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DTIC ADA461113: Use of Modeling and Simulation (M&S) in Support of Joint Command and Control Experimentation: Naval Simulation System (NSS) Support to Fleet Battle Experiments PDF

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Use of Modeling and Simulation (M&S) in Support of Joint Command and Control Experimentation: Naval Simulation System (NSS) Support to Fleet Battle Experiments Colleen M. nongaG * William K. Stevens, Ph.D. ,norteMdetaroprocnI 512 aealdiV ,ellaV etiuS103 , ha cnAaaCelBoS 57029 Tel: 619-792-8904 moc. i/cste m:.laica@m nEongag moc.icstem.ac@snevets tcartsbA ehT SU tnemtrapeD fo esnefeD( )DoD sah decarbme eht tpecnoc fo tnioJ noitatnemirepxEot pleh yfitnedi erutuf tnioj stnemeriuqer dna laitnetop seitilibapac taht yam teem esoht .stnemeriuqer noitatnemirepxE si deweiv sa a snaem ot rups yek DoD ,noitavonni otpleh enimreted DoD ,seitiroirp dna ot noitisnart laitnetop 12 st yrutnec ygolonhcet dna ssecorp . syo trtenanh etitSmiUelviomrpmi etipseD eht hgih level fo ytilibisiv taht tsrif noitareneg tnioJ dna cificeps-ecivreS noitatnemirepxe smargorp evah ,detcartta ylgnisirprus elttil noitnetta sah neeb diap ot wohot tseb egarevel cifitneics ngised fo stnemirepxe dna S&M secitcarp ot ezimixam ehtnoitamrofni taht nac eb denrael morf hcus .stnemirepxe ehT noitacilppa fo cifitneics sdohtem ot DoD noitatnemirepxe smargorp ,si ni eht weiv fo eht ,srohtua deriuqer ni redro ot niatbo ehtlluf ti f.eenlnobeiibts as ltomanponeromfiitraerpexpeo nd o es imnns torot smnfa rasnri)eoocefeseehSti ihlespTSst eltleaNyalhprp(SlatppuvamaiNS seh c gsiaot utt htnnonclpegr e aalmihdmSr rA istni UpfeeyreartonlvedeeetappegtNxxlaeEFB escss net nici.osooirhtpca E td sneS te v S ncmslyfNnie iaono eperhvayeshenmvbatpiaxNE sno iftoa cel S,i ra.&dlsui nMepntt dob pounoniieaifetatrrtt pcaa eoescehpceistndleiphpTa tsn.sedemecid ornereerppmaxmEocer 1. noitcudortnI nI eht tsap neetfif ,sraey eht SU tnemtrapeD fo esnefeD sah emoc ot ezingocer taht ehtgnitsixe lamrof noitisiuqca ssecorp sah dah seitluciffid gnipeek ecap htiw stnemevorpmi ni.ygolonhcet yB eht emit a margorp si ,dedleif eht etats fo eht tra – dna deedni eht tnemeriuqer rofeht margorp – evah netfo devlove tsap eht lanigiro snoitacificeps rof eht .metsys oT plehyfitnedi erutuf tnioj stnemeriuqer dna laitnetop seitilibapac taht yam teem esoht ,stnemeriuqer ehtSU tnemtrapeD fo esnefeD ( )DoD sah decarbme eht tpecnoc fo tnioJ .noitatnemirepxE .6*102-D-79-4100 0tNcartn oLC RrNed nduemrofr esp akwr oswi hT Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 1999 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-1999 to 00-00-1999 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Use of Modeling and Simulation (M&S) in Support of Joint Command 5b. GRANT NUMBER and Control Experimentation: Naval Simulation System (NSS) Support to Fleet Battle Experiments 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Metron Inc,512 Via de la Valle Suite 301,Solana Beach,CA,92075 REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The original document contains color images. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 11 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 noitatnemirepxE si deweiv sa a yleuqinu elbiderc dna tsubor snaem ot eveihca roines yratiliM dna tnemnrevoG susnesnoc no deriuqer erutuf yratilim seitilibapac dna eht esnefedseicilop dedeen ot ezilaer .meht sihT ytilibiderc smets morf eht tcaf taht noitatnemirepxe swollatnerruc lanoita rseepcorof ot yolpme w esneigolonhc edtna lwaennoit adznia nmsamegorrcuotcurts nina lanoitarepo ,tnemnorivne gnola htiw yratnemelpmoc gniledom dna noitalumis )S&M( dnaa cif i,thnceaiocrsppa ot yfitnauq e hdtedda-eula vfo cificeps wseenigolonh cdenta ecrsoefrutcurts ni ylekil lanoitarepo .soiranecs ,ecneH tnioJ noitatnemirepxE si deweiv sa a snaem ot rupsyek DoD ,noitavonni ot pleh enimreted DoD ,seitiroirp dna ot noitisnart laitnetop 12 ts yrutnec s tont e.nemyiher t vaysSotg sUriodepllncmioaoimnrhpcet hcaE fo eht eerht secivres gnidulcni( eht eniraM )sproC sah sti nwo noitatnemirepxE.margorp ehT teelF elttaB tnemirepxE )EBF( seires saw detaitini nehw eht feihC fo lavaNsnoitarepO )ONC( detcerid eht yvaN ot egagne ni stnemirepxe ot erolpxe wen snopaew ,smetsys ,seigolonhcet dna tnemyolpme senirtcod ot yrrac eht yvaN otni eht12 ts .yrutnec ,rednammoC drih Tteel F )dFe3tCa(it ienhit tsrif fo ,eseht EBF ,ahplA ni hcraM fo 7991 ygbninibmo calavan ecafrus erif troppus )SFSN( rewop noitcejorp esicrexe htiw eht tnadnammoC fo ehteniraM sproC decnavdA gnithgifraW tnemirepxE )EWA( retnuH .roirraW ,rehtegoT esehtstnemirepxe detartsnomed desab-aes dnammoc dna lortnoc fo a laiceps eniraM dnuorG-riA ksaT ecroF )FTGAM( dna denimaxe eht gnitroppus ,dnammoC ,lortnoC ,sretupmoC dna ecnegilletnI)I4C( erutcetihcra deriuqer ot ylevitceffe yolpme .SFSN ,yllanoitarepO EBF ahplA denimaxeeht ytilibisaef fo na lanesrA pihS dna decudortni eht gniR“ fo ”eriF tpecnoc rof egral elacs .s e dcl eioetvrrartinenfisodcrooc nI sEBF ovarB dna ,eilrahC detcudnoc ni rebmetpeS 7991 dna yaM ,8991 F3C dna,rednammoC dnoceS teelF )F2C( ylevitcepser evah deunitnoc eht ssecorp fo gnirolpxe wen stpecnocdna seigolonhcet yb rehtruf gnitagitsevni eht gniR fo eriF tcurtsnoc decnahne htiw tnioJ lacitcatria )RIACAT( noisicerp ekirts troppus dna erutuf SFSN .snopaew EBF ,atleD detcudnoc yb h, trtn eee)devFnle7 aFSCdm (emrdn coe ei,nCbsn 8aoti29vtpmC9 dceas1daOcxmnneeaotcsys tnaveler ot eht laiceps-retnuoc snoitarepo secrof )FOSC( dna tnioJ retaehT riA dnaelissiM esnefeD )DMATJ( noissim saera rof eht tsrif emit ni a drawrof deyolped lanoitarepo.retaeht EBF ,ohcE yltnecer detcudnoc yb ,F3C denimaxe DMATJ sa llew sa ecroftrop/noitcetorp ytiruce sseussi tsniaga na ci r)ttesmimryosra.rteate(rht etipseD eht hgih level fo ytilibisiv taht tsrif noitareneg tnioJ dna cificeps-ecivreS noitatnemirepxe smargorp evah ,detcartta ylgnisirprus elttil noitnetta sah neeb diap ot wohot tseb egarevel cifitneics ngised fo stnemirepxe dna S&M secitcarp ot ezimixam ehtnoitamrofni taht nac eb denrael morf hcus .stnemirepxe ehT noitacilppa fo cifitneics sdohtem ot DoD noitatnemirepxe smargorp ,si ni eht weiv fo eht ,srohtua deriuqer ni redro ot niatbo ehtlluf ti f.eenlnobeiibts as ltomanponeromfiitraerpexpeo sihT repap stneserp snossel denrael morf eht noitacilppa fo eht lavaN noitalumiS metsyS)SSN( dna lareneg ngised fo tnemirepxe secitcarp ot SU yvaN teelF elttaB stnemirepxE ahplAhguorht Echo. 2. m entosiytSa lleuahmvTiaSN SSN si na tcejbo ,detneiro etnoM olraC noitalumis tsrif depoleved ni eht ylrae s09 sa nacitylana loot rof ecrof tnemyolpme dna esruoc fo noitca sisylana rof teelF .esu tI sledomlevel-ytitne snoitcaretni htiw a cificeps sucof no ,2C .e.i eht noitcelloc fo noitamrofni yb ,srosneseht noitanimessid fo taht noitamrofni revo snoitacinummoc ,skrowten eht noisuf fo tahtnoitamrofni otni a lacitcat ,erutcip dna a s’rednammoc noisiced gnikam desab no sih dleh-yllacollacitcat .erutcip nI ,noitidda SSN stneserper deliated dnammoc serutcurts ot etalumis noisiced gnikamta suoirav slevel nihtiw a dnammoc .erutcetihcra ’srednammoC snalp era detneserper sa llewsa la u ’dssintvoeiisdtsncaia eort ilu mniiths.t ti rnwdieeemvhnitoercirvenpe htiW sti sisahpme no ,2C SSN saw tsrif deppat ot troppus eht EBF seires ni eht elor fooiranecs rotalumits rof 2C .smetsys SSN saw deifidom ot etareneg dloG-THTO tcatnoc stroperhcihw erew def ot 2C smetsys gnie bdetaulave ni .B-EBF A el gnnoiistacilper fo eht etnoM olraCSSN noitalumis saw nur ni emit-laer edom dna eht lacitcat erutcip saw detalumis rof namuhsrotarepo gn ienh.nt ma2emCtsys ”noi thS atSdl aNeurpvmelih ottgnvsrnie/uonfl oa oieithratarneencesg“ sEBF eilrahC dna,atleD erehw secafretni ot eht ledom erew depoleved os stessa detalumis ni SSN dluoc ebdetalupinam ni laer emit ni esnopser ot gniksat morf eht namuh srotarepo ni eht .tnemirepxe nI ,D-EBFsiht evitcaretni edom fo SSN saw derutam ot eht tniop erehw eht SSN rotarepo yllautca”deyalp“ detalumis tfarcria yb gnikam eciov stroper revo laer snoitacinummoc smetsys ot evilsrotarepo gniksat ,meht gnitalumis noitautis ,stroper elttab egamad ,stnemssessa dna tfarcria gnikcehcno n.og inrtioakftssat hguohtlA SSN sah dnuof a ehcin ni eht EBF ssecorp ni oiranecs ,noitalumits ti osla sah tnacifingis ytilibapac ni na sisylana .elor sihT ytilibapac sah neeb desu ot emos tnetxeni gnicudorp koolkciuq ,snoisrucxe gnimrofrep EOM ,noitaluclac dna ni tsop esicrexe.sisylana ,revewo Htsom fo siht krow sah ne edbemrofrep no na coh-d a,sis atbuoht ilwamr ogfniksatmorf eht emitiraM elttaB retneC eht( ycnega deksat htiw gninnur eht tnemirepxe )seires dnaeht der ets bedgmennulain.Fmttms nooeeChhmtirepxe nI eht gniwollof ,noitces ew lliw ssucsid eht cificeps snoitacilppa fo SSN ot suoirav selor nieht teelF elttaB tnemirepxE .ssecorp eW edivid eseht snoitacilppa otni eerht sesahp fo :troppus-erp ,tnemirepxe tnemirepxe ,noitucexe dnatnemirepxe-tsop 1 dna etic cificeps selpmaxe fognisu SSN n ie sseehlto rni eh tevif sEBF detcudnoc ot .etad secnerefeR snevetS[ dna ,nosnhoJ,]7991 [ nongaG dn a, s,n]e)v1e(t8S991[ t n n]e so)m,in2. ushg(kdcnta8rnoeG9oadv9we1tS 3. ecn e SinSriNe pexh Et sEsBeFc oortPetaD SSN sah dah eht euqinu ecneirepxe fo gnillif suoirav selor ylsuounitnoc ni eht teelFelttaB tnemirepxE ,seires morf sti .noitpecni eW etic ereh a wef tuodnats snoitcnuf taht SSNsah demrofrep ni eht tnemirepxe-erp ,esahp eht tnemirepxe ,flesti dna ni tnemirepxe-tso psisylanasa se le pvfmioat x.aeenr hotetis ltutoalar tlhSnit&e Mm nil aralcenlpoixi fetnairepo 1 sihT ylesolc sngila htiw eht tpecnoc fo ”ledom-tset-ledom“ gnieb deredisnoc rof erutuf sEBF dna rof esu ni ehttnioJ .marg onropitatnemirepxE 3.1 Pre-Experiment roirP ot eht lautca noitucexe fo na ,tnemirepxe lareves sgniht evah ot .neppah ehTseigolonhcet taht lliw eb detset tsum eb deifitnedi dna eht stpecnoc rof rie httnemyolpm etsum eb thguoht.tuo A oiranecs tsum eb deerga nopu hcihw si htob fo tseretni ot eht teelF dnammoC gnitsoheht tnemirepxe dna hcihw lliw eb a doog txetnoc rof eht desoporp .stset oiranecS sliated hcussa eulB dna deR sredro fo ,elttab emit emarf nihtiw eht ,oiranecs rebmun dna noitarud fo tnemirepxe snur ot eb ,edam dna atad noitcelloc dna desoporp sEOM rof sisylana tsumeb .denimreted SSN sah neeb deyolpme sa a oiranecs tnempoleved dna weiverp loot ni htob EBF eilrahCdna ,ohcE gnisu a tnereffid hcaorppa ni hcae .tnemirepxe nI EBF ,eilrahC erehw tnioJ seriFerew desu ot yaled na ymene ecnavda no a hcaeb daeh gnieb deruces ni na suoibihpma,tluassa oiranecs ngised saw yllaitini demrofrep no a egral trahc erehw ymene ’snmuloc skcarterew nward gnola sdaor dna ssorca ,segdirb detanidrooc htiw tnemevom fo lacitcat sMAS dna dezinorhcnys htiw eulB noitatropsnart fo spoort dna tnempiuqe ssorca eht .hcaeb ecnO ehtatad saw ylirotcafsitas nward tuo no ,repap ti saw deretne otni SSN dna neht deyalp kcab ni aelgnis noitacilper rof .gnikcehc srorrE erew ,detcerroc skcart erew ,detsujda dna gnimit fo seitrosdna tnemevom fo secrof erew deifidom ot erusne taht stneve deneppah ni eht derised .redro ehT kcabyalp ytilibapac fo SSN devorp ot eb na ylemertxe lufesu loot rof weiver fo eht oiranecsdna ot pleh roliat eht taerht noitatneserp rof eht derised tceffe rof eht .tnemirepxe erugiF 1woleb d.ee tin tnliE oer Bshsasf FwsehoonSeoprC ieSnhap areNos nefa resroneceehsrcthst eilra hE CBr Fonfoitatneserp eoRirane c.Se S1SrNugiF nI EBF ,ohcE SSN saw osla deyolpme roirp ot eht lautca tnemirepxe ot erolpxe laitnetopscitcat rof a wen noissim aera rof hcihw scitcat yllaer did ton .tsixe gnomA rehto ,stcejbusE-EBF derolpxe a tr oy pt,ioriurca eneserce shlwareve seulB spihs er edwerohcna ni a trop dnadednefed yb lortap staob tsniaga elacs-llams skcatta yb a dradnats-non )”cirtemmysa“( taerht hcussa sremmiws gniyal senim ro stsirorret no tej siks gnikam hgih deeps .skcatta sihT oiranecssaw deretne otni SSN dna nur htiw lareves tnereffid taerht snoitatneserp ot erolpxe erehw eht desoporp sesnefed ekorb .nwod ehT aedi saw ot dnatsrednu eht melborp ni eht ledom ot atniop erehw )1( ganignel lda nhcacit sn iotliaateearr thdntleusoecrp eb ,desive ddna )2( a dilaevsnefed y gdel tudaoer ct te sgsbrenogifgt us.nsetitn e emlhiatruetpcxae EBF ohcE saw eht tsrif emit taht S&M saw desu ot erolpxe scitcat dna staerht ni sihtrennam roi r. ptonte meli hartuetpcxae A do olga ee drdol mueov canhe eebn oh dtoi iwerha tnneicsSSN fi emit dah .dettimrep tnereffiD ,srosnes dnammoc dna lortnoc ,stnemegnarra dna neve detalutsop snopaew dluoc evah neeb detutitsbus dna nur nihtiw eht .noitalumis ,yletanutrofnU ereht saw ton hguone emit ot mrofrep eseht snur roirp ot eht lautca .tnemirepxe nI ,noitiddaeht sthgisni derehtag morf eht ledom erew ton yllufsseccus def otni eht tnemirepxe gninnalpssecorp eud ot tneiciffusni dael emit dna eht ecnesba fo na laiciffo msinahcem rof siht refsnartfo .noitamrofni ,revewoH ew etapicitna taht siht hcaorppa lliw eb desu ni tneuqesbus,stnemirepxe gnitrats htiw tortxoF ni eht llaF fo .9991 nI ,tcaf eht lavaN etaudargtsoP ,loohcS hcihwsi gnimrofrep eht laiciffo atad noitcelloc dna sisylana rof eht EBF seires gnitrats htiw ,ohcEsah yda edreltaats a erised ot esu S&M roirp ot tenhetmire poxte er ustcaimtca t dsnoairan encis“eht .”yrotarobal 3.2 Experiment Execution teelF elttaB stnemirepxE era yllacipyt dleh tnerrucnoc htiw dlrow-laer sesicrexe ot egareveleht ylbmessa fo evil .secrof netfO siht snaem taht eht EBF tsum esimorpmoc sti slaog esuacebti tonnac erefretni htiw eht evil ”tsoh“ .esicrexe enO yaw rof eht sEBF ot ezimixam eht ytinutroppo si ot etalumis secrof taht era ton elbaliava morf eht tsoh .esicrexe sihT sah neebeht niam sucof fo S&M ni eht sEBF ot .etad nI noitidda ot gnillif“ ni eht ”spag fo eht eviltsoh ,esicrexe S&M osla sedivorp a msinahcem rof atad ,noitcelloc emit-laer( )koolkciuq,sisylana dna gniniart fo srotarepo fo wen smetsys rednu .noitaulave SSN sah neeb desu ni sEBF nihcae .s t. nsefeesomlei ohrtrtenpe xr s eeeme eslWfol sss lfrpheeuwiifmtshcowdaiutsnxwied nI stnemirepxE ,ovarB ,eilrahC dna ,atleD SSN demaet htiw eht dnaL kcattA erafraWmetsyS ,)SWAL( a 2C metsys taht swolla rof tneiciffe tnemeganam fo tnioj serif morf eht ,aesot enimaxe eht gniR fo eriF tpecnoc rof tnioj ,serif dna ot enimaxe eht esu fo noisicerpsnopaew tsniaga lacitirc-emit stegrat ni .DMATJ SSN detalumis eht ytirojam fo eht oiranecs nihcae gn :ig st nse neitiyehwet lstos i,lelsdltarlanincpoabeiefamprpiyartcepxe § ; t, f e sa,r,deersosnuccphbalrrisuBoihasfas § ; s, ,ted recn disaugnasfonaarriu gd srud,elee dcRlfrntooitab § ;t afneeaihrr t acsdr pnieiaathishW § ,t; f esda,)renrsnocacpohrriisoiht afasinleaeorcG( eulB srosnes detalumis ni SSN gnidulcni( ,SRATSJ ,sVAU ,setilletas drawroF riA,srellortnoC s nsoh it,tas ap3oc -tids)dP nne Se s uadtCtettm ocAarrnmrnaWneoeoetAgwpscevniehoosrtced noitamrofni saw desuf otni a lacitcat .erutcip A detalumis dnammoc edon deralced stegratmorf siht erutcip ”elbanoitca“ rof kcatta desab no cificeps .airetirc esehT elbanoitca stegrat erewneht dettimsnart ot eht SWAL gnisu dradnats dloG-HTO gnitroper stamrof rof yalpsid ot eht srotarepo dna noisiced .srekam erugiF 2 swohs eht EBF ovarB RSI4C erutcetihcra rof ehtgniR fo eriF .tpecnoc SSN detalumis gnihtyreve ot eht tfel fo eht dettod enil neewteb eht letnIdna . rte .a n irsls esyloliaEmerrflmwBe reaeiFgivh CsnFCeahrTra Sensor Ground Reports Sites JMCIS Processed Reports/Cueing and Tasking CTP ELINT Sat Contact IMINT Sat Reports Actionable Targets U-2 SAR/ELINT Intel Engagement Fire Weapons Cell Reports Cell Platforms JSTARS BDA Reports UAVE O NSS SWAL Weapons GroundO OB er ifgFon ir Roefrutcetihc rRASI 4oCva r.Ee B2BrFugiF nI sEBF eilrahC dna ,atleD SWAL srotarepo deksat )detalumis( enrobria tabmoC riAtroppuS )SAC( snoissim ot kcatta )detalumis( elbanoitca stegrat no eht .dleifelttab nehW ehtgniksat tnemngissa saw ,deviecer SSN ”welf“ eht SAC seitros ot eht ,stegrat detalumis eht,tnemegagne detalumis elttaB egamaD stnemssessA )ADB( yb ,srosnes dna tnes eht ADB stroper otSWAL gnisu dradnats egassem stamrof dna .egaugnal SSN osla detroper ADB no stegrat degagneyb g ndnsoei eit.ye ltn ta snr iaednly iiesslsnepb,uhns ueamsrtoiemrincopmhiprunatseegaerpwxe 2 nI sEBF ovarB dna ,eilrahC SSN yllaitn edsesteucexe a detpir c.soiranecs ylnO SAC seitrosdna emos tegrat noitom ni( )eilrahC erew yllacimanyd deganam morf eht .noitalumis nI EBF,atleD ’SSN noitucexe ecafretni saw yltaerg dednapxe ot wolla eht SSN rotarepo ot dnopser ot aediw yteirav fo stseuqer morf eht evil SWAL srotarepo gniganam a emitiram esneffo tsniagahtroN 2 ehT snhoJ snikpoH deilppA scisyhP s’baL MISLPA saw a ytiledif -nhogiithalumis elbapac fo gnitneserper ,MALTlacitcat ,MALT nug ,sdnuor dna rehto tuoylf .snopaew deliateD snopaew yrotcejart dna tuoylf sretemarap erew derised osecapsria noit cdillufoncoce de bdenimax eni . tenhetmirep xE SSN dna MISLP Aere wdeknil os tah tnop atecwa psmtineve niMISLPA .S SndNietaula vedebluoc naeroK enr onboaietsresni fo la iscneopist a.rseepcorof snoitcnuF SSN d eytlallaucmiimsanydni :de dEauBtlFlcenDi § d,he e cid,synfne abuiapt bacyfhletac p rntsfcuroraeiLlaa .ngisllac § gnirotceV fo kcatta stessa tsniaga ;stegrat skcatta dluoc eb desucof no rehgihytiroirp stegr adfteitce ryibd.s rSoWtAaLrepo § gnitcerideR fo.srosnes § gn.i etfs ccop kneirc arhoa tdisftraidtoeoearvRhat ehT msilaer fo eht SSN oiranecs noitalumis ni EBF atleD saw yltnacifingis decnahne ybeht noitidda fo eciov stroper gniynapmocca eht tcatnoc stroper tnes ot .SWAL A eciovtiucric st rgoontp i:eedwe rb eod enwla sheolmerte lohowSlft ttS adaeNSnrbWaeApLo § noitautiS stropeR )SPERTIS( edam yb eht 3-P gnitca sa enrobria rellortnoc dnaaera .rosnes esehT dedulcni a ecafrus erutcip ,yrammus kcatta stessa rednu eht s’3-P ,lortno ctnemegagne sutats fo eseht ,stessa leuf dna snopaew ,sutats dna ynadengissanu contacts. § n id- nktacfea hrtccrreilaA .eca pt sntreui moafe- ogkeachgetnhec § elttaB egamad.stroper ehT sliated fo eht SSN noitalumis dna eht gniynapmocca eciov stroper decnahne eht msilaerfo eht noitatneserp ot eht SWAL .srotarepo sihT dewolla eht ksat gnidaol fo eht srekamnoisiced .yllacits i dl meag e teneStoarihWst ustAyeluLsbave nehW SSN si desu ot evird a ,oiranecs ti si ni a euqinu noitisop o tyllacit atmcoetlulaoc atadtaht nac eb denrut dnuora rof a koolkciuq sisylana retfa eht oiranecs nur si .etelpmoc nI EBF,ovarB atad detcelloc yb SSN saw desu ot etareneg sEOM taht erew desu yb eht emitiraM elttaBretneC ot rotinom ssergorp dna ot enimreted fi tnemirepxe sevitcejbo erew gnieb .tem SSNcitamotua sl :idnaeotd eindv ooni rotdpia ntrEace OenaMletlgaodc § tegraT sutats stegrat( degamad sa a noitcnuf fo emit yb tegrat ,epyt dna ehtnoitubirtsid d f,; e,oe)sre gse izy atm,duioomeitnqlrtagtcaeatdrercsatoeteldd § gniR fo eriF tessA noitazilitu tessa( tnemngissa susrev emit derapmoc ot eht rebmunfo ;d)ne agnni ahsrttiewgrat § gniR fo eriF 2C edon ycneiciffe eht( rebmun fo elbanoitca stegrat dleh ybSWAL dde e t ,ryroaerSa betcseWpsee vorbAmthhffolumLoettooloucsacn s.aa)nur ataD noitcelloc rof lanif troper noitareneg si osla .detroppus roF ,elpmaxe ni EBF ,eilrahCSSN dedivorp atad ni cinortcele tamrof ot eht retneC rof lavaN ,sesylanA eht ycnega deksathtiw nloa i ms taridctosneafyald. lltnaonince amtiarhetpxe rehtonA yrev tnatropmi noitcnuf dellif yb SSN ni eht EBF seires sah neeb 2C metsysrotarepo .gniniart sA detcerid yb eht ONC ,retrahc eht sEBF evah denimaxe wen 2C seigolonhcetdna evitavonni 2C ,stpecnoc hcihw era yllacipyt railimafnu ot eht srotarepo gnitapicitrap nieht .tnemirepxe gniniarT dna noitazirailima fhtiw eht tnempiuqe dna serudecorp sah neebyrassecen ot erusne ssenhtooms fo noitarepo ni eht lautca .tnemirepxe nI EBF ,eilrahC etarapesgniniart soiranecs erew depoleved ot edivorp a elpmis taerht noitatneserp rof srotarepo gnisu SWALrof eht tsrif .emit nI EBF ,atleD a lluf keew fo gniniar tsnoisses saw detcudnoc htiw SSN,soiranecs gnivlovni SWAL rotarepo smaet htiw suoirav ecneirepxe ,slevel ot eraperp rof eht eerht syadfo lautca tnemirepxe .snur tuohtiW eseht gniniart ,snoisses atad detcelloc gnirud eht lautca .t dsngl eenud vm ioerrienwtourb rntceyaiapbearxlteepo rehtonA euqinu esu fo S&M gnirud na tnemirepxe nur si ot enimaxe snoisrucxe ot eht tnemirepxe oiranecs ni .emit-laer-raen sihT si netfo elbissopmi esuaceb fo eht trohsdnuoranrut emit dna eht tnemeriuqer ot retne atad otni eht noitalumis rof eht .noisrucxe ,revewoH niowt etarapes ,snoisacco SSN stsylana erew elba ot esu eht noitalumis ot etareneg atad noelbissop oiranecs snoisrucxe nihtiw a ruoh-42 doirep gnirud eht ,tnemirepxe gnidivorp thgisni otnieht atad gnieb .detcelloc nI EBF ,ahplA SSN saw nur ot enimaxe evitanretla lanesrA pihSnopaew stuodaol dna woh eseht stuodaol dluow egnahc eht noitaraperp fo eht dleifelttab ni troppusfo lacitcat ria .sekirts esehT stluser erew defeirb ot F3C eht txen .yad nI EBF ,atleD ataddetcelloc ni SSN no eht SWAL ’srotarepo semit ot ekam snoisiced rof snoitacolla fo stessa saw defkcab otni eht .noitalumis etnoM olraC snur erew neht edam htiw snoisrucxe no htob kcattastessa elbaliava dna snopaew ssenevitceffe ot ees tahw tcapmi eseht sretemarap dluow evah no ehtetar ta hcihw stegrat dluoc eb .detucesorp erugiF 3 swohs eht stluser fo eseht ,snur hcihwerew dedivorp ot eht emitiraM elttaB retneC dna erew yltneuqesbus detic ni tnemirepxe-stgsnoipfeirb dna .stroper ehT atad htiw sdnomaid dna serauqs gnikram eht senil era ”evil“ tnemirepxeatad detcelloc yb SSN gnirud oiranecs .snur ehT atad tuohtiw sdnomaid dna serauqs erewdetareneg yb etnoM olraC snur fo SSN htiw eht snoisrucxe deton ni eht .yek s’SSN detalumisSWAL ec n sadame wrn’ ousoftrtr o ee t ephnamctwranoeea hpTmn soriB oef.hrtteoplp ommCs Failure hcta BnoisrucxEnsuR Baseline HA -64s RTB and No AC -130 delcyceR + %0 3rewefHA -64 + rewo LeriflleHkP Targets FBE - D ”eviL“snuR emainiRng F7C maeTA Baseline F7C maeT B No AC -130 Offsite Team No AC -130 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hours noituce xtEnemirep xgEnir udDemrofr esPisyla nnAoisruc xaEtl e ED . Be3FrugiF 3.3 Post-Experiment sA a ecruos fo ,atad SSN sah neeb devlovni ni tnemirepxe-tsop ,sisylana tsom ylbaton niEBF .] s et , lir,roa looevner pvvaiiaodeaerflhnnrrwB rCaBowa [HehsnCnu rfo elh etedroeemdwam ot troppus eseht .stroffe nI EBF ,ohcE rof eht tsrif ,emit eht SSN oiranecs depoleved-erp tnemirepxe si gnieb desu ot enimaxe snoisrucxe tnemirepxe-tsop gnisu atad detcelloc gnirudeht .tnemirepxe hguohtlA siht troffe si gniogno ta eht emit fo siht ,gnitirw lareves snoitavresbonac y.eet t sbd rd io sansonslte emoifatihEchfittBoteuFrp ataD detcelloc gnirud EBF ohcE no eht ecnamrofrep fo wen srosnes detset tegrat( noitceted saa noitcnuf fo )egnar lliw eb desu ni SSN daetsni fo setamitse fo rosnes ecnamrofrepylsuoiverp .desu lortaP taob esnefed scitca tyllaut cdaeyolpme ni eht tnemirepxe lliw osla eb dedoc otnieht noitalumis sa ylesolc sa elbissop ot etacilper eht tnemirepxe .yalp skcarT fo lortap staob dnaeht te j g msn ti etidnk) t .a neesS e sgsesodmPlrgynnrtiriGaensiuhitor(bwisrtniceoruusepluorxgdpe A resrap enituor sah neeb tliub ot daer siht atad otni SSN oiranecs selif os lautca skcart nacosla n.e osbdinetus arunliumis enO yaw SSN sah yletaidemmi nwohs eulav ni tnemirepxe-tsop sisylana si ni ylpmisgniyalper edhetdro c.esrk-cSaPrGt yB gnitalumi seht reporp stessa no eht skcart dna gninnur eht ledomni a elgnis ,noitacilper eht tnemevom fo stessa sa dedrocer yb eht SPG stinu nac eb .deweiv sihT ,noitatneserp denibmoc htiw revresbo seton dna rehto detamotua atad ,noitcelloc si yllaitnessea etelpmoc lacirotsih drocer fo eht EBF ohcE trop ytiruces .stneve sA eht gniyas ,seog A“erutcip s ihtro w.d ”nasadsruoowht gnisU eht lautca EBF skcart dna rosnes ecnamrofrep ,atad eht EBF stneve nac eb detalumisni SSN dnoyeb a elpmis .kcabyalp yB gniwolla eht ledom ot etalumis ,snoitacinummocatad ,noisuf dna eht dezilartnec s’rednammoc lacitcat ,erutcip eht tnemirepxe yalp nac ebdetacilper dna dednapxe nopu htiw sliated fo eht s’rednammoc noitpecrep fo eht .taerht htiW eht noitalumis tes pu ni siht ,yaw noisrucxe sisylana nac eb demrofrep yb ylpmis gniretla stcepsafo eht .oiranecs htiW eht EBF ohcE ,sisylana evitatnet snalp era ot nur tnereffid snopaew,smetsys yrt tnereffid lortap taob lortap ,snoiger yrav taerht ,snoitatneserp dna spahrep erolpxeevitanretla dnammoc .stnemegnarra nI siht ,yaw eht detimil tes fo atad detcelloc ni eht lautcatnemirepxe nac eb degarevel otni a ediw yteirav fo snossel denrael hguorht eht noitacilppa fo .S&M nI d, s.eyensnr sotronesn aeahsedehct emeltn litoers -beenwptiox-leelrof 4. n ee:mts iuno rbot e eiihtp rttaxS ltahE&nlndWMaionCtCeSmmoceR s stecorP hguohtlA S&M sah deyalp a tnacifingis elor ni hcae egats fo yreve tnemirepxe ot ,etadereht niamer emos tnatropmi saera erehw ti sah tey ot evorpmi eht llarevo .ssecorp ehT srohtuaera lufepoh taht sa eht teelF elttaB tnemirepxE seires ,serutam S&M lliw eb deilppa ot gnirberom . s rsc oe iegco frioteiirrhttptnneeics hcaE EBF sah neeb a ylevitaler detalosi tneve ylesool detcennoc ot suoiverp stnemirepxe ybeht nommoc emeht fo elttab tnemeganam gnisu erutuf 2C smetsys hcus sa .SWAL EBFahplA hguorht atleD ylgnisaercni denediw eht epocs fo eht ,melborp morf lavan ecafrus eriftroppus hguorht denibmoc erif troppus ni a deyolped-drawrof .retaeht hguohtlA eht semeht evahneeb

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