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Preview DTIC ADA439756: Decentralized Control of Autonomous Vehicles

T R R ECHNICAL ESEARCH EPORT Decentralized Control of Autonomous Vehicles by John S. Baras, Xiaobo Tan, Pedram Hovareshti CSHCN TR 2003-8 (ISR TR 2003-14) (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:3)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:3)(cid:8)(cid:4)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:8)(cid:4)(cid:11)(cid:12)(cid:7)(cid:3)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:14)(cid:7)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:12)(cid:6)(cid:15)(cid:4)(cid:16)(cid:17)(cid:18)(cid:8)(cid:14)(cid:15)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:10)(cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:6)(cid:14)(cid:21)(cid:12)(cid:7)(cid:14)(cid:10)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:22)(cid:3)(cid:7)(cid:23)(cid:10)(cid:8)(cid:24)(cid:25)(cid:4)(cid:14)(cid:25)(cid:4)(cid:12)(cid:4)(cid:22)(cid:26)(cid:11)(cid:26)(cid:27)(cid:25)(cid:28)(cid:10)(cid:6)(cid:25)(cid:10)(cid:8)(cid:3)(cid:15)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:10)(cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:3)(cid:8)(cid:21)(cid:14)(cid:12)(cid:13)(cid:4)(cid:11)(cid:28)(cid:12)(cid:21)(cid:3) (cid:5)(cid:3)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:3)(cid:8)(cid:4)(cid:12)(cid:13)(cid:25)(cid:10)(cid:4)(cid:25)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:28)(cid:10)(cid:8)(cid:7)(cid:3)(cid:15)(cid:4)(cid:18)(cid:17)(cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:29)(cid:3)(cid:28)(cid:12)(cid:8)(cid:7)(cid:19)(cid:3)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:10)(cid:9)(cid:4)(cid:29)(cid:3)(cid:9)(cid:3)(cid:6)(cid:25)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:30)(cid:29)(cid:31)(cid:29) !(cid:4)(cid:14)(cid:6)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:7)(cid:8)(cid:17)!(cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:11)(cid:7)(cid:12)(cid:7)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:10)(cid:9)(cid:4)"(cid:12)(cid:8)(cid:17)(cid:13)(cid:12)(cid:6)(cid:15)!(cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)#(cid:6)(cid:14)$(cid:3)(cid:8)(cid:25)(cid:14)(cid:7)(cid:17) (cid:10)(cid:9)(cid:4)"(cid:12)(cid:8)(cid:17)(cid:13)(cid:12)(cid:6)(cid:15)(cid:4)(cid:12)(cid:6)(cid:15)(cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)%(cid:6)(cid:25)(cid:7)(cid:14)(cid:7)(cid:20)(cid:7)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:8)(cid:4)(cid:11)(cid:17)(cid:25)(cid:7)(cid:3)(cid:19)(cid:25)(cid:4)&(cid:3)(cid:25)(cid:3)(cid:12)(cid:8)(cid:21)(cid:2)’(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:14)(cid:25)(cid:4)(cid:15)(cid:10)(cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:19)(cid:3)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:14)(cid:25)(cid:4)(cid:12)(cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:14)(cid:21)(cid:12)(cid:13)(cid:4)(cid:8)(cid:3)(cid:28)(cid:10)(cid:8)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:14)(cid:6)(cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:11)(cid:16)(cid:5)(cid:22) (cid:25)(cid:3)(cid:8)(cid:14)(cid:3)(cid:25)(cid:4)(cid:10)(cid:8)(cid:14)((cid:14)(cid:6)(cid:12)(cid:7)(cid:14)(cid:6)((cid:4)(cid:12)(cid:7)(cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)#(cid:6)(cid:14)$(cid:3)(cid:8)(cid:25)(cid:14)(cid:7)(cid:17)(cid:4)(cid:10)(cid:9)(cid:4)"(cid:12)(cid:8)(cid:17)(cid:13)(cid:12)(cid:6)(cid:15)’ (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:2)(cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:8)(cid:7)(cid:7)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:11)(cid:11)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:13)(cid:6)(cid:5)(cid:14)(cid:13)(cid:15)(cid:16)(cid:17)(cid:13)(cid:2)(cid:17)(cid:15)(cid:11)(cid:18)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:21)(cid:11) Report Documentation Page Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to a penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 3. DATES COVERED 2003 2. REPORT TYPE - 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Decentralized Control of Autonomous Vehicles 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION Army Research Office,PO Box 12211,Research Triangle Park,NC,27709 REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S ACRONYM(S) 11. SPONSOR/MONITOR’S REPORT NUMBER(S) 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The original document contains color images. 14. ABSTRACT see report 15. SUBJECT TERMS 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION OF 18. NUMBER 19a. NAME OF ABSTRACT OF PAGES RESPONSIBLE PERSON a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE 15 unclassified unclassified unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 Decentralized Control of Autonomous Vehicles∗ John S. Baras, Xiaobo Tan, and Pedram Hovareshti Institute for Systems Research and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA {baras, xbtan, hovaresp}@glue.umd.edu Abstract Decentralized control methods are appealing in coordination of multiple vehicles due to their low demand for long-range communication and their robustness to single-point failures. An important approachin decentralizedmulti-vehicle controlinvolvesartificialpotentials or digital pheromones. In this paper we explore a decentralized approach to path generation for a group of combat vehicles in a battlefield scenario. The mission is to maneuver the vehicles to cover a target area. The vehicles are required to maintain good overall area coverage, and avoid obstacles and threats during the maneuvering. The gradient descent method is used, where each vehicle makes its moving decision by minimizing a potential function that encodes information about its neighbours, obstacles, threats and the target. We conduct analysis of vehicle behaviors by studying the vector field induced by the potential function. Simulation has shown that this approachleads to interesting emergentbehaviors, and the behaviors can be varied by adjusting the weighting coefficients of different potential function terms. 1 Introduction Autonomous unmanned vehicles (AUVs) are receiving tremendous interest dueto their potentially revo- lutionizingapplicationsindefense,transportation,weatherforecast,andplanetaryexploration[1]. These vehicles are often deployed in groups to perform complicated missions. Communication is often limited in theseapplications dueto the large numberof vehicles involved, limited battery power, and constraints imposed by environmental conditions or mission requirements. Hence a decentralized approach to co- ∗ThisresearchwassupportedbytheArmyResearchOfficeundertheODDR&EMURI01ProgramGrantNo. DAAD19- 01-1-0465 to theCenter for Networked Communicating Control Systems (through Boston University). 1 ordination and control of multi-vehicles is especially appealing. A decentralized method has another advantage over a centralized one: it is more robust to the problem of single-point failure. Inspiredbytheemergentbehaviorsdemonstratedbyswarmsofbacteria, insects,andanimals,control methods which yield desired collective behaviors based on simple local interactions are of great interest [2, 3, 4]. Artificial potentials or digital pheromones are typically involved in such methods for multi- vehicle control, see e.g., [3, 5, 6, 4] and the references therein. The potential function method has been used in various robotic applications [7]. The idea is to derive a force or other input (e.g.,velocity) from some potential function which encodes relevant information about the environment and the mission. In this paper we explore a decentralized approach to path generation for a group of combat vehicles in a battlefield scenario using the potential function method. The mission is to maneuver the vehicles to cover a target area. The vehicles are also expected to maintain good overall area coverage during the maneuvering, and avoid obstacles and threats. At every time instant each vehicle evaluates its potential function profile and decides its velocity based on the gradient descent method. The potential function consists of several terms reflecting the objectives and the constraints. It is constructed in such a way that only information about neighbouring vehicles, local information about dynamic threats, and some static information (about stationary threats, targets) are involved. We analyze vehicle formations at equilibria by taking the sum of potential functions of all vehicles as a Lyapunov function candidate. We also study the behavior of a vehicle experiencing both attraction from the target and repulsion from the obstacles by analyzing its vector field. Simulation is performed in Matlab, and it shows that the decentralized approach leads to interesting emergent behaviors, and the behaviors can be varied by adjusting the weighting coefficients of diffrent potential function terms. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we describe the problem setup and construct the potential functions. We perform analysis of vehicle behaviors in Section 3. Simulation results are reported in Section 4. Section 5 concludes the paper. 2 Potential Functions WestudythekinematicplanningproblemforN vehiclesmovingona(twodimensional)plane. Extension to three dimensional space is straightforward, although the analysis will be more complicated. Each vehicle is treated as a point. The coordinates of the i-th vehicle V is denoted as p = (x ,y ), 1≤ i ≤ N. i i i i The task for the vehicles is to move toward and then occupy a connected target area A ⊂ R2. They should avoid to crash into obstacles that are distributed in the battlefield. There are also threats, both 2 stationary ones and moving ones, that endanger the vehicles if they are close. We assume that each vehicle has the knowledge of locations of stationary threats, and it can detect a moving threat if the threat is within the distance R . m The vehicles can talk to each other and exchange information about their positions and velocities if they are within the neighbouring distance R . Let V(t) be the set of vehicles alive at t. For V ∈ V(t), c i we define its neighbouring set (cid:1) N(V )= {V ∈ V(t) :(cid:5) p −p (cid:5)≤ R }. i j i j c If two or more vehicles get too close, there is a chance of collision. That also makes it easier for the enemy fire to target the vehicles. Another disadvantage of being too close is that the overall coverage area is small. On the other hand, if vehicles are too far apart, they lose contact. Therefore, there is an optimal distance r0 < Rc between two vehicles. From the above discussions, there are multiple objectives/constraints when a vehicle makes the moving decision. To accomodate that we construct a potential function J¯i for each vehicle V at time t, t i where J¯i consists of several terms, each term reflecting a goal or a constraint. To be specific, t J¯ti = λgJg(pi(t))+λnJn(pi(t),{pj(t)}j(cid:2)=i)+λoJo(pi(t))+λsJs(pi(t))+λmJm(pi(t),t), (1) where Jg,Jn,Jo,Js,Jm are components of the potential function relating to the target, neighbouring vehicles, obstacles, stationary threats, and moving threats, respectively, and λ ,λ ,λ ,λ , and λ ≥ 0 g n o s m are weighting coefficients. The velocity of the vehicle V is specified by i ∂J¯i p˙ (t) = − t. (2) i ∂p i We now describe in detail the components of the potential function. • The target potential Jg. Denote ρ(p,A) = infa∈A (cid:5) p−a (cid:5), the distance from the point p to the target area A. We then let Jg(p ) = fg(ρ(p ,A)), i i where fg(·) is a strictly increasing function, and fg(0) = 0. This guarantees that in the absence of other objects, the vehicle will move toward the target. For analysis and simulation in this paper, we choose fg(r)= r2. • The neighbouring potential Jn. Since distance (as opposed to direction) is our concern here, we let (cid:1) Jn(pi(t),{pj(t)}j(cid:2)=i) = fn((cid:5) pi(t)−pj(t)(cid:5)), (3) j(cid:2)=i:Vj∈N(Vi) 3 25 20 ntial15 ote10 P 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Neighbouring distance ve 5 vati 0 deri −5 ntial −10 ote−15 P −20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Neighbouring distance Figure 1: An example of the neighbouring potential function. where fn : R+ → R is a differentiable function that has the following properties: a) fn(r) ap- proaches infinity as r → 0, and is strictly deceasing in [0,r0]; b) it is strictly increasing in [r0,Rc] and dfn(R ) = 0. These properties enable two vehicles to keep the optimal distance in the absence dr c of other objects, and make the dynamicstransition seamless whenthe neighbouringset of avehicle is changing. An example of such fn and its derivative is shown in Figure 1, where r0 = 2, Rc = 8. • The obstacle potential Jo. An obstacle is a connected, closed set (could be a single point) that a vehicle cannot enter. We assume that there are a finite number of obstacles {O }No . Then j j=1 (cid:1)No Jo(p ) = fo(ρ(p ,O )), (4) i i j j=1 where ρ(p ,O ) is the distance from p to the set O , and fo(·) : R+ → R is a strictly decreasing i j i j function and fo(r) → ∞ as r → 0. One example of fo is fo(r) = 1 . r2 • The potential Js due to stationary threats. Stationary threats can be modeled similarly as ob- stacles, so that vehicles will avoid to get close to them. Anisotropic threats (dangers that are direction-dependent) can be taken care of using appropriate potential functions. • Thepotential Jm duetomovingthreats. Amoving threatisamovingpointmass. Thei-th vehicle is able to see the moving threat M if (cid:5) p −q (cid:5)≤ R , and is killed by M if (cid:5)p −q (cid:5)≤ R < R , j i j d j i j e d where q denotes the position of M . Let M (t) be the set of moving threats in the i-th vehicles’s j j i detection range, then we let (cid:1) Jm(p ,t) = fm((cid:5) p −q (cid:5)), (5) i i j j:Mj∈Mi(t) where the function fm : (R ,∞) → R is differentiable, strictly decreasing on (R ,R ), constant on e e d (R ,∞), and fm(r) → ∞ when r → R . One can see that with this potential function, a vehicle d e 4 tries to keep at least a distance R from moving threats, and its vector field remains continuous e when moving threats enter or leave its detection range. A simple example for such fm(·) is   (r−1Re)2 if Re < r ≤ Re+2Rd fm(r) = 16(r−Rd)2 − 8Re if Re+Rd ≤ r ≤ R  (Rd−Re)3(Rd+Re) (Rd−Re)3 2 d − 8Re if r > R (Rd−Re)3 d 3 Qualitative Analysis of Vehicle Behaviors In this section, we analyze vehicle behaviors under the gradient descent method. In particular, we analyze how vehicles settle down after they enter the target area, and study the behavior of a vehicle when it experiences both attraction from the target and the repulsion from the obstacles. 3.1 Stability of equilibrium configurations We firstconsider multi-vehicles insidethe target area. We are interested in knowingwhetherthevehicles will settle down for an equilibrium configuration under interactions, and if so, whether the equilibrium configuration is stable. Herewe assumethattheonly componentof thepotential function ofeach vehicle is Jn. Proposition 3.1 Let N be the number of vehicles. 1. For any N, the configuration of vehicles converges to an equilibrium under interactions. 2. For N =2, the vehicles maintain a distance of r0 in the equilibrium configuration and the equilib- rium is globally stable. 3. For N = 3, assuming that dfn is strictly increasing in (0,r0], there are two possible equilibrium dr configurations, equilateral triangular withspacing r0 (Figure 2(a)), and collinear with equalspacing r(cid:4) (Figure 2 (b)), where r20 < r(cid:4) <r0 and dfn dfn (r(cid:4))= − (2r(cid:4)). (6) dr dr If dfn is strictly increasing in [r0,2r0], r(cid:4) is unique. The collinear configuration is unstable, while dr the equilateral configuration is stable. 5 r r r r 0 0 r 0 (a) (b) Figure 2: Equilibrium configurations for N =3. Proof. 1. Define a candidate Lyapunov function (cid:1)N 1 J({pi(t)}) = Jn(pi(t),{pj(t)}j(cid:2)=i). 2 i=1 It’s easy to verify that dJ (cid:1)N ∂Jn dt = − (cid:5) ∂p (pi,{pj}j(cid:2)=i) (cid:5)2 . (7) i=1 i Hence J is nonincreasing with t. Since J is lower bounded, dJ → 0. This implies that p˙ (t) → 0, ∀i, and dt i hence the vehicles converge to an equilibrium configuration. 2. When N = 2, J(p1(t),p2(t)) = fn((cid:5) p1(t)−p2(t)(cid:5)). Writing r12(t) =(cid:5)p1(t)−p2(t) (cid:5), we have dJ dfn dt = −2( dr (r12(t))2. Hencer12(t) → r0 ast → ∞,andit’sclearthatthisisastableconfiguration(aslongas(cid:5)p1(0)−p2(0) (cid:5)< R ). c 3. When N = 3, J(p1(t),p2(t),p3(t)) = fn(r12(t))+fn(r23(t))+fn(r31(t)), where r (t) =(cid:5)p (t)−p (t) (cid:5). Then dJ = ij i j dt dfn dfn dfn dfn dfn dfn − (cid:5) dr (r12)ˆr12+ dr (r31)ˆr13) (cid:5)2 − (cid:5) dr (r12)ˆr21+ dr (r23)ˆr23) (cid:5)2 − (cid:5) dr (r31)ˆr31+ dr (r23)ˆr32)(cid:5)2, (8) where ˆr denotes the unit vector pointing from p to p . Eq. (8) implies J is strictly decreasing unless ij j i either • dfn(r12) = dfn(r23) = dfn(r31) = 0, which corresponds to the equilateral triangular configuration dr dr dr shown in Figure 2 (a), or • rˆij’s are parallel or antiparallel and, assuming p2 is between p1 and p3 (we do not lose generality since three vehicles have symmetric roles), r12 = r23 = r(cid:4) for r(cid:4) ∈ (r20,r0) satisfying (6), which corresponds to the collinear configuration in Figure 2(b). 6 y Target x Obstacle 1 Obstacle 2 (−a,−b) (a,−b) Vehicle Figure 3: The setup of two obstacles and one target The equilateral triangular configuration is stable. Indeed, for any perturbation with the corre- sponding J ∈ (3fn(r0),2fn(r(cid:4))+fn(2r(cid:4))), the system will come back to this configuration. The collinear configuration isnotunstable, sincesmallperpendicularperturbationof themiddlevehicle leadstostrictdecreaseofJ andthesystemwillconvergetotheequilateraltriangularconfiguration. (cid:1) Remark 3.1 We note that similar results appeared in [6] where the second order dynamics of point masses was considered. 3.2 Vector field analysis First we consider the scenario as shown in Figure 3. The target is located at the origin (0,0). There are two (point) obstacles located symmetrically about the y axis with coordinates (−a,−b) and (a,−b), respectively, where a,b > 0. The potential function in terms of (x,y) is taken to be 1 1 λ (x2+y2)+ + , g (x+a)2+(y+b)2 (x−a)2+(y+b)2 and the associated vector field is   x˙(t) = 2(x+a) + 2(x−a) −2λ x [(x+a)2+(y+b)2]2 [(x−a)2+(y+b)2]2 g . (9)  y˙(t) = 2(y+b) + 2(y+b) −2λ y [(x+a)2+(y+b)2]2 [(x−a)2+(y+b)2]2 g We consider a vehicle on the x axis, and study whether it will move toward the target under the vectorfield(9)wheny < 0(thecasey > 0issimplerandcanbestudiedsimilarly). Duetothesymmetry, x˙ = 0, so the real question is whether y˙ > 0. When x = 0, 4(y+b) y˙ = −2λ y. (10) [(a2+(y+b)2]2 g 7 y Target x Obstacle 1 Obstacle 2 (−a,−b) (a,−b) y* 1 y* y* 2 Figure 4: Vector field on the x-axis for the case of two obstacles and one target. Let y˜= y+b. Obviously, if y˜≥ 0, y˙ > 0. In the following we study the case y˜< 0, i.e., y < −b. Proposition 3.2 There is a unique solution y˜∗ ∈ (−√a ,0) to 3 4y˜3−3by˜2+a2b = 0. (11) Let 2 4y˜∗2 λ∗ = (1− ). g (a2+y˜∗2)2 a2+y˜∗2 Let y∗ = y˜∗−b. Then • If λ > λ∗, y˙ > 0, ∀y < −b; g • If λ = λ∗, y˙ > 0 for y ∈ (−∞,−b) except at y∗ where y˙ = 0; g • If λ < λ∗, there exist y∗,y∗ such that y∗ < y∗ < y∗, and g 1 2 2 1   y˙ > 0, if y ∈ (−∞,y2∗)   y˙ < 0, if y ∈ (y∗,y∗) 2 1 ,  y˙ > 0, if y ∈ (y1∗,−b)   y˙ = 0, if y = y∗ or y∗ 1 2 as illustrated in Figure 4. Furthermore, y∗ (y∗, resp.) increases (decreases, resp.) with λ and 1 2 y∗ → −b, y∗ → −∞ as λ → ∞. 1 2 Proof. Let 4y˜ h(y˜)= . (a2+y˜2)2 8

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