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Coverage In Heterogeneous Sensor Networks Loukas Lazos and Radha Poovendran Network Security Laboratory (NSL), Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, l lazos, radha@ee.washington.edu Abstract—In this paper we study the problem of coverage in according to a distribution, and is relevant in applications heterogeneous planar sensor networks. Coverage as a perfor- where the sensors’ positions cannot be selected a priori. mance metric, quantifies the quality of monitoring provided by In this paper, we analyze the following stochastic coverage the sensor network. We formulate the problem of coverage as a problem. Given a planar field of interest and N sensors setintersectionproblemarisinginIntegralGeometry,andderive analytical expressions for stochastic coverage. Our formulation deployed according to a known distribution, compute the allows us to consider a heterogeneous sensing model, where fraction of the field of interest that is covered by at least sensorsneednothaveanidenticalsensingcapability.Inaddition, k sensors (k ≥ 1). The problem can also be rephrased as, our approach is applicable to scenarios where the sensing area given a field of interest and a sensor distribution, how many of each sensor has arbitrary shape and sensors are deployed sensors must be deployed in order for every point in the field according to any distribution. We present analytical expressions only for convex sensing areas, however, our results can be ofinteresttobecoveredbyatleastksensorswithaprobability generalized to non-convex areas. The validity of our expressions p (k-coverage problem) [20]. is verified by extensive simulations. In this paper we make the following contributions. We formulate the problem of coverage in sensor networks as I. INTRODUCTION a set intersection problem. We use results from integral Sensor networks are projected to have a significant impact geometry to derive analytical expressions quantifying the into our everyday lives, with applications to environmental coverage achieved by stochastic deployment of sensors into monitoring, home health care, disaster relief operations, and a planar field of interest. Compared to previous analytical ambient monitoring [1]. One of the primary tasks of sensor results [8], [12], [20], our formulation allows us to consider networks is the collective monitoring of a field of interest. a heterogeneous sensing model, where sensors need not have Sensors may monitor physical properties such as temperature, an identical sensing capability. In addition, our approach is humidity, air quality, or track the motion of objects moving applicable to scenarios where the sensing area of a sensor within the field of interest. In order for the sensor network is not an ideal circle, but has any arbitrary shape. To the to sufficiently monitor the entire field of interest, one needs best of our knowledge, only [15] considers a heterogeneous to ensure that every point of the field is covered by at least sensing model, though only incorporating the mean value of one sensor. Furthermore, to provide the desired accuracy and thesensingrangeinthecoveragecomputation.Inaddition,the robustness against node failures, many applications require formulationin[15]considersonlyuniformlydeployedsensors. that each point of the field of interest is sensed by more In our approach, sensors can be deployed according to any than one sensor. Hence, the problem of node deployment for distribution. We provide formulas for k-coverage in the case the purpose of sensing can be viewed as a coverage problem, ofheterogeneoussensingareas,aswellasthesimplifiedforms defined below. inthecaseofidenticalsensingareas,andgiveanexamplefor Thecoverageproblemistoquantifyhowwellisthefieldof the computation of the number of sensors required to cover interest sensed by the deployment of the sensor network. The a field of interest with a pre-specified probability. Finally, we coverageproblemcanbestudiedunderdifferentobjectivesand validate our theoretical expressions via simulations and show constraints imposed by the applications such as, worst-case an exact match between simulation and theory. coverage [10], deterministic coverage [10], [12] or stochastic The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section coverage [8], [10], [12], [15], [20]. The worst-case coverage III we formulate the coverage problem as a set intersection problem quantifies coverage based on the parts of the field of problem. In Section IV we derive analytical expressions for interest that exhibit the lowest observability from the sensors coverage. In Section V, we validate our theoretical results via [10], and is relevant in applications where a desired threshold simulation. Section VI presents our conclusions. number of sensors need to observe the field of interest. The deterministic coverage problem [10], [12] quantifies the II. RELATEDWORK coverage achieved by deploying sensors in a deterministic way, and is relevant in applications where one can select In this section we describe related work to the coverage the positions where the sensors are placed. The stochastic problem in wireless sensor networks. The coverage problem coverageproblem[8],[10],[12],[15],[20],ontheotherhand, can be classified under different objectives and metrics. The quantifies the coverage achieved when sensors are deployed differentapproachestothecoverageproblemare,deterministic Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2006 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2006 to 00-00-2006 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Coverage in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION University of Washington,Department of Electrical REPORT NUMBER Engineering,Seattle,WA,98195 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The original document contains color images. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 10 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 or stochastic sensor deployment, homogeneous or hetero- area of each sensor is identical. Furthermore, the analysis in geneous sensing area, additional design constraints such as [12]suffersfromthebordereffectsproblem,illustratedin[2], energy efficiency, minimum number of sensors that need to [3].Theresultsholdasymptoticallyundertheassumptionthat be deployed, or network connectivity. Based on the objective, the field of interest expands infinitely in the plane, while the thecoverageproblemformulationvariestoreflectthedifferent density of the sensor deployment remains constant. assumptions and objectives. In [15], the authors study the stochastic coverage problem In [9], the authors study the problem of deterministic node inadhocnetworksinthepresenceofchannelrandomness.For placement in order to achieve connected coverage, that is, a randomly deployed sensor network, the authors analyze the sense the field of interest with the minimum number of sen- effects of shadowing and fading to the connectivity and cov- sors,whilekeepingthesensornetworkconnected.Theauthors erage. They show that the in the case of channel randomness, assume that the sensing area of each sensor follows the unit the coverage problem can still be modeled after the Spatial disk model and consider sensors with identical sensing areas. Poisson distribution, by using expected size of the sensing The problem of connected coverage has also been recently area of sensors. While the results in [15] are applicable to studied in [20]. The authors provide a geometric analysis heterogeneous sensor networks, they hold only for randomly that relates coverage to connectivity and define the necessary deployed networks, and are impacted from the border effects conditions for a network covering a field of interest to be problem [2], [3], as noted by the authors [15]. connected. The conditions for coverage and connectivity are Comparedtopreviousworkthatderivesanalyticalcoverage derivedbasedontheassumptionsthatthesensingareaofeach expressions [12], [15], [16], our formulation allows us to node is identical and circular, and the location of the nodes consider a network model where, (a) sensors can be deployed is known. The authors extend their algorithms for the case of according to any distribution, (b) sensors can have a sensing probabilistic deployment, and also relax their assumptions to areaofanyarbitraryshape,(c)sensorscanhaveheterogeneous non-unitdisksensingareas,byapproximatingtherealsensing sensing areas. areawiththebiggestpossiblecircularareaincludedinthereal sensing area. III. PROBLEMFORMULATION&BACKGROUND In [16] the authors study the problem of deterministic In this section, we formulate the problem of coverage in coverageundertheadditionalconstraintthateachsensormust heterogeneous sensor networks as a set intersection problem haveatleastk neighbors.Theyproposeadeploymentstrategy arising in Integral Geometry [7], [14], [17]–[19] and provide that would maximize the coverage while the degree of each relevant background for the set intersection problem. node is guaranteed to be at least k, under the assumption that the sensing range of the sensors is isotropic. A. Problem Formulation In [13], the authors study the problem of coverage, as a Weformulatetheproblemofstochasticcoverageasfollows. path exposure problem. Using a generic sensing model and Let A denote the planar field of interest we want to monitor, an arbitrary sensor distribution, they propose a systematic 0 with area F and perimeter L . Assume that N sensors with methodfordiscoveringtheminimumexposurepath,thatisthe 0 0 sensor s having a sensing area A , (i = 1...N), are path along which the network exhibits the minimum integral i i deployedaccordingtoadistributionK(A )andinsuchaway observability1. Authors in [10], investigate the problem of 0 that they sense some part of the field of interest2. Let F , L best- and worst-case coverage. In their formulation of the i i denote the size and the perimeter of the sensing area A of coverage problem, given the location of the sensors and a i each sensor s , respectively. We want to calculate the fraction generic sensing model where the sensing ability of each i ofA thatissensedbyatleastk sensors,i.e.thefractionthat sensor diminishes with distance, the authors use Voronoi 0 isk-covered(k ≥1).Thisproblemisequivalenttocomputing diagrams and Delaunay triangulation to compute the path that the probability that a randomly selected point P ∈ A is maximizes the smallest observability (best coverage) and the 0 sensed by at least k sensors. We map this coverage problem path that minimizes the observability by all sensors (worst to the following set intersection problem. In our formulation, coverage). In [11], the authors provide a decentralized and a set S is defined as a collection of points in the plane, and localized algorithm for calculating the best coverage. for the coverage problem the sets are closed regions. Authors in [12], study the problem of stochastic coverage Let S be a fixed closed set defined as a collection of in large scale sensor networks. For a randomly distributed 0 points in the plane, and let F and L denote the area and sensor network, the authors provide the fraction of the field 0 0 perimeter of S . Let N closed sets S (i=1...N) of size F of interest covered by k sensors, the fraction of nodes that 0 i i and perimeter L be dropped in the plane of S according can be removed without reducing the covered area as well i 0 to a distribution K(S ) and in such a way that every set S as the ability of the network to detect moving objects. The 0 i intersects with S . Compute the fraction of S where at least results presented in [12] hold only for randomly (uniformly) 0 0 deployed networks and under the assumption that the sensing 2Note that for sensing, we do not require that sensors are located within the field of interest. Instead, as shown in Figure 1(a), we require that they 1The integral observability is defined as the aggregate of the time that a canmonitorsomepartofthefieldofinteresteveniftheyarelocatedoutside targetwasobservablebysensorswhiletraversingasensornetwork. ofit. y A 1 A 01 x A O 0 SensorfieldA0 SensingareaAi (a) (b) (c) Fig. 1. (a) A heterogeneous sensor network with sensors covering the deployment region A0. (b) A convex set A and the corresponding quantities that definethekinematicdensity.(c)TwoconvexsetsA0,A1 intersecting,andthecommonareaA0. k out of the N sets S intersect. In figure 1(b), we show a set S, a randomly selected i reference point O ∈ S, and the axis of a coordinate system. In the mapping of the stochastic coverage problem to the All rotations and translations for the set S are defined with setintersectionproblem,thefixedclosedsetS correspondsto respect to the reference point O. Integrating the kinematic 0 thefieldofintersectA .TheN closedsetsdroppedaccording density of a set A over a group of motions M in the plane, 0 to the distribution K(S ) correspond to the sensing areas of yields a measure for the set of motions M, which is called 0 the N sensors deployed according to the distribution K(A ). the kinematic measure [17], defined below. 0 By computing the fraction of the set S , where at least k out Definition 2: Kinematic measure–The kinematic measure 0 of N sets S intersect, we equivalently compute the fraction mofasetofmotionsMintheplaneisdefinedbytheintegral i of the field of interest that is k-covered3. of the kinematic density dA over M: (cid:90) Thesetintersectionproblemhasbeenatopicofresearchof m= dA. (2) Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability [7], [14], [17]– M [19].Beforeweprovideanalyticalcoverageexpressionsbased Bymeasuringthemotionsofasetintheplane,wequantify on our formulation, we present relevant background. the space of all possible positions of the set that correspond to that motion. The quotient of the measure of any random B. Background on Integral Geometry motionpathZ overthemeasureofallpossiblemotionsMin In this section, we present relevant background on Integral the plane, yields the probability p(Z) for that random motion Geometry that we use in Section IV for deriving analytical path Z to occur: coverage expressions based on our formulation. Interested reader is referred to [7], [14], [17]–[19], as reference to m(Z) p(Z)= . (3) Integral Geometry. m(M) We first define the notion of the kinematic density for the The kinematic measure allows us to compute the geometric groupofmotionsofasetAintheplane,thatisusedtodefine probabilityforaspecificsetconfigurationtooccur,asdepicted ameasurethatquantifiesthepossiblepositionsofA,suchthat in (3). Equation (3), is used in our formulation to derive the a specific event occurs [17]. The kinematic density expresses fractionofthefieldofinterestcoveredbyasensordeployment, the differential element of motion of a set in the plane and is as it is illustrated in the following section. defined as follows. Definition 1: Kinematic Density–Let M denote the group IV. COVERAGEINHETEROGENEOUSSENSORNETWORKS of motions of a set A in the plane. The kinematic density dA Inthissection,wederiveanalyticalexpressionsforcoverage for the group of motions M in the plane for the set A, is by analyzing the coverage problem as a set intersection prob- defined as the differential form: lem.Wefirstillustratethecoveragecomputationwhenasingle sensor is randomly deployed to monitor the field of interest, dA=dx∧dy∧dφ, (1) by studying the intersection of two sets in the plane. We then where∧denotestheexteriorproductusedinexteriorcalculus compute coverage when the sensor is deployed according to a [5],[6],(x,y)denotetheCartesiancoordinates,andφdenotes distribution K(A0). We extend our expressions to the general the rotation angle of A with respect to the x axis of the case where N sensors are deployed at random. We compute coordinate system4 [17]. thefractionofthefieldofinterestcoveredbyexactlyksensors in the case of heterogeneous sensing areas and simplify the 3Due to their equivalence, A0 and S0 as well as the terms sensing area formulawhenthesensorshaveidenticalsensingareas.Finally, andsetareusedinterchangeablyintherestofthepaper. we compute the fraction of the field of interest covered by at 4ForeverysetA,onecanrandomlychooseareferencepointO,basedon whichalltranslationsandrotationmotionsofAaredefined. least k sensors. (cid:84) A. Coverage Achieved by Random Deployment of a Single A A (cid:54)=0 is: 0 1 Sensor (cid:90) (cid:92) m(A :A A (cid:54)=∅) = dA 1 0 1 1 Let us consider the simple case where a single sensor s 1 (cid:90)A0 A1(cid:54)=∅ is randomly deployed in such a way that it monitors some = dx∧dy∧dφ part of the field of interest. The achieved coverage can be T computed by considering the intersection of two sets in the A0 A1(cid:54)=∅ = 2π(F +F )+L L . (6) 0 1 0 1 plane. Let A0,A1 denote two sets in a plane with A0 being T fixed, while A can move freely. A represents the field of 1 0 Due to the length and complexity, the proof of (6) is omitted. interest, while A represents the sensing area of node s . The 1 1 Interested reader is referred to [17], [18] for details. average size of the common area A between sets A ,A , 01 0 1 By combining (5) and (6) we can compute the probability when A is randomly dropped in the plane, defines the area 1 p(P ∈A ) as: of A , covered by A . Normalizing A over A we obtain 1 0 1 01 0 (cid:84) the fraction fr(A ) of A covered by A . In figure 1)(c), we 0 0 1 m(A :P ∈A A ) show two sets A(cid:48),A1 and the common area between them. p(P ∈A1) = m(A1 :A (cid:84)A0 (cid:54)=∅1) 1 0 1 andTofincdomthpeusteetforf(aAll0)p,oswiteiornasndoofmAlytshealtecintcalupdoeinPt.PDiovfidAin0g, = 2πF1 . (7) 1 2π(F +F )+L L 0 1 0 1 the measure of all the positions of A that include P over the 1 (cid:84) measure of all the positions of A such that A A (cid:54)= ∅ 1 0 1 yields the probability p(P ∈ A1) that the randomly selected Note that p(P ∈ A1) is only dependent on the area and the point P is covered by A1 [17], [18]. Integrating p(P ∈ A1) perimeteroftheconvexsetsthatintersectandnotontheshape over all P ∈ A0 and normalizing over the size of A0 yields of those sets. fr(A ). The following theorem holds only for convex sets, 0 though it can be extended in the case of non-convex sets by Lemma 1: Thefractionfr(A0)ofafixedconvexsetA0 of appropriatecomputationofthekinematicmeasures[17],[18]. area F0 and perimeter L0 that is covered by a convex set A1 of area F and perimeter L , when A is randomly dropped 1 1 1 in the plane in such a way that it intersects with A is given 0 Theorem 1: Let A be a fixed convex set of area F and by: 0 0 ppeerriimmeetteerr LL10,, raannddolmetlyAd1robpepeadcionntvheexpsleatneofinarseuachFa1 wanady fr(A0)= 2π(F +2πFF)1+L L . (8) 0 1 0 1 that it intersects with A . The probability that a randomly 0 selected point P ∈A is covered by A is given by: 0 1 Proof: Equation (7) expresses the probability that a randomlyselectedpointP ∈A iscoveredbyA .Integrating 2πF 0 1 p(P ∈A )= 1 . (4) (7) over all points P ∈ A provides the size F of the 1 2π(F +F )+L L 0 01 0 1 0 1 common area A between A and A : 01 (cid:48) 1 (cid:90) F = p(P ∈A )dP Proof: The probability that P is covered by A is equal 01 1 to the measure of the set of motions of A such tha1t P ∈A P∈A0 (cid:90) 1 1 divi(cid:84)ded by the measure of the set of motions of A1 such that = p(P ∈A1) dP A A (cid:54)=∅. We now compute the two measures. P∈A0 0 1 = p(P ∈A )F 1 0 (cid:92) (cid:90) = 2πF0F1 . (9) m(A1 :P ∈A0 A1) =(i) dA1 2π(F0+F1)+L0L1 (cid:90)P∈A0 A1 Normalizing F by F yields: (ii) 01 0 = dA T 1 (cid:90)P∈A1 (cid:90) 2π fr(A ) = F01 = dx∧dy dφ 0 F0 P∈A1 0 = 2πF0F1 1 = 2πF1, (5) 2π(F0+F1)+L0L1F0 2πF = 1 where in 5(i) we integrate dA over all motions of A such 2π(F +F )+L L (cid:84) 1 1 0 1 0 1 that P ∈ A A . Since by assumption P ∈ A and A is = p(P ∈A ). (10) 0 1 0 0 1 fixed, in 5(ii) we integrate dA over all motions of A such 1 1 that P ∈ A . The measure of all motions of A such that 1 1 B. Coverage Achieved by Deployment of a Single Sensor exactly k sensors is equal to the probability that P is covered (cid:161) (cid:162) According to an Arbitrary Distribution byexactlyk specificsets.LetT denoteakx N matrixwhere k each row j is a k-permutation of the vector [1...N], and let In the case where the A is not randomly deployed in (cid:161) (cid:162) 1 Gdenotea(N−k+1)x N matrixwhereeachrowj contains the plane, but it follows an arbitrary distribution K(A0), the k the elements of [1...N], that do not appear in the jth row measures in (5), (6) are calculated as weighted functions of of T. Consider for example, T(1) = [1...k] and G(1) = the probability density function k(x,y,φ) of A . 1 (cid:90) [k+1...N]. The probability p(T(1)) that P is covered by (cid:92) m(A :A A (cid:54)=∅) = kdx∧dy∧dφ, (11) exactly the sets with indexes in the first row of T is given by: 1 0 1 (cid:90)Z (cid:92) (i) p(T(1)) = p(P ∈A ,...,P ∈/ A ,...,P ∈/ A ) m(A :P ∈A A ) = kdx∧dy∧dφ,(12) 1 k+1 N 1 0 1 (ii) (cid:84) P∈A1 = p(P ∈A1),...,(P ∈Ak) where Z = A0 A1 (cid:54)= ∅. Depending on the distribution p(P ∈/ Ak+1),...,p(P ∈/ AN) K(A0), the measures in (11), (12) may have a closed form. (=iii) 2πF1 When A is deployed according to the distribution K(A ), ∞ 0 2π(F +F )+L L 0 1 0 1 we can calculate the probability p(P ∈ A ), by substituting 1 2πF the measures in (11), (12) into (7). The p(P ∈ A ), is the ... k 1 2π(F +F )+L L 0 k 0 k basic building block for deriving expressions for coverage in 2πF +L L the general case where N sensors are deployed, as we show 0 0 k+1 2π(F +F )+L L in the following section. 0 k+1 0 k+1 2πF +L L ... 0 0 N C. Coverage in the Case of Multiple Sensors 2π(F +F )+L L 0 N 0 N (cid:81) (cid:81) In this section, we compute the probability p(S = k) that k (2πF ) N (2πF +L L ) a randomly selected point P ∈ A is covered by k sensors = j=(cid:81)1 j z=k+1 0 0 z 0 N (2π(F +F )+L L ) when N sensors are randomly deployed. Using p(S =k), we (cid:81) (cid:161)r=1 (cid:162)0(cid:81) r (cid:161) 0 r (cid:162) computetheprobabilitythatP iscoveredbyatleastksensors, = kj=1 (cid:81)2πFT1,j Nz=−1k 2πF0+L0LG1,z . as well as the fraction of A0 covered by at least k sensors. Nr=1(2π(F0+Fr)+L0Lr) (15) Theorem 2: Let A be the field of interest of size F and 0 0 perimeter L , and let N sensors with sensing area A of size 0 i In (i), we show which k sets include point P. Due to the F and perimeter L be deployed over A . The probability i i 0 independenceinthesetdeployment,in(ii),theintersectionof p(S = k) that a randomly chosen point P of A is covered 0 theeventsin(i)becomesaproductoftheindividualevents.In by exactly k sensors when k ≥1 is given by: (iii), we substitute the individual probabilities from (7), (14). (cid:179) (cid:180) (cid:80)(Nk) (cid:81)k (2πF )(cid:81)N−kJ(i,z) In the general case, the probability that the sets with indexes i=1 j=1 Ti,j z=1 of the ith row of T cover point P is given by: p(S =k)= (cid:81) , (13) Nr=1(2π(F0+Fr)+L0Lr) (cid:81)k (cid:161)2πF (cid:162)(cid:81)N−kJ(i,z) where J(i,j) = (2πF +L L ), T is a matrix in which p(T(i))= (cid:81)j=1 Ti,j z=1 . (16) 0 0 Gi,z N (2π(F +F )+L L ) each row j is a k-permutation of [1...N], and G is a matrix r=1 0 r 0 r in which each row j contains the elements of [1...N], that Since we are not interested in a specific set permutation to do not appear in the jth row of T. cover point P, the probability that p(S = k) is a summation of p(T(i)) for all possible k-permutations. Summing p(T(i)) Proof: InordertoproveTheorem2,wemaptheproblem over all i yields (13): ofcoveragetothesetintersectionproblem,asillustratedinour problemformulationinSectionIII-A.Whenasinglesensorsi (N) (cid:88)k is deployed, the probability that it covers a randomly selected p(S =k) = p(T(i)) point P ∈A is given by Theorem 1. Hence, the probability 0 i=1 p(P ∈/ Ai) can be computed as: (N)(cid:195)(cid:81) (cid:161) (cid:162)(cid:81) (cid:33) (cid:88)k k 2πF N−kJ(i,z) p(P ∈/ Ai) = 1−p(P ∈Ai) = (cid:81)jN=1 (2π(FTi,j+Fz)=+1 L L ) = 1− 2πFi i=1 r=1 0 r 0 r 2π(F +F )+L L 0 i 0 i 2πF +L L = 0 0 i . (14) AccordingtoLemma1,(13)alsoexpressesthefractionofA 2π(F +F )+L L 0 0 i 0 i thatiscoveredbyexactlyk sensors.Equation(13)isvalidfor Given that fact that the N sensors are independently deployed k ≥ 1. The fraction of the A that is not covered by any 0 intheplanesothattheycoversomepartofA0,theprobability sensor, is given by the following corollary. p(S =k)thatarandomlyselectedpointP ∈A iscoveredby 0 Non−covered fraction of A 0 1 Theoretical Simulated 0.8 A)0 n fr( 0.6 o cti 0.4 a Fr 0.2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Sensor deployed (N) Fig.2. Fractionfr(A0)ofA0,thatremainsnon-coveredasafunctionofthenumberofsensorsN thataredeployedtomonitorthefieldofinterest. Corollary 1: The fraction of A that is not covered by any Theorem 3: Let A be the field of interest of size F and 0 0 0 sensor when N sensors are randomly deployed is given by, perimeter L , and let N sensors with sensing area A of size 0 i F and perimeter L be deployed over A . The probability i i 0 p(S =0)=(cid:89)N 2πF0+L0Li . (17) that a randomly selected point of A0 is covered by at least k 2π(F +F )+L L sensors is given by: 0 i 0 i i=1 Proof: Given that fact that the N sensors are indepen- k(cid:88)−1 dently deployed in the plane so that they cover some part of p(S ≥k) = 1− p(S =h) (20) A ,theprobabilityp(S =0)thatnoneoftheA , i=1...N h=1 0 i covers point P is: where (cid:179) (cid:180) p(S =0) = p(P ∈/ A1,...,P ∈/ AN) (cid:80)(Nh) (cid:81)h (2πF )(cid:81)N−hJ(i,z) i=1 j=1 Ti,j z=1 (cid:89)N p(S =h)= (cid:81) . =(i) p(P ∈/ Ai) Nr=1(2π(F0+Fr)+L0Lr) i=1 Proof: Theorem 3, holds by observing: (cid:181) (cid:182) (cid:89)N 2πF +L L (=ii) 0 0 i . (18) k(cid:88)−1 2π(F +F )+L L i=1 0 i 0 i p(S ≥k)=1−p(S <k)=1− p(S =h), (21) Equality in (i) holds due to the independence in the deploy- h=1 ment of the sensors s . In (ii), we substitute p(P ∈/ A ) from and substituting (13) into (21). i i (14). In the case where the sensors have identical sensing area, that V. VALIDATIONOFTHETHEORETICALRESULTS is, F =F and L =L then the following corollary holds. i i Inthissection,wevalidateourtheoreticalresultsderivedin Corollary 2: Let F = F and L = L. The probability Section IV via simulation. We perform experiments for both i i that a randomly selected point of A is covered by exactly k homogeneous and heterogeneous sensor networks and show 0 sensors is given by that the theoretical formulas match the simulations. We also (cid:161) (cid:162) provide an example for analytically computing the number of p(S =k)= Nk (2πF)k(2πF0+L0L)N−k. (19) sensorsthatneedtobedeployedinordertoachievethedesired (2π(F +F)+L L)N degree of coverage. 0 0 A. Coverage in Homogeneous Sensor Networks Proof: Corollary 2 holds by substituting F = F and i In our first experiment, we randomly deployed a variable L =L, into (13). i number of sensors with identical sensing area in a disk of Once we have computed the probability for a randomly radius R = 100m. All sensors had a circular sensing area of selected point P of A to be covered by exactly k sensors, radius r = 10m. We repeated the experiments 100 times and 0 we can also compute the probability that a randomly selected averaged the results. We first compute the fraction fr(A0) of point P is covered by at least k sensors. A0, that remains non-covered as a function of the number of sensors N that are deployed to monitor the field of interest. Probability density function p(S=k) for N=200 Fraction of A covered by at least k sensors for N=200 0 0.3 Theoretical 0.8 Theoretical Simulated Simulated 0.25 0.6 A)0 0.2 A)0 Fraction fr( 0.01.51 Fraction fr( 0.4 0.2 0.05 0 0 0 5 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 k (sensors) k (sensors) (a) (b) Probability density function p(S=k) for N=600 Fraction of A covered by at least k sensors for N=600 0 0.16 Theoretical Theoretical Simulated Simulated 0.14 0.8 Fraction fr(A)0000...0001.6821 Fraction fr(A)000..46 0.04 0.2 0.02 0 5 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 k (sensors) k (sensors) (c) (d) (e) (f) Fig. 3. (a) The pdf of the fraction fr(A0) covered by exactly k sensors when N =300 sensors with identical sensing area are randomly deployed. (b) The fraction fr(A0) covered by at least k sensors when N =300 sensors with identical sensing area are randomly deployed. (c) The pdf of the fraction fr(A0) covered by exactly k sensors when N =500 sensors with identical sensing area are randomly deployed. (d) The fraction fr(A0) covered by at leastksensorswhenN =500sensorswithidenticalsensingareaarerandomlydeployed.(a)Thepdfofthefractionfr(A0)coveredbyexactlyksensors whenN =1000sensorswithidenticalsensingareaarerandomlydeployed.(f)Thefractionfr(A0)coveredbyatleastksensorswhenN =1000sensors withidenticalsensingareaarerandomlydeployed. The theoretical formula that computes fr(A ) is obtained the theoretical formula in (22) conforms with the simulation 0 from Corollary 1 and is equal to: results.Sinceourmethoddoesnotsufferfromthebordereffect (cid:181) (cid:182) problem, (22) is accurate despite the bounded size of the field fr(A )=p(S =0)= 2πF0+L0L N, (22) of interest. 0 2π(F +F)+L L 0 0 In figure 3(a), we show the pdf of the fraction fr(A ) 0 where F = πR2,L = 2πR,F = πr2,L = 2πr. In figure covered by exactly k sensors when N = 200 sensors with 0 0 2(a), we show the fraction fr(A ) of A , that remains non- identical sensing area are randomly deployed. The equivalent 0 0 covered as a function of the number of sensors N that are sensor density is equal to ρ = 0.0063 sensors/m2. The deployed to monitor the field of interest. We observe that same graphs for N = 600,N = 1000 (densities ρ = 0.019 Fig.4. Fractionfr(A0)ofA0,thatremainsnon-coveredasafunctionofthenumberofsensorsN thataredeployedtomonitorthefieldofinterest. sensors/m2, ρ = 0.032 sensors/m2) are provided in figures sensor density is equal to ρ = 0.0095 sensors/m2. The 3(c) and 3(e), respectively. The pdf of fr(A ) is equal to same graph for N = 500,N = 1000 (densities ρ = 0.019 0 the probability that a randomly selected point P is covered sensors/m2, ρ = 0.032 sensors/m2) are provided in figures by exactly k sensors. Our analytical derivation in Section IV, 5(c) and 5(e), respectively. The fr(A ) coveredby exactly K 0 yields: sensors is equal to the pdf p(S = k) of the probability that a randomly selected point P is covered by exactly k sensors. fr(A ) = p(S =k) 0 (cid:161) (cid:162) Our analytical derivation in Section IV, yields: N (2πF)k(2πF +L L)N−k = k 0 0 . (23) fr(A )=p(S =k) (2π(F +F)+L L)N 0 0 0 For k =0: In figure 3(b), we show the fraction of A covered by 0 (cid:181) (cid:182) at least k sensors when N = 200. The same graphs for (cid:89)N 2πF +L L fr(A )= 0 0 i , N = 600,N = 1000 are provided in figure 3(d) and 0 2π(F +F )+L L 0 i 0 i 3(f), respectively. For both values of N we observe that our i=1 theoreticformulasconformwiththesimulationresults.Forall while for k ≥1: (cid:179) (cid:180) graphs in figure 2, 3 we show the theoretical result according (cid:80)(N) (cid:81) (cid:81) k k (2πF ) N−kJ(i,z) to our expressions, and the simulation values. i=1 j=1 Ti,j z=1 fr(A0)= (cid:81)N (2π(F +F )+L L ) . B. Coverage in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks r=1 0 r 0 r In our second experiment, we considered a hierarchical In figure 5(b), we show the fraction of A0 covered by (heterogeneous) sensor network, where two types of sensors at least k sensors when N = 300. The same graphs for are deployed. Type A has a sensing area of disk shape with a N = 500,N = 1000 are provided in figures 5(d), and sensing range r =10m, while type B has a sensing area of 5(f),respectively.Weagainverifythatour theoreticalformula A disk shape with a sensing range of r =15m. We randomly agrees with the simulation results. B deployed an equal number N = N = N of sensors of In the case of heterogeneous sensor networks where each A B 2 each type over a circular field of interest of size F = πR2 sensor has a different sensing area, the formula in (25) 0 where R = 100m. In figure 4, we show the fraction fr(A ) has an exponentially increasing computational cost, since an 0 of A , that remains non-covered as a function of the number exponentially increasing summation of terms must be com- 0 ofsensorsN thataredeployedtomonitorthefieldofinterest. puted in order to derive the exact coverage achieved. Such a The theoretical formula that compute that is equal to: computation may not be feasible for large networks. In such a case, an approximation can be used for our formulas by fr(A ) = p(S =0) 0 employing the expressions derived for a homogeneous sensor (cid:89)N 2πF +L L network and substituting the size F and perimeter L of the = 0 0 i , (24) sensing area of the sensors with the expected size E[F] and 2π(F +F )+L L 0 i 0 i i=1 expected perimeter E[L]. The theoretical approximation for where F =πR2,L =2πR,F =πr2,L=2πr . such a case is: 0 0 i i i We observe that the simulation results verify the validity fr(A ) = p(S =k) of our theoretical expression. In figure 5(a), we show the pdf 0 (cid:161) (cid:162) of the fraction fr(A0) covered by exactly k sensors when = Nk (2πE[F])k(2πF0+L0E[L])N−k.(25) N = 300 sensors are randomly deployed. The equivalent (2π(F +E[F])+L E[L])N 0 0 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Fig.5. Heterogeneoussensornetwork,withthefieldofinterestbeingadiskofradiusR=100m.Anequalnumberoftwotypesofsensorsaredeployed; Type A has a sensing area of a disk shape with radiusrA =10m, while type B has a sensing area of a disk shape withrB =15m. (a) The pdf of the fractionfr(A0)coveredbyexactlyk sensorswhenN =300sensors.(b)Thefractionfr(A0)coveredbyatleastk sensorswhenN =300sensors.(c) Thepdfofthefractionfr(A0)coveredbyexactlyksensorswhenN =500sensors.(d)Thefractionfr(A0)coveredbyatleastksensorswhenN =500 sensors.(e)Thepdfofthefractionfr(A0)coveredbyexactlyk sensorswhenN =1000sensors.(f)Thefractionfr(A0)coveredbyatleastk sensors whenN =1000sensors. In figure 6(a) we show the pdf obtained via simulation for C. An Example of Computing the Coverage in a Sample our heterogeneous sensor network experiment, for N = 500 Network sensors, the theoretical values based on the exact formula in In this section, we provide an example of applying our (25), and the approximation in (25). In figure 6(b), we show the fraction of A covered by at least k sensors. We observe results to a sample sensor network. Consider an FoI of size 0 F = 106m2 and perimeter L = 4,000m where sensors of that for the case of heterogeneous sensor networks where 0 0 identical sensing area F = 100π and perimeter L = 20π each sensor has a different sensing area, (25) provides a good are randomly deployed. We want to compute the number of approximationofthecoverageachieved,withoutincurringthe sensors needed in order for a randomly selected point of the computational cost of (25). FoI to be covered by at least one sensor with a probability

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