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Using Options to Manage Dynamic Uncertainty in Acquisition Projects 241 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2002 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2002 to 00-00-2002 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Using Options to Manage Dynamic Uncertainty in Acquisition Projects 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Texas A&M University,Department of Civil Engineering,College REPORT NUMBER Station,TX,77843 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Acquisition Review Quarterly, Fall 2002 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 18 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Acquisition ReviTeUwT QOuRarItAeLrly — Fall 2002 USING OPTIONS TO MANAGE DYNAMIC UNCERTAINTY IN ACQUISITION PROJECTS B. Kagan Ceylan, Ph.D. and David N. Ford, Ph.D. Uncertainty in acquisition projects and environments can degrade performance. Traditional project planning, management tools, and methods can effectively deal with uncertainties in relatively stable environments. But in more uncertain environments conditions can evolve beyond the assumptions used in preproject planning and require major deviations from initial plans. Important uncertainties often cannot be identified and described adequately during preproject planning to design optimal strategies. Therefore, rigid project strategies prepared solely on the most likely outcomes as perceived during preproject planning can result in sub-optimal performance. In these cases, acquisition planners must explicitly incorporate flexibility into project plans to keep effective strategies available until uncertainty resolves adequately to reveal the best choice. Options can provide an effective framework for designing, evaluating, and implementing flexible acquisition project strategies and therefore can improve project performance. A large complex defense project illustrates the potential and challenges of options and research needs to expand and improve their use to manage uncertainty. M aximizing the value of acquisi- defense acquisition projects also include tion projects in dynamic envi- technology research and development in ronments is difficult partially dynamic and unpredictable environments. because project managers must manage a These development efforts can pose sig- variety of environmental and internal un- nificant risks for the entire project because certainties as well as more common their outcomes are often predecessors of project complexities. Miller and Lessard major activities, and failures or delays in (2000) report that success for 60 large these efforts propagate through the ($985 million average cost) engineering project. How can managers of large com- projects, including research and develop- plex defense projects plan for and manage ment projects, depended on how uncer- critical uncertainties? tainty was managed. Many large complex 242 Using Options to Manage Dynamic Uncertainty in Acquisition Projects Development projects risk suboptimal uncertainties” and describe in more detail performance if uncertainty is not explic- why they are difficult to manage. itly addressed in project planning. Many Three characteristics of uncertainty in acquisition strategies are based on a large complex defense projects make it project’s characteristics and environment particularly difficult to manage. First, one- during front end planning. If these char- of-a-kind research and development ef- acteristics and environments are relatively forts provide few opportunities to develop stable, initial plans can absorb changes in routines that can be evaluated and thereby the project or its environment, changes in improved. Therefore, historical experience acquisition strategies are not required, and is not available to inform forecasts of un- traditional preproject planning is adequate. certain features. In addition, one-of-a-kind But some critical conditions evolve over work provides an inadequate understand- time and the conditions, times, and mana- ing of new technologies or their imple- gerial choices for effective decision mak- mentation during preproject planning to ing cannot be completely and accurately make forecasts that are accurate enough determined during preproject planning. for strategy selection. Additional data collection can some- Second, long project durations (e.g., times improve descriptions of apparently 10.7 years average in the previously cited large uncertainties and thereby improve Miller and Lessard study; 2000) allow en- preproject planning. But traditional vironments to evolve far from preproject preproject planning can conditions. These dynamic uncertainties fail to develop adequate can cause strategies that are optimal during “Designing acqui- strategies for uncertain- preproject planning to become obsolete in sition strategies ties that are, or appear to later stages of the projects. that can be used be, too difficult or im- Third, tight coupling among project to successfully possible to accurately components create complex dynamic sys- manage dynamic uncertainties is an predict and, therefore, tems. Understanding individual project important but be the basis for effective components is inadequate for understand- difficult part of strategy development ing the system (Sterman, 1994; Senge, project planning.” before a project must 1990). This increases project uncertainty proceed. These residual and the difficulties of forecasting and plan- uncertainties must be managed both stra- ning. How can defense acquisition project tegically and dynamically because planners proactively prepare for dynamic changes that occur during project execu- uncertainty? tion may render the best course of action Designing acquisition strategies that suboptimal, as determined during front can be used to successfully manage dyna- end planning, (Gupta & Rosenhead, mic uncertainties is an important but 1968). Ford, Lander, and Voyer (2002) difficult part of project planning. Uncer- refer to these uncertain project compo- tainties that cannot be identified or fore- nents and environmental impacts that only casted can only be managed reactively evolve adequately for strategy selection with adaptive systems and managers after preproject planning as “dynamic (DeMeyer, Loch, & Pich, 2002). But many 243 Acquisition Review Quarterly — Fall 2002 dynamic uncertainties can be characterized modularity can provide competitive ad- adequately to be managed proactively by vantage for modular products, particularly anticipating multiple scenarios to project in environments in which product life goals and using flexible strategies to dy- cycles grow shorter. However, tools and namically choose the best strategy based methods to create and measure options in on how uncertainty resolves. acquisition projects are not yet available. Options can provide a framework for A lack of structured methods and tools that using flexible strategies to describe, de- can guide planners in building flexible sign, evaluate, and implement strategies project plans to manage dynamic com- directed at dynamic uncertainties. An plexity remains a barrier to improved ac- option is a right without an obligation to quisition project management. take specific future actions depending on In the current work, options are de- how uncertain conditions evolve (Amram scribed and evaluated as a tool for man- & Kulatilaka, 1999). Mathematical aging dynamic uncertainty from a mana- models first developed to value options on gerial perspective. Based on this evalua- financial assets (Bookstaber, 1982; Cox, tion, we hypothesize that the lack of a Ross, & Rubinstein, 1979; Black & theory of options prac- Scholes, 1973) have been adapted to real tice constrains the de- “Both options — assets and analyzed (Brealey & Meyers, scription, evaluation, theory and 2000; Trigeorgis, 1993, 1996; Dixit & and advancement of decision analysis “Rigid st Pindyck, 1994; Kemna & Vorst, 1990), options to improve ac- —provide formal planning applied to engineering (Benaroch, 2001; quisition. To specify, mathematical ods have Baldwin & Clark, 2000; Park & Herath, clarify, and support our methods for inadequa 2000), and promoted as a strategic plan- hypothesis, descriptions valuing options the high ning aid by both academics (Miller & of approaches to manag- that have been plexity a Lessard, 2000; Amram & Kulatilaka, ing uncertainty are fol- designed.” dynamics 1999; Bierman & Smidt, 1992; Kensin- lowed by a description large pu ger, 1988) and practitioners (Leslie & of options from a managerial process per- Michaels, 1997). spective. One use of options in a large Both options — theory and decision complex defense project is described to analysis — provide formal mathematical illustrate the use of options in practice and methods for valuing options that have been to identify research needs to improve designed. However, less research exists on acquisition planning and management. option design, assessment, and implemen- tation processes for practicing planners TRADITIONAL PLANNING TOOLS and managers. The recent option design research has primarily focused on modu- FOR MANAGING UNCERTAINTY larity in product development (Baldwin & Clark, 2000), where options are created Many domains address aspects of by allowing the mixing and matching of managerial decision making under uncer- product modules in response to changing tainty. Among them, strategic manage- conditions in the environment without ment, preproject planning, and risk man- changing the entire product. Thereby, agement provide planning tools and 244 Using Options to Manage Dynamic Uncertainty in Acquisition Projects methods that can be applied to managing levels, but these concepts have not been development project uncertainty. Relevant developed into implemental processes for portions of these theories and their use by managing projects. defense agencies are briefly described and Rigid strategic planning methods, such evaluated to establish the available mod- as those using the critical path method els of options to manage dynamic project coupled with risk analysis, have proven uncertainty in large complex defense inadequate for the high complexity and projects. The potential contributions of dynamics of large public acquisition some other theories to the managerial use projects (Hughes, 1998). As a result, of options are then described. several federal agencies (e.g., the Depart- ment of Defense [DoD] and the National STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Aeronautics and Space Administration Strategic management explicitly ad- [NASA]) abandoned rigid approaches as dresses the management of uncertainty early as the 1960s in favor of more strate- with flexible plans and strategic adapta- gic and adaptive approaches (Sayles & tion after initial strategy selection (Mintz- Chandler, 1971; DoD, 2001; Department berg, 1978; McGrath & MacMillan, of Energy [DOE], 2002; Department of 2000). Although strategic management Navy [DON], 2001). For example, Depart- focuses on ongoing en- ment of Defense Regulation 5000.2-R terprises, uncertainty (DoD, 1996) requires a phased decision- “Rigid strategic also must be explicitly making process with exit criteria reviews planning meth- incorporated into project at each phase and the parallel development ods have proven strategies to maximize of multiple concepts. These provide op- inadequate for the high com- performance (Miller & tions to abandon portions of projects as a plexity and Lessard, 2000). Strategic means of strategic adaptation if the ob- dynamics of planning integrates envi- jectives can no longer be justified in the large public ronmental opportunities light of unfolding events. and threats with internal strengths and weak- PREPROJECT PLANNING nesses into potentially flexible strategic Preproject planning includes a project plans that are the basis for specific projects strategy selection process (Mintzberg, (Mintzberg, 1995). 1978) that is widely used by industry According to Mintzberg (1978), stra- (Construction Industry Institute [CII], tegic planning traditionally depicts a 1995; CH2MHill, 1996) and defense highly ordered and neatly integrated pro- agencies (DoD, 1996; DOE, 2002; DON cess. In response to dynamic environments 2001). Preproject planning compares al- strategic management uses strategic ternative technologies, sites, etc. to iden- adaption, which updates strategies con- tify the best feasible project strategy tinuously, thereby remaining flexible (Por- within project constraints. This method is ter, 1980). Strategic management, plan- effective in some contexts, but assumes ning, and adaptation processes exist for that planners are fully informed about the ongoing enterprises at relatively aggregate project and that the project environment 245 Acquisition Review Quarterly — Fall 2002 is relatively stable, or at least predictable OTHER DOMAINS (Mintzberg, 1978). Therefore, preproject Other research domains provide insight planning does not provide the flexibility into particular aspects of how planners and required to successfully manage the dy- managers can and do address uncertainty. namic complexities inherent in many de- Research on decision making potentially fense projects. contributes to understanding the manage- rial use of options through decision analy- RISK MANAGEMENT sis and game theory. By addressing the Risk management tools and methods process of decision making by isolated are also widely used by industry (CII, individuals under uncertainty, decision 1989; Chapman & Ward, 1997; Koller, analysis (Luce & Raiffa, 1957; Raiffa, 1999) and defense agencies (DoD, 2001; 1970) provides a potentially effective DOE, 2002; DON, 2001) to manage approach to structuring and managing project uncertainties by identifying criti- uncertainties that can be characterized in cal risks, marshalling resources to absorb sufficient detail to select optimal strategies the consequences of uncertainty resolu- during preproject planning. tion that threaten project performance, and However, in highly complex and dy- developing contingency plans. These namic acquisition project environments methods often react to uncertainties after such as those investigated here, project they resolve in undesired ways. For ex- planners may not be able ample, contingency funds can be used to to assess all uncertainties “In marshalling respond to uncertain site conditions (e.g., with the well-defined resources, risk poor soils) by paying for the additional probability distributions management costs of excavation, but only after the site required for decision aggregates risks conditions have been revealed and the un- analysis. In these cases, to assess their certainty has resolved in an undesirable flexibility in the form of impacts and way. options can address this thereby estimate In marshalling resources, risk manage- residual uncertainty and slack resource ment aggregates risks to assess their im- improve solutions. For requirements.” pacts and thereby estimate slack resource example, Mandelbaum requirements. While useful for analysis and Buzacott (1990) show that using and modeling, aggregating risks contrasts options in a manufacturing setting with sharply with the reductionist approach residual uncertainty after preproject plan- used by managers to isolate specific indi- ning can improve decisions over those vidual critical uncertainties for customized made solely using decision analysis. Game management. Although sometimes used theory (Luce & Raiffa, 1957) adds com- with options, the identification of critical petition with others to decision analysis risks and contingency planning have not and can provide insight if the managed un- been developed operationally in risk man- certainty conforms to the assumptions agement to provide managers guidance used to characterize competing decision concerning how to use flexibility to makers (e.g., payoff maximization or rec- improve project performance. onciliation objectives). The contribution 246 Using Options to Manage Dynamic Uncertainty in Acquisition Projects of game theory may be limited when the managerial practice as well as manage- managed uncertainty has a significant rial theory. natural or random nature (i.e., not human decision making), such as those addressed OPTIONS AS TOOLS FOR STRATEGICALLY here. Senge (1990) describes why dynamic MANAGING DYNAMIC UNCERTAINTY systems are complex and difficult to plan and manage. He recommends systems One means of achieving flexibility to thinking as an approach address dynamic complexity is to delay to managing dynami- committing to a strategy until uncertainty “Options add cally complex systems. resolves, new information becomes avail- value by allowing Simon (1996) used able, and the better strategy is clearer managers to bounded rationality to (Gupta & Rosenhead, 1968). For example, capture more explain how the cogni- Ward, Liker, Cristiano, and Sobek (1995) benefits or shift risks depending tive limitations of deci- report how delaying the selection of on how one or sion makers influence automobile systems creates competitive more uncertain their information pro- advantage for Toyota in time-to-market parameters cessing and behavior. In and quality. Options structure managerial behave.” this context, managerial flexibility into delayed opportunities with- options can be seen as a out obligations to change strategies to tool for bridging the gap between the com- improve asset performance. Options add plexities of defense acquisition projects value by allowing managers to capture described by Senge and the cognitive more benefits or shift risks depending on capacities of managers described by how one or more uncertain parameters Simon. Ford (2002) provides a specific behave. For example, a contract clause example of a traditional tool for bridging permitting the termination of the contract this gap in development projects. if a critical technology is not developed In summary, strategic management as provides the government with an oppor- described by defense agencies and indus- tunity (but not an obligation) to terminate try provides general guidelines for project depending on how the technology flexibility. But the processes, methods, feasibility uncertainty resolves. and tools for developing flexible strate- Option taxonomies have been based on gic plans for projects and adapting to the nature of the managed asset, the ob- changes have not been operationalized jective of the management (risk mitiga- adequately to be applied in the manage- tion or increased benefits), the timing of ment of dynamic project uncertainty. delayed strategy selection decisions and Preproject planning, risk management, uncertainty evolution, and actions taken and other management decision-making on strategies (e.g., abandon, expand, theories also do not provide operational switch, etc.). Trigeorgis (1996) and others processes to proactively use flexibility to categorize and describe these classifica- manage project uncertainty. A theory of tions. Options, as investigated here, are a options practices in projects would reflect specific structure for the flexibility 247 Acquisition Review Quarterly — Fall 2002 through dual sourcing recommended in Managers recognize the need for flex- defense acquisition guidelines (DoD, ibility when a possible resolution of un- 2001; Section 5.6.2; DON, 1998, Chapter certainty (a scenario) using a basic strat- 1). egy generates a performance scenario to A managerial approach to options is be avoided (e.g., large costs) or captured adopted here as the basis for investigating (e.g., improved product performance). In their potential, challenges, and research the example, the depletion of design needs as a tool for project planning and expertise could increase future costs be- management. This approach focuses on yond budgets, constrain weapon develop- the strategy design, assessment, and im- ment, or both, and the development of plementation processes. It differs signifi- design expertise could improve weapon cantly from existing approaches that focus performance. on option valuation (Trigeorgis, 1996; Alternative strategies that could in- Amram & Kulatilaka, 1999) or the strate- crease project value under specific uncer- gic advantages of options (Courtney, Kirk- tainty resolution scenarios are then de- land, & Viguerie, 1997; Andersen, 1999). signed. Examples for the weapon system This managerial approach also differs could include contracting for the right to from some addressed by defense acquisi- continue design after the current contract, tion researchers and practitioners, includ- guaranteeing employment of critical em- ing procurement quantity and perfor- ployees, or contracting mance duration issues addressed in codi- other work to the vendor “Options are fied federal acquisition regulations (FAR; that develops design ex- valuable only subpart 17.2) and dual-use sourcing pertise. Option designs when their methods (DoD, 1996, section include specific decision benefits exceed Despite the extensive use of options by rules for implementation their costs.” acquisition project practitioners (Miller & that describe the condi- Lessard, 2000), few options processes are tions that trigger a described in the literature, and most of change in strategy. Options are imple- those are normative. Based on fieldwork mented by monitoring the uncertain at the project described later, a typical parameters, analyzing them as necessary process begins when a manager recog- to determine the status of the trigger, and nizes (perhaps through risk assessment) changing strategies if and as indicated by that the value of a managed asset may be the option design. significantly impacted by how an un- Options are valuable only when their predictable parameter behaves in the benefits exceed their costs. Options can future. For example, a defense project provide a variety of benefits including manager may recognize that the costs and improvements in economic performance, planned development of a specialized stronger strategic position, broader man- weapon (the asset) may depend on the agerial perspectives, expanded planning design expertise of a critical vendor after processes, and increased productivity. the end of an existing contract (the uncer- Options also generate costs, most visibly tain parameter). in financial terms. Both initially purchasing 248 Using Options to Manage Dynamic Uncertainty in Acquisition Projects the opportunity to choose strategies in the OPTIONS IN PROCUREMENT FOR future and implementing strategy changes THE NATIONAL IGNITION FACILITY can incur costs. In the weapon example, an extension clause might increase the con- Lawrence Livermore National Labora- tract price and include computer upgrades tory (LLNL) is developing the National at government expense if the clause is in- Ignition Facility (NIF) under contract with voked. The economic valuation of options the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). as a basis for strategy selection has been a DOE’s goal is to generate the thermo- primary focus of options research nuclear conditions created in nuclear ex- (Howard, 1976; Trigeorgis, 1996). Valua- plosions in a laboratory setting. NIF will tion methods for real assets compare net be the world’s largest experimental fusion asset values with a specific option strat- facility, using 192 lasers to compress and egy to asset values using a rigid strategy heat a small capsule of material to fusion to estimate option values. Ford, Lander, ignition. The project budget is $2.248 and Voyer (2002) developed a simple nu- billion to be spent over approximately 11 merical example of how an option can years (Moses, 2002). Project success de- increase the value of a development pends on several large simultaneous project. research and development efforts to Many acquisition project managers rec- produce unique subsystems. ognize the value of flexibility in manag- Data were collected on the use of op- ing dynamic uncertain- tions to manage uncertainty at NIF by ties and use options. “Theories of observing four public presentations on the However, the practice is managing uncer- project by DOE and LLNL management, rarely structured into the tainty and valu- reviewing project documents, interview- frameworks developed ing options in ing the DOE project manager and LLNL particular do not by options theoreticians. project and procurement managers, and reflect options Theories of managing visiting the site twice, including tours of practice by acqui- uncertainty and valuing the facility while under construction. NIF sition planners options in particular do managers were found to use options (al- and managers.” not reflect options prac- though they do not typically use that term) tice by acquisition plan- to manage many of the large uncertain- ners and managers. This may be due to ties inherent in the project. The LLNL the complex, multi-dimensional nature of project manager attributed the manage- actual option settings, the difficulties of ment team’s frequent use of flexibility (in- integrating widely varying data types for cluding options) to their focus on project formal analysis, and the resulting infor- objectives instead of specific solutions. mal and tacit processes used by practitio- This allows managers to identify multiple ners. The process gap between options potential strategies and scenarios to theory and options practice limits the success (Moses, interview, December 13, description, evaluation, and improvement 2001). As will be illustrated, NIF manag- of options use practices. ers used these strategy: scenario sets to design options. 249

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