Open Source Opens Opportunities for Army’s Simulation System Douglas J.Parsons Dr.Robert L.Wittman Jr. Program Executive Office MITRE Corporation The One Semi-Automated Forces (OneSAF) Objective System is the U.S. Army’s next-generation, entity-level, simulation system planned to provide a comprehensive set of tools supporting computer-based simulation event setup, execution, and review. Postured as an open-architecture, open-source application, the OneSAF program will put this software into the hands of a vast number of developers throughout the Department of Defense with the intent of creating unprecedented participation across the modeling and simulation community to include multi-service, international, industry, and academia experts in the evolution of the OneSAF system. This article describes the factors that led OneSAF to an open source development methodology, the open source principles OneSAF is supporting, and the key processes and tools supporting the open source development. ince its beginnings in 1991 with a small range of military operations, systems, and not a response to a specific warfight- S group of programmers – some consid- control processes. It will accurately and ing threat against the force;the need ered fanatics – Linux has become a force of effectively represent specific activities of is driven by the guidance to reduce hundreds of thousands [1]. The value of combat; command, control, communica- duplication of M&S investments, open source computing is found in the abil- tions, computers, and intelligence; combat foster interoperability and reuse ity to leverage the talents and resources of support;and combat service support.It is an across M&S domains, and meet the an entire community. The Program Execu- entity-level simulation, meaning that it can M&S requirements of the future tive Office for Simulation, Training, and simulate the activities of individual combat- force.[2] Instrumentation (PEO STRI) is positioning ants or vehicles (as opposed to aggregate- its next-generation constructive simulation level simulations, which represent combat- The Army decided the best approach for to provide this same benefit to the Army’s ants and vehicles as groupings). It will also overcoming the problems associated with modeling and simulation (M&S) community. provide the appropriate representations of the multitude of aging simulations was to The One Semi-Automated Forces the physical environment (e.g., terrain fea- create a single, general-purpose, entity-level (OneSAF) Objective System (OOS) is being tures, weather, illumination, etc.) and its simulation and associated simulation event developed to primarily serve training audi- effect on simulated activities and behaviors. support tool [3]. ences, research scientists, and acquisition One aspect that makes the OOS unique analysts.The OOS will also provide embed- among Army simulations is its design for Lessons Learned From a ded simulation capabilities as part of the use by three distinct Army M&S domains. Legacy Simulation Army’s Future Combat Systems.Once field- Specifically, the Advanced Concepts and The OneSAF program has drawn many ed in fiscal year 2006,the OOS will not only Requirements (ACR) domain uses M&S for lessons from the now-retired Modular Semi- be used by the Army, but also will serve experimentation and analyses on Army doc- Automated Forces (ModSAF) program. multi-service, international, industry, and trine and force-related concepts. The While the ModSAF simulation was nowhere academic organizations. Releasing source Research, Development, and Acquisition near providing OOS’required capabilities,it code to such a vast network of developers (RDA) domain uses M&S for acquisition was an entity-level military simulation serv- will certainly reap benefits for the analyses focused on equipping and support- ing a multi-domain M&S community.If not Department of Defense (DoD) M&S com- ing currently fielded and future forces. for the decision to release the source code, munity as a whole; however, distributing Finally,the Training,Exercises,and Military ModSAF would likely have been relatively source code alone will not provide the opti- Operations (TEMO) domain employs M&S unknown. mal mechanism for a community to work to train the force.It does so using live simu- Funded by the Defense Advanced together. lation (actual equipment on training ranges), Research Projects Agency in the early 1990s, Initial efforts focused on developing a virtual simulation (immersing the trainee ModSAF was developed to facilitate syn- capable, robust, and extensible architecture into a synthetic environment),and construc- supporting a toolkit that will allow users to tive simulation (war games using computer- thetic environment research in support of grow the baseline. Active program office generated forces). distributed interactive simulation applica- support,tools,and processes are also neces- tions. Word of the availability of source sary to foster communication and increase It Is About Saving Resources code quickly spread through the M&S com- the likelihood that community-developed The OneSAF program concept originated munity,and requests for the software steadi- capabilities will be integrated and shared in January 1996 following an extensive study ly grew up to the point of its retirement in with other users and developers. Finally, concluding that the Army was caught in a 2002. By its end, more than 200 organiza- growing OOS product line capabilities will wasteful spending cycle,making identical or tions had placed requests for the source not be limited only to skillful Java program- similar enhancements to many legacy simu- code.The OneSAF Program Office reaped mers: A software toolset will allow a user lations across three different user domains. many lessons learned from the ModSAF who is not a programmer to build military In May 1997,the deputy commanding gen- program – those worth continuing as well as entities,units,and their respective activities. eral for Training and Doctrine Command those that needed improvement. approved the Mission Needs Statement for Two ModSAF characteristics deemed OneSAF Background OneSAF,which stated: critical to the success of OneSAF include The OOS is the U.S.Army’s next-generation the release of source code and the responsi- simulation system that can represent a full The need for OneSAF capabilities is bility to provide services to facilitate and January 2005 11 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED JAN 2005 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2005 to 00-00-2005 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Open Source Opens Opportunities for Army’s Simulation System 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Program Executive Office-Simulation Training and REPORT NUMBER Instrumentation,(PEO-STRI),12350 Research Pkwy,Orlando,FL,32826 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES CROSSTALK The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, January 2005 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 4 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Open Source Software enhance communications among the development and, finally, integration. To baseline with source code at no cost.This is OneSAF user community. How OOS address these concerns and to abide by a condition where OneSAF aligns directly embraces these characteristics is described DoD acquisition guidelines, OneSAF nec- with a primary tenet of open source soft- in the following paragraphs. essarily qualifies its definition of open ware as defined by the Open Source source development. Initiative;however,there are key distinctions Open Source and OneSAF For the vast majority of organizations between the open source tenets and the Releasing source code as part of DoD that will request the OneSAF baseline, the OneSAF distribution model. The Open applications raises numerous questions distribution process will be much like that Source Initiative defines open source as ranging from security concerns to baseline employed with ModSAF where the program software that provides the following rights configuration management to cooperative manager (PM) of OneSAF distributes the and obligations [4]: a) No royalty or other fee imposed upon Table 1:Enabling Tools for OneSAF Open Source Development redistribution. Tool Description b) Availability of the source code. c) Right to create modifications and deriv- Web-Based The cornerstone of the OneSAF development environment is ative works. OneSAF <>. It is a secure Web site that houses technical Objective information and historical and current programmatic, organizational, and d) May require modified versions to be dis- System task order structure. Technical information from architectural designs tributed as the original version plus Development down to the Application Programmer's Interface (API) descriptions can patches. Portal be found on the site. The API descriptions are provided by automated code scrappers that generate Javadocs on a periodic basis. User ID and e) No discrimination against persons or password are required. groups. Apache HTTPS The Apache server <>provides a Web server for the f) No discrimination against fields of Server environment. endeavor. Mailman Distributed asynchronous discussions and archiving is provided via g) All rights granted must flow through e-mail using the Gnu's Not Unix free, open source product Mailman to/with redistributed versions. <>.Mailman provides an integrated Web environment for managing e-mail discussions and e-newsletter lists. It h) The license applies to the program as a offers a complement of mail list functionality, including built-in archiving, whole and to each of its components. automatic bounce processing, content filtering, digest delivery, spam i) The license must not restrict other soft- filters, and Web-basedlist administration. ware,thus permitting the distribution of Concurrent Configuration management and revision control processes and services open source and closed source software Versioning are built around the Concurrent Versioning System (CVS) together. System <>.CVS version 1.10.8 is freely available open source software, and provides revision control for all software development and Of these, a, b, c, g, and h apply to the Web-basedinformation developed and used by the OneSAF team. OneSAF distribution process. While not The Dynamic Automated support for requirements management and tracking is classified, the OOS will have content (e.g., Object-Oriented provided by the Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System data, algorithms) deemed sensitive by the Requirements (DOORS) <>.Although neither freely available nor U.S.Department of the Army.The baseline System open source, this automated tool supports the requirements-driven OneSAF development process. DOORS version 7.0 provides automated cannot be freely distributed as defined for support for OneSAF's rigorous requirements analysis and tracking open source due to security reasons. As process and is accessible to all task order participants within the such, PM OneSAF must be selective in the OneSAF Integration and Development Environment building. DOORS allows requirements storage and retrieval, and maintains linkages between distribution of the OOS baseline. Essen- user, system, and software requirements. tially, there are two basic commitments Together Automated software design and development support is provided by the made when a user signs a OneSAF distribu- Control Center Together Control Center (TCC) version 6.0 <>. The tion agreement: TCC is neither free nor open source, but is necessary to meet the managed 1. Authorization to redistribute the base- Software Engineering Institute Level 4 software development process in line is restricted to PM OneSAF. use by the architecture and integration contractor. The TCC allows integrated access to a user-configurable suite of software development 2. Users who develop new functionality tools. These tools span the software development life cycle from analysis into the OneSAF baseline agree to pro- through test. vide those capabilities back to PM WebRT Automated risk tracking, action-item tracking, and defect tracking are OneSAF for possible reintegration. handled using the freely available open sourceWebRT tool These constraints offer advantages <>. WebRT 1.0.1- 4 has been customized to provide a Web-enabled tool to track and manage defects, across the OneSAF user community. issues, risks, and action items within OneSAF. Facilitating distribution through a single Java Java provides a platform-independent development language and focal point allows the PM to have knowl- development kit to OneSAF. Sun's Java version 2.0 edge of whom and how users intend to use <>, along with the Software Development Kit (SDK) the baseline. This knowledge will enhance version 1.4.1, provides the Java language programming foundation for the OneSAF integrated drive electronics. OneSAF is reviewing the the ability to identify and integrate useful capabilities and schedule for stepping up the next major release of the community-developed capabilities into Java SDK. future baseline releases. XML Spy As data architecture and management play a critical role across the pre- exercise, run time, and post-exercise activities, OneSAF is leveraging Helping to Communicate eXtensible Markup Language (XML) technologies including XML Spy <>.XML Spy version 4.0 provides the OneSAF users In light of the restrictions OneSAF impos- within the IDE the ability to create XML schemas that comply with the es on pure open source distribution, the OneSAFData Interchange Formats (DIF) standards. XML Spy features a OneSAF leadership felt compelled to pro- format checking and validation tool to cross-check a document against its DIF. vide communication-enhancing tools and processes that were seen as critical to the 12 CROSSTALKThe Journal ofDefense Software Engineering January 2005 Open Source Opens Opportunities for Army’s Simulation System success of ModSAF. For OneSAF these (4)providing mechanisms to fully document architecture level down to implementation, tools leverage Web- and e-mail-based tech- the interfaces and code delivered. particular emphasis has been on the com- nologies.For a list and description of these To meet the challenges and limitations posability tools allowing end-users to com- tools and technologies,see Table 1. of earlier simulation systems, the OneSAF pose new entities,units,and their associated These tools are actively in use and have architects applied a software-based product- behaviors from existing software primitives provided huge dividends in terms of user line architecture development approach. without the need to write or even access the engagement and feedback. As part of the The product-line approach concentrates on source code. These tools are highlighted in normal OneSAF development process, identifying and defining interfaces between the OneSAF architecture as the Model users review demonstrable capabilities and independent, architecture-level compo- Composer tools and include the Entity code and then electronically submit their nents,and then specifies how these existing Composer, the Unit Composer, and the comments, enhancements, and/or changes components can be automatically composed Behavior Composer. with supporting documentation to the Web- into useful end-user applications. Looking The Entity Composer allows a OneSAF served comment and defect repository. back on the early – circa 2001– OneSAF simulation entity such as an aircraft, heli- These submissions are reviewed, catego- architectural development, three key archi- copter,tank,truck,or individual combatant rized,and assigned for action. tecture-related tenets stand out as significant to be composed from individual model After OneSAF Full Operational enablers to the four improvement areas components using a Windows-based graph- Capability at the end of fiscal year 2005, mentioned above,and to the overall success ical user interface (GUI). Model compo- these Web-based tools may be enhanced to of the program. These tenets include a nents may include visual or other radar- support code updates that can be inserted coordinated architectural vision,an iterative based sensors, specific types of weapons, into an integration branch, compiled, and and incremental development process, and specific communications devices, and spe- automatically regression tested with the close user and developer collaboration. cific mobility components such as wheeledor results posted to the OneSAF Web and noti- tracked.Additionally,the user can select spe- Tenet I:Create a Coordinated System fication e-mailed to the developer.Currently, cific types of physical models that regulate Architectural Vision architecture compliance tools and processes the vulnerability,load carrying capacity,and exist to allow external developers to plan for For OneSAF, this was essential in orienting other physical aspects of the entity. a specific level of integration with the and maintaining forward momentum on The Unit Composer supports grouping OneSAF code. The external developers’ two of the four critical improvement areas: individual entities into military units and decisions are dependent on their require- overall architecture support to composabili- civilian organizations using a GUI-based ments and investment in existing applica- ty and extensibility requirements, and sup- front end.The Unit Composer allows visu- tions. Prior to formal baseline integration, port for tool-based extensibility. alization and modification of all entities and new code that has been successfully inte- Composability and extensibility were previously constructed units.Once a unit is grated will be posted for download at the viewed as essential for OneSAF because constructed,specific behaviors defining the users own risk. these characteristics were especially limited doctrine and tactics of the unit can be asso- A formal OneSAF Configuration by ModSAF’s architecture. ModSAF’s ciated with the unit. These behaviors are Control Board (CCB) will choose which aggregate applications made it difficult, constructed using Behavior Composer. newly integrated capabilities to incorporate expensive,and time consuming for the com- The Behavior Composer allows the into the next formally released baseline. munity to make specific independent modi- graphical construction of entity and unit Once incorporated into the baseline, PM fications and for these modifications to be behaviors from existing primitives (software OneSAF assumes responsibility for these integrated back into the baseline. This was coded behaviors) and other composite enhancements, distributes them within the particularly true when multiple modifica- behaviors. Composite behaviors are simply normal baseline distribution process, and tions were made to a single application. behaviors that are made up of other com- removes the pre-baselined code from the The OneSAF architecture vision was posite or primitive behaviors.The Behavior use-at-your-own-risk Web page. developed early on in concert with the pro- Composer allows the specification of In addition to sponsoring CCB meet- curement team, the users, and the develop- sequential or parallel behaviors that provide ings,OneSAF now holds regular user group ers. The vision focused on system-level the automated control, reactions, and over- meetings for both the domestic and interna- composability and the architecture’s ability all behaviors of entities and units. tional M&S communities. This user group to support independent component devel- Tenet II:Use an Iterative and meeting gives users the opportunity to opment along well-defined interfaces within Incremental Development Process exchange relevant information about One quality and functional compliance specifica- SAF and its individual programs, demon- tions.This was the key to enabling the gov- For OneSAF, an iterative and incremental strate new capabilities,voice concerns,raise ernment’s task order procurement strategy process enabled two important effects.First, issues,and make recommendations. of issuing multiple contracts to develop the it allowed the program to create and test, independent system components. through successive iterations, a set of con- Filling the Gaps An architecture and integration contract sistent, comprehensive, and useful architec- It was also critical to OneSAF’s success to was also issued to finalize the interface, tural- and implementation-level documenta- improve several ModSAF architectural functional,and quality specifications,as well tion.It also allowed the program to test and blemishes. These critical improvements as to create the development infrastructure streamline its support for external develop- include (1) providing a more composable [3] and develop the initial toolset.By forging ment and integration, again, by applying and extensible software architecture; (2) this vision early on,the program was able to lessons learned through successive iterations focusing on and providing tools for non- develop a set of objective measures called of the integration and test process. programmers to extend the list of simulated interface maturity levels used to define objec- Specifying the architectural vision on paper entities, units, and behaviors; (3) providing tives and emphasize and measure progress and then working toward that vision in code mechanisms to support greater success against the OneSAF requirement set. allowed negotiated changes to the architec- when integrating user-developed code; and Since program inception, from the ture where necessary to maintain consisten- January 2005 13 Open Source Software cy with the code. Changes occurred due to software,to the advanced native capabilities release, it will evaluate and grow the neces- developmental breakthroughs, clearer un- within the Java development environment. sary capabilities to accommodate distributed derstanding of requirements, or necessary OneSAF leadership believes the benefits of open source development. It is expected, changes due to reuse of legacy applications. open source development will expand upon based on lessons learned and experience to OneSAF continues to use an eight-week OneSAF’s formal release by allowing a wide date, that the necessary tool and process build process as the cornerstone for soft- range of developers to contribute to and changes will be small incremental changes ware and system engineering activities. The propose extensions back to the OneSAF versus an explosive big bang event. builds begin with defined, measurable, and baseline.Once integrated into the core base- To find out more about the OOS,please in many cases,demonstrable objectives and line,a capability developed by a given orga- contact the authors, PM OneSAF, Lt. Col. then progress through analysis,design,code, nization is available for use and extension by John “Buck” Surdu at <john.surdu@ and unit test. During the subsequent build, the community of OneSAF users.>, or visit < u the previous build’s products are sent Although OneSAF is still in develop->. through a system-level integration and test ment, once formally released in fiscal year References process. At yearly intervals, the system is 2006,it will be available and distributed with packaged and delivered to a restricted set of source code free of charge to any organiza- 1. Hasan,Ragib.“History of Linux.”Vers. beta-test sites. OneSAF is currently in its tion within the DoD with a valid OneSAF 2.1. University of Illinois at Urbana- Block C development cycle and has success- requirement. While OneSAF is focused as Champaign, July 2002 <https://net fully released its Block A and B system an Army/DoD program,other inter-agency>. products to more than 50 beta-test sites. organizations (e.g.,other services,homeland 2. Training and Doctrine Command. For OneSAF, the iterative and incre- defense, emergency response groups/ “Mission Needs Statement.” U.S. Army, mental process also enabled the drive to police,etc.),industry,and academia can gain 2004 < demonstrate capabilities early and often to access to the application. doc>. support a rich level of user interaction and OneSAF will also be available to the 3. Wittman, Robert L., and Anthony J. feedback across the ACR, RDA, and international community. Typically, inter- Courtemanche. “The OneSAF Product TEMO domains. national arrangements are made either Line Architecture: An Overview of the through data exchange agreements, for- Products and Process.” SimTeCT 2002. Tenet III:Establish and Maintain Close eign military sales cases, or project agree- Melbourne Convention Center, User and Developer Collaboration ments. Because of the sensitive nature of Melbourne,Australia,13-16 May 2002. For OneSAF, this enabled continual feed- OneSAF, removing the non-exportable 4. Webbink, Mark H. “Understanding back, prioritization, and interpretation of data and algorithms will develop a special- Open Source Software.” Society for key user needs and requirements. The cur- ized international baseline. Computers and the Law(51) Mar.2003 rent success of the OneSAF program is also Finally,as OneSAF prepares to enter its < attributed to these close developer and user final year of development prior to formal Mark_H_Webbink.html>. interactions. From the start, the develop- ment and user representative teams have About the Authors been collocated in the OneSAF Integrated Development Environment, thereby Douglas J. Parsons is Robert L. Wittman Jr., enabling easy and frequent interaction the lead engineer of the Ph.D., currently works between the more than 100 system and soft- Intelligent Simulation for the MITRE Corpo- ware engineers, the government manage- Systems Team at the U.S. ration supporting the ment and technical personnel, and the Army Program Executive One Semi-Automated domain (ACR,RDA,and TEMO) user rep- Office for Simulation, Forces Objective System resentatives.This interaction is key to short- Training, and Instrumentation. His pri- program. He has been part of the U.S. ening the development cycle, as domain- mary focus is toward the successful Department of Defense modeling and specific questions can be quickly resolved. development of the One Semi- simulation community since 1990. He Conclusion Automated Forces Objective System. has a Bachelor of Science in computer Parsons has a Bachelor of Science in science from Washington State Univer- From the start, OneSAF leadership has encouraged non-traditional software mechanical engineering from North sity,a Master of Science in software engi- development methods. Open source Dakota State University, a Master of neering from the University of West development remains central as a new way Science in systems management from Florida, and a doctorate in industrial to create, distribute, proliferate, and Florida Institute of Technology, and a engineering from the University of extend the simulation capabilities Master of Science in industrial engineer- Central Florida. promised by OneSAF.Using lessons from ing from the University of Central earlier simulations, open source concepts Florida. MITRE Corporation played heavily in the selection and creation 3504 Lake Lynda DR of processes and tools to meet the Program Executive Office-Simulation Orlando,FL 32817 requirements of the OneSAF program. Training and Instrumentation Phone:(321) 235-7601 Open source development has already (PEO-STRI) E-mail:[email protected] paid large dividends to the OneSAF pro- 12350 Research PKWY gram ranging from enhanced Web-based Orlando,FL 32826 communications between developers and Phone:(407) 384-3821 users gained from using open source Web- E-mail:[email protected] based servers,mail lists,and request tracking 14 CROSSTALKThe Journal ofDefense Software Engineering January 2005