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Preview DTIC ADA492859: Tiered Auctions for Multi-Agent Coordination in Domains with Precedence Constraints

TIEREDAUCTIONSFORMULTI-AGENTCOORDINATIONINDOMAINSWITH PRECEDENCECONSTRAINTS E.GilJones*,M.BernardineDias,andAnthonyStentz RoboticsInstitute,CarnegieMellonUniversity Pittsburgh,PA,15213 ABSTRACT rather than employing a single robot operating indepen- dently. A team of robots acting together can often out- Many applications require teams of robots to coop- perform single robot solutions in terms of quality and ro- eratively execute complex tasks. Among these domains bustness; at the same time, equipping multiple robots to are some that require robots to interact closely at partic- collectivelyaddressapplicationtasksrequiresaddressinga ular times and locations to accomplish some task compo- substantialresearchchallengeofcoordinatingtheeffortsof nents, but otherwise allow the team members to act in- therobots. Tomitigatethedifficulties associated withco- dependently. Successful execution in such domains of- ordinatingateamofrobotsresearchinmulti-robotsystems ten requires agent interactions that must adhere to con- hascenteredaroundapproacheswhereagentseachworkby straints of precedence. Precedence requirements can oc- themselves. These approaches are best suited to domains cur when agents’ plans call for certain pre-conditions to with independent tasks, where the efforts of single robots bemetatparticular timesandplaces. Inthis workwefo- actingindependentlyaresufficient. Thisworkconcernsit- cusonprecedence-constrainedemergencyresponse.Inthis self, however, with domains in which agents must work domain a group of fire trucks agents attempt to navigate togethermoreclosely;weareparticularlyinterestedindo- throughacityinordertoextinguishasetoffiresthathave mainsthatrequirethatsomeagentssatisfyprecedencecon- occurredinthewakeofalarge-scaledisaster. Anotheref- straintstoenableotheragentstoaddressdomaintasks.Co- fectofthedisasteristhatdebrishaveblockedroadsinthe ordinating agents in domains with precedence constraints city, making roads impassable for the fire trucks. Debris involves addressing substantial new challenges associated canbeclearedbybulldozerrobots, whicharealsooperat- withtheinterdependenceofagents’schedules. ing in the environment. To maximize fire fighting perfor- mancefiretrucksandbulldozersmustdeterminewhenand Inthisworkwefocusonasinglemotivatingdomain: wheredebrisclearanceinteractionsshouldoccurandwho precedence-constrained emergency response. In this do- shouldbeinvolved. main a team of robots capable of extinguishing fires is operating in a city that has been ravaged by a disaster of Our proposed method for coordination in domains significant proportions. These fire truck robots are tasked withprecedence-constrainedinteractionsisamarket-based with moving to various locations around the city to extin- approachtoplanning,allocating,andschedulingthatusesa guish fires that have been reported by an autonomous air noveltieredauctionframework. Thetieredauctionframe- vehicle; new fires are frequently discovered. Time is of workallowsagentstosolicittheassistanceofotheragents the essence, and the robots must move to the locations of in determining their suitability for a task; in this frame- the fires and extinguish them as quickly as possible. Un- workagentsholdsub-auctionstodecidewhatinteractions fortunately, the disaster has rendered many of the roads may best address application constraints. For the emer- in the city impassable; they are covered with debris and gencyresponsedomainweproposeatieredauctionmethod wreckage, creating obstacles around which the bulky fire that uses single-task fire truck assignment at the top tier extinguishingrobotscannotnavigate. Supposethatthereis andmulti-taskbulldozerassignmentatthesecondauction another group of bulldozer robots in the team that are de- tiersothatfiretruckscanfindmaximallyefficientroutesto signedtomovefreelyinroughterrain,andcanclearroads fires. We show that the tiered auction approach improves of wreckage and debris. The bulldozer agents can assist overastandardsingle-tiermarket-basedapproachinasim- the fire truck agents by satisfying debris clearing precon- ulatedemergency-responsedomain. ditions along routes to fires. We suppose that there is a globalobjectivefunctionthatisasumovertime-decreasing 1.INTRODUCTION rewardsofferedforextinguishingfires. Addressingtheco- ordinationproblemposedbysuchadomainsoastomax- Research efforts in robotics have increasingly turned imize global objective reward requires not only assigning towardsusingteamsofrobotstocollectivelyaddresstasks firetruckstofires, butalsoselectingroutesthatthetrucks 1 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2008 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2008 to 00-00-2008 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Tiered Auctions for Multi-Agent Coordination in Domains with 5b. GRANT NUMBER Precedence Constraints 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Carnegie Mellon University,Robotics Institute,Pittsburgh,PA,15213 REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT see report 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 8 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 willtakethroughthecityandassigningbulldozerstoclear mechanisms for coordinating given the presence of debrisalongthoseroutes. inter-task constraints, all are computationally intensive and not well-suited for efficiently searching the large In this work we propose a novel method, tiered auc- space of possible fire truck routes and associated debris tions,thatenablesustoefficientlysearchthespaceofinter- requirements associated with our domains of interest. We dependentagentplanstodetermineallocationsandsched- leave comparison of our methods with these methods in ules that maximize an objective function associated with termsofperformanceandcomputationasfuturework. the emergency response domain. Our method expands on existing auction-based coordination methods for domains with independent tasks by equipping agents with the abil- 3.METHODS itytosolicitassistanceduringallocationtoaccountfortask constraints. We will show that our method outperforms a In this section we detail our approach to multi-agent methodthatallocatestaskswithoutconsideringprecedence coordinationfordomainswithprecedenceconstraints.One constraints in a simulated precedence constrained emer- reasonable approach we could take is to use a mini- gencyresponsedomain. mally modified version of a method from our previous work, where we used auctions for coordination in a fire- We next address related work, and then describe our fighting emergency response domain with deadlines but approach in greater detail. Experimental results and our no precedence constraints (hence no need for bulldoz- conclusionsfollow. ers); our sequential single-item auction approach is de- scribedin[Jonesetal.,2007]. Inourapproachwhenemer- 2.RELATEDWORK gencytasksarediscoveredtheyarepassedtoacentraldis- patcher/auctioneer (D/A), who keeps a list of tasks to be allocated. This agent periodically announces a task auc- Task allocation for tasks that are not inter-related by tion and sequentially auctions tasks to all available emer- constraints has been widely studied. TraderBots uses a gency response agents. Each task is assigned to the fire market-basedapproachwithsequencingforawidevariety truck agent that determines that it can generate the most of domainswith different independenttasks and objective additional value in terms of an objective score for per- functions[Diasetal.,2004][Zlotetal.,2002]. Berhaultet formingataskgiventhatitalreadymayhaveanumberof al. useacombinatorialauctionapproachfortime-extended taskassignments. Onepossiblewaytoadaptthisapproach assignment of exploration tasks with a travel cost metric toourprecedence-constrainedemergencyresponsedomain [Berhaultetal.,2003]. Zlot [Zlot,2006] focuses on do- wouldbetohavefiretrucksbidfortasksbasedoncalculat- mains with complex tasks that must be broken down into ingshortestpathdistancestonewfiretasks;thisapproach independenttasksforexecution. Aswewillshow,taskal- wouldnothavefiretrucksreasonaboutdebrisalongpaths location methods in precedence-constrained domains that orbulldozerschedulesandallocations. Oncefiretaskshad do not consider constraints between tasks do not perform beenassignedthefiretruckswouldthenusesomemethod wellincomparisontoourproposedmethod. torecruitbulldozerstodebristasksasneeded. Wecallthis Some previous work has explicitly consider do- the “allocate-then-coordinate” approach. While this ap- mains where tasks are inter-related by constraints proachisstraight-forwardandwouldrequireminimalmod- [MacKenzie,2003],[Lemaireetal.,2004]. Inneitherwork ificationstoourpreviousapproach,wethinkitwillachieve do they propose a mechanism for searching a large space lowperformanceinscenarioswithmorethanafewdebris, of possible plans for tasks; in our domains of interest fire asdebrisdensityandbulldozeravailabilitybecomeincreas- trucks need to efficiently search a huge space of possible inglyimportantfactorsinsolutionquality. routeplans. Our proposed method for allocation in precedence- The final relevant area of work is associated with constrained domains is a tiered auction approach where multi-robot coordination for domains where tasks require agents try to reason simultaneously about allocation and the joint efforts of multiple agent. Approaches to these route planning. In order to solicit the contributions of domains are generally called coalition formation algo- otheragentsduringthebiddingprocesswemustextendthe rithms,astheyseektoformcoalitionsofagentstoaddress single-tiered auction approach: our system for emergency tasks [VigandAdams,2006] [TangandParker,2007] responsecoordinationusestwoauctiontiers.Atthetoptier [Jonesetal.,2006][Sarieletal.,2007]. Koesetal. usean firetasksareauctionedtofiretrucksusingsingle-itemse- MILP-based formulation for a search and rescue domain quentialauctions. Inourapproachtrucksonlybidonfires where tasks have associated rewards that decay linearly, if they are currently idle, having completed their last as- and the system can be constrained in a variety of ways signed fire. We use this approach – called instantaneous including task ordering, time-oriented task constraints, allocationinaccordancewiththewidely-usedmulti-agent capability constraints, and global resource constraints approach nomenclature proposed by Gerkey and Mataric´ [Koesetal.,2005]. While all of these methods contain [GerkeyandMataric´,2004] – in order to limit problem 2 complexity;multiplefireassignmentisleftasfuturework. ii. Eachtruckconsiderseachdebrispilealong Inordertobidonfirestrucksmustsearchthroughthespace Pintheorderthattheywillbeencountered ofpossibleroutestothefire;toassessaroutefiretruckcan whenfollowingP. hold sub-auctions to recruit bulldozer assistance to clear iii. Some debris may already be allocated to debris along the route. These sub-auctions comprise the bulldozersaspartofsomeexistingcommit- second tier of auctions. Fire trucks may need to hold a ment. The truck confers with the D/A to seriesofsub-auctionsfordifferentroutestodeterminethe get information on the scheduled comple- route which will allow them to reach the fire being auc- tiontimeofthesedebrispiles. tionedasquicklyaspossible. iv. Ifsomedebrishavenotbeenpreviouslyal- located, thefiretruckgeneratesanewauc- While assigning a single fire per fire truck can sub- tioncontextC associatedwithP-thiscon- stantiallyreduceproblemcomplexity,assigningonlyasin- textisassociatednotonlywiththefireFbut gledebrispileperbulldozercouldpotentiallyresultinpoor withP,aparticularrouteforthefiretruckto performance,especiallyfordomainswithdensedebris,as reachF. theremaybemoredebrisalongdesirableroutesthanthere v. ForeachunallocateddebrisDthefiretruck areavailablebulldozers. Thuswhileweuseinstantaneous runsasub-auction: assignmentforfiretruckallocation,ourapproachsupports assigning multiple tasks to bulldozers - we use a partially A. A call for bids for D is sent to each time-extended approach in the Gerkey and Mataric´ par- bulldozer. Thecallcontainstheauction lance. In our approach bulldozers can be assigned an ar- context,thedebrisID,andthedebrislo- bitrary number of tasks, but will only bid on tasks in de- cation. brissub-auctionsbasedonaddingtaskstotheendoftheir B. Ifabulldozerdoesnothaveaprevious schedules. As we do not equip bulldozers to alter the or- schedule associated withC it creates a derofassignedtasksintheirschedulesorinsertnewtasks new schedule associated with C - this atarbitrarypointsintheirschedules, ourapproachisonly schedule is just a copy of its current partiallytime-extended. Fullytime-extendedbulldozeral- schedule. locationisleftasfuturework. C. EachbulldozeraddsDtotheendofits schedule associated withC, creating a Wefirstdescribeourapproachatahighlevel,andthen candidateschedule. illustrate approach details using an example scenario. We D. The bulldozers then bid their comple- concludeourmethodssessionwithadiscussionofbound- tiontimeforDbasedontheircandidate ingapproachesweusetolimitthesearchspaceofpossible schedules. coordinatedschedules. E. Thefiretruckawardstheauctiontothe bid corresponding to the earliest task completiontime. 3.1 ApproachOverview F. The winning bulldozer adopts the can- didate schedule as its new context The goal of the auction process is to assign each idle scheduleforC. firetruckasinglefire. Duringtheassignmentprocessfire G. Thelosingbulldozersdiscardtheircan- trucksdeterminewhichroutetotaketothefireandassign didate schedules, and will bid on fu- eachdebrispilealongtheroutetoabulldozer. Theauction turetasksusingtheirpreviousCcontext processproceedsasfollows: schedules. H. EachunallocateddebrisalongPisallo- 1. Thedispatcher/auctioneer(D/A)generatesalistofun- catedinthismanner. allocatedfiresthatcanpotentiallybeassignedtoidle vi. Whenallunallocateddebrishavebeenallo- agents. cated,truckscancomputetheircompletion timeforF. IftherewardforF isbetterthan (a) TheD/Aannouncesanauctionforthetaskatthe the best previously considered route it be- top of the list. An auction call for that fire F is comestheleadingcandidateschedule. Oth- senttoeachfiretruckagent. erwisethescheduleandallassociatedbull- (b) All idle fire trucks enter into an sub-auction dozerschedulescanbediscarded. loop: (c) The sub-auction loop concludes when no paths toF couldofferafastercompletiontime. i. An A* algorithm returns a path P from a truck’scurrentpositiontothefirebeingauc- (d) The fire trucks then place bids for F based on tioned. scheduledtaskreward. 3 2. A task is awarded to the single fire truck that can achievethehighestrewardgivenallbidsforalltasks. Truck C 3. The winning fire truck adopts the schedule it has Dozer B X (120) stored for the task it has won and informs bulldozers to adopt their context schedules associated with the Dozer A Dozer C winningbid. Truck D 4. If any fire trucks remain untasked, the auction loop Y (160) continues. Truck B Dozer D Aftertheauctionprocessconcludesallagentscanthen Context 10001 executetheirschedules. Theauctionprocessrepeatswhen anyfiretruckbecomesidle. Z (100) Truck A Figure 2: Fire truck A holds a sub-auction for its short- 3.2 Examplescenario estpathroute(thebluedottedline)tofireY,whichpasses through two unallocated debris. Truck A creates context 10001 for the route toY, and holds a sub-auction for the Truck C first debris pile along the route. Bulldozers bid based on shortestpathroutestothedebris. X (120) Dozer C Dozer D thenewcontextandaddthetasktotheiremptyschedules, Dozer B bidding their completion times for the task. Bulldozer D Dozer A Truck D Y (160) winsthesub-auction,andreplacesitsemptycontextsched- ulefor10001withthenewcontextschedulewiththedebris Truck B task - all other bulldozers discard their candidate sched- Dozer E ules and maintain their empty context schedules. The fire truck then sub-auctions the next task along its path using the same 10001 context designation. Now each bulldozer Z (100) bids based on adding the task to the end of their context Truck A schedules; bulldozer D bids for the new debris task based Figure1: Examplescenariointheemergencyresponsedo- notonhavinganemptyschedulebutinsteadbasedonhav- mainwithfourfiretrucks,fourbulldozers,andthreefires. ingalreadywonataskforthiscontext. Theresultingbull- Current fire rewards are given in parentheses. Black lines dozerschedulesareshowninFigure3. Thesub-auctionis represent roads, and debris are represented by oval boxes. awardedtobulldozerA.NotethatbulldozerDwasactually FireYisthefirstfireselectedforauction. theclosetbulldozertobothdebrispiles,butthatassigning both debris tasks to D would cause more delay to truck A Wewillnowwalkthroughanexampleofourauction thantheallocationthatresultedusingcontexts.Withallde- procedureinordertoexplicatethefunctionofoursystem. brisforthisparticularrouteallocatedtruckAcanactually In Figure 1 we show a scenario with 4 fire trucks and 4 computeitscompletiontimeandassociatedrewardforfire bulldozers. WesupposethattheD/Ahasgeneratedalistof Y given that this route would be taken. The computation availablefiresandthatfireY isatthetopofthelistandwill of the completion time is shown in Figure 4. Now truck be offered for auction first. We assume that all trucks are Amustconsiderotherroutestothefire;foreachrouteun- idleandwillbidonthefire. der consideration it generates a new context and holds a sub-auctionforallunallocateddebris. Figure5showsthe We will focus on the planning procedure for truck A. results of following another route toY - taking this route Wesupposethatthetruck’sA*algorithmreturnstheshort- resultsinaslightlyhigherrewardforY basedona2cycle estdistancepathforconsiderationfirst. Thispathisshown improvementincompletiontime.Notethatwhilethisroute inblueinFigure2. TruckAdeterminesthatthereareunal- islongerindistanceithasfewerdebrisandinthisinstance locateddebrisalongthispathandgeneratesanewcontext resultsinafastercompletiontimeforthefire. 10001associatedwiththisparticularrouteforreachingY. Itthenusesasub-auctiontosolicitbulldozerassistancefor Each agent places a bid for fireY and reports the re- thefirstdebristaskintheroute.Weassumethatallbulldoz- sults to the D/A, who then places a call for bids for fire ersareidle;inthiscasetheygenerateemptyschedulesfor X, thenextfireintheD/A’slist. Whenallbidshavebeen 4 Truck C Truck C Dozer B Dozer B X (120) X (120) Dozer A Dozer C Dozer A Dozer C Truck D 15 Truck D Y (160) Y (160) 4 5 Truck B Truck B Dozer D 15 Dozer D 8 Context 10001 Context 10001 Z (100) Z (100) Truck A Truck A Figure3: Bulldozerschedulesusedforbiddingforthesec- Figure4: Withalldebrisallocatedthefiretruckcancom- onddebrisintruckA’sroutetofireY. NotethatBulldozer puteitsarrivaltimeandresultingawardforthefireY. Pur- D’s schedule for the second debris reflects that it has al- pleboxesshownpathlengthsfromtruckA’scurrentloca- readywonapreviousdebrissub-auction. tiontothefirstdebrispile, fromthefirstdebrispiletothe second debris pile, and from the second debris pile to the fireY. ThebulldozerDtakes8cyclestoreachthedebris, received for all fires, the D/A awards the single best bid whichtakes6cyclestoclear,andsowillbeclearedattime among all bids received for all fires. The fire truck with 14. Thus once the fire truck reaches the first debris pile thewinningbidthenadoptstheassociatedcontextandin- at time 15 it has already been cleared, and it can proceed forms the bulldozers involved in the plan that they should directlytotheseconddebrispile, whichitreachesattime adopttheircontextschedulesaswell. Bulldozersthathave 20. Bulldozer A takes 15 cycles to reach the second de- previouslybeenassigneddebriswillthenonlybidfornew brispile, and8cyclestoclearit. Thusthefiretruckmust debris tasks based on schedules that reflect their commit- wait until time 23 before proceeding past the second de- mentstoclearthepreviouslyallocateddebris. Theprocess brispile. Itwillleavetheseconddebrispileattime23and then repeats until all fires have been allocated or all fire reach the fire at time 27. The fire takes 5 cycles to extin- truckshavebeenassignedatask. Theresultingallocation guish,meaningthattakingthisroutewillresultintruckA forthisscenarioisshowninFigure6. extinguishingthefireafter32cycles. Thefiredecaysat1.5 units/cyclefromanoriginalrewardof160,thusyieldinga 3.3 Boundingforfastercomputation scheduledrewardof112(160−(32∗1.5)). Wehaveimplementedanumberofrefinementsinthe above algorithm with the goal of making the auctioning process faster and more efficient without sacrificing solu- coordinate”(ATC) approach we must describe our simu- tionquality.Ourboundingmethodsstemfromtheobserva- lated experimental setup. Our fire truck agents operate in tionthatduringanauctionroundonlyasingletaskwillbe a grid network of streets - truck planning is doing using a awarded.Ifatanytime,then,anagentdeterminesthatafire graph-based map representation. Bulldozers plan using a orroutetoafirecouldnotpossiblygeneratehigherreward grid-based map representation. In our simulated domain thanonethatithaspreviouslyconsideredduringthesame we suppose that fire discovery is the product of a single auction round it can stop evaluating that fire or route. We Poissonprocess, thestandarddistributionusedinqueuing incorporatethisobservationintoboundingintoallstagesof theorytorepresentstochasticarrivaltimesofindependent the route evaluation process, including path planning and tasks. The parameter λ for the Poisson process represents thesub-auctionprocess. Thusinpracticeagentsgenerally the expected rate of task issuance. Our program is cur- searchonlyasmallfractionofthefullspaceofallpossible rentlysetuptodirectlycomparetwodifferentapproaches; pathstoallauctionedfires. Byemployingfrequentbound- to make the comparison as accurate as possible we have ing and heuristics we can search the space more quickly agents operating under the two different approaches op- withoutsacrificingsolutionquality. erate on exactly the same domain instance: agents be- gin in the same locations, randomly-generated debris are 4.RESULTS placed in identical locations, and the same set of fires are discovered at the same time between the two approaches. Before we explore results comparing our tiered Theonlydifferencesbetweenthetestingenvironmentsare auction allocation approach with an “allocate-then- causedbythedifferencesincoordinationmethods. 5 Truck C Truck C Dozer B Dozer B X (120) X (94) Dozer A Dozer C Dozer A Dozer C 8 6 Y (160) Truck D Y (142) Truck D Truck B Truck B 19 Dozer D Dozer D Context 10002 Z (100) Z (80) Truck A Truck A Figure 5: A different context yields a better route to fire Figure 6: All fires have been assigned. Truck paths are Y. Path lengths for the fire truck shown in purple boxes. shown with blue dotted lines and green solid lines show DozerAclearsthedebrisattime15,allowingthetruckto bulldozer paths to their assigned debris. Fire rewards at reachY at25cyclesandextinguishitat30cycles,yielding theirscheduledcompletiontimesareshowninparentheses. arewardof115. We expect the performance difference between the Thereareanumberofparametersthatgointoforming ATCapproachandourtieredauctionapproachtobemost aparticularinstanceofthedomain. Inourexperimentswe pronounced in domain instances where precedence inter- keep most of the parameters constant: we run our experi- actionsarerequiredfrequently. Asnegotiatingprecedence mentswiththreefiretrucksandthreebulldozersoperating interactionsbecomesfrequentlyrequiredtocompletetasks in a 4-by-6 city network. The composition of the build- reasoningaboutthoseinteractionsduringallocationshould ings in the city blocks, which the bulldozers must avoid improve performance. Thus in our experiments we will when moving to debris locations, are generated randomly vary the frequency of required precedence interactions by for each domain instance. In each domain instance there alteringthenumberofrandomlygenerateddebrisinthedo- were 10 known fires at time 0, and the λ value associated main. Asweincreasethenumberofdebrisweexpectboth withthePoissonprocesswassetto1,meaninganexpected approaches to suffer in terms of overall reward obtained, issuance rate of 1 fire per time cycle. Once at a fire site a but we hope to show that the ATC approach performance firetruckwillbeabletoextinguishthefireinasingletime degradesatahigherratethanthetieredauctionapproach. unit independent of fire size. We assume that fires have an initial value that is drawn from a Gaussian distribution In the following experiments we tested 7 debris fre- withameanof3000andastandarddeviationof100, and quency levels: 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 ran- that the reward for a fire linearly degrades at a rate of 25 domly generated debris. For each debris frequency level units/cycleforallfires. we ran both approaches in 25 randomly generated shared instances. In each case we tabulated results after 300 cy- We now present the results of a comparison of our clesbeforegeneratinganewdomaininstance. tieredauctionapproach,whichconsidersprecedenceinter- actionsduringallocationandanATCapproachwhichfirst Rewardsachievedforthetwoapproachesforthe7de- allocates without considering precedence interactions and brisfrequencylevelsareshowninFigure7. With0debris then determines coordination after allocation. We imple- thetwoapproachesperformidentically-inthiscase,each mented the ATC approach using some of the components approach is just bidding using the shortest path distance. of our tiered auction system. We use a single auction tier Eachapproachgainslessandlessoftheavailablereward- for fire allocation; fire trucks bid on fires based on short- which varies around a constant average in each of the tri- estpathschedulestofireswithoutholdingsub-auctionsor als - as the debris frequency increases. The most impor- considering debris along the routes in any way. Once a tant trend to note is that the performance of agents using truckhasbeenawardedafireitthensearchesamongpossi- thetieredauctionapproachdegradesmoreslowlythanthe blepathstoreachthefireusingthesameprocedureusedin ATC approach, and is significantly higher at all non-zero our tiered auction, holding auctions among the bulldozers debris levels. For non-zero debris frequencies, the tiered as necessary. This approach essentially uses two separate auctionapproachoutperformstheATCapproachbyanav- single-tierauctionsinsteadofourmulti-tieredauctionsys- erageof76%,witha140%improvementatthe300debris tem. level. 6 x 105 250 s Tiered Auctions Tiered Auctions sk Allocate−then−coordinate 5 a Allocate−then−coordinate d t200 e et ard4 mpl w o150 e c e total r3 mber of 100 g u a2 n er e v g 50 A a er 1 v A 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 Number of uniformly distributed debris 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Number of uniformly distributed debris Figure8: Averagenumberofsuccessfullycompletedtasks fromthetrialsshownatleft. Figure 7: Average performance averaged over 25 trials of 300timecyclesintermsofoverallrewardfortheATCand tiered auction approaches for each of 7 different levels of debris frequency in a simulated emergency response do- proachisover7timesascomputationallyexpensiveatthe main. Standarddeviationsareshownaserrorbars. higherdebrislevels,evenwithoutfactoringinthecommu- nicationtimethatwouldberequiredtorunsub-auctionson realrobots.Thesubstantialincreaseinperformanceassoci- atedwithusingtieredauctionscomesatthepriceofadded Wecangainmoreinsightintothesourcesoftheperfor- computational costs. We could potentially lower the cost mancedifferencebylookingatFigure8,whichshowsthe ofusingtieredauctionsbyusingmorerestrictivebounding averagenumberofcompletedtasksforeachofthetwoap- atacostofreducedperformance. proachesatthedifferentdebrislevels.Wecanseethatthese curves closely resemble those for overall reward. Agents CONCLUSIONS using the tiered auction approach tend to complete tasks more quickly on average as they are not overly optimistic aboutthetimeitwilltaketoaccomplishtasksduringallo- In this technical report we have detailed meth- cation. Considering coordination during allocation allows odsmulti-agentcoordinationforaprecedence-constrained agents to precisely predict the time it will take to accom- emergency response domain. Our approach uses a novel plish tasks which lets the system make more informed al- method, tiered auctions, that equips agents to efficiently locationdecisions. search the space of routes and precedence interactions in ordertodetermineplansthatwillyieldhighperformance. While we have shown that using tiered auctions im- We validated our instantaneous approach by comparison proves performance over an ATC approach, tiered auc- withan“allocate-then-coordinate”approachthatusedcon- tionsarerelativelycomputationallyexpensive. Weapprox- ventional single-tiered auctions and did not allow agents imatedthecomputationalcostoftheapproachesbyrecord- to reason about precedence interactions during allocation; ing wall-clock time for each of algorithms during an auc- thisapproachiscomputationallycheapbutresultsinpoor tioncycle. Anauctioncycleconsistsofallthecomputation performance, especially for domains with many required necessarytoassignasingletasktoasingleagent-theroute precedenceinteractions. planning and sub-auction times for each fire truck and all thebulldozersforeachfirebeingauctioned,andthecostfor the winning truck of adopting the fire, which for the ATC ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS approachrequiresdoingfullrouteplanningtotheallocated fire. Thisisonlyaroughapproximationofcomputational ThisworkwassponsoredbytheU.S.ArmyResearch cost, as there are many factors that can affect wall clock Laboratory, under contract “Robotics Collaborative Tech- time. Figure 9 shows the average time per auction for the nology Alliance” (contract number DAAD19-01-2-0012). twodifferentapproaches.ThetimeperauctionfortheATC Theviewsandconclusionscontainedinthisdocumentare approachgenerallyslowlyincreaseswiththenumberofde- thoseoftheauthorsandshouldnotbeinterpretedasrepre- bris but remains very low for all levels, taking less than sentingtheofficialpoliciesorendorsementsofthetheU.S. one-tenth of a second on average. The tiered auction ap- Government. 7 s) 1 [Jonesetal.,2007] Jones, E. G., Dias, M., and Stentz, A. nd Tiered Auctions (2007). Learning-enhanced market-based task alloca- o Allocate−then−coordinate c tion for oversubscribed domains. In Proceedings of se0.8 the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent n ( o RobotsandSystems(IROS). cti au0.6 [Koesetal.,2005] Koes, M., Nourbakhsh, I., and Sycara, er K.(2005). Heterogeneousmultirobotcoordinationwith p e spatial and temporal constraints. 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