SurfaceScience423(1999)L265–L270 SurfaceScienceLetters × The structure of Si(112):Ga-(N 1) reconstructions A.A. Baski a, S.C. Erwin b, L.J. Whitman b,* aDepartmentofPhysics,VirginiaCommonwealthUniversity,Richmond,VA23284,USA bNavalResearchLaboratory,Washington,DC20375,USA Received1December1998;acceptedforpublication21December1998 Abstract We have studied the structure of Si(112):Ga-(N×1) reconstructions using atomic-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy and first-principles calculations. The nanofaceted clean Si(112) surface becomes planar following the adsorption ofGa, which forms long chains on the surface interrupted by isolated quasi-periodic defects. The defects create a mixture of (N×1) structures (N#4–7) with 5×1 and 6×1 unit cells most common. We demonstrate that thisstructureconsistsofachainofGaatomsadsorbedatthe(111)-likestepedgewithinthe(112)unitcell,andthat the defects are Ga vacancies where the exposed step edge Si atoms form a dimer bond. Calculations performed as a functionofvacancyperiodconfirmthatthesurfaceenergyisminimizedatN=5–6,whencompressivestrainassociated withthe Si–Gabonds iseVectively minimized.© 1999ElsevierScienceB.V. All rightsreserved. Keywords: Density functional calculations; Gallium; High index single crystal surfaces; Scanning tunneling microscopy; Silicon; Surfaceenergy;Surfacestructure,morphology,roughness,andtopography A variety of systems have been explored as step edge ‘atomic-wire’ system [3–7]. However, it candidates for the growth of self-assembled wires was recently shown that clean Si(112) is faceted on the nanometer scale. For example, V-shaped [8],andonlybecomesplanarfollowingtheadsorp- grooves have been used as templates for growing tion of Ga [9]. This large-scale surface restructur- quantumwirearrays[1],andvicinalsurfaceshave ing indicates that Ga interacts strongly with the been used to nucleate atomically thin wires at the substrate, and therefore the self-assembly in this step edges [2]. In these systems it is generally case is a fundamentally diVerent phenomenon. assumed that the substrate is structurally inert – Thebulk-terminatedSi(112)surfaceconsistsof that is, the known morphology of the surface narrow (111) terraces [two (1×1)-unit cells wide] determines the geometry of the heterostructure, separated by single-height steps, and it has long with the self-assembly governed by interactions beenassertedthatGa‘wires’adsorbalongthestep within the overlayer. Based on a variety of experi- edges [4–7]. As shown by scanning tunneling ments over the past two decades, the adsorption microscopy(STM),thecleanSi(112)surfacecon- of Ga on Si(112) has been described as such a sists of quasi-periodic nanofacets (~10nm width) with(111)and~(337)orientations[8].Following *Correspondingauthor.Fax:+1-202-767-3321; Gaadsorptionandannealing,thesurfacemorphol- e-mail:[email protected]. ogy becomes planar [i.e. all terraces have a (112) 0039-6028/99/$–seefrontmatter©1999ElsevierScienceB.V.Allrightsreserved. PII: S0039-6028(99)00005-9 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED DEC 1998 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-1998 to 00-00-1998 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER The structure of Si(112):Ga-(N×1) reconstructions 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Research Laboratory,4555 Overlook Avenue REPORT NUMBER SW,Washington,DC,20375 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT We have studied the structure of Si(112):Ga-(N×1) reconstructions using atomic-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy and first-principles calculations. The nanofaceted clean Si(112) surface becomes planar following the adsorption of Ga, which forms long chains on the surface interrupted by isolated quasi-periodic defects. The defects create a mixture of (N×1) structures (N#4-7) with 5×1 and 6×1 unit cells most common. We demonstrate that this structure consists of a chain of Ga atoms adsorbed at the (111)-like step edge within the (112) unit cell, and that the defects are Ga vacancies where the exposed step edge Si atoms form a dimer bond. Calculations performed as a function of vacancy period confirm that the surface energy is minimized at N=5-6, when compressive strain associated with the Si-Ga bonds is effectively minimized. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 6 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 E C N E CI S S URFACLEE TTER S L266 A.A.Baskietal./SurfaceScience423(1999)L265–L270 orientation] with a mixture of (5×1) and (6×1) terminated unit cell in the [1:10] direction). structures. It has been proposed that the (N×1) Previous LEED studies have found that periodicity is caused by periodic vacancies within Ga/Si(112)exhibitsboth(5×1)and(6×1)recon- the Ga chains [4–7]. In this Letter, we use both structions[4,5,7].FromourSTMresultsitisclear STM and first-principles total-energy calculations thatthereisactuallyarangeof‘localperiodicities’ to show definitively that this vacancy model is fluctuating around an average value between 5a indeed correct. and 6a. TheSTMexperimentswereperformedinultra- Identifying the defects requires a structural high vacuum using Si wafers oriented to within model for the Ga adsorption. A model was first 0.5° of (112). To obtain a clean surface each suggested by Jung et al. [5], based on LEED and sample was radiatively heated to 1150°C for 60s AES, in which Ga adsorbs at the step edge within (pressure≤2×10−9Torr).Galliumwasdeposited each bulk-terminated (112) unit cell to form Ga from a heated tungsten basket onto samples at chains. The observed (6×1) reconstruction was temperatures below 150°C. After depositing interpreted as one-sixthGa vacancies, which leave >1ML of Ga, the surface was annealed to unbonded pairs of Si step edge atoms to rebond 500±50°C for 10min, resulting in a ‘6×1’ low asdimers,asshowninFig.2.Asubsequentangle- energy electron diVraction (LEED) pattern resolved AES study provided structural data sup- thought to correspond to 5/6 Ga atoms per bulk- porting this model [6]. This model has the attrac- terminated(112)unitcell[5,7].TheAugerelectron tive feature that it immediately explains the spectroscopy (AES) Ga (55eV)-to-Si (92eV) absence of adjacent defects in the STM images: peak height ratio on this surface was 0.04±0.005, two adjacent vacancies would necessarily lead to similar to that observed previously [4], indicating a Si dimer plus a Si step edge atom with two that we produced a comparable surface structure. dangling bonds – an energetically unfavorable STM images of the filled and empty electronic geometry. However, the atomic-resolution STM states were acquired at room temperature with a images cannot easily be interpreted in terms of constant current between 0.1 and 0.3nA and bias this structure given that ‘bumps’ are observed in voltages between 1.0 and 2.5V. thefilledstateswhereavacancyissupposedtolie. Fig.1 shows gray-scale STM images of the Inordertodeterminethestructuredefinitively,we Si(112):Ga-(N×1)surfaceexhibitingwell-ordered have performed extensive first-principles total- : row structures oriented along the [110] direction. energy calculations. The spacingbetween rowsis0.94nm,correspond- Thecalculationswereperformedina(112)slab ing to the width of the bulk-terminated (112) unit geometry with six layers of Si and a vacuum layer cell, confirming the local restoration of the basal equivalenttofivelayersofSi,withthesamesingle orientation. Along these rows, isolated periodic (N×1) unit cell on both slab surfaces. Total ener- defects are observed that appear as dark minima gies and forces were calculated within the local- in empty-state images and slightly enhanced density approximation (LDA) with gradient cor- maxima in filled-state images. The single defects rections [10], using Troullier–Martins pseudo- are correlated across the rows and resemble potentials and a plane-wave basis with a kinetic trenches perpendicular to the row direction in the energy cutoV of 8Ry, as implemented in the empty states. At higher magnification [Fig.1c,d fhi96mdcode [11]. Because the surface Brillouin and Fig.2], the filled-state ‘bumps’ range in zones of the diVerent supercells are not simply appearance from symmetrical pairs of weak related, the individual total energies were required maxima to more pronounced single maxima. tobecompletelyconvergedwithrespecttok-point Similarly, in the empty states some defects appear sampling. Most importantly, full structural relax- as single depressions along the row, and others as ation was performed on all but the innermost two wider, asymmetrical depressions. Within a single layers untilthe surface energies wereconverged to row the separation between these defects varies 0.1meVA˚−2. A variety of structural models were from 4ato7a (a=0.34nm,the lengthofthe bulk- investigated, including Ga adsorbed on the (111) S U R F A LC ETTEE SCI R E SN C E A.A.Baskietal./SurfaceScience423(1999)L265–L270 L267 Fig.1.Gray-scaleSTMimagesofSi(112):Ga-(N×1)measuredforboththefilled(a,c)andempty(b,d)statesondiVerentareasof the surface. The size of each image is indicated. The (N×1) reconstruction appears as rows oriented along the [1:10] direction interruptedby quasi-periodicdefectsthat are correlatedalong [111:] (Nrangesfrom 4 to7,butis mostoften 5or6). Thedefects appearasdeeptrenchesintheemptystatetopographyandasslightridgesinthefilledstates.Notethattheimagesin(a)and(b) includemultiple(112)terraces. terraces in T or atop sites, and along the step relative stabilityofthe diVerentvacancyperiodici- 4 edges with periodic vacancies or substitutional Si ties, we computed the equilibrium surface free atoms within the chain. In the end, the step energy per unit area, c(h), as a functionof the Ga edge/vacancymodel had thelowest surfaceenergy coverage, h=(N−1)/N: and was the only structure consistent with the c(h)=(2A)−1[E (h)−n E −n E ] (3) STM images. t Ga Ga Si Si Within the (N×1) step edge/vacancy model we where A is the surface area of the (N×1) unit examined a wide range of vacancy periods, with cell, E(h) the total energy, n the number of t Ga,Si N ranging from 2 (every other Ga atom missing) atoms per cell, and E the chemical potentials. Ga,Si to8,aswellasa(1×1)structurewithnovacancies Notethatweareonlyinterestedinrelativesurface (equivalent to N(cid:129)2). In order to compare the energies, which depend on the chemical potential E C N E CI S S URFACLEE TTER S L268 A.A.Baskietal./SurfaceScience423(1999)L265–L270 Fig.2.Atomic-resolution dual-biasSTMimage ofthe (a)filled and(b) emptystates inone(5×1)area. (c)Simulated filled-state imagecalculatedfora(5×1)stepedge/vacancymodelwheretheadjacentSiatomsatthevacancysiteformadimer.(d)Modelfor the Si(112):Ga-(5×1) reconstruction after full structural relaxation. Ga atoms are dark gray and rebonded Si dimer atoms are lightergray. of Ga but not of Si in this case. For E we use and (6×1) vacancy periods, in remarkable Ga here the calculated energy per atom of bulk Ga, agreement with the average spacing observed which is the thermodynamic upper limit for E ; experimentally. Because each calculation was lim- Ga the minimum of c(h) is unchanged for E within ited to a single (N×1) unit cell, we cannot com- Ga ~1eV of this limit. As shown in Fig.3, where we ment on the energetics of the vacancy alignment compare the relative energies with respect to that from row-to-row. for no vacancies, a sharply defined minimum in One puzzling feature of this surface is the the calculated surface energy occurs for (5×1) appearance of the vacancy defects as raised S U R F A LC ETTEE SCI R E SN C E A.A.Baskietal./SurfaceScience423(1999)L265–L270 L269 ment. We assume the variable appearance of the defects in the room-temperature images is associ- ated with higher-energy, asymmetrical variations in the local vacancy structure. Our first-principles results not only correctly predict the ground-state equilibrium (5×1) and (6×1)structures,butalsoprovideinsightintothe physical mechanism that leads to their relative stabilities. When there are no Ga vacancies, the fully relaxed surface geometry shows that the step edge Si–Ga bond is compressed by 7% relative to a terrace Si–Ga bond length. Introducing widely separated vacancies relieves this compression, but only in the vicinity of the resulting Si dimer. With more frequentvacancies, a larger fraction of these compressedSi–Gabonds isrelieved;hence,Si–Ga strain relief favors having the vacancies close together. However, when the vacancies become Fig.3.First-principlessurfaceenergiescalculatedasafunction two to three lattice constants apart, the average ofvacancyperiod.Theenergy,displayedrelativetotheenergy strain in the Si–Ga chains changes from compres- forcontinuous Gachains (novacancies), islowest for (5×1) sive to tensile, leading to an eVective short-range and(6×1)periods,inagreementwithexperiment. vacancyrepulsion.Theresolutionofthesecompet- ing interactions at N=5–6 is a function of the ‘bumps’inthefilled-statetopography.Thisappar- eVective Si–Gaforce constantandthesubstrateSi ent contradiction is neatly resolved by analyzing lattice constant, and can be described analytically our numerically simulated constant-current STM by a one-dimensional Frenkel–Kontorova model images of the ground-state structure – which also (aswillbereportedinaseparatepublication[12]). show raised bumps at the defect sites (see Fig.2). In conclusion, we have studied the structure of From the spatial relationship between the simu- Si(112):Ga-(N×1) reconstructions using atomic- lated topography and the underlying atomic posi- resolution scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) tions, it is clear that all of the maxima are and first-principles calculations. We demonstrate associatedwith Siatoms;thatis, theGa atoms do thatthe(N×1)structureconsistsofachainofGa not appear in the filled-state image. Thus, the atoms adsorbed at the (111)-like step edge within verticalrowstructuresseeninFig.1a,candFig.2a the (112) unit cell, interrupted by periodic vacan- arenotadsorbedGaatomsbutratherSistepedge cies where the exposed step edge Si atoms form a atoms, and the raised features are associated with dimer bond, as previously proposed. Calculations the dimer-bonded Si atoms at each vacancy site. performedasafunctionofvacancyperiodconfirm Finally, although the dimers appear higher than the surface energy is minimized at N=5–6, when the step edge atoms in the images, they are physi- the strain energy associated with the Si–Ga bonds callyslightly lower. Their apparently raised height is eVectively minimized. Given the multilayer is a purely electronic eVect: because the Si dimer restructuring of the Si(112) surface that occurs bondishighlystrained,theassociatedsurfacestate uponadsorptionofGa,thissystemwouldbemore is closer to the Fermi level, causing a relative accurately described as an adsorbate-induced sur- increase in the local state density and a ‘bump’ in face reconstruction rather than a self-assembled thefilled-statetopography.Theelectronicstructure array of ‘quantum wires’. 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