Carbon44(2006)2715–2723 Adsorption and electrothermal desorption of organic vapors using activated carbon adsorbents with novel morphologies Lingai Luo a,*, David Ramirez b, Mark J. Rood b,e,*, Georges Grevillot c, K. James Hay d, Deborah L. Thurston b,e aLOCIE,ESIGEC,UniversitedeSavoie,CampusScientific,SavoieTechnolac,73376,LeBourget-Du-Laccedex,France bDepartmentofCivilandEnvironmentalEngineering,UniversityofIllinois,Urbana,IL61801-2352,USA cLaboratoiredesSciencesduGenieChimique,CNRS,ENSIC-INPL,BP45154001,Nancy,France dU.S.ArmyEngineerResearchandDevelopmentCenter,ConstructionEngineeringResearchLaboratory,Champaign,IL61826-9005,USA eDepartmentofGeneralEngineering,UniversityofIllinois,Urbana,IL61801-2352,USA Received22January2006;accepted3April2006 Availableonline5June2006 Abstract Novelmorphologiesofactivatedcarbonssuchasmonolith,beadsandfiberclothcaneffectivelycaptureorganicvaporsfromindus- trial sources. These adsorbent materials are also unique because they can undergo direct electrothermal regeneration to recover the adsorbedorganicvaporsforpotentialre-use.Thisinvestigationcomparesandcontraststhepropertiesoftheseadsorbentswhenusing electrothermal–swing adsorption. The adsorption systems consisted of an organic vapor generation system, an electrothermal–swing adsorptionvessel,agasdetectionunit,andadataacquisitionandcontrolsystem.Theactivatedcarbonmonolith(ACM)hadthelowest pressuredrop,highestpermeability,highestelectricalresistivityandlowestcostascomparedtotheactivatedcarbonbeads(ACB)and theactivatedcarbonfibercloth(ACFC).ACBhadthelargestthroughputratioandlowestlengthofunusedbedascomparedtotheother adsorbents.However,ACFChadthelargestadsorptioncapacityfortoluenewhencomparedtoACMandACB.ACFCwasalsofaster toregenerateandhadalargerconcentrationfactorthanACMandACB.Theseresultsdescriberelevantphysical,electrical,adsorption andcostpropertiesforspecificmorphologiesoftheadsorbentstomoreeffectivelycaptureandrecoverorganicvaporsfromgasstreams. (cid:2)2006Elsevier Ltd. Allrights reserved. Keywords: Activatedcarbon;Carbonbeads;Carboncloth;Adsorption;Adsorptionproperties 1. Introduction activated carbons results in gas streams that contain con- centrated single component or multi-component organic Adsorption processes with activated carbons are widely compounds.Theseconcentratedcompoundsarethenmore used to remove organic vapors from gas streams that are readily destroyed or recovered before they are emitted to generated from a wide range of industries. Methods used the atmosphere. Destruction of the organic vapors gener- to regenerate carbonaceous adsorbents include steam ally occurs by incineration or biofiltration. Recovery of [1,2], warm dry gas [3,4], vacuum [5], and indirect [6,7]/ theorganicvaporsasliquidstypicallyoccursforindustrial direct [8] electrothermal treatments. Regeneration of these gas streams by condensation and possibly phase separa- tion.Thispaperdiscussestheadsorptionoforganicvapors and direct electrothermal regeneration with activated car- bon adsorbents in the form of a monolith, beads and fiber * Correspondingauthors. Tel.:+1479758193;fax:+1479758144 cloth. (L.Luo),tel.:+12173336963;fax+12173336968(M.J.Rood) Direct-electrothermal regeneration by the direct Joule E-mailaddresses:[email protected](L.Luo),mrood@uiuc. edu(M.J.Rood). effect uses the adsorbent as an electrical resistor to heat 0008-6223/$-seefrontmatter (cid:2)2006ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2006.04.007 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2006 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2006 to 00-00-2006 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Adsorption and Electrothermal Desorption of Organic Vapors Using 5b. GRANT NUMBER Activated Carbon Adsorbents With Novel Morphologies 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION LOCIE, ESIGEC,,Universite de Savoie, Campus Scientific, Savoie REPORT NUMBER Technolac,73376, Le Bourget-Du-Lac cedex, France, , 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES U.S. Government or Federal Rights. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 9 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 2716 L.Luoetal./Carbon44(2006)2715–2723 andregeneratetheadsorbent.Alternatingordirectcurrent contains 4–6% by mass ash and a specific surface area of can be used to heat and regenerate the adsorbent. The use 900–1100m2/g [3]. PAC is mixed with water and an of direct-electrothermal regeneration as part of an electro- organic binder, and then extruded at high pressure, and thermal–swingadsorptionsystemhasbeenusedtoregener- dried between 400(cid:3)C and 500(cid:3)C to form a monolith. The ate activated carbon fiber cloth (ACFC) that contained ACM used in this study has the shape of a parallelepiped tricholoroethane[8],ACFCthatcontainedarangeofcom- with length of 10cm (Z) and square cross-section of 5cm pounds including ethanol and ethyl acetate [9,10], ACFC perside(L).Themonolithcontains400longitudinalparal- that contained a wide range of alkanes, aromatics, and lel open channels of square section of 0.2cm per side, and ketone containing organic vapors [11–13], and activated wallthicknessbetweenthechannelsof0.05cm.ACMhasa carbon monolith [14]. The redistribution of adsorbed nominal cost of $3.60/kg. The N BET-surface area of the 2 VOCs in activated carbon during direct-electrothermal monolith is 603m2/g, it has a Dubinin–Radushkevich regeneration was also studied [15]. Regeneration of acti- microporevolume of0.21cm3/g,the volumetric mass den- vated carbon by direct-electrothermal heating avoids the sity of the solid is 1.04g/cm3, the apparent density of the introduction of water into the adsorption vessel, and the monolith is 0.37g/cm3, and its porosity is 0.64 (volume electrical power that is used to heat the adsorbent is con- of channels/total volume of the monolith) [20]. Superficial trolled independent of the carrier gas flow rate. Indepen- gasvelocitiesashighas2m/scanbe treatedincontrastto dent control of the heating rate and carrier gas flow rate 0.1–0.6m/s for GAC [3]. The gas stream enters through allows careful control the adsorbent’s temperature and each of the channels and the organic vapor is transported the rate of desorption for the organic vapor. Such unique intothewallsofthechannelsandisadsorbedintotheacti- propertiesofdirect-electrothermalheatingresultinaread- vatedcarbon(Fig.1A).Thecleangasstreamthenexitsthe ily controllable effluent as it exits the adsorption vessel monolith. The organized structure of the ACM channels during regeneration. allows for intimate contact between the gas stream and Granular activated carbon (GAC) is the traditional the monolith’s walls. Overall, ACMs allow for relatively morphology of activated carbon that is used to adsorb high adsorption capacity, small pressure drop, a compact organic vapors from gas streams. GAC has a nominal system, and is suitable for treatment of high volumetric diameterof4–7mm[16].GACsarecommerciallyavailable flow rates (e.g., 7·106m3/h) for gases with a wide range on a widespread basis with a nominal cost of $2/kg. How- oforganicvaporconcentrations(e.g.,2–8g/m3),andstable ever,activatedcarbonsarenowavailablewithawiderange catalytic combustion of the vapors [3]. ofmorphologiesthatprovideuniqueadsorptionandregen- ACBisasyntheticcarbonaceousadsorbent,whichcon- eration properties. Commercially available activated car- tains a highly sulfonated styrene divinylbenzene resin, and bons in the form of a monolith [ACM, 14,17], MAST is produced by pyrolysis and activation between 300(cid:3)C monolith [18], activated carbon beads [ACB, 19], and and 1200(cid:3)C. Pyrolysis and activation increases the micro- ACFC [12] have been studied individually with respect to porosityofthebeads,whileonlyprovidingasmallincrease their unique properties to capture organic vapors from inthesamplesmesoporosity.TheACBadsorbentwaspro- gas streams and allow for direct-electrothermal regenera- duced commercially by Rohm and Hass (Ambersorb 572) tion of the adsorbent. However, these materials have not with a mean particle diameter of 0.6mm (Fig. 1B). The yet been compared and contrasted in the literature. Such manufacturerreportsthatthismaterialislessreactivethan analysis is important because it better describes the physi- GACtowardcomponentssuchasketones,resultinginless cal,electricalandadsorptionpropertiesofadsorbentswith riskoffireswhenusingACBs.ACB(Ambersorb572)hasa specific morphologies that can be used to capture and nominalcostof$1575/kg.ItsN -BETspecificsurfacearea 2 recover organic vapors from gas streams. is1100m2/g.Theadsorbent’sporevolumeis51%micropo- rous, with micropore, mesopore, and macropore volumes 1.1. Activated carbon adsorbents: monolith, bead, of 0.41cm3/g, 0.19cm3/g, and 0.20cm3/g, respectively[19]. and fiber cloth A unique aspect of ACBs is their potential use in fluidized bedadsorbersduetotheirsmalldiameter,highadsorption ACM described here is a coal-based adsorbent that is capacity, and resistance to mechanical attrition with a made with powdered activated carbon (PAC) that initially crush strength >1kg/bead [21,22]. Fig.1. Scanningelectronmicroscopeimagesof(A)ACM[19],(B)ACB[20](Ambersorb572),and(C)ACFC[26]. L.Luoetal./Carbon44(2006)2715–2723 2717 Activated carbon fibers (ACFs) are made from novo- of 0.87g/cm3 at 20(cid:3)C, and saturation vapor pressure of loid, pitch, cellulose, rayon, polyacrylonitrile and saran. 22.0torr at 20(cid:3)C [28]. ACFsareshapeableandcanbeformedasactivatedcarbon fiber paper, activated carbon fiber felt, and ACFC. 2. Experimental methodology ACFCs’ surface areas can range from 700m2/g to 2400m2/g, which provides larger surface areas than com- 2.1. Configurations and experimental procedures monly used GACs [23]. ACFC used in this study is made from phenolic NovolacTM resin and is identified here as The bench-scale ACM adsorption system consisted of a ACFC-5092-20 (Model ACC-5092-20, American Kynol vapor generation system, an adsorption cell, a source of Inc., Pleasantville, NY, Fig. 1C). ACFC-5092-20 has a compressed N , a gas chromatograph, an electrical power 2 nominal cost of $730/kg. The pores of ACFC are domi- supply, and a data acquisition and control system nated by micropores (e.g., >93% by volume) with mean (Fig. 2). The vapor generator included two syringe pumps total pore width ranging from 7.4 to 9.9 and micropore withhypodermicneedles,anevaporator,astaticgasmixer pore width ranging from 6.9A˚ to 9.8A˚, depending on andamassflowmetertocontroltheN gasflowrate.The 2 thelotofACFCtested[24,25].ACFC’sphysicalproperties concentration of the organic vapor in the gas stream was provide rapid adsorption and high adsorption capacities controlledbytheflowrateofN andoftheliquidfeedrate 2 for a wide range of organic vapors [23,25]. Mass and heat of the organic compound. transfer of vapors to and from the ACFCs are also TheadsorptioncellconsistedofaTeflonjacketthatsup- enhanced because of their low nominal fiber diameter of ported the ACM (Fig. 3A). A removable flat cover was 12lm [25]. The ACFC used here has an N -BET surface usedtoclosethecavity.Twosheetsofgraphitepaperwere 2 area of 1604m2/g, electrical resistivity of 6·10(cid:2)3Xm at locatedbetweenflat-platecopperelectrodesandtheoppos- 22(cid:3)C [25], and consists of 95.1% carbon, 0.4% hydrogen, ingsurfacesofthemonolithtoprovideauniformelectrical 4.5% oxygen, <0.05% nitrogen, and 0% ash by mass, as circuit with the ACM. Six screws were used to press the determined by ultimate analysis [25]. Ash free adsorbents copper plates, graphite paper, and monolith together. areusefultorestrainunwantedchemicalreactionsandfires The electrical leads passed through the Teflon enclosure within the adsorption vessel that occur with typical GACs and were welded onto the copper plates. There was 93.6g that contain ash. The shapeable woven ACFC readily per- of ACM in a cell that had a bulk cross-sectional area of mittheformationofannularandpleatedcartridges.These 25cm2 and a length of 10cm. The system was electrically unique properties make ACFC a desirable adsorbent for insulatedandwaterproofed.Thetemperatureofthemono- gas separation and air pollution control applications. lith was measured with a Pt probe that was positioned at the exit of the middle channel of the ACM. 1.2. Chemical and physical properties of the adsorbate The total gas flow rate during an adsorption test was 3.2L/min(at20(cid:3)Candatmosphericpressure).Concentra- Toluene (C H ) is used as the adsorbate for each of the tion of the gas stream at the outlet of the adsorption cell 7 8 adsorptionsystemsdiscussedhere.Tolueneisanimportant wasmonitoredwithagaschromatographwithaflameion- organic vapor because it is a hazardous air pollutant and ization detector (FID). Prior to each adsorption run, the 81·106kg/yroftolueneisemittedtotheatmospherefrom gas stream was prepared, directed off-line and monitored USA [27].Toluene isaromatic, with amolecular weight of by gas chromatography until the selected organic vapor 92.1g/mole, molecular diameter of 6.95A˚, boiling point concentration remained stable for 60min. The gas stream of 110.6(cid:3)C, dipole moment of 0.4 Debyes, liquid density was then directed to the adsorption cell by switching a EEvvaappoorraattoorr AAddssoorrppttiioonn vveesssseell OOuuttlleett ggaass ssttrreeaamm HHyyddrrooccaarrbboonn VV22 ddeetteeccttoorr SSyyrriinnggee ppuummppss DDaattaa aaccqquuiissiittiioonn VV11 MMiixxeerr aanndd ccoonnttrrooll PPoowweerr ssyysstteemm NNNN MMMMFFFFCCCC 2222 MMFFCC==MMaassss ffllooww ccoonnttrroolllleerr Fig.2. GeneralschematicoftheexperimentalapparatusforACM,ACB,andACFCsystems. 2718 L.Luoetal./Carbon44(2006)2715–2723 Fig.3. Schematicofthe(A)ACM[13],(B)ACB,and(C)ACFCadsorptionvessels(adaptedfromreference[12]). three-wayvalve.Theorganicvaporconcentrationwasthen Air passed through the organic vapor generator while detected downstream of the adsorption cell. The adsorp- liquid toluene was injected into the gas stream using a tion cell was then saturated with the organic vapor, taken hypodermic needle and a syringe pump. A small piece of off-line, and then regenerated with direct-electrothermal ACFC was wrapped around the hypodermic needle to regeneration. The cell was purged with 1.6L/min of N allow for more uniform evaporation of the toluene into 2 (20(cid:3)C and atmospheric pressure) during regeneration to the gas stream. The flow rate of air was controlled with assure passage of the vapors from the adsorption column mass flow controllers. The concentration of organic vapor during regeneration. Electrothermal regeneration of the was measured with a photoionization detector (PID, Rae ACM and N flow through the adsorption column started Systems Inc., Model ModuRae) or a FID (MSA/Baseline 2 simultaneously.Theelectriccurrentintensitywaskeptcon- Inc., series 8800). The organic vapor-laden air stream stant during regeneration, with voltage depending on the passed through a cylindrical, stainless-steel or aluminum monolith’s electrical resistance. adsorption vessel that contained four annular cartridges The bench-scale ACB adsorption system consisted of a of ACFC to adsorb the organic vapor from the air stream vapor generation system, an adsorption column, a source (Fig. 3C). The bench-scale system contained 151g of of compressed N , a gas chromatograph, an electrical ACFC per vessel that provided eight layers of cloth for 2 powersupply,agravimetricbalance,andadataacquisition each cartridge. Nominal total gas flow rate for the system andcontrolsystem(Fig.2).TheN flowratetotheadsorp- was 100L/min (at 0(cid:3)C and 1atm). Once breakthrough 2 tion column was controlled with mass flow controllers. occurred, N flowed through the vessel at 1% of the gas 2 Liquid toluene was injected into one of the gas streams flow rate that was experienced during the adsorption cycle usingahypodermicneedle,asyringepump,andanevapo- topurgeO fromthevesselbeforetheACFCwasregener- 2 rator to mix the vapor with the N at ambient pressure. ated, and to assist with theflow of organic vapor from the 2 The solvent-laden gas stream then mixed with additional vesselasitdesorbedfromtheACFC.Theresultingconcen- N and then fed into the fixed adsorption at a flow rate trated vapor condensed onto the interior walls of the ves- 2 of 1L/min (at 20(cid:3)C and 1atm). There was 3.5g of ACBs sel’s base, drained from the base of the vessel into a located in the Teflon adsorption column that had an inner reservoir, and was then measured with a gravimetric bal- diameter of 1.6cm and a length of 3.5cm (Fig. 3B). The ance [29]. effluent concentration was determined using a gas chro- matographwithanFIDasusedwiththeACMtests.Elec- 2.2. Pressure drop, permeability, throughput ratio, trothermal desorption of the ACBs occurred once the length of unused bed, and electrical resistivity adsorbent was saturated with organic vapor. N flowed 2 through the column as electricity passed through the Pressure drop for the ACM and ACB adsorption sys- ACBs.Aconstantelectricalcurrentwasappliedtotheelec- tems was determined with the following equation [19]: trodes during each regeneration cycle as with the ACM 32Zlu regeneration tests. DP ¼ ð1Þ d2 The experimental apparatus for the bench-scale ACFC h adsorptionsystemconsistedofanorganicvaporgenerator, where DP=pressure drop, Z=adsorption bed length, aninlethighefficiencyparticulateairfilter,twoadsorption l=gas viscosity; u=superficial gas velocity; d =adsor- h vessels, a source of compressed N2, a total hydrocarbon bent’s hydraulic diameter determined as follows: detector, and a data acquisition and control system (Fig. 2). dh ¼4ðvoid volumeÞ=surface area ð2Þ L.Luoetal./Carbon44(2006)2715–2723 2719 which results in d =ACM channel’s side length for the q for a homogeneous conductor at a reference tempera- h r,o ACM system. However, for the ACB system, ture (T ) is defined as [32]: R (cid:2) (cid:3) 2e A d ¼ d ð3Þ q ¼ R ð6Þ h 3ð1(cid:2)eÞ b r;o L whereA=cross-sectionalareaperpendiculartothecurrent wheree=apparentporosityoftheACBsintheadsorption flow,R=electricalresistance,andL=lengthparalleltothe vessel, and d =diameter of an ACB [19]. b current flow. Pressure drop for the ACFC adsorption system was Resistivity dependence on temperature is described by measured at the vessel’s inlet at select gas flow rates using [32]: a U-tube manometer filled with water (Mod. 1222-8-W/ M, Dwyer Inc.). Net pressure drop caused by the ACFC qðTÞ¼q ð1þa ðT (cid:2)T ÞÞ ð7Þ r r;o r R cartridge was determined by subtracting the pressure drop whereT=adsorbent’stemperatureanda =thermalresis- of the vessel without the ACFC adsorbent from the pres- r tivityfactor.Parametera isobtainedbylinearregressionof sure drop of the vessel while containing the ACFC r the adsorbent’s electrical resistance at select temperatures. cartridge. The ACM, ACB, and ACFC adsorbents are heteroge- Permeabilityisafluidflowparameterthancharacterizes neous due to the voids caused by the channels within the the flow of gases through the ACM, ACB and ACFC ACM, around each ACB, and between the individual adsorbents [30]. The pressure drop (DP) through the ACFs. The electrical resistivity is related to the electrical ACM and ACB adsorption systems can also be expressed resistance (R) for the ACM by considering the monolith as [31]: as a combination of basic cells in parallel and/or series as (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) q CL l L described below [19]: DP ¼ a u2þ a u ð4Þ 2 ap (cid:2) e (cid:3)(cid:2)1 q ¼RZ 1þ p ð8Þ where qa=air density, C=inertial resistance factor, r 1(cid:2) ffieffi L=adsorbent’slength,l =airviscosity,anda =perme- a p Resistivity for the ACB was determined by considering ability.Valuesofa andCaredeterminedbylinearregres- p the resistance of a bead and the resistance of contact sion with pressure drop data. Pressure drop for the ACFC between two vertically adjacent beads, as described below systemintheradialdirectionacrosstheACFCcartridgesis [19]: as follows [31]: (cid:4) (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:5) (cid:4) (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:5) q ¼q þq ðp Þ(cid:2)d: ð9Þ q C 1 1 l r r bead;eff contact;eff app DP ¼ d (cid:2) Q2þ a ln o Q ð5Þ 8p2L2 r r 2a pL r Where q =R d with R =bead’s electrical i o p i bead,eff b b b resistance, where r =inner radius of the cartridge, r =outer radius i o K d2 of the cartridge, and Q=gas flow rate through each q ¼ 2 b ð10Þ cartridge. contact;eff Z Values for throughput ratio (TPR) and the length of and p =pressure applied to the adsorbent to improve app unused bed (LUB) were calculated to assess the perfor- the electrical contact among the beads, d=0.2 [19], and mance of the system during an adsorption cycle. Higher K =coefficient factor between the electrical resistance of 2 TPR values indicate a steeper breakthrough curve, where contact and the applied pressure. transient mass-transfer limitations become less impor- K ¼Ri fd ð11Þ tant. As TPR approaches unity, the time needed for the 2 contact i mass transfer zone to develop becomes insignificant where Ri ¼ electrical resistance between two beads at contact compared to the time needed to saturate the adsorbent. section element i, and TPR is expressed as t /t where t =time required 5% 50% 5% f ¼p þði(cid:2)1Þbd ð12Þ to achieve 5% breakthrough and t =time required to i app b 50% achieve 50% breakthrough. LUB describes the effective (i(cid:2)1)=section element within the adsorption vessel, and fraction of the adsorbent that is not utilized when the b=bead’s apparent density within the adsorption vessel. adsorption cycle is stopped at 5% breakthrough. LUB is The electrical resistance for ACFC was determined by expressed as 1- (m /m ), where m =mass of the 5% 100% 5% consideringtheeffectiveACFCthicknessthat iscalculated organic vapor adsorbed at time t and m =mass 5% 100% by dividing the areal mass density of the bulk ACFC (q ) a of the organic vapor adsorbed when the adsorbent is with the true mass density of the fiber (q) [23]: t saturated. q Electrical resistivity (q ) is an intrinsic parameter that H ¼ a ð13Þ r,o eff q can be used to characterize the ACM, ACB, and ACFC. t Thisparameterisdependentonthetemperature,precursor, This effective thickness represents the thickness of a hypo- and degree of activation. The general equation describing thetically homogeneous (no interyarn and intrayarn void 2720 L.Luoetal./Carbon44(2006)2715–2723 volumes)sheetofACFC.Theeffectivecross-sectionalarea Table1 (A ) is then defined as [23]: Physical,Electrical,Adsorption,andCostPropertiesofACM,ACB,and eff ACFC Aeff ¼WHeff ð14Þ Adsorbent ACM ACB ACFC Pressuredropat0.1m/s 1.0 89.9 38.8 where W=width of the ACFC perpendicular to the cur- ofSuperficialgas rentflow.ElectricalresistivityfortheACFCsampleisthen velocity(Pa/cm) determined by replacing A with Aeff: Permeability(m2) 1.8·10(cid:2)8 2.0·10(cid:2)10 1.9·10(cid:2)11 Microporevolume 0.21 0.41 0.75 (cid:2) (cid:3) q ¼ Aeff R ð15Þ (cm3/g) r L Adsorptioncapacityat 0.26 0.52 0.6 p/p =0.9(g/g) o Throughputratio 0.81 0.91 0.81 3. Results and discussion Lengthofunusedbed 0.21 0.08 0.21 Electricalresistivity 3.9·10(cid:2)1 8.1·10(cid:2)2 4.8·10(cid:2)3 at455K(X(cid:2)m) Results that compare and contrast ACM, ACB, and Max.achieved 46 20 1050 ACFC electrothermal–swing adsorption systems are pro- concentrationfactor vided below. The properties used to describe these systems Cost($/kg) 3.6 1,575 730 include their pressure drop, permeability, adsorption iso- therm,breakthroughcurve,TPR,LUB,electricalresistivity, and concentration factor obtained during electrothermal regeneration of the adsorbents when using toluene as the 3.2. Equilibrium adsorption isotherms for toluene vapor adsorbate. with ACM, ACB, and ACFC Adsorbents 3.1. Dependence of pressure drop and permeability Adsorption isotherm results are important to determine for ACM, ACB, and ACFC themaximumorganicvaporpartitioningthatcanoccurfor each adsorbent, assuming no mass transfer limitations of Dependence of pressure drop per unit length of adsor- the unit operation. The ACM, ACB, and ACFC exhibit bent on superficial gas velocity for the ACM, ACB, and a Type I isotherm up to p/po of 0.8 due to the micropores ACFC adsorbents indicates a linear dependence of pres- existing in the adsorbents (Fig. 5). ACFC has 400% and suredropongasvelocity(Fig.4).Asexpectedthemonolith 67% larger adsorption capacity at lower relative pressures had the smallest pressure drop with its well designed open (60.2 p/po, where p=actual vapor pressure, and po=sat- channels. uration vapor pressure) when compared to the ACM and PermeabilityvaluesfortheACM,ACB,andACFCsys- ACB, respectively. However, the adsorption capacities of tems are 1.76·10(cid:2)8m2, 1.98·10(cid:2)10m2, and 1.92· ACFCandACBapproacheachotheratlargerp/povalues 10(cid:2)11m2, respectively. This results in a gas stream flowing (P 0.9 p/po), while the adsorption capacity of the ACM is easier through the ACM when a pressure gradient is limited to 50% of the adsorption capacity for the ACFC applied to the system. Permeability values for ACM, and ACB at the same elevated vapor concentration. The ACB, and ACFC range over three orders of magnitude, loweradsorptioncapacityofACMiscausedbyitssmaller but are in the range of typical permeability values for por- specific pore volume, probably due to its binder and ash ous materials ranging from Berl saddles (2.6·10(cid:2)7m2) to content. sandstone (1.5·10(cid:2)12m2) [30, Table 1]. ACM ACB ACFC 0.7 ngthm) 100 ACM ACB ACFC y (g/g) 0.6 er LePa/c 80 pacit 00..45 op Pent ( 60 n Ca 0.3 re Drdsorb 40 rptio 0.2 Pressu of A 200 Adso 00..01 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Superficial Gas Velocity (m/sec) Toluene p/po Fig.4. Dependenceofpressuredropperunitthicknessofadsorbenton Fig.5. ComparisonofadsorptionisothermsfortoluenewithACM,ACB, superficialgasvelocityforACM,ACB,andACFC. andACFCadsorbentsat20(cid:3)Candatmosphericpressure. L.Luoetal./Carbon44(2006)2715–2723 2721 3.3. Breakthrough tests for toluene vapor and ACM, ACM ACB ACFC ACB and ACFC adsorbents 1 m) Dimensionless breakthrough tests for ACM, ACB, and m- 0.1 ACFCdescribethechangeintheratioofthetoluenevapor h o concentrations at the outlet to the inlet of the adsorption y ( vessel during an adsorption cycle (Fig. 6). The concentra- stivit 0.01 tion ratio is plotted as a function of another ratio, which si e R is the duration of the adsorption cycle divided by t . 50% Such format allows comparison of the structure of the 0.001 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 breakthroughcurvesunderawiderangeofinletvaporcon- Temperature (K) centrations, masses of adsorbent in the adsorption vessels, Fig. 7. Electrical resistivity dependence on temperature for ACM, and gas flow rates. The inlet toluene concentration for the ACBandACFCadsorbents. ACM and ACB systems was 1300 ppmv (5g/m3 at 20(cid:3)C and1atm),whiletheinletconcentrationfortheACFCsys- tem was 680 ppmv (2.6g/m3 at 20(cid:3)C and 1atm). The perature. This is typical of carbonaceous materials, which superficial gas velocities for the adsorption of toluene by aresemi-conductors.Thearithmeticmeanthermalresistiv- the ACM, ACB, and ACFC adsorbers were 3.2cm/s, ity factor (a) is (cid:2)3·10(cid:2)3K(cid:2)1 for all three materials, r 3.3cm/s, and 8.4cm/s, respectively. which is also representative of semi-conductors. Linear TPR/LUB values for the ACM, ACB, and ACFC are regressions for each material yielded arithmetic mean 0.81/0.21, 0.91/0.08, and 0.81/0.21, respectively. A mini- (standard deviation) values for a of (cid:2)2.68·10(cid:2)3K(cid:2)1 r mum TPR value of 0.7 and a maximum acceptable LUB (2.0·10(cid:2)4), (cid:2)2.72·10(cid:2)3K(cid:2)1 (1.1·10(cid:2)3), and (cid:2)3.62· value of 0.3 have been proposed as acceptable guidelines 10(cid:2)3K(cid:2)1 (1.8·10(cid:2)3) for ACM, ACB and ACFC, respec- [23].TPRandLUBvaluesfortheadsorptionsystemsstud- tively. ACM has the highest resistivity values, which is ied here were all acceptable within the stated guidelines. probablyduetothedegreeofcarbonizationforthebinder. Such results indicate that the ACM, ACB and ACFC TherelativelyhighresistivityvaluesforACBismostlikely adsorbent materials were effectively utilized to capture tol- due to the resistivity of the contacts that exist between uene from the gas streams at the specified conditions. beads in the vessel, as demonstrated by the decrease in resistivity with increasing amount of compression for the 3.4. Electrical resistivity dependence on temperature ACBs [19]. for ACM, ACB, and ACFC 3.5. Concentration factors during desorption Electrical resistivity for ACM, ACB, and ACFC for ACM, ACB, and ACFC between 280K and 540K are provided in Fig. 7. The dependence of resistivity on temperature and morphology Direct-electrothermalregenerationofACM,ACBs,and of the adsorbents is provided because the temperature of ACFC allows for careful control of the outlet concentra- the adsorbent can increase by more than 200(cid:3)C during tionoftheorganicvaporduringregenerationoftheadsor- electrothermal regeneration and the morphologies of the bent. Such careful control of the outlet concentration is studiedadsorbentsaredistinctlydifferent.Alloftheadsor- verydifficultwithsteam,hotgas,andvacuumregeneration bentsexhibitedadecreaseinresistivitywithincreasingtem- because of the difficulties in controlling the energy applied to the adsorbent separately from the carrier gas flow rate. Electrothermal regeneration can readily control the energy deposited to the adsorbent separate from the carrier gas ACM ACB ACFC 1.2 flow rate during the regeneration cycle. Such approach is important when using adsorption to capture and recover 1 organic vapors [11,12] or to capture, concentrate and then o C/C 0.8 destroy organic vapors that do not have sufficient eco- ne 0.6 nomic value or purity to allow for re-use. ue The concentration factor (C/C ) describes the ratio of ol 0.4 o T the organic-vapor concentration at the outlet of the 0.2 adsorption column during the regeneration cycle to the 0 organic-vapor concentration at the inlet of the adsorption 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 vessel during the adsorption cycle (Fig. 8). The inlet tolu- t/t 50 ene concentration for the ACM and ACB systems was 1300ppmv(5g/m3at20(cid:3)Cand1atm),whiletheinletcon- Fig.6. DimensionlessbreakthroughcurvesfortoluenewithACM,ACB, andACFCadsorbents. centrationfortheACFCsystemwas680ppmv(2.6g/m3at 2722 L.Luoetal./Carbon44(2006)2715–2723 ACFC had on average 205% and 46% larger adsorption ACM ACB ACFC 100 1200 capacity for toluene than ACM and ACB, respectively. 90 ACFC’s larger adsorption capacity is attributed to its lar- 1000 80 gerspecificsurfaceareaandmicroporevolumewhen com- 70 800 0 60 C pared to ACM and ACB. Dimensionless breakthrough C/C 50 600 /C curvesforACM,ACB,andACFCshowedsimilarprofiles 40 0 regardless of the tested inlet toluene concentration and 400 30 superficial gas velocity. TPR and LUB values for ACM, 20 200 ACB and ACFC proved that these novel morphologies 10 wereeffectiveatcapturingtoluenevaporfortheconditions 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 tested here. Time (min) ACFC had 1–2 orders of magnitude lower electrical resistivity at 455K, and was at least 5–10 times faster to Fig. 8. Concentration factors for toluene with ACM, ACB, and ACFC adsorbents. regenerate up to a C/Co value of 4 when compared to ACB and ACM, respectively. ACFC’s concentration fac- tor was more than 22 times the concentration factor for 20(cid:3)C and 1atm). The superficial gas velocities of N dur- ACM and ACB. Electrothermal regeneration of ACM, 2 ing the desorption of toluene with the ACM, ACB, and ACB,andACFCprovidedawiderangeofreadilycontrol- ACFC systems were 1.67cm/s, 4.14cm/s, and 0.06cm/s, lable concentration factors at the outlet of all three respectively. The ACM and ACB were regenerated while systems. Such control of concentration factors is readily preventing the condensation of toluene in the exhaust gas achievable because the energy applied to the adsorbent is stream. However, the ACFC was regenerated with the controlled rapidly and separately from the carrier-gas intent to provide toluene condensate without the use of flow rate during the electrothermal regeneration of the anyauxiliaryheatexchangers.Electrothermalheatingtests adsorbents. for the ACM without adsorbate indicated that the mono- lith can be readily heated to 200(cid:3)C within 8min. This test Acknowledgement wouldhave provided highC/C values,if thetest was per- o formed with saturated adsorbent. These results demon- ThisresearchwassupportedbyUIUC/CNRSCoopera- strate how carefully controlled concentration factors can tive Research Program, Grainger Foundation, U.S. bereadilyachievablewhentheenergyappliedtotheadsor- National Science Foundation (DMI-02-17491), and bent is controlled rapidly and separately from the carrier- CONACYT-Mexico. gas flow rate during the electrothermal regeneration cycle. References 4. 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