Final Technical Report for ONR Award under Grant N00014-07-1-0395 MARSnet: Mission-aware Autonomous Radar Sensor Network for Future Combat Systems 12/8/06 to 12/31/09. Qilian Liang Department of Electrical Engineering 416 Yates Street, Room 518 University of Texas at Arlington Arlington, TX 76019-0016 Phone: 817-272-1339; Fax: 817-272-2253 E-mail: [email protected] Abstract This ONR award has significantly helped the PI and his research group to survive and develop. Majorachievementsincludestudentstraining,technologytransfertoDoDproduct,and research accomplishments. Eight Ph.D students and eight M.S. students have been supported by this ONR project. Of these 16 Ph.D/M.S. students, 4 Ph.D students and 4 M.S. students are women. In this ONR project, we have systematically studied radar sensor networks, which include sense-through-foliage target detection using FOPEN radar and radar sensor network, UWB radar for Sense-through-foliage channel modeling and foliage clutter modeling, waveform design and diversity in radar sensor networks, multi-target detection in radar sensor networks, UWB noise radar for sense-through-wall channel modeling, and compressive sensing for radar and radar sensor networks, etc. Sixty-five papers have been produced during this project and are attached to this final technical report. OurresearchresultsonFoliagePenetration(FOPEN)radarandradarsensornetworkshave beentransferredtoUSAirForcefortheirlaserimagingthroughcloudsproduct. Thealgorithms from this ONR project could be integrated into existing Navy and Marine Corps’ radar sensor systemssuchasTacticalRemoteSensorSystem(TRSS),JointSurveillanceTargetAttackRadar System (JSTARS), Tier II Pioneer Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), Expeditionary Tactical Area Surveillance Sysem (ETASS), Critical Area Protection System (CAPS), etc. The research willdirectlybenefitDoDnetcentricitybasedprogramsandconceptsincludingNavyFORCEnet, Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS), Transparent Urban Structures (TUS) program, etc. 1 Students Training The PI strives to create a research-intensive educational environment and establish and maintain a strong network sensing group at UT-Arlington to develop the next generation of educators, researchers, and entrepreneurs who will drive future innovation in radars, communications, and networks. 1 of 816 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED JAN 2010 N/A - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER MARSnet: Mission-aware Autonomous Radar Sensor Network for 5b. GRANT NUMBER Future Combat Systems 12/8/06 to 12/31/09. 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION University of Texas at Arlington Office of Sponsored Pojects P.O. Box REPORT NUMBER 19145 Arlington, TX 76019-0016 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) Office of Naval Research Arlington, VA 22203-1995 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release, distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The original document contains color images. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE UU 816 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Eight Ph.D students (Qingchun Ren, Haining Shu, Xinsheng Xia, Jing Liang, Emily Lei Xu, Ji Wu, Steve Iverson, and Davis Kirachaiwanich) and eight M.S. students (Rahul Sawant, Hung Ly, Hong-Sam Le, Mukta Athavale, Varsha Bolar, Siddhartha Mukkamala, Mamta Desai, Ashith Kumar)havebeensupportedbythisONRproject. Ofthese16graduatestudents, 4Ph.Dstudents and 4 M.S. students are women. Four PhD students have graduated during this project: 1. Haining Shu, PhD Dissertation: Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime Analysis and Energy Ef- ficient Techniques, August 2007. 2. Qingchun Ren, PhD Dissertation: Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer Design and Data Query Processing for Wireless Sensor Networks, December 2007. 3. Xinsheng Xia, PhD Dissertation: Cross-Layer Design for Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Networks, December 2007. 4. Jing Liang, Ph.D Dissertation: Radar and Non-Radar Sensor Networks, August 2009. Besides, fiveM.S.students(RahulSawant,HungLy,Hong-SamLe,MuktaAthavale,VarshaBolar) have completed their degrees during this project. With two new PhD students (Ishrat Maherin and Julie Chen) and two new MS students (Urmi Desai and Sanil Fulani) joining us in January 2010, we have six PhD students and five M.S. students in this group. 2 Recognitions and Honors Associated with this ONR Award During this project, the PI has received the following recognitions and honors associated with this award. • Promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in early 2008 (Promotion and Tenure dossier submitted in Fall 2007). • 2007 U.S. Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program Award. • 2009 U.S. Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program Award. • Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue on Radar and Sonar Sensor Networks, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2009. 3 Technology Transition to DoD Product A technology outcome from this ONR project, sense-through-foliage target detection using UWB radar and UWB radar sensor networks, has been transferred to AFRL/RHX for the application of wideband concepts to laser cloud penetration for the purpose of airborne imaging for Air Force. This product is being implemented in Brooks City AFB in San Antonio, TX, and will be deployed in 2011-2013 for Air Force. Forests and buildings favor asymmetric threats because the warfighter has a limited sensing capability. Forest and buildings provide excellent concealment from observation, ambush, and escape, as well as provide secure bases for enemy Command & Control (C2), weapons caches, and Improvised Explosive Device (IED)/ Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) assembly. These have become“thehighground”infourth-generationwarfare, providingasignificantstrategicadvantage. 2 of 816 We believe that solving the sense-through-foliage target detection will significantly benefit sense- through-wall and other subsurface sensing problems. In [42][31], we studied sense-through-foliage target detection using ultra-wideband (UWB) radars. We proposed a Discrete-Cosine-Transform (DCT)-based approach for sense-through-foliage target detection when the echo signal quality is good, andaRadarSensorNetwork(RSN)andDCT-basedapproachwhentheechosignalqualityis poor. ARAKEstructurewhichcancombinetheechosfromdifferentcluster-memberswasproposed for clusterhead in the RSN. We compared our approach with the ideal case when both echos are available, i.e., echos with target and without target. We also compared our approach against the scheme in which 2-D image was created via adding voltages with the appropriate time offset as well as the matched filter-based approach. We observed that the matched filter-based couldn’t work well because the UWB channel has memory. Simulation results show that our DCT-based scheme works much better than the existing approaches, and our RSN and DCT-based approach can be used for target detection successfully while even the ideal case fails to do it. Based on this study, AFRL/RHX has applied it to the application of wideband concepts to laser cloud penetration for the purpose of airborne imaging. According to the AFRL/RHX officer, Dr. Richard A. Albanese in USAF AFMC 711 HPW, the laser imaging through clouds will come to operational fruition in the coming three-five years. This technology also has its Naval relevance. It will help Marine Corps and expeditionary war- fighters to make the forest and wall transparent. It will directly benefit Navy’s Transparent Urban Structures (TUS) program. Sense-through-foliage algorithms resulting from this research could be integratedintoemergingnet-centricNavyandMarineCorpsCommand&ControlandIntelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C2 and ISR) acquisition programs through a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). 4 Research Accomplishments 4.1 An Overview Perhaps this is the first research project in this world that is fully dedicated to radar sensor networks. In this ONR project, we have extensively studied radar sensor networks, and have produced 65 papers, of which 20 journal papers and 25 conference papers have been published or accepted, and the other 20 papers are still in the review process. In summary, we have made significant contributions in the following aspects of radar sensor networks: • sense-through-foliagetargetdetectionusingFOPENradarandradarsensornetwork[3][29][31] [36][39][42][43], • UWBradarforSense-through-foliagechannelmodelingandfoliagecluttermodeling[1][19][23] [40][44][62], • waveform design and diversity in radar sensor networks [2][8][9][13][21][22][32][38][47][61][65], • radar sensor network optimization [25][46], • MIMO radar [22][65], • multi-target detection in radar sensor networks [7][24][28][35][48][55], • sensor network for threat assessment [5][11][27][35][37], 3 of 816 • virtual MIMO sensor networks [4][41][45][51], • UWB sensor network optimization [6][54][57], • energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks [12][14][16][20][52], • resource allocation in wireless sensor networks [15][18][49][50][53], • cross layer design for sensor networks [10][14], • passive geolocation in electronic warfare [26][30][56][63], • UWB noise radar for sense-through-wall channel modeling [33], • compressive sensing for radar and radar sensor networks [58][59][60][64]. The most significant research results in each category are described in the following section. All publications are included in the Appendix. 4.2 Most Significant Research Results 4.2.1 UWB Radar Sensor Networks for Sense-through-Foliage Target Detection In [31][42], we studied sense-through-foliage target detection using FOPEN UWB radar sensor network. We proposed a Discrete-Cosine-Transform (DCT)-based approach for sense-through- foliage target detection using a single UWB radar when the echo signal quality is good, and a Radar Sensor Network (RSN) and DCT-based approach when the echo signal quality is poor. A RAKE structure which can combine the echos from different cluster-members was proposed for clusterhead in the RSN. We compared our approach with the ideal case when both echos are available, i.e., echos with target and without target. We also compared our approach against the scheme in which 2-D image was created via adding voltages with the appropriate time offset as well as the matched filter-based approach. We observed that the matched filter-based couldnt work well because the UWB channel has memory. Simulation results show that our DCT-based scheme works much better than the existing approaches, and our RSN and DCT-based approach can be used for target detection successfully while even the ideal case fails to do it. 4.2.2 UWB Radar for Outdoor Propagation Channel Modeling in Foliage Environ- ment In [1], we studied the statistical modeling for outdoor non-line-of-sight (NLOS) channel in rich scattering and slowly time-varying foliage environment based on extensive data collected using both narrowband and ultra-wideband (UWB) radars. The multi-path contributions arrive at the receiveraregroupedintoclusters. ThetimeofarrivalofclusterscanbemodeledasaPoissonarrival process, while within each cluster, subsequent multipath contributions or rays also arrive according toaPoissonprocess. However, theparametersarequitedifferentalongwiththefrequency. Wealso observedthattheamplitudeofmultipathchannelateachpathcanbemoreaccuratelycharacterized by log-logistic distribution (LLD) other than log-normal, Weibull or Rayleigh due to the best goodness-of-fit and smallest root mean square error (RMSE). 4 of 816 4.2.3 Network-enabled Electronic Warfare for Target Recognition Based on Radar Sensor Networks Network-enabledElectronicWarfare(NEW)istodevelopmodelingandsimulationefforttoexplore the advantages and limitations of network-enabled electronic warfare concepts. The advantages of linking multiple electronic support measures (ESM) and electronic attack (EA) assets to achieve improved capabilities across a networked battle force have yet to be quantified. In [2], we utilized radar sensors as ESM and EA assets to demonstrate the advantages of NEW in Collaborative Au- tomatic Target Recognition (CATR). Signal (waveform) design for Radar Sensor Networks (RSN) in NEW was studied theoretically. The conditions for waveform coexistence and the interferences among waveforms in RSN were analyzed. We applied the NEW to CATR via waveform diversity combining and proposed maximum-likelihood (ML)-ATR algorithms for non-fluctuating targets as wellasfluctuatingtargets. SimulationresultsindicatedthatourNEW-CATRperformsmuchbetter than the single sensor-based ATR algorithm for non-fluctuating targets and fluctuating targets. 4.2.4 Biologically-Inspired Target Recognition in Radar Sensor Networks One of the great mysteries of the brain is cognitive control. How can the interactions between millions of neurons result in behavior that is coordinated and appears willful and voluntary? There is consensus that it depends on the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Many PFC areas receive converging inputs from at least two sensory modalities. Inspired by human’s innate ability to process and in- tegrate information from disparate, network-based sources, we applied human-inspired information integration mechanisms to target detection in cognitive radar sensor network [3]. Humans’ infor- mation integration mechanisms have been modelled using maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) or soft-max approaches. We applied these two algorithms to cognitive radar sensor networks target detection. Discrete-cosine-transform (DCT) was used to process the integrated data from MLE or soft-max. We applied fuzzy logic system (FLS) to automatic target detection based on the AC power values from DCT. Simulation results showed that our MLE-DCT-FLS and soft-max- DCT-FLS approaches perform very well in the radar sensor network target detection, whereas the existing 2-D construction algorithm doesn’t work in this study. 4.2.5 Channel Selection in Virtual MIMO Sensor Networks In [4], we presented two practical algorithms for selecting a subset of channels in virtual multiple- input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to balance the MIMO advantage consumption of sensor cooperation. If intracluster node-to-node multihop needs be taken into ac- count, the maximum spanning tree searching (MASTS) algorithm, with respect to the cross-layer design, always provides a path connecting all sensors. When the WSN is organized in a manner of cluster-to-cluster multihop, the singular-value decomposition-QR with threshold (SVD-QR-T) approach selects the best subset of transmitters while keeping all receivers active. The threshold is adaptive by means of fuzzy c-means (FCM). These two approaches are compared by simulation againstthecasewithoutchannelselectionintermsofcapacity, biterrorrate(BER),andmultiplex- ing gain with water filling or equal transmission power allocation. Despite less multiplexing gain, when water filling is applied, MASTS achieves higher capacity and lower BER than virtual MIMO without channel selection at moderate-to-high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), whereas SVD-QR-T by FCM provides the lowest BER at high SNR; in the case of no water filling and equal transmission powerallocation,MASTSstilloffersthehighestcapacityatmoderateto-highSNR,butSVD-QR-T 5 of 816 by FCM achieves the lowest BER. Both algorithms provide satisfying performances with reduced resource consumption. 4.2.6 A New Ternary Code Design for Radar Sensor Networks Based on the zero correlation zone (ZCZ) concept, we [21] presented the definition and properties of a set of new ternary codes - ZCZ sequence-pair set (ZCZPS) and proposed a method to use the optimized punctured sequence-pair along with Hadamard matrix in the zero correlation zone in order to construct the optimized punctured ZCZ sequence-pair set (optimized punctured ZCZPS). Accordingtopropertyanalysis,theoptimizedpuncturedZCZPShasgoodautocorrelationandcross correlation properties when Doppler shift is not large. We applied it to radar target detection. The simulation results showed that the optimized punctured ZCZ sequence-pairs (optimized punctured ZCZPS) outperform other conventional pulse compression codes, such as the well known polyphase codeP4 code. We have applied our triphase coded waveform to radar sensor network. In [21], we performed some theoretical studies on coexistence and interferences of phase coded waveforms in RSN. We analyzed our ternary codes properties, especially their optimized cross correlation property of any two sequence pairs in the set. We applied our ternary codes and equal gain combinationtechniquetotargetrecognitionandevaluatedtheperformancesversusdifferentnumber of radars in RSN with Doppler shift or time delay. Simulation results showed that detection performances of RSN with our optimized punctured ZCZPS (with or without Doppler shift) are much better than those of single radar. 4.2.7 Orthogonal Pulse Compression Codes for MIMO Radar System Inspired by recent advances in MIMO radar, in [22], we introduced orthogonal pulse compression codes to MIMO radar system in order to gain better target direction finding performance. We proposedtheconceptandthedesignmethodologyfortheoptimizedtriphasephasecodedwaveforms that is the optimized punctured Zero correlation Zone (ZCZ) sequence-Pair Set (ZCZPS). The method is to use the optimized punctured sequence-pair along with Hadamard matrix in the ZCZ. Accordingtocodespropertyanalysis,ourproposedphasecodedwaveformscouldprovideoptimized autocorrelation and cross correlation properties in ZCZ. Then we presented a generalized MIMO radarsystemmodelusingourproposedcodesandsimulatethetargetdirectionfindingperformance in the system. The simulation results showed that diversity gain could be obtained using our orthogonal pulse compression codes for MIMO radar system. The more antennas used, the better target direction finding performance provided. 4.2.8 Compressive Sensing in Radar Sensor Networks Motivated by recent advances on Compressive Sensing (CS) and high data redundancy among radars in radar sensor networks, we studied CS for radar sensor networks [58]. We demonstrated thatthesense-through-foliageUWBradarsignalsareverysparse,whichmeansCScouldbeapplied to radar sensor networks to tremendously reduce the sampling rate. We applied SVD-QR and maximum likelihood algorithms to CS for radar sensor networks. SVD-QR could vastly reduce the number of radar sensors, and CS is applied to the selected radar sensors for data compression. Simulations are performed and our compression ratio could be 192:1 overall. 6 of 816 References [1] Jing Liang, Qilian Liang, “Outdoor Propagation Channel Modeling in Foliage Environment,” accepted by IEEE Trans on Vehicular Technology. [Pages 12-46 in this Report] [2] Qilian Liang, Xiuzhen Cheng, Sherwood Samn, “NEW: Network-enabled Electronic Warfare for Target Recognition,” IEEE Trans on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 46, no. 1, Jan 2010. [Pages 47-76 in this Report] [3] Qilian Liang, “Biologically-Inspired Target Recognition in Radar Sensor Networks,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Paper ID: 523435, vol. 2010. [Pages 77-102 in this Report] [4] Jing Liang, Qilian Liang, “Channel Selection Algorithms in Virtual MIMO Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Trans on Vehicular Technology., vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 2249-2257, June 2009. [Pages 103-111 in this Report] [5] Qilian Liang, Xiuzhen Cheng, “KUPS: Knowledge-based Ubiquitous and Persistent Sensor networks for Threat Assessment,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 1060-1069, July 2008. [Pages 112-121 in this Report] [6] Qingchun Ren, Qilian Liang, “ Throughput and energy-efficiency Aware Ultra Wideband Com- munication in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Cross-Layer Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 805-816, July 2008. [Pages 122-133 in this Report] [7] Hung Ly, Qilian Liang, “Diversity in Radar Sensor Networks: Theoretical Analysis and Appli- cation to Target Detection,” International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, vol. 16, no. 4, 2009. [Pages 134-141 in this Report] [8] Lei Xu, Qilian Liang, “Optimized Punctured ZCZ Sequence-pair Set: Design, Analysis and Application to Radar System”, accepted by EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Paper ID: 254837, vol. 2010. [Pages 142-164 in this Report] [9] Qilian Liang, “Automatic Target Recognition Using Waveform Diversity in Radar Sensor Net- works”, Pattern Recognition Letters (Elsevier), vol.29, no.2, pp.377-381, 2008.[Pages165-169 in this Report] [10] Xinsheng Xia, Qilian Liang, “Cross-Layer Design for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems”, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge- Based Systems, Vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 391-407, June 2008. [Pages 170-185 in this Report] [11] Qingchun Ren, Qilian Liang, Dechang Chen, “A Fuzzy Logic-Based Secure MAC Protocol Aiming at Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks”, accepted by Infor- mation Sciences (Elsevier). [Pages 186-205 in this Report] [12] Haining Shu, Qilian Liang, Jean Gao, “Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime Analysis Using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 416-427, April 2008. [Pages 206-217 in this Report] 7 of 816 [13] Qilian Liang, “Radar Sensor Networks: Algorithms for Waveform Design and Diversity with Application to ATR with Delay-Doppler Uncertainty”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Com- munications and Networking, Article ID: 89103, pp. 1-9, vol. 2007. [Pages 218-226 in this Report] [14] Qilian Liang, Lingming Wang, Qingchun Ren, “ Fault tolerant and energy efficient cross-layer design in wireless sensor networks”, International Journal on Sensor Networks, vol. 2, no. 3/4, pp. 248-257, 2007. [Pages 227-236 in this Report] [15] Liang Zhao, Qilian Liang, “Hop-Distance Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks with Ap- plications to Resources Allocation,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Net- working, Paper ID: 84256, pp. 1-8, vol. 2007. [Pages 237-244 in this Report] [16] Haining Shu, Qilian Liang, Jean Gao, “Distributed sensor deployment using fuzzy logic sys- tems,” International Journal on Wireless Information Networks, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 163-173, 2007. [Pages 245-255 in this Report] [17] Liang Zhao, Qilian Liang, “Energy-Efficient Self-Organization for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Fully Distributed Approach”, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 347-369, 2007. [Pages 256-285 in this Report] [18] Qingchun Ren, Qilian Liang, “Energy and quality aware query processing in wireless sensor database systems”, Information Sciences (Elsevier), vol. 177, no. 10, pp. 2188-2205, May 2007. [Pages 286-303 in this Report] [19] Jing Liang, Qilian Liang, Sherwood Samn, “A Propagation Environment Modeling in Fo- liage,” accepted by EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Paper ID: 873070, vol. 2010. [Pages 304-334 in this Report] [20] Xinsheng Xia, Qilian Liang, “Latency-aware and Energy Efficiency Tradeoffs for Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Journal on Sensor Networks, vol. 5, no. 1, 2010. [Pages 335- 342 in this Report] [21] Lei Xu, Qilian Liang, “Radar Sensor Network Using A New Ternary Codes: Theory and Application,” submitted to IEEE Trans on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. [Pages 343-374 in this Report] [22] Lei Xu, Qilian Liang, “Orthogonal Pulse Compression Codes for MIMO Radar System”, submitted to IEEE Trans on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. [Pages 375-402 in this Report] [23] Qilian Liang, “Wireless Channel Modeling in Foliage Environment: UWB versus Narrow- band”, submitted to IEEE Trans on Vehicular Technology. [Pages 403-433 in this Report] [24] Hung Ly, Qilian Liang, “Collaborative Multi-Target Detection in Radar Sensor Networks”, submitted to International Journal of Wireless Information Networks. [Pages 434-453 in this Report] [25] Jing Liang, Qilian Liang, “Design and Analysis of Distributed Radar Sensor Networks,” sub- mittedtoIEEETransactionsonParallelandDistributedSystems.[Pages454-463inthisReport] 8 of 816 [26] Jing Liang, Qilian Liang, “Passive Geolocation of RF Emitters by A Netcentric Small Un- manned Aerial System,” submitted to (Wiley) Wireless Communications and Mobile Comput- ing. [Pages 464-485 in this Report] [27] Qilian Liang, “Human-inspired favor weak fuzzy logic systems: theory and applications,” submitted to IEEE Trans on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part b: Cybernetics. [Pages 496- 524 in this Report] [28] Hong Sam Le, Qilian Liang, “Multi-target Identification and Classification in Cognitive Radar SensorNetworks,” submittedtoInternationalJournalofWirelessInformationNetworks.[Pages 515-527 in this Report] [29] Jing Liang, Qilian Liang, “Sense-Through-Foliage Target Detection Using UWB Radar Sensor Networks,” submitted to Pattern Recognition Letter (Elsevier). [Pages 528-562 in this Report] [30] Qilian Liang, Sherwood Samn, “Passive Geolocation Based on Wireless Channel Estimation,” submitted to IEEE Trans on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. [Pages 563-582 in this Report] [31] Qilian Liang, “UWB Radars for Sense-through-Foliage Target Detection,” submitted to IEEE Trans on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. [Pages 583-610 in this Report] [32] Lei Xu, Qilian Liang, Ting Jiang, “A ternary pulse compression code: design and application to radar system,” accepted by IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), March 2010, Dallas, TX. [Pages 611-614 in this Report] [33] Jing Liang, Qilian Liang, Sherwood Samn, Ram Narayanan, “Sense-Through-Wall Channel ModelingUsingUWBNoiseRadar,” IEEE Globecom, International Workshop on Multi-Gigabit MM-Wave and Tera-Hz Wireless Systems, Nov 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii. [Pages 615-619 in this Report] [34] Lei Xu, Qilian Liang, “A Set of Triphase Coded Waveforms: Design and Application to Radar System,” IEEE Military Communication Conference, Oct 2009, Boston, MA. [Pages 620-626 in this Report] [35] Hong-Sam Le, Qilian Liang, “Situation Assessment via Multi-Target Identification and Clas- sification in Radar Sensor Networks,” IEEE Military Communication Conference, Oct 2009, Boston, MA. [Pages 627-632 in this Report] [36] Qilian Liang, “Biologically-Inspired Target Recognition in Radar Sensor Networks,” IEEE International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, August 2009, Boston, MA. [Pages 633-642 in this Report] [37] QilianLiang, “SituationUnderstandingBasedonHeterogeneousSensorNetworksandHuman- InspiredFavorWeakFuzzyLogicSystem,” IEEEInternationalConferenceonCommunications, June 2009, Dresden, Germany. [Pages 643-647 in this Report] [38] LeiXu,QilianLiang, “RadarSensorNetworkUsingaNewTriphaseCodedWaveform: Theory and Application,” IEEE International Conference on Communications, June 2009, Dresden, Germany. [Pages 648-652 in this Report] 9 of 816