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Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2008 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2008 to 00-00-2008 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER NAVO MSRC Navigator. Spring 2008 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO),Major Shared Resource Center REPORT NUMBER (MSRC),1002 Balch Boulevard,Stennis Space Center,MS,39522 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 24 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 BBBBeeeehhhhindddd tttthhhheeee CCCCuuuurrrrttttaaaaiiiinnnn An opportunity for NAVO MSRC senior staff to reflect on the NAVO MSRC’s past, present, and future endeavors. As we approach the summer of 2008 the Although the MSRC still resides physically NAVO MSRC is flush with change and growth. in the Naval Oceanographic Office For the first time in three years the Center will (NAVOCEANO) buildings, in May 2007 once again feature CRAY technology along the Center moved organizationally to with its powerful, reliable arsenal of IBM Power NAVOCEANO’s parent command, the Naval platforms. Our Technology Insertion 2008 (TI- Meteorology and Oceanography Command 08) enhancements–an IBM P6 and a CRAY XT5 (COMNAVMETOCCOM). And, for the first time cluster–will quadruple the amount of computing capability we provide to our users. You will find more details on these systems on page 17 of this Amidst a Year of issue of The Navigator. Changes, NAVO MSRC Considerable infrastructure enhancements are currently being undertaken in two facilities Remains Focused to accommodate the CRAY XT5, the water- cooled IBM P6, and their counterpart test and development systems. Our Sun F12000 mass Christine Cuicchi storage servers JULES and VINCENT will be Computational Science and Applications Lead, replaced with a single Sun M5000 server within NAVO MSRC this calendar year. We will also be bringing SL8500 technology in nearly eight years, the Center is bringing for our Disaster Recovery (DR) capabilities aboard new government staff to enhance and to accommodate the growth of other High broaden our expertise. Performance Computing Modernization During this time of growth and transition Program (HPCMP) centers’ data holdings. With the award of the HPCMP’s Next Generation we remain dedicated to providing reliable Technical Services contract to Lockheed Martin computational capabilities and exceptional, (the incumbent contractor at NAVO MSRC) we innovative service to our users and to the look forward to embracing the new cooperative Program. We’re excited about our future and opportunities among our sister centers. your part in it. 22 SPRING 2008 NAVO MSRC NAVIGATOR Contents The Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) Major Shared Resource Center (MSRC): Delivering Science to the Warfighter The NAVO MSRC provides Department of NAVO MSRC Update Defense (DoD) scientists and engineers with high performance computing (HPC) resources, including leading edge computational systems, large-scale 2 Amidst a Year of Changes, NAVO MSRC Remains Focused data storage and archiving, scientific visualization resources and training, and expertise in specific Feature Articles computational technology areas (CTAs). These CTAs include Computational Fluid Dynamics 5 Hypersonic Continuum/DSMC Methodology for Steady/ (CFD), Climate/Weather/Ocean Modeling and Simulation (CWO), Environmental Quality Transient Missile and Re-Entry Vehicle Flowfields Modeling and Simulation (EQM), Computational Electromagnetic and Acoustics (CEA), and Signal/ 9 Using ParaView for Remote Visualization on IBM AIX Image Processing (SIP). 12 Global and Mesoscale Ensemble Forecasts of Tropical Cyclones NAVO MSRC 17 EINSTEIN and DAVINCI Come to the MSRC Code 0TC 1002 Balch Boulevard The Porthole Stennis Space Center, MS 39522 1-800-993-7677 or 19 Visitors to the Naval Oceanographic Office [email protected] Major Shared Resource Center Navigator Tools and Tips 21 Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions about $HOME and $WORKDIR on the NAVO MSRC High Performance Computing Systems NAVO MSRC Navigator Upcoming Events www.navo.hpc.mil/Navigator 23 Coming Events NAVO MSRC Navigator is a biannual technical publication designed to inform users of the news, events, people, accomplishments, and activities of the Center. For a free subscription or to make address changes, contact NAVO MSRC at the above address. EDITOR: Gioia Furness Petro, [email protected] DESIGNERS: Kerry Townson, [email protected] Lynn Yott, [email protected] Any opinions, conclusions, or recommendations in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Navy or NAVO MSRC. All brand names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. These names are for information purposes only and do not imply endorsement by the Navy or NAVO MSRC. Approved for Public Release Distribution Unlimited NAVO MSRC NAVIGATOR SPRING 2008 3 Hypersonic Continuum/DSMC Methodology for Steady/Transient Missile and Re-Entry Vehicle Flowfields J.L. Papp, R.G. Wilmoth, D.B. VanGilder, and S.M. Dash, Combustion Research and Flow Technology, Inc. K. Kennedy, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center IntroductIon breakdown surface is one-way, with Higher-altitude missile and re-entry the continuum solution providing DSMC Analysis vehicle flowfield simulations often inflow boundary conditions for the require the unification of continuum DSMC solution. For more complex Navier- Stokes Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) problems with multiple nozzles or large Analysis and Direct Simulation Monte Carlo angles-of-attack, coupling can be two- (DSMC) methodology. way and thus more complicated. Plume Induced Separation For missiles with propulsive plumes For RV or aerocapture flowfield (as well as for missiles or Re-entry problems at moderate altitudes (50- (a) Vehicles (RVs) with divert/control jets), 70 km), the situation is reversed, with the overall flow is rarefied at altitudes the flow being largely continuum above 65-75 kilometers (km), requiring with embedded rarefied flow in the ckLayer RarefieNda vAifetre-rSbtoodkye/sW Aankaelysis ttcthhooee na tup ibnslureuem uaomekf dD (oforSwro MmdnCi vst uehmrretfe /acntcohoenoz zwtdrlesoh. l oe Hjsxeeiott) we pixsela tveanen ert, atsFhcfotheer e rummbsoeiasd tsoiyizlf/ee wDd oa SirknM eR FCrVie g gmupiorreeont hb 1tolh(edbamo)t. ls or ewgqyiu,t hiar ess Shom APbalrattiicvuel aGtaess/ DSMC Analysis iass btahsaet dfo ornm uralaretefadc tbioyn B cirrdit.e1r iHone nscuec,h dgeivoemrte/ctroinestr ocal nje tbse, bcroemakpdleoxw, nw hsuicrhfa ce u un RCS Jet a hybrid approach is required for has led to our development of itnoC coupling the continuum and DSMC more advanced techniques for solutions along the breakdown surface, their construction in an Automated as schematized in Figure 1(a), for a (b) Efficient Generalized Interface Surface conventional rocket plume. (AEGIS) Toolkit. For basic missile/plume problems, the Figure 1. Examples of embedded continuum to DSMC coupling at the continuum/rarefied flow fields. Continued Next Page... (e) (d) (a) (c) (b) (f) Comparison to image constraint Figure 2. Demonstration of surface generation using GDM methodology within AEGIS toolkit for RCS thruster. NAVO MSRC NAVIGATOR SPRING 2008 5 Extensions to unsteady problems (forcing function) parameters, to using hybrid methodology (such produce a continuous and water-tight as transient jets or bursts at high triangulated surface. altitudes) require the construction of The procedure can be thought of as a time-varying breakdown methodology. balloon expanding within a cage. As Many problems of interest deal with the balloon is inflated (deformation), plumes or divert/control jets from solid it gradually takes on the shape of (a) propellant motors that can contain the cage while the surface elasticity relatively high loadings of particulates, (topology) of the balloon prevents such as Al2O3. it from leaking out between any of While the continuum plume codes the bars. contain well-established methodology Eventually, a point is reached where for the fully-coupled analysis of the surface cannot expand without particulates using either Eulerian or Lagrangian numerics,2 DSMC violating any of the constraints and (b) codes do not and thus have required the process is complete. So, even upgrades for particulate capabilities. though the image function may be discontinuous, smoothness is The DSMC code utilized for our maintained as a constraint, and studies is called Plume DSMC Analysis an appropriate coupling boundary Code (PDAC).3 PDAC is an extended surface can be obtained from an version of the DSMC Analysis Code oftentimes complex field function. (DAC)4 with particulate and unsteady upgrades, as well as upgrades for An example of the image identification plume thermo-chemistry. and surface generation process is shown in Figure 2. The process begins (c) AEGIS MEthodoloGy by choosing an appropriate image Figure 4. Snapshots of interface The AEGIS Toolkit employs constraint (Figure 2a) that will define surface deformation using GDM Geometrically Deformed Model the location of breakdown, which can component of AEGIS toolkit. (GDM) methodology, which be the Bird breakdown parameter1 or implements a cost minimization similar variable. algorithm based on image The GDM process begins by (breakdown parameter), topology introducing a seed surface within (surface elasticity), and deformation the image constraint (Figure 2b). (a) (b) (c) (b) (d) (a) Figure 5. Expansion of second interface surface into far-field Figure 3. Estimated breakdown surface for multi-nozzle plume. region. 66 SPRING 2008 NNAAVVOO MMSSRRCC NNAAVVIIGGAATTOORR Through the deformation process, the as described in the previous section. initial seed surface grows until it is The details of such flowfield solutions constrained by the image (Figures 2c are available in a number of papers through 2e). Comparison of the final presented at American Institute of surface to the image constraint (Figure Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) 2f) shows that the fit is quite good. meetings over the past several The capabilities of the AEGIS years.3,5 A missile divert jet calculation Toolkit are further demonstrated by is shown in Figure 7a with the generating an interface surface for breakdown surface used for a more complex multi-nozzle plume continuum/DSMC coupling shown (Figure 3). AEGIS integrates the Gnu in Figure 7b. Triangulated Surface (GTS) toolkit for A hybrid solution for an Apollo-like computational geometry, and GTS is vehicle during re-entry is shown in available as freeware. Figures 8a and 8b. The continuum Two GDM surfaces are seeded and region is solved using the CRAFT (a) Temperature Contours grown as seen in Figure 4. The near- CFD® code while the rarefied wake field surface is then processed through region is solved using PDAC. As can the GTS Boolean operator to stitch it be seen, there is very good continuity to the nozzles (Figure 5). The resulting across the breakdown surface interface. near-field surface is then merged Results for an extension of the Apollo to the far-field surface (Figure 6) to re-entry hybrid simulation to three- produce the final interface surface dimensions are shown in Figures ready for interpolation and conversion 9a and 9b. Here, three-dimensional to an appropriate DSMC boundary effects occur due to angle of attack, format. as well from the Reaction Control System (RCS) thrusters. For this hybrId SolutIonS for case, the embedded rarefied wake StEAdy flowS region, for which a DAC simulation is A variety of flowfields have needed, contains an embedded highly been analyzed using the hybrid dense RCS thruster core flow. (b) Breakdown Surface methodology developed (with coupling making use of breakdown Figure 7. Hybrid solution for missile surfaces constructed using AEGIS) Continued Next Page... divert jet problem. (a) (c) (e) (b) (d) (f) Figure 6. GTS Boolean operations on GDM generated surfaces. NNAAVVOO MMSSRRCC NNAAVVIIGGAATTOORR SPRING 2008 7 The versatility of AEGIS allows for the expanding domain problems have generation of both the outer interface been examined. Continuum Simulation as well as the inner interface. PArtIclE ExtEnSIonS unStEAdy hybrId MEthodoloGy Lagrangian methodology used in Extending hybrid methodology to our continuum codes2 has also been unsteady flows, where the breakdown implemented in the PDAC DSMC surface itself may vary with time and code. Figure 11 shows an application where coupling conditions are also of methodology for a hybrid CFD/ transient, has been a challenge. The DSMC missile plume simulation. first step has entailed development In a one-way coupled Lagrangian of an unsteady version of PDAC that approach, the particle paths and incorporates ensemble averaging of temperatures are determined by using the flowfield properties at discrete calibrated drag and heat transfer time intervals. correlations to account for momentum v(t) and energy transfer from the gas to Time History at Specified Location Unsteady boundary conditions have Based on Breakdown Criteria the particulates. PDAC uses identical also been added to PDAC, which t correlations to those used in the also permits interpolation of a time- continuum methodologies but also varying source and/or wall boundary uses the same enthalpy-temperature conditions in a more general manner curve fits and emissivity tables as the icTmonofh o noeedta riibdncfioehueru ud ontm oftd o tachc prooeyeud srpceomol.eu ni trtd coteiitm iaponern o vuipannerpsirtauteitteai oswd nyoa ns cpccFohooaanurr tntpliiacgnlilreneugs guep mt bhopoa acousroectnidc cdaueleanrs rd.msy Te.r aaahsmdissi laleaotslialvsodleywi npsag rctoshr,op ese sr ttyh e yFreodtstioHaes U nsteadyBoundaryCCoMnSdDitiootn all surfaces. Figure 10 schematizes significant energy and momentum miT unsteady coupling methodology may be transferred from the solid particulates back to the gas during on a time-invariant surface with the plume expansion, and treatment time-varying conditions. A variety DSMC Simulation of these problems requires a fully- of fundamental cases illustrating coupled approach. application of this methodology Figure 10. Hybrid transient to high altitude transient jet Continued Page 18 coupling. 8 (a) Temperature Contours 6 CRAFT-CFD (b) Close-up of RCS interface Temperature 8 region showing surface elements Contours and number density contours y4 Coupling 2 Boundary CRAFT-CFD DAC97 AxCiaoln Vtoeulorcsity 0 0 2 4 6 8 (a) Temperature contours for x 4 hybrid RCS simulation y BCoouunpdlianrgy 2 DAC97 (b) Axial Velocity Contours 0 0 2 4 6 8 Figure 9. Apollo-like vehicle re-entry simulation at Figure 8. Apollo-like vehicle simulation. angle of attack with dual thrusters. 8 SPRING 2008 NAVO MSRC NAVIGATOR Using ParaView for Remote Visualization on IBM AIX Sean Ziegeler, HPCMP PET Enabling Technologies On-Site, Mississippi State University Introduction Engineer Research and Development BABBAGE system. Executables ParaView is an open-source Center (ERDC) Major Shared for the serial version of ParaView application for viewing and analyzing Resource Center (MSRC) Data are located in /site/unsupported/ a wide variety of data sets. The major Analysis and Assessment Center paraview/serial/bin/. Executables for capabilities of ParaView include: (DAAC) wiki page on ParaView the parallel Message Passing Interface (https://visualization.hpc.mil/wiki/ (MPI) version (currently experimental) •Support for two-dimensional (2D), ParaView) for an introduction and of ParaView are located in /site/ three-dimensional (3D), and time- tutorials on ParaView in general. unsupported/paraview/mpi/bin/. varying data sets. •Support for structured and Prerequisites Client-Server Mode ParaView unstructured grids. For this article, we will be using ParaView's client-server mode •Available for many platforms ParaView 3.2.1. If the user does not operates, for the most part, including Windows, Linux, have this version of ParaView, pre- transparently to the user. Except for and Mac. compiled versions can be obtained for some initial configuration (which is •A client-only mode for running on Windows, Linux, and Mac at http:// described elsewhere in this article), a local desktop or laptop system. www.paraview.org/New/download. using ParaView in this way will be just html. Users with other platforms like using it on the user's local system •A client-server mode for will have to compile the software (i.e., in client-only mode). connecting a local system to a server on a remote system. themselves. This article assumes that the user is a Instructions for compiling ParaView beginner, but the user is nonetheless •A parallel server mode for large can be obtained at http://paraview. encouraged to become familiar with data sets. org/Wiki/ParaView:Build_And_Install. the basic operation of ParaView in ParaView has many specific features Fortunately for users of the Naval client-only mode, which, in fact, runs that are beyond the scope of this Oceanographic Office Major Shared a default server on any user's local article. For more information Resource Center (NAVO MSRC) system (Figure 1). visit http://www.paraview.org/ for ParaView is already installed on the In client-server mode, the user starts background information and the the ParaView server program on a remote system (e.g., BABBAGE, in this case). The user still runs the client on the local system, but that client now connects to the remote server process, as shown in Figure 2. Secure Shell (SSH) Port Forwarding In cases where the remote system is behind a firewall, is an inaccessible node on a cluster, or when network traffic should be encrypted, Secure Shell (SSH) port forwarding must be used. This is the case with BABBAGE’s compute nodes. This means that the ParaView client connects to SSH, which “tunnels” the Figure 1. (Top) ParaView in client-only mode, running a default server. traffic through its connection and Figure 2. (Bottom) ParaView in client-server mode between the local system and a remote one. Continued Next Page... NAVO MSRC NAVIGATOR SPRING 2008 9

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