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Preview DTIC ADA491978: 2007 Workplace and Equal Opportunity Survey of Reserve Component Members: Tabulation of Responses

2007 Workplace and Equal Opportunity Survey of Reserve Component Members Tabulations of Responses Additional copies of this report may be obtained from: Defense Technical Information Center ATTN: DTIC-BRR 8725 John J. Kingman Rd., Suite #0944 Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-6218 Or from: http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/order.html Ask for report by ADA 491 978 DMDC Report No. 2008-025 January 2009 2007 WORKPLACE AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY SURVEY OF RESERVE COMPONENT MEMBERS: TABULATIONS OF RESPONSES DDeeffeennssee MMaannppoowweerr DDaattaa CCeenntteerr HumanS uRrevseoyu &rc Perso Sgrtraamte Egvica lAusastieosns mDievnist iPorno gram 11660000 WWiillssoonn BBoouulleevvaarrdd,, SSuuiittee 440000,, AArrlliinnggttoonn,, VVAA 2222220099--22559933 Acknowledgments Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) is indebted to numerous people for their assistance with the 2007 Workplace and Equal Opportunity Survey of Reserve Component Members, which was conducted on behalf of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (OUSD[P&R]). DMDC’s survey program is conducted under the leadership of Timothy Elig, Director of the Human Resources Strategic Assessment Program (HRSAP). Policy officials contributing to the development of this survey include: James Love and Jerry Anderson (ODUSD[EO]), Arthur Cresce and Angela Brittingham (U.S. Census Bureau), James Scott, and CAPT James Montgomery (USCGR). DMDC’s Program Evaluation Branch under the guidance of Brian Lappin, Branch Chief, is responsible for the development of the questionnaires in DMDC’s survey program. The lead developer of this survey was Rachel Lipari. In addition, she and Kenneth Matos designed the unique presentation of complex items used in this tabulation volume. DMDC’s Survey Technology Branch, under the guidance of Fred Licari, Branch Chief, is responsible for monitoring the survey operations contractor and ensuring that survey data collected by DMDC meet all regulatory requirements and have all necessary approvals, including the requirements of the common rule for the use of human subjects in research. Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) performed data collection and editing. DMDC’s Personnel Survey Branch, under the guidance of David McGrath, Branch Chief, and Jean Fowler, former Branch Chief, is responsible for sampling and weighting methods used in the survey program, and survey database construction and archiving. Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) performed data collection and editing. Carla Scanlan used the DMDC Sampling Tool to plan the sample. The lead Operations analyst on this report was Margaret Coffey, DMDC, supported by Tyler Blouin, Consortium Research Fellow. Susan Reinhold and Carole Massey, DMDC, and Deborah West, Northrup Grumman Corporation, provided programming support for the sampling and weighting tasks. WESTAT created the final weights for the survey data. Jacqueline Malone, SRA International, Inc., formatted and assembled this tabulation volume using DMDC’s Survey Reporting Tool. i i DMDC Table of Contents Page Introduction to the Survey............................................................................................1 Survey Methodology ....................................................................................................5 Tabulation Procedures.................................................................................................7 References.................................................................................................................16 Tabulations of Responses..........................................................................................17 Survey Instrument....................................................................................................677 List of Tabulations by Question Number Question Page YOUR BACKGROUND 1. Of which Reserve component were you a member on August 27, 2007?.......18 2. Are you {Male} {Female}?................................................................................20 3. What is your current paygrade? ......................................................................22 4. Are you Spanish/Hispanic/Latino?...................................................................24 5. What is your race? ..........................................................................................26 7. What is the highest degree or level of school that you have completed?........28 8. Have you served on active duty, not as a member of the National Guard/ Reserve, for a cumulative 24 months or more?...............................................30 9. About how many miles would you have to drive, one way, to get to the nearest military installation from your residence?............................................32 FAMILY AND HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION 10. What is your marital status?............................................................................34 11. How many years have you been married to your current spouse? If you are not married, how long have you been in a relationship with your current significant other (that is, girlfriend or boyfriend)?.................................36 12. Is your spouse/significant other Spanish/Hispanic/Latino?..............................38 13. What race is your spouse/significant other?....................................................40 SATISFACTION AND RETENTION INTENTION 14. How many years have you spent in military service?......................................42 D MDC iii 2007 Workplace and Equal Opportunity Survey of Reserve Component Members 15. Suppose that you have to decide whether to continue to participate in the National Guard/Reserve. Assuming you could stay, how likely is it you would choose to do so?...................................................................................44 16. In your opinion, how does your spouse/significant other view your participation in the National Guard/Reserve?..................................................46 17. In your opinion, how does your family view your participation in the National Guard/Reserve?................................................................................48 18. In general, has your life been better or worse than you expected when you first entered the National Guard/Reserve?................................................50 19. In general, has your National Guard/Reserve duty been better or worse than you expected when you first entered the National Guard/Reserve?........52 20. Overall, how satisfied are you with the military way of life?.............................54 21. How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about serving in the National Guard/Reserve? .............................56 a. I enjoy serving in the National Guard/Reserve......................................56 b. Serving in the National Guard/Reserve is consistent with my personal goals ......................................................................................58 c. I would feel guilty if I left the National Guard/Reserve ..........................60 d. Generally, on a day-to-day basis, I am happy with my life in the National Guard/Reserve.......................................................................62 e. It would be difficult for me to leave the National Guard/Reserve and give up the benefits that are available............................................64 f. I would not leave the National Guard/Reserve right now because I have a sense of obligation to the people in it........................................66 g. I really feel as if the military's values are my own.................................68 h. Generally, on a day-to-day basis, I am proud to be in the National Guard/Reserve .....................................................................................70 i. If I left the National Guard/Reserve, I would feel like I had let my country down ........................................................................................72 j. I continue to serve in the National Guard/Reserve because leaving would require considerable sacrifice.....................................................74 k. I feel like being a member of the National Guard/Reserve can help me achieve what I want in life...............................................................76 l. I intend to leave the National Guard/Reserve at the next available opportunity............................................................................................78 i v DMDC 2007 Workplace and Equal Opportunity Survey of Reserve Component Members m. My National Guard/Reserve component's evaluation/selection system is effective in promoting its best members ...............................80 n. I am proud to tell others that I am a member of my National Guard/ Reserve component..............................................................................82 21. Affective Commitment scale: Constructed from Q21a, Q21b, Q21d, Q21g, Q21h, and Q21k. Affective Commitment can be defined as an emotional attachment to, an identification with, and an involvement in an organization.....................................................................................................84 21. Continuance Commitment scale: Constructed from Q21e and Q21j. Continuance Commitment can be defined as an attachment based on the perceived costs of leaving an organization......................................................86 21. Normative Commitment scale: Constructed from Q21c, Q21f, and Q21i. Normative Commitment can be defined as a sense of obligation to remain in an organization................................................................................88 22. If you had a close personal friend considering military service, would you recommend that he/she join?..........................................................................90 TEMPO 23. In the past 12 months, how many days (full days, not drill periods) did you spend in a compensated (pay or points) National Guard/Reserve status?.............................................................................................................92 24. In the past 12 months, how many nights did you spend away from your home because of your military duties?............................................................94 25. In the past 12 months, have you spent more or less time away from your home than you expected when you first entered the National Guard/ Reserve?.........................................................................................................96 26. What impact has time away (or lack thereof) from your home in the past 12 months had on your military career intentions?..........................................98 26. Reserve component members who indicated their desire to stay decreased as a result of being away more than expected: Constructed from Q25 and Q26.........................................................................................100 EMPLOYMENT/STUDENT STATUS 28. Are you a military technician?........................................................................102 29. Do you have a civilian job?............................................................................104 30. Are you a student?........................................................................................106 31. Have you been activated in the past 12 months? This includes activations that started more than 12 months ago and continued into the past 12 months..............................................................................................108 D MDC v 2007 Workplace and Equal Opportunity Survey of Reserve Component Members 32. Was at least one of your activations in the past 12 months longer than 30 consecutive days?.........................................................................................110 33. In the past 12 months, have your activation(s) for more than 30 consecutive days been voluntary, involuntary, or both?................................112 34. Did any of your activations for more than 30 consecutive days in the past 12 months result in deployment?...................................................................114 35. In the past 12 months, after processing in the mobilization station, were you deployed within the contiguous 48 states (CONUS), outside the contiguous 48 states (OCONUS), or both? ...................................................116 36. Are you currently activated?..........................................................................118 37. Are you currently deployed?..........................................................................120 38. Since September 11, 2001, have you been deployed for any of the following operations?.....................................................................................122 a. Operation Noble Eagle (airport security).............................................122 b. Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan).......................................124 c. Operation Iraqi Freedom.....................................................................126 d. Other...................................................................................................128 38. Reserve component members who indicated they had been deployed for any of the following operations since September 11, 2001: Constructed item based on Q38a-d...................................................................................130 YOUR MILITARY WORKPLACE 39. How long have you been in your present military unit?.................................132 40. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your immediate supervisor at your military job?.............................................134 a. You trust your supervisor....................................................................134 b. Your supervisor ensures that all assigned personnel are treated fairly....................................................................................................136 c. There is very little conflict between your supervisor and the people who report to him/her..........................................................................138 d. Your supervisor evaluates your work performance fairly....................140 e. Your supervisor assigns work fairly in your work group......................142 f. You are satisfied with the direction/supervision you receive...............144 40. Supervisor Satisfaction scale: Constructed from Q40a-f. Supervisor Satisfaction assesses the level of agreement that supervisors are trustworthy, equitable, and fair in evaluations and delegating assignments..................................................................................................146 v i DMDC 2007 Workplace and Equal Opportunity Survey of Reserve Component Members 41. What is the race/ethnic background of your immediate supervisor in your current military work group?..........................................................................148 42. Are you currently in a military work environment where members of your race/ethnicity are uncommon?......................................................................150 43. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your military workplace?................................................................................152 a. I know what is expected of me at work...............................................152 b. I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right..........154 c. At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every duty day...156 d. In the last 7 duty days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.................................................................................158 e. My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person.................................................................................................160 f. There is someone at work who encourages my development............162 g. At work, my opinions seem to count...................................................164 h. The mission/purpose of my National Guard/Reserve component makes me feel my job is important.....................................................166 i. My coworkers are committed to doing quality work............................168 j. I have a best friend at work.................................................................170 k. In the last 6 months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress..............................................................................................172 l. This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and to grow....................................................................................................174 m. At my workplace, a person's job opportunities and promotions are based only on work-related characteristics.........................................176 n. My supervisor helps everyone in my work group feel included...........178 o. I trust my supervisor to deal fairly with issues of equal treatment at my workplace......................................................................................180 p. At my workplace, all employees are kept well informed about issues and decisions that affect them.................................................182 44. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the people you work with at your military workplace?....................................184 a. There is very little conflict among your coworkers..............................184 b. Your coworkers put in the effort required for their jobs.......................186 c. The people in your work group tend to get along................................188 d. The people in your work group are willing to help each other.............190 D MDC vii 2007 Workplace and Equal Opportunity Survey of Reserve Component Members e. You are satisfied with the relationships you have with your coworkers...........................................................................................192 f. You put more effort into your job than your coworkers do...................194 44. Coworker Satisfaction scale: Constructed from Q44a-e. Coworker Satisfaction can be defined as satisfaction with coworker conflicts, coworker work effort, work group compatibility, and helpfulness of coworkers......................................................................................................196 45. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the work you do at your military workplace?..................................................198 a. Your work provides you with a sense of pride.....................................198 b. Your work makes good use of your skills............................................200 c. You like the kind of work you do.........................................................202 d. Your job gives you the chance to acquire valuable skills....................204 e. You are satisfied with your job as a whole..........................................206 45. Work Satisfaction scale: Constructed from Q45a-d. Work Satisfaction can be defined as a sense of pride, use of skills, work enjoyment, and the opportunity to acquire valuable skills.............................................................208 46. Overall, how well prepared............................................................................210 a. Are you to perform your wartime job?.................................................210 b. Is your unit to perform its wartime mission?........................................212 47. How would you rate.......................................................................................214 a. Your current level of morale?..............................................................214 b. The current level of morale in your unit?.............................................216 48. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your National Guard/Reserve unit?...............................................................218 a. Members in your unit really care about each other.............................218 b. Members in your unit work well as a team..........................................220 c. Members in your unit pull together to get the job done.......................222 d. Members in your unit trust each other.................................................224 48. Unit Cohesion: Constructed from Q48a-d. Unit Cohesion can be defined as affective ties within a small group that sustain member's commitment to each other, their unit, and their mission.....................................................226 v iii DMDC

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