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Preview DTIC ADA476425: Zero Autocorrelation Waveforms: A Doppler Statistic and Multifunction Problems

ZEROAUTOCORRELATIONWAVEFORMS:ADOPPLERSTATISTICAND MULTIFUNCTIONPROBLEMS JohnJ.Benedetto,JeffreyDonatelli,IoannisKonstantinidis,andChristopherShaw UniversityofMaryland DepartmentofMathematics NorbertWienerCenter CollegeParkMD20742 ABSTRACT products of U by characteristic functions. The rationale for CAZACsisstated,includingitsroleineffectivematchedfil- Constant amplitude zero autocorrelation (off the dc compo- tering. The CAZACs we have constructed, and whose soft- nent) waveforms are constructed. These are called CAZAC ware[10]wehavemadeavailable, havethepropertythatK waveforms. Inthed-dimensionalcasetheyconsistofN vec- isnotsquare-free,andwegiveatypicalexample. tors,whereN isgiven,andN isgenerallygreaterthand.The Section3dealswithapristineformoftheDopplereffect, constructions are algebraic and have been implemented in and we construct a statistic in order to compute frequency userfriendlysoftware. Theyhavetheaddedfeaturethatthey shiftingand,therefore,targetspeed. Thisstatisticisnotonly areaspanningsetforalld-dimensionalsignals. Assuch,and elementarytoexplainandusefulandaccurate,itisalsobased forN large,theyarenumericallystableinthepresenceofma- onsomeintriguingarithmeticcomplexity. Westateafunda- chineimperfectionsandtheygivegoodsignalreconstruction mentaltheoreticalresultaswellasexamples. inthepresenceofvariousnoises. Theonedimensionalcase We give some basic results from the theory of frames provideseffectivethresholdingtocomputedopplershifts. in Section 4 as a prelude to our multifunction vector-valued framewaveformproblem.Thisproblemisinspiredbythefact 1. INTRODUCTION thatCAZACwaveformscanbegeneralizedasvector-valued functions defined on {0,1,...,K −1} and taking values in We shall analyze a certain class of unimodular low correla- the unit sphere Sd−1 of d-dimensional Euclidean space Rd. tion waveforms, and indicate the role they play in a multi- For applications in which numerical stability and resilience functionenvironmentassociatedwiththetheoryofframes.In to machine error are important, we take K > d. We were fact,thespecificwaveformswithwhichwedealareoffinite alsomotivatedtoposethemultifunctionvector-valuedframe length and have 0-autocorrelation off of the dc- component. waveform problem because of our formulation of the notion SuchwaveformsarereferredtoasCAZACwaveforms, viz., ofgeneralizedmatchedfiltering. Constant Amplitude Zero Autocorrelation. There is an ex- tensive literature on CAZACs because of the importance of 2. CAZACWAVEFORMS such waveforms in communications and coding theory, e.g., [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. Our own interest is based on the impor- Letem(n)=e−2πKimn andZK ={0,1,...,K−1}.Letu,v : tanceofwaveformdesigninseveralaspectsofmodernradar Z → CbeK-periodicwaveforms. Thecrosscorrelationof K [7,8,9]. uandvis Generally, there are distinct CAZAC waveforms of any givenlengthK,anddifferentconstructionsofCAZACsmay 1 KX−1 C (m)= u(m+k)ν(k) yielddifferentapplicability. WebegininSection2bydefin- u,v K ing the autocorrelation and crosscorrelation of signals of fi- k=0 nite length K, as well as the ambiguity function of a given form=0,1,...,K−1. waveform of finite length. It is noted that the usual notion Theautocorrelationofuisitscrosscorelationwithitself: of the ambiguity function on the real line R is the analogue A (m)=C (m). u u,u of our discrete definition. Then, properties of CAZACs are The ambiguity function of u, A : Z × Z → C, is K K recordedincludingtheimportantfactthatuisCAZACifand definedas onlyifitsdiscreteFouriertransformU isCAZAC.Inpartic- K−1 uenlaerr,gCyAapZpAroCxiwmaavnetfsobrmyswaavreefborromasdboafnsdm,aallnedrbthaendbwesidttfihnairtee Au(j,k)=Cu,uek(j)= K1 X u(m+j)u(m)e2πKimk. m=0 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2006 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2006 to 00-00-2006 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Zero Autocorrelation Waveforms: A Doppler Statistic and Multifunction 5b. GRANT NUMBER Problems 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Arizona State University,Department of Electrical REPORT NUMBER Engineering,Tempe,AZ,85287 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Special Session on Waveform Diverse Sensors and Systems, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France, May 2006. 14. ABSTRACT Constant amplitude zero autocorrelation (off the dc component) waveforms are constructed. These are called CAZAC waveforms. In the d-dimensional case they consist of N vectors, where N is given, and N is generally greater than d. The constructions are algebraic and have been implemented in user friendly software. They have the added feature that they are a spanning set for all d-dimensional signals. As such, and for N large, they are numerically stable in the presence of machine imperfections and they give good signal reconstruction in the presence of various noises. The one dimensional case provides effective thresholding to compute doppler shifts. 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE Same as 4 unclassified unclassified unclassified Report (SAR) Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 ItisnaturaltorefertoAastheambiguityfunctionofu,since C isL2(R)crosscorrelation,andthemaximumsystemre- v,u intheusualsettingonthereallineR,theanalogueambiguity sponse is given by the matched filter auˆ(γ)e−2πit0γ. In the functionis digitalcase,CAZACsarisesincetraveltimedependsoncross- Z γ γ correlationpeak,andsharppeaksobviatedistortionandinter- Au(t,γ)= U(ω− 2)U(ω+ 2)e2πit(ω+γ2)dω ferenceinthereceivedwaveform. Rb ThereisafundamentalDopplertoleranceproblem: con- Z = u(s+t)u(s)e2πisγds, structastatistictodetermineanunknownDopplerfrequency R shift. Wealsowanttosolvethisformultiplefrequencies. where U is the Fourier transform of u : R → C, Rb is R In order to address this problem we have the following result [11]. considered as the spectral domain, and the L2 norm (finite energy)ofuisdesignatedbykuk . 2 Theorem1 LetK =M×N×N andletk =0,1,...,K− A K-periodic waveform u is a constant amplitude zero 1. The quantity |C (·)| is N-periodic as a function of autocorrelation waveform (CAZAC) if |u(m)| = 1, m = u,uek k, i.e., there are at most N different graphs of |C (·)|. 0,1,...,K−1,anditsautocorrelationA (m)is0form= u,uek u Also,givenk,|C (j)| = 0forallj 6= (−k) mod MN. 1,...,K −1(seeFig. 1). Therearedifferentconstructions u,uek Further,PK−1|C (j)|2 =1. ofdifferentCAZACwaveformsresultingindifferentbehav- j=0 u,uek ior vis a` vis Doppler, additive noises, and approximation by Remarks The Doppler statistic |C (j)| is excellent bandlimitedwaveforms. u,uek andprovablefordetectingdeodorizedDopplerfrequencyshift PropertiesofCAZACwaveforms [11] (see Fig. 2). Also, if one graphs only ReA(j,k) = • uCAZAC⇒uisbroadband(fullbandwidth). ReCu,uek(j) then the statistic sometimes fails. Further, we pointoutthatthereareunresolved“arithmetic”complexities • uCA ⇐⇒ DFTofuisZACoffdc. (DFTofucan whichareaffectedbywaveformstructureandlength;andthat havezeros) ournoiseanalysisisongoing. • uCAZAC ⇐⇒ DFTofuisCAZAC. 4. FRAMESANDMULTIFUNCTIONPROBLEM RationaleforCAZACwaveforms CA allows transmission at peak power. In particular, the GivenH =RdorH =Cd,N ≥d. {x }N ⊆H isafinite n n=1 systemdoesnothavetodealwiththesupriseofgreaterthan unit norm tight frame (FUN-TF) if each kx k = 1 and, for n expected amplitude. Further, distortion amplitude variations eachx∈H, canbedetectedusingCA.Infact, withCA,amplitudevaria- N d X tions during transmission due to additive noise can be theo- x= hx,x ix . N n n reticallyeliminatedatthereceiverwithoutdistortingthemes- n=1 sage. A sequence {x }N ⊆ H is an A-tight frame if {x }N n n=1 n n=1 ExampleofCAZACWaveformK =75: N u(x)=(1,1,1,1,1,1,e2πi115,e2πi125,e2πi15,e2πi145,e2πi13, spansH andAkxk2 = X|hx,xni|2foreachx∈H. e2πi175,e2πi53,e2πi1115,e2πi1135,1,e2πi15,e2πi52,e2πi35,e2πi45, n=1 1,e2πi145,e2πi185,e2πi54,e2πi1165,e2πi13,e2πi32,e2πi,e2πi43, RecentapplicationsofFUN-TFs e2πi35,1,e2πi25,e2πi54,e2πi65,e2πi58,1,e2πi175,e2πi1145, FUN-TFs are surprisingly applicable. They have arisen e2πi75,e2πi1258,e2πi13,e2πi1153,e2πi75,e2πi1259,e2πi3175,1, in dealing with the robust transmission of data over erasure e2πi53,e2πi56,e2πi95,e2πi152,1,e2πi23,e2πi34,e2πi·2,e2πi83, channelssuchastheinternet[12,13,14],andinbothmultiple e2πi13,e2πi1156,e2πi95,e2πi1358,e2πi4195,1,e2πi45,e2πi85, antennacodedesignforwirelesscommunications[15]aswell e2πi152,e2πi156,1,e2πi1153,e2πi2165,e2πi153,e2πi1552,e2πi13, as multiple description coding [16, 17, 18]. There are also e2πi1159,e2πi151,e2πi4175,e2πi6115). recentapplicationsofFUN-TFsinquantumdetection,Σ−∆ quantization, and Grassmanian “min-max” waveforms, e.g., [19]. 3. ADOPPLERSTATISTIC Rationaleforframes Frames give redundant signal representation to compen- Inclassicalelementarymatchedfiltering,anelectromagnetic sateformachineimperfections,toensurenumericalstability, waveformuisemitted(withcarrier)fromaradar. Theideal andtominimizetheeffectsofnoise. reflected signal from a target is v(t) = au(t−t ), a > 0 0 ExamplesofFUN-TFs fixed; and t is to be computed. The time t is proportional 0 0 totargetdistance. If,infact,v(t) = au(t−t )forsomet , 0 0 • Orthonormalbases,theverticesofPlatonicsolids,and then kissing numbers (from sphere packing and error cor- C (t )=sup|C (t)|. v,u 0 v,u rectingcodes)areFUN-TFs. t Acknowledgements • (DFTFUN-TFs)N×dsubmatricesoftheN×N DFT matrixareFUN-TFsforCd. Theseplayamajorrolein finiteframeΣ∆-quantization. Thevectors This material is based upon work supported by the National ScienceFoundationunderGrantNo. DMS0504924(firstau- 1 thor) and VIGRE Grant No. DMS0240049 (second author), xm = 5(e2πim18,e2πim28,e2πim58,e2πim86,e2πim78), theDepartmentoftheNavy,OfficeofNavalResearchunder GrantNo.N00014-02-1-0398(firstauthor),andtheAirForce m=1,...,8, ResearchLaboratory, OfficeofScientificResearch(firstand fourthauthors). formaFUN-TFforR5. 5. 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