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Preview DTIC ADA459890: A Novel Power-Efficient Broadcast Routing Algorithm Exploiting Broadcast Efficiency

A Novel Power-Efficient Broadcast Routing Algorithm Exploiting Broadcast Efficiency Intae Kang and Radha Poovendran Department of Electrical Engineering, Box 352500 University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-2500 email: {kangit,radha}@ee.washington.edu Abstract—It has been shown that the problem of finding a We hope to spur the development of better power-efficient al- broadcastroutingtreewithminimumtotaltransmitpowerisNP- gorithmsbyanalyzingthisproblemfromadifferentperspective hard. Hence, developing a heuristic power-efficient algorithm is and providing more insights. crucial.Theseminalworkinthisareaisthewell-knownBroadcast The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In the Incremental Power (BIP) algorithm with a recent addition called Embedded Wireless Multicast Advantage (EWMA) algorithm. In next section, we briefly define a network model and provide thispaper,wepresentyetanothernovelpower-efficientalgorithm background. In Section III, we discuss previous representative for broadcast routing tree construction called Greedy Perimeter work on the power-efficient broadcast routing problem. In Broadcast Efficiency (GPBE) algorithm. We also compare the Section IV, we present a detailed description of our new performance of these algorithms. algorithm. Section V summarizes our simulation results and Section VI concludes this paper. I. INTRODUCTION II. BACKGROUNDANDNETWORKMODEL The problem of constructing a broadcast routing tree with We denote a network as a weighted directed graph G = minimum total transmit power has been shown to be NP- (N,A) with a set N of nodes and a set A of directed edges hard [1], [2], [7], [8]. Therefore, it becomes more crucial to (links), A = {(i,j)}. For a directed edge (i,j) ∈ A, let π(j) investigate good heuristics which can lead to power-efficient denote the parent node of node j (i.e., π(j)=i). Each node is algorithms. The most well-known power-efficient algorithms labeledwithanodeID∈{1,2,...,|N|}.Themainobjectiveis up to now include Broadcast Incremental Power (BIP) [1], to construct a power-efficient (minimum total transmit power) and Embedded Wireless Multicast Advantage (EWMA) [2]. In broadcast routing tree rooted at the source node. both algorithms, a major theme in designing a power-efficient We assume that each node (host) is equipped with an algorithm is to fully exploit the wireless broadcast advantage. omnidirectional antenna. The transmission power required to At each step of the BIP [1] and EWMA [2] algorithms, reachanodeatadistancedisproportionaltodα assumingthat either minimum incremental power (required power to reach the proportionality constant is 1 for notational simplicity and additionalnode)ormaximumgain(reductionintransmitpower α is the path loss (attenuation) factor that satisfies 2≤α≤4. of other nodes by increasing the transmit power of a node) is To avoid the undue complication of notation, we also assume used as a decision criteria to determine the transmit power of the receiver sensitivity threshold as 1 (0 dB). each node, respectively. Previous simulation results confirmed Definition 1 (Pairwise and Node Transmit Power): Given a that these are some of the good choices of decision metrics at spanning tree T, the required pairwise transmit power Pij to each greedy decision process. maintain a link (i,j) ∈ T from node i to j is Pij = dαij In this paper, we show that the broadcast efficiency can be wheredij isthedistancebetween thenode iandj.The(node) another good choice of a greedy decision metric. The basic transmit power assigned to node i by a routing algorithm is idea is as follows: over a whole deployed region, the wireless broadcastadvantageisthemostbeneficialinasubregionwhere PTX(i)=max{Pij}, for i=1,...,N (1) j∈(cid:2)i nodes are most densely deployed, because more nodes can be simultaneously reached with the same amount of transmit where (cid:3)i is a set of adjacent (child) nodes of node i in the tree. power. Unlike conventional wired networks, there is no perma- The purpose of this paper is three-fold: (i) We first present nent connection between the nodes in wireless networks. The thatthebroadcastefficiencyisanotherviablemetricofagreedy decision process. (ii) To demonstrate this, we provide a novel transmit power level {PTX(i)} assigned to each node i (and node mobility, if it is a mobile adhoc network) determines the power-efficientalgorithmutilizingthebroadcastefficiency.(iii) network topology. Definition 2 (Physical and Logical Neighbor): Ifanodeiis This work was supported in part by NSF grant ANI-0093187, and ARO grantDAAD19-02-1-0242. transmitting with power PTX(i), then the physical neighbor Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2003 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2003 to 00-00-2003 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER A Novel Power-Efficient Broadcast Routing Algorithm Exploiting 5b. GRANT NUMBER Broadcast Efficiency 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION University of Washington,Department of Electrical REPORT NUMBER Engineering,Seattle,WA,98195 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 5 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 ℵi ={k | 0<Pik ≤PTX(i)}ofnodeiinawirelessnetwork as inner postsweeping, because the transmission range of a is a set of all the nodes within the communication boundary. node is only allowed to shrink. Inner postsweeping can also The logical neighbor (cid:3)i =adj(i)={k | π(k)=i} of node i be considered as an operation which makes a routing tree is a set of adjacent nodes in a routing tree. consistent, meaning the difference between the physical and In general, the physical neighbor determined by a network logical neighbor is small. topology and (node) transmit power does not coincide with the logical neighbor determined by a routing algorithm. Note that B. Embedded Wireless Multicast Advantage (EWMA) Algo- ℵj =∅ when PTX(j)=0 and (cid:3)i ⊆ℵi. rithm Assuming dik > dij, the incremental power ∆Pjik of node i is defined as the additional power required to reach another The novel technique EWMA presented in [2] can also be node k [1], i.e., ∆Pjik =Pik−Pij. If we label every node in considered as a postsweeping but the fundamental difference ℵi as ik in an increasing order of distance from node i (i.e., from the inner postsweeping is that the EWMA increases the itra=nsim0,iti1p,o.w..e,ri|PℵiT|Xsu(ci)hothfantoPdieipi<caPniibqeifreppr<eseqn)t,edtheans tthhee t(rgaaninsm) iitnptoowtaelrtorafnesamchitnpoodweetroicshpeocksswibhlee.thHeernfucert,hwererewdiullctcioalnl this operation as outer postsweeping. Note that EWMA can sum of incremental power be refined as EWMA = (MST) + (inner postsweep) + |ℵ(cid:1)i|−1 (outer postsweep).1 The outer postsweep procedure is a PTX(i)= ∆Piikik+1. monotonic non-increasing function of a input tree: if there is k=0 gain,itchangesthetreestructuretoaccommodateit;otherwise, GivenaspanningtreeT withnodeitransmittingwithpower it leaves the tree intact. PTX(i), the total transmit power of this tree is Note that depending on the input to outer postsweep proce- dure,theoutcomewillbedifferentingeneral.However,choos- (cid:1) (cid:1)|ℵ(cid:1)i|−1 PTX(T)= PTX(i)= ∆Piii . (2) ing (MST)+(inner postsweep) as an initial starting point k k+1 in [2] seems to be “natural” to achieve the most gain. In [5], i∈N i∈N k=0 we presented an extensive comparison study of known power- We denote a tree with minimum total transmit power as efficientalgorithmswithvariousperformancemeasures,oneof (cid:1) T◦ = argmin PTX(T)= argmin PTX(i) (3) whichincludestheratioofleafnodes.BecauseMSThassmall T⊂G(N,A) T⊂G(N,A) ratio of leaf nodes (see Fig. 1), relatively high proportion of i∈N (cid:1)|ℵ(cid:1)i|−1 nodes (source and relay nodes) actively transmits with smaller = argmin ∆Pi . (4) power. This provides more search space to EWMA algorithm i i T⊂G(N,A) k k+1 to test for gains at an added computational complexity. i∈N k=0 III. RELATEDWORK Mean Ratio of Leaf Nodes 100 Inthissection,webrieflydiscusstheunderlyingmechanisms of previous works leading to power-efficiency in broadcast 80 routing. MST % BIP A. Broadcast Incremental Power (BIP) Algorithm Percentage 4600 MBEIWSPTMSSWAW As noted earlier in (2), the total transmit power is the 20 same as the total incremental power. The BIP algorithm [1] effectively solves the constrained optimization problem (4) to 0 find a solution to (3), where the constraint implicitly comes 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Network Size fromthefactthatallinnernodes(ij forj <k)mustbealways included if an outer node ik is included. Fig.1. Comparisonofratioofleafnodes. Otherheuristicswhichfurtherreducethetotaltransmitpower after a routing tree is constructed were presented in [1]–[4] as postsweep [1] or perNodeMinimalize procedure [3]. An IV. GPBEALGORITHMDESCRIPTION important characteristic of postsweep procedure [1] is that, In this section, we introduce another decision metric which while it is possible to reduce the transmit power of nodes, it captures the notion of wireless broadcast advantage well. is not allowed to increase. Suppose a node j and its logical Definition 3 (Broadcast Efficiency): Let C denote a set neighbor (cid:3)j (determined by a routing algorithm) lies within a nodes currently covered by the transmission range of other transmission boundary of node i, i.e., {j}∪(cid:3)j ⊂ℵi. Because nodes. The number of newly covered nodes by node i, trans- all child nodes of j can be reached by node i, the transmission mittingwithpowerPTX(i),is|ℵi\C|.Thewirelessbroadcast from node j is redundant and hence can be eliminated giving the savings of PTX(j). We will call this class of algorithms 1MSTdenotestheminimumweightspanningtree. efficiency βi is defined as the number of newly covered nodes π4|dN2| reached per unit transmit power E{β1(r)} βi = P|ℵTiX\C(i|) for i∈N. (5) 2(cid:1) 1(cid:2)+(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:2) 2(cid:1) π|N| E{β2(r)} 16d2 (cid:2) When we need to emphasize that an edge (i,j) is established, (cid:3) √ √ i.e., node i transmits to node j with transmit power PTX(i)= 2 2(cid:1) 0 d 2d 2d 2 2d 4d Pij, we will use the notation (a) (b) |ℵ \C| Fig.2. (a)Dependenceofbroadcastefficiencyonnodelocation(b)Compar- βij = Pi for i,j ∈N,i(cid:9)=j. (6) isonofaveragebroadcastefficiencyonnode1and2. ij Note that assuming α = 2 and transmission range of node i Although only two extreme cases are compared, it is intu- is r, the broadcast efficiency is essentially the same as a node itively clear that the node located at the center has the largest density (up to a scale factor). average broadcast efficiency. As a node moves away from the center, the broadcast efficiency is monotonic decreasing A. Location Dependence of Broadcast Efficiency functionofadistancefromthecenterlocation.FromFig.2(b), Let’s examine how broadcast efficiency is dependent on the wecanobservethattheaveragebroadcastefficiencyislocation location of a node. Assume that |N| nodes are randomly dis- dependent and the center of symmetric deploy region is the tributedwiththefollowinguniformprobabilitydensityfunction optimal place where the broadcast efficiency can be proba- (pdf) fXY(x,y) = |N|/(2d)2 over 0 ≤ x,y ≤ 2d region as bilistically best utilized. showninFig.2(a).2Then,theaveragenumberofcoverednodes E{|ℵi(r)|} as a function of transmission range r becomes B. Effect of Broadcast Efficiency on Routing Decision E{|ℵi(r)|}=A·|N|/(2d)2 (7) Before we proceed further to detailed algorithm description, weexamineafewexampleshowroutingdecisionscanbemade where A is the area of intersection between the square deploy using broadcast efficiency as a decision criterion. regionandthecircleofradiusr centeredatnodei.Comparing Example 1 (Colinear topology): Considerasimpletopology the two nodes, one located at the center (node 1) and the where all nodes lie within a line segment. Node 1 tries other located at the corner (node 2), we can intuitively infer to broadcast to other nodes. It was shown in [9] that the that node 1 has 4 times the expected broadcast efficiency than transmission range assignment shown in the Fig. 3(a) is the node 2 at the corner. This is because, on average, 4 times the optimal strategy in terms of total transmit power, which can number of nodes can be simultaneously covered with the same be proved with Jensen’s inequality. The decision by the node 1 transmit power from node 1. Considering the boundary effect is as follows: The broadcast efficiency is β12 = 1/d2,β13 = of deployed region, the exact form of the average broadcast 2/(2d)2,...,β15 = 4/(4d)2. In general, when there are |N| efficiency of node 2 can be expressed as a function of radius r colinear nodes, the broadcast efficiency becomes as follows: k−1 1  πr2/4|N| = π|N| if r ≤2d β1k = ((k−1)d)2 = (k−1)d2 for k ≥2. (10) r2 4d2 16d2 √ E{β2(r)}= 14π(2rd2)2+I14|Nd2| if 2d<√r ≤2 2d (8) Because β1k monotonically decreases as k gets larger, β12 is 4d2|N| = |N| if r >2 2d maximum. Hence, node 1 picks node 2 as a destination node. r2 4d2 r2 By repeatedly applying this greedy decision algorithm to other (cid:6) (cid:6) r π/2−cos−1(2d/ρ) nodes, the routing tree shown in Fig. 3(a) can be constructed, where I1 = ρ dθdρ which is also optimal. 2d cos−1(2d/ρ) √ and α = 2 is used. For 2d < r ≤ 2 2d case, E{β2(r)} can be simplified as πd2+(cid:7)r (cid:8)π/2−cos−1(2d/ρ)(cid:9)ρ dρ|N| (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) 1 4 E{β2(r)}=(cid:10) 2d (cid:11) r(cid:12)2 (cid:14)4d2 (9) 1 2 3 4 5 3 2 5 (cid:13) 1 2d 2d |N| = π−cos−1 + r2−4d2 . 4 r r2 4d2 (a) (b) By repeating the same analysis for node 1, we can get the Fig.3. (a)Routingdecisionforacolineartopology.(b)Routingdecisionat curves shown in Fig. 2(b). Note that node 1 has consistently aboundary. higher average broadcast efficiency. Example 2 (General boundary behavior): Now let’s look at 2Wecansimilarlyrepeatthesameanalysisforacirculurtopology. another example shown in Fig. 3(b). At the first iteration, suppose node 1 is transmitting with power dα and node 5 GPBE, EWMA, Total Power = 312044.0975 BIP, Total Power = 440442.4163 12 1000 1000 has yet to be covered. Node 2, 3 and 4 are some of the 900 3 15 17 13 900 3 15 17 13 acnandddid2a5te<ndo4d5e.sHfeonrcter,anbsrmoaidssciaosnt.eFffirocimentchyishfiasguβr2e5,>d25β3<5 adn3d5 780000 12 10 5 1 17189 780000 12 10 5 1 117 98 dβα25.>Thβis45is.tThehegreenfoerrael,bneohdaevi2ordoefciudseinsgtobrtoraadncsmasittewffiicthienpcoywaesr 560000 20 1 560000 20 1 25 16 16 adecisioncriterion,whichresultsinreasonablechoice(shortest 400 4 400 4 300 300 distance). 200 14 6 18 200 14 6 18 2 100 2 100 9 9 0 0 C. Algorithm Description 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 (a) (b) In this section, we introduce our new algorithm, Greedy Perimeter Broadcast Efficiency (GPBE). Let S denote the Fig. 4. A sample broadcast routing tree by (a) GPBE and EWMA and (b) BIP. source node. The GPBE algorithm maintains two sets: C and F. The set C represents the nodes currently covered by the transmission range of nodes. The set F represents the set underlyingbroadcastefficiencyinthiscase.3 Alsonotethatthe of nodes transmitting with nonzero transmit power such that outerpostsweepingonBIPwillproduceexactlythesameresult F ⊆C. as in Fig. 4(a). Due to limited space, we can not provide the results for GPBE (Greedy Perimeter Broadcast Efficiency) Algorithm directionalantennacase.Instead,interestedreadersarereferred C :={S}, F :=φ to [6], where we discussed that the same principle utilizing the PTX(i):=0 for all i∈N broadcast efficiency can be equally well suitable for traditional while (C (cid:9)=N) sectored antennas or switched beam smart antenna systems. for each node i∈C and j ∈N\C find a pair (i∗,j∗) such that V. SIMULATIONMODELANDRESULTS (cid:15) (cid:16) In this section, we perform simulations with the following (i∗,j∗)= argmax |ℵi\C| (11) model. Within a 1×1 km2 square region, the network configu- (i,j)∈C×N\C Pij rations (locations of nodes) are randomly generated according to uniform distribution. The same random seeds are used for end a valid comparison of each algorithm. The transmit power PTX(i∗):=Pi∗j∗ is calculated with normalized proportionality constant (hence, F :=F ∪{i∗}, C :=C∪ℵi∗ Pij =dαij) and the receiver sensitivity threshold is assumed to end be0dB.Asapathlossfactor,α=2isused.Broadcastrouting (cid:17) return PTX(T):= i∈F PTX(i) trees rooted at the source node (also located randomly in the grid) are constructed using various algorithms. The simulation Fig.4(a)showsthefinaltreeGPBEalgorithmproducesfora results are for stationary (non-mobile) network topologies. We specific topology of 20 nodes. The source node 1 is located at do not limit on the maximum transmit power Pmax as in [1], thecenterofdeployregion(500,500).Initially,C ={1},F = [2]. φ. At the first iteration, node 1 (i∗ in the pseudocode) picks Fig. 5(a) summarizes the performance comparison of static the node 11 (j∗ in the pseudocode) as a destination node, trees, MST, BIP, EWMA and GPBE in terms of total because PTX(1)=P1,11 gives maximum broadcast efficiency. transmit power for various sizes of the networks |N| = At this stage, each set becomes C = N\{12,13},F = {1}. {20,40,60,100,150,200,300}. Each point in Fig. 5(a) and Notice how multiple nodes can be added to C simultaneously 5(b) represents an average value of 100 different randomly with a single iteration. At the next stage, all combinations of generated network topologies. Note that the total transmit broadcast efficiency βij for (i,j) ∈ C ×{12,13} are tested. power of these algorithms depends solely on the locations of With the same reasoning provided in Example 2, β11,13 has nodes. To facilitate easy comparison with previous work [1], the maximum broadcast efficiency. Now each set changes to [2],weusethenormalizedtotaltransmitpower[1]asametric: C =N\{12},F ={1,11}.Similarly,atthefinalstage,β10,12 Pnorm(T )= PTX(Talgorithm) , iCss=elecNte.dUansduatlhlye,atlhgeorigthremedtyermdeinciastieosnin(m3aixteirmatuimonsb,rboeacdacuasset TX algorithm mini∈algorithm{PTX(Ti)} wherealgorithm={MST,BIP,EWMA,GPBE}.Thecurvesin efficiency) is made at the perimeters of transmission range, Fig.5(a)coincidewiththeresultspresentedintheperformance thatiswhyitiscalledGPBE.Inthisspecificexample,EWMA evaluation section of [2], which verifies the correctness of produces the same result. For the same topology, we also applied BIP algorithm 3Wehavechosenthistopologytofacilitatetheexplanationofouralgorithm. which results in Fig. 4(b). Clearly, BIP could not exploit the BIPalgorithmperformscomparablyingeneral,ifnotbetter. 1.12.52 Normalized Total Transmit Power,α = 2 MBEGIWPSPBTMEA 111...456 Normalized Total Transmit Power, α = 2 MBEGIWPSPBTMEA ss|ℵtoria\ttheCag|ty=oonf1lcy.hWoaoistshiinngtghlaiesnncoeodwneswtnraiotidhnetm,ipasixcickmoivnuegmreabdrn,ooaid.deec.,atsoitnmef(afi1x1cii)me,nificzyxe Normalized Power11..101.551 Normalized Power111...123 twihsheitchbherocbaaadnsciacbsaetllyreefafitchcheieednocpwyeriatihtsiomenqinuoiifmvauMlmenStTtr.atonWsmchhaiottopissoinwignerte,arwesnhtoiincdhge 1 1 in the simulation results is that GPBE is an enhancement to 0.9 MST algorithm using more general cost metric. This point 0.950 50 100 150 200 250 300 0.80 50 100 150 200 250 300 Network Size Network Size immediatelyraisesaninterestingquestion:willitbepossibleto (a) (b) enhancetheperformanceofBIPalgorithmbyrelaxingthecost metricofBIPalgorithm,analogously?NotethatBIPalgorithm Fig.5. ComparisonoftotaltransmitpowerofMST,BIP,EWMAandGPBE. Meanof100randomtopologies.(a)SourceSislocatedatrandom(b)Source uses the incremental power ∆Pjik as a cost metric. We can S ischosenastheclosestnodefromthecenter(500,500). imagine the relaxed cost metric as |ℵi\C|/∆Pjik, which we refer as incremental broadcast efficiency. We intend to study this cost metric in the near future. implementation. In addition, our new algorithm GPBE is com- paredtogether.Intermsoftotaltransmitpowerperformance,on VI. CONCLUSIONS average,itliesinbetweenBIPandMST.TheEWMAproduced the best performance in all cases. Inthispaper,wepresentedanovelpower-efficientbroadcast InFig.5(b),wepickthenodenearesttothecenter(500,500) routing algorithm which effectively exploits the broadcast effi- as the source node S to test the effect of broadcast efficiency, ciency.WedemonstratedthatGPBEalgorithmhastheproperty while leaving all other conditions unchanged. In this case, that adaptively assigns transmit power to each node depending we can observe that GPBE produced better performance than on how densely nodes are distributed, and has the favorable BIP,becauseGPBEexploitsthebroadcastefficiency.Therefore, ability of choosing multiple nodes at the same time. Although GPBEcanbeconsideredwithintheregimeofapower-efficient our algorithm GPBE is based on a different philosophy, the algorithm. This result also suggests that there is some correla- performance of it is comparable to the one of the most tion between the broadcast efficiency and the construction of prominent power-efficient algorithm in the literature, BIP. power-efficient broadcast routing problem. Hence, it is worth Our future research direction includes the analysis of com- further exploration. putational complexity of GPBE, a distributed implementation, In our simulation results, we observed that about half of the the reduction of search space using the perimeter behavior cases out of 100 different topologies, GPBE performed better and further enhancement of the algorithm to achieve better than BIP. But the variance of total transmit power of GPBE performance. was larger. Hence, this contributed to slightly worse average performance than BIP, when the location of the source node REFERENCES is random. This happens especially when the source node is [1] J.E.Wieselthier,G.D.Nguyen,andA.Ephremides.“OntheConstruction locatedatthecornerofthedeployregion.Insuchcase,alotof ofEnergy-EfficientBroadcastandMulticastTreesinWirelessNetworks,” transmit power is wasted before reaching some nodes near the Proc.IEEEINFOCOM2000,pp.586–594. [2] M. Cˇagalj, J.-P. Hubaux, C. 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