Lupus(2009)18, 318-331 PAPER Severe tissue trauma triggers the autoimmune state systemic lupus erythematosus in the MRL/++ lupus-prone mouse K Anam1,M Amarel, SNaik1,KA Szabo2andTADavis1 IRegenerativeMedicineDepartment,Naval MedicalResearchCenter,SilverSpring,Maryland,USA; and; and2DepartmentofDiagnosticPathology, WalterReedArmyInstituteofResearch,SilverSpring,Maryland, USA Tissuedamageassociatedwithasevereinjurycan resultinprofound inflammatoryresponses that maytriggerautoimmunedevelopmentinlupus-proneindividuals.Inthisstudy,weinvestigatedthe role ofa large full-thickness cutaneous bum injury on the early onsetofautoimmune disease in lupus-prone MRL/++ mice. MRL/++ mice (chronic model) exhibit autoimmune symptoms at >70weeks ofage, whereas MRL/-Fas1prmice (acute model)develop autoimmune disease in 17 22weeksduetoalymphoproliferativemutation. Autoimmunediseasedeveloped inMRL/++ mice (4-15weekspostinjury)ismanifested byskinlesions, vasculitis,epidermal ulcers, cellularinfiltra tion, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, hypergammaglobulinemia, elevated autoantibodies and renalpathologiesincludingproteinuria,glomerulonephritisand immunecomplexdeposition;com plicationsthatcontributetoreducedsurvival.Transcriptionstudiesofwound margintissueshowa correlationbetweenthepathogeniceffectsofdysregulatedIL-lp,IL-6,TNF-aandPGE synthesis 2 duringearly wound healingand earlyonsetofautoimmunedisease. Interestingly, MRL/++ mice with healed wounds (30-40days post burn) strongly rejected skin isografts. Conversely, skin isografts transplanted onto naive age-matched MRL/++ littermates achieved long-term survival. Collectively, these findings suggest that traumatic injury exacerbates inflammatory skin disease and severemulti-organ pathogenesisinlupus-pronemice. Lupus(2009) 18,318-331. Key words: autoimmunity; burns;lupus;SLE;trauma Introduction develop SLE; therefore, disease manifestation may be dependent on a complex array of environmental Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, and genetic factors. Extreme physical and emotional complex autoimmune disease characterized by high stress, psychosocial and hormonal factors have been levels of non-organ-specific, self-reactive antibody implicated as triggers for SLE.2,5-7 Such factors have production directed against cellular, DNA, RNA beenlinkedtothemanifestationofGulfWarIllness, a and histone components leading to immune complex lupus-like condition.8-13 Furthermore, exposure to deposition.I,2 The etiology of this inflammatory chemicals, vaccines, medications, UV radiation and autoimmune disease remains elusive. The disease other ubiquitous environmental factors have been resultsinmultiplehealthproblemsincludingincreased implicated in the induction of lupus-like disease in infection, renal and skin disorders, neurological com individualswith a genetic predisposition.14-17A num plications, osteoporosis,rheumatoidarthritis,osteoar ber of studies suggest that the immune response to thritis and fibromylagias.3 A high morbidity and infectious agents and foreign antigens (bacterial, mortality rate is associated with SLE.4 viralandallergen) playa key role in triggering activa Exposuretoanumberofenvironmentalfactors has tion ofautoreactiveT and B lymphocytes and induc been linked to the incidence of SLE. Moreover, not ing anti-DNA responses.18-20 all individuals who carry disease-associated genes Severe tissue trauma is a leading cause ofdisease experienced by military personnel and as accidents in Correspondence to: Thomas A Davis, PhD, Regenerative Medicine civilian populations. The time course ofwowld heal Department, Naval Medical Research Center, Room 2AIO, 503 Robert ing depends 011 several factors including the type of GrantAvenue,SilverSpring, Maryland20910,USA. wound, theextentofthetissuedamage,inflammation, Email: [email protected] Received06June2008;accepted08August2008 the presence of devitalized tissue and nonviable ©2009SPGf.PvblicatimsLosAngeles.Loodon,NewDelh<I'dSingapcre 10.1177;O%I203mJ97479 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2009 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2009 to 00-00-2009 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Severe tissue trauma triggers the autoimmune state systemic lupus 5b. GRANT NUMBER erythematosus in the MRL/++ lupus-prone mouse 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Medical Research Center,Regenerative Medicine Department,503 REPORT NUMBER Robert Grant Avenue Room 2A10,Silver Spring,MD,20910 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 14 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Traumaacceleratestheonsetoflupus KAnameta!. 319 foreign tissue and infection. The immune system for experimentation at 8 to 12weeks ofage. Animal responds to a traumatic tissue injury by rapidly pro rooms were maintained at 210 ±2°C with 50% ducing proinflammatorymediators, a response thatis ± 10%humidity on a 12-hlight/darkcycle. Conmler typically followed by a counteractive inflanmlatory cial rodent ration (Harlan Teklad Rodent Diet 8604) response associated with profound and prolonged wasavailablefreely, aswasacidified(pH::: 2.5)water injury-induced immunosuppression. This counterac to control opportunistic infections. tive response isthought to beprotectivein minimizing injury-induced inflammation while augmenting tissue Experimentaldesign repair. Thewound healingresponsetoaseveredermal injuryiscomposed ofmultiplecellularandextracellu At 12weeks ofage, MRL/++ mice received either a lar events.21-24 Prolonged inflammation associated l5<Yo full-thickness total body surface area (TBSA) with severe tissue injurycanresult inadditional tissue burn or were sham-treated. Two sets ofexperiments 2526 damage and profound immune dysfunction. . wereconducted. In the first set ofexperiments(n ::: 21 MRL/++ mice have the same genetic background mice per bum-injured and sham-treated groups), we as MRL/-Fas1pr mice but lack the Ipr mutation and assessed the survival rate, urine proteinuria and the therefore develop renal disease at a later stage in development of 'lupus-like' cutaneous lesion forma their life (second year).27-29 In this study, we show tions on the ears, neck and dorsum until the mice accelerated development of lupus-like autoimmune reached 9months of age (6 months post injury). At disease in young adult, wild type MRL/++ mice days 1,3and7postinjury, skinbiopsiesfrom another following severe tissue trauma (cutaneous bw'll cohort of mice (n ::: 3 mice per group at each time wound). Bw'll-wounded MRL/++ mice develop point) were excised from the wound margin and early onset of severe SLE (10-15 weeks post injury), screened using custom-made RT-PCR microarrays with characteristic skin lesions, cellular infiltration, (Applied Biosystems Foster City, California, USA) hypergammaglobulinemia, anti-DNA autoantibo containingoligosequencesfor 184inflammatorycyto dies, immune complex formation, glomerulonephritis kine and wound repair gene transcripts. Mice that and lymphadenopathy. Ourresultsalsoshow acorre developed severe skin lesions and/or those with pro lation between the pathogenic effects ofdysregulated teinurialevelsof>500dm/dLwereeuthanizedbyCO 2 cytokineproduction(IL-IP, IL-6,TNF-a,PGE2)and inhalation followed by cervical dislocation. Inmledi theearlyonsetofSLE.Weshowthattraumaticinjury ately, post euthanasia, blood samples were collected exacerbates inflammatory skin disease and the early by cardiac puncture for examination of serum IgG onset of severe multiorgan SLE pathogenesis in levels. Spleen and kidneys were removed to evaluate lupus-prone mice. splenomegaly and immunopathology, respectively. Skin lesions and adjacent normal skin were excised, fixed with 10% formalin, embedded in paraffin and Materials and methods sectioned, 5~m section per slide. The slides were deparaffinized and rehydrated and washed (3x) with phosphate-buffered saline solution (PBS) and stained Animals withhaematoxylin andeosin(H&E). In thesecond set Five to six-week-old female MRL/++ mice and ofexperiments (n ::: 5mice pergroup), isogeneic skin graftexperimentswereconducted onmice 30-40days BALB/cmicewere purchasedfromTheJacksonLab either post-bum injury or sham-treatment. Skin oratory (Bar Harbor, Maine, USA) and housed in graft survival was examined three times a week for pathogen-free animal facilities at the Armed Forces 1month. Photographs of skin lesions, skin grafts Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI, Bethesda, and histological sections were taken with a digital MD USA) and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Fuji Finepix Camera or a Nikon DXM 1200 Digital Research (WRAIR, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA), Camera mounted on a Nikon Eclipse E800 micro which are both accredited by the Association for the scope. Images were imported into Adobe Photoshop Assessment and Accreditation ofLaboratory Animal CS2 for reproduction. Care International. All procedures were conducted using facilities and protocols approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee ofAFRRI (#2004-02-001) Burn injurymodel and WRAIR (protocol #K06-05). Mice were housed five animals percage before surgery orany treatment Mice were anaesthetized using either an intraperito and individually caged post-burn injury in standard neal injection of ketamine (75 mg/kg), xylazine micro-isolator polycarbonate caging. Mice were used (15 mg/k:g), acepromazine (2.5 mg/kg) or isoflurane Lupus Traumaacceleratestheonsetoflupus KAnametat. 320 inhalation. After shaving the dorsum, the exposed (2+) and >500 mgldL (3+). Animals were considered skin waswashedgenlly with room temperature sterile to have proteinuriaiftheyscored2+ for two consecu water and prepped with Betadine (a 10% povidone tive urine samples. iodine solution for skin disinfection). The Betadine solution from the prepped area was wiped offusing Serum Ig ELISA three series ofsponge gauzes containing 70% isopro pyl alcohol. In a few selected studies, rrUce were fur Total serum IgG, IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b and TgG3 thertreatedwithadepilatoryagent(Nair,Churchand isotype concentrations were deterrruned by ELISA. Dwight Co. Inc, Princeton, New Jersey, USA) to Polystyrene plates precoated with goat anti-mouse remove remaining hair stubble. Using a surgical skin Fc specific IgG capture antibody and blocked were marker,a l5-mmdiametercircularareaalongthedor commercially purchased (R&D Systems, Minneapo sal rrUdline region was outlined. A full thickness bum lis, Minnesota, USA). One hundred microliters ofIg (15% TBSA) was introduced with an electrocautery standards (Southern Biotechnology Associates, Bir bovie (370-400°C for 1.5 s: Bovie Aaron Medical, mingham, AL) was added per well in a series oftwo St. Petersburg, Florida, USA). This protocolcauses a fold dilutions (125 nglmL-3.9 nglmL), and serum Ig well-demarcated, full thicknessinjuryinanaesthetized concentrations were assessed at a 1:200,000 dilution rrUce that is nonlethal with <0.5%mortality. Wounds (100 ilL per well). After 2h of incubation at room becamecoveredwitheschar,and therewasnomacro temperature, the plates were washed three times with scopic evidence of infection. Wounds were topically PBS containing 0.05% Tween-20 (wash buffer). treated with triple antibiotic (Vetro-Biotic, Pharma BoundIgwasdetectedwith 100 ilL perwell ofappro derm, Melville, New York, USA) immediately after priately diluted horseradish peroxidase conjugated burning and left uncovered without a dressing. Once anti-IgG (CherrUcon, Temecula, California, USA), rrUce recovered from anaesthesia, rrUcewerehousedin IgGl, IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG3 antibodies (Southern separate cages and maintained understandard condi Biotechnology Associates, Birrrungham, AL). Sec tions in theanimalfacility. With theexception ofpain ondary antibodies were added to the plates and kept medication(Buprenorphine0.1 mglkgSCBID;Reck for 1hatroomtemperature, followed by threewashes itt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals, Richmond, Virginia, with wash buffer. Then, 100 flL per well of fresWy USA) for the first two days post burn, no othertreat prepared substrate solution containingequal volumes mentortopical wound carewasadrrUnistered. Atvar of 0.4giL 3,3',5,5' tetramethylbenzidine and 0.02% ious time points, post injury rrUce were euthanized by hydrogen peroxide was used to develop the assay CO2 inhalation followed bycervical dislocation. (pierce, Rockford, Illinois, USA). Reaction was stopped with 100 flL per well of 2N sulphuric acid (Sigma, St Louis, Missouri, USA), and the absor Skin lesion, splenomegalyandlymphadenopathy bance was measured at 450nm using a 680 Micro assessments plate reader (BioRad, Hercules, California, USA). Following either wounding or sham treatment, rrUce Results are denoted as the Ig concentration (mglmL) were observed weekly for skin lesionsand protruding at various time points. lymph nodes (cervical, brachial and inguinal). At the time ofdeath or euthanasia, skin lesions were scored Anti-dsDNA Ab ELISA by gross pathology using the following scale: 0= none, 1= small and localized to one site (face or Ig class-specific anti-DNA antibodies were measured ears); 2= moderate, more than one site involved, by ELISA. Polystyrene covalink 96-well microtitre <2 cm (face, ears, dorsum) and 3= severe, >2 ern plates (Fisher, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA) were (face, ears and dorsum). Spleens were weighed and coated with 50 ilLperwell of10 IlglmLCalfThymus enlarged lymph nodes scored on a scale of 0-3 D A (Sigma, StLouis, Missouri, USA) and allowed (0 = none; 1= small, at one site; 2=moderate, more to incubate overnight at 4°C. After washing three than one site and 3= large, more than two sites). times with wash buffer, 300 flL of blocking solution (3% bovine serum albumin, BSA, in PBS) was added per well and incubated for 2h at room temperature. Proteinuria The plates were washed three times with wash buffer, Urine was tested for proteinuria using commercially and 100ilL of diluted sera was added to each well, available kits (Multistix, Bayer, Elkhart, Indiana, (dilutions ranged from 1:50 to 1:100,000). After 2h USA). Proteinuria was scored as 0 (negative), of incubation at room temperature, plates were <30mgldL (trace 0.5+), 30mgldL (1+), 100mgldL washed three times with wash buffer. Then, 100.uL Lupus Traumaacceleratestheonsetoflupus KAnametal. 321 ofappropriatelydilutedhorseradishperoxidaseconju diluent (DAKO) and visualized by dark field micros gated anti-IgG (Chemicon, Temecula, Califomia, copy. Inununohistochemical detection ofC3 was per USA), IgGl, IgG2a, IgG2b, and IgG3 antibodies formed on sections offrozen blocks ofmouse kidney (Southern Biotechnology Associates, Birmingham, using a labelled polymer (EnVision plus rabbit, AL) was added per well to the plates for I h and fol DAKO, Carpenteria, California, USA) for visualiza lowed by three washes. One hundred microliters per tion by lightfield microscopy. Rabbitpolyclonal anti well offresWy prepared substrate solution containing body for C3 (Abeam, Cambridge, Massachusetts, equal volumes of 0.4gIL 3,3',5,5' tetramethylbenzi USA) was used ata dilution of I:10 with background dine and 0.02% hydrogen peroxide were used to reducingantibodydiluent(DAKO) and incubated for develop the assay (Pierce, Rockford, Illinois, USA). 30min at room temperature. The chromogen 3,3' Reaction wasstoppedwith2N sulphuricacid(Sigma, diaminobenzidine (DAKO) was used. Sections were St Louis, Missouri, USA), and the absorbance was counterstained with haematoxylin (DAKO) and then measured at 450nrn using a 680 Microplate reader cover-slipped.Negativetissuecontrolsincludednormal (BioRad, Hercules, California, USA). Results are mousekidney.Negativereagentcontrolsconsistedofa denotedas theOD450atvariousdilutions. serial section (the second unstained frozen slide), pro cessed identical to the first unstained frozen slide, but normal rabbit serum was substituted for the primary Renalhistopathology antibodyineveryassay. Mice were euthanized by CO inhalation followed by 2 cervical dislocation, and the kidneys were removed. One kidney was fixed with buffered formalin for RNA extraction >48 h, embedded in paraffin blocks, sectioned and Mice were euthanized by CO inhalation followed by stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) or peri 2 cervical dislocation on days 1, 3 and 7 post-burn odicacid-Schiff(PAS) by standardmethods. Glomer injury. Total RNA was extracted from skin excised ularpathologieswere evaluatedmorphometrically by from the wound margin and stored in RNAlater light microscopy. The glomerular lesion (mesangial (Ambion, Austin, Texas, USA). Briefly, skin tissue hypercellulatity, increase in mesangial matrix, cres cent formation and necrosis) was graded on a semi was homogenized in Trizol reagent (Invitrogen, quantitative scale from 0 to 3 (0 =normal, I =mild, Carlsbad, California, USA), and total RNA was iso 2=moderate, 3=severe) for more than 20 glomeruli lated using Qiagen RNeasy Lipid Tissue Mini Kit per mouse. Scores assigned to each ofthese elements (QIAGEN Inc., Valencia, Califomia, USA) accord were added together to yield a mean renal score. ing to manufacturer's instructions. RNA was resus Values were reported as the mean ±standard devia pended in 30)..lL of 10mM Tris buffer, pH 7.5. tion (SD) of seven specimens. For immunofluores Sample purity, quantity and quality were assessed cence studies ofdeposition ofIg's, the second kidney by determining the A260128o, A260123o ratio on a was embedded in optimal cutting temperature (OCT) Nanodrop-100 Spectrophotometer(NanoDropTech compound (Miles Inc, Elkhart, Indiana, USA) and nologies Inc. Wilmington, Delaware, USA) and by snap-frozen in a solution of2-methylbutane and dry measuring 28SI18S ribosomal RNA ratio and RNA ice.Tissuesampleswerestoredat-80°Cuntil further Integrity Number(RIN) using an Agilent2100 BioA analysis. nalyzer (AgilentTechnologies Inc. Santa Clara, Cali fornia, USA). All Agilent RNA integrity values were ~8.5. Reverse transcription was performed with Immunofluorescence andimmunohistochemistry Roche 1st Strand Synthesis kit (Roche Diagnostics Snapfrozen kidneyswerecutinto 3-1lffithickcryosec Corporation, Indianapolis, Indiana). Briefly, 2.5)..lg tions mounted on glass slides. A DAKO Autostainer ofRNAsamplewasadded to amastermixcontaining PlusUniversal StainingSystem(DAKO,Carpenteria, IX reaction buffer, 5mM MgCb, 1mM deoxynu California,USA)wasusedfortheimmunofluorescent cleotide mix, 6.4)..lg random primers, 100 units and inmmnohistochemical staining. Immunofluores RNase inhibitor and 40 units Avian myeloblastosis centdetectionofIgGwasperformedonsectionsoffro virus transcriptase. Ten millimolar Tris buffer, pH zen blocks ofmouse kidney using a FITC-conjugated 7.5, was used to reach 40 )..lL final reaction volume. goat-antimouseIgantibody(JacksonImmunoresearch Then, final reaction mixture was subjected to a single Laboratories Inc., WestGrove, Pennsylvania, USA ), reverse transcription cycle of25°C for 10min, 42°C incubatedfor30minatroomtemperatureusinga1:250 for 60min, 99°C for 5min and 4°C for at least dilution prepared with backgroundreducing antibody 10min. Lupus Traumaacceleratestheonsetoflupus KAnametal. 322 Real-timequantitative PCR (RT-PCR) geneprofiling rejection-survival were analyzed by the Kaplan for proinflammatory transcripts Meier method, and the Log-rank test was used to determine the statistical significances. P values less Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction than 0.05 were considered significant. (RT-PCR) was performed using the ABI Prism 7900HT Sequence Detection System (Applied Bio systems, Foster City, California, USA). Custom Results designed 'Wound Repair' TaqMan® Low Density Array (TLDA) cards (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, California, USA) were used to assess gene Severely injuredMRL/++ micedevelop a 'lupus-like' expression. The set ofTLDA cards were composed syndrome of 184 individual target genes [including respective forward and reverse primers and a dual labeled Within 1-2months after burn injury (4-5 months of probe (5'-6-FAM; 3'-MGB)] in quadruplicate on a age), 57% of the MRL/++ mice with healed wounds 384-well card (96 genes per card). Amplification began to exhibit a lupus-like phenotype characterized parameters were as follows: one cycle of 50°C for bysevere,excoriatingdermatitis-vasculitisinthedorsum 2min and 95 °C for 10 min followed by 40cycles of and scapular regions ±ear necrosis (Figure 1A-C). 95°C for 30sand 60°C for 1min. Two samples Histological sections of MRL/++ skin lesions show were processed on each card. mixed acute and chronic inflammatory cell infiltrates extendingfrom theepidermistothesubcutiswithabnor mal hair follicle proliferation (data not shown). On the RT-PCR data analysis contrary,nosuchlesionswereobservedin sham-treated RT-PCR data were analyzed using the Sequence MRL/++ mice, sham-treated BALB/c mice and burn Detection System version 2.1 included with the ABI injuredBALB/cmice. Prism 7900HT SDS and using Microsoft Excel. The Thedevelopmentofurineprotenuriaisa keyfactor threshold cycle (C for each sample was manually set in the progression of renal disease in lupus-prone t) to 0.2 and thebaselinewassetbetween3and 15cycles. mice. Following sham-treatment and burn injury, we 18SribosomalRNAwasusedasanendogenoushouse monitoredurine proteinlevelsona weekly basisasan keeping control gene for normalization, and the com index of proteinuria. Mice were considered to have parative C method was used to calculate the relative proteinuria ifthey scored>100mg!dL (>2+) for two t fold expression by 2-MCr.30,31 Assays with Ct values consecutive urine sampleswithina 2week timeframe. greater than 35 cycleswere excluded from analysis. The cumulative incidence of proteinuria (>100mg! dL) for each group of mice is shown in Figure 2A. The incidence and severity of urinary protein scores Skin isograft transplantation (Figure 2B) increased in injured MRL/++ mice over Mice were transplanted with skin isografts, as time compared with sham-treated MRL/++ mice, described elsewhere.32 Briefly, full-thickness skin wherein only 1 mouse developed severe proteinuria grafts (3 x 3cm2) were obtained from the flanks of at day 135 post-treatment. On the contrary, minimal naive donor MRL/++ mice and transplanted onto proteinlevelsweredetected in theurinecollectedfrom the dorsal flanks of syngeneic naive (uninjured) and burn-injured or sham-treated BALB/c mice through experimental recipient female MRU++ mice which out the study interval (data not shown). had fully recovered from a previous 15% full Over the course of the study, the percentage of thickness TSBA burn injury (15-17 weeks of age). burn-injured MRL/++ mice that developed signifi Grafts, 3cm2 in area, were fitted to the prepared bed cant skin lesions and proteinuria increased over time without suturing and then covered with an adhesive (Figure Ie). Thedifferenceinsurvivalwas evenmore plastic bandage. After 7days, the adhesive bandage striking. MRL/++ mice presenting with SLE lupus was removed. Graft survival was then followed by likesyndromediedsignificantlyearlier,withamedian daily visual inspection. Rejection was defined as survival rate of 103 days, when compared with the complete necrosis and loss ofviable skin tissue. 100% survival of sham-treated BALB/c mice during the 6-month evaluation time period. Six months after the severe burn injury (8 months ofage), only 2 Statisticalanalyses of21 oftheoriginal burned MRL/++ mice were alive Mann-Whitney's V-test was used to determine the with no gross macroscopic evidence of cutaneous statisticalsignificanceofdifferencesbetweengroups. autoimmune disease. As depicted in Figures2C, a Survival, incidence of proteinuria and skin graft biphasic survival response ensued with a cohort of Lupus Traumaacceleratestheonsetoflupus KAnametal. 323 A B C 3 2.5 ~ 7 ~ 'ioii Iu0II 2 ~ c: ~ 5 .;0;; 1.5 III ~ '0 c: .8, 2 r~J) c: 0.5 " 'i) ND .E 0 w o m ~ 001001m1~1W100 1-2mo 3-6mo Dayspostburninjury TImepostbuminjury FigureI Bum trauma augments SLEdevelopmentinlupus-prone MRLI++ mice. (A) Photographsoftypical skinand earlesions in MRLI++ mice exhibiting lupus-like symptoms at 2-6months post-bum injury. On the contrary, no lesions were observed in burned BALB/c mice or age-matched, sham-treated MRLI++ mice. (B) Cumulative incidence burn-injured MRLI++ mice [.] and sham treated MRL/++ mice [e] exhibiting skin lesions. Results presented as a Kaplan-Meier plot (n =21 mice per group, P<0.05). (C) Mean skin lesion score (see Material and Methods) of burn-injured mice [.] and sham-treated mice [0]. ND= not detectable. *P<0.05, bum-injuredcomparedwithsham-treatedmice. MRL/++ mice that displayed autoimmunity within nodes. Approximately, 30% of the mice with skin 1-2months post-bum injury and a separate cohort lesions had enlarged lymph nodes at 4-6months of MRL/++ mice that developed cutaneous lupus post-bum injury, whereas sham-treated MRL/++ like lesions 3-6months post-bum injury. For this mice did not exhibit visible signs of enlarged lymph reason, data from these two groupings were pooled nodes(Figure 3B).Incomparison,nosignificantdiffer and evaluated separately. In sharp contrast, 19 of21 ences in spleen weight and lymph nodes size between sham-treated age-matched control MRL/++ mice sham-treated and wounded BALB/c mice were survived to greater than 36weeks ofage and showed observed (datanot shown). no incidence ofcutaneous disease and minimal pro teinuria during the same observation period. One Serum hypergammaglobulinemia andanti-DNA sham-treated MRL/++ mouse spontaneously died at antibodies 3months ofage and another at 5months ofage with cause ofdeath unknown. Sham-treated(21 of2l) and Escalating hypergammaglobulinemia and elevated bum-injured BALB/c mice (21 of 21) appeared levels of serum autoantibodies, such as anti-dsDNA healthy throughout the study peliod, showing no antibody, playa major role in the pathogenesis of signs of proteinuria or premature death and thus autoimmune SLE-like disease in MRL/++ lupus were not evaluated rigorously. Notably, at the time prone mice. To determine whether bum injury of euthanasia, the comparison of spleen weights affected serwn Ig concentrations in MRL/++ mice, between wounded MRL/++ mice at4--6months post we measured total serum IgGl, IgG2a, IgG2b and injury and sham-treated mice at 6months post injury IgG3 antibody levels by ELISA at 0---2, 4-8, and 12 showed a mild splenomegaly (-1.7-fold increase) in 24weekspost-buminjuryandinsham-treatedmiceat mice exhibiting lupus-like disease (393 ±90mg, 24weeks (end ofstudy). As shown in Table 1, bum = = n 10 versus 231 ±60mg, n 13, P< 0.05, Fig injury in MRL/++ mice induced a significant eleva ure 3A). Similar increases were noted in the size of tion (up to threefold increase) ofserum IgGI, IgG2a, some of the cervical, brachial and inguinal lymph IgG2bandIgG3 isotypesincomparison to Iglevelsin lupus Traumaacceleratestheonsetoflupus KAnameta/. 324 A B ;j 10 4 co ." 3.5 " 75 ~ 3 ]el!: Iu/) 2.5 .c.... 50 .!~!! 2 .. 0 ~ 1.5, 25 Qe. 1 0.5 "0 o E 0 .L..---'---_ 0 W ~ ~ Wl001W1~1~IW 1-2mo 3-6mo Dayspostburninjury Timepostbuminjury C 10 ~ 80 ·.>E. - :> 60 .. l: 40 u Iii Q. 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100120140160180 Dayspostbuminjury Figure2 Wounded lupus-prone MLR/++ mice develop proteinuriaand have marked decrease survival in comparison eitherto age matched sham-treated MRL/++ mice orcontrol BALB/c mice (data not shown). (A) Cumulative incidence ofproteinuria (>100mg! dL) (B) Mean proteinuria score (see Material and Methods) ofbum-injured mice [.] and sham-treated mice [0]. (C) Percent survival rate ofbum-injured MRL/++ mice (.) and sham-treated MRL/++ mice [e]. *P<0.05, bum-injured MRL/++ mice compared with sham-treated MRL/++ mice. the serum of sham-treated MRL/++ mice after wounded MRL/++ mice at 12-24weeks post injury. 24 weeks oftime. Interestingly, serum levels ofcircu Furthermore, the increased production ofIgG3 is of lating anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies (IgG2a, particular importance as it has been considered a IgG2band IgG3isotypes)weresignificantlyincreased 'nephritogenic' Ig.33 Notably, thefrequency ofIgG2a, in burned injured MRL/++ mice at 12-24weeks post IgG2b and IgG3 anti-dsDNA antibodies was signifi wounding (Figure4). In particular, the ratio of the cantly lower in sham-treated MRL/++ mice. As anti-dsDNA IgG2a to anti-dsDNA IgGl, a parame expected, no significant differences in serum IgG iso ter ofThl/Th2 balance, was significantly increased in types and IgG-specific anti-DNA antibodies were A B 500 3 2.5 400 e OJ .. .§. 0u 2 .~C0;Il 300 .I0.I>, 1.5 ..3..: 200 l: c.. E C. 100 >. t/) ...J 0.5 0 0 NO 1-2mo 3-6mo 1-2mo 3-6mo nmepostburninjury Timepostburninjury Figure3 Spleen weights (A) and lymph node scores (B) in bum-injured mice [.] and sham-treated mice [oj MRL/++ lupus prone = mice. ND notdetectable. *p<0.05,bum-injured MRL/++ micecompared withsham-treated MRL/++ mice. Lupus Traumaacceleratestheonsetoflupus KAnametal. 325 Table1 Serum IgG subclasses in sham-treated controls and Burn injury increases kidney Ig and C3 deposition burnedMRL/++ miceatthe timeofeuthanasia" Glomerulonephritis is a well-defined and character Sham-lreated Burned ized pathological feature ofmurine SLE. To evaluate IgGI the effects ofburn injury on renal pathology, kidney 0-2weeks ND 0.43 ±0.259 sections obtained at the time ofnecropsy were exam 4--8weeks ND 5.52±0.77* inedbystandardhistopathologicalandimmunohisto 12-24weeks 1.46±0.18* 4.41 ± 1.88* chemical techniques for evidence of glomerular IgG2a 0-2weeks ND 0.14±0.13 inflammation and immune complex deposition. The 4--8weeks ND 1.59±0.34* photomicrographs in Figure SA are representative 12-24weeks 0.64±0.29* 2.16±0.51* glomeruli from a wounded MRL/++ mouse exhibit IgG2b 0-2weeks ND <0.014 ing lupus-like syndrome 90days post injury and glo 4-8weeks ND 0.17±0.6* meruli from an age-matched sham-treated control 12-24weeks 0.09±0.03 0.27±0.08* MRL/++ mouse. PAS stained glomeruli from mice IgG3 presentingwithlupus-likesyndrometypicallyshowed 0-2weeks ND <0.01 4--8weeks ND 0.17±0.06* a marked increase in glomerular cellularity with 12-24weeks 0.01 ±0.01 0.27±0.07* histopathological evidence of diffuse proliferative = glomerulonephritis, segmented glomeruli, prolifer Abbreviation: ND notdetectable. aSera IgG isotypes were measured by ELISA at 1:200,000 dilution. ative changes in mesangial and endothelial cells of ResultsareexpressedastheIgconcentrationinmg/mL±SEM. the glomeruli, increaseinmesangial matrix, capillary *P<0.05versus0-2weekpost-bummeasurements. basement membrane thickening, mononuclear cell infiltrates in interstitium and often the presence of detectedin eitherburnorsham-treated BALB/Cmice intratubular proteinaceous casts. All these findings attheendofthestudyperiod(datanotshown).Collec are indicative of glomerular dysfunction. Kidneys tively these findings indicate wound trauma promotes from age-matched, sham-injured MRL/++ mice production of anti-dsDNA autoantibodies in lupus showed glomeruli with normal. cellularity, mesan pronemice. gium and glomerular basement membranes. Anti-dsDNAIgG1 1.4 Anti·dsDNAIgG2a 1.2 0.8 0 0.6 0~ 08 .o..t.l « « 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 50 100 200 1000 10000 50 100 200 1000 10000 Reciprocalserumdilution Reciprocalserumdilution 1.4 Anti-dsDNAIgG2b Anti·dsDNAIgG3 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.8 .0o..t.l ~ 0.6 0.4 0:( « 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 50 100 200 1000 10000 50 100 200 1000 10000 Reciprocalserumdilution Reciprocalserumdilution Figure4 Serum anti·dsDNA antibody titrelevels ofdifferent IgGsubclassesbetween bum-injured MRL/++ mice(e 1-2weeks post burn; _ 4-8weeks post bum; ... 12-24weeks post bum) and sham-treated MRL/++ mice (+ 24weeks). Reactivity ofdiluted serum with calfthymus DNA was determined by ELISA. Values are the mean±SD absorbance values at 450nm (4-8 serum samples per timepoint). lupus Traumaacceleratestheonsetoflupus KAl1ilmetal. 326 A PAS IgG C3 Sham treated ...,. .,.<,. Burned 18 B en 16 .o, 14 :Jl 12 c: 10 o 'iii 8 .!! 6 iii ~ 4 0: 2 0-'-----1-- 1-2mo 3-6mo Timepostbuminjury Figure5 Accelerated glomerulonephritis and immune complex deposition in lupus-prone MRL/++ mice following burn-injury trauma. (A) At the time of death or euthanasia, the kidneys were removed and then sectioned before staining with PAS, FITC conjugated anti-mouse IgG, or anti-mouse C3. Representative photomicrographs ofglomeruli from burn-injured and sham-treated MRL/++ mice areshown (400x magnification; scale bars= 25flID). In burn-injured mice, immunofluorescence for IgG was diffusely, globally and strongly presented as intragJomeruJar deposits in the mesangium and capillary wall. C3 staining was presented multifocally orglobally as intraglomeruJardeposits in the cytoplasm ofthe mesangium and capillary wall. C3 deposits resulted in a thick appearanceofthe glomerularcapillary loops. These IgGand C3 deposits resulted ina thick appearance ofglomerularcapillary loops.Thelevel ofIgand C3 immunostainingwasstrongincomparisonto age-matched, sham-treatedmice. (8) Kidney sectionswere graded for glomerular inflammation, cellular infiltration, proliferation, crescent formation and necrosis. Scores from 0 to 3+ were assigned to eachoftheseelementsand thenadded togetherto yielda mean renal score(n= 5mice; I0-i5 glomeruli per kidney section werecounted,2-3 sectionspermouse). *P<0.05, burn-injuredMRL/++ micecompared withsham-treated MRL/++ mice. Collectively, the average renal lesion score in mice Aberrantproduction ofcytokine andPGE mRNA 2 exhibiting lupus-like syndrome was significantly transcriptsat the woundmarginpost-burn injury in greater than that of uninjured age-matched control lupus-prone MRL/++ mice MRL/++ mice (Figure 5B). Glomeruli from sham treated or burn-injured BALB/cmice showed no evi Abnormalties in cytokine production have been dence of glomerular disease. Consistent with these shown to contribute to the development of autoim observations, we detected intense glomerular deposi mune disease in lupus-prone mice. To detennine tion oftotal IgG in the peripheral capillary loops of whether accelerated lupus onset in burn-injured the glomeruli from wounded MRL/++ mice by MRL/++ mice is related to aberrant expression of immunofluorescence staining. Similarly, immunos mediators that playa role in the early inflammatory tainingagainstC3 showedcomparableimmunecom response, we measured the transcript levels of 184 plex deposition. Such deposits were found mainly genes (cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, wound within the affected glomeruli. In sharp contrast, repair response mediators) using custom-made taq immunofluorescenceand immunostaininganalysis of man cDNA arrays. It is interesting that transcripts sham-treated MRL/++ kidneys showed minimal Ig levels for IL-l~, TNF-a and PGEz were generally and C3 deposition. Collectively, these findings sug higher earlier in the wound healing process in MRL/ gest that wound trauma accelerates the onset of ++ wound margin tissue (Figure6) when compared glomeruloneplu'itis in lupus-prone mice. with the expression levels of these mediators in the Lupus