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Preview DTIC ADA445812: A Resource Reservation Scheme for Synchronized Distributed Multimedia Sessions

T R R ECHNICAL ESEARCH EPORT A Resource Reservation Scheme for Synchronized Distributed Multimedia Sessions by W. Zhao, S.K. Tripathi T.R. 97-14 ISR INSTITUTE FOR SYSTEMS RESEARCH Sponsored by the National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center Program, the University of Maryland, Harvard University, and Industry Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 1997 2. REPORT TYPE 00-00-1997 to 00-00-1997 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER A esource Reservation Scheme for Synchronized Distributed Multimedia 5b. GRANT NUMBER Sessions 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Computer Science Department,Institute for Systems Research,University REPORT NUMBER of Maryland,College Park,MD,20742 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT see report 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 6 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 A Resource Reservation Scheme for (cid:3) Synchronized Distributed Multimedia Sessions (Extended Abstract) Wei Zhao and Satish K. Tripathi Department of Computer Science University of Maryland at College Park College Park, Maryland 20742 Email: fzw,[email protected] Abstract utilization while providingservice guaranteesex- pressed in terms of throughput, delay, delay jit- Guarantees of services in a networked environment ter, etc, for a given set of resources. areprovidedbytheproperallocationandutilizationof Inthispaper,weproposeaschemetotranslate network and system resources. In this paper, we pro- the service guarantees at the system level into posea resourcereservationschemefora classofmul- timedia applications. We characterize this class of the guarantees at the application level for mul- multimedia applications as synchronized distributed timedia applications. In particular, we propose multimedia sessions, which we believe represent a a resource reservation scheme for a large class large number of multimedia applications. In addition ofmultimedia applications. We characterize this tothisparticularclassofapplications,thereservation class of multimedia applications as synchronized scheme can also be applied to other applications with distributed multimedia sessions (SDMS’s). In synchronized resource requirements. Mechanisms are addition to this particular class of applications, devised sothat thescheme can (cid:12)nd afeasiblereserva- tion whenever one exists, in contrast to existing pro- the reservation scheme can also be applied to tocols where request can fail unpredictably even when otherapplications withsynchronizedresourcere- there is available resource. Based upon a layer of re- quirements. source abstraction, the scheme suits wellwith today’s An SDMS consists of a number of multime- heterogeneous network environment. dia streams from distributed sources whose pre- sentation time intervals are interrelated. An SDMS executes successfully only when all the 1 Introduction component streams are presented with the spec- i(cid:12)ed qualities during their respective time in- Traditional best-e(cid:11)ortservices provided by com- tervals as determined by its synchronization re- puter systems are inadequate for new genera- quirements. The synchronization requirements tion applications such as multimedia applica- ofSDMS implies resource requirements in a syn- tions. Guarantees on the quality of service are chronized fashion. For example, if stream B needed. A lot of research work has been done is to be presented immediately after stream A, at the system level to achieve better resource then once streamA (cid:12)nishes presentation, the re- (cid:3) Prepared through collaborative participation in the source required by stream B must be available Advanced Telecommunication/Information Distribution forB’spresentation. Notethat,the resourcesre- Research Program (ATIRP) Consortium sponsored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory under Cooperative quired by multimedia applications include both Agreement DAAL01-96-2-0002. network resources for the data transmission and 1 end-system resources for the data processing. Video1 Image1 1. Client c sends Object Reservation Request for all multimedia objects to their locations. That is, for each object o, c sends object reservation request (o;I(o);Q(o);c) to the location of the object E(o), Begin Slide1 D2e lsaeyc Text2 End whereI(o)andQ(o)representtheinterval andqual- ity requirements of object orespectively. Text1 2. For each source (called Server) s that receives the Audio1 object reservation request (o;i;q;c), Video2 2.1. Based upon the object o’sproperties, s deter- mines theresourcerequirement R(o;q;c;i)for Figure 1: A Petri-Net Synchronization Repre- its presentation. sentation 2.2. s sends the Resource Inquiry Request for the resource requirement computed in 2.1 to the Currentlyavailable resourcereservationproto- resource managers for each resource involved, cols such as RSVP and STII are inadequate to including itself. provide this kind of resource requirement: the 3. Foreachresourcemanagerthatreceivestheresource resources reserved by these protocols are time- inquiry request, it checks its own resource reserva- invariant over a session’s life time and there is tiontableandsendsbacktoclientctheStartTimes no way to do a synchronized resource reserva- Intervalswhen the requested resource is available. tion where resource requirement changes during 4. Whenclient cgetsbackall theresponses ofresource a session; and, the reservation requests are of inquiry requestsfromresource managers,itrunsthe an immediate fashion, each request either suc- Interval Intersection Finding Algorithm to (cid:12)nd the ceeds with the resourceallocated immediately or starttimewhenallresourcerequirementscanbesat- is(cid:12)ed. failsdue toinsu(cid:14)ciency ofcurrentlyavailable re- source. Itis uptotheapplication todecide when 4.1. If no intersection is found, it returns FAIL to orwhether toresubmit the reservation request if the application. it fails. Furthermore,there is no wayof knowing 4.2. If a start time is found, it sends back to the when the request will succeed or whether it will resource managers the Con(cid:12)rmation Message succeed at all. withthestarttimetocon(cid:12)rmthereservation. And returns the starttime to the application. 2 Methodology 5. Whenresourcemanagersreceivethereservationcon- (cid:12)rmationmessages,theymodifytheirresourcereser- vation tables to mark the resources as reserved. We propose a resource reservation scheme that overcomes the above problems. Essentially, the resource reservation scheme Figure 2: The Resource Reservation Scheme for an SDMS collects the individual resource re- quirementsgeneratedbymultimedia objectsand inquires resources about the satis(cid:12)abilities of in- dividual resource requirements. After collecting (cid:12)nding algorithm. Instead of the yes/no type of temporal intervals in which individual resource responses on resource satis(cid:12)abilities that other requirements can be satis(cid:12)ed, the scheme inte- resourcereservationprotocolsuse,weexpressre- grates them to provide the resource guarantee source satis(cid:12)abilities in terms of available tem- for the whole SDMS by determining the feasi- poral intervals. The use of temporal intervals ble session start time via temporal intersection enables us to coordinate available resources for 2 thewholeSDMSonthetemporalaxisandmakes i; B(i;j), E(i;j) are the end points of the jth it possible for in-advance reservations. interval of resource i; C(i) and T(i) keep track Compared to RSVP and STII, our scheme re- ofthecurrentintervalandcandidateintersection serves resources in a synchronized fashion as re- on resource i, respectively. quired by an SDMS. It is also an in-advance re- Resources source reservation scheme. When the required resource is not available at the time of the re- T FinalT quest, the scheme returns the time that the re- source will be available and reserve theresources accordingly. Unlike many multimedia presenta- tion schedule generation techniques, ourscheme, like RSVP, leaves the resource satis(cid:12)ability de- cisions to the resource side, making the scheme very (cid:13)exible. t Figure 4: An Example ofTime-Axis Walk in the function Intersection T B(0;0) Insection Finding Algorithm fork 0 to N(cid:0)1 do C(k) 0 Figure 4 shows a running instance of the algo- T(k) (cid:0)1 rithm on a sample set of intervals. Basically, the end for algorithmis a time-axis walkby looping through i 1 resources and inspecting the intervals in order. while TRUE do if T =T(i) return T Anintersectionisfoundoncethecandidateinter- j C(i) section T remains the same after a loop through while (j<0 or E(i;j)<T) do the set of resources. if j<I(i)(cid:0)1 then j j+1 For improved e(cid:14)ciency, we devised a early else return FAIL C(i) j start and greedy progress strategy for running T max(B(i;j);T) the intersection (cid:12)nding algorithm. The idea is T(i) T that the algorithm does not have to wait till all i (i+1)mod N intervals are collected. Instead, it can start run- end while end ning as soon as the (cid:12)rst interval arrives and as long as the inspected interval is available. Im- mediately after an intersection is found, the al- Figure 3: The Interval Intersection Finding Al- gorithm stops and sends messages to resource gorithm managers to stop the generation of more inter- vals. Thegreedystrategyreducesthereservation latency by exploiting the execution structure of The temporal interval intersection (cid:12)nding al- the algorithm. gorithm used in the scheme is given in (cid:12)gure 3. Due to the delay between resource inquiry The goal of the algorithm is to (cid:12)nd a time in- and commit messages, resource allocation may stant that falls in at least one interval of ev- have changed between these two time instants. ery resource. In (cid:12)gure 3, N is the number of A commit message may fail due to this kind resources; T is the current candidate intersec- of resource con(cid:13)ict. To handle multiple con- tion; I(i) is the number of intervals of resource current resource reservation requests with pos- 3 Client Side der on active requests on some resource. The Send Request technique is proved to guarantee progress. A re- laxed version of partially ordered technique fur- Receive Intervals ther enhanced the parallelism while maintaining the guaranteed progress property. The partially Find Intersection ordered technique is shown in (cid:12)gure 5. Found Fail For the resource reservation scheme, we did Send Commit Return FAIL not assume any particular resource management and scheduling policies. We use only the re- Receive Response source satis(cid:12)ability decisions made by the re- All Success Otherwise sources to provide resource guarantees, no mat- Send Finish CoSmemndit eRde lReeassoe utroces terwhattechniques resourcemanagersuse. Asa Return Intersection result ofthis design principle, the resource reser- vation scheme can be applied to a wide range of Resource Side heterogeneous environments. The (cid:13)exibility also allows the seamless integration of any new re- sourcemanagementandscheduling techniquesas Receive Message Request Release theyaredeveloped, thusproviding goodprogres- Commit Finish sive scalability in fastly evolving environments. intoIn Asecrtti vine ORerdqeure sts First in Order ? Remove Request Release Resource no Send Intervals yes Wait till First 3 Conclusion Commit Resource We have proposed a resource reservation scheme Succeed Fail capable of scheduling and reserving the resource NewSe Inndte Srvuaclc eifs sd iafnfedr ent NSeenwd IFnateilr vaanld requirements generated by a class of multime- dia applications we characterize as synchronized distributed multimedia sessions. The scheme is notanattempttosolveindividual resourceman- Figure 5: Partially-Ordered Optimistic Concur- agementproblems in speci(cid:12)c systems,instead, it rency Handling Technique utilizes and integrates the functionalities of indi- vidual resource management enitities to provide sible resource con(cid:13)icts, a few concurrency han- a global resource guarantee. Our scheme is ad- dling techniques for the reservation scheme are vantageous to existing reservation protocols in a proposed. The optimistic technique checks for few ways. Based on the idea of advance reser- con(cid:13)icts only when the commit messages are re- vation, the scheme can handle the synchronized ceived. Start time is recalculated if the commit resource allocations as required by many multi- message fails. However, the scheme can cause media applications. Second, the scheme is guar- in(cid:12)nite delay. For example, there could be some anteed to (cid:12)nd a feasible schedule of resources requests whose commit messages always fail be- wheneveroneexistsandalsoeliminatestheprob- cause of resource con(cid:13)icts with other incoming lem of application-level reservation failure-retry requests and never get completed. A partially which may adversely a(cid:11)ect the network utiliza- ordered optimistic technique is proposed to or- tion. Furthermore, instead of simply failing the derthesequence ofcommitingrequeststoensure entire reservation as in existing protocols in the that the in(cid:12)nite delay situation will not happen. event of resource contention, we proposed con- The partial order is a projection of a total or- current reservation techniques that guarantees 4 progress. 7. N. Hirzalla, B. Falchuk, A. Karmouch, A Temporal Model for Interactive Multimedia Scenarios, IEEE This work can be extended in several ways. Multimedia, Fall 1995. First, some multimedia applications have soft or elastic temporal relationships, where the syn- 8. D. Ferrari A. Gupta, G. Ventre, Distributed Ad- chronization among multimedia objects is not vance Reservation of Real-time Connections, Pro- ceedings of5th International Workshop onNetwork (cid:12)xed but rather can vary within certain con- and Operating System Support for Digital Audio straints. Whether and/or how the proposed and Video, April 1995. reservation scheme can be extended to incorpo- ratethisscenariois worthfurtherstudy. Second, the scheme uses advance reservation which in- creasesthe resource managementcomplexity, es- pecially at reservation stage. Future work needs to be done to study and quantify the increased complexity. Third, the reservation dynamics of the reservation scheme can be studied, from which potential problems can be found and ad- y dressed. 4 References 1. L.Zhang,S.Deering, D.Estrin,S.Shenker,D.Zap- pala, RSVP:ANew ResourceReservationProtocol, IEEE Network,September 1993. 2. C. Topocic, Experimental Internet Stream Protocol Version2 (ST-II),IETF RFC1190, October 1990. 3. L. Delgrossi and L. Berger, Internet Stream Proto- colVersion2(ST2)ProtocolSpeci(cid:12)cation-Version ST2+,August 1995. 4. L.Delgrossi, R.Herrtwich,C.Vogt,L.Wolf,Reser- vation Protocols for Internetworks: A Comparison ofSTIIandRSVP,Proceedingsof4thInternational Workshop on Network and Operating System Sup- port for Digital Audio and Video, November 1993. 5. L. Wolf, L. Delgrossi, R. Steinmetz, S. Schaller, H. Wittig, Issues of Reserving Resources in Advance, Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Net- workandOperatingSystemSupportforDigitalAu- dio and Video, April 1995. 6. L. Hardman, D. Bulterman, G. Rossum, The Ams- terdam Hypermedia Model, Communications of the ACM,Vol 37, No. 2, February 1994. y The views and conclusions contained in this docu- ment are those of the authors and should not be in- terpreted as representing the o(cid:14)cial policies, either ex- pressed or implied, of the Army Research Laboratory or the U.S.Government. 5

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