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Preview DTIC ADA455412: CFD Validation for Hypersonic Flight: Real Gas Flows

CFDValidationforHypersonicFlight:RealGasFlows Graham V. Candler(cid:3) Ioannis Nompelis(cid:3)(cid:3) Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics & Army HPC Research Center University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN 55455 Abstract cylinder transverse to the flow, shock-shock interac- Theaerodynamicsoffuturehypersonicair-breathing tionsonacylindricalleadingedge,bluntdouble-cones, vehicles will be greatly a(cid:11)ected by high-enthalpy or and a large blunt cone-flare. Computations were sub- \real gas" e(cid:11)ects. It is the purpose of a recent NATO mitted for all but the last of these cases. However, ResearchandTechnologyOrganizationstudytoassess only two groups submitted results. the readiness of computational fluid dynamics to sim- The remainder of this paper summarizes each test ulate high-enthalpyflows. This paper summarizes the case, briefly discusses the numerical methods used to resultsofthise(cid:11)ortthroughthediscussionoffourtest simulate the flow, and then evaluates the accuracy of cases: a transverse cylinder, shock-shock interactions, the computed results. Basedonthe results, anassess- blunt double-cones, and a large blunt cone-flare. The ment of the readiness of CFD for the simulation of contributed CFD results are capable of capturing the hypersonic reacting flows is given. A related issue is mainfeaturesoftheseflows,but quantitativecompar- whetherthefree-streamconditionsinthepresenthigh- isons areprobably not su(cid:14)ciently accuratefor vehicle enthalpyfacilitiesaresu(cid:14)cientlywellcharacterizedfor design. The study also shows that there are too few code validation. reliablehigh-enthalpydatasetstovalidateCFDcodes. Dataset No. 1: Introduction Circular Cylinder TheNATOcountrieshaveformedagroupcalledthe Thistestcaseconsistsofa90mmdiameter,380mm ResearchandTechnologyOrganization(RTO)thatre- longcylinderplacedtransversetoahigh-enthalpyflow placesAGARD.WithinRTO,thereisWorkingGroup of air in the HEG facility. The nozzle exit conditions 10: Technologies for Propelled Hypersonic Vehicles. are supplied by separate computations discussed in One of the activities of this working group is the val- Ref.1. Acircularcylinderflowhasseveraladvantages idation of CFD codes and flow models for hypersonic over other test geometries: line-of-sight symmetry, no flows. Prof.DoyleKnightofRutgersUniversityheads complicatedflowinteractions,andalargestando(cid:11)dis- this activity. A component of the code validation ac- tance to diameter ratio. This simpli(cid:12)es the use of op- tivity involves the simulation of high-enthalpy flows, tical measurement techniques, and provided that the or real gas flows. These flows have substantial levels flow (cid:12)eld is truly two-dimensional, CFD simulations ofchemicalreactionsandinternalenergyexcitation. It are straight-forward. The (cid:12)nal experimental results is the intention of this part of the code validation ac- are not yet available, so we are only able to use CFD tivity to determine whether current CFD models and results to study the possible three-dimensionality of methodscanaccuratelypredicthigh-enthalpyflowsfor the flow (cid:12)elds. hypersonic vehicle simulations. Contributed Calculations This paper discusses the results of this code vali- Our research group made the only contribution for dation study by making comparisons between exper- this test case. The higher enthalpy (21:7MJ=kg) con- iments and CFD simulations of several high-enthalpy dition was used for our calculations; these conditions flows. As such, only well characterized experiments are: areusedforthetestcases,whichincludea(cid:12)nite-length Condition I: Air at p1 =660Pa,T1 =1140K,u1 = (cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3) PGrroafdeussaotre,RAeIsAeAarcAhssAoscsiiastteanFte,llAowIA([email protected]) 509:04407m, c=Ns,Ow=it0h:0m29a3ss,cfNrac=ti4o:n6s(cid:2)of10c−N92,=cN0=:7405:1,7c8O.2 = TheCFDcalculationsusedathree-dimensionalpar- Copyright (cid:13)c 2002 by Graham V. Candler. Published by the allel implicit code2 to model the (cid:12)nite-length grid us- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. with permission. ing a grid of size 60(cid:2)60(cid:2)90 in the spanwise, cir- RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 3 - 1 Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED 01 JAN 2006 N/A - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER CFD Validation for Hypersonic Flight: Real Gas Flows 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics & Army HPC Research Center REPORT NUMBER University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN 55455 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release, distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES See also ADM001860, Technologies for Propelled Hypersonic Flight (Technologies des vols hypersoniques propulses). , The original document contains color images. 14. ABSTRACT 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE UU 10 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 AIAA2002-0434 Y cumferential,andnormaldirections. Inaddition,two- flow. dimensional calculations were performed on a much Z X (cid:12)ner grid to assess the e(cid:11)ects of three-dimensionality on the measured results. The thermo-chemical model usedwasa(cid:12)ve-species,(cid:12)ve-reactionairkineticsmodel p with vibrational nonequilibrium and the Park TTv vibration-dissociation coupling model.3 Millikan and White vibrational relaxation rates and the Park 1988 reaction rates were used.4 Figure 1 plots a schematic of the grid used in the calculation, showing the two planes of symmetry and the outflow plane. Note the large length to diame- ter ratio. Figure 2 plots the computed density con- tours in the plane of symmetry located at the cylin- der centerline. These contour shapes are consistent Figure1. Schematicof3D(cid:12)nite-lengthcylindergrid. with those reported by Hornung for nitrogen flows over (cid:12)nite-length cylinders.5 There are notable di(cid:11)er- ences between the computed contours, even at this plane far from the cylinder end. Figure 3 plots the 1.5 computed density along the stagnation streamline, along with two-dimensional results. The density pro- R / y (cid:12)les agree with each other fairly well, with the three- n, dimensionalitycausingamoregradualriseintheden- ctio 1 e sity at the shock wave. Dir The experiments use a line-of-sight integration s xi A along the cylinder axis to determine the density pro- Off-0.5 (cid:12)le on the stagnation streamline. Therefore, any cur- 2DCFD vature in the bow shock wave due to the shock wrap- 3DCFD ping around the ends of the cylinder will change the measureddensitypro(cid:12)le. Themagnitudeofthise(cid:11)ect 0 may be assessedwith Fig. 4, which plots the contours -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 UpstreamDirection,z/R of density in the plane that passes through the lead- ing edge of the cylinder. The shock stando(cid:11) distance Figure 2. Computeddensitycontoursinthecylinder decreaseswithinaboutonecylinderradiusofthecylin- mid-plane at HEG condition 1. derend. ThisisreflectedinFig.5,whicharesynthetic interferograms constructed from the 2D and 3D CFD flow (cid:12)elds. The interferograms are similar, but note that in the 3D case the shock stando(cid:11) distance ap- ¥12 pearstobelarger. Thisislikelyaresultofinsu(cid:14)cient r/ grid resolution in the vicinity of the bow shock; fu- ry, sit ture grid resolution studies will verify this conjecture. n e There are noticeable di(cid:11)erences in the fringe shapes D 8 al in the two calculations; the 3D results tend to have n o si a more curved shape at the downstream end of each n e fringe. ThustovalidateaCFDcode, a3Dcalculation m Di is required. n- 4 No 2DCFD An additional possible source of error in the mea- 3DCFD surements for this test case involves the uniformity of the free-stream flow conditions. The large size of the 0 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 model willreducerandomnon-uniformitiesinthe test DistancefromSurface,z/R conditions, but the scale would tend to increase the Figure3. Computeddensityvariationalongthestag- importanceofsystematicvariationsinthetest-section nation streamline located at the cylinder midpoint. 3 - 2 RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 AIAA2002-0434 Also plotted is the density computed assuming a two- Dataset No. 2: dimensional flow. Shock-Shock Interaction on a Cylindrical Leading Edge R z/ 2 Flow This test case consists of a 3inch diameter cylin- n, der placed transverse to a high-enthalpy flow in the o cti LENS facility.7 A planar shock is generated upstream e Dir 1 of the cylinder, and this shock interacts with the bow nd shock on the cylinder. The position of the cylinder is wi p adjusted until a strong Edney Type IV interaction is U 0 obtained. 1 2 3 4 5 SpanwiseDirection,x/R Thisflowismotivatedbythequestionastowhether Figure 4. Computed density contours in the plane chemicalreactione(cid:11)ectsenhancetheheattransferand pressure levels in shock interactions. In these exper- through the cylinder leading edge; note curvature of iments, models with a high spatial resolution of heat bow shock near cylinder end. transfer and pressure gages were used. Measurements were made in both air and nitrogen flows and the ex- periments indicate a signi(cid:12)cant enhancement of the ampli(cid:12)cation factors in the interaction regions.7 3D 1 R Figure 6. Schematic of real gas shock-shock interac- 0 / tion model. From Refs. 7 and 8. z Contributed Calculations Our research group made the only contribution for this test case. There are two available runs -1 in the LENS facility: Run 48 which is nitrogen at 10:5MJ=kg, and Run 50 which is air at 11:3MJ=kg. The test section conditions were supplied by Holden 2D as: Run 48: Nitrogen at (cid:26)1 = 3:42g=cm3, T1 = 556K, u1 =4450m=s. -1 0 Run 50: Air at (cid:26)1 =3:30g=cm3, T1 =672K, u1 = y/R 4480m=s. Figure5. Syntheticinterferogramsconstructedusing No information was given about the computed level a line-of-sight integration through the flow (cid:12)eld from of reaction in the test section; therefore, we assumed two- and three-dimensional CFD computations.6 that the flow was in equilibrium. RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 3 - 3 AIAA2002-0434 The computations used a 382(cid:2)256 grid on 180(cid:14) and heattransferrategradients. Also, anysmallvari- of the cylinder. The same parallel implicit CFD code ation in the free-stream conditions translates into ap- listed above was used with a 5-species model for air preciablymovementoftheimpingingshockrelativeto and a 2-species model for nitrogen. We used oblique the bow shock. In addition, other measurements and shock relations with a frozen flow assumption to ob- computations of Type IV interactions have shown the taintheconditionsdownstreamoftheshockgenerator. possiblepresenceofinherentunsteadinessintheinter- ThegeometryshowninFig.5wasusedtoestimatethe action. Thus, it is quite likely that the interaction is locationoftheshockimpingementonthecylinderbow sweepingoverthesurface,resultinginabroadeningof shock. However, we found that the resulting interac- the peak as seen in Run 48. tion did not occur at the same location as predicted Therefore,weconcludefromthesecomparisonsthat bythedata. Wethereforeadjustedthelocationofthe thecomputationsareinreasonableagreementwiththe impingement location to better match the peak heat experiments. However,the CFD predicts signi(cid:12)cantly transfer rate in the experiments. This approach was higherpressuresandheattransferratesinthevicinity suggested by Holden and only resulted in a small ad- of the interaction. This is likely due to some level of justment of the impingement location. It should be unsteadinessintheexperimentswhichcausesabroad- noted that the shockgeneratoris verylarge,and even ening of the jet impingement. Clearly, the e(cid:11)ects of a small change in its location results in a signi(cid:12)cant wall catalysis are important and should be further in- changein the shockimpingement point. This then re- vestigated at the test conditions. sultsinalargechangeinthepressureandheattransfer distributions. 18 ThecomparisonsbetweentheCFDandexperimen- taldataaresomewhatencouraging,andareconsistent 16 Experiment CFD betweenthe tworuns. Forthe N2 run, theheattrans- 14 p ferratepredictionisfairlyreasonable,exceptthatthe c CFDpredictsa40%higherpeakthantheexperiments. ent, 12 Also, the heat transfer near the cylinder leading edge effici 10 is generally under-predicted. On the other hand, the o C pressuredistributionisverypoorlypredicted,withthe e 8 r computed peak over 3 times higher and o(cid:11)set further ssu 6 around the cylinder than measured. e r P 4 Figure 8 shows that the air run has a similar re- sult, with the predicted pressure about 3 times larger 2 than measured. Again, the pressure peak is broader in the experiments. If we use a non-catalytic sur- 0-90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 AnglefromStagnationPoint(deg) face boundary condition, as in the nitrogen case, the 2500 computations under-predict the measured heat trans- fer rate by about 40%. However, because this is an Experiment air flow over a metal model, it is likely that the sur- CFD )2000 2 face promotes recombinationof the oxygenmolecules. m c Therefore, as a bounding calculation to assess the ef- W/ ( fects of wall catalysis, we used a super-catalytic sur- e1500 at face. Thismeansthatthegasisassumedtorecombine R completely at the surface. With this boundary condi- er sf tion, we get remarkably good agreement between the n1000 a computationsandexperiments. Again,weobtainpoor Tr agreement between the computations and the cluster eat H 500 ofheattransfergageslocatednearthezeroangle(lead- ing edge) location. It should be noted that these experiments are dif- 0 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 (cid:12)cult, with the shock interaction point occurring over AnglefromStagnationPoint(deg) a very small angular extent. Thus there is inherently Figure 7. Surfacepressurecoe(cid:14)cientandheattrans- smoothing of the data in the regions of high pressure fer rate on cylinder at Run 48 conditions (10:5MJ=kg 3 - 4 RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 AIAA2002-0434 N2). size, and information about any high-frequency oscil- lations that might occur. Test conditions were in air 18 and nitrogenat nominally5and 10MJ=kgwith reser- voir pressures of between 270 and 500bar. 16 Experiment 14 Non-CatalyticWall Contributed Calculations cp CatalyticWall nt, 12 Tworesearchgroupscontributedresultstothistest e case. The group of Drs. Marco Marini and Salvatore ci effi 10 Borelli from the Italian Aerospace Research Center Co (CIRA) performed a large and careful study of this 8 e problem. My research group made a much more lim- r u s 6 ited analysis of one test case. s e Pr MariniandBorellirancalculationsatfourtestcon- 4 ditions, and we simulated Run 46, which is the high- 2 enthalpy air case. The test section conditions were supplied by Holden as: 0 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 AnglefromStagnationPoint(deg) Run 42: Air at (cid:26)1 =5:67g=cm3, T1 =224K, u1 = 4000 3170m=s. 3500 Run 44: N2 at (cid:26)1 = 5:82g=cm3, T1 = 242K, u1 = Experiment 3320m=s. 2) Non-CatalyticWall cm3000 CatalyticWall Run 45: N2 at (cid:26)1 = 3:31g=cm3, T1 = 556K, u1 = W/ 4450m=s. (2500 e at Run 46: Air at (cid:26)1 =3:28g=cm3, T1 =672K, u1 = R er2000 4480m=s. ansf1500 Marini and Borelli used grids of 144(cid:2)40, 216(cid:2)60 Tr and 288(cid:2)80; we used a grid of 512(cid:2)256points. The at1000 CIRA researchers used a flux di(cid:11)erence splitting Rie- e H mann solver with second-order reconstruction of the 500 fluxes at the (cid:12)nite volume faces. Their time integra- tion used an explicit multistage Runge-Kutta method 0 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 with global or local time stepping. Our calculations AnglefromStagnationPoint(deg) used the same parallel implicit (cid:12)nite-volume method Figure 8. Surfacepressurecoe(cid:14)cientandheattrans- discussed above. Very similar thermo-chemical mod- fer rate on cylinder at Run 50 conditions (11:3MJ=kg els were used by both groups; these have also been Air). discussed above. Dataset No. 3: Blunt Cone-Flare This test case is similar to several of those that makeuptheLaminarViscous-InviscidInteractiontest cases.9 Howeverforthepresentruns,theenthalpywas highersothattherewouldbesigni(cid:12)cantlevelsofchem- icalreaction,andthesecondconeanglewaslarger(60(cid:14) instead of 55(cid:14)). Numerical studies have shown that this con(cid:12)guration is very sensitive to chemical reac- tion e(cid:11)ects. Thus, in principle, this test case should yield important code validation information. ThemodelisshowninFig.9,andwashighlyinstru- mentedwithhigh-frequencyheattransferandpressure gages. Measurements were made to obtain the distri- bution of the surface quantities, the separation zone RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 3 - 5 AIAA2002-0434 Figure 9. Schematicofbluntcone-flaremodel. From Figure 11. Marini and Borelli surface pressure and Refs. 7 and 8. heat transfer rate results for Run 44. 3.5 2.5 3 Experiment CFD 2 cp2.5 oefficient,cp1.5 eCoefficient,1.25 C ur ssure 1 Press 1 e Pr 0.5 0.5 Experiment CFD 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 DistancefromStagnationPoint(cm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 DistancefromStagnationPoint(cm) 900 350 800 Experiment CFD 300 ECxFpDeriment 2m)700 2m) W/c600 W/c250 e( ( at500 e R nsferRat125000 Transfer340000 atTra100 Heat200 e H 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 DistancefromStagnationPoint(cm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 DistancefromStagnationPoint(cm) Figure 12. Marini and Borelli surface pressure and Figure 10. Marini and Borelli surface pressure and heat transfer rate results for Run 45. heat transfer rate results for Run 42. 2.5 4.5 Experiment 4 2 CFD 3.5 ECxFpDeriment cp cp nt, nt, 3 e e ci1.5 ci effi effi2.5 o o C C 2 ure 1 ure ss ss1.5 e e Pr Pr 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 DistancefromStagnationPoint(cm) DistancefromStagnationPoint(cm) 400 900 350 Experiment 800 Experiment CFD Non-CatalyticWall 2m)300 2m)700 CatalyticWall c c W/ W/600 (250 ( e e at at500 R R 200 sfer sfer400 an150 an Tr Tr300 eat100 eat200 H H 50 100 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 DistancefromStagnationPoint(cm) DistancefromStagnationPoint(cm) 3 - 6 RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 AIAA2002-0434 Figure 13. Marini and Borelli surface pressure and the numerical method, our (cid:12)ner grid, or some other heat transfer rate results for Run 46. e(cid:11)ect. Figure 14 summarizes our results for Run 46; weplotthecomputedsurfacepressureasafunctionof 4.5 Experiment the elapsedflowtime in the calculations. At a time of 4 tt==11860mmss 180(cid:22)sec, the agreement between the CFD and exper- cp3.5 t=340m s iments is quite reasonable,and issimilar to the CIRA nt, 3 results. However,ifwecontinuetorunthecalculation, e ci effi2.5 we (cid:12)nd that the flow breaks down and becomes mas- o C sivelyunsteady. Thisisreflectedinthe wildly varying 2 e ur pressurevariationplottedinFig.13. Atthispoint,we ss1.5 Pre do not know why our calculations predict this highly 1 unsteady flow for this case, while the CIRA computa- 0.5 tions and the experiments are steady. 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 DistancefromStagnationPoint(cm) Dataset No. 4: 4.5 Experiment Large Blunt Cone-Flare 4 t=500m s 3.5 tt==686200mm ss Two sets of studies were conducted with the large cp blunt cone-flare geometry shown in Fig. 15. The nt, 3 e modelwashighlyinstrumentedwithheattransferand ci effi2.5 pressuregagesto obtain detailed surfacedistributions o C e 2 for a range of free-stream conditions at velocities be- ssur1.5 tween 3km=sec to 4:5km=sec at reservoir pressures e Pr of 500MPa, for both nitrogen and air flows. These 1 conditions were selected to explore the e(cid:11)ects of the 0.5 Reynolds number and enthalpy on the flow (cid:12)eld. The 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 large scale of the model may have resulted in su(cid:14)- DistancefromStagnationPoint(cm) ciently large Reynolds numbers to cause transition in Figure 14. Candlergroupsurfacepressureasafunc- the shear layer of the separation zone. tion of the elapsed flow time for Run 46. FourtestconditionswererunbyHoldenandtheex- perimental data are available in Refs. 9 and 11. How- Figures 10-13 summarize the results of the Marini ever, to date there have been no submissions for this and Borelli analysis of this dataset. Generally, the test case. This is a challenging case to compute be- agreementbetweenthecomputationsandexperiments causeof the highReynoldsnumbersandlargescaleof isreasonableforthesurfacepressure,butthereisasig- the model, howeverit is a useful test case that should ni(cid:12)cant di(cid:11)erence in the predicted heat transfer rates be examined. forthreeofthecases. Thecomputationsagreebestfor Run46,whichisthehighenthalpyaircase. Thepres- sure comparison is remarkably good, with all of the flow features captured. The predicted heat transfer rate is low, but Marini and Borelli recognized that at these conditions the surface may be catalytic. There- fore,theysimulatedRun46withasuper-catalyticsur- face downstream of the cone-cone juncture. These re- sultsplottedinFig.13showverygoodagreementwith the experimental heat transfer rate data. The CIRA computations predict an apparently steady flow, with some unsteadiness in the separation zoneforthehighReynoldsnumber,lowenthalpycases. This lack of large-scale unsteadiness is in agreement the experimental observations. The results of the Candler group calculations are Figure15. Schematicoflargebluntcone-flaremodel. more di(cid:14)cult to present because we were unable to From Refs. 6, 7. obtain steady-state results. This may be a result of RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 3 - 7 AIAA2002-0434 Discussion and Conclusions Ref. 10. Unfortunately, the modelingofhigh-enthalpy The code validation study for high-enthalpy real- expansions of air is very di(cid:14)cult and likely requires gasflowshasnot been verysuccessful in severalways. additional research. Onlytworesearchgroupsparticipatedinthestudyand From this study, it is also clear that we need more as a result, only two test cases were compared with contributorstotherealgastest cases. Additionaltest data. These comparisons are at enthalpies of up to casesareneeded, eitherfromthe existingliteratureor 11:3MJ=kgin air, which correspondsto a flight speed some new experiments need to be performed. Care- of about 4:7km=s or a Mach number of about 15 in ful thought must be given to the design of new ex- the atmosphere. Thus, these conditionsareconsistent periments, which should be coupled with a complete with likely air-breathing flight conditions. However, analysisoftheexperimentalfacilities,includingaCFD there are limited data available and this makes it dif- study of the nozzle flow and advanced diagnostics to (cid:12)cult to \validate" the existing computational fluid characterize the free-stream. dynamics methods and thermo-chemical models. Based on these comments, it is not really possible The (cid:12)nite-length cylinder test case has the po- tosaythatCFDcodesarevalidatedforreal-gasflows. tential to be useful for code validation. It appears These flows are so complicated, that the notion that that the interferograms are weakly a(cid:11)ected by three- we can \validate" a code for high-enthalpy flows is dimensionality. But, three-dimensional reacting flow over-simpli(cid:12)ed. Each experiment has its own idiosyn- simulations are no longer challenging, and it is easier cracies, and it is very di(cid:14)cult to separate them from toaccountforthise(cid:11)ectthanformanyoftheotherun- the data. Clearly, CFD can simulate many flows with certainties in high-enthalpy flows. Because the cylin- areasonabledegreeofcon(cid:12)dence,butwedon’thavea der a(cid:11)ordsmoreaccurateand sensitivemeasurements good understanding of where the models break down. of the density (cid:12)eld than a sphere for example, it is probably the best geometry for blunt-body test cases. Acknowledgments The shock-shock interaction study shows reason- We would like to thank Dr. Joseph Olejniczak for able agreement with the experiments, given the com- constructingtheinterferogramspresentedinthiswork. plexity of this flow. The CFD simulations show a This work was sponsored by the Air Force O(cid:14)ce of much stronger ampli(cid:12)cation factor for the pressure Scienti(cid:12)c ResearchundergrantAF F49620-01-1-0088. than measured in the experiments. But this is con- The views and conclusions contained herein are those sistent with slight unsteadiness in the interaction and of the authors and should not be interpreted as nec- thefree-streamconditions. Theimportanceofthegas- essarily representing the o(cid:14)cial policies or endorse- surfaceinteractionmodelwasclearlyillustratedinthe ments, either expressed or implied, of the AFOSR or air experiment. Wall catalysis plays a signi(cid:12)cant role the U.S. Government. This work is also sponsored in at these test conditions. part by the Army High Performance Computing Re- The blunt double cone flows are puzzling, in that search Center under the auspices of the Department there is good agreement between the calculations of of the Army, Army Research Laboratory cooperative Marini and Borelli for Run 46. But my group’scalcu- agreement number DAAD191-01-2-0014, the content lation shows a strong unsteadiness in the flow (cid:12)eld. of which does not necessarily reflect the position or the policy of the government, and no o(cid:14)cial endorse- Performing validation quality experiments at these ment should be inferred. A portion of the computer conditions is very di(cid:14)cult. The facilities are impulse time wasprovidedbythe UniversityofMinnesotaSu- facilities and compress the working gas to very high percomputing Institute. pressures and temperatures before the expansion to thetest-sectionconditions. Wehavefoundthataten- References thalpies of only about 3MJ=kg in nitrogen, the test- 1 Hannemann,K.,B.Reimann,J.MartinezSchramm section conditions are signi(cid:12)cantly a(cid:11)ected by vibra- tional freezing near the throat conditions.10 This re- and M. Schnieder, \The Influence and the Delay of Driver Gas Contamination in HEG," AIAA Paper sults in test conditions at a lower axial velocity and 2000-2593, June 2000. higher density than expected. Clearly, at these much 2 Wright,M.J.,D.Bose,andG.V.Candler,\AData- higher enthalpies there will be vibrational as well as Parallel Line Relaxation Method for the Navier- chemical freezing in the nozzle, which will alter the Stokes Equations," AIAA Journal, Vol. 36, No. 9, test conditions. This e(cid:11)ect is probably not very im- pp. 1603-1609,Sept. 1998. portant for blunt body flows, but will be very impor- 3 Park,C.,\AssessmentofTwo-TemperatureKinetic tant for more complex flows such as those studied in Model forIonizingAir," AIAA Paper No. 87-1574, 3 - 8 RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 AIAA2002-0434 June 1987. Calspan-University at Bu(cid:11)alo Research Center, 4 Park,C., \Two-TemperatureInterpretationof Dis- Dec. 2000. sociation Rate Data for N2 and O2," AIAA Paper 9 Holden, M.S., and J.K. Harvey, \Comparisons No. 88-0548, Jan. 1988. Between DSMC and Navier-Stokes Solutions on 5 Hornung, H.G., \Non-equilibrium Dissociating Ni- Measurements in Regions of Laminar Shock Wave trogenFlowOverSpheresandCircularCylinders," Boundary Layer Interaction in Hypersonic Flows," J. Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 53, pp. 149-176,1972. AIAA Paper No. 2002-0435, Jan. 2002. 6 Olejniczak, J., \Computational and Experimen- 10 Candler, G., I. Nompelis, M.-C. Druguet, M.S. tal Study of Nonequilibrium Chemistry in Hyper- Holden, T.P. Wadhams, I. Boyd and W.-L. Wang, sonic Flows," University of Minnesota Ph.D. The- \CFD Validation for Hypersonic Flight: Hyper- sis, Apr. 1997. sonicDouble-ConeFlowSimulations,"AIAAPaper 7 Holden, M.S., \Shock Interaction Phenomena in No. 2002-0581, Jan. 2002. HypersonicFlows,"AIAAPaperNo.98-2751,June 11 Holden, M.S., R. Bergman, J. Harvey, I. Boyd, 1998. J. George, \Experimental Studies of Real Gas Ef- 8 Holden,M.S.,\ExperimentalDatabasefromCUBRC fects Over a Blunted Cone/Flare Con(cid:12)guration in Hypervelocity Flows," AIAA Paper No. 97-0855, Studies in Hypersonic Laminar and Turbulent In- Jan. 1997. teracting Flows Including Flow(cid:12)eld Chemistry," RTO-TR-AVT-007-V3 3 - 9

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