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Preview DTIC ADA458054: Analysis of Shipboard Firefighting-Team Efficiency Using Intelligent-Agent Simulation

Analysis of Shipboard Firefigh t tmiynanceegng-TeAi- ctginnfeifgsEiUlletnI Simulation o iRvDl CyF.LS ,edardnA nailizarByvaN ,mo c.. vllAiaanma tCeodh@ed a,r2d6n4a6f9s483-12-55 Marapendi 1700/1306, arraB ad ,acujiT oiR ,eodrie n Ja,RJliz0 a5Pr0EB-C13622 l oeothacuSd alri gel,.tNaeCsvwoaoPNR , , 4, l)e 1 31p8i( d.x8Rl m),oS2a26/a4vy.12Ca.-nf6-.Sv5s36pUn6@Cae8wo5rNc(n6 ye r ,eA3 ltC4eon9tAoo3aShM9uUcdSargtsoP dlanoDP. Gav er, lavaN etaudargtsoPloohcS )138( ,5062-6vy.m5ai6nl.,s pn@revagdCode ye r, eletotnoaO Roh/uGv,Mcd Sa .rlSga.tvUsaoNP A3S4U 9A3C9 a ielctoia oru,.htd sAcaalbSPraogvctaasNJoP ,l oeothacuSdar g l, t. ac,sSevJlo.da/iPUoNRmCO.yvan.spn@sbo c,a8j5a2p 2)-163586( 3Ay 4SeA9UrC3e9tnoM TCARTSBA lortnoc-dn ast-end ran rut asotrlmifcoamup normsoct iiisyst cyafnlz oeai finneocAahigtfrfoe sk ct ear nhud etceehlctrtt oauit gptwoynicba i cumyeleirlvactteaennsvhpia ipsnntauaiutni n o.ndeilanmte c eioansf s sf sln tolded duolnenhofeemslevatoohtiriveGtcsekelepspxenu s t.ss yn s elo dl ,l aieoosbtnt potmaua aootenbtd lS lleir ddueeebaolomwvvohtioiaerugshdpb dr a tswsguyrnnoaooihwfi vtt ttaihnan ohwgileotiug tamatri-n tsietstvelesu-me tpeurcsid .mar g o, r hgnepcno bi iieihWe ttrr wfha e ceogc rhsssiiduleeflroodhepa otrpootiabtfpihs s ehucq uiesnschanceegtilletni - .lssa mr ireetsrcul nlloiObsnuoff oeacoisrslitttpupfrnfaeisderp sn ofiot c saa,c e enrm i drdstoeasteniniaitees hafasltntsa ot yuciuhstalmacdaionnsteas-snaem , l st en ddde ur do,enateoodoi l saearnfnmtsanarriraiti obpfunire esbgeldhitbntaa immfkmoalf s ld n lne no.ie hnoskpftoit seo itcn d taeaercrfheaufTvdeo h tsd uanyol atnffiroluibbi seshotp tneref fh its dim swafseoetni d .aesnehs o rte i esotefg sTchor raatanehib cmm leaefemehovttel sg n n.o, i sisdntmfnltleohoo iaalrigdee iniutin whfriksafatotbsarermeuromdicfWe showed neme ldzezloln ienkces nh ntaweu nm rterorua io tesh a d cfedstsa odirnaaitoofeeeogofpclnguss nhr ec esh udtlwt mi te ol d nav tnlet emed,ri radfmlema k eahnoewapdsehtasoenwtohtahs stn.eeu ohrtodigeanntiwrraihunbgi I. NOITCUDORTNI nstosniee t n m oadfefse tleovosveusi eikmatestaib chsams-eaetat ttfianaftegengi aatWeusqevni ecnegil l.en togni ni tdi-s ar d lr uaonnaemtotoeitaibphch es-swign tn efiAfoarifo-teerrraiiff 1 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2002 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2002 to 00-00-2002 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Analysis of Shipboard Firefighting-Team Efficiency Using 5b. GRANT NUMBER Intelligent-Agent Simulation 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Naval Postgraduate School,Code CS/Rp,Monterey,CA,93943 REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 2002 Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (CCRTS) 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 15 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 ;s de eatet.hearir tr liolpcufies im vdntisaoassehmmate uhabA hc lloguetnmdsiionsmnalp stdnn eaetlnboacmm atlnfenri eshfttfniiewdmtr astp tn ms cefoeeeeroctrh feaitnfflfiefuimdis ecna ms sr k neos.cser fe tarhuerlnite wtrebott aaipai ahmefntgaf-ea i eileffttuheonmTraiisf no s t i snlsrf r ellaosehrie.pmttekv]mahifse4oe gwfl[ctfiiofderif genri iv sfln io ow vtio tnsth eaiada lrhfauyoite ta rfreimttpusnn ssaonstc iir-noeA pgamaimad d ,e nssn oeaoee lif cbhmdl toeitinifcrvtakoaiesefdr - tithutnt oneirha mwotetidrwi asapnmioc l ltinkesr e tf hhf my.tgiaalsiidekswm tcewinoueH qrlaawnao i.t mal a au lts ettiriftiakaoshsPt edcnnaam rso ef?frrt o uenl ss peot t latmraeu aee utthrprvmnornWioeiaof lpcamoc d enl ,eta iremciet olie dhneptpretucmxomnaefax(mer orefizreieh rp tsatsmsemenubesvitceffe yt ilflaoitboatborp /,ksstin rettn n ea oemde crteg ni rt asafraco,miiopettadmpudeoxomce y t y inrfl r uoi,uhrjb pbtonadu /aibnfneoaood?ri)p tr aaemmbammeaetlmfni .e ssdn s lo etfsuphdenaor oscnbt h osheuecsnWetesr speaomcrder iaund retfsalosalceeAhmt d e eov t stdti?us iue tepkhoelaaecrss nl heiaianwt fftlooffp iHoem mt oaaiocestctoa pemhotc seel eibrr r i oieaes gf fcd rsenennsuosi keundpitfdtiuooertoralq bicpeaheatomsdtscronapcats s,h en cd , co, unemsile,sara aOvasdioeCeHoaffsd he-ufrioptsna n otiathatc ia, feirrie fvsi,tuo 2 gfnoOitset l la r m ?av feemo e ,avofoktoreh,aeomooarf htlerme mwfteraertsvaraehlW 2 st sncrre ee e p,rpefrdndpsror ioreearo ram ovlhecsp arilbnrmyeo gimieibtekedrsmranotuon gnihsi deuwo ll ogft ly,tnc ecrerio cse htre fs?txokefne e araotfhtaiao cstlu iaswmno iHobdmoc ?e r eifhfot egmlnm au ianrdfteogoohtiomgtr i apaf tled nure demi pdegifs ontasiklas -hreeaiTovttweldum scit sfi o rnse a gtsme nctuvdhianhilc ere trud bamscosneheeewaucltj- qeablhiruacngseiuerhtwni .n otint ea nemnso ciiiilydnrdtarnie raceaSpoacivxoise cny,uhempcmnoec i,reegpdx eeslawonk , se -t e ct tun cdul ynoatrn d uknehsuaeoocsagteovrt i iaitsipsfnorwese efatrnrdvimenidupalhxe s l.ngem ondasiioes t t mtenahf nolgo ee iuish vdtmfiTai eaie tyslsr odcduuieteeumfhsftitafssbe h dy t se roit nrtatwu.oiuv peiuoaesrtq sni ceeofsar hiefTtcocn aes utfq c o eeedeesrfnhhifattfe nee ehswtntoei b t,, a stewced nh oipaee tehn yehm fru etrtt,eoimehprezfm htsarioftpiscomfoc .s, sls d lrerfn e l eveoaehmimbebhtakamlmteseeettmm nss olre ieerff dtdb aoo,naome malmehetamumthnemmteto igcss ate -n hniesTitgilahutm suomo nsheoetrt liou eu wm a.rd, dfaor d e lwmesn eneset ttaehirasfnnrtfitoeeaefiscgdA noitad cn,iagn nugim nnm yioos ldsce,luai saletntccria ninlh eepiittrnybsaotaowppmtmafococs .dgen c i ssstuyk,lr tttcdbanaennnao monheeeero-irtgvg rptnteoaean oatIsilxisuehimtciesd ,s teg onv nesre dei ,eiseigtgte ehd n lenoapktrtuoonuhanaiuiltpirthdlbfcwscanneeuinr g ng ine .,h,ihes esstthtgries tnni us es eifhga etn,mhcnghoencuit iroaststiro(xacfireAvpnpea dsen v ooe etisiybat hehinchdtdaate nc ieocrbcirefa ricepc r egi) pnueesiq khvedotornmmaser n lnoe loi mdfe h ait.inocoecertattanthahecruetetvau ou odrsl olf etlnf huiioeTckhestxe .s n eo .tien att oenceei t ialhs s addptst sscnrminer tiaoomesedr nocgudnooucAraptmoemroc le agedia g ncug ealaig ndrka fneieaciaiadm sactlimoupervat paorg srgoepolhroTprP mht issrdionge l -eaesccnn naereegogm ifi elllhlle teed.t tonnfnmoioii- tle aahuittc iiesfhiTtra sm e oe ctrtn nnr faoao e eaetitynvdutcst boei eqs nidfitgas eloedlotauasatunictoqouasgecbs ys thtm i cn ofl. ruesdoisyes vtn b nf leeiamieoioehmrhs hictdtrtstteoei oipmprepssohngTalrat 2 ,ndoniata cs)ien n neyyufikltmolob imri flobsy oicst,bolr a puoal,(atisfcaeovidatl asuasac s neto caie n htmeentc. ohuannt ctlcuonftffieounltm oiaapemlihuutmqies .II BA DNUORGKC A. STCA FERIF d ,e.3t ][a s y9 ldeeeel eeoerlrhl yrhsta bitat aitireifu uomfactstBgtns uusOu fobsimtoic .s nhesnotteoiiati twrata(rir nuggg nIil ifarnd nuion, oteelscuhpadmtei adrroeeetrthpatsmo r re),hs sd ref eece,l irotferlt ldetlofairiparbnusofedafmcoiafusraftrdgxs oeuhbcmiohcw .s llt a a a eis is,n hnl ra erggeyetaie ehrhennekrhhhnt otteiiblitWtoasfarvnufmimiarbfhusb ; e elehbtta ams fr m es o tar miyneuledo ohlotof gensctli a-nenlieatarniholbuc(rtladnucaubrfg th n cte. oneoh)eiafbtlrtcfa icaifa r -eeni ltAtf banoeee amahrzd mtiinedmfsahn atiflkofni n oeit tadt.irn uenaeotghnaitrr ue br nu doe tsn it,aAaetad rhireee tnhhpa gstmeiieruti gfsniitxe s, ett s n u ya.e eeoeleeusmh-tlrsdlhtnaaca astrruneoiiausir t ruhbucgegtentndiairmtuxDe eelmb oao.cntneurbub s s:s s n sa,s sofelAa,siorclBa t iclCa sf ccds sina.sfalDa s iclAee sCrrersieruafhaolTfc“ . r , edss pnlsaaas apieAlrr Ceistfu ao smrdebnliai ft,xh et,tosltcc u dedddovoonolroawopwvni .)y a) nrm r parr de hseeo fge ttt (rtnIohethietaifshagwrsw - itpii( spauafdiegrl entuedisobthxse r dennt aaa decwne ebaavgssehi naustt)i c Ft a eesFtmmsfriFealufoAwoio em(ffe,udqeataes h s .ei sehuehd rtg tcieinda uul finr tsqbstatynia sxel elmeaendogmv leitaalsBCpploeafvrrniif g.nliit oa, y c dclseidiil esrnul aerebalu , mrihufa, sl rafTlrstle,odleesenyejuenhufii fdlsoasag .) Pse KstPaaC(lnCobr amcuiib s,s 1a nrd 0teooh,3os lihu11tpgnain w1ioHtFF,2xFleA1aH evitcu d sngeo n ccl isnna dseaoctdeurtniaeb i srhki dfe ittcrsertdcacezaa etsrielteigrearfrapene h scsOautCsnega crsio st fea eacCr svl,n,ao1i iil1 cota2rrfH1oeay.tttrapcws e tfesfhoeTm 2 eee lr htsd idtnansfn easa.aem haevt Alrlrs c ioass efvpaeeDznmlrhiioCitgcfreneed esllb aahtmc emum masu. lim s fsunadneioninniagat atafmic otirlept pa Awty, niigtnnaiusgquof .c i det,e rc sd ,reasdnlngsehts eeaenn ttasihimirs oalilWrmneiDetwcpeorthptcuttaaebamrp dyr rllem eupto,topare hhawf c ,;gsa nr ds ieaomn nefftoiyoheasrhaitrsifem sidbelofbllapmxse sgmneithssyis u sg.tn…n iret tem sox ttcodeplriM-i e atehdhtparsesomm ilnooeflctvauatahsni h csurse ls ekarvnoiitrcpaOsC erif- i e tsl enti, ranbenaeoro mmi.tfgrna iphndm ceoouhocsWlf 2 hs cmsluoaasnoia rc ,e.rp dessev rdese ewitedo henHygtb ia mfra saeefuerpottioafrappa ,se srlshne irc ohe heut it nnwl sntt ooii knescetzaenovuavahviiemeigcartrrtahpipcmsnaumma ,n O om ey tCdmlopvresnoaomaehuaoHRuhntmRP i shneacihaatMM ,de ld lnFaaFtFsAni 2 edi srnby.oiraen” [9]. B. SERUD E NCDOONIRATPAZIN AGGNRIOTHGIFERIF yra mr yi i e cree.sz,nprh]ii9eit2n[g f 1arsd g epryrSmiavoUehoaSbN pnio h mtsemshooTcm emsa nedso teapsd o sl eytteaeleetndri rnre a-k piaremyshuf pelcteffpnihofoewtiegdpreme 3 tt nn,te e ssm,m feuyspdoimoeinetliuabuptqdmieeli b.isse nicoci pnf seitegcarrebepmmSoec d eenm vlor. il iosa ssaet flli ncrataloe imdu u ithFrnpddsBneoa eiiir fanvhpongiTmtiidosncsia .dten sene smis e e u olhfrec epe todh oelrne dTldhbunroal tap oit illsssFeBliiirdaaeoavptma ssesli tat nnui roedld oimiinhfttvb as ariidgiyzadsnnlfipnnaibineiotacad phtegasgspreiesorferif .de l yd lny kaldch enivaueiqh tTs ceeeirfcafnee gdree tm s raeetedel rarnheouhiatrtstfone g e n dr nei feuedordoont hn int gae t ar fe yinlly e ea pnrspltfrebeeiasoiroirmhdvaewafiutppfn rdi eaonptg eil.rsee snl ea nbrnroa e aeslf v echrioeo rbTealn ee pvprfgbaeaouormhetautpln ll oe ,rnyst na en ryo mtioori tsnotcsaahrronr- ipta ei aeeleipeptfpgbirwhaoamtcmaoafld equipment. .r e d e eae fn gHen e 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eaiolansehdtmamaartwnpvsteaaraeipwodpecsdoh gni t .aaesebln rmiorgioh,io nf cwetj ielc aetcparmre n mo eloedaFshptuexiTmqreoer cseaferp gni kwmd o ooeedm ef, lrhhns rki neffstaene os e hridadomiavetiurtsir agoegis ndfitiotnxe seln sty.l aeeuiiefhs as,wr e tagn c n doecinneiheieIltt ngoewioeeofidtctnrdsakttartcsnnii e dtsn ala esi itr h't ta s eftrntyntbrrdoeesreeoee a bruemdjdhoedmemvpnttlnefeiuoamfuiqde .st ry, orepo l et eprr cthmo wasa Ftofu xn ansmyee%hki rg6ttdsoy1anitxsaconauf snieteawsteb etauq e o,ndstgiaa naly.neniteira hstem %tuihuy1asnwhr2eiorftbe cdsanifisitas e c.sengs hunastfoilt ontcrnhoagpie fRg e n e rs isceiesrta cfknur ldnao dofpnetiApoauteqcreas , tt e dn ,aatsete eeede h banhahenkrnre to mhotlth iaiair,tsot io,teatffieicststhtfriciutniaoofc tnseimt r ,a tddpeanemhhatotta clti ntsenim eth vr cha t,sts peatiaa tmhhewleaottsfhhcettr dh et,.t i ss a ewceesnrtlissnio sbx aaoduaoeeggi rmmtmbt,o mocnodaS aecelrgtfoysfxeot 4 s tmro ore . pfhee pte trnly, eserielestrhfcl a isitbsr ofm er tedne osnker gsaciG oaoaetlphetr . tsn ees snm teeeipeitc smihanfte eiruttOoare dnaeq s ihrnertef , fteacpeoeeedspdhrhaatitefl sgs rnul e itarn dgegvamoosgna gnlrrfie namerioaetrniisasv phaiehilunhptcfmtcitaoaeilerwrpb s. c ekh ie kccott eoautcae hmtmai e rtsttrt srd iap ctoenefoeesodahrhluhaTptemcepsla , d . ed ess hn dtletsae eaoisiha zio ru ltetiort amebrsgtpedbaau rorntmeeriusbnpFoeepbead ht cn .aeens. omhaeegrp tcirnpilriip uauftaqijh et ngdsnw i iireohmfoetNtaevboierampwtiefm ste av, tehig enht enr ereteciem him hrsdastfhryeaa eiseapeettidmrlourcnago eng dinftiIxreud el beahylalmort n seeo .segsc ds emnrnfnle emoaouoaohn rochwotoicectife btbf aIeeuhrttiifs ,syteluologau t snde ens,.vaa rtee fenreeiv ecrhemeitwtdfor Ha e petemha dotloicotcseid .det an leed ihhedtTt znn, iae ed gv scneargeaahe enkltrsniapaierte erg tndainwkaeodmsed , semnh a etsgee;p rnts )pr ei lhsnae efd ha tecnihdrrirnthrtaaaoioaosaaegeff cnatwmalals(fer . nfo eiefeitvo hrci at bae,dectndenaremp iee urh,qotretes k rcni o raol euptnhteatercr C. S NGONIIT TCGHANGI ILFFEOEDROIMF dete cnnsen feo agenosiadu a eseq acseeri leeeebp vgswsrdrefnnkoeotroeisnhntakwhtgiferiF sesh n trctmorsuei saiencbhm oduetvoemwodtemtcoixernkactemfan beciaura lse.r]i0f1[ noeid to.c nnatg-niees lme b ed easn e sdtimh neinlfoTnAewauerwrppsrf otexeadter-spot sd noo tp.hn ss conenniiaro ahtr i n cwcoet neeacrcowkb eatoordshbndreeiTuibdrsrr oeaferp sn ofgii nte icweta rhd l ragloe ee iut deh dyfo to ntraaew rrmteoewrnoescjliafposafxmme e. le,d d dn daoteate nsrvhar,e ai oihidvsp npetfeiiefo ec ttIiareseat r ilgctapeaomnbnoucs no ittscuamb u.esebnoder :laaic ees.preesat daoo tws gsTie nprai eirsfuedt aetlsbis stonpese r spod eteerernutcu ra ttAsad hsgi uhsgot inhn it o, dl a, ieeuas e)trpl( t d zsa iyceiln titctftntaanescor iaiesalafttv(ftosiisngi nsenw e ve o,vo a ey n)itd heblekmtnehlr na catt ainhueleaanifectajtitviobsihigo(ngwi g.n"i nh,ho c)c is rduslteea e sa larret vdlariaSud ee a"efonepirompahi hotrothsctosiasner s te h n ltn tc li ouaas ri mastestcehah aooebe stttwergtrfaaslfaotpbt si shsegshuotoprht . nd oe ei wdr t yoeu as bl sd ,liel ouee]ush odtch5mytsf noT[ild eirasanhhfpnetta- asspniaem noit ifso oep vm m ioahe r nsccloehd wrerbtlcogoudaonprhndcerimati-espieesprssmuot n ordioetjdcan amegm n mei" ohwe.ec tolsc eehbmnsrrsaeeeu tlrst be ucsofauirfrhpitTbdsu"s ecneref f.dime de d s<lrnh n (boe c oyofmfrdin rm oae taep oteimrhycIsfre tbeiossrcfsi"eaps gn i nd dnonseaiens tmotar ncmi nbo "oaothe fs) cicree>sediehvntrnh ftiocow,fgiac>itftdcsai<l yl iee rb le y atbtodl e. snaatnpehlrl ns etaphtaolteeersato tioechrg awnwetuertncheeTpbo dedne mn moly,oiectt ecatrauibd ee mhn tmodiiltucoah seb e htt n tayst roreamonsposmeoicten emv elhsloc tbsrtioaa.r etpysnneamom tsttn tas eneschuesi r natmbe eoe ;ofratfwn)i(paea nttbco oisdeidht ntcn oa oschiaecthracpEa .")>st cafe-cn n oeOdisete iihef dtri yn ac,bose>ctpnec soran ipfoft<iocta i<ed(h ntmorcoefrp" . e ese em l m snu odsa e o:tore c ntf,mncd citmreesaceoaeeeatootbia nsbghfcsFafsontatidashc ") >tsctacfa fs -i,,d>den edo nsdisouatni< cot taiieea< tdmsh(,inootedochuncetrotb tcsnoapdda" ") >tsctacfasfi-d e,t>enl oednidnot<a icrtaoi<f d(e nhsott ccte,taamesfhosotclpea ebfateled" d nyes o e dthidvsnc ttnnteaeoiaoctfdbdceninffisoofcet snoop iedttn iea.dldneeodscut sopddA ) sdn notaii t ",ish n dicro nn eueieoaosusgtrncar ncit tsoafs"il "o tapd"uednyo rdarsaaei"(taw . n"oh is)t isc unarygo oy eniofeehitsvhTtilntxdaoenc"octs ospe eie trr" eaattldeaenshdut(ob 5 s netorhetu tg tr rnee"o ehsrfeh t uogwoee o atrh slhm et,ifcashsudatts"c etfnfeedneped-etats g .neeihrhtisfiug n eir rtefoxwffeooepb .s]n1o1i [ta ltunnmeAigsa- ittn les u gnm mtioglili i lfltfdeeeao ahwtlgrtnunaimipitshgiferiF tn etgnielgl a eestrin a ni whomy,t tio,ftinnoawo otsidtp tnatuaadn araenemapeoco ncfaohnea s l meaternct aoes.n lsswijy]ihtamtttbs7cnren fao[ieeteeothgvsgrsu waeyaap-ssmiotcluM deymbro fy rl .el sxs paebelr urol aie sajp,oevtumd ghe coln ntioacraeIhtromhcewutathni sei tdei erlltaiaibu madesoipisltlav u aci.aeu dtcmdlnneoiaiebsvrly,tiesxdvu eneoisgolanA , eett aa dhni,nt iteai sdo twrtrgeaenoen che ono titgmcnnnoaeoieunttgma samey-ohsicttlum de hs ys tnbinne laeenp cgwomeatiobetcbaczai n . onser olvhdiaecnt oinacghya csreaehtTni .no isn tlr sa oe g lccven nlso ioohiseatcrntgtd eeinoouonfgwcetfmreoatogomPssesarosbpcem ,s m rs.oinn n oagili h not e cirulgfert cad omonfte nen toonxdrlAssiceenewtangatoihoannmik sr,,e essikghdd grntord eoiohontt wvtwaiaslerwomto ssnw-ko mh,e slorbt ooeirkvpaamheb gn i stseh ihgrhsi otife flehrp rtems i hoi rfntcs eeiecys. v dgaldsseoroanltitotneaiha- ocsganaeM t nren oigefd ih eyst,rresgad rns. oisnai eove ciavs eth it na entny lobaceleuscagevmleAraiaruhsp .sm et tnseygrs a oAt -e ei nt ir ecveenstisevnamgetlfiliihia giuptsetnfa mmcb-aofaaloxeaerer )gn i r s h do: isslselh diansec 'nucoa dun t sogiiboosoristpntttm(eansiach eetmatagrxeoaehtam stnev.e) raee(lvboihsssaolpf .III DLEESDOOPMORP A. NOITALU MDIESSOPORP .roi v md aehoeehrtdsmeoinao bMwa bsdre-e rtse enorshe palggoeanrdipotmhgi feehrTif e n me,acreset tdnneac m:mnoocit a d sl. e n tu] nd rienm1eii xu rei [rviosegseaoslharriTapated dn nl an.au dmaeiodnemrccnaseiia olfrs hz tt,zecnnoheeanTl gme,aensaomhe l,zrzeodnael .e l lgpman oaritr seeetnehaptvhe bchegsf.m a sie olelEarfreemleephvitret ekei rlsmfsairhaTp ”r e ,tdh”ancewat k ea,osd w”me“n“hsc oseneiidehtu “ut agfl,rnof ”ui nspdteinixhouetiq“tec“a .s ng osn e iniess ,tot snu”ci heeoagategvh icnariatttei rafhncbheu eaA shdrrttatoirslffoofpmemri e ns sea e dogenlenhnmobraw aiaaf mrti oaocrtdn annudv eafehd rmcnoeuietr shpaeswebadni ,rev e,wnoo higtnciahsiu gn. no efi ietott tha xnat tee er, shdru teT nrd,nheaunethcog tiaethcta r.so dd if ,enn voee neoeahrsliphhtial aetefieldbwbpxe B. HTWO REGR IFLFOED OLMACITAME HAT AM n.o] i8nt[ o a ind leelytier uhrl ln cufmTiilneeioiifwaotbtst itoidcaneevp is teeenchreeTigrfa en ei.hm tt renlele l tbmei e at d w edetmrdisn vhimanswi aoTmap inoafbilmakirtoalfogrnceic .esed chi d it ssa ntdnleyleeec niorrlrhhaeaopaiitT tptsswf efys sdroteeunichhafettn tlnie tmhssentcstr hur iiremta.u atapttgothemintsg tsoiifcatfo xeheri cf eo dltWee pssamuis h l . tt trsee]fnweeeaoedk2oeorhhhfmo i [gritttumll eaagfse -ersdschiaoiiTfmmaedipe hs cestl eabdlca nbm enaam ehomahht tim lc taftadfiti roclenhnwenfni wuhunrfotfiuombanu setm raene .s uhtornn )eettiiartenedhafcuuhot utebotia llf( treeceeihdnrhnToiitgmf(i , )dyemnrce aanty t oitan t i efdihl. , mo encinttsen nuabiouilrtreianoeuiutgnbbsaaucbmoc g nsin r oauei dr td imanefouar r ti. mfo cfesotteured uvlitn noaff aao-hdrrine ntrhhaiuTtnbogBi 6 s e tl. eyabhnn mnit r osiat wefe fiitsnoroteot u erithcabdhgfatnme Wpuonrfcr eufbbomnuun gnih s s disige ueni ,gs irytnadner luie nob atlotreai ecuaxchtetoreeetiha-etdntrnnagreriugb .gn ih sf ieIdu h ng elt, rnenh dgls eeo pi tffnrienhbmeteoooaaksitmadxhbhsaeeetcemtrcni y,ll l ue ao nfhe ug hostrlttsi silnu itsefieoo ucicwvse gace(re nuizllisfilatsiu.xwq)ee0 sy ye l tlttdnsrniueeraonbthfepgc wovie a(o psehlxwrsa e oiais nerfltwleuhgfroerTaldiplofam sr e .sv,lao )lhldsesan ewat al lohb nf ttaheyomtpaBmi pmaw)aaldhfennir ut bcenahutt(ni gn ie she atz,ei srsf neci aotereclnty.ilribbaiboripif ts s e turtlcbeilamvnato ogncAlhiiastaoltf ytfiol i.byal bkeo chrs yiTpeo orulgoreqbteviztsu bdmeonc rr uefb bongemunhu itndknaam e rc ee n,nf rv senood uoni roinf et hi e ritaoahaesehaug ctrhazt ce,n etlifcreuepfsoorfhmiteft s erleb banm mo.ufmenoarliffni sni atlctn eined rdtomaeoosct erfma r .sriheadsipfchpr w soTmaeostoo s lascbeolphpoitpfhusS yn,to) i i0ett t(hnaey aCtamtestui ilm nqt,at bene0nCati m ami(ees.u mhli)qfatp0olm0fi1ni l a , i;otet tse rae nllsoplr eaunsboesgafheimtrmp a yltety lfe maee lnLsuhhrlaiusttalusaqae .sset tn lnr i onbeoen eioa sfruht mre e i tatmettref e)raaboepmfhtelmnLiot(;dfuetXtinndsinoc ehl tbr iaessw ibui0srmohiauutvnn iatnoc £ X(t) £ n ed,hnXta=) 0h (tsXit wr .ae) t r0esi(hfCT s dl aisetm rne ly.putes sirusaom eennto aI etnyrloliu lf meanirursitufnb etvueoeht( ytili bfiotsu bemho.tc) d mesetetsmiuoachexbe c i ,m)sed udedo ivni spoat,eemcel eelbdRfb meniaeb Itsig p erneeRrci hcIsdeTsSearudeiSrf(ps ;.eh]et2 s l[ca i eyldehgb nlouablpaomi m m r)datel etel edefenb(sfeLidobimXunhpouitemn st snnee teor leimitblne fai bulet,i elsttd b usnta)/ bu aemt /mbrlm(eo me aCbceobflhcmoftunni .sel bitp nesAct snsue ess dve)nirtat p(cdseCeetr fnntnre aius y be)rc.nrtoitup(em eXhenrtdIipe s tn rn r do e; u ee femts btlneleue a ubr lilomdgtbauniheonnimbeh wcaimhtwsenatiibrlufbni . scletie l ntdr bee soo ralmimfeembenhb malitmfa me muol e mArnfyteaenairltimnofegmndii set gnneaseor rimireeeforvlioefc + ) t ( X = ) h + t ( X l )0(C/)t(C)t(Xh - m )1.3( )t(Xh s nd,o nhiee otthhwcg itt eentnensengr r eiis ter fttsrrmenseurhe rHcets ni tetofeerhdhpgiteisrr d enlyci aluoe v edther ,te tmesh a r.ite didttnlendr uibraeieoaamhhn mmttre miuc)abntli(fSCni ,d )aot et (er heCrp)etvishwiaf+wht(C - ) t ( C = ) h + t ( C l ) 0 ( ) C 2 / . ) 3 t ((C)t (Xh noi td.i e s teltss yes eaeae lpomdhch lmpoototaaopdmr ccunpdi Sa atnreesa r riceieplbFrsaoemr na i )ss"sut ulf ca p i miGhd rnrt teedeesyd wtr"et iansoni(wnncaareftaiegs ecmd eebrarbepteerd .stne ml:eanrmecrhnoTin/ X )h+t (= X +)t( l h X (t)( C /)t( C (0)) - m h X (t) + ó [ X ,)t( C (t)] Z (t) – ó [ X (t), C (t)] Z (t) (3.3) l l m m d , nenheohathctegte m nsteenrr eitsrfstr n ue temcressr e h reen htteirtoewhdfphgietisrr l, , ahth e ttu threnw oelwtiheod-haorftmrrnttru egirngoerhuef hctbmntneairecmni mod neahrt m ol, d ah h mnem ttm teoahoenwrlfrdrt dheoeai infntmrttf mfaoaegnerrrr ehecfmtt noeeirhctni burn-out. Z d)nta( Z s ehl tbmndiaoaewidetrnmuaab v0riyrl tltsani med)rdton (neepreadni l m e c ,nd1a nidarn{aav Z )t( } dna { Z tsn ee) cdttn n(nefeeuop dqe} nedyesn lpieleradauntium l m gs nenila v bemanamoh ai d0eirdncsa eansvd traun.uiaa1br Giayrvlt lsaic didetnhnaTedi e ndsdie melm feicany:o tfe lalotiidefcrtc dhnaaeoteltbmninumiis C )h+t (= C –)t( l h X (t) C (t)/ C )0( –ó [ X (t), C (t)] Z (t) (3.4) l l erehw s [ X (t), C (t)]=( l h X (t) C /)t( C (0)) 5.0 d na s [ X (t), C (t)]=( m h X (t)) 0.5 l m 7 n oniitau te ctmfuooil Ndfanar X de t yneebeuvs li e, fatare)ovipvtsei (ortspiisop Z (t), this must l , lnao ii drtn eeai nnt uearaetheumvctmb iunatluafgen C ev i ms ttr at eas eehaahga.tthtel)otntN( nhggiusohtla Z ) tn(a c se.rtbn eogfhoio th s isyyerr r e ata ov esIdet otksnrsaaeuuihmcostebn l e c,a sler pwutecorco oh;s srfneioviot aeucqneer e g fe nnrf hoieuittdshcdouwcno X (t) or C y)bt( yeru aledah nvt0uob ro.C ytiliba bloarn po.irte iv doenhh os T l c ad was rle3o tnodo fi.l4ootnfnf3l.t iaaia3etcdbaoumqE eem ri to tdfseeirbr urscea cv hro o eethnmv aseiooftavthnol isfagalf j [ X (t), C saeir e .h f]tI)t( ne h,trevohsalf X (t+h)= X (t)+ C )t( dna C )) 3hs .+n=3to((i t0 anr ue e.qhev e trofsehI ihsotanlf noi t . )c ede4ndher.unTsa3fau( j hytlilwacinot oens oanme e rossctoinhic X nseaire htta hots yt iglnii b srafaebo evoggror ennchphriins tustia li tanleawhaeefrctrrsiogeceflnpnremipreettrs( s .ef)loep smiarxE j er a j )t -( =(–p1x[e g ( X (t)(C– C ,] )e)r tCern/h ea)wevt)hostthn(soaclf parameter g d n,sa1i j )=t( X (t)/(100C). rd, a el ldle dheoneaihres dtedemte mieesohorimeuuhhimWmpsrrsgtt s oisngsffainitixeeb . etentu n to ao en osai r- dtosiirt enenai e t iwhrhart fudcaneTutieolengnbnhag uigtvnhfiathicw fo eh tn odiletotianrgi l sn lo flieSoi th kfamtesotahnetetse rlpaecrir eemvui n tdcne ajabus dlO . n ,eg o rhstnr tieec l aieeathtuelerhwhhit ashihsottnret ktilgeresu ibgggn mrnifeaiomhtcxe We use l = ( l :l edl v elyeetiblhck tesyfl f r) ap a) x- lSee (ti0t.sum1aioir -s newrheuTnb weN dlO m = ( m ) exp (S). weN dlO C. SES SGEN CIGOTNRHIPG LIFEFODEORMIF ecnegil lleatincii fsmid o togrgrhnfn atiiee tnwmeh nsgrauiol fip n lev oineraeTadihhmofetumbh .d eeem cnr snio e nemffhoourrottiqeete tp c.sAe g aedtnst sieahinb tc lnifsasaroetlccpsaefd esern reoshteyih inc rsafwr toueaim osaishtrlrfact(t speueoilmdohldao otnicemothciTni ts neue ,lod otr) aiide-aoe eitsnhnrfnehrinatr ihteni unzttge boaainmigmiotago imnrrneoumma h css iae0h wl0wr, b 1 ( o)rae tefsumhyspn omtte y ufaiet,tfr oltrtoefninhnafetiumqtrapmoc . ) lo.t eeed lrgo.n eprne,ie. ngo ebyiak awzeel,.dz tFof(rabeni,mo ii (as cs rft,deoi)nhndati ee d he im ntte s r 5lna aren hsa).ia h dv ozi ngtls1 tttseirmioiuiangnsictu(stouiueiconrbttaeon compartment. ,)s r a,edhntn anariemoccmior ct,cnee lm,eenseomhe l,zr z e eeotdenrnnate ieeachfglmsc(aianEa -s n sea.ts ernuemoe sigeva hadTheetbcerid- l ,e aydvooe eas ghlvh ctaeoi oitfeghibc caaeps .setdi r ae s o ushio yttngnwpts hl n eiau docaneyhf lca ndanegetepcyeEahahroawtanwout .t se mn rtneoo s iu ahriee t fcoltftns ,e nnnetpcoodsv eaeAxaonlisevcgehaattbeacociigahca d te g uv s fnt,be elsiis i)itrat(tardhoaoii hoecng agva e,wne s fl) iielsidkaohrat(isdcaoia(agt yltn et c stnetsa aernaeehe ehl vtbg g, i ne antt.ihnoic)htaiaotc td o a pnh lte cnuAteaimsheits s r sde eteg n. c etgdt enonagaie nnhatadri eseaWlhptfd ligpcui e tdacynniiebe apkecsabwa de vy n ib.hse setc rvttciuseii resadgrorropoer t sg esne gi ih;n ttt"oenislheartgw oa t t endc n lee atosbgih"ei aiafcstfhs iacosacEaoepps e r sidonn u esooeqd nlii hee.fga ttetrteiincc ral saaatocbesh nmiana telloesgpimiamaoovSca namelz zeeohl ntie hsed nwohloahtotm he h sesc,ohaur htso steotchtnatats i esfcsonaes eerhpt t e ngg rta nn sia tei ie; nuhesbts hhehoqthiialstrcietsaliiutrswe ufscaws gaa s neirihotttxrceoaf eht noitca ot.deecorp 8 setu cte nx"eeerhgotata reelp bo ta.son rd o hie itf snti" s oacWtyooanathewcre feeofrrwieatdhT m o sdhan tea,i rr ew)e" tlwhdabo w ehils dntseineis b otaot seialpsnaht rpri tceexinahnefatelgp( n oes" ile rntb steo icim onht .easoaoetaenhsdhgrlatoncaeblpapa proon dtoesilutb mciAassop ded ntea men,,mhee sotvmd nciintoegtasi r uttdmioedn t nes tyobseibc ebmenrrrigepoprp dy.aerla noi teaht Tnseemseulpm ieht modn ae.rl”“braootdarepo s ntonietrc ragunc inn s stoos t s taci noseehl ntfosuhttufi aoiljtaisomeltadtwerhucasreTmatis .gni n n oeso ess hei ntnadT rsoi aoen d uunotiret ntsfwstaeeeannntchmm eeoataiovcstterp .s sns eotnc iionotmi atcrtt aeas d plmyeeuruttbmoci riFrrs yosionrbbcioear ihpntt-icohagih , e;c t neen aa hteegt m tim rnsnotntyiin edagra ftinhniamaaa waepl marrmiswotiecnrecv .tsnpeem ths ss nieou teigea rt nrisacniideAotfet ix madtenmina aitalsnmiieewntsheinatreecvc . nse onmeg ioosn rticl idiuteaoree cibfsuthne dldrtexrnaoheiobwecahetrp . egte l nntsr brie aeohio ngsemsfcsfnaihioan aastnp e oslyamstpiplodIsacneneerad-snaeM sdlsdke ikses h krts nt alnsesenayoaotlailalutbictbaclgtpb tinupnmueclismiisbapossmcocca eer eu.ssg) nt(i1yoaFlih itt rc ,aars satts lcoeA uanct d cfesseeini nd vtlfoeoeroietiatnhpccaa n .ly,asneco t instdo aii iedidt neeam,do sdebcrrunle oeposFemmmahmaftmoxrceieerp r sene e vehes regtrad onyageoexd th o n,w eeeednbydmf noe ama"aihsmosettictceaarlitnev" stt tas"chueeatmbtfa( l s in n etw .ofrnooeioaent ftvkeai "bsd nn , uon rdecOeenhehhatrtthpo ) ttnem de e aso ra,nr thefmhuieaeeai estboatmtht rehfthueateibeatmtchfr otoelfuerbt ,de pdpniau qeeh terif si.tuo e dsenl m aanos foc tesie"cmatbeaoctfsaa ldi e t ytenl embc telehe efeavihttefobt"wTshfsytas )" sdrs nnetloahclitait ofwie dbenuordctntasop el tl de is eelmwuetteo obaedreitl"fhvse(tedrp " .es)tn"eaosrl in aift oltoiilndtien i wvoed e"chndbtToescdot dps oao stpeu dtoedaihatvt"se(rp . ,d e n d esdn k se ,e evenetdoeregsetdrosag anmresyifsnamayohasagaxaeaegxntngostrool s.stnen oiednitd nitni ,aaiceeln achc u estatnlmrhnraeiowoetdsFicsotnnmiuidn omcotdsnoapR ., ee s flf)teea po3asrsyrm.haan toa0tgu t eifxnns,r l(eaea sesighotehibatsst aeaabtgorp .sdn eo se iider mltegaeopiin rdpdlaoananph tao pcr Rc eaaetrhltsetuaotgtpfesar d n e ne nengdase opanneolh ecaamhb cn ndrwa sioso imihiaihro wt htcadaaacavnraEaurd ,h , s c, t ereuesde ndlherszaeheenltt i i,nthgiiefffl sdgta kkmoooeeirsaohsserttushaatpo n ed0enw atr eenbb g mai r usee.nswb eamm deah umecottaTien egrkae omtdty,misanswanetni e r eu ,e svsfrllr r tiaoileeee rnteeivhhhe e er cmhkewtgh1b eseaetslitmthetjhuatrtbnhpeutebsr .ss n n r,odsot ee i e nirddctrmeotonrn aouricpaoarrfsat aetousu. rsFdableni lhirmittr ksosifdinU n onmfsior oatio n hatfeaarcihuant du (e s;vd e s annteea h a augt5a ffennu21oomian..mri00m ;g )nnd r )ionho e0 hiasffh3s ctaot.aatcl0haa f, w ae0nnlr2aoa .eivfn0 mtroo(eue5hbt1tinritsid . ) "5sr .ae 7 htee1 t naa mh,ec s awoiT5 fgud efeett.sfondnetomd2eoaoahu"1t rrtn(u5pinmim )ll i dk5n1S.a/0yt ia t dnne aag,unQ)ar rlefltodi(Wa nkteaSchu/tdy otfroip t2n1.a 0udQnaret(Wa ) " ldeslnka iao he t kmaga nc tSsnfa ufc /eaoeefd ou6f edrmhooed.o8 k"trho0.doptr0nmpaS( senv oa rihan.eta )hcef ltamoe lO tdi1unk na Seia/g menf. kao5dor. nm0 e aSset(ershauTj sn loyeihd ttora rm onfob;fiowusm t sere seteheuvsattrrismeitteid tacthnrosgetreuspourlli l a. sck tenisynritat,aeac tischman lriT era a iefnrpcl lbtiiaclaeniieimgtswrai naarseabvabtpsbus hscaus l, m, dna g . e emroroitirfff 9

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