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Preview DTIC ADA483171: Lateral Composition Modulation in InAs/GaSb Superlattices

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDPHYSICS VOLUME93,NUMBER1 1JANUARY2003 Lateral composition modulation in InAs(cid:213)GaSb superlattices D. W. Stokes,a) R. L. Forrest,b) J. H. Li, and S. C. Moss DepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofHouston,Houston,Texas77204 B. Z. Nosho,c) B. R. Bennett, and L. J. Whitman NavalResearchLaboratory,Washington,DC20375 M. Goldenberg SFA,Inc.,Largo,Maryland20774 ~Received 22August 2002; accepted 24 October 2002! Wereporttheanalysisoflateralcompositionmodulationin(InAs) /(GaSb) superlatticesbyx-ray m m diffraction.Vertical and lateral satellite peaks for a 140 period structure were observed.The lateral modulationwavelength,averagesuperlatticecomposition,andverticalsuperlatticewavelengthwere determined. The lateral modulation was observed only along one in-plane direction resulting in quantum wire-like structures along the@1¯10# direction.The unconventional structure of the lateral composition modulation, in which the stacking of the layers leads to a doubling of the vertical superlattice period, is discussed. © 2003 American Institute of Physics. @DOI:10.1063/1.1529291# I. INTRODUCTION II. EXPERIMENT Lateral composition modulation ~LCM! is the spontane- A 140 period (InAs)13/(GaSb)13 superlattice structure was grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaSb ~001! sub- ous formation of phase-separated, self-organized periodic strates, with a 2000Å GaSb buffer and a 100Å InAs cap. structures parallel to the surface during epitaxial growth of TheSLwasintentionallygrownwithInSbinterfacialbonds. semiconductor films. Recent studies have demonstrated Detailsofthegrowtharegivenelsewhere.15Thesuperlattice LCM in a number of III–V semiconductor ternary alloys, was grown with a vertical wavelength of approximately both in ABC single-layer structures1,2 and in vertical 2 80Å, bothInAsandGaSblayersbeingnominally40Å, i.e., short-period superlattice ~SPS! structures consisting of two this is not a SPS structure, in which each layer is only a few lattice mismatched components (AB) /(CD) , i.e., m n monolayers thick. Employing high-resolution x-ray diffrac- (InP) /(GaP) ,3,4 where m and n denote the number of m n tion ~XRD! we are able to describe the average morphology atomic monolayers. Typical lateral wavelengths range from ofthestructure,includingtheverticalandlateralmodulation 100 to 400Å.5,6 LCM has been shown to have profound wavelengths, the strain in the layers, and the orientation of consequences on the physical properties of these semicon- the LCM. This article will discuss the observed LCM mor- ductor systems, e.g., band gap reduction, valence-band split- phology and the causes of the LCM. ting,andin-planeanisotropy,7allofwhichmaybeexploited for optoelectronic applications. In particular, light emitting diodes and lasers with compositionally modulated active re- III. RESULTS gions have already been fabricated and have demonstrated Figure 1 shows a cross-sectional scanning tunneling mi- modified materials performance in comparison to conven- tional quantum well lasers.8–10 croscopy~XSTM!imageinthe@110#projectionfortheentire verticalheightofthesuperlatticewhereimagesofperiods~a! The causes of LCM are currently under debate, but it is 1–45, ~b! 32–84, ~c! 58–117, and ~d! 84–137 are shown. generally agreed that there is a kinetic process in which sur- Lateral thickness undulations are evident in both the InAs facediffusion,includingagradientterm,togetherwithstrain lead to thickness undulation and composition modulation.11 and GaSb layers, dark and bright regions, respectively, but are more prominent in the InAs layers. From these images it The detailed combination of these different effects is mate- isclearlyseenthatittookafewperiodsofgrowthbeforethe rial dependent, and so it is possible that different mecha- nisms predominate in single-layer versus SPS structures.12 modulation was initiated, and the peak-to-trough height in- creased as the growth continued until about 40 periods, In this work we report the x-ray diffraction analysis of LCM in InAs/GaSb superlattices ~SL!. These superlattices where they became regular; beyond about 80 periods, the modulationbecamequiteirregular.Thisistheclearestimage are important because of their use in optoelectronic applica- tions such as midwave infrared detectors13 and lasers.14 of laterally organized thickness undulations in a SLreported to date.16 XSTM images indicate that no lateral undulations occur in the orthogonal plane.15,16 a!Electronicmail:[email protected] Thickness undulations in superlattice bilayers have been b!Presentaddress:UniversityofHouston-Downtown,DepartmentofNatural a leading candidate for the cause of LCM in SLs, and the Sciences,Houston,TX77002. c!Presentaddress:HRLLaboratories,LLC,Malibu,CA90265. standard model depicting the undulations is shown in Fig. 0021-8979/2003/93(1)/311/5/$20.00 311 ©2003AmericanInstituteofPhysics Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see http://ojps.aip.org/japo/japcr.jsp Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED AUG 2002 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2002 to 00-00-2002 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Lateral composition modulation in InAs/GaSb superlattices 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Research Laboratory,4555 Overlook Avenue REPORT NUMBER SW,Washington,DC,20375 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 5 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 312 J.Appl.Phys.,Vol.93,No.1,1January2003 Stokesetal. FIG.1. XSTMimageinthe@110#projectionfortheentireverticalheightof the140period(InAs) /GaSb) superlatticewhereimagesofperiods~a! 13 13 1–45,~b!32–84,~c!58–117,and~d!84–137areshown. 2~a!.17 The morphology observed in Fig. 1~b! is depicted schematicallyinFig.2~b!,withthecorrespondingdiffraction peaks in reciprocal space, and is quite different from the standardmodel.ThethickestpartsoftheundulatinglayersA areoffsetfromeachotherbyhalftheundulationwavelength, resulting in a vertical period twice that of the deposited su- perlattice. This may occur in order for the layer to maintain the flattest, lowest energy surface possible. The parallelo- gram depicts the superstructure unit cell, corresponding to both the vertical and lateral structures.The shape of the unit cellisduetothestackingoftheundulatinglayers.Thetilta of the unit cell base with respect to the ~001! plane leads to FIG.2. Schematicdiagramsof~a!predictedLCMinSPSstructureand~b! an equal tilt of the vertical satellite peaks with respect to the theLCMobservedinan(InAs) /GaSb) superlattice,alongwiththeas- 13 13 @001# direction. sociateddiffractionpatterninreciprocalspace.L andL arethewave- SL LCM Although thickness undulations were observed in the lengthsoftheverticalSLandLCM,respectively.Regionsuandwrepresent Ga-richandIn-richregionsofthestructure,respectively.Thesmallarrows XSTM image, this does not necessarily imply that chemical indicatewheretheGaSb~layerB!isthickest~betweenatroughandacrest LCM exists. If the thickness of layer B in Fig. 2~b! does not oftheInAslayer!.Theparallelogramshowstheunitcellcorrespondingto vary, this structure will not exhibit LCM; the A/B ratio theverticalandlateralsuperstructure,whereaistheanglebetweentheunit cellbaseandthe~001!plane.TheblackcirclerepresentsaBraggdiffraction would be the same in regions u and w. On the other hand, if peakfromtheaveragelattice~SL0!,whilethegraycirclesrepresentvertical the thickness of layer B varies as depicted in Fig. 2~b!, the andlateralsatellites. A/B ratio is greater in regions w and smaller in regions u, resulting in LCM. The essentially vertical bright and dark stripes in Fig. 1, InAs-rich and GaSb-rich regions, respec- High-resolution double crystal XRD analysis of the tively,implythatLCMispresent.ThiswasverifiedbyXRD. sample was performed on a four-circle diffractometer with a For periodic lateral structure, i.e., thickness undulation 12 kW rotating anode x-ray source, using CuKa1 radiation andcompositionmodulation,theBraggdiffractionpeaksare (l51.54051Å). Radial line scans were performed through surrounded by a set of lateral satellites. If only thickness the~002!,~004!,and~006!Braggpeaksaswellasreciprocal undulations are present, lateral satellites may be present space maps ~RSMs! about the ~004!, ~224!, and ~444! Bragg about high order vertical satellites; however, only LCM will peaks in the plane perpendicular to the lateral modulations lead to lateral satellites about the zeroth order vertical satel- (f[0°) and parallel to the lateral modulations (f[90°). lite, SL0, which corresponds to the average SL lattice spac- Radial line scans through the ~004! Bragg peak at f ing. The effects of LCM on the SL0 peak itself may also be 50° and f590° are shown in Figs. 3~a! and 3~b!, respec- observable along the growth direction, depending on the tively.Notethattheoddnumberedverticalsatellitepeaksare magnitude of the composition change. missing from Fig. 3~b!, which will be explained later. The Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see http://ojps.aip.org/japo/japcr.jsp J.Appl.Phys.,Vol.93,No.1,1January2003 Stokesetal. 313 FIG.3. XRDradialscansthroughthe~004!Braggpeakat~a!f50° and ~b!f590°, whichshowstheabsenceofoddordersatellites. ~004! RSM at f50°, Fig. 4, contains peaks corresponding to GaSb and the average superlattice ~SL0!, and vertical su- perlattice satellite peaks up to 62. The ~224! and ~444! RSMs indicate that the superlattice is fully strained to the GaSb substrate and buffer. RSMs performed about the ~004!, ~224!, and ~444! Braggpeaksatf[90° confirmedthepresenceofLCM.The f590° ~004! and ~444! RSMs are shown in Figs. 5~a! and 5~b!,andshowsatellitepeakscorrespondingtoboththever- ticalandlateralstructure;lateralsatellitesareobservedabout theSL0peak.Inthisplane,theverticalsuperlatticepeaksare tiltedwithrespectto@001#,asdepictedschematicallyinFig. FIG.5. XRDreciprocalspacemapsofLCMaroundthe~a!~004!and~b! 2~b!. The measured tilt of 7.5°60.5° does not affect the SL (¯4¯44)Braggpeaksatf590°,paralleltotheLCM,whoselinearradialscan crystallineplanes,i.e.,theSL0peakisnottiltedwithrespect isshowninFig.3~b!. totheGaSbpeak,andresultsfromthestackingoftheundu- latinglayers.Therearealsodiffusestreaksofintensitypass- ing through the satellites along the stacking direction, which are naturally attributed to stacking errors. The vertical tilt explainstheabsenceoftheoddnumberedsatellitesfromthe radial scan in Fig. 3~b!; the odd numbered vertical satellite peaksareshiftedoffofthe@001#axisinthisplane,asseenin Figs. 5~a! and 5~b!. Only two-dimensional RSMs can reveal both the LCM satellites and the tilting of the structure. The LCM wavelength measured from the f[90° RSMs,L 555463Å, isinexcellentagreementwiththe LCM spacing measured between bright ~or dark! columns in the XSTM image, which is approximately 600Å. Note that XRDmeasurementsaverageovertheentiresampledvolume, which in this case includes the entire vertical height of the sample, whereas XSTM images are highly localized. The thickness undulation wavelength measured from the XSTM images, assuming a sine wave periodicity, is 1100 21200Å, which is twice the LCM wavelength. Note that for a standard model LCM superlattice, Fig. 2~a!, these two wavelengths would be identical. Typical LCM wavelengths reported in the literature range from 100 to 400Å, which is similar to L for this sample. FIG. 4. XRD reciprocal space map around the ~004! Bragg peak at f LCM 50°, perpendiculartotheLCM,whoselinearradialscanisshowninFig. The vertical SL wavelength, LSL5155610Å, was de- 3~a!. terminedfromallofthef50° andf590° RSMsandradial Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see http://ojps.aip.org/japo/japcr.jsp 314 J.Appl.Phys.,Vol.93,No.1,1January2003 Stokesetal. scans.TheintendedSLwavelengthwas80Å. Thismeasured The surprising lateral structure of this sample is attrib- doubling of the intended wavelength corresponds to the uted to the facts that ~1! the Ga~As!Sb thickness undulations LCMstructureasdepictedinFig.2~b!.The610Å variation are much smaller than those of the InAs~Sb! layer, and ~2! of L is best illustrated by the radial ~004! scans in Fig. 3; thethickestpartoftheGa~As!Sblayerisnotaboveatrough SL the 62 and 14 satellite peaks show splitting. Unlike the in the previous InAs~Sb! layer, but between a crest and work by Giannini et al.,18 simulations indicate that the dif- trough. There are two possible explanations for the initial ferent compositions in regions u and w cannot completely point. Thickness undulations are believed to be driven by account for the observed splitting. Rather, it indicates that strain relaxation.11,21,26–30 This SL is fully strained, i.e., lat- there are two or more discrete LSL values in the structure. tice matched to the GaSb substrate. The relaxed lattice con- We believe that this is due to variations along the growth stantscorrespondingtothelimitinglayercompositionsgiven direction, which are clearly seen in Fig. 1.This is consistent above are 6.1102Å for InAs Sb and 6.0767Å for 0.877 0.123 with the fact that the splitting is not seen in the odd num- GaAs Sb . Thus, the InAs~Sb! layer is under a com- beredsatelliteswhichareduetothedoublingofLSLassoci- pressi0v.0e43stra0i.n957<0.2% and the Ga~As!Sb layer is a under ated with the periodic lateral structure, and therefore come tensile strain <0.3%. Although these strains are small, the primarily from the sample section represented by Fig. 1~b!. InAs~Sb!isundercompressivestrain,whichhasbeenshown The entire sample contributes to the even numbered satel- to be more likely to lead to film instabilities.11,31–33 Second, lites, even where the lateral structure is weak, and therefore the surface tensions of these layers are 1400ergs/cm2 for these will most strongly reflect variations along the growth InAs,and1600ergs/cm2 forGaSb.Withalloyingofthelay- direction. ers,thesurfacetensionofInAswoulddecrease,whilethatof TheaverageSLlatticeconstantwasdeterminedfromall GaSb would increase. The somewhat smaller InAs~Sb! sur- ofthescans,bothatf50° and90°,andmeasuredrelativeto face tension makes it more likely to form undulations. Al- GaSb which was assumed to be relaxed with a56.0959Å. though these influences are small, they would tend to cause The measured SL lattice constants are a56.0959Å ~in- greater thickness variation in the InAs~Sb! layer. plane!, and c56.108060.001Å ~out-of-plane!. This indi- cates that the nominally InAs SL layers (a 56.0583Å) ThepositionoftheGa~As!Sb‘‘crest’’doesnotappearto InAs be explained by current elastic instability theory. Several ar- are in fact InAsSb. This is consistent with previous STM ticles have addressed the morphology of strained-layer su- imagesofthissamplethatshowedbothSbintheInAslayers aswellassomeAsintheGaSblayers.15Thecomplexstruc- perlattices, and predict elastic roughening or ripples as it is related to the growth mode.11,21,26–30,34,35 The theory that ture of the sample prevented a complete fit of the XRD in- most closely describes the observed LCM structure is by tensities, however, simulations indicated that the fraction of Shilkrot et al.21 This theory predicts undulations, which are AsintheGaSblayersislessthan4%,andthatthefractionof Sb in the InAs layers varies from ;12% in regions u to classified as an in-phase, complex or out-of-phase growth ;8% in regions w, where InSb interfacial bonds have been mode. In the in-phase mode, each sequential layer is modu- considered. This alloying was not addressed in previous lated in-phase, with the amplitude of modulation increasing publications,15,16althoughitisconsistentwithXSTMimages as the growth progresses. This structure does not lead to of the sample. LCM. In the out-of-phase mode, each sequential layer is 180° out-of-phase with its surrounding layers, as depicted in our Fig. 2~a!. SL layers A and B are assumed to be strain IV. DISCUSSION balanced with respect to the substrate, having equal and op- posite strain. This theory predicts that an undulating layer While surface undulations have been observed in other samples,19thisistheclearestimageofthicknessundulations will be most relaxed at its crests ~lowest surface energy!; hence, material B prefers to grow on the troughs of material in a SL exhibiting LCM. This is partly due to the fact that Adue to the stress/strain state resulting from the underlying thisisnotaSPS,i.e.,theselayersaremorethanafewmono- interface. In the complex mode described by Shilkrot et al., layersthick.Imagesofasimilarstructurehavebeenobtained alternatinglayersareeitherinoroutofphase,andthepattern bycross-sectionaltransmissionelectronmicroscopyofInAs/ AlInAs superlattices.20 There have been no other reports of may be periodic or aperiodic. While both the out-of-phase vertical wavelength doubling, indicative of the structure ob- and complex modes can lead to LCM, they do not explain served here; however, different undulation structures are the structure observed here, i.e., the preferential growth of likely to occur, depending on the strain between the SLlay- Ga~As!Sb between the InAs~Sb! troughs and crests, which ers and the substrate.4–6,11,17,21–25 wouldbereferredtoas90°out-of-phaseintheShilkrotetal. Thickness undulations are clearly the cause of LCM in terminology. Our structure consists of alternating layers that this sample. The InAs~Sb! layer thickness ranges from 4 to are 90° and 180° out-of-phase with the surrounding layers. 28 monolayers, while the Ga~As!Sb thickness varies from 8 If the preferred growth of the Ga~As!Sb between a to 18 monolayers, as determined from XRD simulations. trough and crest of the InAs~Sb! layer is to be explained by This leads to InAs~Sb!/Ga~As!Sb ratios of approximately strain, the InAs~Sb! troughs must have an in-plane lattice 2:1 inregionwand1:3 inregionu.Thereisalloyinginthe constant less than that of the substrate and the Ga~As!Sb. SLlayers,andthereissomelateralvariationofthealloying, This is unlikely, since there is no driving force for a reduc- butthiseffectismuchsmallerthanthelargethicknessvaria- tionoftheInAs~Sb!latticeconstantbelowthatofGa~As!Sb. tions that are observed. In this case, the detailed surface diffusion and gradient en- Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see http://ojps.aip.org/japo/japcr.jsp J.Appl.Phys.,Vol.93,No.1,1January2003 Stokesetal. 315 ergy contributions to the evolving structure must be consid- 1F.Peiro,A.Cornet,J.C.Ferrer,J.R.Morante,G.Halkias,andA.Geor- ered. gakilas,Mater.Res.Soc.Symp.Proc.417,265~1996!. 2R.D.Twesten,D.M.Follstaedt,E.J.Heller,E.D.Jones,S.R.Lee,J.M. Alternatively,thismaybeexplainedbyGaSbgrowthon Mullinchick,F.A.J.M.Driessen,andJ.D.Mascarenhas,Bull.Am.Phys. facetted surfaces. It has been shown that the growth rate of Soc.41,693~1996!. GaSb~bymetalorganicmolecularbeamepitaxy!isenhanced 3A.Mascarenhas,R.G.Alonso,G.S.Horner,S.Froyen,K.C.Hsieh,and on~11n!substratesoverthaton~001!.36Thismayimplythat K.Y.Cheng,SuperlatticesMicrostruct.12,57~1992!. the growth rates will also be enhanced at atomic steps con- 4K. C. Hsieh, J. N. Baillargeon, and K. Y. Cheng,Appl. Phys. Lett. 57, sisting of ~11n! planes. 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