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CONTRACT NUMBER 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE The Influence of Experimental Conditions on the Outcome of Laboratory Investigations Using Natural Coastal Seawaters 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 0601153N 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) Jason S. Lee, Richard I. Ray, Brenda J. Little 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 73-5052-19-5 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) REPORT NUMBER Naval Research Laboratory NRL/JA/7330-09-9297 Oceanography Division Stennis Space Center, MS 39529-5004 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR'S ACRONYM(S) 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Office of Naval Research ONR 800 N. Quincy St. Arlington, VA 22217-5660 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited. 20100121316 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT Methods for handling and storing natural coastal seawater, particularly methods for deaeration over time, influenced the chemistry and microflora. Bubbling nitrogen into natural seawater to achieve an anaerobic condition was not conducive to the growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Despite a higher initial dissolved sulfate concentration and higher total organic carbon in Persian Gulf seawater, higher dissolved sulfide concentrations and SRB populations were measured in Key West, Florida, seawater under all exposure conditions. 15. SUBJECT TERMS carbon steel, marine corrosion, seawater, sulfate-reducing bacteria 18. NUMBER 17. LIMITATION OF 19a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: ABSTRACT OF Jason S. Lee c. THIS PAGE b. ABSTRACT a. REPORT PAGES III 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER {Include area code) Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified 228-688-4494 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8/98) Prescribed by ANSI Std. 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AUTHOR Title of Paper or Presentation The Influence of Expermental Conditions on the Outcome of Laboratory Investigations Using Natural Coastal Seawaters Author(s) Name(s) (First.MI.Last), Code, Affiliation if not NRL Jason S. Lee, Richard I. Ray, Brenda J. Little It is intended to offer this paper to the (Name of Conference) (Date, Place and Classification of Conference) and/or for publication in Corrosion, Unclassified (Name and Classification of Publication) (Name of Publisher) After presentation or publication, pertinent publication/presentation data will be entered in the publications data base, in accordance with reference (a). It is the opinion of the author that the subject paper (is ) (is not *) classified, in accordance with reference (b). This paper does not violate any disclosure of trade secrets or suggestions of outside individuals or concerns which have been communicated to the Laboratory in confidence. This paper (does ) (does not X) contain any militarily critical technology. This subject paper (has ) (has never X ) been incorporated in an official NRL Report. Jason S. Lee, 7332 Name and Code (Principal Author) 5. ROUTING/APPROVAL COMMENTS CODE SIGNATURE DATE Lc^ Need by (-> ' / jrf U <j £ / Author(s) Publicly accessible sources used for this publication Section Head V \ / (LiUjU^ "7 /> vk) "-i5C Branch Head M 7( Robert A Arnone, 7330 1. Release of this paper is approved. Division Head 2. To the best knowledge of this Division, the subject matter of this paper (has ) (has never x ) been classified. Ruth H. Preller. 7300 \\ ?l i» -/. Security, Code 1. Paper or abstract was released. ... . n 2. A copy is filed in this office. A^jf V,S / 1226 Office of Counsel.Code 1008.3 t ^^±1 ^# ADOR/Director NCST E. R. 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"° ( ) Other, explain Title of Paper or Presentation The influence of Expermental Conditions on the Outcome of Laboratory Investigations Using Natural Coastal Seawatera Authors) Name(S) (First.MI.Lost), Coda, AlWaiion If not NRL Jason S. Lee, Richard I. Ray, Brenda J. LttUe It is intended to offer this paper to the (Name of Conferance) (Date, Place and Classification ofConforoncB) and/or for publication in Corrosion, Unclassified (Name and Classification of Publication) (Nomo of Publisher) After presentation or publication, pertinent publication/presentation data will be entered in the publications data base. In accordance wtth reference (a). It Is the opinion of the author that the subject paper (is ) (Is not *) Classified, In accordance with, reference (b). This paper does not violate any disclosure of trade secrete or suggestions of outside Individuals or concerns which have been communicated to the Laboratory in confidence. This paper (does ) (does not X) contain any militarily critical technology This subject paper (has ) (has never _X__) been incorporated in an official NRL Report, HQ-NPL 5611« (Rev. 12-98) (8) THIS FORM CANCELS AND SUPERSEDES ALL PREVIOUS VERSIONS CORROSION SCIENCE SECTION Technical Note: Influence of Experimental Conditions on the Outcome of Laboratory Investigations Using Natural Coastal Seawaters J.S. Lee," R.I. Ray* and BJ. Little" a 1986 volume of contributed papers, 10 of 36 papers ABSTRACT 2 specifically mention SRB in the title. In the 2009 Methods for handling and storing natural coastal seawater, session on MIC at CORROSION 2009, 3 of 10 papers particularly methods for deaeration over time, influenced the dealt with some aspect of SRB-influenced corrosion. chemistry and microflora. Bubbling nitrogen into natural sea- Today the list of causative and contributing bacte- water to achieve an anaerobic condition was not conducive to 3 ria, fungi, and archaea includes numerous groups; the growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Despite a higher however, SRB are arguably the microorganisms most initial dissolved sulfate concentration and higher total organic closely identified with MIC. carbon in Persian Gulf seawater, higher dissolved sulfide con- SRB are a group of ubiquitous, diverse anaer- centrations and SRB populations were measured in Key West, 2 obes that use sulfate (SO ;) as the terminal electron Florida, seawater under all exposure conditions. acceptor, producing sulfide (S"). SRB have been iso- KEY WORDS: carbon steel marine corrosion, seawater, 4 5 lated from a variety of environments. " Because of sulfate-reducing bacteria the consistently high concentration of sulfate in sea- water (>2 g/L), SRB are extremely important in sea- INTRODUCTION water corrosion. For many years there has been a debate over the best laboratory solution for studying Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were the first group of 6 marine corrosion, i.e., natural or artificial seawater. 1 microorganisms identified as causing corrosion. SRB Dexter carefully compared laboratory solutions and have been the focus of many investigations involving natural seawater for studying the corrosion of alumi- microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), and sev- num alloys and prepared a specific artificial medium eral corrosion mechanisms have been attributed to that reproduced the short-term behavior of alumi- SRB, including cathodic depolarization by the enzyme 6 num alloys in natural seawater. However, none of the dehydrogenase, anodic depolarization, production of laboratory solutions were able to simulate the long- iron sulfides, release of exopolymers capable of bind- term corrosion behavior of aluminum alloys in natu- ing metal ions, sulfide-induced stress corrosion crack- ral seawater. The selection of a laboratory medium for ing, and hydrogen-induced cracking or blistering. In MIC experiments is even more complicated. Investiga- Submitted for publication July 2009; in revised form. September tors have used natural seawater with naturally occur- 2009. Presented as paper no. 07518 at CORROSION/2007. March 7 9 ring microorganisms, " artificial seawater to which 2007. Nashville. TN. 10 nutrients and microorganisms have been added, "" Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Naval Research Laboratory. Code 7332. Stennis Space Center. MS and inoculated synthetic media, e.g., Postgate B with 39529. 12 13 3.5% sodium chloride (NaCl) and Postgate C in MIC Naval Research Laboratory. Code 7303, Stennis Space Center. MS 39529. experiments. The use of the term synthetic seawa- ISSN 0010-9312 (print), 1938-159X (online) CORROSION—Vol. 66, No. 1 015001-1 10/000001/$5.00+$0.50/0 ©2010, NACE International CORROSION SCIENCE SECTION ter is not always defined. Vargas-Avila and coworkers ered by suction pumps. Seawater was shipped to the 12 defined 0.6 M NaCl as synthetic seawater. In other Naval Research Laboratory (NRLSSC), Stennis Space cases, the term synthetic seawater connotes commer- Center, Mississippi, in three 5-gal (18.93 L) plastic cially available carbonate-buffered salt solutions that containers, each containing 4 gal (15.14 L) of seawa- mimic the composition of seawater. ter. Both waters had been collected 48 h previous to To further complicate interpretation and compari- arrival at NRLSSC and testing began within 24 h of son of data, many laboratory experiments with SRB arrival. rely on gas purging to remove oxygen and create an Exposure Conditions anaerobic environment in the laboratory solution of choice. The pH of carbonate-buffered synthetic and Seawater samples from the two locations were natural seawater is controlled (buffered) by carbon maintained in the following conditions in the labora- dioxide (C0 ). Gaseous carbon dioxide (C0 [gl) from tory: 2 2 the atmosphere dissolves into seawater forming aque- —PG-A/KW-A: 450 mL stagnant seawater in a ous carbon dioxide (C0 [aq]) (Equation [1]), reacts loosely covered glass container exposed to air. 2 with water, and forms carbonic acid (HjCOJ (Equation —PG-D/KW-D: 1,500 mL stagnant seawater [2]). Proton dissociation from H C0 proceeds with maintained inside an anaerobic hood in a 2 3 interdependence on pH. The first proton dissociation 2,000-mL glass flask sealed with a rubber forms bicarbonate (HCOj) (Equation [3]), with carbon- stopper. ate (CO3") formation from subsequent proton dissocia- —PG-B/KW-B: 1,500 mL stagnant seawater con- tion (Equation [4]). tained in a 2,000-mL glass flask, bubbled with house-supplied nitrogen gas, and sealed with a rubber stopper. C0 (g) ^ C0 (aq) (1) 2 2 1 The atmosphere in the anaerobic chamber " was maintained using a gas mixture of 10% H , 5% C0 , C0 (aq) + H O^H C0 (2) 2 2 2 2 2 3 and 85% N . Hydrogen was added to the anaerobic 2 gas mixture to aid in the removal of 0 . A palladium + H C0 H + HCO3 2 (3) =F^ 2 3 catalyst inside the anaerobic chamber served as an 0 and H reaction site resulting in the formation of 2 2 + HCO3 ^ H + CO3" (4) water and increased humidity. Relative humidity was maintained between 20% and 30% using an alumina Increasing atmospheric [C0 (g)] increases dissolved desiccant. Atmospheric 0 concentration was moni- 2 2 [C0 (aq)], which elevates [H C0 ] resulting in decreased tored continuously at less than 1 part per million 2 2 3 seawater pH. If C0 (aq) is removed from seawater, pH (ppm). House-supplied N gas specifications called for 2 2 increases. In some cases, researchers using a seawa- less than 100 ppm atmospheric 0 ; however, during 2 ter medium and a gaseous nitrogen (N ) purge have the duration of the experiment the average concentra- 2 14 indicated the need for pH control," whereas others tion was -10 ppm 0 . Bubbling was not vigorous with 2 have not. Experiments described in this paper were approximately 2 bubbles per second. No nutrients or designed to evaluate microbial sulfide production in other additions were made to either of the seawaters. two natural coastal seawaters collected from Key West, Florida, and the Persian Gulf deaerated under Seawater Analysis two laboratory conditions: purging with N and main- At the onset of the experiment and continuing 2 tenance in a hood with a mixture of gases, including at 30-day intervals, 50 mL of seawater was removed N , hydrogen (HJ, and C0 . from each exposure condition for analysis. The pH 2 2 was measured using a calibrated pH meter. Dissolved MATERIALS AND METHODS sulfide concentrations were determined in triplicate 15 using the methylene blue method 228-C. Four ster- Seawater Collection ile 3-mL syringes were used to remove 4 mL (1 mL Persian Gulf (PG) seawater was collected from the in each syringe) from the 50-mL seawater sample. 10 United States Navy pier at Mina Sulman, Bahrain. One mL was used to inoculate serial dilutions (10 ) 121 Key West (KW), Florida, seawater was collected at the in each of the following seawater media: phenol red Naval Research Laboratory's Marine Corrosion facility. dextrose broth, Postgate medium B, nutrient broth, PG seawater was collected within the first meter of the and thioglycollate medium to determine most prob- seawater surface by immersing each container under- able numbers (MPN) of acid-producing bacteria (APB). water by hand. KW seawater was collected at a depth SRB, general heterotrophic aerobes, and anaerobes, of 1.2 m to 1.5 m under water by intake pipes pow- respectively. Dilutions were incubated for 28 days at 25°C. Salinity, total organic carbon, and sulfate were Coy Laboratory Products. Grass Lake. Michigan. also quantified at the onset of the experiment for both Dixie Testing and Products. Inc.. Houston. Texas. 131 seawaters. AccuLab Inc.. Marrero. Louisiana. 2010 015001-2 CORROSIONS ANUARY CORROSION SCIENCE SECTION C0 vs. pH TABLE 1 2 141 Seawater Physical Chemistry Gas mixtures were prepared with C0 % rang- 2 ing from 0.01% to 0.1%, 10% H , and balanced with Total 2 N . Bottled laboratory-grade N with 0% C0 was also Organic 2 2 2 Salinity Carbon Sulfate used. KW seawater (500 mL) was added to a sealed Seawaters (mg/L) (g/L) PH (mg/L) 1,000-mL flask with an electronic pH meter. Start- ing with N and 0% C0 , gas was bubbled into sea- 7.82 38 Key West 1.79 3,864 2 2 44 Persian Gulf 7.98 1.94 4,696 water using a pressure regulator set to 1 psi. The pH was allowed to stabilize over a 1-h period, pH was recorded, and the gas mixture with the next highest The pH values were monitored over the expo- C0 % value was introduced. 2 sure period (Figure 1). There were no significant dif- ferences in pH between the two coastal seawaters for RESULTS the same exposure condition. However, different expo- sure conditions produced a range of pH values that Seawater Analysis varied by 3 pH units. Stagnant seawaters exposed to Seawater chemistry analyses for both seawa- air maintained a pH near 8.0 (PG-A/KW-A). Exposure ters at the onset of the experiment are listed in Table to the mixed gas anaerobic environment decreased 1. PG seawater had higher values for all parameters pH values to below 7.0, with KW-D having the lowest when compared to KW seawater. Table 2 lists the bac- recorded value of 6.5. Bubbling N gas had the oppo- 2 terial counts for the four different bacterial groups site effect, causing an increase in pH to above 9.0. tested for both seawaters at the onset of the experi- Dissolved sulfide concentrations were monitored ment. KW seawater had equal or greater numbers over time for all exposure conditions (Figure 2). Con- of each group of bacteria when compared to PG ditions exposing the sample to air produced dissolved seawater. sulfide levels below the resolution (<1 parts per bil- lion [ppb]) of the detection method and are not shown 141 Nordan-Smith Specialty Gases. Hattiesburg. Mississippi. TABLE 2 Bacterial Cell Counts at Onset of Experiment Sulfate- Acid- Heterotrophic Producing Reducing Heterotrophic Aerobes Bacteria Anaerobes Bacteria (10*) Seawaters (10*) (10*) (10*) Key West Persian Gulf 10,000 Q- s c 1,000 o c CD o 100 c O o CD "a c/3 o 200 200 50 100 150 50 100 150 Exposure Time (day) Exposure Time (day) FIGURE 2. Log sulfide concentration in ppb as a function of exposure FIGURE 1. pH values as a function of exposure time (days) for time (days) for Key West seawater (KW-) and Persian Gulf seawater Key West seawater (KW-) and Persian Gulf seawater (PG-) under (PG-) under aerobic (A), nitrogen-bubbled (B), and anaerobic (D) aerobic (A), nitrogen-bubbled (B), and anaerobic (D) conditions. conditions. vol. 66, 1 CORROSION— NO. 015001-3 CORROSION SCIENCE SECTION a Aero • Aero PG-A KW-A • Anaero • Anaero • APB • APB • SRB • SRB in • i n i i i i 184 91 125 157 184 35 63 99 134 166 Exposure Time (day) Exposure Time (day) • Aero PG-B • Anaero nAPB • SRB u I 161 184 61 95 130 60 89 124 Exposure Time (day) Exposure Time (day) 167 61 100 133 184 69 94 129 Exposure Time (day) Exposure Time (day) FIGURE 3. Bacterial cell numbers (10*) as a function of exposure time (days) for Key West seawater (KW-) and Persian Gulf seawater (PG-) under aerobic (A), nitrogen-bubbled (B), and anaerobic (D). Bacterial groups include general heterotrophic aerobes (AERO) and anaerobes (ANAERO), acid-producing bacteria (APB), and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). in Figure 2. Anaerobic stagnant seawaters maintained are shown in Figure 3. Generally, KW seawater had in a hood with mixed gases (KW-D/PG-D) produced higher bacterial numbers in all exposure conditions 1 3 when compared to PG seawater. Bubbling N gas more than 10 ppb to 10 ppb dissolved sulfide. Sea- 2 waters maintained with bubbled nitrogen produced through the seawaters produced the lowest concen- 10' ppm dissolved sulfide during the course of the tration of bacteria in comparison to seawater left open experiment, but dissolved sulfide was below detection to air and that tested in the anaerobic chamber. Bub- limits at the conclusion of the experiment. bling N gas did not promote SRB growth. 2 pH values were recorded in KW seawater bub- Planktonic bacterial populations were monitored bled with mixed gases containing C0 ranging from over time for all exposure conditions and the results 2 2010 CORROSION—JANUARY 015001-4 CORROSION SCIENCE SECTION 0 to 0.1%. Figure 4 shows pH values as a function of C0 %. Increase in C0 % resulted in decreased pH val- 2 2 ues. The highest pH value (8.74) was recorded with the 0% C0 , and the lowest (7.73) with the 0.1% C0 2 2 gas mixture. DISCUSSION It is generally recognized that seawater surrogates do not approximate the complexity of natural seawa- ter. However, many of the classic papers dealing with 0.04 0.06 0.1 SRB corrosion in the marine environment have been C0 (%) conducted in artificial media to which nutrients and 2 10 16 microorganisms have been added. One motivation FIGURE 4. KW seawater pH as a function ofC0 % in bubbled mixed 2 for using synthetic seawater instead of natural sea- gas containing 10% H and balance N . 2 2 water in MIC experiments is the goal of getting repro- ducible results. The dilemma is whether to start with a well-characterized controlled medium that may not chemistry and microflora. It is the intention of the replicate any natural environment or with a natural authors to alert present and future researchers to the environment that cannot be thoroughly characterized possibility that deaeration using pure nitrogen may and that varies with time. Few investigators have con- influence microbial sulfide production. Currently, the sidered the differences that can be induced in natural authors use an anaerobic atmosphere consisting of seawater and synthetic seawater maintained under 0.1% C0 , 10% H , and balance N , which maintains 2 2 2 different experimental conditions. Dexter concluded seawater under anaerobic conditions with a pH of 7.8. that changes in pH in natural and synthetic seawater 6 influenced the corrosivity of both toward aluminum. CONCLUSIONS In the experiments described in this paper, sul- fide production in two natural coastal seawaters was • Methods for deaerating natural coastal seawaters evaluated under two laboratory conditions: purging influenced the chemistry and microflora, particularly with nitrogen and maintenance in an anaerobic hood over time. with an atmosphere of 10% H , 5% C0 , and 85% • Laboratory experiments that created anaerobic 2 2 N . It was demonstrated that the microbial popula- conditions by bubbling pure nitrogen gas into natural 2 tion that one is able to detect is determined by the seawater produced pH changes that were not condu- way the water is maintained. The microbial popula- cive to the growth of SRB. tions were followed using liquid culture techniques • KW seawater consistently had equal or greater that are recognized as capable of growing only a small bacterial numbers in all conditions when compared percentage of the natural populations. Liquid culture with PG seawater. techniques can be used to make comparisons, but not • Despite the higher initial dissolved sulfate concen- to make determinations about population diversity. tration in PG water, higher DS concentrations were In the experiments described in this paper, bubbling measured in KW seawater. N into natural seawater produced a pH shift from 8.0 • An anaerobic atmosphere consisting of 0.1% C0 , 2 2 to above 9.0. Maintenance of seawater in an anaero- 10% H , and balance N can maintain seawater under 2 2 bic hood with an anaerobic mixture of gases produced anaerobic conditions at a pH of 7.8. a pH shift of 8.0 to below 7.0. Using Figure 4, a gas mixture with 0.05% C0 will produce a seawater pH of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 2 8.0, matching the measured pH values in the aerobic exposures (KW-A/PG-A) (Figure 1). This work was supported by the Office of Naval The reasons for higher SRB in KW seawater com- Research Program element 0601153N (6.1 Research pared to PG water have not been explored. While eval- Program). NRL Publication number NRL/JA/7330-09- uating the corrosion of aluminum, Dexter reported 9297. results that were internally consistent within a sin- gle batch of natural coastal seawater from a variety of REFERENCES locations, but were inconsistent from batch to batch C.A.H. von Wolzogen Kuhr. L.S. van der Vlugt. Water 18. 16 6 at the same site and between sites. (1934): p. 147-165. The point of this short technical note is not to S.C. Dexter, ed.. Biologically Induced Corrosion (Houston. TX: NACE International. 1986). question the conclusions of past research involving B.J. Little. J.S. Lee. "Mierobiologieally Influenced Corrosion," in SRB in natural or synthetic seawater media purged KirkOthmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (Hoboken. New with nitrogen without regard to potential changes in Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.. 2009). p. 1-38. vol. 66, 1 015001-5 CORROSION— NO. CORROSION SCIENCE SECTION N. Pfennig. F. Widdel. H.G. Truper, The Dissimulatory Sulfate- 11. W.C. Lee. W.G. Characklis, "Corrosion of Mild Steel Under an Reducing Bacteria," in The Prokaryotes: A Handbook on Habitats, Anaerobic Biofilm," CORROSION/90, paper no. 126 (Houston. eds. M.P. Starr, M. Stolp, H.G. Truper, A. Balows, H.G. Schlegel TX: NACE, 1990). 12 (New York. NY: Springer-Verlag. 1981), p. 926-940. M.M. Vargas-Avila, R.K. Singh Raman. C. Panter. B.W. Cherry. P. Farinha. H.A. Videla, "Corrosion Behavior of Duplex Stainless J.R. Postgate. The Suljate Reducing Bacteria (New York, NY: Steel in Marine Media Containing Sulfate Reducing Bacteria. A Cambridge University Press, 1979). S.C. Dexter, "Laboratory Solutions for Studying Corrosion of Alu- Laboratory Study," CORROSION/2009, paper no. 09388 (Hous- ton, TX: NACE, 2009). minum Alloys in Seawater," in The Use of Synthetic Environments 13 for Corrosion Testing, vol. STP 970. eds. P.E. Francis, T.S. Lee H.A. Videla, "Corrosion of Mild Steel Induced by Sulfate Reducing (West Conshohocken. PA: ASTM International. 1988), p. 217-234. Bacteria—A Study of Passivity Breakdown by Biogenic Sul- S. Maxwell. W.A. Hamilton, The Activity of Sulphate-Reducing phides." in Biologically Induced Corrosion, ed. S.C. Dexter (Hous- Bacteria on Metal Surfaces in an Oilfield Situation," in Biologi- ton, TX: NACE, 1986), p. 162-171. cally Induced Corrosion, ed. S.C. Dexter (Houston. TX: NACE. 14. W.C. Lee. Z. Lewandowski, S. Okabe. W.G. Characklis. R. Avci, Biojouling 7 (1993): p. 197-216. 1986). p. 284-290. J.S. Lee. R.I. Ray. E.J. Lemieux. A.U. Falster, B.J. Litue. Biofoul- 15. "Methylene Blue Method 228 C." in Standard Methods for the Ex- ing 20. 4/5 (2004): p. 237-247. amination of Water and Wastewater (Washington. DC: American J.S. Lee. R.I. Ray. B.J. Little, E.J. Lemieux. Corrosion 61, 12 Water Works Association. 1971). p. 558. 16. W.C. Lee. Z. Lewandowski. P.H. Nielsen. A. Hamilton, Biojouling (2005): p. 1,173-1,188. J.A. Hardy. J.L. Bown. Corrosion 42. 12 (1984): p. 650-654. 8 (1995): p. 165-194. li). 015001-6 2010 CORROSION—JANUARY

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