408)were available. 1) a strong reflectivity gradient at the leading edge of a. 13March2003bowecho thebowmustbepresent, 2) the bow or crescent shape of the radar echo must Convection first initiated at 0215 UTC in north-cen- endureforatleast1 h, tral Oklahoma, and a convective line approximately 3) new bowing development, the period during which 125 km in length was in place by 0230 UTC (Fig. 4a), the radius of curvature of the echo decreases with with continued development evident at 0345 UTC time,mustpersistforatleast30 minduringthissame (Fig. 4b). Winds ahead of the storm system were gen- period,and erally from the south by 0345 UTC, providing inflow; 4) duringthesetimeperiods,thesystemmustbelarge windobservationsfromwithintheconvectivelinewere enough to cover the average distance between two fromthenorth-northwest.Figure4c,at0515UTC,dis- mesonetstations,approximately50 km,andtheapex playsthearrangementofthemesohighandcoldpoolin ofthebowmustbewithinOklahoma(excludingthe relation to the convective line prior to the start of new panhandle). bowing. The mesohigh was centered just behind this JANUARY2010 ADAMS-SELIN AND JOHNSON 217 FIG. 4. High-pass-filtered potential temperature (purple contours; 18C), surface wind (black barbs), and adjusted pressure (black contours;0.5hPa)from(a)0230,(b)0345,(c)0515,(d)0545,(e)0615,and(f)0830UTC13Mar2003.TheWSINOWradbasereflectivity scaleisgivenatthebottomofthefigure.Thepressuresurgeandnewbowingdevelopmentaredisplayedin(d)and(e),respectively.The positionofKTLXismarkedbyastar. convectiveline,withacoldpoolapproximatelycollocated Examination of the KTLX WSR-88D storm-relative withthemesohigh.Surfacewindsaheadoftheconvective radialvelocitydata(notshown)revealedtheexistence linewerestillpredominatelysoutherly.Windswithinthe ofarearinflowjet,locatedinthesouthernthirdofthe convective line were more variable but were generally convective line and approximately in the center of the northerly. mesohigh.Thejetwasapproximately50 kminwidthand By0530UTC(notshown),themesohighshiftedfar- only extended rearward to the trailing edge of the con- ther toward the southern end of the convective line. vectiveline.There wasa smallareaofwindsexceeding 218 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME138 20 m s21 at 1.5 km. This feature first appeared at 0516 features would remain centered behind the convective UTC.Itisuncertainifthatwaswhentheinflowfirstde- lineasthesystemdissipated. veloped, or when the system moved far enough away Possiblemechanismsforthemesohighsurgeassociated fromtheKTLXradarforthehighestavailableelevation with the 13 March bow echo are explored in section 5 angletobeabletosamplethisfeature. byreferringtoatimeseriesofthesurfaceobservations Figure 4d shows the noticeable mesohigh surge par- (Fig.5)fromstationVANOinsouth-centralOklahoma tially ahead of the convective line at 0545 UTC, with on 13 March 2003 (see Fig. 2 for station location). slight bowing of the convective line. The cold pool re- However,herewerefertothistimeseriestopointout mained centered behind the convective line with iso- limitationsoftheobjectiveanalysisinrepresentingthe thermsparalleltoit.A20m s21rearinflowjetmaximum sharpmesoscale pressuregradients associated withthe wasstilllocatedatapproximately1.5km(notshown).It storm.Basedonanaveragesystemspeedof17.3 m s21, wasalsocollocatedwiththecenterofthesurgingmeso- calculated using the time of arrival of precipitation at high. Stations located in advance of the convective line stationsCHANandCALV(seeFig.2forstationloca- but within the mesohigh surge switched from southerly tion), a time–space transformation of the interval be- inflowtonortherlyflow.Laterevaluation(seesection5b) tweentheinitialpressurerise(0535UTC;‘‘b’’inFig.5) ofdatatimeseriesshowedthatthesurfacewindsshifted andthepressurepeak(0555UTC;‘‘d’’inFig.5)yields withthemesohighsurge. 20.8 km. The width of the same pressure gradient in By0600UTC,20 m s21windswerealsoobservedat Fig.4d,however,isapproximately60 km.Itisclearthat 1 km (not shown), appearing to indicate a descending themultiquadricinterpolationdoesnotfullycapturethe rearinflowjet.Thirtyminuteslater(0615UTC,Fig.4e), truesharppressuregradient.Furtheradjustmentofthe anareaofnewbowingdevelopedjusttothenortheastof smoothing and multiquadric parameters did not im- theaxisofthemesohighsurge.Thecoldpoolexpanded provethisdisparity.Thus,althoughtheprincipalresults outward with the new bow but remained centered be- of this study are not compromised by this deficiency, hind the convective line. Its minimum potential tem- details of the surface analyses—namely, sharp gra- perature decreased by approximately 18C since the dients—arenot fullyresolvedbytheobjective analysis mesohighsurge.Surfacewindslocatedwithinthepres- scheme. suregradientattheleadingedgeofthemesohighshifted b. 24May2003bowecho direction to north-northwest. At this point the leading edgeofthemesohighpressuregradientwasstillaheadof At 1200 UTC (not shown), an already-developed the convective line. There was still a small region of convective line, oriented southwest–northeast, entered 20 m s21 storm-relative radial winds visible in the thenorthwestportionofOklahoma.By1245UTC,more KTLXWSR-88Ddataatapproximately1 kmabovethe thanhalfofthelengthoftheconvectivelinewaswithin ground(notshown),butitwaslikelythatthestrongest the mesonet, and a mesohigh and cold pool were both winds had descended to the surface. A 17 m s21 wind evident(Fig.6a).Inthiscase,itappearsasthoughthese gustwasreportedatstationADAX(seeFig.2forsta- featureswerelocatedjustbehindthesouthwesternendof tion location) at 0600 UTC. Stratiform precipitation theconvectiveline,althoughgiventheproximityofthe increased considerably at this time. The rear inflow jet stormtotheboundaryofthemesonet,theexactlocations expandedrearwardasthestratiformregionincreasedin areuncertain.Thepressuregradientattheleadingedge size(notshown). ofthemesohighwasslightlyaheadoftheconvectiveline, About 2 h after the new bowing episode developed, andwindsatstationswithinthatgradientwereindicating the convective line began to dissipate as the bow ex- northwest flow. Other stations ahead of the system re- panded (0830 UTC, Fig. 4f). An enhanced secondary ported generally south or southwest winds flowing into band of stratiform precipitation had developed by this thesystem.KVNXWSR-88Ddata(notshown)showed time,whichalongwiththecoldpoolwascenteredinthe awell-developedrearinflowjetofgreaterthan20m s21 northern half of the bowed portion of the convective stretchingverticallyfrom1.5to5.0 km.Itwaslocatedin line. The one remaining station in the prestorm region the southern third of the convective line, just to the reported winds shifting clockwise from south to north- northeastofthemesohigh,andextendedapproximately west as the system approached, with other nearby sta- 100 kmbehindthetrailingedgeoftheconvectiveline. tions all reporting northwest flow. The cold-pool The mesohigh surged partially ahead of the convec- isotherms had remained parallel to the convective line tivelineat1300UTC(Fig.6b).Thecoldpoolremained over the past 2 h (not shown). The mesohigh was cen- behindtheconvectivelinewithitsisothermsparallelto teredbehindtheconvectivelineclosetothecoldpool, it.Itdidnotstrengthenatthistimebutappearedtobe althoughitwaselongatedpartiallysouthwestward.Both more centered behind the convective line than earlier. JANUARY2010 ADAMS-SELIN AND JOHNSON 219 FIG.5.Timeseriesdisplayofhigh-pass-filtereddataforstationVANO,whichexperienced boththepressuresurgeandthenewlybowedsegmentofthebowecho.Timeincreasesto theleft,from0300to0700UTC13Mar2003.(top)Potentialtemperature(K;dashedline; right scale) and adjusted pressure (hPa; solid line; left scale). (bottom) Sustained winds (1kt’0.5ms21;barbs),sustainedwindspeed(ms21;solidline;leftscale),unfilteredwind gusts(ms21;‘‘G’’labels,leftscale),andunfilteredprecipitationrate[mm(5min)21;dashed line; right scale]. Arrow a is the dip in pressure signifying the passage of the fast-moving wavelikefeature(0345UTC).Arrowsbandcarethestartofthesharppressureriseandthe wind shift (0535 UTC). Arrow d is the sharp potential temperature drop (0555 UTC) and arrivalofthecoldpool.Arroweisthestartofprecipitation,atthesametime. At this time, 20 m s21 rear inflow jet winds have de- end. The cold pool was still centered behind the con- scended to 1.2 km, approximately collocated with the vectiveline.Windsinthepressuregradientinadvance mesohigh.Therearwardextentofthejetcannotbeseen ofthesystemweregenerallyfromthenorth.Mostofthe becausealargeportionofitisperpendiculartotheradar winds were oriented perpendicular to the KTLX radar velocityradial.Surfacewindsattheveryleadingedgeof velocityradial,andthereforediscussionoftheWSR-88D themesohighpressuregradient—over50 kminadvance data cannot be included with this bowing episode. At oftheconvectivesystem—haveshiftedtothenorthwest. 1515UTC,themesohighonceagainsurgedaheadofthe ReviewofdatatimeseriesatnearbystationBREC(not convective line (Fig. 6e). The cold pool remained cen- shown; see Fig. 2 for station location) showed that the tered behind the convective line, although its leading wind shift occurred simultaneously with the arrival of gradient did strengthen slightly. The convective line themesohighsurge. bowedslightlyat thistime,althoughnottothefullex- Within 15 min (1315 UTC; Fig. 6c), new bowing de- tent that it did later. The two stations (NINN and velopedtothenortheastofthemesohighsurge.Thecold CALV; see Fig. 2 for station location) located in the pool remained centered behind the system and at the pressure gradient at the leading edge of the mesohigh samestrength,althoughitdidsurgeforwardwiththeline stillreportedsouthwesterlyinflow,althoughtheywereat asitbowed.Atthistime,therewerenomesonetstations theveryfrontofthisgradient.Thewindshiftedatstation within the pressure gradient on the leading edge of the NINN5 minlaterandatstationCALV15minlater. mesohigh ahead of the system; two stations just in ad- At1545UTC(Fig.6f),theconvectivelinefullybowed vanceofthegradientreportedsoutherlyorsouthwesterly out, with the new apex to the northeast of the original inflow.Dopplerradardatarevealedthe20 m s21windsin mesohighsurge.Thecoldpoolwascenteredbehindthis therearinflowdidnotdescendtothesurface(notshown). newbowingsegmentandcooledby18Csincethemeso- By1500UTC(Fig.6d),theradiusofcurvatureofthe highsurge.Themesohighwasstilllocatedatthesouthern convective line had increased. The mesohigh was lo- end of the convective line, but was eclipsed by the cated behind the convective line toward its southwest newbowingsegment.Stationsneartheconvective line 220 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME138 FIG.6.AsinFig.4,butat(a)1245,(b)1300,(c)1315,(d)1500,(e)1515,and(f)1545UTC24May2003.Thepressuresurgesarein(b)and (e);thenewbowingdevelopmentisin(c)and(f).Thestarinnorthwest(central)OklahomaistheKVNX(KTLX)radar. and in the leading pressure gradient reported north- ture, or wind patterns. The existence of features often westerly flow. By 1715 UTC (not shown), the system associated with linear MCSs, such as the postsystem exitedthestatewhiledissipating. wake low and warm region, presquall mesolow and warmregion,andmesohighandcoldpool,wereallob- served. However, repeatable patterns of low pressure 4. Surfacepressureandtemperaturepattern and warm temperature anomalies could not be estab- synopsis lished because the positioning and intensity of these Anexaminationofallbowingepisodeswasconducted features varied widely over the lifetime of each bow to find recurring mesoscale surface pressure, tempera- echo. A recurring pattern that could be identified was