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Preview DTIC ADA465348: Cyber Mobilization: A Growing Counterinsurgency Campaign

Cyber Mobilization: A Growing Counterinsurgency Campaign By Timothy L. Thomas Editorial Abstract: Mr. Thomas analyzes insurgent use of Internet-based forums as a means of recruitment, instruction, and other operational communications. He describes early Coalition counter-cyber efforts in the ongoing Iraq campaign, and outlines recommended changes in US doctrinal and counterinsurgency approaches. Introduction begun to organize online information doctrine’s two key components: mass brigades and online universities. On mobilization. According to US Army publications, the Internet, women participate in two types of offensive actions are extremist causes as freely as men, due Past Versus Present key components of insurgency doctrine: to the net’s anonymity. There is even armed conflict and mass mobilization. In 1991, during Operation Desert an Internet site hosting a madrasah: an It is clear after more than three years Storm, CNN was the only comprehensive Islamic institution of higher learning, of fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq news outlet available worldwide. Fifteen most often associated with religious that the insurgents use improvised years later, in addition to a broader range teachings.2 Websites associated with explosive devices (IEDs) as their main of international news services, there are a Islamic extremist movements have instrument to conduct armed conflict, multitude of insurgent websites offering reportedly grown from twenty, to over and that they have learned to mobilize images, directives, and testimonials that 4000, in just five years. Today the spin and conduct conflict-related cognitive compete for the minds and emotions of on Arab specialist T. E. Lawrence’s activities using cyber means. For Iraqis, Afghanis, and for world opinion. 1920 idea that “the printing press is the example, they capitalize on Internet These websites take advantage of the greatest weapon in the armory of the capabilities to plan, target, educate, societies’ prejudices and beliefs, attempt modern commander” 3 would be: “the recruit, and influence sympathizers. If to recruit the disadvantaged, and espouse Internet is the greatest weapon in the an insurgency’s strength is predicated extremist points of view. For the most armory of the modern extremist.” on the support of the local population, part, these sites are anti-Coalition and To put it bluntly, it appears that then Coalition counterinsurgency efforts try to drive a wedge between legitimate a group of insurgents, without any must take cybermoblization—enabled by Iraqi or Afghan police or military forces, formal theoretical and doctrinal IO computerized devices such as cell phones and the Coalition. background, has successfully confronted and the Internet—into account.1 Insurgents cyber mobilize in two well-organized, well-financed US and The warning signs of the advent of primary ways. First, they use the Coalition IO forces. For example, mobile phone and Internet mobilization Internet to respond to unfolding events the US has an IO Corps, IO doctrine, were evident long before the wars in before Coalition forces have a chance IO magazines, IO courses in military Afghanistan and Iraq. In December or opportunity to respond. As a result, institutions, and so on. US forces are 1999, agitators used the Internet to Coalition forces are often blamed for organize resistance to the World Trade often hampered by a lengthy chain of actions the insurgents committed. Second, Organization (WTO) meeting in Seattle. command approval process that takes the Internet is used to post influential Net-recruited protestors converged hours or days to grant approval. The information items to include extremist on Seattle from all directions. They insurgency’s cybermobilization focus training materials, an ideological rational frustrated well designed police control (manipulate public opinion, mobilize for actions, instructional manuals, plus plans by using cell phones to move crowds fighters, and recruit suicide bombers, propaganda and agitation materials. to unattended areas, or to focus on other among other uses), without such chains of Some have used creative methods. For advantageous spots. Both television command or even laws, indicates the US example, a recent posting to a jihadi and Internet sites picked up coverage counterinsurgency (and IO) definitions webpage announced a competition to of these successful efforts, all of which need to be more responsive.4 By design a new website for an Iraqi militant encouraged similar demonstrations and excluding cyber activities, the definition group. The motivating prize was a championed other causes. misses a key insurgent capability, which chance to fire remote controlled missiles The Internet and cell phone have acts in an independent or integrated at a US military base.5 become key insurgency tools due to fashion to mobilize the population. To counter the impact of these their ubiquity and mobilization potential. Excluding cyber activities ignores a websites, US brigade commanders and Insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan have key motivator behind one of insurgency other Coalition leaders often developed 23 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2006 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2006 to 00-00-2006 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Cyber Mobilization: A Growing Counterinsurgency Campaign 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Foreign Military Studies Office,Fort Leavenworth,KS,66027 REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 6 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 appropriate IO actions on the fly. Much immediately cyber respond, whether of this was done in the absence of it be cell phone, the Internet, or some an adequate information operation other device. This physical action, (IO) “quick response” template (IO information, response (PAIR) loop is one of the designated concepts to allows them to be first with a version counter insurgent information actions). of a story, reaching an audience with Lieutenant General David Petraeus, whom they have some credibility—and commander of the Combined Arms which offers them influence and support. Center at Fort Leavenworth, noted at This virtual dimension allows them to a recent IO conference that the key is manipulate an event before Coalition speed.6 Coalition forces need to respond forces can react. to a situation by providing information US Army Colonel Rob Baker, a to the population before the insurgents Al-Qaida on the Web (SITE.org) former Brigade Commander in Iraq, can act. Historically, Coalition forces provided a battlefield example of the way to bond individuals with the cause, do not receive much—if any—training PAIR paradigm. He stated in one instance and provide them direction as they surf on this issue. an insurgent suicide bomber detonated jihadi websites. The US and Coalition his belt too early and killed a number need to provide a similar positive counter Them—What the of Iraqis, narrowly missing his intended website, whether it be alternatives Insurgents Do With Cyber US target. Baker noted it was vital for for those who might succumb to the US forces to immediately distribute Capabilities recruiters, or simply counters to these suicide bomber/IED “handbills” telling negative influences. 7 Insurgents interpret and use cyber- Iraqis what had happened.8 Before we Insurgent use of the cyber element generated information and actions could send information up the line to has introduced an operating pattern differently than US operators. This is create the handbills, insurgents beat our different from the well-known US because an insurgent’s decision-making forces to the information punch, stating military procedure, the OODA loop. context itself is very different. They have the US launched a missile strike on the This latter concept is based on author no need to adhere to any law other than Iraqi populace. An anti-American crowd John Boyd’s paradigm to observe, orient, their own strict interpretation of the Koran, soon appeared, threatening to riot. While decide and act (OODA). His model they use a jihadist prism for viewing the it is not known for certain if instigators determined a method for identifying and environment, and their indifference to used a cyber device to rally the crowd, targeting an opposing force that worked killing innocent people allows them the assemblage itself would be reported well in the Cold War environment. As to intimidate, influence, and mobilize on some cyber devices. Meanwhile, our a US Air Force pilot, Boyd had time their believers in ways unacceptable forces were properly running the incident to utilize all four elements as he flew to civilized commanders. Successful through channels and awaiting word on missions. This paradigm works in Iraq insurgents cybermobilize, cyberrecruit, what to do next. The insurgents used the and Afghanistan when Coalition forces cybermanipulate, cyberrespond, and PAIR model to perfection, even gaining confront insurgents face to face, such as cyberexploit modern conflicts faster than advantage from a failed operation. in the fight for Fallujah. However, the their opponents. Prior to his death, Iraqi Press reports indicate Coalition invisible enemy often takes the initiative al-Qaida leader Abu-Mus’ab al-Zarqawi forces are now less concerned with in both conflicts. used the Internet to speak about US an insurgent’s use of viruses and We may not know who or where the casualties, the Iraqi elections, Israel, and other malware than with these cyber- adversary is. Insurgents hide, and may other issues. He also used the Internet to related issues of mobilization and initiate confrontation by remote control, show the preparation and execution of an manipulation. Even the US Federal as seen with improvised explosive attack on a hotel complex in Baghdad. devices (IEDs), without ever confronting Bureau of Investigation (FBI) noted The Mujahideen Army posted a video Coalition forces. Only after an insurgent- terrorist groups lack the ability to titled “The Sniper of al-Fallujah.” Such generated incident does/can our forces damage the US via an Internet-based messages are often the persuasive and react. Given this scenario, Coalition attack.9 Thus, the incredible force the convincing element that influences troops cannot observe and orient—they US assembled to protect its information ideological or religious fence sitters to must decide and act. The invisible security is working well. But we have adopt extremist causes. enemy has stolen the key elements of not done nearly as well at anticipating The Web also recruits suicide observation and orientation. And in insurgent use of other cyber capabilities. bombers from among these undecided. many instances, Coalition forces must On 9 August 2005, the Washington Post Terrorist authorities Scott Atran and process the action and perform policy noted the Web is a weapon for insurgents Jessica Stern note that extremist websites coordination before acting. in several ways. They use it to: play a key role in forging the mind set Insurgents use a different paradigm. - Intertwine real-time war with of a suicide bomber. The Net provides a They initiate a physical action and then electronic jihad 2 Summer 2006 - Immortalize suicide bombers brigade, it is just an information brigade minds of humiliated or resentful Muslim - Taunt the US military without the operations designator. It emigrants. A 23 January 2006 video - Release tactical details of is composed of design, language, and product from the Global Islamic Media operations many times each day publication divisions. The brigade’s Front entitled Jihad Academy vividly - Publish a monthly Internet aim is to conduct a full-scale propaganda demonstrates this point. A voice at the magazine and war to “influence the morale of our start of the video recites, “the roots of - Negotiate with bin Laden. 10 enemies.” In December 2005, the humiliation cannot be removed except By utilizing the Web in this manner Middle East Media Research Institute with the showers of bullets. Without the insurgents have become very reported insurgents are using Yahoo. the spilling of blood, dishonor cannot effective, with a far smaller staff and less com as a gateway for indoctrination be wiped off the forehead.” 16 Once effort than Coalition opponents employ. and incitement of aspiring insurgents.13 recruited, insurgents offer new recruits Extremist websites now compete with Perhaps this gateway is a product of the actual targets, especially oil installations global news agencies for media attention information brigade? A year later, in or US infrastructure, via the Net. 17 in Iraq and Afghanistan. There is no March 2006, the Al-Rashedeen Army Insurgent use of the Internet for need for rationality or balanced news posted an open letter to President Bush such targeting purposes represents a coverage on their sites. Insurgents are on the Internet. The group’s operations significant change in how we perceive only interested in attracting true believers director read the letter in English, asking and understand warfare, especially to their cause, and not in convincing questions concerning US atrocities, and among the general population. One someone of their politics. Insurgent ending by suggesting President Bush conclusion is that the Internet and audiences may not be as large as the think over the fact that “God is on our associated websites may be the second population they are fighting, but they can side, and always will be.”14 most important insurgent force multiplier be far more committed. Websites also allow Muslim (IEDs remain number one). It enables The increase in the number of jihadi extremists to spread targeting information. insurgents to shape and influence local websites has allowed the insurgency to An individual known as “al-Mohager popular opinion, thereby manipulating grow like a virus and act intuitively. al-Islami” (“The Islamic Immigrant”) the perceived outcome of coalition Websites enable insurgents to discuss their has been posting messages to tens operations through the Web. No such tradecraft and to exchange justifications of e-group forums, both public and resource was ever afforded insurgents for actions, both accomplished and password-protected, about the locations in the past. Coalition counterinsurgency planned. To add veracity to their claims and equipment of US and British sites plans to limit this capability require they often include video clips as an in Kuwait, Qatar and other areas. These extreme sensitivity to local customs, integral part of their online activities. postings include photos of embassies values, and beliefs, as well as an To Islamic extremists, the Internet is not and living areas. Besides posting the understanding of both insurgent Internet a place to publish open source material, introductory message, Al-Mohager operating procedures and methods to it is a place to conduct open source al-Islami provides logistic information counter them. warfare.11 Some extremists believe about several bases in Iraq, and calls the Internet battle for influence and upon mujahideen to target these sites. US—What American and persuasion is second only to physical Thus, the Net serves as an intelligence Coalition Forces Do With confrontation. A 28 November 2005 and reconnaissance asset for extremists, Information posting on the al-Safinat forum site noted even in the planning stages of armed the following: The US military establishment conflict. Al-Mohager al-Islami also would label most of these insurgent “There is no doubt that the provides a nearly 40 page pamphlet titled activities that involve the use of the jihadi forums play a critical The Art of Kidnapping – The Best and Internet as information operations. role in providing aid to the Quickest Way of Kidnapping Americans. Joint Publication 3-13, Information mujahideen on the battlefield. The manual includes information for Operations, 13 February 2006, defines Who could have thought that planning raids, the composition of IO as: it would break the ring of steel support crews, general rules for crews The integrated employment of that the Crusaders and Jews to follow, observation points, kidnapping the core capabilities of electronic have attempted to erect in order suggestions, and methods of capturing warfare, computer network operations, to conceal the voice of the jihad, Americans. 15 psychological operations, military and cover up their humiliations deception, and operations security, in on the battlefield?” 12 Insurgent Targets concert with specified supporting and A Web statement from Minbar Ahl Insurgents have different targets related capabilities, to influence, disrupt, al-Sunna wal-Jama’a, posted in March in mind when developing Internet corrupt or usurp adversarial human 2005, noted formation of an Information messages. In some cases the main cyber and automated decision making while Jihad Brigade. Note this is not an IO mobilization targets appear to be the protecting our own. 18 25 This same publication defines only an information environment in an factors are now an intense focus of one cyber-related term: “cyberspace.” enemy city of this size. A new phase armed forces time and planning, and IO The US Army’s November 2003 Field of intensive IO planning ensued. IO planning shows renewed creativity. Manual 3-13, Information Operations teams took to the challenges, which grew At the December 2005 IO conference declares the term information operation even more rapidly as insurgent activities at Fort Leavenworth, Colonel Baker (IO) has five categories: psychological proliferated. stated intelligence and IO were the two operations, operational security, US Army Reserve Captain Bill most important aspects of the fight. He computer network operations, military Putnam headed the Coalition’s early confirmed the necessity of developing deception, and electronic warfare. A Open Source Intelligence effort in practical solutions to the IO challenges proposed Army definition of IO: Iraq, including the Baghdad Mosquito, his brigade faced in Iraq, and the need Actions taken by forces and a document which reported the latest to go beyond relying solely on doctrine. individuals to affect attitudes, behaviors, Baghdad street rumors. Putnam’s Further, he felt it necessary to bypass IO information systems, and information comments on initial efforts indicate doctrine on several occasions, and use while protecting one’s own through the US IO and public affairs doctrine in his staff’s creativity when the situation integrated employment of the capabilities Iraq were focused on making the Iraqi required. Baker noted “information of electronic warfare, computer network information environment conform to operations have to be more than a plan operations, psychological operations, US doctrine. Rather than allowing the on a piece of paper. You have to have military deception and operational environment to determine how we would the ability to operationalize it and make security in concert with specified conduct IO, early actions focused on it important to all of your leaders, so supporting and related capabilities fitting the guidance.20 This is a huge they embrace it and integrate it into throughout the information environment. problem according to Putnam, since everything they do.”22 19 Colonel Baker developed an Both the Joint Publication information battle rhythm matrix and the Field Manual on focus on that required him and his staff attitudes, behavior, and decision- to perform specific information- making, indicating their emphasis oriented events on specific days is clearly not on the sort of counter of the week (meetings with the capabilities required to offset media, local leaders). Not only did insurgent cybermobilization. this enable him to keep his finger One would expect to see on the information pulse of the “counterpropaganda,” or a similar insurgency, it allowed local media term in either publication. In fact, and culture integration into the IO this expression appears only twice plan. Colonel Baker also became in Joint Publication 3-13, both a strong proponent of the quick- The all-important “word on the street” times in Appendix B. A graph lists reaction handbill that would offer a (Defense Link) counterpropaganda under IO and Coalition explanation of an action. Public Affair columns, but the term This often allowed his forces to is not included in the glossary. Clearly he believes “it is virtually impossible beat the insurgents to the information these documents attach little importance for a counterinsurgency campaign to punch.23 to the concept. Alternately, the terms be successful without some level of the Thus, traditional ways of conducting counterintelligence and countermeasures, local population’s support.”21 Putnam IO business in Iraq were helpful, but had are used often. therefore identified “how” the Iraqis to be supplemented with other measures. Before US forces entered Iraq in receive information and formulate Commanders who were focused on March 2003, they methodically prepared opinions as the most important IO maintaining an influence advantage had the proposed information battlefield consideration. Iraqis get the word via to create responses on the fly, based based on traditional IO capabilities and satellite television channels, one’s family on situations they encountered. Still, principles. Then, the battle for Baghdad and friends, the street (rumors), religious US forces require a vetting process, to ended abruptly. Understandably, they figures, and newspapers. Putnam understand an event before responding. conducted little long range IO planning, believed we had to target this “circle Though slow, this is a necessary response since US forces expected the city fight of influence” to conduct successful mechanism, because it helps ensure would last for days. As a result, we had IO. The doctrinally-based template insurgents aren’t manipulating Coalition few assets available to know what was did not correspond to the reality on the forces. Too slow of a response gives being broadcast on the city’s fifteen ground—a reality strongly influenced insurgents time to develop a virtual force radio stations, satellite TV networks, by cultural factors. Fortunately, US and multiplier, by providing the populous and in newspapers. Further, this was Coalition forces have since responded a culturally astute version of an event, the first time our forces had encountered aggressively to this oversight. Cultural modified to the insurgents’ benefit. This 26 Summer 2006 enables a group of insurgent website with key objectives and tactical areas insurgents generate much support, and designers and Internet responders to seizeable by either side. Further, he Coalition forces must do as much as influence the population much to the notes counterstrategy must contain possible to counteract this capability. same extent as the Coalition’s highly interconnected strategic, operational, The US and its Coalition partners have organized and financed IO efforts. and virtual dimensions. 27 This arena is ventured into this battlespace, but not Again, we must develop countercyber turning PSYOP into “CYOP,” a cyber- with the same degree of precision and capability for the IO lexicon and action enabled psychological mobilization and confidence as they do on a traditional toolkit. recruitment factor. The recent capture hot battlefield. It is important for planners to of an Internet hacker who was also an Commanders recognize this, as begin conceiving a virtual insurgency Al-Qaida conduit underscores this fact. well as the need to act more creatively environment, because it can influence an A young webmaster who called himself when attempting to manage the operation to the same degree as a radio “Irhabi 007” helped propel “the jihadists cyber/information problem. They transmission, by summoning troops to into a 21st Century offensive through have implemented plans on their own the front. Working on countercyber his ability to covertly and securely in many cases, as Colonel Baker’s capabilities now allows US IO planners disseminate manuals of weaponry, videos experience indicates. Noted military to understand how to neutralize future of insurgent feats such as beheading, and journalist Ralph Peters agrees, stating insurgent cyber capabilities. other inflammatory material.” Earlier he “counterinsurgency warfare is the realm British military expert John had joined a password-protected forum of the officer who can think beyond the Mackinley’s concept of the “virtual used for issuing military instructions, textbook, who thrives in the absence arena of war” sees a new type of propaganda, and recruitment. 28 of rules.”30 Understandably, doctrine insurgency emerging, in which the Noted author Hans Magnus writers have trouble keeping up with virtual element will play a major role. Enzenberger stated over ten years ago the pace of change technology thrusts He notes “The global insurgents that that the nature of war was changing upon us. oppose the international Coalition from “purposive, ideologically driven We must develop new and different can be characterized as a complex enterprises undertaken by highly IO tools or mindsets. US IO specialists insurgency; they grow organically and organized industrial powers” to need to study the cyberinsurgent exist in considerable depth beyond the “molecular civil war.”29 Insurgent communities’ Internet’s use, and learn operational area.”24 He further states “A tactics in Iraq and Afghanistan appear to to focus on “how” the circle of influence complex insurgency grows organically fit Enzenberger’s description. works in a particular culture: what like a virus and acts intuitively. To defeat However, the Internet offers a new images matter? IO specialists should it may require reorganized security spin to Enzenberger’s molecular civil develop “countercyber” plans and structures and an unfamiliar modus war theory. Insurgents have gained actions, as well as an understanding of operandi.”25 an ideological and motivating force resulting consequences. As a result, we One must be careful not to overlook multiplier, since the Net encourages must modify the term counterinsurgency the virtual aspect of this complex, and supports the “will” of the fighter as currently defined, to deal with this growing virus. The virtual arena can through culturally-attuned images and new issue. operate in considerable depth beyond the messages. At the same time, their Lenin rewrote Clausewitz for operational area (in fact, it can operate operating principles (individual acts the class and ideological struggle, all over the globe), while simultaneously of terror by people who blend in with and the West adapted the same works resting in insurgent hands at the tactical the population) take away or neutralize in conducting the Cold War.31 The level. many Coalition multipliers such as its current situational context—religious high-technology advantage. backdrop—requires Coalition forces to Conclusions While insurgents are culturally adapt once again. Virtual elements are We should not confuse the virtual attuned to the needs and desires of the the agitators and propagandists of this dimension with information warfare. population, Coalition forces have a limited new form of “class/insurgent warfare.” If This dimension must be regarded as an frame of reference for understanding the extremists are responsible for providing arena no single party controls; therefore world playing out around them. They radical Islam with strategic depth, then is it not a special weapon exclusively have increasing difficulty monitoring and the Internet fuels the ideologically- in the hands of any particular user. analyzing the plethora of sites available driven insurgency.32 Counterinsurgency Just as friendly and enemy forces act to insurgents and their sympathizers. doctrine will be shortchanged if it against each other in strategic and The Internet allows extremists to produce doesn’t consider the virtual arena, and operational spaces, so they do in the a cacophony of responses to actions add that element to its definition. Past virtual dimension.26 they take, or mistakes the Coalition insurgencies did not have an Internet Mackinley believes the virtual makes. Websites are sure to produce to cybermobilize people, as do today’s dimension’s proliferation of actors some messages that ring true with some insurgents. Fine-tuning our definitions, has created another theater of war, portion of the population. It is here and enhancing our understanding of 27 cyber mobilization, will hopefully make with them.” See URL:http://sfgate.com/ 18 Joint Publication 3-13, Information us more aware and adept at neutralizing cgi-bin/article.cgi, 15 January 2006. Operations, 13 February 2006, p. GL- this virtual arena of war. 10 Susan B. Glasser and Steve Coll, 9. “The Web as Weapon,” Washington Post, 19 Crawley. Endnotes 9 August 2005 as downloaded from the 20 Bill Putnam, “Winning Iraqi Hearts 1 It is hard, if not impossible, for Internet on 28 October 2005. and Minds,” Army, January 2005, p. 7. Internet viewers to make distinctions 11 Term used by John Robb to describe 21Ibid., p. 8. among insurgent groups. Neither the insurgents’ use of the Internet. 22 Crawley. Internet source nor the web creator’s 12 Stephen Ulph, “The Global Jihad’s 23 Author’s understanding of Colonel attributes are often known with certainty Internet Front,” in Terrorism Focus, The Baker’s operational concept offered at in the virtual arena of war. Jamestown Foundation, Volume II, Issue the December 2005 Fort Leavenworth 2 Injy El-Kashef, “Islam Dot Com,” 23, 13 December, 2005. IO conference. Al-Ahram Weekly, 20 October 2005. 13 “Terrorists Using Yahoo.com,” 24 John Mackinley, Defeating Complex Spelling and initial part of the definition WorldNetDaily.com, posted 6 December Insurgency, The Royal United Services of madrasah taken from Wikipedia 2005. Institute, Whitehall Paper 64, 2005, p. online. 14 SITE Institute, 26 March 2005, xii. 3 T. E. Lawrence, “The Evolution of “Al-Rashedeen Army Presents,” http:// 25 Ibid., p. vi. a Revolt,” in The Army Quarterly and siteinstitute.org/bin/articles.cgi?ID=pu 26 Ibid., p. 13. Defense Journal, October 1920, pp. 55- blications160306&Category=publicati 27 Ibid. 69 as cited in The Foreign Area Officer ons&Subcategory=0 28 Rita Katz and Michael Kern, Association’s Internet publication (http:// 15 SITE Institute, 22 December 2005, “Terrorist 007, Exposed,” Washington www.faoa.org/journal/telawl.html), located at www.siteinstitute.org. Some Post, 26 March, 2006, p. B1. quote taken from “T. E. Lawrence and examples of other jihadi manuals on a 29 Hans Magnus Enzenberger, Civil the Establishment of Legitimacy during variety of issues are at: Wars: From LA to Bosnia, New York: the Arab Revolt,” by Kevin J. Dougherty, http://www.geocities.com/ New Press, 1994. downloaded 1 March 2006. tadrebatfialjihad10/COLT-45.zip 30 Ralph Peters, “No Silver Bullets,” 4 Counterinsurgency is defined as http://www.geocities.com/ Armed Forces Journal, January 2006, “those military, paramilitary, political, tadrebatfialjihad10/katem00721.zip p. 39. economic, psychological and civic http://www.geocities.com/ 31 See Jacob W. Kipp, “Lenin and actions taken by a government to defeat algazairiyat_00768/dawrat.zip Clausewitz: The Militarization of insurgency.” See Joint Publication 1-02, 16 www.jaami.com/vb/showthread.php, Marxism, 1915-1921,” Soviet Military Dictionary of Military and Associated downloaded from the FBIS website and Doctrine from Lenin to Gorbachev, Terms, 12 April 2001 as amended reviewed on 25 January 2006. 1915-1991, edited by Willard C. Frank, through 31 August 2005, p. 127. 17 Stephen Ulph, “Internet Mujahideen Jr., and Philip S. Gillette, Greenwood 5 Sebastian Usher, “Militants’ New Tack Intensify Research on US Economic Press, 1992. in Cyber War,” BBC News, downloaded Targets,” in Terrorism Focus, the 32 Warren Bass, “Off Target: 5 December 2005 at http://news.bbc. Jamestown Foundation, Volume III, American’s Foundering War on Terror,” co.uk Issue 2, an Internet product. See http:// The Washington Post Book World, 6 6 Jeff Crawley, “Proponent Hosts www.Jamestown.org. November 2005, p. 3. Info Ops Gathering,” The Lamp, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 22 December 2005, p. 1. 7 Scott Atran and Jessica Stern, “Small Groups Find Fatal Purpose through the Web,” Nature 437, 29 September Tim Thomas, LTC, US Army, Retired, 2005, downloaded from http://www. served as a Soviet/Russian Foreign Area nature.com/nature/journal/v437/n7059/ Officer. His assignments include brigade S-2 and full/437620a.html company commander in the 82d Airborne Division, 8 Crawley. and the Army Russian Institute. He has done 9 ZDNet News, 7 December 2005, at extensive research and publishing in the areas of http://news.zdnet.com. US information peacekeeping, IO, and PSYOP. He currently serves expert John Arquilla disagrees with this as a Senior Analyst in the Foreign Military Studies assessment, noting that “the terrorists Office, Ft Leavenworth. He holds a BS from West are preparing to mount cyberspace-based Point, and Master of Arts from USC. attacks, and we are ill prepared to deal 2 Summer 2006

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