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DTIC ADA495146: Wavelet Multi-scale Edge Detection for Extraction of Geographic Features to Improve Vector Map Databases PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA495146: Wavelet Multi-scale Edge Detection for Extraction of Geographic Features to Improve Vector Map Databases

Wavelet Multi-scale Edge Detection for Extraction of Geographic Features to Improve Vector Map Databases Marlin L. Gendron (US Naval Research Laboratory) Dr. Juliette W. Ioup (University of New Orleans) Althoughnumerousatsmallergeographicscales,vectordatabasesoftendonotexistatthe moredetailed,largerscales.Apossiblesolutionistheuseofimageprocessingtechniquesto detect edges in high-resolution satellite imagery. Features such as roads and airports are formedfromtheedgesandmatchedupwithsimilarfeaturesinexistinglow-resolutionvector map databases. By replacing the old features with the new more accurate features, the resolution of the existing map database is improved. To accomplish this, a robust edge detectionalgorithmisneededthatwillperformwellinnoisyconditions.Thispaperstudies andtestsonesuchmethod,theWaveletMulti-scaleEdgeDetector.Thewavelettransform breaksdownasignalintofrequencybandsatdifferentlevels.Noisepresentatlowerscales smoothes out at higher levels. It is demonstrated that this property can be used to detect edgesinnoisysatelliteimagery.Onceedgesarelocated,anewmethodwillbeproposedfor storingtheseedgesgeographicallyso thatfeaturescanbeformed and paired with existing features inavectormap database. KEY WORDS 1. Maps}Charts. 2. Database. 3. Wavelets. 1. INTRODUCTION. While ancient navigators struggled to locate features crudelynotedontheirhand-drawnmaps,moderntravellersenjoytheluxuryofhigh- speedcomputers,globalpositioningsystems(GPS),andaerospacetechnology.Early adventurers relied on the wind to carry their ships and on their eyes to spot land. Today,oureyesextendaroundtheglobeintheformofmulti-milliondollarsatellites, and our current location is tracked by a symbol moving across a computer screen (Lohrenz et al., 1997). From tourists using moving map GPS systems in some rental cars to on-board computers that guide smart weapons to their targets, the demand for accurate and reliable maps is increasing. There are many digital map databases available to the military, commercial sector, and the public. Off-the-shelf software offers worldwide coverage,andmapsofalmosteverymajorcityareavailableviatheInternet.Without a doubt, maps are important, but maintaining and updating these map databases is costly and time consuming. In many cases, humans are still required to examine 79 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED JAN 2000 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2000 to 00-00-2000 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Wavelet Multi-scale Edge Detection for Extraction of Geographic 5b. GRANT NUMBER Features to Improve Vector Map Databases 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Research Laboratory,Code 7440.1,Stennis Space Center,MS,39529 REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Journal of Navigation 53:1, pp. 79-92. January 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 14 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 80 M.L.GENDRON AND J.W.IOUP VOL.53 satelliteimageryanddigitisefeaturessuchasroadsandairportsintopointsthatform vector representations. These points are stored in new map databases or used to update existing ones (Edmonds, 1998). This paper explores one possible method of improving the resolution of existing vectormapdatabasesbyusingsemi-automatedimageprocessingtechniques.Features from high-resolution satellite images are extracted via a Wavelet Multi-scale Edge Detector(WMED)andplacedinageographicbitmap(Gendronetal.,1997).From thebitmap,vectorsareformedandidenticalfeaturesarelocatedandupdatedinthe map database. 2. TRANSFORMS. Manyproblemsinsciencecannotbesolveddirectly.Tools are required to alter these problems in such a way that proven mathematical techniques yield results. For example, certain operations performed on equations in thetimedomainaredifficultandoftenimpossible.AFouriertransformation,which transforms a function from the time domain to the frequency domain, makes many oftheseoperationsthatareimpossibleinthetimedomainmanageablebyperforming them in the frequency domain. After operations are completed in the frequency domain, an inverse transform provides the means to return to the time domain (Bracewell, 1986). The Fourier transform operates on a signal in the time domain and generates coefficients in the frequency domain. These coefficients describe the composition of thesignalintermsofinfinite-lengthsineandcosinefunctions.Analternativetousing suchlongwavesistouseshortwavescalledwavelets.Portionsoftheinputsignalthat mostresemblethewaveletproducethehighestcoefficientsintheoutput(Strangand Nguyen,1996).LiketheFouriertransform,thewavelettransformanditsinverseare defined for both continuous and discrete signals. The discrete wavelet transform (DWT)liesattheheartoftheedgedetectorusedonthesatelliteimagesstudiedinthis paper.Theelementsintheinputseriesarepixelswhosemagnitudesarebetween0and 255.Thepositionoftheelementdoesnotdenotetime,butratherindicatesitslocation in the image. Thewavelettransformisexplainedmorefullylaterinthispaper,butthetime-scale (spatial-scale) property that wavelets exhibit is worth mentioning now. By using a pairofshortwaveletfiltersandapplyingthemtoaninputsignal,levelonecoefficients are produced whose position in time relates directly back to the input. The wavelet filters are then rescaled, shifted, and applied to the output to produce level two coefficients. These coefficients are lower in resolution, but maintain their position relative to the original time series (Misiti and Misiti, 1996). The time-scale (spatial-scale) properties of the DWT can be used to extract true featuresfromanoisyimage,becauserandomwhitenoisepresentathighresolutions tends to smooth out at lower resolutions. Peaks detected in lower level coefficients, whicharenotpresentinupperlevels,arediscardedasnoise.Peaksspatiallycloseat all or most levels are retained as true edges. This is the basic concept behind the WMED (Hajj et al., 1996a). 3. DIGITAL MAPS. Amapcanbestoredonacomputerindigitalformsimply as a picture; for example, a digital raster map image file. Most map files originate frompaperchartsscannedintothecomputerbyascanner.Whenpixelsintheimage correspondtopointsonasurface,suchastheearth,theimageisgeo-rectifiedorgeo- NO.1 WAVELET MULTI-SCALE EDGE DETECTION 81 registered.Severalmapfilesstoredtogetherinastructuredwayformamapdatabase. Digital raster map databases exist at many different resolutions, or map scales, and define how individual map files can be pieced together to form complete maps (Lohrenz, 1991). Frequently, when these maps are viewed, the current position of the cursor in latitude and longitude is displayed on the screen. Cursor readout implies that the computer knows the location of every pixel in the image. This is true and accomplished by geo-rectifying the image. This geo-rectifying process occurs by taking control points, at known latitude and longitude points on the earth, to generatecoefficients.Thesecoefficientsareusedtocomputenewxandypositionsin theimage.Thenumberofcontrolpointsandtheirprecisiondeterminestheaccuracy of the raster map. The geographic extent of the image and its size in pixel space determines the map scale of the image (Hager, et al., 1990; Landrum, 1989). Raster maps make a lot of sense to the human brain. People are able to extract features–such as roads and highways–intuitively and determine their location relativetootherfeatures.Althoughthecomputer‘knows’thelocationofeachpixel at a given resolution, the computer is unable to extract, identify, and determine the location of a specific feature (such as a road) easily. Analternativetostoringarasterpictureistostoreavectordatabase.Avectormap database stores individual features, such as airports, roads and highways as points. Aroadfeatureisstoredinthedatabaseasasetofpoints,includingabeginningand endingpositionandintermediatepointsalongitspathwhereturnsoccur.Theroad’s position, magnitude and direction are reconstructed from these points. A digital vector map database contains many feature types and is considered accurate to a given map scale (Edmonds, 1998). Today, most features in a vector database are extractedfromrastermapsorpapercharts,whichisacostlyprocedure.Whenmore accurateinformation(e.g.,higherresolutionsatelliteimagery)becomesavailable,the vectoring process must start afresh to create a new vector database or correct an existing one. A common method of correcting an existing database is to update individual features or feature layers. This paper will explore a method of updating existing features by using a WMED. 4. WAVELETS. Fourieranalysistransformsasignalbasedintimetoonebasedin frequency. Although Fourier analysis is an extremely useful tool, it has one serious disadvantage. Time information disappears when a signal is transformed to the frequency domain. When analysing the frequency component, it is impossible to know when an event occurred in time (Bracewell, 1986). The advent of the Short- Time (or Finite) Fourier Transform helped to solve the problem by windowing the signal and mapping it into a function oftime and frequency. Although astep in the right direction, the chosen window size remains the same for all frequencies. This is a serious drawback. A new windowing technique solved the problem by allowing smaller windows for higher frequencies and larger windows for lower frequencies. Thisnewtechnique,calledwaveletanalysis,usesthewavelettransformtobreakdown signals into frequency bands at different scales or levels (Misiti and Misiti, 1996). Awavelettransformcontainsafilterbankthatseparatesasignalintohighandlow frequency bands by passing the signal through a highpass and lowpass filter. The highpass filter is a moving difference filter capable of detecting sharp changes in the data, and the lowpass filter is a moving average filter that smoothes the data. The 82 M.L.GENDRON AND J.W.IOUP VOL.53 w(t) w(2t-1) w(2t) 1 1 1 t t 0 0 Haar wavelet Haar rescaled and shifted Figure1.HaarWaveletrescaledandshifted. L 2 Approximation S H 2 Detail Figure2.OneLevelDWT. output of the lowpass and highpass filters are coefficients referred to as the ‘approximation’ and ‘detail’ coefficients, respectively (Strang and Nguyen, 1996). Awaveletisashortwavewithanaveragevalueofzero.Byscalingthewaveletwith a scale factor and shifting its position, approximation and detail coefficients can be generatedatdifferentlevels.FortheDWT,thepositionandscalefactorarebasedon powersoftwo.Thisiscalledadyadicapproach(StrangandNguyen,1996).Thescale factor, derived from the scaling function, is associated with the lowpass filter. The actual wavelet corresponds to the highpass filter. The formula that describes this relationshipandproducesthescalingfunctionandthewaveletequationisknownas the dilation equation. The dilation equation is a two-scale difference function that governs the wavelet’s ability to scale and shift. For example, dilating and shifting a simple boxcar function creates the Haar wavelet (Morgan, 1997). Both the Haar wavelet and its rescaled version, shown in Figure 1, exhibit an extraordinary ability to find edges in noisy signals (Hajj et al., 1996a). Figure 2 shows a one-level DWT. The lowpass filter produces approximation coefficientsbyconvolvingtheinputsignalwithlowpassfiltercoefficientsderivedfrom the dilation equation. Reversing the lowpass filter and alternating the signs of the filter coefficients produces the highpass filter. Convolving this filter with the input signal results in the detail coefficients (Misiti and Misiti, 1996). Thenumberofapproximationcoefficientsplusthenumberofdetailcoefficientsis twice that of the input. To avoid doubling the number of terms after each level, the coefficientsaredown-sampledbyafactoroftwoattheoutputofeachfiltertoremove redundant information. Down-sampling by a factor of two means every other term is removed. In any given filter output, the lost terms normally cannot be recovered, NO.1 WAVELET MULTI-SCALE EDGE DETECTION 83 L 2 A L 2 H 2 D2 S H 2 D1 Figure3.TwoLevelDWTTree. scale 1 DWT scale 2 Local S filter scale 3 maxima Binary map bank scale 4 detector scale 5 Figure4.FiveLevel1-DWMED. but remaining components from both filters can always be used to recover fully the original signal (Strang and Nguyen, 1996). Morelevelsareobtainedbyiteration.Successiveapproximationsaredecomposed sothatonesignalisbrokendownintomanylowerresolutioncomponentsorlevels. Figure 3 shows this wavelet decomposition tree. By up-sampling the coefficients and reversing the filtering process, the signal is reconstructed. Up-sampling is accomplished by adding zeros between every term, thustakingtheplaceofthecoefficientremovedbydown-sampling.Althoughhalfof thecoefficientsarereplacedbyzerosateachlevel,prefectreconstruction(PR)occurs ifthecoefficientsarenotmanipulatedinanyotherway,andthesamewaveletisused. PRmeanstheoriginaloutputsignalisreturnedunaltered(StrangandNguyen,1996). Reconstruction, via the Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform (IDWT), is not needed fortheWMEDstudiedinthispaper.Onlythedetailcoefficientsthatcontainthehigh frequency information are used to find the edges. The magnitude of the detail coefficientsrelatesdirectlytohowcloselythatpartofthesignalresemblesthewavelet atthegivenscale.Atanygivenlevel,thenumberoflargecoefficients(thosewithhigh energy) is small (Strang and Nguyen, 1996). Groupsoflargemagnitudedetailcoefficients,calledlocalmaxima,possiblydefine edges (Hwang and Chang, 1996). Small coefficients are likely to represent noise and should be removed using wavelet shrinkage or thresholding. There are two types of thresholding: hard and soft. Hard thresholding is accomplished by choosing a thresholdvalueandsettingallcoefficientsthatfallbelowthethresholdtozero(Laine andZong,1996).Alternatively,insoftthresholding,coefficientsbelowthethreshold are set to zero, but the larger coefficients are manipulated for good compression performanceornoisereduction(LaineandZong,1996).Althoughsoftthresholding 84 M.L.GENDRON AND J.W.IOUP VOL.53 is preferable for most applications, hard thresholding is used for the WMED implementedinthispaperbecausethefinaloutputofthedetectorisbinary(Gendron et al., 1997). Forthispaper,coefficientsbelowthethresholdaresetto0,andcoefficientsabove arechangedtoavalueof1.Ifthenewoutputvalueis1,anedgeexists,otherwiseit does not. The edge information encoded in this manner can easily be stored in a bitmap. Later in this paper, a novel approach is introduced to equate an edge bit stored in a bitmap to a geographic location on the earth (Gendron et al., 1997). 5. ONE-DIMENSIONAL SIGNALS. Thefirst step in designinga WMED istodeterminethefilterlengthofthelevelonehighpassfilter(Figure4).Ifthefilteris tooshortinlength,theresolutionwillbetoohigh,andsomeedgeswillbemissed.The Haar wavelet, used in the DWT for this paper, has only two coefficients. By lengthening the wavelet, or adding more coefficients, the filter overlap with the data is increased, and the resolution reduced (Hajj et al., 1996a). To determine the optimal length of the Haar highpass filter for this research, a simpleone-dimensional(1-D)blocksignal,containing512samples,wasrunthrough a one-dimensional DWT using a Haar wavelet of length 4. At level one, the high frequency coefficients should reflect all the edges for the noiseless case via local maxima. An examination of the output detail coefficients revealed that some edges weremissing.Theresolutionwastoohigh.Thelengthofthefilterwasmodifiedusing upsampling, which increases the filter length and doubles the frequency response. (Strickland, 1997). Adding zeros between each filter coefficient increases the filter length from two to four terms. The original signal was run through the DWT with the new length. Now all edges were reflected in the level one output. With the length problem addressed, the block signal was run through a five level WMED. Figure 5 shows the block function and detail coefficients produced by the Signal d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 Figure5.FiveLevelDWTofNoiselessSignal. NO.1 WAVELET MULTI-SCALE EDGE DETECTION 85 Signal d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 Figure6.LocalMaximaofDetailCoefficients. Signal Edges of signal Figure7.Outputof1-DWMED. DWTateachlevel.Atthehighestresolution,orlowestlevel,d1,thepeaksaresharp and well defined, but become broader and wider at higher levels. However, even at the lowest resolution, d5, the edges are easily detected by local maxima. Next, local maxima are found at each level by hard thresholding to a value of 0 or1.Figure6showsaplotofthebinarysequenceofindicatorsateachlevel.Notice most indicators match up with the step edges at all levels. Therulefortracingedgesacrosslevelsistoconnectanindicatoratthelowestlevel to the spatially closest indicator at the higher levels. If indicators are found at most or all levels, it is considered an edge. Indicators at the lowest level that do not have spatially close matches at upper levels are ignored (Hajj et al., 1996a). The smallest stepintheinputsignal,theseventhedgefromtheleftmostpointattfl0,isdetected atlevelone,butlostinsubsequentlevels.Itispossibletodetectthisedgebylowering thethresholdvalue.Thisisacceptableinthiscase,buttherelaxationofthethreshold can have profound implications in noisy conditions. Figure7showsthefinaloutputoftheone-dimensionalWMEDafterindicatorsare matched up. Notice that the seventh edge is not detected. 86 M.L.GENDRON AND J.W.IOUP VOL.53 Noisy signal d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 Figure8.FiveLevelDWTofSignalwithNoise. Noisy signal d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 Figure9.WMEDIndicatorsforSignalwithNoise. 6. NOISE. To determine how well the WMED would perform in noisy conditions, Gaussian noise is added to the same one-dimensional (1-D) block function. Figure 8 shows the detail coefficients from the output of the DWT at five levels. Notice the positions of the edges are far more difficult to discern. NO.1 WAVELET MULTI-SCALE EDGE DETECTION 87 Noisy signal Edges of noisy signal Figure10.Outputfrom1-DWMED. 1-D Wavelet Col scanline multiscale edge detector Binary Image feature map 1-D Wavelet Row scanline multiscale edge detector Figure11.2-DWMED. Applying the DWT to the noisy signal, detail coefficients at level one (d1) reflect edges and noise. It is not until higher levels, around d3, that the noise subsides and trueedgesemerge.Figure9showsthelocalmaximaatfivelevels.Theindicatorsare found by thresholding the maxima to values of 1 or 0. Next, indicators, or possible edges, at d1 are matched up with spatially close indicatorsathigherlevels(d2-d4).Therearetwoapproachestothematchingprocess, andboth aread-hoc.Inonemethod,featuresare reportedif indicatorsare foundat mostlevels.Anotherapproachdetectsafeaturewhenindicatorsarefoundatallthe levels (Hajj et al., 1996a). Because a higher threshold value has been used to reduce noise,onlythefirstfourlevelsareexamined.Figure9addscredibilitytothisdecision, since the lowest resolution level (d5) shows some edge dropout. The resulting edges are shown in Figure 10. The results are identical to the noiseless case, including the absent seventh step edge. 7. TWO-DIMENSIONAL IMAGES. The WMED can be extended to two dimensions (2-D) by scanning individual rows and columns of an image. Each scanline passes through the one-dimensional WMED to form a binary map. Row scanlines detect vertical edges, and column scanlines detect horizontal edges. By combiningthetwosetsofedgesintoatwo-dimensionalbinarymap,allpossibleedges emerge including diagonal ones. Figure 11 shows the 2-D WMED (Hajj et al., 1996b). Ifthetwo-dimensionalinputimagehappenstobeageo-rectifiedrastermapimage, edges in the output equate to geographical locations in the image. By knowing the

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