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Preview DTIC ADA460966: Regularized Kernel Regression for Image Deblurring

Regularized Kernel Regression for Image Deblurring Hiroyuki Takeda, Sina Farsiu, and Peyman Milanfar Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California at Santa Cruz {htakeda,farsiu,milanfar}@soe.ucsc.edu Abstract—The framework of kernel regression [1], a non- This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we parametricestimationmethod,hasbeenwidelyusedindifferent briefly review the kernel regression framework and formulate guises for solving a variety of image processing problems a deblurring estimator. Section III illustrates two experiments including denoising and interpolation [2]. In this paper, we onsimulateddatasets,andweconcludethispaperinthelast extend the use of kernel regression for deblurring applica- tions. Furthermore, we show that many of the popular image section. reconstruction techniques are special cases of the proposed framework. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of our II. KERNEL DEBLURRING proposed methods. A. Review I. INTRODUCTION The kernel regression framework defines its data model in 2-D as Inourearlierwork[2],[3],westudiedthekernelregression (KR) framework, and proposed the data-adaptive version of y =z(x )+ε , i=1,··· ,P, x =[x ,x ]T, (1) i i i i 1i 2i kernel regression for use in image and video processing. where y is a noisy sample at x , z(·) is the (hitherto The applicability of data-adapted kernel regression is wide- i i unspecified) regression function to be estimated, ε is an i.i.d ranging,forexample,imagedenoising(includingwhiteGaus- i zero mean noise, and P is the total number of samples in sian, Laplacian, Salt & Pepper, Compression artifacts, and a neighborhood (window) of interest. As such, the kernel re- Color artifacts), and image interpolation/reconstruction from gressionframeworkprovidesarichmechanismforcomputing regular and irregularly sampled data sets (e.g. image fusion point-wise estimates of the regression function with minimal and super-resolution). However, since these direct applica- assumptions about global signal or noise models. tions of KR neglected the atmosphere or camera’s point Whilethespecificformofz(·)mayremainunspecified,we spread function (blur) effects, the estimated signals (images) can rely on a generic local expansion of the function about a needfurtherprocessing.Suchatwo-stepfilteringprocess(e.g. sampling point x . Specifically, if x is near the sample at x , denoising + deblurring) is in general suboptimal [4]. In this i i we have the (N +1)-term Taylor series1 paper, we develop a one-step procedure for denoising and deblurring, based on the kernel regression framework. z(x ) ≈ z(x)+{∇z(x)}T(x −x) i i To date, the kernel regression framework has never been 1 + (x −x)T{Hz(x)}(x −x)+··· (2) directly used for deblurring. As is well-known, deblurring 2 i ' i “ is an ill-posed problem, and it requires an appropriate reg- = β +βT(x −x)+βTvech (x −x)(x −x)T +··· ,(3) 0 1 i 2 i i ularization which introduces prior information about the desired signals. For piecewise constant signals, the total where ∇ and H are the gradient (2×1) and Hessian (2×2) variation (TV) regularization (L -norm), proposed in [5], is operators, respectively, and vech(·) is the half-vectorization 1 a better choice than the Tikhonov regularization (L -norm) operator which lexicographically orders the lower triangular 2 for denoising [6], [7], [8] as well as deblurring [9], [10] portionofasymmetricmatrix.Furthermore,β0isz(x),which applications. The implicit assumption of piecewise constancy is the pixel value of interest, and the vectors β and β are 1 2 in TV regularization prevents estimated signals from having • ‚ ∂z(x) ∂z(x) T fine texture and gradation. Hence, the question which we β = , (4) 1 ∂x ∂x mustconsiderishowtomoreeffectivelyestimatesignalswith • 1 2 ‚ textureandgradation.Inthispaper,weincorporatethetheory ∂2z(x) ∂2z(x) ∂2z(x) T β = . (5) of kernel regression and propose a deblurring algorithm with 2 2∂x2 ∂x ∂x 2∂x2 1 1 2 2 a suitable regularization. Since this approach is based on local approximations, a logical step to take is to estimate the parameters {β }N This work was supported in part by AFOSR Grant F49620-03-1-0387, n n=0 andbytheNationalScienceFoundationScienceandTechnologyCenterfor Adaptive Optics, managed by the University of California at Santa Cruz 1Other localized representations are also possible and may be advanta- underCooperativeAgreementNo.AST-9876783. geous. Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2006 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2006 to 00-00-2006 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Regularized Kernel Regression for Image Deblurring 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION University of California Santa Cruz,Electrical Engineering REPORT NUMBER Department,1156 High Street,Santa Cruz,CA,95064 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 5 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 fromallthesamples{y }P whilegivingthenearbysamples where z (·) and z (·) are the first derivatives along x and i i=1 xi x2 1 higher weights than samples farther away. A formulation of x directions and w is a local analysis window around the 2 i thefittingproblemcapturingthisideaistosolvethefollowing position of interest. The intuitive idea behind the superior optimization problem, performance of the steering kernel is to rely on the image XP flfl structure information (given by the local dominant orienta- min fly −β −βT(x −x) tion [15]), instead of using radiometric distances directly to i 0 1 i fβ gN make the data-adaptive kernels. Since the regularized local n n=0i=1 fl ' “flm orientation estimate as formulated in [2] has strong tolerance −βTvech (x −x)(x −x)T −··· fl K (x −x)(6) 2 i i Hi i to noise, the steering kernel is more stable than the bilateral with kernel. 1 K (x −x)= K(H¡1(x −x)), (7) The optimization problem (6) eventually provides a point- Hi i det(Hi) i i wise estimator of the regression function. However, as stated where N is the regression order, m is the error norm param- in the previous section, the data model (1) ignores other eter typically set to 2, K(·) is the kernel function (a radially distortion effects. In the following section, we use a blurred symmetric function), and H is the smoothing (2×2) matrix and noise-ridden data model and derive a KR based deblur- i whichdictatesthe“footprint”ofthekernelfunction.Although ring/denoising estimator. the choice of the particular form of the kernel is open, it has B. Deblurring Estimator and Related Methods a relatively small effect on the accuracy of estimation [11]. Defining the shift-invariant point spread function (PSF) as More details about the optimization problem above can be b(x) and the desired true function as u(x), we consider the found in [2], [3]. blurred and noise-ridden data model Following our previous work [2], we also briefly review three types of the kernel functions. y = z(x)+ε=b(x)∗u(x)+ε, (12) 1) Classic kernel: where ∗ is the convolution operator. For convenience, we KHi(xi−x), with Hi =hI, (8) write the point-wise model in vector form as: where h is the global (spatial) smoothing parameter. This is Y =Z+ε=BU+ε, (13) the standard choice of the kernel function and it is a function where Y is the blurry and noisy measured image, Z is the of only spatial information (spatial distances). However the blurry image, B is the blur operator, and U is the image classic kernel suffers from a limitation due to the local linear of interest. The underline notation denotes matrices that are action on the given data. Thus, in [2], we proposed two data- lexicographically ordered into column-stack vectors: adapted kernel functions; bilateral kernel and steering kernel, 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 which depend not only on spatial information but also on y z(x ) u(x ) ε 1 1 1 1 radiometric information. Y =64 .. 75,Z=64 .. 75,U=64 .. 75,ε=64 .. 75. . . . . 2) Bilateral kernel: y z(x ) u(x ) ε P P P P (14) K (x −x)K (y −y), with H =hI, (9) Hi i hr i i Using the above notations, we also rewrite the point-wise where h is the global radiometric smoothing parameter. In Taylor expansion (2) in vector form as (see Appendix for the r [2], we showed that the popular bilateral filter [12], [13] derivation) ‡ is a special case of the general KR denoising approach Z ≈ S¡v1S¡v2 Z+Z v +Z v using the above bilateral kernel. The bilateral kernel takes x1 x2 x1 1 x2 2 · radiometric distances explicitly into account, which limits its +Z v2+Z v v +Z v2+··· performance, particularly when the measurements are very x21‡1 x1x2 1 2 x22 2 noisy. = S¡v1S¡v2B U+U v +U v x1 x2 x1 1 x2 2 · 3) Steering kernel: +U v2+U v v +U v2+··· KHsiteer(xi−x), with Hsiteer =hC12, (10) = S¡x1v1S¡x2v2BxU21 1 x1x2 1 2 x22 2 (15) isamorerobustchoiceforthedata-adaptivekernelfunctions with [14], [2]. We call Hsteer the steering matrix, and a naive h i i estimate of the covariance matrix C may be obtained as B = B BI BI BI BI BI ··· , follows: i h v1 v2 v12 v1v2 v22 i "P P # U = UT UT UT UT UT UT ··· T, (16) Cb ≈ Pxj2wizx1(xj)zx1(xj) Pxj2wizx1(xj)zx2(xj) , x1 x2 x21 x1x2 x22 i xj2wizx1(xj)zx2(xj) xj2wizx2(xj)zx2(xj) whereSvx11 isthev1-pixelshiftoperatoralongthex1direction, (11) Z and Z are the first and the second derivative in the x1 x21 x direction respectively, and I =diag{v ,··· ,v }. In the 1 v1 1 1 absenceofothermodelingerrorsandnoise,theapproximation suggests the following constraint: Z−S¡v1S¡v2BU=0. (17) x1 x2 Since Taylor approximation with a finite number of terms is only valid when v and v are small, it suggests a likelihood 1 2 term with larger weights for smaller v , v : 1 2 XX(cid:176) (cid:176) (cid:176) (cid:176)m CL(U)= (cid:176)Y−S¡x1v1S¡x2v2BU(cid:176)W(v), (18) (a) Original (b) The blurred image v1 v2 where v=[v ,v ]T, m is the error norm parameter and Fig. 1. The original image and the image blurred with a 5×5 Gaussian 1 2 PSFwithσ=1.5.ThecorrespondingRMSEis11.48. W(v)=diag{K (v),··· ,K (v)}. (19) H1 HP However, with this cost function alone, the optimization theweights.However,inthecaseofusingthesteepestdescent problemmightbestillill-posed;inparticular,whenthewidth method here (or other iterative methods to minimize the cost of the PSF is large. Therefore, we introduce a regularization function C(U)), after the initialization, we will update U and term which further restricts the solution space of the signal the weight matrices alternately in each iteration2. of interest. To this end, since the Taylor expansion locally There are two points that we must not ignore about the representsthedesiredsignals,wehaveanotherapproximation regularization cost function (22). First, the regularization for the true image U directly: term is general enough to subsume several other popular ‡ regularization terms existing in the literature. In particular, U ≈ S¡x1v1S¡x2v2 U+Ux1v1+Ux2v2 · when we choXoseXthe(cid:176)regression order N(cid:176)=0, (22) becomes = S¡v1S+¡Uv2xIU21v12+Ux1x2v1v2+Ux22v22+··· (20) v1 v2 (cid:176)(cid:176)U−S¡x1v1S¡x2v2U(cid:176)(cid:176)mWrr(v). (25) x1 x2 For m = 2 and m = 1, (25) can be regarded as Tikhonov r r with h i and digital TV, respectively, with W (v) = I, |v | ≤ 1, and r 1 I= I Iv1 Iv2 Iv12 Iv1v2 Iv22··· . (21) |v2| ≤ 1. Furthermore, for mr = 1, the formulation (25) is well known as Bilateral Total Variation (BTV) [16] with The above approximation gives the regularization term with weights, Wr(v) = αjv1j+jv2jI, where 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. That is to say, the XX(cid:176) (cid:176) kernel function for BTV is CR(U)= v1 v2 (cid:176)(cid:176)U−S¡x1v1Sx¡2v2IU(cid:176)(cid:176)mWrr(v), (22) Kα(xi−x)=αjx1i¡x1j+jx2i¡x2j, (26) where α is the global smoothing parameter in this case. Of where m is the error norm parameter and W (v) is the r r course, other choices of the kernel function are also possible. weight matrix for this term. In the literature, the data-adaptive versions of the kernel Insummary,theoveralloptimizationproblemisformulated function have recently become popular for image restoration. as The kernel (or weight) functions of Bilateral filter [12], [13], minC(U) = min{C (U)+λC (U)} Mean-Shift [17], [18], and Non-Local Mean [19] are typical L R U U XX‰(cid:176) (cid:176) examples, and those kernel functions are usable for (23) as (cid:176) (cid:176)m = min (cid:176)Y−S¡v1S¡v2BU(cid:176) well. U x1 x2 W(v) Second, all the related regularization terms and methods v1 v2 (cid:176) (cid:176) (cid:190) +λ(cid:176)(cid:176)U−S¡x1v1S¡x2v2IU(cid:176)(cid:176)mWrr(v) , dtmhiseacyteudsnseiemgdlaeagcbetostvhoeeftaehrneigtezhneedrrottoohrdaoeprrpdeedarerrTipaviyaeltcoievrwesai)ps.epHrcooexnnismcteaa,ntitto.hnOesne(stih.teie-. (23) other hand, the regularization term in (22) can naturally take where λ is the regularization parameter. We solve the opti- higher order derivatives into account, resulting in estimated mization problem using the steepest descent method: images with more detailed texture. fl Ub(‘+1) =Ub(‘)+ν ∂C(U)flflfl , (24) III. EXPERIMENTS ∂U U=U(‘) Using the eye section of the Lena image, which is shown b in Fig.1(a), we create a blurred image, shown in Fig.1(b), where ν is the step size. When using the data-adapted kernel functions, we need to calculate the weight matrices W and 2Alternatively, one can consider updating the weight matrices every few Wr beforehand.In[2],weproposedaniterativewaytorefine iterations. (a) The degraded image (b) Total Variation (a) The degraded image (b) ForWaRD [20] (c) ForWaRD [20] (d) Classic kernel deblurring (c) BTV [16] (d) Steering kernel deblurring Fig.3. Thedeblurringsimulationwithlargeamountofnoise:(a)theblurred noisyimage(BSNR=20[dB]),(b)ForWaRD[20],(c)BilateralTotalVariation [16], and (d) steering kernel deblurring (N = 2,m = 2,mr = 1,h = 1.4,λ=0.5).ThecorrespondingRMSE’sare(a)12.36,(b)9.55,(c)8.91, and(d)8.59. 0.15,λ = 0.5) are illustrated in Figs.2(b)-(f), respectively. The corresponding RMSE’s are (a) 11.49, (b) 6.38, (c) 6.95 (d) 6.01, (e) 5.96, and (f) 5.99. In this case, the estimated (e) Bilateral kernel deblurring (f) Steering kernel deblurring images are (at least visually) very similar. Second, we set the amount of noise to BSNR=20[dB] to Fig. 2. The deblurring simulation with small amount of noise: (a) the blurred noisy image (BSNR=40[dB]), (b) the image deblurred with total create the blurry and noisy image shown in Fig.3(a). The es- variation (λ = 0.0001), (c) ForWaRD [20], (d) the image deblurred with timatedimagebyForWaRD[20],BTV[16],andthesteering classickernel(N =2,m=2,mr =2,h=0.25,λ=0.5),(e)theimage deblurred with bilateral kernel (N =2,m=2,mr =2,h=0.25,hr = kernel deblurring (N =2,m=2,mr =1,h=1.4,λ=0.5) 40.0,λ = 0.5), and (f) the image deblurred with steering kernel (N = areillustratedinFig.3(b),Fig.3(c),andFig.3(d),respectively. 2,m=2,mr =2,h =0.15,λ=0.5, one iteration). The corresponding The corresponding RMSE’s are (a)12.36, (b)9.55, (c)8.91, RMSE’sare(a)11.49,(b)6.38,(c)6.95(d)6.01,(e)5.96,and(f)5.99. and(d)8.59.Thesteeringkernelisthebestinthissimulation. by convolving with a 5×5 Gaussian PSF with a standard deviation of 1.5. The resulting RMSE for the blurred image IV. CONCLUSIONAND FUTURE WORK is11.48.WiththeblurryLenaimage,wedidsimulationswith two different noise levels. This paper presented a simultaneous denoising and de- First, we added white Gaussian noise with BSNR = blurring method based on the kernel regression framework, 40[dB]3, which gives us the image shown in Fig.2(a). The explainedhowitisrelatedtoothermethods,anddemonstrated estimated images by the TV method (λ = 0.0001), For- itsperformanceusingsimulateddatasets.Thesimulationsin- WaRD4 [20], the classic kernel deblurring (N = 2,m = dicatedthesuperiorityofourmethodsinthemostchallenging 2,m =2,h=0.25,λ=0.5), the bilateral kernel deblurring scenarios; namely, for very noisy deblurring problems. r (N = 2,m = 2,m = 2,h = 0.25,h = 40.0,λ = 0.5), and We applied the method for 2-dimensional data. However, r r the steering kernel deblurring (N = 2,m = 2,m = 2,h = it is also possible to generalize this method to deal with r higher-dimensional data. Moreover, aside from single frame 3BlurredSignaltoNoiseRatio=10log“var(blurredsignal)”[dB] deblurring and denoising, the proposed method is also ap- var(noise) plicable to irregularly sampled data sets and to multi-frame 4Thesoftwareisavailableathttp://www-dsp.rice.edu/software/ward.shtml. Weusedthedefaultparameterswhicharesuggestedbytheauthors. deconvolution problems as well. APPENDIX I [14] T.Q.Pham,L.J.vanVliet,andK.Schutte,“Robustfusionofirregu- TAYLORAPPROXIMATIONIN VECTOR FORM larlysampled data using adaptive normalized convolution,” EURASIP JournalonAppliedSignalProcessing,ArticleID83268,2006. The Taylor expansion in the 1-D case is [15] X.FengandP.Milanfar,“Multiscaleprincipalcomponentsanalysisfor imagelocalorientationestimation,”Proceedingsofthe36thAsilomar 1 z(x )≈z(x)+z0(x)(x −x)+ z00(x)(x −x)+··· . (27) Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, i i 2 i November2002. [16] S. Farsiu, D. Robinson, M. Elad, and P. 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