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Preview DTIC ADA457814: Photoluminescence Studies of Rare Earth (Er, Eu, Tm) in situ Doped GaN

MaterialsScienceandEngineeringB105(2003)91–96 Photoluminescence studies of rare earth (Er, Eu, Tm) in situ doped GaN U. Hömmericha,∗, Ei Ei Nyeina, D.S. Leeb, J. Heikenfeldb, A.J. Stecklb, J.M. Zavadac aDepartmentofPhysics,HamptonUniversity,Hampton,VA23668,USA bNanoelectronicsLaboratory,UniversityofCincinnati,Cincinnati,OH45221,USA cUSArmyResearchOffice,Durham,NC27709,USA Abstract Theemissionpropertiesofrareearth(RE)-dopedGaNareofsignificantcurrentinterestforapplicationsinfullcolordisplays,whitelighting technology,andopticalcommunications.Wearecurrentlyinvestigatingthephotoluminescence(PL)propertiesofRE(Er,Eu,Tm)-doped GaNthin-filmspreparedbysolid-sourcemolecularbeamepitaxy.ThemostintensevisiblePLunderabove-gapexcitationisobservedfrom GaN:Eu(red:622nm)followedbyGaN:Er(green:537nm,558nm),andthenGaN:Tm(blue:479nm).Inthispaper,wepresentspectroscopic resultsontheGa-fluxdependenceoftheEr3+ PLpropertiesfromGaN:ErandwereportontheidentificationofdifferentEu3+ centersin GaN:Euthroughhigh-resolutionPLexcitation(PLE)studies.Inaddition,weobservedanenhancementoftheblueTm3+PLfromAlGaN:Tm comparedtoGaN:Tm.IntensebluePLfromTm3+ionswasalsoobtainedfromAlN:Tmunderbelow-gappumping. ©2003ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. PACS:78.40.Fy;78.55.-m;78.55.Et Keywords:Rareearth;GaN;AlGaN;Luminescence 1. Introduction In this paper, we present spectroscopic results of the PL properties of GaN:Er as a function of Ga-flux employed Rareearth(RE)-dopedIII-nitrideshaverecentlyemerged during molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth. As will be asanewclassofphosphormaterialsforthin-andthick-film discussedinmoredetail,theGa-fluxduringgrowthsignifi- electroluminescencedevices[1–4].Comparedtopreviously cantlyimpactstheEr3+latticelocationandtheconcentration studied RE-doped semiconductors with relatively small ofopticallyactiveEr3+ ions.High-resolutionPLexcitation band-gap (<∼1.5eV) like e.g. GaAs or Si [5], RE doping (PLE) studies were carried out on GaN:Eu, which allowed of wide band-gap semiconductors such as GaN, AlN, and the identification of 5D ↔ 7F transitions and associated 0 0 SiC has led to the observation of intense RE emission at Eu3+ centers. Finally, we report on initial PL studies of room temperature [6,7]. In addition, studies of GaN:Er and Tm-doped AlxGa1−xN (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) and the enhancement GaN:Eu have shown that RE3+ ions can be incorporated oftheblueTm3+ emissionwithincreasingAlcontent. into GaN at concentrations as high as 1–2at.% without significantemissionconcentrationquenching[8,9].Current research efforts on RE-doped nitrides are focused on the 2. Experimentaldetails optimization of existing materials and EL devices [2,3,7], evaluation of different doping techniques and dopant/host Rare earth (Er, Eu, Tm)-doped GaN and Tm-doped combinations [4,7,10–12], as well as fundamental spec- AlxGa1−xN films with x = 0.13, 0.24, 0.29, 0.44, and 1 troscopic studies aimed towards a better understanding of (AlN)weregrownbysolid-sourceMBEonp-typeSi(111) the RE incorporation, excitation schemes, and emission substrates. Elemental Ga, Al, and RE sources were used in efficiency[7,13–16]. conjunction with a radio frequency (rf)-plasma source sup- plying atomic nitrogen. The RE concentration in the GaN ∗ Correspondingauthor.Tel.:+1-757-727-5829; and AlGaN films varied between ∼0.5 and ∼1at.%. More fax:+1-757-728-6910. detailsonthesamplepreparationwerepublishedpreviously E-mailaddress:[email protected](U.Hömmerich). [2,17]. 0921-5107/$–seefrontmatter©2003ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.mseb.2003.08.022 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2003 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-2003 to 00-00-2003 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Photoluminescence studies of rare earth (Er, Eu, Tm) in situ doped GaN 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION University of Cincinnati,Nanoelectronics REPORT NUMBER Laboratory,Cincinnati,OH,45221-0030 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 6 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 92 U.Hömmerichetal./MaterialsScienceandEngineeringB105(2003)91–96 PL spectra were measured using either the UV argon a GaN:Er b laser lines (336–363nm) or a visible argon laser line at (2.2x10 -7 torr) (2.2x10 -7 torr) 496.5nm.PLexcitationspectrawererecordedusinganOp- tical Parametric Oscillator system as the excitation source. (3.1x10 -7 torr) (3.1x10 -7 torr) For low-temperature PL measurements the samples were u.) (3.8x10 -7 torr) (3.8x10 -7 torr) a. mounted on the cold-finger of a closed-cycle helium re- y ( frigerator. Infrared PL spectra were recorded using a 1m sit n (4.5x10 -7 torr) monochromator equipped with a liquid-nitrogen cooled Ge e nt detector.InvisiblePLstudiesathermo-electriccooledpho- L I tomultiplier tube was employed for detection. The signal P (5.5x10 -7 torr) (4.5x10 -7 torr) was processed using lock-in techniques or using a boxcar x10 (5.5x10 -7 torr) averager.TheobtainedPLspectrawerenotcorrectedforthe (6.9x10 -7 torr) (6.9x10 -7 torr) spectralresponseofthesetup. 500 600 700 800 900 1400 1500 1600 1700 Wavelength (nm) 3. Resultsanddiscussion Fig. 1. Visible (a) and infrared (b) emission from Er-doped GaN as a functionofGa-fluxunderbelow-gapexcitation(496.5nm).Forbothcases, 3.1. Er-dopedGaN the Er3+ emission intensity reached its maximum under slightly N-rich fluxnearthestoichiometricgrowthcondition(Ga-flux:∼4.5×10−7Torr). It was previously reported that the visible and infrared emission properties of Er3+ ions in GaN films are strongly above-gap excitation (see Fig. 3). All investigated samples dependent on the Ga-flux during growth [18]. Under above exhibited the onset of 1.54(cid:1)m PL saturation at relatively band-gapexcitationtheEr3+ PLemissionreacheditsmax- lowpumpintensities(<2W/cm2),consistentwithahighex- imumunderslightlyN-richgrowthconditions.Onthecon- citationefficiencyforabove-gappumping[16].Atthesame trary, the band-edge emission from the GaN host reached time, it can be noticed that the Er3+ PL saturation level its maximum under Ga-rich growth. This observation lead greatlyvariedforthedifferentsamples.Ithasbeendiscussed to the conclusion that the Ga-flux strongly influences the in the literature before [16,22], that the Er3+ PL saturation carrier-mediated excitation efficiency of Er3+ ions [18]. level is determined by the product of concentration of op- In the following, more detailed spectroscopic study on the tically active Er ions (N ) and radiative decay rate (w ). Er rad Ga-flux dependence of the Er3+ PL properties are pre- PL lifetime studies revealed that w is approximately in- rad sented.Er-dopedGaNsamplesgrownunderGa-fluxeswith dependentofGa-flux.Therefore,thelargedifferenceinthe beam equivalent pressures ranging from 2.2 × 10−7Torr PL saturation is attributed to a large difference in the con- (“N-rich”)to6.9×10−7Torr(“Ga-rich”)wereinvestigated centration of optically active Er3+ ions. As can be derived [18].Thestoichiometricgrowthconditionasdeterminedby from Fig. 3, the PL saturation level and hence N is ∼17 Er filmthicknesssaturationwas∼4to5×10−7Torr. timeslargerforthesamplegrownunderslightlyN-richcon- ThevisibleandIRPLspectraunderbelowband-gapexci- tation(496.5nm)areshowninFig.1.Thisexcitationwave- length overlaps an intra-4f Er3+ absorption line (4I15/2 → 4F9/2)[19,20].Similartoabove-gapexcitation[18],theEr3+ GaN: Er PL strongly varied with Ga-flux under resonant excitation u.) N-rich and reached a maximum under slightly N-rich growth con- a. dition.Sincebothexcitationschemes,carried-mediatedand y ( resonant intra-4f, exhibited the same Er3+ PL behavior it nsit e can be concluded that the carrier-mediated Er3+ excitation L Int near stoichiometry isonlyweaklyaffectedbytheGa-fluxduringgrowth. P (slightly N-rich) Fig. 2 shows the high-resolution 1.54(cid:1)m Er3+ PL spec- zed tra of GaN:Er samples grown under different Ga-fluxes. A mali significantdecreaseinthe1.54(cid:1)mPLlinewidthcanbeno- or N ticedaswellastheappearanceofnewspectralfeatureswith Ga-rich increasing Ga-flux. The spectral narrowing of the emission linesisconsistentwiththehighercrystallinequalityofGaN 1500 1550 1600 1650 grownunderGa-richconditions[18,21].Theobservationof newspectrallinesindicatesthatEr3+ ionsareincorporated Wavelength (nm) intodifferentlatticelocationsdependingontheGa-flux. Fig.2.High-resolution,infraredemissionspectraat15KfromEr-doped More information on the optical activation of Er3+ in GaN grown under different Ga-fluxes. The emission was excited using GaNcanbedrawnfrompowerdependentPLstudiesunder below-gapexcitation(496.5nm). U.Hömmerichetal./MaterialsScienceandEngineeringB105(2003)91–96 93 1000 GaN:Er GaN: Eu near stoichiometry 5D->7F sity (a.u.) 680000 PL: 4I13/2 --> 4I15/2 (slightly N-rich) y (a.u.) 6202nm256D604->n7mF3 15K L Inten 400 N-rich ntensit 5D600-0>n7Fm1 P L I 200 Ga-rich P 5D0->7F0 57D105->n7mF4 58D403->.47nFm5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Pump Intensity (W/cm2 ) 600 700 800 Wavelength (nm) Fig. 3. Pump intensity dependence of the 1.54(cid:1)m PL from GaN:Er samples grown with different Ga-flux during growth. The emission was Fig.4.EmissionspectrumofGaN:Euat15Kunderabove-gapexcitation. excited using above-gap excitation (336–363nm). The solid lines are The main emission features arising from the 5D0–7FJ (J =0,1,2,3,4,5) guidesfortheeye. transitions are indicated in the graph. More details on the identification ofthe5D0–7F0 transitionsarepresentedinFig.5. ditionscomparedtothatgrownunderGa-richconditions.In contrast,previoussecondaryionmassspectroscopy(SIMS) At room temperature, four PLE peaks were observed at studieshaveshownthatthetotalErconcentrationinthein- 571, 585.2, 588.8, and 591.7nm. With decreasing temper- vestigated GaN:Er films varied only by roughly a factor of ature the peak at 591.7nm reduced in intensity and was two[18].Therefore,thePLsaturationresultfromFig.3re- notobservedat15K.Therefore,thislinedoesnotoriginate veal that in GaN:Er grown under Ga-rich conditions only a smallfraction(<10%)ofthetotalErconcentrationisopti- fromthe7F0 groundstate,butisduetothethermalpopula- tionofhigherlying7F /7F manifolds.Thelinewidthofall callyactiveunderabove-gappumping.Similarobservations 1 2 PLEpeaksobservedatroom-temperaturenarrowedslightly were reported for Er-doped crystalline and amorphous Si withdecreasingtemperatureandsomefinestructurewasre- [23]. More comparative PL saturation studies employing a well-characterizedEr3+sample(e.g.Er-dopedSiO )arere- solved. At low temperature (15K) five PLE lines at 571, 2 585.8,587.9,588.9,and589.4nmwereobservedandtenta- quired to determine the absolute concentration of optically activeEr3+ ionsinGaN:Er. tively assigned to 7F0 → 5D0 transitions. The 7F0 → 5D0 transition at ∼571nm is at an unusually low wavelength, butsimilarcaseshavebeenreported[29,30].Therefore,we 3.2. Eu-dopedGaN conclude that at least five different Eu3+ centers exist in GaN:Eu. Eu-dopedGaNisofgreatinterestfordisplayapplications because of its bright red emission peaking around 622nm [14,24–28].Eu3+ isalsoknownasa“spectroscopicprobe” forthelocalenvironmentofEu3+ionsinsolids,becausethe GaN: Eu mainemittinglevelisthenon-degenerate5D state[20].For 300K 0 iedxeanmtipfylet,hoebnsuermvbinegrothfeem5Dit0tin↔gE7uF30+trcaennstietirosninaallogwivsenonheostto. y (a.u.) 200K Fig. 4 gives an overview of the low temperature emission sit 100K n ofGaN:Eu.Themainemissionlinescanbeassignedtothe nte transitions:5D →7F (∼843nm),5D →7F (∼715nm), E I 75K 0 5 0 4 L 5D0 →7F3(∼664nm),5D0 →7F2(∼622nm),and5D0 → P 588.9 nm 7F (∼600nm). The weak emission features at ∼585 and 587.9 nm 1 589.4 nm ∼590nm are most likely due to 5D → 7F transitions 571 nm 585.8 nm 0 0 15K suggestingmultipleEu3+ centersinGaN[14,27,28]. In order to identify the 5D ↔ 7F transitions and as- 565 570 575 580 585 590 595 0 0 sociated Eu3+ centers more clearly, we have performed Wavelength (nm) high-resolutionPLexcitationstudiesintherangefrom560 Fig. 5. High-resolution PLE spectrum of Eu-doped GaN at 15K. The to595nm.ThespectralresolutioninthePLEmeasurements emission was monitored at ∼623nm. Absorption lines located at 571, wsoausrcleim(∼ite0d.2bcym−th1e)(lFinigew.5id).th of the employed excitation 5tr8a5n.s5it,io5n8s7..9,588.9,and589.4nmaretentativelyassignedtothe7F0–5D0 94 U.Hömmerichetal./MaterialsScienceandEngineeringB105(2003)91–96 624.6 nm GaN: Eu GaN: Tm 15K nsity (a.u.) 558889..94nnmm y (a.u.) 3H48 0--3> n m3H6 PL Inte 558857..89nnmm L Intensit 1G4-->3H6 150K 621.6 nm P ~479 nm 571nm 300K 620 640 660 680 700 Wavelength (nm) 500 600 700 800 900 Wavelength (nm) Fig. 6. Site-selective PL spectra at 15K excited at 571, 585.5, 587.9, 588.9,and589.4nm.TheEu3+ centerexcitedat571nmisdistinctfrom Fig. 7. PL spectra of Tm-doped GaN under above-gap excitation at 15, theotherEu3+ centersanddominatesunderabove-gapexcitation. 150,and300K.Theshoulderat479nmindicatesblueemissionfromthe 1G4→3H6 intra-4ftransitionofTm3+. More support for the identification of the different Eu3+ centers was obtained from site-selective PL measurements. and GaN:Eu, the blue emission from GaN:Tm is orders PumpingresonantlyintoeachofthePLElinerevealeddiffer- of magnitude weaker under above-gap pumping, which in- entEu3+ emissionspectraandlifetimesasshowninFig.6. dicates that Tm3+ ions are not efficiently excited through The spectral differences are especially pronounced for the carrierrecombinationprocesses. Eu3+ center excited at 571nm. This Eu3+ center exhib- An energy transfer model based on a RE-related trap ited a relatively narrow 5D0 → 7F2 PL at ∼622nm with level was proposed by Takahei et al. for InP:Yb and later a nearly exponential lifetime of ∼235(cid:1)s. The 5D0 → 7F2 extendedtootherRE-dopedsemiconductors[34,35].Inthis PLspectraoftheotherEu3+centersarebroaderandshifted model,REdopingofasemiconductorleadstotheformation tolongerwavelength(∼624nm).Inaddition,thePLdecay ofaRErelatedlevelintheband-gapofthehost.Thislevel transients of these Eu3+ centers are non-exponential with can trap photo-excited free carriers, which subsequently averagelifetimesoflessthan200(cid:1)s.Thesmallerlinewidth recombine and transfer their energy to intra-4f RE transi- of the 571nm Eu3+ center indicates less inhomogeneous tions. Our recent PL excitation measurements of GaN:Eu broadening compared to the other Eu3+ centers. It can be provided experimental evidence for an Eu trap-level at speculated that the 571nm center is associated with Eu3+ ∼0.3eV below the conduction band of GaN [27]. A simi- ions in substitutional Ga3+ lattice positions, whereas the lar level was reported by Li et al. using Fourier transform other Eu3+ centers are due to Eu3+ ions incorporated into infrared (FTIR) measurements [9] and by Vantomme et al. interstitial sites with close vicinity to other defects and im- usingdeepleveltransientspectroscopy(DLTS)[36].AnEr purities.Interestingly,thePLspectrumexcitedat571nmis related trap-level at ∼0.3eV was also reported for GaN:Er verysimilartoPLspectraobtainedunderabove-gappump- [37]. The recombination energy of carriers trapped at the ing, which shows that this Eu3+ center dominates under Eu/ErrelatedtrapsinGaNisthenestimatedtobe∼3.1eV, carrier-mediatedexcitation.Moresite-selectivePLandPLE which energetically matches intra-4f transitions of Eu3+ studiesofthedifferentEu3+centersinGaNareinprogress. andEr3+,respectively[19].Therefore,thecarrier-mediated energytransfertoEr3+ andEu3+ seemstooccurwithhigh 3.3. Tm-dopedAlxGa1−xN(0≤x≤1) efficiency. On the contrary, the energy level structure of Tm3+ does not exhibit an energy level at ∼3.1eV. Con- PLspectraofTm-dopedGaNunderabove-gapexcitation sequently, a carrier-mediated energy transfer process to at 15, 150, and 300K are shown in Fig. 7. The emission Tm3+ ions is less likely to occur in GaN:Tm. A similar is dominated by a broad band centered at ∼530nm, which explanation was recently proposed for the poor above-gap extends from roughly 450 to 750nm and resembles the excitationefficiencyofTb3+ ionsinGaN:Tb[9]. well-known yellow band emission from GaN [31,32]. An In an effort to optimize the carrier-mediated excitation infrared emission line at ∼803nm can be assigned to the ofTm3+ ionsinIII-nitrides,wearecurrentlyexploringthe intra-4f transition 3H → 3H of Tm3+ ions [33]. A weak energy transfer process to Tm3+ as a function of band-gap 4 6 shoulder at ∼479nm indicates the blue emission line from energy. Fig. 8 shows preliminary emission spectra for the 1G4 → 3H6 transition of Tm3+. The PL intensity of Tm-doped AlxGa1−xN with x = 0 (GaN), 0.13,0.24, 0.29, 479nm line increases slightly when cooling the sample 0.44, and 1 (AlN). The corresponding band-gap energies down to 15K. Compared to the visible PL from GaN:Er are 3.4eV (GaN), 3.64, 3.88, 3.99, 4.89, and 6.2eV (AlN) U.Hömmerichetal./MaterialsScienceandEngineeringB105(2003)91–96 95 is still in progress and will be discussed in a forthcoming paper. AlN:Tm 4. Conclusions Spectroscopic results on the PL properties of GaN:Er, u.) x=0.44 GaN:Eu, GaN:Tm and AlGaN:Tm were presented. a. High-resolution PL and pump-power dependent PL studies y ( x=0.29 of GaN:Er samples revealed that the Er3+ incorporation sit andtheconcentrationofopticallyactiveErionsisstrongly n nte dependent on the Ga-flux during MBE growth. Based on L I x=0.24 PL saturation experiments, we concluded that only a small P fraction (<10%) of the total Er ions in GaN are optically active for samples grown under Ga-rich conditions. More x=0.13 PLsaturationexperimentsarestillinprogresstodetermine the absolute concentration of optically active Er3+ ions in GaN:Tm GaN:Er films. The low optical activation of Er3+ ions in GaN is similar to recent observations made for Er-doped Si/amorphous Si [23]. This issue needs to be further ad- 400 500 600 700 800 900 dressed in future investigations to explore the full potential Wavelength (nm) of RE-doped GaN for device applications. High-resolution PL excitation studies were performed on GaN:Eu and al- Fig. 8. PL spectra of Tm-doped AlxGa1−xN with x = 0 (GaN), 0.13, lowed the identification of at least five Eu3+ centers. An 0.24,0.29,0.44,and1(AlN)under250nmexcitation. absorptionlineatanunusuallylowwavelengthof∼571nm was also tentatively assigned to the 5D ↔ 7F transition. respectively. The emission was excited at 250nm, which The Eu3+ center selectively excited th0rough t0his 571nm corresponds to above-gap pumping for all investigated absorption line is distinct from the other Eu3+ centers and AlGaN samples, but results in below-gap excitation for seems to dominate the above-gap pumped PL emission AlN:Tm. As discussed before, hardly any blue emission spectrum. GaN:Tm exhibited only a weak blue emission was observed from GaN:Tm (lowest trace in Fig. 8). With fromthe1G →3H transitionofTm3+ ions.Asignificant ifnrocmreaTsimng3+Ailscoobnsteernvtedan. Iennhadandciteiomne,nat onfewtheblu4e78enmmissliionne enhancemen4t of the6blue Tm3+ emission was obtained un- lineappearsat∼466nm.Basedonacomparisontoexisting der above-gap pumping of Tm-doped AlxGa1−xN samples. Besidesemissionfromthe1G →3H transition,asecond literature [38], the 466nm line is tentatively attributed to 4 6 emissionfromthe1D2 →3F4 transitionofTm3+ ions.The bwlhuiechemwiasssiaosnsilginneedaptopethareed1Daro→und3F466trannmsitfioornxof>Tm0.31+3., overall blue emission from both lines at 466 and 479nm Strongblueemissionfromthe21D and4 1G levelsofTm3+ reached a maximum for an Al content of x = 0.29, with 2 4 was also observed from Tm-doped AlN under below-gap the 466nm line having the highest PL intensity. At higher excitation. The large sensitivity of the blue emission from Alcontentthetotalblueemissionstartedtodecreaseandat Tm3+ ontheband-gapofAlGaNsuggeststhepossibilityto x=0.44onlyweakblueemissionat466nmwasobserved. optimizetheREexcitationandemissionpropertiesthrough Onthecontrary,below-gappumpingat250nmofAlN:Tm carefulband-gapengineeringofthehost. resulted into strong blue emission with intense lines at ∼466 and 479nm. For AlN:Tm, the blue emission is most likelyexcitedthroughsomebroaddefectlevelinthehost. Acknowledgements Fig. 8 clearly demonstrates the sensitivity of the blue Tm3+emissionontheAlcontentandhencetheband-gapof TheauthorsfromH.U.acknowledgefinancialsupportby AlGaN. It cannot be excluded, however, that also chemical AROthroughgrantDAAD19-02-1-0316.TheworkatU.C. effectsrelatedtothepresenceofAlchangetheTm3+incor- wassupportedbyAROgrantDAAD19-99-1-0348.Helpful porationandexcitationmechanisms,similartoobservations discussions with F. Pelle and F. Auzel are also acknowl- made for Er-doped AlGaAs [39,40]. The initial spectro- edged. scopic data on AlxGa1−xN:Tm indicate that the excitation efficiencyofthe1G stateofTm3+increasesuptox∼0.24. 4 References Inaddition,thelargerbandgapofAlGaNcomparedtoGaN movesthe1D levelofTm3+withintheband-gapofthehost, 2 [1]A.J.Steckl,J.M.Zavada,MRSBull.24(9)(1999)33–38. which results in emission at 466nm. A more detailed anal- [2]A.J. Steckl, J.C. Heikenfeld, D.S. 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