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Preview DTIC ADA509885: Dynamic Length-Scale Characterization and Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Transport in Open-Cell Foams

week ending PRL 103, 218001 (2009) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 20 NOVEMBER 2009 DynamicLength-ScaleCharacterizationandNonequilibriumStatisticalMechanicsofTransport in Open-Cell Foams Tyler R. Brosten,1 Sarah L. Codd,1Robert S. Maier,2 and JosephD. Seymour3,* 1Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana 59717-3920, USA 2U.S. Army Engineer Researchand Development Center, 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180-6199,USA 3Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana 59717-3920, USA (Received29 September 2009; published 20 November 2009) Nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of scale dependent dynamics in a random solid open-cell foam reveal a characteristic length scale for transport processes in this novel type of porous medium. These measurements and lattice Boltzmann simulations for a model foam structure indicate dynamical behavioranalogoustolowerporosityconsolidatedgranularporousmedia,despiteextremelyhighporosity in solid cellular foams. Scaling by the measured characteristic length collapses data for different foam structures as well as consolidated granular media. The nonequilibrium statistical mechanics theory of preasymptoticdispersion,developedforhierarchicalporousmedia,isshowntomodelthehydrodynamic dispersive transport in a foam structure. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.218001 PACS numbers: 81.05.Rm, 05.40.(cid:1)a, 47.56.+r, 87.64.kj Solid open-cell random foams occur throughout the measurements and lattice Boltzmann (LB) simulation of natural and technological worlds, ranging from natural the hydrodynamic dispersion molecular dynamics during sponges and cancellous bone to manufactured metal, ce- pressure driven fluidflow. ramic, and polymer foams [1]. In these systems, fluid NMR imaging (MRI) has been used to spatially image transportthroughthefoamstructuremayrelatetobiologi- foam structures [13] and the data used to calculate geo- cal function [2] as well as the control of energy and mass metricproperties[8].Figure1showsanopticalimageand transport [3] in heat exchanger applications [4,5], filters, MRI of the polyurethane 110 ppi (pores per inch, an catalysts, and monolithic absorbents [1,6,7]. Character- industry standard) open cell random polymer foam ization of the structure of foam systems is an old and (Foamex, Inc.) of volume fraction ’¼0:97 used in this important problem predating the classic work of Kelvin study. Alternately, dynamics measured by pulsed gradient and Plateau [1,6]. Detailed geometric analysis of foam spinecho(PGSE)NMRprovidelength-scalecharacteriza- structureisbasedonstrutlength,cellvolume,andnumber tionduetoporestructuresamplingbymoleculardiffusion of polygonal faces and subsequent vertex connections, [14,15] and advection [16,17]. PGSE NMR measurement with ordered foams generating Kelvin’s tetrakaidecahe- of scale dependent hydrodynamic dispersion has been ex- dron and both wet and solid random foams having distri- tensivelyappliedtocompactedgranularmedia[17–23]but butionsofstrutlengthsandgeometricstructures[1,6,8,9]. not to characterize transport in open cell foams. NMR Consideration of random foams as porous media leads to measurements [21,23] and LB simulations [24] of hydro- theconceptofatransportlengthscale[3,10]andcompari- dynamic dispersion in random spherical bead packs dem- sontononequilibriumstatisticalmechanicstransportmod- onstrate a correlated motion in the transverse direction els [11]. perpendiculartotheappliedflow.Thisresultsinanegative In the study of consolidated granular porous media the length scale is taken to be a characteristic pore size l(cid:2) ’=ð1(cid:1)’ÞðV=SÞ based on the surface to volume ratio (S=V) and volume fraction ’, which derives from the concept of hydraulic radius in fluid mechanics. In highly poroussolidfoams,complicationsinstructuralsimulation and modeling are posed by the solid phase forming a sample spanning cluster, which is not the case in lower porosity granular porous systems where phases become isolated as in percolation theory when p<pc [3,12]. This renders definition of a characteristic length scale governingtransportinfoamsanopenandimportantques- tion.ThisLetterpresentsthefirstdirectcharacterizationof the transport length scale and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics modeling of transport in an open cell solid FIG. 1 (color). Images of 110 ppi foam sample (a) optical random foam, using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) (b) MRI. 0031-9007=09=103(21)=218001(4) 218001-1 (cid:1) 2009 The American Physical Society Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2009 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2009 to 00-00-2009 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Dynamic Length-Scale Characterization and Nonequilibrium Statistical 5b. GRANT NUMBER Mechanics of Transport in Open-Cell Foams 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,Montana State REPORT NUMBER University,Bozeman,MT,59717-3920 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 4 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 week ending PRL 103, 218001 (2009) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 20 NOVEMBER 2009 FIG. 2 (color). Velocity maps for the longitudinal, i.e., flow, direction by NMR for 110 ppi foam (sample 1) (a) NMR—transverse plane, (b)NMR—axialplane,and(c)LBsimu- lationfor50ppifoamofMontminyetal. [3]—axial plane. lobe in the transverse velocity autocorrelation function force autocorrelation, !2v¼Kð0Þ¼ð3mÞ(cid:1)1r2UðrÞ with m (VACF), and consequent preasymptotic maxima in the the fluid particle mass and UðrÞ the molecular energy po- time dependent hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient, tential, and (cid:1)o, the correlation time of the exponential re- analogous to that observed in molecular dynamic simula- laxation to asymptotic diffusion at equilibrium [25,26]. tions of dense fluids [25,26]. The solution to Eq. (1) for the exponential memory func- Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics has been used to tionis rigorouslyderiveatheoryofpreasymptotichydrodynamic (cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:4) 1 dispersion for porous media with hierarchical structure cðtÞ¼expð(cid:1)t=2(cid:1)oÞ cos$tþ 2$(cid:1) sin$t ; (2) [11]inthecontextoftimecorrelationfunctionsofdynami- o cal variables [25,26]. The dynamic variable of interest in where $ ¼ð!2v(cid:1)1=4(cid:1)2oÞ1=2 and from which the time hydrodynamic dispersion is the fluctuation in Lagrangian dRependent hydrodynamic dispersion DðtÞ¼h½uð0Þ(cid:4)2i(cid:5) particle velocity uðtÞ arising from a Reynold’s decompo- t cðt0Þdt0 is calculated from the nonequilibrium Green- 0 sitionofthedynamicsintoameanandfluctuationcompo- Kubo relation. nent vðtÞ¼hviþuðtÞ. The evolution of the normalized Figure 2(a) shows the spatially resolved longitudinal VACF cðtÞ¼huð0Þ(cid:3)uðtÞi=h½uð0Þ(cid:4)2i is governed by the velocity in the 110 ppi foam measured by NMR imaging. memory function equation [11,25,26] The fluid follows a clear streamline path dictated by the dcðtÞ Zt structureofthefoam,withstrongspatialcorrelationinthe ¼(cid:1) Kðt(cid:1)t0Þcðt0Þdt0: (1) flowdirection.Figure2(b)showsthelongitudinalvelocity dt 0 in a plane transverse to the flow direction. The velocity A simple exponential memory function KðtÞ¼ field exhibits little spatial correlation in the transverse !2vexpð(cid:1)t=(cid:1)oÞ in Eq. (1) generates the negative lobe of plane. Figure 2(c) shows longitudinal velocities obtained the velocity autocorrelation function [25,26]. The time by LB simulation of flow [28] through the digitized poly- evolution of the VACF reflects the nonequilibrium varia- urethanefoamstructureofMontminyetal.[8]with50ppi tionofsystemtransportduetocorrelationsandinteractions and’¼0:93(AirProducts,Inc.).Althoughthelargercell ofdynamics.Theexponentialmemoryfunctionrepresents structure of the 50 ppi foam is obvious, the similarity aPoissonprocessapproximationtocagediffusionwithina across length scales between the two foam structures in fluctuating cage in the case of dense hard sphere fluids Figs. 2(b) and 2(c) is quite evident. [25], and is a model for the position evolution of the NMRmeasurementofthescaledependentdisplacement Brownianmotionofaharmonicoscillator[27].Theexpo- dynamics transverse to the direction of flow are shown in nential memoryfunction is derived fromthe second order Fig. 3 as a function of the average longitudinal displace- approximationofacontinuedfractionrepresentationofthe ment length h(cid:2)ki¼hvki(cid:1), obtained by varying the PGSE formalLaplacetransformedsolutionofEq.(1)[26].Inthe NMR displacement observation time (cid:1). Data were mea- hard sphere fluid model, the memory function parameters suredfor3flowratesinthe110ppifoamandbasedonthe are the second frequency moment of the VACF, i.e., the known linear scaling of transverse dispersion with mean 218001-2 week ending PRL 103, 218001 (2009) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 20 NOVEMBER 2009 for the 80 ppi foam (sample 2) and l(cid:2)475 (cid:3)m for the 50ppifoam[8].Thenonequilibriumstatisticalmechanics model scales identically, in excellent agreement with the NMR data and LB simulation. Also plotted is LB simula- tionofarandomspherepackof’¼0:44[24]inwhichthe transport scaling length used is l(cid:2)’=ð1(cid:1)’Þd¼0:8d forspheres ofdiameter d.Remarkably,despite significant structuralandporositydifferences,thespheredatacollap- ses withthe foam data for l(cid:7)h(cid:2)ki,and shows only slight variation at longer displacements. The consistency be- tween these results and NMR data and LB simulations for consolidated spherical grain porous media of much smaller porosity [21,23,24], indicates the universality of dynamics over a broader range of porous structures than previously recognized. Converting the hydrodynamic dis- FIG. 3 (color online). NMR measured hydrodynamic disper- persionintoavarianceandtaking thesecondtimederiva- sion coefficient normalized by the molecular diffusion of the tive of the NMR data for each flow rate of the 110 ppi fluid and the mean longitudinal velocity hvki as a function of foam, then averaging the amplitude scaled values yields displacementobservationtime(cid:1)intermsofmeandisplacement thevelocityautocorrelationdatainFig.4(b).Again,when length h(cid:2)ki¼hvki(cid:1). For the 110 ppi foam sample 1 (open cir- plotted versus longitudinal displacement scaled by the cles),3flows(hvki¼7:1,12.1,and15:0 mm=s)weremeasured transportlength,theagreementbetweenexperiment,simu- and due to linear scaling of D? with mean velocity have the lation and analytical theory is excellent. same amplitude. Overlaid is the fit to the diffusion calculated The results of Figs. 3 and 4 indicate the potential for from the velocity autocorrelation for the exponential memory further development of memory function approaches to function model Eq. (2) (blue or dark gray line). Data from the 80ppifoamsample2at2flowrates(hvki¼6:0and8:3 mm=s) modeltransportinporousmedia.Theabilitytoincorporate (opensquares)anddatafromtheLBsimulation(redorgrayline) pore structure into model parameters for the scale depen- for the 50 ppi foam structure of Montminy et al. [8] at hvki¼ dence of dynamics provides a means to design porous 4:73 mm=s. structureswhichcontroltransport.Intheexponentialmem- ory function model for dispersion, the !2v represents a velocity[21,23,24]normalizationby1=hvkiyieldsasingle potentialwhichdeterminesthetransversevelocityoscilla- tionsduetotransportaroundthefoamstructure,analogous curve. All flow rates exhibit increasing dispersion with a to the strength of the restoring force in the harmonic maximum at the characteristic dynamic transport length oscillator analogy [27] and consistent with an oscillatory scale l(cid:6)h(cid:2)kijðdD?=dh(cid:2)kiÞ¼0(cid:2)250 (cid:3)m induced by the flowtoymodelemployedtoelucidatethephysicsofsimi- structure of the foam [3,10]. The data are compared to lar dynamics in consolidated granular porous media [21]. the hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient calculated using FollowingtheargumentsofBerneetal.,thenegativelobe Eq. (2) in the nonequilibrium Green-Kubo relation. The oftheVACFinFig.4(b)indicatesreversaloffluidmotion agreementbetweenthetheoryandexperimentisexcellent. due to the foam structure [25]. The mean displacement a The NMR measurement directly provides the character- fluid particle with initial vRelocity uð0Þ trRavels before ve- istictransportlengthscaleforthefoam,thuscomplement- locity reversal h(cid:1)XðtÞi¼ thuðt0Þidt0 ¼ uð0Þcðt0Þdt0 is o ing traditional complex geometric analysis and givenbythefirstzerocrossingoftheVACF[25].Inapure measurements. Since the characterization and design of oscillatory flow such as the toy model of Callaghan and open cell foams is limited in part by effective structural Codd [21] this length is the order of a quarter wavelength characterization methods, this result is significant in pro- of the oscillation. The transport length scale l defined by viding a new and unique method[8]. themaximainthetransversedispersioncorrespondstothe The transverse dispersion for NMR experiments at 2 length scale at the minima of the VACF and is half the flowratesinan80ppifoam(Foamex,Inc.)alsoofvolume wavelength of a pure oscillatory flow. In the foam, this fraction ’¼0:97 and the LB simulation for the 50 ppi transportlengthrepresentsthemeanintercelldistanceover ’¼0:93foamofMontminyetal.[8]areshowninFig.3. which a fluid particle experiences the entire transverse Thedispersionbehaviorisqualitativelysimilarinallthree velocity distribution. The heterogeneity of the velocity casesbuttheexactlocationofthemaximum,thetransport field induces a decay of this correlation with time scale length, depends on the porous structure. (cid:1)o. Development of a potential function based on the Figure 4(a) demonstrates data collapse with the dis- porous structure that generates particular fluid path lines placement length h(cid:2)ki scaled by the transport length l and wouldrepresentamajoradvancetowardconnectingstruc- the dispersion coefficient normalized by the maximum in ture and transport in poroussystems [3,12]. D?ðh(cid:2)jjiÞ for the foam systems. The transport lengths are Hydrodynamicdispersionoffluidflowthroughopencell l(cid:2)250 (cid:3)mforthe110ppifoam(sample1),l(cid:2)300 (cid:3)m foam has been demonstrated to provide a dynamic trans- 218001-3 week ending PRL 103, 218001 (2009) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 20 NOVEMBER 2009 FIG. 4 (color online). (a) The transverse dispersion coefficient normalized by its maximum amplitude as a function of the axial displacementlengthscaledbythetransportlengthscalelforLBsimulation(redorgrayline)ofthefoamstructureofMontminyetal. 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