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Preview DTIC ADA458078: C2 Through Space: The Key To Effects Based Aerospace Operations

C2 Through Space: The Key To Effects Based Aerospace Operations bb a” rr,Ce ect,. ,tM s.ryrtnu EDBee aB..tylD“rPsauDiFahPP FI/LRFA 6c2i n,oyratwckerl aEePmoR ,4Y1N54-14431 (315) 330-3315 [email protected] , [email protected] , moc.nocigol@bbarccmb tcartsbA sd eeht r sanoitoi lot u lt lkeirqe uspsrte ehtcemaadArtsipot mnufycfaramftcoomiafmdnoiC er u etyg ilaey deghm lnvnte e aeiennr mhmpteieedotixcd v ecineeroeertwifotihiumfhtsoecead ,g ynfdi iahtecoran loryarel p ddsp,ni iatape nmah.emrtsm otnfCeoo srssi’a vynnaIedot .da oys tl lent ar ”tporehee mcyia nwvhfeatte sioTolxaheimb em“hr oorte,rtotdpfeendvieihca . es me r o rne hdc s iidoceteeyurta ruhpf lqoeaioTyorlersteareded nrn aoemihmttoaCm rfoofni n lotuisf toeoramrste meud ”rd nsdso naaietfeams cnhmmandeitmobo efoCerfChiets“ed e s vd es entt heoiaosn .sst hnu o raisac jaif ot wuaw esoesa rcercuhndsesnirfteipiAoshadFTp no i, tn, ao nntiyooi tr i ioh cogs)tlcmetnuLaprglaifRmxailrdFreedoorAosacba(feragnRaLeipr s”n)oO iBe dtEcsn a (ata,rd ypcneewlseopsoeofiOahmrft Bae EasnAt“ne iitdmanelaosetsrid , y srl.ielelhparltaneipohw ipetscio a dfdp,dnes eAI leevtllhi natttric taeoLaihJRBttFioAnnia sr os tt, f acteo e ceclostife btundfldafe neln vseioao.retctreraespidb r noapsaosmrumpcopsCaid s, a)lelara rArhsttce c cui,edes t.pnpnigsas ol.rasdiieerae tb(ptcraaylnotphuasiavnocdelaspxe s t e c, ytf enynaodpota rn siimnegaoatlahetaitt mb nnra sioott iffcfsnaeouirffcf eedcraaposb-no etnn i ee memhot rset tse ergg e”lntaanf bttoeog ioectidcn doveat eoegefbcetr-ifahinhetsoc“ead s .,.el d l dgl,e ladeni sn,lins eweeiO it ass l blmBswneutlgepaEtebciansmxitshieaeoicshxpdUte ,e r s osir meh esr ite pteltndai hll inp fstiu,maeeerwcfahnuuio,x teqFfredbifonnifahdcet e gyyeamlhgeetn nv es eirsdtter eacdooehentt ntfaaa fmceemilodbCn aigv nryieetskabrogetni eh. cg sd au lnnsdpoyooa ins rhriedaehw tthn m htynatadmsteoreot kcesccopaetobffe noitcudortnI sr een eiha.ygtthrla iotaggnvwnnii ietsc aase serAe cc l yinwp,rviemy arfaaetexdhiseotlTim se csgenlg nreeneia uvid sf leeiaao,,flb sie oyn gtnr.vlidnusciolnioontsaaeBiionbaKo HitiddA .no i ye sltgs r alardedrameevne ua dsaaty- sd, noal-naktaplbocssmmlaiomiotrmocoCn d en non ii isra tnr ornea eeWhtaruevdTcs atrenOuna ioaOmo,smWmcyTmlMotCneuqesnoC redn aynmrama hots ntci’ s ilytn .eiaaom thmdhiusstott r e ataftete prochareetruppt gOSs1iuFlli must operate. .nsd o’e,iy rrtasi eadiu vmoqtertenworaofvHneiler/ ye ,lt sod eaeeTepmghutliitsiettschiim nsnomoi e itletst aavsmce muiyeer frdsstlatooinslafve yohnittsct i dnlaeniuri-cariofobftaild stm a eedh dt,ret.rsda pea yeo ith gszttpaeni s-r s ini e gyufdgsnvaeeoloniothicotnTuecsibr ,hecviihswn e.,tee n rlliduba-nt in e acsxo ,mimeieei peltslttetfaetnrsnrhteayieTitsprsobisnoc s s.sdew eet oyct aglton senfiriaer olpocc emijriehabsovrtaifrerd ehesSTp ioeyrlretettvniil ,s n do. nis nat nteasonv rsiie h ee to ntplsaj.o ioerSistw ie.tinrylp UiheolloslTdfraaaiawovecelc tnetsi s.,nn sdioh n ectsonr nomiaes ee ibetit’ohvdtantyvtinsrsaaogayeocdsspBsoooTK . r,s stese,wnt e mse eetm, aei drrmciesnlvhnoeaetctgtafrpaoni fasphawfipassod epelahtnttsab Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2000 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2000 to 00-00-2000 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER C2 Through Space: The Key To Effects Based Aerospace Operations 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Air Force Research Lab/IF,26 Electronic Parkway,Rome ,NY,13441 REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The original document contains color images. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 14 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 el bd ael u ras lden inaehoado vst irniy uanytoataf goliha doaindtmf o toderoaTecalohapftrnfi , s eeD l cOmb srDoa,iu-rln onf io. tsonaidgonsovtennriaapietmpesa rabumotrfonfinI n od iest hia d osm oa mturhoo tepoctlanhfu(rtastnmeacaivdiof iencgniesi ryelplxaecidoirep ll e d wsem)alom lred utfhnespota srn ,uen–nasaocuc iettba ae nvhe ortmeiaamttsiast m–rofni d nt iay fhedwhete nn ie .sleasbhta atarfldooimava Figure 1: Spectrum of Operations d e,t ean tciea om rdlo,oeRY tkNnscrnoaeaoihrbtimaDe m sr,’oeLf gRno nFITt eAesleilmhathc e.r )ue) 2geIe isBr F(Je e(h IhpnBTS aJoeecfcbnaIpsel tt dtnee aihl,BotleJavcita i atwienni ntohi g t,usa soe moehtfr tt tuoo,asdsbfsgrnmineeeaer it rstttasgussaragyihgasdte-tfn oia-metsys , ts ma n .rodsoe lderntlte lltfape aheaen mmhortvieomec tgifct oteete ecttalshanitititthiaTnbi n ooi t terenesa neohintm attrhstr nrdtsnotn ohuonaaaberfbtofadvveseorimnechiwailataepors de t, eaen rrri eutu scgst.aaiuc3 pFlilslpaoit rog,e tnea tile rcsphnoasmtiFpearmsxoisea , hescstuinssreaan onsposmi eotfc caoc,m un r ns gnoair i efaeaarvnt bpiiirfmmageouacncnu sdr ee t en,ce o,nn nah.te afoptcl,loim tatptinte r niIenoae d gemmydnrvemaoaivetgonme e m sdothe ecet vertsr g tyehiuon nselitsofihiiguhet thrrcdoesutatabhs cttewesosshoarp .yge g tlgn da ani l lrecil rarothiw ddyonehst tonnnB fosseclgaaoiuemalihttrotasahssnta ns or,i e ntennenocvnicaieoaanctlrl te a lppgrgnmro mneiorocriicloisnlfesuenhititmni n gg i n,yarg e isbpingdhdvtmeinetnanaht i eahectsrnsppmuons useja eerdlfchiapootu-rqeperr ecap s. n es ,o ml ppteiletealnr tltth g eiua isatsnhotmefyBi iJcrmshg iooTnfpf sionesihstim n o ni rot eeiaothsmtu/snrcsiioeim fxhsr ne eedi,d d e/eienerarvhahiteotmtuahrmqdppoeSCrofnI e h mtluartt oc t tefcrpoieslffenr o(o cterugi.F)1 d el se sadtedboacn-mhaa stpmnts seacigedenlfitf gte cna siab,’m hyyadclann-ldyaraodentvieF , sd,deete stnt,, saeas ed ecrr nnvn2ciegmooiaCodheeisreotttnprcnsae p iyzhfasieonrapgmrooc lssy ae nttcr.ai a iut endhfensrr muntochnoel aacefwa spefoia s etepthooetntrhaeetetArocp h t y h de lftt d arstoputene eilneo ahahlrteedhftt lbnvrgorae erua dluowsncrtanhcotecffe e slyr eeboee oe ckillwtthyaaspooittpmsmh pisoewf lopo.irrbe eiattx naeee lrhefethhTni d eet sased uraceft eat on ;nrpc tehniasens ccrolanrnuureieostesaw cagoe apltrbhia galfiioeawva . er cogln tn a afcie rt oancn otrtefn rdostnoshisoe iieprtwiftsshCmi-aiitife r vlagnteattanbi ss e ylnd gaente nrantdeoaianr iworautsdtajttakeaschrruutaatrphi tsssnsoairtfanmirofni sr e ,gdyeetnnt rh niaiesutnedmlnutg mimi ihuioptvobnmtfatoaocaarplhrlemewpptavecedd y ls, kltsena cesics devolinonfih totafttlai ecamto enectsjota tbi slcotey leavstifreswfeieephboca .ecap slealn t ontsieasskbo nareetchmatid-n ETILLETAS ROTADERP SCAWA AC TNI OTJEVIR SRATSJ TNI R-2U SAC CCCBA CAFA ecapselttaB tnioJ InfoSphere HQFunctions ROFFA GNIW NSID ,JOD EOD COA kcabhcaeR X,NIW FTJ EMA troppuS ECROF ROFRAM PCAT NOITCETORP ROFVAN ROFA COSA CRC ERC SPROC COT erehpsofnI ecapselttaB tnioJ eht ni sreyalP yeK :2 erugiF Comm Global Data Relay Data Relay Engagement MILSATCOM Detection& Threat IR NMD Protection Negation Jam Radar ASAT WX NAV Reuseable Launch NBC ELV EO/IR RV Detect CBM ICBM Jammer Security Forces Communications & Information Space Training, Education & Exercise Civil Engineering Logistics Medical Figure 3: Space Assets are Key to Effects Based Aerospace Operations ?snoi teacr aet ppasdsOh teoWscsrieaefBAfE g sn)gniOnon Bii i dsEst,adsnt(sagteiacernsseseiuafs pt sB fadOca,Eoughdn tnifeonomcnalp . s s sts dedtc nteveeeno orisgf o irnita rsfpytoscbnateula eeetcerOdjvereBbenepEonmooc se v o i rts tn et,tca ed n eeneh,bntnngrejts auairurb t ebmasetoncyhtfsieltfafe ipfuadeqinu ” g )n gs dinn ee eetailvvyvve (taoiloegr e erteriroegrddcrdharreieacteahjrahttbw“ioe“ s.e )in m g o”reo t msohlgst me ftono ceov L(ni mtehcitsRhkOajTtaiFcoBochAeoErewtlpjbo ,sevit c,esjt bcg o e nn tfsias hfr tcfr dgeeec f ionudbenaretaonn otahrant setbmosobmcitoscsa g ns s i nl stesnoulelhseifu i utehtg fs t fsstcnde tdoieoesainsoentvsranaotgaioapnrtheriactmutap .dev e di dehdene ce rAd far,e ns ii twyit.sr o hcteednewe odhsnh fe nt’Atffe,etiesthaowhnw desab-st cd ensfanfmoeeidt adre es epa. thobrpxt-e eesdrtnt n osc,aefeemhfc mtfnnoeeIcsse syyecg naee e ict hfcnmiasgytoairf rmnlpefetrils tehsev aofettesuro diinethsiaacythalntaonca stne m,o ,e ltdsvcanto inec erdgomer hpneimfo,tmattofliaa cea rrdeceteerihsprttoicsaetd noi t ,aoyi tgteeeicc tnaater ai ppshosr/essetettsooggsnarrgneheeu ampaa srhphococlneavrebd .rednammoc , ennai r ? ttet oc acctsSo r hreni dinw ofedAa sFfcenAessiaun effect stlu st eaerhm to c stniuao yml oee.rh tnf t naed mo i ke )e oitdsasym srtceit ubottfcem(sa sclafmiceAteufinarseohietdr .,t rc te et cvefin eenf ayrw ienecliosef anrdHebet ianod o.rei d enntlrncecciorkoAioadtFtca t ,d ss tse eity datr fvscetnh nrt oaneehcatteecrenhofhteamfaehocftrhenphteitlimtdeio . t d cmte) ao aceg pre e h usnt m fh)heteduiheiltst gtuoakgnl((eaacrciiOaebmhprmbmittosctuo r ) e lts thtlceeatcaekhh oe bfittsnrnf r(eaiientk.drsi) u rtatdtt crcsle ielfehrafhtibetd(ni 1 larev eS .snoi tda erds e eaese ptibhtrtosl-Tp enrpsee haim tcrrstfiyc naoirretofoefacp vfhtmletcilearid . se , tnr n n dncee d estoeneek heeeicimoh fagthiwetic wnfta tltrctesaelepeiaStvmbdcainehiffe t c .test cfilt ef ec dn r etfen e eis cfaeheh deee fhwmtynshr,e eTiaiu t ittrtmaeydruecbrobhehtvs t cste ecftste fc i u raeeet rt. itrpgoi ead ii eatsmntdndtclsiiiae iann thifho odtlwcecrphimThit t . nswfi’eoor ipet mvv neor nswfihreeodt eootFshpnc , fipbtueeek eovoprhceheitiutddtcs d ee.o vitt to l ki wt en m m,pfc eeec ciefsolpoieehhieerouoirlathhttvfuopcFasttfcfbe n got s.n ict ,etief tec etsnkcofafe,thiueir ocf rdot amrosieeiencetftlhdevsiptdopnmaI morfeht e r seesuhh iattrcee ahtywtl al) tma tt nr ste n wfieteigret eoonoorogc fipendaaeeovgt(jhbto tcerid ro tceridtncieffe y,l enaleopu mc,r ayomxafee s tt( espnl ye ip, s cymya.xrileeslv aniF yld lle lee azdol thbitno bt itscap,e,acrni e)nsteeiwdorsosrhfn nieeitnanddldoioniniso iatcirf .tc a sr dtre t eenett cet eata alemnh dt alshlfoicenraluittifcurIotaweemopshbmmotip tsn n a )oe tntd mireri p nxetaroym ta etcopneoc talsammattar spyritponrmseam(eeotivdcneniu naht esrnaoitca r efd boeye mnbh"u itmnstfeioe tndxsey ls t p ea. mdthaolot c un"eonhOs ,)s y ey rttitds eiu tiee fhsbsri enie otrtotrnitsyaec(noeaiobrvee(gtt hrijonnetodbroehoectteh agents or targets). .st ct ect fe c nfrdte he eina rogetnd ahtiTuwions Wedotci ii oyneitttsdeblco aipenehxnhtentoc sgtn cis oeme ,,tfrr,dtnfoidnsiefuroreqicirehefrts n e. r) ee u4 erh egtetseiohtsFNc( erfefdero- s mtm orasterardnh f tg ei t,gs oafeondnwtiocperiedoha lirtyflvp oa ,hdt saearo gararmlaitar 1 rehtonA tniop ton detarobale no si woh detagergga eht tceffe sdneped nopu s'eno .deen sihT elpmis elpmaxe swohs.siht g r nyeti ah iwfwts seoo' eiinlehvAlutacb tnemevom si eh ttc etrcie dfefleihw eht eu csg 'nrlielkhaitbrotn sasi ntacetrciedfnfie tsuj sa eht dnoces s'llab tnemevom si osla na tceridni tceffe dna os .no ?gnisufnoC nI eht laer dlrow fo yra t,islniomitarepoa retteb egami si eht kaerb ni loop erehw eht elgnis tca fo gnikirts eht euc llab sesuac elpitlu msekirts dna sekirts-e rgnomaeht rehto sll agbnisua cemos ot llaf ni .stekco pddA ot siht eh tnoitcirf fo eht ,htolc eht tlit fo eht ,elbat eht ecrof fo eht eucs'kcits ".xelpmoc "della cs't iyh wetaicerpp ao tsnige ben odn aselbaira vreht oeh tll adn a)lla beu ceh tkcurt st iereh wdna (ekirts d tl, cuee reovb defwia rdft .irecs)hoets t pcdp gseseau nicrfooih aefrtsttrp elU ettiagearsra(t ytivarG-fo-r eetrnue t C;crh )uetenr drhotnrutis oootaefarhtftrn oitpas hnm ntaet orteetsgh(yrtsat (COG) 2 lna( n e idh;fnta th t ct ec ffe g ofr)ddnk eirlricndeual aandeoylntirbwa otohea-shrtam .plie hvtsel rlec efitdgaa eeetlhatrts redrO dn2 tceffE noitcA seludehcs liar ,.g.e( dr agynillahsr a,m.g.e( )detpursid )dekcatta redrO ts1 tceffE N redrO d r,a.yg.e( tceffE )desolc tceriD tceridnI Figure 4: Interaction between “Orders” of Effects e, e vdelt i eehpr, tf trTma smco ygcaips to eetnesittrcrephiifaseefhsttefhrdftrnbatirfeefoep .st c tec fesf rt ee icArlddeaaonfycoifaige wrtenm eus u nteqd e chentmle tsacalfsbesafauresid . ndto e c itsssettc iuifacemgafharonaceWiridftl ue ssseteorc rhaetswotfc ietfetshieraitvihdt ..dte ct reatt e fcs c td refirsedcr s er eligf neotiedeAp fnfsorerrHmnieicigeooahedhctsnwi tg tcntae iu hfelb ttfnl,le oa eescnncf eeioat k r i l crae,etnp aeetrtccaerhesaahhithrlttdowipf e v.fi t ot "nncynn eae lao gp mnencitk easeoebots cehrhrecrsiuTetfsaietcpfts"utit stnaohcw . gtn c i f leeleveotgelhflhoucnuatf aTmceicbea brsniuoda i ct t gclec enelhasuiratictibtdih t nc to e nt c is f tgoc le etemfsth nellrehcsoe'hgneirlai htaurkgiahtiabdetafciettdbnucieiicths g d . nte t elt ihtscnhluot tga' eotabscftti ctef ibleocieiihfest ar ehlteh'ceierptlahduimlTcdoacb trat pss r initofai /h teyttteyflaht cclloantieeeblt i tmrfaaosbnnoifirtimoesdefe oinyctenngaedi gmneoimrt ofls s ut nt sct tmecreecy s okeerfe tenn rafdfrdihiot ftfreinttaicaeodangteneacriaid .y t t iesd sthn denintiynt ahealaa ecTgtiybac dl enr eharaen mgihhes idttknthoao etifstoca , y . lt eseclesr v eahiog inftTrtn.t ofoacit ay etatlxn tnfauerriac sleoti ept(nlermleproamocoMc deti byibh x ,e n ytatt nsirse/r tetg ti)ndsa rcfterid oe/eosnfrtgnaoicrodeacnrtiid n .rsetdcreof-fe sr .nteeeno cv tma ifeoaiip ,tofntsse afiirsgefhoi eTmnrrageg ha,ttr cu lefeafhtfToet .st c getsdnfaie ifhhrodeWt rt ayesclfaslea arcn rond,eiaa entceoslealtucgg oyeaicrcgigva e s nu tiae c clseg aep afnltysrbmnfilal iaaaedihetshwxa wwksitecgiosn lmaiscsnua(em ss r te mstenrsfs etah eauone tchtghp aehtsetontdc ptiyfia)psfhbna e tehstnepiaemphhoatwsh ,e g.e rgncs den i tldahihh ne eabwhct n e ob etieespo tnmehmpeptniomwopsartsosauhuIshatc .t r tn fess o,sae oo ' atFlo whhreawn"ilfet sso sa aos raFeowenraewooh ohhGtshtsioM 2 ,nso mi .e tyltg alasnes tlnyih i , raosl Trhseoiiaeote tpcterFile isenduwpshunpetmutqastcaorenuxbt iref toSs Uasrefcnriodfna l asi p t easnthhiestr—soensmpoeitu bndi o e r dietytdnt nal sna a, oleeiasrrrfeshd—ieeeorotGhntw lOteno ecCgupysoeochhntte edis t.up oifhos rdend Aae ecnlneavticg uol te,p ryikslhcptsaacrtheetrrda eiaepdehlt ts oemlba i.vGOC ee, SnnoistnreamMulB ",tpecn ocCigetar teSvisic esaeDarutcurtsarf n fIeocnegre meEhT" sretemaraP l . at 5oewti s4 Teoi,i-oshv 99tSr93Ue9 t1,niW yratil i,msnoitarepo ees anaD ,tseirP sksiR" dna :tniartseR yhW eht sehcapA reveN welF ni ",ovosoK ehT notgnihsaWtsoP , .1 A,999 1,9 2rebmeceD sgeldn slriseoialdhlwyl rtca ttahd saysararo eoeargmflmln oii, sabe"rml …oprtbmosaFoxle s gnen imiedoaosm etrsuieh, t tatscsrorec uideteb e ahrhvdgacwatike nyodrnnaonihwaclp st nc, r sie s. eeote ajewsthmtusdrbvgoato buetua lnh ocog apshpfiteetncpodsbootioltsshasT g nyt"iau hm wofft o.ho oadckgge ec inDrlaeH iiltl"sr a atp aeetcamowh hn-attAteoxicsewer ,ts aidqyraratswa ria u wyICB.Knor 1itae9ut9ra1 b ls de eeeF elrpgr cepneeihoiwhhTtdtesavel e lob rtasgir enae oninenmgmtow lreen ao guovhipjlen vmetkulhi yaotsk bmfuc naaractitaa .kc adt etya a ynlelop.h l sNTtadiNlcn dCuiesshaepwrarg ,d es iir"efhe ,sitpsl ticaeascwepstserpuoefe"stlfh"netUo n "r,etdcr e"odft-nfcaeeffe" .y l n bloesa iicee atni gx tfaalsn enek ogriaatlihcs ebhaphToiyrmchmtchegertoitkgmecwaetrni . adneedmno un yoe,lbhyl-playli l atd l,ran,atopatrciscoeveprarmihiededtnbi g nt deinee hra rcstut e teu tdrymluhd ep orolboyreropecirlacewmvewtnnhTibnootico ysg rmneoei ve t to i hxsnct mt,t eyougepgelsidnlan hp snibdintmfsoyoanooouclrnccppaspliapd .snoi tdaers ea epbtho-sT sr y tiglscfnl iei t atfsssdrafsarnehe eiant esfesns/g eoatmvcooermrfid r es /dtstrcdcoerefarfwieodtni n srtec d esrde fto enyfc-stoleeenl fveaomfoictoemrirosfyhp .s tdc e e g ,tg f nyennsf n ill eiteeortlpfischmosamoruetDmFiraof"oloxfcieevaheb 6 ,y o"rtsed( , ) )dte n i trr,y eyht sa aoylefntsroil,leanheeirowotallitddwi(tspeceaf iuddm,resgiadmad s. t secrh tr eocecasrfi uletof ve mifc ielt ahyh fervashhtlwlefuacatenafohiliBieefeswadbymhp r e . deslorrr etaooeddhf t cnoaea enamrcl dreeiuytrahhdffc aTnei iohistrdtunoeerdpi n.nodaig el t nfnpya, i onlt enralrs lo plao tn pirsprpe cifmtoesreeoaaFnnahfxneatfeigrebtmoc g nsid lre t l ahde,a dy tag4 h)e)(or4dsti y ra9erel rgslt1kasle ieeicmAhnatcaatiarrrt(reottdfasro )d e srt ehaicrtlcsees b uefdrr nismdfrieyisaeof do s/ eo rroot mgtrottpceeaosehhmerttadi(dd .d) ndrtoee ccrdsyeeir tafs sotn lf/e eseleetc ed emadcnoheweveatthhcirr ttrriFf(rordoofannniier .alu sd netn sg ikui eo nnsen cBto rtteiiahesanse eInradtpete lhewieragttlathwtedaoitliCarrb ,st nn eis mies seh sptac ttaiawrkeel ccr hoohease tntfotrtyf nsanthoafropmittdeoorefoerrGt y n d wannmsekomr ao keonreholry eroetctofn oehtGsaPan twteeomr twrtremeetogGsrefw .st cnt eoct fie dc efftrd nedesoeainmorehend aocitTh ineredlttbihfsuamtshoetcr— tenhotrf a e h dgttin rsirortew iod/s fn rti,/ rocstrteetcoahrcehtiertidfienfdie n see reglebda i er,varavehdro- . n,oei dt tl,suaest ae mnlllisydeuacub hu nocmenmaaTmdamnimiusnencuaticsma ifsorep laropm ed tnyat.isctacpeapcsa ,y l elt, naa s tonhtn esiWao suaF-hi s dsl-ttdtgessaecn eiirsei oneafddtpbfreoeas gseeubrcsid desuac s t tcrru e e eb gfsds htnf eri?gnoetso tie motanc hseanseiembhr rfeat icflsfnebiiohrTp m.he ) sglr rl ti ube d e e titoowsno ihvsaahrstotesceihtpncc hault(aeerTemfsefdero gni h,syicl-nb-eaygtlaseeman tahW ?hdmt ete ec dhirsl eee twaibd fhshoreftusriheaphTct , m,ye mtl dye i bmncl,el,oea nbyharrlee ottsopb hgcri utoftaiptraarosnoccpaei b,ddntinacieffe , t.saeeh. owitdi" kool gt n cei se htn?kr"mtaweaie n okedlyiodirbtmt lboiirll paeeshuTac .sel b tagrin ari ttan ,y . aSvenmet blcev aogismeihryprdltovstensfiaiBeatarshlbnbuiac y tg i nt lo issaslshu isl ssj.huituistawoc lecnssbsieap dvta glslh noelcsivou ntncMfosiopeatew r.e r hnsecd tiip ie.rha ef i put p,rlkfetpuf ddneiaane. enadaTrotpssoprrtsuipcso haeTlsloC ,drl eu d,vo eetecgbs cwn uye o iso abfyhgrtgwhcfnnetntceaihuiu mltphss uo(tardoeohpcs sni anro te hek ,tmcs.aam gs ret.ltlae ab(e tohe nrtmeepammsi ntn oi ,re )iheevtmcnaaeslp n ol iu).sntfnt' oce o ryea?s ri,amhtono s gpetnpehonnarv crietu esiedrptahooswWopolmmfi "? ksc' a lr b e ee? he t kdmtl tchta roiatlh aito sirdcaacehhnaabmihtWwhht"W e l ssbr teiotcme sfaeohg s nhfctnteeowf iasrpeynhuestiwawe l mcrhufrt coeieitWhfetfdid . de reseot uhfnkatmu cce o noatlceot B sichitgyaattansrchiawni myr tefltouecdiffid r , beay elt smhel ,sln.eaotlrs tlaenhwbcimtc egotaeier aifefet htsfdsetaerrhiroitWtfsulli g n,i yhs .ltirl eoea .tnvunglaeqI nanee iuuhf eq ttl,berur,oGa sfWtkrtni cenUsawaatolwtppa" s t "ho.ggti u l so? d" tt ste,teoh ustuntahh geo ' hBruhtwfiv siguowilieaqit thwalf ctr"IeeIhjtbo d? nedghose enciuhshiitate s nhccrw i iwaaosl gs mchi penemrhsmhimoetaoTrortwcacfeccda .he sr ni ueilsthp iutm lshfot aiTchsi cgn cyaaio turmir cretaoecvcl sfaitwefmaoweihnswk tn itoa phlt ldi.ewr seestbearldda . ss t nn t yn f eyoatu, liorhesenoenonoothamanawopftetOt rr soerpromatiac i,dynlilaniF .gm nsgt i i nad pabntihe etpm aa ntlsvaoonthhs ou ehrboncTiesoitdeehatlammteesrbsessa "yn? eo r .hsd enmt an d oe reoenfi tleer chiottsihdde Tha ayatnlse"c shsriugiriWhodduwinorib ecn ae)sc ssntni an oadl aeinnl,trtnaie racoecsoacvnip(ere mrug g isienrlciolrgfeaatcnnsaim s rn"ea.dcrne a dmgnm nio.ihCst" ta)e rRstSs sIae sdsu(Wn o e nlaetfkpilceoocuaisharpbt g tncu iioenfb hifa rtaa esol rsrnpeteuo mh ili fotelitoocvpaatipfcruin rsnotaupmemcorcetni y l ,tres nel e" eedpnd. hciniaor eatncat cmerrieimlf deoWdfmuo,nhmifomeitveCmhrei"utf gn ih nttc R eeei t Sre sphrssoIewl smwinnthtleaoeoiteaschiaob utsgfiafcoe ededkaarmt .sse nn eoser idr ahtnugwcaagnau umii s4teFdsidiasv osrip a,a ms tetsahewhcgotsrhast s rs ot, t csnadeeicnfviafi.dete ncleaiepljmpbamoxies l sla; nensd o doeedi s oi utntdtdmtnsa aaeceaasierseiricheaff eotpbfiy psoetlgosnrnaeaidevilacH s psiah hs.ondtol e iednetde ibaopbflm o b ee-alsa.draearr- tvhCDregeecesnmdMteinhnitifed st nyls ema'sme n nee nn osenlsehhiadie' "oct rbw,Jian"amol hnomWoleaw"secrdataoJsBmys . l" eendco oai, mp tl" sdae efntdtu oaponlnameaadgvaa" snoitcA le vVeELN/GOC metsyS tegraT leveL tnegA IPMD/tegraT/teS tegraT leveL “Effects”of “Layers” between Interactions 5: Figure er us glls5ieawFdno(oohmis t nas teor’pns hiew eerfTtpo dtdioaolsnsrfn riaaieaWbhBmtoc ) .glneid to elm rs.hueetttshb n neTmfesaruomi tnetrlooenpmi 3 e ,os wdsToeolionhuhhosotcc ,noitatr o,opntso n i, ae ty,rs darstu,el tepmuesc irphurnhaotdoesp nfvrsieeVsdEaNel( )ssne o cdidenntnta aa ,aaitctsplla ietiulhhnyshtatcuiss a msrofesmnepo toodenccaveeimlfe(le n o. i) dt sdna,eealecmur rrpuoaot fpc tutarnht a Ws, tsassrirl iofatpni amitchhinictenasaesgero ttn se,. n umeln idemeveeehnbliddhtu etorti o cma w,fse Wmeipnos hswrusTro faiedacp-epbot gn i esdseh'i gptnvh na e oteicsdlri wrs 'ra pwsdgwateVnnoWns Eailo ueNlnrzshiaiatlBrtouho s.ne o pni faos smocint gsosteaslnord cmhnairfns nitictcaiedudaihslhhnfttgsTtaeriireervwc yls u esol. wnilnmov aeoieycdrtrcerfcpnRane Wudwfno eledprlnea b adBdaerntheaittrneih s ed ie ssr ttytherooia l acletvldeehuohieesrtsrttrnoaocglaicssa— nnooi i tftdcoi ennesuihuffted s n ksdosrkoni eo ssat ddov wta—cnnntiy(atm no aete he)upepchtthefubeetc tndjeoobntdonoc .ksat -yol tld,-a nws octeoe stiatNil' thxg ent erteehdecdwettodelvaimrnurwanotWocsc s '.swssoValEprNmaoBcne e r e.enuec)e ogma5 sniieps(o tFhsii ac totse dtpat pndnnecea Odoetihdnac gsfTaieeaishdtom ." ls ne lr idsreu o ievo sfmyhbeeio fTml hdiu"t t ecnsokdee rtnlnpteiiushwfhogtwim tttnas eh sifgtyisoaln -loaa ac ttussehte tmgc tfnia.uoemtb g cila tter lenartahihrtctotoaepcRni . n.osi tten at eydsgeegt e ie rWaresfsfhresc esooioTgrisefpuphgoihlomtamdterospcti g"n5 i 2frledn 5 o eace il-eeeytntye5hghaoeitd 0tn tl thmroy1awo(ieml"rotlpllnoa luruaaptriv . ),d e s es vll,nego a eeotnb ynsdciuiaflr to ntbsoneernmeaniuothoeeterntFmrsmtiehntltiae yr ardronb sairn loehfstcnaeega 4 g n si, fet sneeomst sgevhiiaheVnvitts—cwEiefntaNrsoeecg .se iett ia5 tr0e na1 rn:ep—e-uo e elnbtiy lnseouc trepAvsufcahmeronrtalt ubxsefieahlrtfni s.nVoyE ir Ng tadnse tarliih?acburhtehiio etbWnlwnb u ime mdhehtmntmtnouieecowRmfele tds eei ,sllo su dk tynt nctcohga ei nignhthetetii scbega mte isrtfshfsepoitonmaxo edecaa-erp .nedsonleioun thoid apwletennl wee , o mtsre dliAel ta rtbtacseti ihimpasattexmsceeoasprp .,t m n tt ede,ee)tniyg gts actrreyeiiaas srfvtteafahturTssga-lfo- r we sotterhnaeesehryctha(tl l.e esc sdtanm ocpi r pf mes es e od -fostists esaf rshtsissitete eTchiaeaAoeretBmhthpfwtxfeE m as.r nh ggossoniiiritl pyaporrmtteopcOca tsa r hey roeWglset raedd ae aegvenaclehni eaibhtetonmda tctmnvyeoirefCekfsebo ?ymene . sstr c ofestofi afh sceTeii-ld ibnatailvu rmgens i b entosn ist Okf meuoco erdntasherrittacehd . r s e dmtyi eeenlllg slug r afrsbonnasnoauomieeaol cradviespeishieGntdcexmeid n eo,t l idasbt tehias saltheu n em btgmyaemrdm alcboonen)ndcfasasaien(sampbiahna/uratad e)drI eeBs s hJanos p(hepaneseoocobr i afpato pnutse.sIliun eohsdoetlstsnihntiatTitaoauJBtis de .syseslirufecehsiirdb sultl aigrwnaip r p.sen a dmhosne etieosltatlials gabtbiy maawse rvmbyeorrehfeoKTnsfibnoi , semcen dtaensscaysnsi aadl nnl,naieoec cvneeredrug usilsnllaeeclncpneo roitiduntnoiiasdart d ee so lsnmt hbsornncaeioieus ctfhsu.oasw srmasdepr eeroamtuft octnacecidelebltoiChcra .ev isf'nedr a3oWt—ytivitcennoc—gn ihrtx isasd d1a -D2D FtAfa r,Delpma xre oF 4 dnall osHkool ta a noi tnaotmnmeo scfeorper na tnega sganitsisn ofco e e.trsnheettrue bftifsrirtditF a.s esittii ltixbeaNpacsti ytil i sbo )s at.ye sscnes e neced igevns nh ,tniiasd natsyiictmaneiotllzicrAsbiliifeo o( ablfffehsnaiefryht'ipteetttfaupincleigbaa ot ekam segnahc ni sti seitilibapac desab nopu eht ecnamrofrep .tnemssessa neddiHredrO , retpahc .2 tI si deveilebeht noitatne sfeorper na s' tlnaengr ae,tlne idyormarbil dna yr onsonietscn usfdda no io tt sae'tmdnenehascleslropH enrliufgninaem terms. ,si s lsyeut lgfr.dad e o senersopnyemalooteobgrwpnriaoo r itmfnsuais kipmnsraiorhftTni dn u noo c o rttididge fetnkeeieaacmhcnf mateo drbpn eos ohtf,itann tiliodaweinlrtalaotcerpretni gn ifdoenhatts r,eed g nddtueen ile oss lwm.tii epoerhshpnget’takds r uuonj ieerhhrWtaw ecapse .lsdtietvaebihca d,nly o ulei eolc tehha irabt sthoem fnthdrr o eicnooerm wafihoaomnrstdhmirtnwoanucwaFw ev idt ecdtena facefitetas riao hp nprto oosi srscute donmuc,.eilreteourinso osdaf -eelsrlueafhT noi tf”ao endb i e inrb ” r ”riemh ”oroh chosdlsetsdstcunllf inbopauaeslau“p(rabs“u“p“ .noit a )merro ufst nea sis ryAane leo tnd rieiiiecthlp m nat,aeueimerllhr rbotofuavfotlnuiifava setm l se”d b euthnea ermssarleboyuuahf sptcte.“us rd fseey rhtlneTa iasdescunbaueni .noi ta rm.fei rsIle ”rodbhogife attnene r ihi n seo el trnrhlemlnueeTirauachsaaspccwut“o n od ei a,r tyoe a nsa er pysyismnhbd eoetaeriteercch smloarponsteenfgamfobuunaaqiwesr de d eishvltoor optot st.gisn st inssesiaehuutcqoefr nsowi otel agf nmadorrniooatftans mis r etoe cnfh t nenTeaIa midhBhlnitJ nlovneiroawirvpne .noi t gay n rrei dea dt te ptaicl Igsoinvulnaela odiigsier nwns mlpgoeedpnccnoooaemrpap ; yys dlt tned ircosiyaloeia pt ifftbdai ybfaerloe a emvitktplrobfa loraicdifpsntnmasiiid .sno i etraur t eeocepht ur oTsIeroe sBdttdl reJissi leocrvavoihcoorotwtasrfrnpnpeis eg d ye nerl,itows a totod meinlsntaitskuaataoshli petudtereir mn,ranec odteienbtriaamhrsofni .)noi ta zetih c r TseIto rnsjBuhol e oebJottlepoiceuhuihossctsgawtrlsau(upaioomrrht ngo ni,it s tae onermhstolerte ip l osdtoteaddf snaeahnlnteonphtauihcpitogostohirestsrpred dsdes etedonpc ntgao,aidrssap s e.eswwdaceeototnl aruf adptk irn etoish swatTfnhroocecla de d sinivo oi .nrt e napatrsom aumirehss tohtnieaften sm naIersihBho’cJTfneno miieshstim t ed s nt stan.ao en , nomold ltiieeae a rsdshdn etsooteoewei mpsivdmnoata orBaheprhetpo l a g isn nnt e.oriineiyiukertt soasaiiaimsllvei abeeasrpeahct snoi t mal hyeu rleghc ie eicuWaedh2p waopbetCO eprs mdhShosyettrtes eckaoAeBtffE er r e”aeh s/ntrteieo cr mhtdeayrwo eflenerf tthienrrnets“Ie eededrd idro nocofeatihmftmfoeC :e ,ght dnsseei/u v zwemtageiohohnhllnitaleeobrf a) .ecap s lealsnt wotgeianisbi Vnteenhm eties dsed-arenbp zaetitrntaeid tgasiidsnoc , r setd v ie, oeeesetwvennlo ahob hodh tlaetll elsulehiao ab cabwosevatiatnhaitd yt i d l.e fin rgoboe onalvolieitie ht a bccett,eehne pste lrsedepoeoihmFrdstaexreP yrt lent sdidauoe ernwbtoee a a denensemas hosmmt ttreaoas odcsCdaenaehuntqS non ion st ri cuataodd aei tmatlawthgearhuuon temtotoqnoetasfwSkchasntrits d;rl geuendobinwsaummoC )b tsn n too e den it,rao vuf tnreh giooaai ehtfnsmt maloeoisaadrpcmsadnomumafifnsi ;mrof c) s nnoa ic e sedbnideo ca midemo trtidsdaoap nhfma ea tnrraz eioiyhflat nawoiutsiv ;r, edydnb naeahmtmoC d) t n )e tAm )nCsnAe (sg D mn e idBrsieesdan(esglsipadeatApmrsmtaaoosaarCtADB eenvi a .m ”htdrfs/o eei tennvt dcveeeeeeaeidhrfhbhtifcseae“d n oeifct oaa s pznia sio ieelifv hlitoetttahtuttanbes e dert ehpsyzTeea irbw ot ttitngeeig rdaehoc er , ereey .led r.lnsbh n oadtit a teaet lneelah mcsteeshitmamsirsta opeofravfCsthuaosCys

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