SurfaceScience545(2003)70–84 Step structure and surface morphology of hydrogen-terminated silicon: (001) to (114) A.R. Laracuente *, L.J. Whitman NavalResearchLaboratory,Code6177,4555OverlookAvenueSW,Washington,DC20375-5342,USA Received29May2003;acceptedforpublication19August2003 Abstract Wehavedeterminedtheequilibriumstepstructuresandsurfacemorphologyforthewholerangeofmonohydride- terminated (001)-terrace-plus-step silicon surfaces using scanning tunneling microscopy. The transformation in the equilibriumSisurfacemorphologycausedbyH-terminationcanbecategorizedintothreedifferentregimesdelineated by the types of steps present on the clean surfaces. On nominal Si(001), the single-layer height B-type steps (S ) are B mostly non-rebonded and rougher after H passivation. On surfaces dominated by double-layer height B-type steps (D ), such as Si(1111), the non-rebonded D and S steps show a lower formation energy. Measurements on post- B B B annealed surfaces indicate that the D step formation energies strongly depend on H chemical potential. Smoother B morphologiesareobservedfollowingH-terminationofsurfacesorientedapproximatelybetween(117)and(114).This effectisquiteapparentonSi(115),wherethemonohydridesurfaceexhibitslarge(115)-(2·2)domains,astructurenot observedonthecleansurface.Allofthesestructuralmodificationsresultdirectlyfromachangeintherelativeenergies ofthe possible single-and double-layerstep configurations. (cid:2) 2003Elsevier B.V.All rightsreserved. Keywords: Scanning tunneling microscopy; Silicon; Single crystal surfaces; Hydrogen atom; Chemisorption; Surface structure, morphology,roughness,andtopography;Surfaceenergy;Equilibriumthermodynamicsandstatisticalmechanics 1. Introduction adsorbates and these kinds of changes [1]. Some surfaces will undertake extreme morphologies to Surface steps are a fundamental building block assure a low-energy configuration. Roughening inlayer-by-layerfilmgrowth.Itiswellknownthat [2,3], faceting [4,5], growth mode modification adsorbates can change the step edge structure and [6,7], and surface reconstructions [8–10] are just a energetics, inducing morphological and structural few of the properties that are directly tied to sur- changes. Upon adsorption, the surface chemical face temperature and/or adsorbate coverage (i.e. potentialandsurfacefreeenergyisaltered,andthe chemical potential). Understanding how changes surfacewillrestructuretoloweritssurfaceenergy. in chemical potential and surface free energy in- Semiconductors are particularly susceptible to ducedbyadsorptionaffectthesurfacemorphology andreconstructionisaninterestingandimportant ongoing topic in surface science [11–15]. *Correspondingauthor.Tel.:+1-202-767-2519;fax:+1-202- Because of its technological importance, silicon 767-3321. E-mailaddress:[email protected](A.R.Laracuente). is the most widely studied semiconductor surface. 0039-6028/$-seefrontmatter (cid:2) 2003ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.susc.2003.08.038 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED MAY 2003 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2003 to 00-00-2003 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Step structure and surface morphology of hydrogen-terminated silicon: 5b. GRANT NUMBER (001) to (114) 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Research Laboratory,Code 6177,4555 Overlook Avenue REPORT NUMBER SW,Washington,DC,20375 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT We have determined the equilibrium step structures and surface morphology for the whole range of monohydride-terminated (0 0 1)-terrace-plus-step silicon surfaces using scanning tunneling microscopy. The transformation in the equilibrium Si surface morphology caused by H-termination can be categorized into three different regimes delineated by the types of steps present on the clean surfaces. On nominal Si(0 0 1),the single-layer height B-type steps (SB) are mostly non-rebonded and rougher after H passivation. On surfaces dominated by double-layer height B-type steps (DB),such as Si(1 1 11),the non-rebonded DB and SB steps show a lower formation energy. Measurements on post-annealed surfaces indicate that the DB step formation energies strongly depend on H chemical potential. Smoother morphologies are observed following H-termination of surfaces oriented approximately between (1 1 7) and (1 1 4). This effect is quite apparent on Si(1 1 5),where the monohydride surface exhibits large (1 1 5)-(2 · 2) domains,a structure not observed on the clean surface. All of these structural modifications result directly from a change in the relative energies of the possible single- and double-layer step configurations. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 15 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 A.R.Laracuente,L.J.Whitman/SurfaceScience545(2003)70–84 71 Although the surface morphologies and recon- wafers oriented within 0.5(cid:3) of (001), (1111), structionsoncleanSisurfaceswithawiderangeof (117),(115),and(114).Sampleswerecutfroma crystallographic orientations have been examined, wafer, transferred into the UHV chamber, and most studies have concentrated on orientations degassed for 8 h. A clean Si surface was prepared near(001)[16,17].Inthevicinityof(001),surfaces by heating the sample twice at 1500 K for 1 min aredescribedashavingan(001)-liketerrace-plus- and then 5 s, consecutively, while maintaining the step morphology [16]. Steps are labeled according pressureintheUHVchamberbelow8·10(cid:2)10Torr. to their height (single- (S) vs. double-layer (D) The sample cools radiatively to room temperature height)andtothedimerorientationontheterrace after each heating, and there is a minimum 5-min precedingthestep(A-vs.B-type)[18].Adsorption delay between each heating.Samples were cleaned on Si can produce many different changes to the many times using the same procedure without af- surface morphology. Surface faceting and new re- fecting the apparent cleanliness of the surface or constructions are just a few of these changes. the long- and short-range order. Monohydride- Hydrogen is one of the simplest and most im- terminated surfaces were prepared by exposing portant adsorbates on Si. Particular attention has cleansamplestoatomicHwhileheatingthesample been paid to its adsorption on nominal Si(001) at615K.AtomicHwasproducedbydecomposing [19,20]. Saturation exposure to molecular H at molecular H with a hot tungsten filament located 2 2 room temperature simply passivates the steps [21– 1cmawayfromthesample.AfterHexposuresome 24]. While adsorption at very-high temperatures samples were post-annealed at the same dosing and pressures produces a monohydride surface temperature. Filled and empty state scanning tun- [25], these exposure conditions are far from ideal. neling microscope (STM) images of the clean and Instead, atomic hydrogen, rather than molecular monohydride surfaces were collected at 2 V and H , is used to prepare a well ordered, low defect 0.1nA. 2 density H-terminated surface. The morphology and reconstruction after passivation strongly de- pends on the H chemical potential [26]. By select- 3. Results ing adequate surface temperature and exposure conditions, a (1·1), (3·1), or (2·1) surface is Before describing our results on the monohy- prepared [20,27–30]. In the case of low tempera- dride surface, it is useful to review the clean sur- ture exposures, Si is etched primarily by the evo- face. The studied surfaces belong to a family of lutionofSiH fromSiH hydrides[29].Because surfaces having an (001)-terrace-plus-step mor- 4 x¼2;3 thesehydridespeciesareunstableabove550K,the phology[16].Inthisfamily(001)and(114)(19.5(cid:3) monohydride surface prepared between 600 and away from (001) towards (111)) [33] are the only 675 K is impervious to etching [31]. Although stable, low-energy planes. The other orientations adsorption of H on Si has been well studied, we can be sorted into four regions depending on the have recently found that H changes the atomic kinds of steps present at the surface. Fig. 1 shows structure of the steps and that these changes can thedistributionofthestepsasafunctionofmiscut affect the surface morphology on Si(001) vicinal angle in the four regions. Region I consists of al- surfaces [32]. Here we report the surface mor- ternating single-layer A- and B-type steps (S and A phology of monohydride-terminated Si and the S ), whereas region III is composed solely of re- B changes induced by H for the whole range of bonded double-layer steps (r-D ). Surfaces in re- B surface orientations from (001) to (114). gionsIIandIVcontainamixtureofsteps;S +S A B mixed with r-D in region II, and non-rebonded B D steps (n-D ) mixed with r-D in region IV. B B B 2. Experimental Note that in this region the ratio of n- to r-D B steps increases from zero on (117) to one on The experiments were performed in ultra-high Si(114). To help the reader visualize the different vacuum (UHV) using commercially available Si step structures referred to in this work, top and 72 A.R.Laracuente,L.J.Whitman/SurfaceScience545(2003)70–84 side view ball and stick models of the step struc- tures are also shown in Fig. 1. Toillustratehowthestepsappearattheatomic scale, high-resolution STM images of the clean (001)-like surfaces are depicted in Fig. 2. On S A steps, the dimer rows of the upper terrace are oriented parallel to the step edge, whereas on S B steps they are oriented perpendicular to the step edge. Most S steps on the clean surface are B rebonded, meaning that there is an extra row of atoms adjacent to the step edge. These atoms are clearly visible as a 1· row of protrusions next to the step edge (Fig. 2(b)). Structurally, r-D steps B are very similar to S steps, a dimer followed by a B pair of rebonded atoms. The brightness of the rebonded atom relative to the dimer depends on the miscut angle. For instance, on Si(1111) the protrusions associated with the dimers are much brighter than the protrusions associated with the rebonded atoms (Fig. 2(c)). In contrast, on Si(114) the dimer is hardly visible while the re- bonded atom isthebrightest featureintheimages (Fig. 2(d)). The appearance of the n-D steps in B the STM images depends on the miscut angle. On Fig. 1. Distribution of single- and double-layer steps as a functionofmiscutangleoncleanvicinalSi(001).(a)Thetype of steps present on the surface can be categorized into four regions: (I) S +S steps, (II) S +S mixed with r-D steps, A B A B B (III)r-D steps,and(IV)r-D blendwithn-D steps.Thedata B B B pointsshowninregionII,filledcirclesandsquares,weretaken fromRef.[17].(b)Structuralmodels(topandsideviews)ofthe Fig. 2. 5 nm·5 nm filled-state STM images of clean (a, b) most common steps found on clean and H-terminated vicinal Si(001),(c)(1111),and(d)(114).Modelsareoverlaidinthe Si(001).Thetriplelayer-heighttypeBstep(TB)isonlyfound figure to highlight the various step structures. (b) A row of ontheH-terminatedsurfaces. rebondedatomsisindicatedwithanarrow. A.R.Laracuente,L.J.Whitman/SurfaceScience545(2003)70–84 73 Si(115), the STM simply images the dimer at the step edge (not shown). At larger angles, like Si(114), the STM images the bonds between the dimerandthestepedgeatoms.Thisshowsupasa 2· feature of oblong protrusions running perpen- dicular to the step edge. Independent of sample orientation,allthestepshaveauniqueappearance on the STM images, making it possible to quan- tify the step structures on clean, vicinal (001) surfaces. To appreciate the morphological changes pro- duced by the passivation process, STM images of clean and monohydride-terminated Si at various orientations are depicted in Fig. 3. First, we con- sider the morphology of the clean surfaces (left column). On the well-known (001) surface, alter- nating S and S steps are easily identified in the A B figure. Surfaces in region III, like (1111) and (117), have a unit cell composed of n-dimers plus one r-D step, with n typically between 3 and 8. B Thistypeofunitcellproducesarow-likestructure oriented along the ½(cid:1)1110(cid:4) direction. The frequency of the D steps increases with increasing miscut B angle,reachingamaximumatSi(117).Itshouldbe notedthatwaferterracesteps,indicatedinFig.3(c) and(e), willbeignoredinthiswork. Inregion IV, whichincludesSi(115),thesurfacemorphologyis best described by a periodic array of nanoscale facets whose sides are (117)- and (114)-oriented. A (115)-oriented segment connects the facets to- gether. The surface morphology of Si(114) is very similar to that of nominal Si(001), where large(114)terracesareseparatedbyterrace-steps. Moving ahead to the effects of H on Si, H-ter- minated Si(001) and H-terminated Si(114) ap- pear to be unaltered after H-passivation (see Fig. 3(f) and (j)). On monohydride Si(001), a large number of kinks at the S step edge are observed. B In general, these two surfaces still exhibit the typical terrace-plus-step morphology. In contrast, the surface morphology of (1111), (117), and Fig. 3. 50 nm·50 nm filled-state STM images of clean and (115) is different after H exposure. Si(1111) and monohydride-terminated Si(001), (1111), (117), (115), and (114).(bandc)Thespacingbetweenr-D stepsishighlighted Si(117) have become disordered, with the degree B with vertical lines. (c and e) Terrace steps are indicated with of atomic-scale disorder highest on Si(117). Only arrows.(d)OnatypicalSi(115)nanofacet,thefacetsegments a hint of the typical ½(cid:1)1110(cid:4) row-like structure re- areorientedin the(117),(114), and(115)asindicatedwith mains for these two orientations. Quite the oppo- the arrows. (i) A 2· domain observed in the H-terminated site, Si(115) appears to be flatter overall after H Si(115)surfaceishighlighted.Acloseupviewofthedomainis shownintheinset. exposure. Although nanofacets remain visible, 74 A.R.Laracuente,L.J.Whitman/SurfaceScience545(2003)70–84 some areas of the surface now have an ordered, decorates the surface. Among the different step planar 2· (115) structure that extends over areas structures, the most striking is the S +S step A B as large as 2 nm·25 nm (inset Fig. 3(i)). combination (produced by the splitting of D B The change in surface morphology is directly steps), with the S step being n-S like on H-ter- B B related to the structure of the steps. To show the minated Si(001). Furthermore, r-D and n-D B B effect of H exposure on the steps, high-resolution steps coexist on this surface. There are two addi- STMimagesofthemonohydride-terminatedsteps tional step structures found on both Si(117) and are shown in Fig. 4. A general feature of passi- Si(115). The first one is a triple-layer high type B vating a surface with H is that the dimer is no step (T ) followed by an S step (T +S ). The B A B A longer buckled [20]. Aside from that, H has no second new step structure consists of a single- obvious effect on the structure of S steps. In dimer-wideS stepfollowedbyanS step,labeled A B A contrast,thestructureoftheS stepschangesafter 1S +S . Under certain conditions H has little B B A H exposure. Most noticeable is the absence of the effect on Si(114), and a nearly perfect H-termi- rebonded atoms that occur next to the step edge nated surface can be prepared with step structures on the clean surface, indicating that the H-termi- that are unchanged. It is worth noting that the nated steps are now non-rebonded (n-S ) steps. A H-terminated n-D steps have a very different B B pronounced change in structure is observed in appearance compared to the clean surface. On the Si(1111), where a mixture of step structures now H-terminated n-D steps, the step edge atoms are B clearly visible as round protrusions with a 1· period.Asinthecaseonthecleansurfaces,allthe different step structures have a unique appearance on the H-terminated surfaces. Because of spatial changes in the electronic structureasafunctionofmiscutangle,theappear- anceofr-D andn-D onH-terminatedsurfacesare B B somewhat orientation dependent. Dual-bias STM images offer the best method to observe these changes and to spot features not usually observed in filled-state images. Fig. 5 depicts empty-state images of Si(001) and (114), and dual-bias STM images of H-terminated Si(1111) and (115). Whereas the dimers on Si(001) and (114) are un- buckled,therebondedatomsonSi(114)areslightly buckled(indicatedbythealternatingintensityofthe rebonded atoms). In contrast, dimers on Si(1111) and Si(115) show a substantial buckling in the empty state images. In addition, a very interesting feature is observed on Si(1111). A row of small protrusions with a 1· periodicity emerge between the last two dimers of the n-D step edge (high- B lightedwithopencirclesinthefigure).Thisfeature, notobservedinther-D steps,indicatesthatthere B mustbesometypeofrehybridizationofthebonding at thestep. (Althoughthespecific structural origin of this effect is not yet known, it is distinctly and reproducibly observed.) On Si(115), the rebonded Fig. 4.5nm·5nmSTMimagesofmonohydride-terminatedSi atoms are distinctively observed as a row of 1· (001), (1111), (117), (115), and (114). Overlaid modelsare usetohighlightthestructureofthesteps. protrusions in the empty state images. Because of A.R.Laracuente,L.J.Whitman/SurfaceScience545(2003)70–84 75 Fig. 5.(aandb)EmptystateSTMimages,5nmontheside,of monohydrideSi(001)and(114). (c–f)5nm·5nmfilledand empty states STM images of H-terminated Si(1111) and Si(115). Overlaid models highlighta few of the steps.(d) An arrowpointstothelocationofar-D step,whileopencircles B highlight an interesting feature that only appears between di- mersnearthestepedge. the larger miscut angle on Si(115), the step edge atomsatthen-D stepsarenowvisible.Thedimers B at the n-D step show up as a diffuse row in the B emptystateimage. Fig. 6.STMimages,35nm·35nm(a)and5nm·5nm(band An interesting question is the fate of the re- c),ofmonohydride-terminatedSi(001).(a)Thearrowpointsto bondedatomsonSi(001),whicharemissingfrom astringfeaturethatisobservedonthissurfaceunderspecific the S steps after H-termination. A meticulous exposure conditions. (b) A model is overlaid on the string B featuretohighlightits3·1character.(c)Samesurfaceas(b) inspection of the surface revealed something fas- thathasbeenpost-annealedfor10minat600K.(d)Probability cinating: when the sample temperature was quen- of finding SiH (1·1 feature) as a function of the number of 2 ched toroomtemperatureafterHexposure, while dimerrowsawayfromthestepedge.Thelineisanexponential maintaining a constant H pressure, string-like fittotheaverageofthedata. 2 rows (highlighted with an arrow in the Fig. 6(a)) appeared a few dimers away from the step edge. of H pressure, and are not observed near the S 2 A These features appear on the surface independent steps. Each structure is made out of a 1· row of 76 A.R.Laracuente,L.J.Whitman/SurfaceScience545(2003)70–84 protrusionsinsertedbetweendimerrows,resulting inalocal3·1reconstruction(Fig.6(b)).Thislocal reconstruction is typical of a dihydride phase [34,35], in which the dihydride units are adjacent to monohydride-terminated dimers. The proba- bility of finding a dihydride several dimer rows away from the step edge is shown in the figure. Whenthesampleispost-annealedafterHexposure at the same passivation temperature but without any background H pressure, a trench like feature 2 is observed on the surface (Fig. 6(c)). The region around the trench still has a local 3· reconstruc- tion, butwith arow ofvacancies inserted between dimerrows;thedihydrideshavebeenreplacedwith vacancies. These observations are related to the disappearance of the rebounded atoms, and their relation will be address later inthe paper. InordertoinvestigatewhatroletheHchemical potential(l )playsduringthepassivationprocess, H H-terminated Si(1111) was studied as a function of H background pressure, exposure time, and 2 post-annealingtime.Theresultsaresummarizedin Fig. 7. First, we consider the effects that exposure time has on the structure of the steps (Fig. 7(a)– (c)). These surfaces were exposed for 2, 6, and 10 min at a constant H background pressure of 2 2·10(cid:2)6 Torr and were cooled to room tempera- ture before pumping away the H (no post-an- 2 Fig. 7. Surface morphology of monohydride-terminated nealing). Two minutes of H exposure produced a Si(1111) produced at a background of 2·10(cid:2)6 Torr H and 2 surfacethatisnolongerexclusivelycomposedofr- exposedfor(a)2min,(b)6min,and(c)10min.(d)Aplotof DB steps.Instead,thesurfaceismadeofamixture theSA+SBstepdistributionofeachoftheprevioussurfaces.(e) Surface exposed to 1·10(cid:2)5 Torr H for 2 min. (f) The same of r-D , n-D and S +S steps. Six minutes ex- 2 B B A B surfacethatisdepictedon(c)butpost-annealedfor390minat posure increased the S +S step concentration A B 600K.Danglingbondsarehighlightedwithopencircles. anddramaticallydecreasedthenumberr-D steps. B In contrast, further exposure (10 min) had almost no effect on the step concentrations. The most spectively). The length of the exposure was ad- significant difference between the 6 and 10 min justedsuchthatthesetwosurfaceswereexposedto exposures is that the S +S steps and n-D steps a similar amount of H . However, the results are A B B 2 have formed small domains. Although the surface dramatically different. The most significant differ- morphology after 2, 6, and 10 min is very similar, ence is the presence of D steps after the 1·10(cid:2)5 A the coverage of S +S steps is significantly dif- Torr H exposure, a step structure that is never A B 2 ferent after 2 and 6 min of exposure. The S +S observedonvicinalSi(001)surfaces.AfewS +S A B A B step concentration as a function of dose is plotted and n-D steps are also observed on the surface, B in Fig. 7(d). butther-D stepstructureisnotobserved.Finally, B Next,weconsidertheroleoftheH background we consider the role of post-annealing a H-termi- 2 pressure during the passivation process. Si(1111) nated surface without the presence of background was exposed to 2·10(cid:2)6 and 1·10(cid:2)5 Torr H H .Fig. 7(f)depictsthesurface shown inFig. 7(c) 2 2 without post-annealing (see Fig. 7(c) and (e), re- afterithadbeenpost-annealedfor390min.About A.R.Laracuente,L.J.Whitman/SurfaceScience545(2003)70–84 77 15% of the surface is covered with bright protru- the surface is not well ordered at the atomic scale. sionswhichareattributedtodanglingbonddueto Similarly, surfaces prepared at a lower pressure H desorption. In sharp contrast to the previous exposure (Fig. 8(d)) exhibit a disordered, nano- surfaces, this surface is mostly composed of r-D faceted surface. In contrast, at a higher H pres- B 2 steps (7% S +S and 6% n-D ). sure (Fig. 8(a)) and surface temperatures 40 A B B In addition to changing the atomic-scale struc- degrees below and above 600 K (Fig. 8(e) and (b) ture of the steps, H adsorption also alters the respectively) the nanofacet morphology is no large-scale morphology of Si surfaces. STM im- longer present and the surface is very disordered. ages of hydrogen-terminated Si(115) prepared under five different H exposure conditions are de- picted in Fig. 8. Exposure at a background pres- 4. Discussion sureof6·10(cid:2)6 TorrH andasurfacetemperature 2 of 600 K (Fig. 8(c)) appeared to have no obvious 4.1. Etching effect on the surface morphology. The typical nanofacet morphology observed on the clean sur- Itisimportanttodetermineifthechangescaused face (Fig. 2(d)) is still visible on this surface, but byHadsorptiononSi(001)vicinalsaretheresultof surface etching. Previous work has clearly estab- lishedthatetching––whichprimarilytakesplaceby the evolution of SiH from SiH hydrides–– 4 x¼2;3 shouldnothappenatthesurfacetemperaturesused in this study where these hydrides are not stable [29,31]. Nevertheless, we have carefully examined this possibility, looking forsigns of etchingon the (001)-liketerracesandatthestepedges. On nominal Si(001), the only evidence of etch- ing we observed is associated with the removal of thesinglerowofrebondedatomsalongtheS step B edge (Fig. 6). Recall that S steps change their B structure from r-S to n-S after H passivation. B B This structural transformation requires the re- moval of the rebonded atoms from the r-S step. B To our surprise, when the surface is radiatively cooled to room temperature under a H back- 2 ground pressure after passivation, about 80% of the rebonded atoms remain on the surface. The formerlyrebondedatomsremainonthesurfaceas a single row of protrusions between dimer rows, creating a local 3·1 reconstruction, indicative of SiH . If the surface is instead post-annealed with- 2 outH present,i.e.atalowerHchemicalpotential, 2 SiH apparently becomes unstable and desorbs 2 from the surface, leaving behind the observed va- cancy defect (Fig. 6(c)). This is the only type of terrace etching that is ever observed on nominal Fig. 8.STMimages,100nm·100nm,ofhydrogen-terminated Si(001), and to our knowledge has not been pre- Si(115) prepared at various exposure conditions to show the viously reported. It is constant in amount, 2 Si effectsofH pressureandsurfacetemperature:600Kand(a) 1·10(cid:2)5Tor2rH2,(c)6·10(cid:2)6TorrH2,(d)1·10(cid:2)6TorrH2,and atomsperSBstepor1:41tanðhÞML,wherehisthe 6·10(cid:2)6 H2,and(b)640K,(e)560K. miscut angle. Once SiH2 desorbs,etchingstops. 78 A.R.Laracuente,L.J.Whitman/SurfaceScience545(2003)70–84 The removal of the SiH appears to be consis- on a clean surface are significantly different from 2 tent with the mechanism proposed by Gates et al. that of a monohydride surface exposed to 120 L 14 years ago [29], whereby adjacent SiH recom- H .However,doublingtheH-exposure(240L)did 2 2 bine to desorb as Si H . Based on temperature not produce a significant change in the kink 2 2 program desorption, they hypothesized that the probabilities, suggesting that the steps have Si H products coincident with the b -H state reached a local equilibrium. Similarly, the S +S x y 2 2 A B originated from desorbing Si H . But, they also step coverage on Si(1111) was analyzed as a 2 2 acknowledged that Si and SiH desorption could function of H exposure. Under a constant H 2 also account for their results. Our STM results background pressure of 2·10(cid:2)6 Torr, the S +S A B clearlyestablishthatthedisappearanceoftheSiH stepcoverageincreasedfrom0%to49%duringthe 2 species does not generate any dangling bonds, as first 6 min and remained constant after 10 min wouldoccurifSiH orSi H desorbed.Therefore, exposure.BecausetheS +S stepsdidnotchange 4 2 4 A B the vacancies must originate from the concerted after 6 min, it is reasonable to assume that this desorption of Si H . surface has also attained a local equilibrium. 2 2 The question of etching on Si(1111) is more complex. At a first glance, it appears that the re- 4.3. Surface diffusion structuring of the r-D steps into S +S steps B A B may be the work of terrace etching; the dimer at Given that there is no evidence for surface the r-D step is etched away, exposing an S step. etching during H passivation, the structural B A Although this could explain the emergence of changes must therefore be caused by diffusion- S +S steps,itisnotconsistentwiththefactthat mediated mass transport. Rebonded atoms and A B the coverage of S +S steps remained constant dimers are the two basic structural units that can A B after 6 min of H exposure. This fact would imply readilydiffuseonthesurface.AsillustratedinFig. that etching must stop after 6 min, which seems 9, their diffusion will make specific type of step very unlikely. In addition, features that are com- structures that one can compare to the step monly attributed to surface etching, like terraces structures observed on the surface. We first ex- becoming filled with vacancies and pits, or steps amine the diffusion of rebonded atoms. Previ- becomingrougherwithlongerexposures,arenever ously, Norton and coworker [41], observed that a observedonanyofthesurfaces[36–40].Therefore, small number of rebonded atoms diffuse away we conclude that, in general, etching is not the from the step edge at 400 K. As discussed above, source of the morphological and structural chan- on nominal Si(001) the rebonded atoms are ges observed on vicinal Si(001) surfaces. Rather, passivatedwithtwoHatoms(dihydride),and80% thechangesarecausedbysurfacediffusion(which diffuse away from the step edge where they ap- will be addressed later in the paper). peared to be stable. There is no trace of the other 20% of rebonded atoms in the form of vacancies 4.2. Local equilibrium or SiH . The ‘‘missing’’ atoms can be accounted 2 for if they diffuse to a neighboring r-S step and B Anotherimportantissueiswhetherthesurfaces create two n-S steps. Similarly, the diffusion of B have reached equilibrium or not. A surface can be rebounded atoms on surface orientations with assumed to be in local equilibrium if a measure- r-D steps is illustrated in Fig. 9(b), where two B ment does not change with time or further expo- rebondedatomsdiffusetoaneighboringr-D step B sure. For instance, on nominal Si(001), hydrogen creating a n-D and a S +S step. Note, how- B B A promotes the formation of many kinks without ever, that this requires the creation of a double- significantly altering the overall surface morphol- layer kink, and that there are no double-layer ogy. To determine whether this structure is the kinks on these surfaces, indicating that this equilibrium morphology, we analyzed the proba- mechanismisnotenergeticallyfavored.Therefore, bilitiesofhavingnokinks(n )andkinksoflength the changes observed after H exposure must then 0 (cid:7)r(n )alongthestepedge.Thekinkprobabilities arise from dimer diffusion. (cid:7)r